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Musica Judaica Issues: 1983-84, Volume VI, No. 1

This Table of Contents Service is provided by The Jewish Music WebCenter on behalf of The American Society for Jewish Music.

Volume VI. Number 1. 5744/1983-84

Israel J. Katz

Lazare Saminsky's Early Years in New York City (1920-1928): Excerpts from an Unpublished AutobiographyEdited by Israel J. Katz p.1
Sephardic Folkliterature and Eastern Mediterranean Oral TraditionSamuel G. Armistead and Joseph H. Silvermanp.38
A Trascription of the Judeo-Spanish Ballad La vuelta del maridoIsrael J. Katzp.55
The "Prologue" to Jewish Music in Twentieth-Century America: Four Representative Figures: [Bloch, Saminsky, Copland, and Weisgall]Albert Weisserp.60
Max Helfman: The Man and His Musical LegacyPhilip Moddel and Richard J. Neumann (Including a listing of Helfman's compositions compiled by Judith Tischler)p.67
Last Chants for the Cantorate?


Musica Judaica Issues: 1982-83, Volume V, No. 1

This Table of Contents Service is provided by The Jewish Music WebCenter on behalf of The American Society for Jewish Music.

Volume V. Number 1. 5743/1982-83

Israel J. Katz
Laura Leon-Cohen, Associate Editor

Hugo Weisgall's The Golden Peacock: A Stylistic and Interpretive Analysis of Two SongsLaura Leon-Cohen p.1
Frederick Emil Kitziger of New Orleans: A Nineteenth-Century Composer of Synagogue MusicJohn H. Baronp.21
The Biblical Trope System in Ashkenazic Phrophetic ReadingJoseph A. Levinep.35
Modulation as an Integral Part of the Modal System in Jewish Music Judit Laki Frigyesip.53
The Development of the Hallel Chant as Reflected in Rabbinic Literature Macy Nulmanp.72
Antisemitism and Music in Nineteenth-Century France James H. Johnsonp.79
Record Reviews: The Art of Moshe Rudinow.


Musica Judaica Issues: 1981-82, Volume IV, No. 1

This Table of Contents Service is provided by The Jewish Music WebCenter on behalf of The American Society for Jewish Music.

Volume IV. Number 1. 5742/1981-82

Israel J. Katz
Albert Weisser
Laura Leon-Cohen, Associate Editor

Dedicated to the Memory of Albert Weisser (1918-1982)

The Music Division of the Jewish-Ethnographic Expedition in the Name of BaronHorace Guinzbourg (1911-1914)Albert Weisser p.1
Curt Sachs and the Library Museum of the Performing ArtsCarleton Sprague Smithp.9
The Role of Ethnomusicology in the Study of Jewish MusicJohanna Spector p.20
The Enigma of the Antonio Bustelo Judeo-Spanish Ballad tunes in Manuel L. Ortega's Los hebreos en marreucosIsrael J. Katzp.33
On the Melody of David Edelstadts's "Vacht Oyfl" Robert A. Rothsteinp.69
Book and Music Reviews: Neil Levin, ed.


Musica Judaica Issues: 1989-90, Volume XI

This Table of Contents Service is provided by The Jewish Music WebCenter on behalf of The American Society for Jewish Music.

Volume XI. Number 1. 5750/1989-90

Neil W. Levin

Assistant Editor, Alexander V. Knapp

Written Evidence and Oral tradition: The Singing of Hayom Harat Olam in Sephardi SynagoguesEdwin Seroussi p.1
Neglected Sources for the Historical Study of Synagogue Music: The Prefaces to Louis Lewandowski's Kol Rinnah u'T'Fillah and Todah W'simrah--Annotated TranslationsGeoffrey Goldbergp.27
A Guide to the Unpublished Works of Gershon Ephros (1890-1978): An Annotated BibliographyMarsha Bryan Edelmanp.58
Lord Byron's Hebrew Melodies: A Curious Episode Reconsidered-- A Review EssayCarole Rosenp.86
Reviews: Philip V. Bohlman, The Land Where Two Streams Flow: Music in the German-Jewish Community of Israel (Urbana and Chicago, 1989)Samuel Adlerp.93
Akiva Zimmermann, B'ron Yahad: Essays, Research and Notes on Hazzanut and Jewish Music (Tel Aviv, 1988)Joseph A.


