Musica Judaica Issues: 2000-2001, Volume XV

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Volume XV. 2000-2001

Israel J. Katz
Arbie Orenstein

Greetings from Hadassah B. Markson p. iv
From the Editorsp. iv
Nationalism and the Creation of Jewish Music: The Politicization of Music and Language in the German-Jewish Press Prior to the Second World WarEsther Schmidt p.1
Heinrich Schalit and Weimar Jewish MusicEliott Kahn p.33
The Song of Israel: An Eastern ViewpointAmnon Shiloahp.69
Yemenite Women's Songs at the Habani Jews' Wedding CelebrationsYael Shaip. 83
The Third London International Conference on Jewish Music (2000)Malcolm Millerp.97
A Musical Banquet: the Tenth London International Jewish Music Festival (11 June-13 July 2000)Malcolm Millerp.111
IN MEMORIAM: Irene Heskes (1923-1999)Jon Newsomp.119
IN MEMORIAM: Byron Cantrell (1919-1997)Israel J. Katzp.122
IN MEMORIAM: Charles Haywood (1905-2000)Israel J. Katzp.123
IN MEMORIAM: Ruth RubinZalman Mlotekp.126
REVIEWS: Kay Kaufman Shelemay, Let Jasmine Rain Down:Song and Remembrance among Syrian Jews (Chicago, 1996)Israel J. Katzp.128
REVIEWS: Don Harran, Salamone Rossi: Jewish Musician in Late Renaissance Mantua (Oxford, 1999)Israel J. Katzp.138
Contributors of articles to this issuep.147
Updated 25 March, 2005

All content © 2000-2001 American Society for Jewish Music.
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