Musica Judaica Issues: 2001-2002, Volume XVI

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Volume XVI. 2001-2002

Israel J. Katz
Arbie Orenstein

President's Greetings p. iv
From the Editors p. vi
The Metaphor of Light in Joseph Haydn's Oratorio, The Creation (1798): A New Jewish Textual SourceAdena Portowitz p.1
The Music of David Nowakowsky (1848-1921): A New Voice from Old OdessaEmanuel Rubinp.21
Toward a Clearer Definition of the Mogen Avot ModeBoaz Tarsi p.53
Synagogal Chanting of the Bible: A Linking of Linguistics and EtnomusicologyRachel Mashiah and Uri Sharvitp.81
In Memoriam: Alexander L. Ringer (1921-2002)Amnon Shiloah p.99
Two Significant Musicological Events: Commemorating Salamone Rossi (ca.1570 - ca. 1628) and Eric Werner (1901-1988)Mark Kligmanp.109
The Turn of the Millennium in Jewish Music: A Bibliography of Selected Items (1999-2002)Compiled by
Judith Shira Pinnolis
Conributors of articles to this issuep.151
ASJM Membershipp.153
Updated 25 March, 2005

All content © 2001-2002 American Society for Jewish Music.
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