Musica Judaica Issues: 1991-92, Volume XII

This Table of Contents Service is provided by The Jewish Music WebCenter on behalf of The American Society for Jewish Music.

Volume XII. 5754/1991-92

Neil W. Levin

Assistant Editor, Alexander V. Knapp

Founder, Albert Weisser (1918-1982)

A Song to Heal Your Wounds: Traditional Lullabies in the Repertoire of the Jews of IraqSara Manasseh p.1
A Golden Age for Jewish Composers in Paris: 1820-1865John H. Baron p.30
The Message of Moses and Aaron as Reflection of Arnold Schoenberg's spiritual QuestBoaz Tarsip.52
An Historic Israeli-American Musical Dialogue in New York: The Counter-Harmonies ConferenceMalcolm Millerp.65
Edith Gerson-Kiwi: In MemoriamEdwin Seroussip.75
Reviews: Susana Weich-Shahak, ed., Judeo-Spanish Moroccan Songs for the Life Cycle (Jerusalem, 1989)Laurence D. Loebp.


Musica Judaica Issues: 1993-94, Volume XIII

This Table of Contents Service is provided by The Jewish Music WebCenter on behalf of The American Society for Jewish Music.

Volume XIII. Number 1. 5755/1993-94

Neil W. Levin

Assistant Editor, Alexander V. Knapp

Founder, Albert Weisser (1918-1982)

From the EditorNeil W. Levin p.iv
An Unanticipated Consequence of Political/Racial Persecution: the Contribution of Jewish Musicians to the Cultural Transfer of European Art Music to JapanIrene Suchy p.1
Mordecai Sandberg (1897-1973): A Catalogue of the MusicAustin Clarkson, with Karen Pegley and Jay Rahnp.18
An International Conference on Jewish Music at City University, LondonMalcolm Miller p.82
Award of the Degree of Doctor of Humane Letters, Honoris Causa, to Israel Adler p.90
Hanoch Avenary: In MemoriamEdwin Seroussi p.93
Reviews: Walter Salmen, "...denn die Fiedel macht das Fest." Jüdische Musikanten und TÄnzer vom 13.


Musica Judaica Issues: 2000-2001, Volume XV

This Table of Contents Service is provided by The Jewish Music WebCenter on behalf of The American Society for Jewish Music.

Volume XV. 2000-2001

Israel J. Katz
Arbie Orenstein

Greetings from Hadassah B. Markson p. iv
From the Editorsp. iv
Nationalism and the Creation of Jewish Music: The Politicization of Music and Language in the German-Jewish Press Prior to the Second World WarEsther Schmidt p.1
Heinrich Schalit and Weimar Jewish MusicEliott Kahn p.33
The Song of Israel: An Eastern ViewpointAmnon Shiloahp.69
Yemenite Women's Songs at the Habani Jews' Wedding CelebrationsYael Shaip. 83
The Third London International Conference on Jewish Music (2000)Malcolm Millerp.97
A Musical Banquet: the Tenth London International Jewish Music Festival (11 June-13 July 2000)Malcolm Millerp.111
IN MEMORIAM: Irene Heskes (1923-1999)Jon Newsomp.119
IN MEMORIAM: Byron Cantrell (1919-1997)Israel J.


Gideon, Miriam

Information from the recording by CRI on the composer’s works. For additional information on Miriam Gideon, see the article by Judith Pinnolis in Women and Music in America Since 1900 vol. I, (Greenwood Press, 2002). Gideon’s compositions with Jewish materials include: The Hound of Heaven (1945), How Goodly Are Thy Tents (1947), Adon Olam (1954) , Psalm 84, Three Biblical Masques (1958), Sacred Service (1970), Shirat Miriam L’Shabbat (1974), The Resounding Lyre (1979), and A Woman of Valor(1981).

Musica Judaica Issues: 2001-2002, Volume XVI

This Table of Contents Service is provided by The Jewish Music WebCenter on behalf of The American Society for Jewish Music.

