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Marhulet “DYBBUK” String Quartet Premiere

The string quartet Dybbuk by Wlad Marhulet was written for the New York based “J.A.C.K.” quartet. The piece is inspired by Jewish folklore, in which a Dybbuk is a malicious possessing spirit, believed to be the dislocated soul of a dead person. The piece depicts two aspects of Dybbuk – its wild and aggressive nature, as well as its memories from the past life full of suffering and tears.

The premiere is going to take place November 30th at 8:00pm.
in Paul Hall, Julliard School, NYC
60 Lincoln Center Plaza, Broadway (at 65th St)
Upper West Side
Subway: 1 to 66th St–Lincoln Ctr

Symphony No. 4 Homage in memory of the Holocaust

The 24th. of January 2008, at 9, PM , there will be a premiere
performance of Alfono Rega,’s Symphony n°4 in 6 movements written
as a homage in memory of the Holocaust. This event will take place at the Conservatory of Milan contemporaneously with the inauguration of the Holocaust Museum situated in the railway station. of Milan, Italy.

The concert is free. It will be on behalf of the Associazione Luciano Elmo
Onlus in memory of Luciano Elmo, who was a Lawyer, sent in
concentration camp and the only survivor of his group.
He is recalled for having save a great number of Jews, and received military decorations several times.

The Symphony The Holocaust brings back to present days tonal and romantic
music, has been recorded some weeks ago in Milan and will be performed by the
Cantelli Orchestra, one of the most famous Orchestra of Milan, together with the
Costanzo Porta Choir of Cremona.…

KLEZMER-PARIS 2006 in July

The Parizer yidish-tsenter – Medem Bibliotek is pleased
to inform all lovers of Klezmer music, Yiddish song,
dance… and also junior musicians that, this year, our 4th
annual klezfest “KLEZMER-PARIS 2006” is going to be
held in Paris, July, 6 to 10.
Maison de la culture yiddish – Bibliothèque Medem
18, passage Saint-Pierre Amelot – 75011 PARIS –
Tél. : 00 33 1 47 00 14 00 / Fax : 00 33 1 47 00 14 47

Yiddish Summer Program at Tel Aviv University

Tel Aviv, Israel
July 3 – 28, 2006
A vibrant new Summer Program in Yiddish language and culture is now available at Tel Aviv University. Under the auspices of Beth Shalom Aleichem, The Goldreich Family Institute for Yiddish Language, Literature, and Culture at Tel Aviv University and the Abraham Lerner Fund, this four-week program during the month of July 2006, offers intensive Yiddish instruction on campus at the beginners, intermediate, and advanced levels, and a rich afternoon program of lectures, tours, theatre, concerts, museums, films, and cultural events organized by YUNG YiDiSH in conjunction with Beth Shalom Aleichem. As students of the Lowy School for Overseas Students at Tel Aviv University whose credentials are recognized by universities world-wide, participants will receive 80 hours of language instruction (four credits) with highly qualified and experienced teachers in small classes and will be housed in dormitories adjacent to the campus.…

The Young Composers Award Competition

The Guild of Temple Musicians Announces
The Young Composers Award

The requested 2007 work is a set of 3 pieces performable as separate
pieces OR as a unit, with or without narrator. The work should be 10-12
performing minutes for cantor, SATB volunteer choir, piano and a single
instrument obligato (i.e., flute, violin, violoncello or other
instrument approved by chair before submission). The work should be in
Hebrew, using texts from Jewish liturgy, Bible, Jewish poetry or prose,
or a combination of the foregoing.

Deadline: Friday, January 5, 2007 (postmarked).
Eligibility: Jewish composers from any country born on or after January 1, 1972.
Scores submitted to: Chairman Ben Steinberg, Composer-in-Residence, Temple
Sinai Congregation 210 Wilson Avenue, Toronto, ONTARIO M5M 3B1 CANADA.
TEL.: (416) 487-4161. FAX: (416) 487-5499.…

Shua Kessin Kumzitz for Shlomo Carlebach

Shua Kessin Kumzitz will be presenting its Second Annual Live Music Webcast Featuring Shua Kessin in honor of the yahrtzeit of R’ Shlomo Carlebach z”l, whose music has touched the souls of countless people. This event follows the first-ever live Jewish music webcast last year, produced by, which drew tens of thousands of viewers. All day Sunday Nov. 8.

This year’s webcast, which is being produced by Ozer Babad and hosted and powered by, is expected to be watched by tens of thousands of people across the globe and will also be heard live on Radio Kol Berama, 107.9 FM in Lakewood, NJ.

Shua will be accompanied this Motzoei Shabbos by an orchestra featuring Yanky Katina, Yaakov Zeines and Jo Blumenthal.
The webcast will be broadcast live from Gal Paz on 13th Avenue in Boro Park, and all are invited to join in person or watch the event live on the #1 Torah newscenter on the Web,…

New Herman Berlinski CD from Milken Archive

Herman Berlinski: From the World of My Father [8.559446]

The Milken Archive of American Jewish Music has released a CD of four works for the synagogue and the concert hall by German-born, American composer and organist Herman Berlinski. These works reflect his rich, post-Romantic musical language, eclectic musical style, and depth of Jewish inspiration. This new disc complements the Milken Archive’s 2004 release of the composer’s Avodat Shabbat, a large-scale setting of the Sabbath evening liturgy according to the American Reform prayerbook. It brings to 45 the number of recordings released since the Milken Archive CD series was launched in September 2003.

“Days of Awe” at Rodeph Sholom, Manhattan

The “Days of Awe” to be Experienced during Selichot at Congregation
Rodeph Sholom, Manhattan

The music of the High Holy Days will be
explored in a sacred experience by David Chevan with the Afro-Semitic
Experience in a program of instrumental interpretations called “The Days
of Awe.” Cantor Rebecca Garfein, Senior Cantor of Congregation Rodeph
Sholom of Manhattan will join Chevan and the Afro-Semitic Experience and
with them enter a unique spiritual realm with their arrangements of
original music, High Holy Day cantorial works from the repertoire of
Hazzan Yosele Rosenblatt, along with familiar traditional Jewish
congregational High Holiday melodies on Selichot at 7:30p.m., September
16, 2006. Special Guest, Frank London of the Klezmatics will join as
well for this special evening. The program, a highly meditative series
of improvisations and interpretations of traditional melodies, is geared
to all ages.…

Kleztet Events Lineup

A number of exciting things going on in the next week or two for Kleztet fans.
On Monday, November 6, Kleztet will be giving another free concerts at
the Peabody Conservatory in Baltimore. This time it will be in the Dance Studio
(B28) from 7 until 9 pm. The studio is pretty hard to find, so your best
bet is just to get to Peabody, and then ask security (or a student) for

Another event: Kleztet will be at the Northeast Regional Folk Alliance Conference, or NERFA, in Monticello, New York at 9:45 pm on the evening of Saturday, November 11., 2006.

