International Archive of Jewish Music

Burton A. Zipser, Director. Located in Southfield, Michigan, the mission of the IAJM is to discover, collect, preserve, and disseminate information about music for adult choirs and instrumental groups of varying sizes.

The International Archive of Jewish Music primarily is concerned with choral works of Jewish music. The Archive is part of a recognized non-profit. As of the end of 2001, over 1100 choral compositions are included in the choral section of the Archive. The Archive has also created a database of composers of Jewish music. There are over 1626 names in that database, with approximately 60% being cantors.
Music has been acquired through contributions from composers, as well as discounted purchases from publishers’ lists. Three collections have been obtained in either microfilm or xerox-flow
versions and these are being catalogued. Because the Archive also has a performance “arm”, it will be
possible to present concerts of the music, and to work in cooperative efforts with publishers and composers to create recorded versions of the music which can be a further benefit to the composer
or his/her estate.
All inquiries should be directed to:
Burton A. Zipser
The International Archive of Jewish Music
c/o Oakland Performing Arts, Inc.
17333 W. Ten Mile Rd. Suite B
Southfield, MI 48075-2950
Phone: 248-552-0025
Fax: 248-552-0027