Volume XVI. 2001-2002

Israel J. Katz
Arbie Orenstein

President's Greetings p. iv
From the Editors p. vi
The Metaphor of Light in Joseph Haydn's Oratorio, The Creation (1798): A New Jewish Textual SourceAdena Portowitz p.1
The Music of David Nowakowsky (1848-1921): A New Voice from Old OdessaEmanuel Rubinp.21
Toward a Clearer Definition of the Mogen Avot ModeBoaz Tarsi p.53
Synagogal Chanting of the Bible: A Linking of Linguistics and EtnomusicologyRachel Mashiah and Uri Sharvitp.81
In Memoriam: Alexander L. Ringer (1921-2002)Amnon Shiloah p.99
Two Significant Musicological Events: Commemorating Salamone Rossi (ca.1570 - ca. 1628) and Eric Werner (1901-1988)Mark Kligmanp.109
The Turn of the Millennium in Jewish Music: A Bibliography of Selected Items (1999-2002)Compiled by
Judith Shira Pinnolis
Conributors of articles to this issuep.151
ASJM Membershipp.153
Updated 25 March, 2005

All content © 2001-2002 American Society for Jewish Music.…

Musica Judaica: Journal of the American Society for Jewish Music

This Table of Contents Service is provided by The Jewish Music WebCenter on behalf of The American Society for Jewish Music.

Wajner, Leon

This brief life of Leon Wajner comes from an album collection of his songs, Cantos de lucha y resurgimiento (Songs of Struggle and Resurrection). Summarized and translated from the Spanish by Lori Cahan-Simon.

Leon Wajner
Born in Lodz in 1898. Died, (Argentina?) 1979. Composer, conductor, performer, and educator. Wajner came from a family of cantors. He studied viola, conducting, at the State Conservatory in Warsaw. Between the years 1915 and 1939, he was a prize winning violist and toured Europe, taught singing and music in various schools, and directed various choirs and orchestras. He was musical director of the Polish Military Theater in Lublin, as well as acting as Minister of Religion and Culture.

He was called to service in the Polish army and was imprisoned by the Russians on September 17, 1939 and held in Rovno, Volinia.…

Amram, David

American. Composer, educator, French horn, piano, guitar. Degree from George Washington University in 1952. Composer-in-residence with the New York Philharmonic, 1966-67. Composed over 100 orchestral and chamber works. Scored Broadway musicals and films. Director of Young People’s, Family, and Free Summer concert programs for the Brooklyn Philharmonic. Wrote a book:Offbeat: Collaborating With Kerouac (2002). Also plays a variety of folk instruments. Known for his work with jazzmen Dizzy Gillespie, Charlie Parker, Charlie Mingus, Thelonius Monk and Lionel Hampton. The Washington Posthailed Amram as “one of the most versatile and skilled musicians America has ever produced.” Amram’s family were from Savannah, GA, but he grew up in Pennsylvania and Washington DC. Wrote The Sacred Servicein early 1960s. It was commissioned by the Park Avenue Synagogue in New York, where it had its premiere in 1962.…

Yarkoni, Yaffa

Born in Israel in 1925, Yarkoni has had a successful singing career in the new State of Israel, starting off singing songs of the Palmach. She was a radio operator during Israel’s War of Independence. She started singing for large groups at that time, appearing in the army choral troupe and continued to bolster the nation’s morale through many of the tough wars for the next fifty years and became known as “the Singer of the Wars.” In 1967, Yarkoni was chosen to sing “Jerusalem of Gold” in front of the Western Wall after Israel recaptured the city. She traveled throughout the world singing Israel’s new Hebrew songs to sell-out audiences in world venues such as New York’s Carnegie Hall, the Paris Olympia and London’s Palladium.…

Ellen Schiller, Benjie

Cantor Benjie Ellen Schiller is both the first woman to be a full time faculty member at the School of Sacred Music at Hebrew Union College-Jewish Institute of Religion in New York and a composer of sacred music. Born in New York on April 14, 1958 to Miriam and Nathan Schiller, Cantor Schiller studied voice and composition, and received a B. M. in Theory and Composition at Boston University in 1980. She continued graduate studies there in voice and choral conducting, and shortly thereafter, married Rabbi Lester Bronstein in June, 1981.