Alicia Svigal: It Would have Been Enough, But it Wasn’t. Now there’s More in April at John Zorn’s Stone place

At the Stone in NYC, 2nd St. and Ave C,
Violinist Alicia Svigals, a founder of the Grammy-winning Klezmatics
and the world’s best-known klezmer fiddler, is the curator for the
month of April at the Stone, John Zorn’s performance space on the
Lower East Side of Manhattan.

John Zorn, the composer who was recently awarded a MacArthur genius
grant, opened the Stone to provide a venue for the most creative new
music in New York. Each month he selects a different musician to
curate the series, and for April he asked Svigals to put together a
lineup that would tap into her eclectic and offbeat musical worlds.

The fifty acts Svigals booked revolve around three themes: Jewish
music, virtuoso female instrumentalist/improvisers/composers, and
all kinds of string music, traditional and contemporary.…

Siddur Audio

A new website called “Siddur Audio” comes from Atlanta with the work of Rabbi Mark Zimmerman.
You can use the site to learn the Tefillot, and it is completely free. Most of the Siddur has
already been recorded in mp3 format. Rabbi Zimmerman has updated the site and increased the server capacity to accommodate the growing number of downloads that it has been generating lately. He has also
recently added audio of the weekday davening and the Passover Seder as well.

News: Zamir Choral Performed At White House

Zamir Choral Performed At White House
On Monday evening, December 10, 2007, the Zamir Chorale, under the direction of
Matthew Lazar, entertained President and Mrs. Bush, Attorney General Michael Mukasey,
Homeland Security Chief Michael Chertoff and a select group of additional guests
at the annual White House Hanukkah celebration .Cantor Alberto Mizrahi was featured
,br /
The Chorale appeared at the candle lighting ceremony which was led by Ruth and Judea
Pearl, parents of slain Wall Street Journal reporter Daniel Pearl.
Later, at a lavish East Room reception, Zamir sang four more selections. Judea Perl
joined the choir in performing the final number for all in attendance.
The President was most gracious, shaking the hand of every member of the choir and
even taking a moment to share some words with Matthew Lazar.…

Artist-in-Residence Opportunity

Sarah Beller is serving as co-coordinator for the Artist-in-Residence program at
the National Havurah Committee’s Summer Institute, a week-long
celebration of Jewish learning and living attended by a diverse group of
Jews from all over North America (Conservative, Reconstructionist,
Reform, Renewal, Orthodox, single, partnered, young, old, LGBT, etc.).

Under a grant from the Poretsky Foundation, the NHC sponsors two Jewish
Artists-in-Residence to teach and be part of the Institute community.
The application forms are available online, and those who wish may

The Poretsky Artist-in-Residence grant is ideal for those wishing to
explore a participatory project or thematic course idea in a supportive
community that itself includes a number of talented artists. The program is
particularly searching for artist-teachers who can help others become
art-makers for the week, and who will participate actively as both
teachers and learners in the Institute community that forms each summer.…

CUNY Hosts ‘Beyond Boundaries’ Dec 16

Beyond Boundaries

Beyond Boundaries: Klezmer Music in the 21st Century
Looks at the State of the Art of Klezmer through Discussion and Performance

On December 16, the Center for Jewish Studies and the Martin E. Segal Theatre Center of the CUNY Graduate Center will present Beyond Boundaries: Klezmer Music in the 21st Century. Featuring distinguished klezmer performers, scholars, cultural commentators, and composers, the program includes an afternoon symposium with music (at 3:00 p.m.) and an evening concert (at 7:00 p.m.). This event is part of the Beyond Boundaries Series in Jewish Music, launched by the Center for Jewish Studies in Spring 2008. The series explores aspects of Jewish music from multiple perspectives—geographical, cultural, and musical. The Graduate Center is located at 365 Fifth Avenue between 34th and 35th Streets.…

“Beyond Boundaries: Music and Israel @ 60”

Beyond Boundaries Poster Image“Beyond Boundaries: Music and Israel @ 60” looks at the Present-Day Complexities of Israeli Music

View Beyond Boundaries Brochure
On Friday, March 28, “Beyond Boundaries: Music and Israel @ 60,” a symposium of the Center for Jewish Studies at the CUNY Graduate Center, will explore the complex diversity of musical styles, cultures, religions and ethnicities that is Israel today. The daylong event will present papers, discussions, and musical performances from 9:30 AM to 3:30 PM in the Baisley Powell Elebash Recital Hall on the first floor of the Graduate Center, 365 Fifth Avenue (at 34th Street).

In the morning, three speakers will present papers on a variety of topics significant to our understanding of the present-day climate for music in Israel. In the afternoon, from 1 to 3 P.M., there will be a concert by two performance groups: the renowned contemporary New York-based chamber ensemble Continuum, with a program of Israeli art music with pieces by Tzvi Avni, Betty Olivero, and Benjamin Yusupov; and Galeet Dardashti’s all-woman band Divahn, with a program of ethnic and popular Mizrahi music.…

Israeli Music Successful Draw for American Audiences

by Uriel Heilman courtesy of JTA.
Whether out of hunger for a connection to Israel or mere interest in the music,
increasing numbers of Jews in America — both Americans and Israelis — are tuning
into Israeli music performances.

Singing in unintelligible gibberish as her hands strike the
darbuka drum with frantic intensity, the short, pretty brunette at center stage
holds the audience transfixed as she reaches the song’s crescendo.
When she sounds her final note, the audience rises for a standing ovation.
Though it is her New York debut concert, Israeli singer-songwriter Din Din Aviv is
no stranger here. The performance hall at the Museum of Jewish Heritage is packed
with Israeli fans of Aviv who live in New York and American Jews clutching her CD.…

Bernstein: A Jewish Legacy

The Center for Jewish History, the American Society for Jewish Music
and the American Jewish Historical Society present:

Thursday, November 6 at 8:00p.m.
Bernstein: A Jewish Legacy
An encore performance of the recently sold-out program at The Jewish Museum and
part of the city-wide festival Bernstein: The Best of all Possible Worlds.
The concert of mostly unknown Bernstein works on Jewish themes, narrated by Jack
, Bernstein’s longtime editor, sheds new light on some of the composer’s
more celebrated pieces. A number cut from West Side Story, lyrics by Stephen Sondheim,
combined with another piece from an abandoned project with lyrics by Betty Comden
and Adolph Green, reveals a surprising transformation as a choral setting in Hebrew.
Among the other works are world premieres of “A Choral Quilt” (arranged by Gottlieb)
and a song Bernstein wrote in reaction to anti-Semitism.…

Pro Musica Hebraica at Kennedy Center in Washington

Pro Musica Hebraica is devoted to presenting Jewish classical music — much of it lost, forgotten, or rarely performed — in a concert-hall setting. On November 18, 2008, the ARC Ensemble of Canada’s Royal Conservatory of Music presents works by Mieczysław Weinberg, Szymon Laks, and Sergei Prokofiev all composed in the aftermath of world war.
Tuesday, November 18, 2008
The Terrace Theater
The Kennedy Center
Washington, DC
7:30 PM

Association for Canadian Jewish Studies Call for Papers

The Association for Canadian Jewish Studies/L’Association des études juives canadiennes (ACJS /l’AÉJC) will be holding its 34th Annual Conference May 30-June 1, 2010 at Concordia University in Montreal as part of the Congress of the Humanities and Social Sciences. The conference provides a platform for original scholarly research in Canadian Jewish history, life and culture. Individuals are invited to send proposals for learned paper presentations in either English or French twenty minutes in
length (approximately 2,000 words) that concern some aspect of the Canadian Jewish experience.

Potential presenters are asked to submit a paper
proposal by Tuesday, January 5, 2010. The paper proposal should comprise a
400-word abstract formulated to clearly and concisely state the main argument
of the scholarly paper and indicate how it will contribute to existing
scholarship in the field of Canadian Jewish Studies.…


Zemel Choir
Zemel Choir
Do you enjoy singing? Come and Celebrate…
Come and Sing 10 Centuries of Jewish Music
Join us for workshops and a concert at St John’s, Smith Square
Open to Intermediate and Experienced Choristers
Sponsored by the Zemel Choir and The Spiro Ark

Sunday 1st June 2008: Workshops and voice-training
Sunday 15th June 2008: Workshops and Concert
Price £30 (to include entry to concert)
Price £25 if booked before April 30th
To register, or for further information, call 020 8236 0317
(evenings), or email
Sponsored by the Harold Hyam Wingate Foundation
And with the support of The Jewish Music Institute

Come and share with us in the joy of Jewish choral music.
The workshop leaders: …read more….

Beyond Boundaries: Klezmer Music in the 21st Century 2008

Beyond Boundaries

Beyond Boundaries: Klezmer Music in the 21st Century
Looks at the State of the Art of Klezmer through Discussion and Performance

On December 16, the Center for Jewish Studies and the Martin E. Segal Theatre Center of the CUNY Graduate Center will present Beyond Boundaries: Klezmer Music in the 21st Century. Featuring distinguished klezmer performers, scholars, cultural commentators, and composers, the program includes an afternoon symposium with music (at 3:00 p.m.) and an evening concert (at 7:00 p.m.). This event is part of the Beyond Boundaries Series in Jewish Music, launched by the Center for Jewish Studies in Spring 2008. The series explores aspects of Jewish music from multiple perspectives—geographical, cultural, and musical. The Graduate Center is located at 365 Fifth Avenue between 34th and 35th Streets.…

Dan Aran Breathing CD Released

An Israeli musician living in Brooklyn, Dan Aran just released his new CD Breathing containing a number of compositions by him. Aran is known in NY as a “brush specialist” and has got what the doctor ordered. Take a deep breath and listen to Breathing.. It’s sure to put you in the right place.

Soul Aviv CD Release

Soul Aviv SoulAviv has produced a CD of the same name. The vocal group is located in Santa Barbara, CA. Members are three women: Erin Berkowitz, Jamie Green, (vocals and percussion) and Liat Wasserman all singing with Rob Raede, vocals and guitar. The recording features music aimed at “tikkun olam” or making the world a better place… featuring the sounds of gospel, soul, reggae. Additional tracks include a number of original songs by Rob Raede featuring Jewish themes. The album’s vocal focus is energetic and highly entertaining. Some of the songs are “standards” recorded many times, such as “Wade in the Water” and “Rivers of Babylon/One Love” which joins a traditional gospel tune to Bob Marley’s hit, or “Oh Had I a Golden Thread by Pete Seeger.…

Eyal Maoz’s Edom upcoming in NY

Eyal Maoz’s Edom
Jewish – Rock- Jazz music from Tzadik Records.
Check it out at
Eyal Maoz- guitar
Brian Marsella – organ
Shanir Blumenkranz – bass
Yuval Lion – drum

oct 9 – 8 pm
At Spike Hill
Phone: (718) 218-9737
184 Bedford Avenue
Brooklyn, NY 11211
MORE Edom:
Oct 21 Sunday at 11 pm at Zebulon.
258 Wythe Ave. Between N3 and Metropolitan.
Williamsburg, NY 11211.
$5 suggested.

A JOURNEY OF SPIRIT comes to Massachusetts

Even while you and the family enjoy the sun and surf of Cape Cod, you can learn something about Jewish music. Next month on August 12, 2006, Ann Coppel, producer of “A Journey of Spirit,” a documentary about Debbie Friedman, will show the documentary in Hyannis, MA at Cape Cod Synagogue. Check the synagogue website for more info:

A JOURNEY OF SPIRIT has been traveling the country, coast to coast, the past
couple of months including screenings in Minneapolis at Shir
Tikvah, the Manhattan JCC (which Debbie attended to lead the post-film discussion), Falmouth
Jewish Congregation in Massachusetts and Beth Am in Los Altos Hills, California. Now it’s returning to Cape Cod and you can see it there August 12.
Call for time and more information.…

Next Generation in Philly

Klezmer: The Next Generation
at Society Hill Synogogue
Saturday, January 27th 8:00 p.m.
$10, by phone (215) 922-6590 or at the door

Society Hill Synagogue’s own Dan Blacksberg brings his trombone and
friends Michael Winograd, clarinet, and Carmen Staaf, accordion, for an
evening of klezmer music at Society Hill Synagogue, 418 Spruce St,
Philadelphia, Saturday January 27th at 8:00 PM. Second to none among the
new generation of klezmer players, Dan, Michael and Carmen offer traditional
and original music drawn from the heritage of Eastern European Jewry. A
magical combination of years of experience (already) on the world’s klezmer
stage, the sanctuary’s excellent acoustics and superb musicianship will
bring us to our feet, joined in spirit by those who once called the
Synagogue’s building “Die Groyse Rumeyneshe Shul.…

Alicia Svigals’ Party Band at Celebrate Showcase

Free! Come dance the hora with dance leader Steve Weintraub and
Alicia’s klezmer party band!
Sunday, January 28, 12 to 5 p.m.