She attended the School of Sacred Music of Hebrew Union College in New York and was invested in 1987. Her Master Thesis composition was “Life Song Cycle.” Cantor Schiller also became a full time faculty member and taught courses in cantillation, basic nusach (prayer modes) and the in-depth study of repertoire for Shabbat.…

Robbins, Betty (Bertha Abramson)

American. Born April 9, 1924, Cavala, Greece. First female synagogue cantor. At age 4, she moved to Poland with her family. As a youngster there, she convinced the local cantor to teach her to sing for synagogue, (which he agreed to do if she cut her braids!) In 1938, the family escaped from Poland to Australia. There, she met and married an American service man and moved to US, settling in Oceanside, New York. In 1955, she was appointed cantor at Temple Avodah for their High Holidays. The New York Times ran an article on August 3, 1955, quoting Reform officials that she may have been “the very first woman cantor in …Jewish history.” She continued to teach children and serve as a cantor in various synagogues in places she lived, and on Jewish holiday cruises.…

Milch-Sheriff, Ella

Nee Ella Milch. Born 1954 In Haifa, Israel. Composer. Singer, pianist. Milch-Sheriff started as a child prodigy, writing her first compositions by the age of 12. While serving in the Israeli army, she continued to write and sing her songs. After army service, she returned to studies in composition under Prof. Tzvi Avni at the Rubin Academy of Music at the Tel-Aviv University where she graudated in composition. She studied vocal studies with Prof. Tamar Rachum and Dafna Cohen-Licht. Her output consists of opera, orchestral, chamber and vocal and popular music. Her works have had numerous performances in Israel and abroad. She is composer of chamber works such as: Duo for flute & Cello (1976) with recent pieces that include “A Crown they shall give unto You” for voice and orchestra based on Ladino-Flamenco folk music (premiered January 2005); “Woman in Paths” for voice and piano (premiered 2005); and “Good Night, Sweet ladies” for 3 singers, actress and orchestra (premiered 2004).…

Boyd Leon, Carol

American. Composer, songleader, cantorial soloist, choir director and music educator. Born and grew up in Baldwin, NY, graduated from Brown University, and has resided in Northern Virgiinia since 1977. Her music is “characterized by its lovely and singable melodies; her focus is on creating music for congregational and school use.” Ms. Leon is the current and founding director of several Jewish youth and adult choirs in the Washington, D.C. metropolitan area, coordinates Northern Virginia’s annual Jewish choral festival called “NoVaShir,” and teaches and leads Jewish music at several area schools and synagogues. Her works include “Family Shabbat” (with CD, 2000), “Jewish Life Cycle” (2002), “Gan Shirim: 70 New Jewish Songs for Children” (with double-CD, published by KTAV Publshing House in 2004), and “A Healing Service In Song” (DVD, 2005).…

Hess, Myra

Born, February 25, 1890, near London where she died, November 25, 1965. Classical pianist. Educated at Royal Academy, graduating 1907. Appeared as soloist with Concertgebouw Orchestra as early as 1912, which started her intense career. During WWII, instituted concerts at London’s National Gallery and other public service work, for which she was honored with title Dame.

World Premiere Performances of Meira Warshauer Music

World Premiere Performances of Meira Warshauer’s Concerto for
Shofar/Trombone and Orchestra
in Wilmington and Brevard, NC, and
Columbia, SC

Tekeeyah (a call) – Concerto for
Shofar/Trombone and Orchestra, will be given its World Premiere
performances with shofar/trombone virtuoso Haim Avitsur on the following

Musica Judaica Issues: 2003-2004, Volume XVII

This Table of Contents Service is provided by The Jewish Music WebCenter on behalf of The American Society for Jewish Music.

Volume XVII. 2003-2004

Israel J. Katz
Arbie Orenstein

President's Greetings p. iv
From the Editors p. vii
Marriage and Music as Metaphor: The Wedding Odes of Leon Modena and Salamone RossiDon Harranp. 1
Don Harran p. 1
The Cantorial Fantasia Revisited: New Perspectives on an AShkenazic Musical Genre
Geoffrey Goldbergp. 33
Where Musical Realms Meet: Hermann Zivi--An Exemplar of the German-Jewish CantorateTina Fruhaufp. 87
A Conversation with Miriam Gideon (1906-1996)Judith Shira Pinnolisp. 107
Problems Concerning the History of Jewish MusicBence Szabolsci Translaed by
Stephen Erdely
p. 143
A Conference on The St. Petersburg Society for Jewish Folk Music (1908-1938) held at the University of Potsdam, Germany (May, 2004)Malcolm Miller p.