Big hora at 2 p.m! Come dance with us, and check out the band for
your wedding or bat/bar mitzvah. Before and after the big hora,
we’ll be playing for and teaching klezmer and Israeli folkdancing in
a more intimate setting. Its free, and its part of the Celebrate!
Party Showcase featuring hundreds of party vendors.

Celebrate! Party Showcase
Teaneck Marriott at Glenpointe
100 Frank W Burr Boulevard
Teaneck, New Jersey 07666 USA
Phone: 1-201-836-0600
For showcase information and directions:
or call Flora at 1-203-322-2840
Read about Alicia at
Visit the JCC website for more info:

“The Eternal Question (Di Alte Kashe)” New CD Released

Kame’a Media announces the release of “The Eternal Question (Di Alte
Kashe),” a compact disc by Yiddish singer Fraidy Katz. The CD comes with a
24-page booklet of Yiddish text, transliterations, English translations,
songwriter bios — and more.

Produced by Wolf Krakowski and Jim Armenti, TEQ features the musical and
vocal talents of 18 musicians from across the spectrum of Jewish, Americana and World Music.

Alicia Svigals’ Party Band at Celebrate Showcase

Alicia Svigals

Free! Come dance the hora with dance leader Steve Weintraub and
Alicia’s klezmer party band!
Sunday, January 28, 12 to 5 p.m.

Big hora at 2 p.m! Come dance with us, and check out the band for
your wedding or bat/bar mitzvah. Before and after the big hora,
we’ll be playing for and teaching klezmer and Israeli folkdancing in
a more intimate setting. Its free, and its part of the Celebrate!
Party Showcase featuring hundreds of party vendors.

Celebrate! Party Showcase
Teaneck Marriott at Glenpointe
100 Frank W Burr Boulevard
Teaneck, New Jersey 07666 USA
Phone: 1-201-836-0600
For showcase information and directions:
or call Flora at 1-203-322-2840

Read about Alicia Svigals at

Visit the JCC website for more info:

Honoring John Rauch in LA

What: An Afternoon of Joyous Musical Celebration honoring the life and
creative vision of John H. Rauch

Who: Ofer Ben-Amots, Nabil Azzam, Stacie Chaiken, Sam Glaser, Yehuda
Sha-Rone Kushner, Stephen Macht, Vanessa Paloma, Yuval Ron Ensemble,
Russell Steinberg, Yael Strom, Bryna Weiss
Where: Temple Isaiah, 10345 W. Pico Blvd., Los Angeles, CA 90064
When: Sunday, June 10th, 2007, 3:00 PM

Admission: A suggested minimum donation of $15.00.
All proceeds benefit the Center for Jewish Culture and Creativity.
Keep art alive.

Info: contact C.J.C.C by phone at.: (323) 658-5824
Or email us at:

Music in Our Time: A Concert of Music by Contemporary Jewish Composers

The American Society for Jewish Music presents:
June 10, 2007, 5:30 pm
Music in Our Time: A Concert of Music by Contemporary Jewish Composers

Composers include Leo Kraft, Joel Mandelbaum, and Yehudi Wyner.
Center for Jewish History
15 West 16th Street
New York, NY 10011
Admission: $12/$6 ASJM/AJHS/CJH members, seniors
Please contact the CJH Theater Box Office
phone: (917) 606-8200

Laura Wetzler – “A World of Jewish Music plus Great Classics of American Song”

Sunday, July 22nd – Concert
Laura Wetzler – “A World of Jewish Music plus Great Classics of American Song”

Singer, songwriter and folklorist Laura Wetzler performs with Robin Burdulis on percussion and Wes Brown on bass. Take a musical journey to Jewish communities in Uganda, Morocco, Tunisia, Poland, Ethiopia, Spain, Yemen, Greece, and Italy in a high-energy celebration of Jewish culture. “Laura is one of the very best,” says Pete Seeger.

at the National Yiddish Book Center
on the campus of Hampshire College, Route 116, Amherst, Massachusetts.
Reservations suggested.
2 P.M. Cost: $10
For additional information, an application or reservations, please phone us at 413-256-4900.

Joel E. Rubin Presents at CJH

The Vladimir and Pearl Heifetz and Joseph Kremen Memorial Lecture
“More Famous than the Beatles: Klezmorim as Negotiators of Change in 19th and 20th century Poland”
Dr. Joel E. Rubin, Syracuse University
May 30, 2006 at 7:00pm
Center for Jewish History
15 West 16 Street
New York, NY 10011
Kovno Room
Please contact the CJH Theater Box Office
phone: (917) 606-8200


Romashka, The Village Klezmer Quintet, and the Gold Sparkle Brass Band are joining forces at the Baggot Inn.

Thursday, May 6th
7 pm – The Village Klezmer Quintet
8 pm – The Gold Sparkle Brass Band
9 pm – Romashka, the NYC Gypsy Dance Party Band
$5 cover
Baggot Inn is located at 82 W. 3rd Street, bet. Thompson and Sullivan, New York., phone: (212) 477-0622

Klezmer & African Drumming Extravaganza at The Tank

March 16, 2006, 10pm
Aaron Alexander’s Midrash Mish Mosh with Senegalese Sabar masters Yakar Rhythms

A World-Jazz Extravaganza is coming to The Tank on March 16, 2006 at
10pm, featuring Aaron Alexander’s Midrash Mish Mosh and Senegalese
Sabar drum masters Yakar Rhythms, featuring Aliounne ‘Guido’ Faye.
Special guest on Midrash Mish Mosh is drummer David Licht from the
Klezmatics! Both bands will play separately and then collaborate on a
couple tunes at the end. Alexander previously produced and a
collaboration with Yakar rhythms and Hasidic New Wave which resulted in
the CD “Belly of Abraham” for Knitting Factory records.

The Tank is Located at 279 Church St. (bet. Franklin & White), in Tribeca, in NYC.
The Tank @ Collective: Unconscious is located at 279 Church Street
between Franklin and White.…

Holocaust Memorial Day at Central Synagogue London

Thursday, January 26, 2006 at Wix Hall, Central Synagogue in London.
Address: 36 Hallam Street, London, W1N 6NN,
Phone:020 7580 1355.
Time: The concert starts at 7.30pm
Ticket prices are £15
concessions £12.50

A concert celebrating human creativity in adversity for Holocaust Memorial Day. Maya Kasir soprano, Sagi Hartov cello, Marc Verter piano and special guest Sarah Aaronson accordion.
After a short film ‘They never touched my bread’ – celebrating the meeting in Canterbury after 40 years of two musicians who performed together in the extraordinarily creative Terezin Concentration Camp outside Prague will be presented classical and cabaret music for voice, cello, accordion and piano, written and performed in the camp. Steven Leas with Central Synagogue choir conducted by Michael Etherton will sing the memorial prayer El Male Rahamim, that they performed in the presence of Her Majesty the Queen at Westminster Hall at Holocaust Memorial Day 2005 and which was broadcast on BBC TV.…

Central in Song at Wix Hall, Central Synagogue in London

Wednesday 21 December
Central in Song at Wix Hall, Central Synagogue
Address: 36 Hallam Street, London, W1N 6NN,
Phone:020 7580 1355.

Music at Central presents music written for the synagogue performed by its cantor
Steven Leas and the choirs of Central Synagogue and the Choir of London at Central
Synagogue on Wednesday 21 December, at 7.30pm.

This exciting collaboration sees Steven Leas and the Choir of Central Synagogue, who
performed before the Queen last year at Westminster Palace, joined by the men of the
highly acclaimed Choir of London, an ensemble of some of the UK’s finest choral
singers who are particularly noted for their innovative cross-cultural projects, and
who performed in Jerusalem and Ramallah last year.

The programme, accompanied and introduced by Stephen Glass, includes settings of
prayers and psalms, from Renaissance polyphony to modern arrangements.…


Wednesday, April 13, 8 p.m. At the Center for Jewish History, 15 West
16th Street, New York City. ‘Avant-premiere’ of Z’vi, an opera-in-progress by Richard Teitelbaum. It is based on the true story of Shabbetai Z’vi, a 17th-century rabbi in the Ottoman Empire who was widely hailed throughout Europe and the Middle East as the Messiah. After adopting Islam in addition to Judaism, he went on to develop a syncretic faith and practice incorporating elements of both religions. The opera explores issues of cross-cultural engagement, tolerance, dialog, and understanding. Performers include: Cantor Jacob Ben-Zion Mendelson (tenor), Omar Faruk Tekbilek (ney,
voice, zurna, percussion), David Krakauer (clarinet, bass clarinet),
Richard Teitelbaum (sampling keyboard) and others. More information is available at (917)606-8200 (phone).

Golem at Brooklyn Purim Carnival

Brooklyn Jews Presents A Purim Carnival
@ the Brooklyn Lyceum
Sunday, March 27th
227 4th Ave, Park Slope, Brooklyn, NY 11215
Phone: 1-866-gowanus
R to Union Street
Corner of President Street
Golem scheduled to hit at 4:30pm…

Rebecca Kaplan & Pete Rushefsky

Kaplan & Rushefsky, Amherst, MA, Nov 21
On the Paths: Yiddish Songs with Tsimbl (Oyf di vegelekh)
National Yiddish Book Center
on the campus of Hampshire College, Route 116, Amherst, Massachusetts.
Sunday, November 21, 2004 2:00 PM
Donation: $6

Acclaimed Yiddish music artists Rebecca Kaplan (vocals, piano, drum) and Pete Rushefsky (tsimbl, the harp-like traditional klezmer hammered dulcimer) bring to life rarely heard gems of Yiddish music from collections by Moshe Beregovski, Joseph Moskowitz, Ruth Rubin, and others.

At the National Yiddish Book Center, on the campus of Hampshire College, Route 116, Amherst, Massachusetts. You don’t need to know Yiddish to enjoy our programs! Space is limited, and all programs are filled on a strictly first-come, first-served basis. For additional information, an application or reservations, please phone us at 413-256-4900.…

di bostoner klezmer in central MA

Jacob Edwards Library, in Southbridge, MA:
236 Main St.
Telephone: 508-764-542
directions are at
Concert starts at 6 P.M.
If you’re near central Mass. this coming Thursday, come catch one of di bostoner klezmer’s spirited concerts! (and introduce yourself!)
It’s near the Sturbridge exit of the Mass Pike and not too far from CT.

We promise you good listening, a seldom-heard suite,
With selections of freylekhs that sure can’t be beat!

Zagnuts at NuBlu

Balkan music event. Zagnuts invite you to join them at NuBlu on the night before Golden Festival starts, Thursday, January 15th. Shake off the cold with two great nights of spirited music, energetic dancing, crazy people and plenty of good eats and drinks. 36 bands!

Chamber Music at Rodeph Sholom Presents Sephardic Melody

On February 2 at 1pm, in Schnurmacher Chapel, Chamber Music at Rodeph
Sholom will celebrate Sephardic Melody, a rich cultural heritage
expressed both in contemporary music and traditional, which blends
influences from the Iberian Peninsula, North Africa, Turkey, Greece,
and the Mediterranean. Guest artists, Paul Woodiel, on fiddle, and
guitarist Steve Gibb join cellist Eliot Bailen and flutist Susan
in a program of Sephardic instrumental and vocal
interpretations both ancient and new, including music from the 19th
century collections of Emanuel Aguilar, the pianist composer, and
brother of the remarkable author and Jewish historian Grace Aguilar.
Chamber Music at Rodeph Sholom, under the artistic direction of Eliot
Bailen, highlights both the best of the chamber music repertory and
our Jewish heritage in music in a series of free community concerts.…

Musica Judaica Issues: 2000-2001, Volume XV

This Table of Contents Service is provided by The Jewish Music WebCenter on behalf of The American Society for Jewish Music.