Oxford publishes Tina Fruhauf’s book on German Jewish organ music

Tina Fruhauf Organ and Its Music in German-Jewish Culture Oxford University Press has released the scholarly work of Dr. Tina Fruhauf, The Organ and Its Music in German-Jewish Culture. The press descriptions states that the book “examines the powerful but often overlooked presence of the organ in synagogue music and the musical life of German-speaking Jewish communities. Tina Frühauf expertly chronicles the history of the organ in Jewish culture from the earliest references in the Talmud through the 19th century, when it had established a firm and lasting presence in Jewish sacred and secular spaces in central Europe. Frühauf demonstrates how the introduction of the organ into German synagogues was part of the significant changes which took place in Judaism after the Enlightenment, and posits the organ as a symbol of the division of the Jewish community into Orthodox and Reform congregations.…


Albuquerque, New Mexico, USA
February 17th through February 19th President s Day weekend

The weekend-long event features concerts, dance parties, lectures and classes with
the renown Klezmer performing artists.
Schedule of Events:
Friday, February 17th, 6:30pm:
Freylekhe Shabbes Concert & Dance Party featuring a ‘danced’ Kabbalat Shabbat
service followed by a potluck vegetarian dinner (7:00) and a short concert (7:30) by
our featured musicians Adrianne Greenbaum & Margot Leverett. accompanied by ABQ’s
favorite Klezband The Rebbe’s Orkestra, concert segues into dancing lead by our
featured dance artist Steve Weintraub & Nahalat Shalom s Yiddish dance troupe Rikud
($10.00 -suggested donation).

Saturday, February 18th Events:
9:30-10:45am: Yiddish and Eastern European dance class with Steve Weintraub ($18
adults, 17 and under $10).…

Musical Event Celebrating Jews of Color

New York – Ayecha, a leading Jewish diversity organization, is hosting a groundbreaking musical event celebrating the experience of Jews of Color in Israel, Africa and the United States. This historical event will feature top Jewish performers, including the internationally acclaimed Joshua Nelson and Danny Maseng.

The Jewish Soul Celebration concert will take place on
December 17, 2005,
from 8pm – 11pm,
at the Peter Norton Symphony Space at 2537
Broadway at 95th Street.
For more
on Ayecha, visit

Gershon Kingsley CD from Milken

Gershon Kingsley [8.559435]
This new recording of four works by German-born American composer
Gershon Kingsley reveals the influence of American idioms and
contemporary musical developments-in this case jazz and electronic
music-on the work of Jewish composers, and confirms the openness of both
composers and Jewish institutions to expanding the boundaries of
traditional liturgical practice. In addition, the CD illustrates the
continuing affect of the Holocaust in provoking response by creative
artists, and points to the upcoming observance of the 60th anniversary
of the allied liberation of the concentration camps in the spring of
1945.For details about this CD, go to


The Center for Jewish Music of the Jewish Community Center of St.
Petersburg is proud to announce “KlezFest St. Petersburg 2005,” an
international seminar on the traditional music of Eastern European
Jewry, to be held June 18-22, 2005 in St. Petersburg, Russia.

Nigun Anthology Vol 1

New Book released by Transcon… Nigun Anthology.
*Unique, diverse compilation of wordless Jewish melodies (nigunim) and
liturgical settings
*Features nigunim from folk tradition and contemporary
*Includes Notational index by melody line & foreword by ethnomusicologist
Judah Cohen

*Transcending history, language, and society, the nigun – or wordless
Jewish melody – helps unify us in worship or around the Shabbat table.
Nigunim have long served to spark the spirit: 18th century Chasidim sang
nigunim to create a mood of holiness; in today’s liberal Jewish worship
service, the nigun helps shift focus to prayer from the concerns of the
outside world. Now, Transcontinental Music introduces the first
comprehensive anthology of inspiring nigun melodies, available in a
songbook with CD and on CD alone.
Purchase Songbook with CD
Purchase CD only:


A Southwestern celebration of Klezmer music and dance into the 21st century: a weekend of concerts, dance parties, and classes featuring the music and dance of the Eastern European Jewish People.
FEBRUARY 18th through FEBRUARY 20th, 2005 (President’s day weekend).
Presented by Congregation Nahalat Shalom (Inheritance of Peace congregation) – a non-profit, tax-exempt organization in Albuquerque, New Mexico, USA. For details….