Volume XV. 2000-2001

Israel J. Katz
Arbie Orenstein

Greetings from Hadassah B. Markson p. iv
From the Editorsp. iv
Nationalism and the Creation of Jewish Music: The Politicization of Music and Language in the German-Jewish Press Prior to the Second World WarEsther Schmidt p.1
Heinrich Schalit and Weimar Jewish MusicEliott Kahn p.33
The Song of Israel: An Eastern ViewpointAmnon Shiloahp.69
Yemenite Women's Songs at the Habani Jews' Wedding CelebrationsYael Shaip. 83
The Third London International Conference on Jewish Music (2000)Malcolm Millerp.97
A Musical Banquet: the Tenth London International Jewish Music Festival (11 June-13 July 2000)Malcolm Millerp.111
IN MEMORIAM: Irene Heskes (1923-1999)Jon Newsomp.119
IN MEMORIAM: Byron Cantrell (1919-1997)Israel J.


Yiddishkeit Klezmer Ensemble at NYB

Sunday, August 10, 2008
2PM Concert
National Yiddish Bookcenter
Amherst, MA, USA
Admission $10

Brian Bender – trombone, melodica, vocals, bandleader
Christina Crowder – accordion, vocals
Miamon Miller – fiddle
Jim Guttmann – double bass
Grant Smith – drums

Seth Rogovoy calls Yiddishkeit “one of the top Klezmer bands on the East Coast.”

The National Yiddish Bookcenter
Harry and Jeanette Weinberg Building
1021 West Street
Amherst MA 01002
Phone 413-256-4900
Fax 413-256-4700

Musica Judaica Issues: 1999, Volume XIV

This Table of Contents Service is provided by The Jewish Music WebCenter on behalf of The American Society for Jewish Music.

Volume XIV. 1999

Irene Heskes

Production Editor, Doris B. Gold

A Publication Devoted to All Aspects of Jewish Music
This issue of Musica Judaica is dedicated to the late Cantor Aaron J. Caplow
“Sweet Singer of Prayers”

Greetings from the President of the SocietyHadassah B. Markson p.6
Editor's CommentaryIrene Heskes p.7
Medieval Elements in the Liturgical Music of the Jews of Southern France and Northern Spain. [Vol. I, 1975/76].Judith Kaplan Eisensteinp.9
Postscript: Remembering Some of Our PioneersMarsha Bryan Edelmanp.31
The Music of the Synagogue as a Source of the Yiddish Folksong. [Vol. II. 1977/78]Max Wohlberg.


Lag B’Omer Bands Play at Millinery Center Synagogue

Millinery Center Synagogue
*­­­A Lag B’Omer Celebration*
*With The JewJa Jam Band*
*& Friends*
*Michael Poulad, Steve Schwab & JJ Horowitz*

*Location: **The Loft*

*379 Fifth Avenue** (at 36th Street)*

*New York, N.Y. 10016*

*Date: **Wednesday Night May 6, 2015*

*Time: 7:30 P.M.*

*Admission: $10 Donation*

*Millinery Center Synagogue – Adath Klal Yisrael
1025 Avenue of the
New York, NY 10018 Phone: (646) 262 5061

Doina Klezmer Quartet

“The repertoire of the Doina Klezmer Quartet consists of the traditional Eastern European klezmer music arranged by the band, but also of new, own Finnish and Northern influences creatively combining klezmer music composed by Sampo Lassila. In the music of Doina Klezmer otherwise distance musical elements are combined in a special and unique way. These musicians regard highly the tradition and also improvisation has a great importance in their music. Doina Klezmer was established in 1996 and after that the old Jewish music has gained quicly a whole lot of new fans in Finland and the concept of the “Finnish Klezmer” has been presented for the first time in public. Doina Klezmer has given concerts in Helsinki with their artist friends and performed at clubs and concert halls all over Finland.…

Musica Judaica: Journal of the American Society for Jewish Music

This Table of Contents Service is provided by The Jewish Music WebCenter on behalf of The American Society for Jewish Music.

Musica Judaica Issues: 2005-2006, Volume XVIII

This Table of Contents Service is provided by The Jewish Music WebCenter on behalf of The American Society for Jewish Music.

Volume XVIII. 2005-2006

Israel J. Katz
Arbie Orenstein

President's Greetings p. iv
From the Editors p. vii
p. vii
The History of the Jewish Music Publishing House Jibne and Yuwal
Translated from the German by Eliott Kahn and Verena Bopp
Jascha Nemtsov p. 1
The Augmented Second, Chagall's Silhouettes, and the Six-Pointed StarMarina Ritzarev p. 43
The Female Sozanda Art from the Viewpoint of Professionalism in the Musical Tradition: A Preliminary Survey Elena Reikher (Temin) p. 71
Arab Music and Aesthetics as Basis for the Liturgical Structure of the Sabbath Morning Service of the Syrian Jews in Brooklyn, New YorkMark Kligman p.


Musica Judaica Issues: 2003-2004, Volume XVII

This Table of Contents Service is provided by The Jewish Music WebCenter on behalf of The American Society for Jewish Music.

Volume XVII. 2003-2004

Israel J. Katz
Arbie Orenstein

President's Greetings p. iv
From the Editors p. vii
Marriage and Music as Metaphor: The Wedding Odes of Leon Modena and Salamone RossiDon Harranp. 1
Don Harran p. 1
The Cantorial Fantasia Revisited: New Perspectives on an AShkenazic Musical Genre
Geoffrey Goldbergp. 33
Where Musical Realms Meet: Hermann Zivi--An Exemplar of the German-Jewish CantorateTina Fruhaufp. 87
A Conversation with Miriam Gideon (1906-1996)Judith Shira Pinnolisp. 107
Problems Concerning the History of Jewish MusicBence Szabolsci Translaed by
Stephen Erdely
p. 143
A Conference on The St. Petersburg Society for Jewish Folk Music (1908-1938) held at the University of Potsdam, Germany (May, 2004)Malcolm Miller p.


Musica Judaica Issues: 2001-2002, Volume XVI

This Table of Contents Service is provided by The Jewish Music WebCenter on behalf of The American Society for Jewish Music.

Volume XVI. 2001-2002

Israel J. Katz
Arbie Orenstein

President's Greetings p. iv
From the Editors p. vi
The Metaphor of Light in Joseph Haydn's Oratorio, The Creation (1798): A New Jewish Textual SourceAdena Portowitz p.1
The Music of David Nowakowsky (1848-1921): A New Voice from Old OdessaEmanuel Rubinp.21
Toward a Clearer Definition of the Mogen Avot ModeBoaz Tarsi p.53
Synagogal Chanting of the Bible: A Linking of Linguistics and EtnomusicologyRachel Mashiah and Uri Sharvitp.81
In Memoriam: Alexander L. Ringer (1921-2002)Amnon Shiloah p.99
Two Significant Musicological Events: Commemorating Salamone Rossi (ca.1570 - ca. 1628) and Eric Werner (1901-1988)Mark Kligmanp.109
The Turn of the Millennium in Jewish Music: A Bibliography of Selected Items (1999-2002)Compiled by
Judith Shira Pinnolis
Conributors of articles to this issuep.151
ASJM Membershipp.153
Updated 25 March, 2005

All content © 2001-2002 American Society for Jewish Music.…

Musica Judaica Issues: 1991-92, Volume XII

This Table of Contents Service is provided by The Jewish Music WebCenter on behalf of The American Society for Jewish Music.

Volume XII. 5754/1991-92

Neil W. Levin

Assistant Editor, Alexander V. Knapp

Founder, Albert Weisser (1918-1982)

A Song to Heal Your Wounds: Traditional Lullabies in the Repertoire of the Jews of IraqSara Manasseh p.1
A Golden Age for Jewish Composers in Paris: 1820-1865John H. Baron p.30
The Message of Moses and Aaron as Reflection of Arnold Schoenberg's spiritual QuestBoaz Tarsip.52
An Historic Israeli-American Musical Dialogue in New York: The Counter-Harmonies ConferenceMalcolm Millerp.65
Edith Gerson-Kiwi: In MemoriamEdwin Seroussip.75
Reviews: Susana Weich-Shahak, ed., Judeo-Spanish Moroccan Songs for the Life Cycle (Jerusalem, 1989)Laurence D. Loebp.


Crossing the sea of song, Popular Music in the Mediterranean, from Italy to Israel

February 20, 2014 from 6:30pm to 9pm
Location: Italian Cultural Instituite
Street: 814 Montgomery Street
City/Town: San Francisco

Showing the impact of Italian popular music, and especially the Sanremo Song Festival (Festival della Canzone Italiana), on the development of Israeli popular song from the 1950s to the present, musicologist Francesco Spagnolo explores the politics of culture and national identity across the Mediterranean. The talk, which celebrates the 60th anniversary of Italy’s public television broadcasting, will be illustrated by numerous recordings and videos of Italian songs and their Hebrew adaptations. Francesco Spagnolo, PhD, is the Curator of The Magnes Collection of Jewish Art and Life and a Lecturer in the Department of Music at UC Berkeley.

This event is co-presented by the Consulate General of Israel to the Pacific Northwest.…

The Academy for Jewish Religion

The Academy for Jewish Religion, located at 6301 Riverdale Ave., Riverdale, NY 10471. Phone: 718 543-9360. They train cantors in a Jewish pluralistic environment. Cantors are trained to “lead dynamic, spiritually uplifting, meaningful religious services in all denominational liturgies and nusach.” They also train rabbis. “It offers full or part time study and mechina programs. Cantorial and rabbinic students study and learn together and ordination is conferred on both Rabbinic and Cantorial graduates.” Students are grounded in nusach and in contemporary liturgical music.

Jewish Theological Seminary. Music Archives and Sabin Family Music Library

The Jewish music library supports the H.L. Miller Cantorial School of the JTS. The music library contains more than 5,500 reference materials, general Jewish music, cantor’s notebooks, music histories, scores, and sound recordings. Other historical materials include liturgical music,published and unpublished, from late-nineteenth and early twentieth century Europe and Russia. The library serves as a “repository for the history of Jewish music in the United States.” The music archives are part of the JTS special collections. Of special note are the papers of Max Wohlberg, Solomon Rosowsky, Herbert Fromm and Samuel Rosenbaum with finding aids available online. The JTS music archives contains the manuscripts of the Putterman Collection, which were commissioned works for synagogue.
For more information contact
Dr. Eliott Kahn, Music Archivist,
Jewish Theological Seminary
3080 Broadway,
New York, NY 10027
Phone: (212) 678-8076
Fax: (212) 678-8998

The American Seminary for Contemporary Judaism

New Cantorial school which has finished its first year of teaching the art of Chazzanut. Located at the Baldwin Jewish Center in Baldwin, New York. The Seminary is new,having opened in October, 2004, but it is affiliated with the Jewish Ministers Cantors Association of America (JMCA) which was foundin 1896 as the Hazanim Farband iand is the oldest cantorial association in the United Sttes. The JMCA will serve all denominations of Jewish cantors. One of the main advocacies of the group will be the preservation of nusach. The program of study is based on the “nuts and bolts” of what cantors need to know. The perspective is essentially Orthodox, although the Conservative and Reform perspective are also explained to students. The Seminary is at 885 East Seaman Avenue, Baldwin, NY 11510.…

The Academy for Jewish Religion

The Academy for Jewish Religion, located at 6301 Riverdale Ave., Riverdale, NY 10471. Phone: 718 543-9360. They train cantors in a Jewish pluralistic environment. Cantors are trained to “lead dynamic, spiritually uplifting, meaningful religious services in all denominational liturgies and nusach.” They also train rabbis. “It offers full or part time study and mechina programs. Cantorial and rabbinic students study and learn together and ordination is conferred on both Rabbinic and Cantorial graduates.”

Hatikvah Music

Hatikvah Music, located in Los Angeles, California, offers Yiddish, Klezmer, Ladino and Cantorial cassettes and CDs; domestic and imports. Hatikvah, an outgrowth of Norty’s Music founded by Norty & Clarice Beckman in 1948, is the oldest Jewish music store in the U.S. As a retailer/distributor, they have extensive and in-depth selections of Jewish Music available and are the exclusive distributor for various  European labels looking for distribution of their Jewish titles. Phone: (323) 655-7083
Hatikvah Music Int., 436 N. Fairfax Ave., Los Angeles, Ca., 90036

The Guild of Temple Musicians

The Guild of Temple Musicians is an educational and networking organization for synagogue musicians, affiliated with the American Conference of Cantors. It publishes a newsletter and offers workshops for members, as well as an annual convention. The Guild sponsors the Young Composer’s Award for the creation of serious works of Jewish music suitable for worship and/or the concert stage. In addtion, with the American Conference of Cantors, the Guild also runs the Generation to Generation Award to encourage High School musicians to create new works of music. The president for the 2010-2011 term is Aryell Cohen. He is the contact person at the address and phone below.

The Guild of Temple Musicians
5301 Balboa Blvd.
Encino, CA 91316

The Legacy of Robert Moevs

Event title: The Legacy of Robert Moevs; includes Elijah’s Chariot for string quartet and electronics from shofar sounds by Judith Shatin

Event date: Nov 13, 2016

Time: 7:30 p.m.

Location: Address: Shindell Choral Hall, 79 George St. City/Town: New Brunswick, NJ Country: US – United States State: NJ New Jersey Zip Code: 08901

This concert features Composition Teachers and Students at Rutgers University. Distinguished composer Robert Moevs, in whose honor the concert was conceived, was the first composition teacher of Judith Shatin, now William R. Kenan Professor of Music at the University of Virginia. In turn, her PhD advisee, Steven Kemper, is now Assistant Professor of Music at Rutgers University. This concert features music for string quartet, in Shatin’s case with electronics fashioned from recordings of Shofar calls, and shows the circle continuing.…

New York Klezmer Series Lenka Lichtenberg & Fray

Lenka Lichtenberg & Fray appears in NYC   Dec. 6, 2016
Jalopy Theater and School of Music!! 315 Columbia Street Brooklyn, New York 11231

phone 718.395.3214
Workshop 6:30-8:00pm ($25)
Concert at 8:30pm ($15)

Come celebrate her new album Yiddish Journey

Toronto based, Czech born Lenka Lichtenberg singer, composer, songwriter, and chazanit. She has produced numerous recordings based on the European experience, including Yiddish songs, and her CD Breathing Walls, where she visited many old synagogues in Czech Republic, and joint projects with Yair Dalal.



Annual Concert for a Bold Spiritual Community of Resistance and Love

Sunday, May 21, 2017, 4 PM
130 W 30, NYC

The Emma Lazarus powerful 1883 sonnet, “The New Colossus,” inscribed on the pedestal of the Statue of Liberty, has served as a beacon of welcome and hope to generations of immigrants who came to our shores seeking refuge and freedom. We can revel in the chamber music, songs, liturgical settings, choral music and works for Yiddish theater created by immigrant composers, Bela Bartok, Ernest Bloch, Kurt Weill, Sholom Secunda, Irving Berlin, Miguel del Aguila, and Regina Spektor,

performed by

Elana Arian, violin/singer, Ivan Barenboim, clarinet, Adria Benjamin, viola, Tomoko Fujita, cello, John Riddle, tenor, Beth Robin, piano, Joyce Rosenzweig, pianist/conductor, Amanda Seigel, soprano, Sebu Sirinian, violin, Lisa Tipton, violin, Sally Wilfert, singer, Cantor Steve Zeidenberg, singer, and the CBST Community Chorus.


“Yiddish is a M’Khaye”

Hits and Skits from Second Avenue to Pitkin Avenue
with Hy Wolfe, Miryem-Khaye Seigel and Steve Sterner
6:30 PM
Monday, October 27, 2014
Yiddish Artists and Friends Actors’ Club (YAFAC)
Fall Dinner and Concert
A glatt kosher dinner will be served.
Sutton Place Synagogue, 225 E 51st St, New York, NY
Members: $40
Guests: $45
Reservations required to
Send checks to Ruth Harris, Treaurer. 379 Barnard Ave., Cedarhurst, NY 11516
Phone: 516-569-1678

Miryem-Khaye Seigel and Sender Botwinik in Concert
Yiddish Culture Festival
Monday, November 3, 2014
KINSC Sharpless Auditorium
Haverford College,
370 Lancaster Avenue
Haverford, PA 19041
Welcome – Yiddish Culture Festival 2014
For More Info:
Jeff Tecosky-Feldman

Fraenkel, Yossi

Yossi Fraenkel is a London-based Hassidic singer who travels around the world performing widely for Chassidic and Yiddish audiences. In 1998 he performed for British royal family. His recent stage performances include Simchas Beis Hashoevoat at Lubavitch World Headquarters in Crown Hights, Brooklyn, NY. Unfortunately his website doesn’t provide any clips of music, but he has contact information for those wishing bookings.
Phone: +44 (0)7946-359-697.

YIVO to Digitize Ruth Rubin Field Recordings

Lorin Sklamberg, Sound Archivist at YIVO writes:

We [YIVO] have indeed begun the work of digitizing Ruth Rubin’s collection of field recordings. A large portion of the materials were transferred and databased by Bay Area singer/instrumentalist Jeanette Lewicki over the summer with the support of New York’s Center for Traditional Music and Dance. Though far from completed, the tracks that have been processed are currently being prepared for on-site use in the not-too-distant future by YIVO Sound Archives consultant Matt Temkin.

Renewed interest in these treasures can be partially attributed to the posthumous publication of Yiddish Folksongs from the Ruth Rubin Archives edited by Chana Mlotek and Mark Slobin (Wayne University Press, 2007). Recent projects that utilize the songs include my own Saints and Tzadiks (songs from the Irish and Yiddish traditions developed together with Susan McKeown), Voices of Ashkenaz (German-Jewish song connections explored by Andreas Schmitges, Deborah Strauss, Svetlana Kundish and Thomas Fritze) and Alpen Klezmer (Bavarian and Yiddish songs with Andrea Pancur and Ilya Shneyveys).…

Krakauer Plays with Detroit Symphony

The Detroit Symphony Orchestra under the direction of Leonard Slatkin will give the premiere performance of the Clarinet Klezmer Concerto, by Wlad Marhulets. The featured clarinet soloist is David Krakauer, one of the foremost musicians of the vital new wave of klezmer. The concerts will take place at the Orchestra Hall in Detroit on December 10th – 13th, 2009.
Max M. Fisher Music Center
3711 Woodward Avenue
Detroit, Michigan 48201
Box Office Phone: (313) 576-5111
Box Office Fax: (313) 576-5109

Alicia live at Battery Park

Alicia Svigals’ Klezmer Fiddle Express at River to River Festival
Alicia’s band, with pianist Marilyn Lerner, bassist Brian Glassman
and drummer Grant Smith, closes out the Emma Lazarus Birthday
Celebration, a Yiddish/klezmer concert presented by the Workmen’s
Circle/Arbeter-Ring as part of Yiddishfest 2008. Also on the
bill: Pharaoh’s Daughter and the Three Yiddish Divas.

Time: 7:00pm
Date: July 16, 2008
Location: Battery Park
Price: Free
Phone: 212.683.7816

Click here for more info