Feel the Spirit…Sing a new song!

You are invited to join us for a Musical Friday Night Service at
225 East 51st Street (between Second and and Third Ave)
Friday, April 30th, at 6:00 PM sharp!
Oneg will follow…
With: Rabbi Alan Schrantz, Cantor Dov Keren,
*Shirona* and the Ruach Instrumental Ensemble.

KITKA Yiddish Song Workshop

KITKA is thrilled to be hosting two Yiddish Folk Singing workshops with
MICHAEL ALPERT plus two concerts and a Ukrainian Ritual Folk Song workshop
with the wonderful singer/actress from Lviv, Ukraine, MARIANA SADOVSKA.
Yiddish Folk Singing Workshops with MICHAEL ALPERT.
Introduction to Yiddish Folk Singing
Tuesday, April 13, 2004
7:30 – 9:30 PM

Advanced Yiddish Folk Singing
Thursday, April 14, 2004
7:30 -9:30 PM

First Congregational Church
27th and Harrison Streets
Oakland, CA
$20 per workshop
Registration and Information: 510.444.0323 or

Kol Zimra: Chant Leader’s Training

Held at ELAT CHAYYIM in 99 Mill Hook Road, Accord, New York, starting August 2-8, 2004…
If you are one of the many people who have been moved and transformed by Rabbi Shefa Gold’s chanting practice and if you are a healer, teacher, artist or spiritual leader in your community, here is your chance to cultivate the inner qualities and learn the practical techniques that will enable you to bring that joy and meaning to others…not to mention the abundant blessings it will bring to your own spiritual life. Please feel free to pass this information on to others
who might benefit from it.


The Center for Jewish Music of the Jewish Community Center of St.
Petersburg is proud to announce “KlezFest St. Petersburg 2006,” an
international seminar on the traditional music of Eastern European
Jewry, to be held June 17-22, 2006 in St. Petersburg, Russia.

Music in Jewish History and Culture

By Emanuel Rubin and John H. Baron

In a carefully chosen title, Rubin and Baron set about to teach not only Jewish music but to give the reader a handle to understand their working definition of Jewish music which is “Jewish music is music that serves Jewish purposes.” Thus Music in Jewish History and Culture is a title that tells the reader that any music “that serves Jewish purposes” in the course of time, various places and for various Jewish cultural or religious purposes might be construed as Jewish music. This is functional music. It must be at the service of those in the community for religious, spiritual, national, psychological, artistic or cultural matters. In the end, there are many Jewish musics. These are not only the product of the ages past such as cantillation, nusach or synagogue modes, but also the music of the streets of today’s youth in Israel or elsewhere.…

Musica Judaica Issues: 1986-87, Volume IX

This Table of Contents Service is provided by The Jewish Music WebCenter on behalf of The American Society for Jewish Music.

Volume IX. Number 1. 5748/1986-87

Israel J. Katz

Associate/Review Editor, Neil W. Levin

Chant and Cantillation Johanna Spector p.1
Folk Music in the Urban German-Jewish Community 1890-1919Philip V. Bohlman p.22
Fumio Koizumi of Japan: An Asian's Use of the Concepts of Melody Found in the Works of Abraham Z. Idelsohn, Robert Lachmann, and Curt SachsJames Siddons p.35
Ami Maayani and the Yiddish Art Song (Part II)Laya Harbater Silber p.47
Hebrew as an Elucidator of Concepts in Western MusicVered Cohen p.65
In Memoriam: Reuven Kosakoff (1898-1987)Sharon Kosakoff p.68
Book Reviews: Letter to the EditorBernard Beer p.76
Book Reviews: A Reply to Cantor BeerNeil Levin p.77
Book Reviews: Adaqi, Yehiel, and Uri Sharvit.


Cabaret by the Bay San Rafael

Come in from the mishegos (insanity) outside, have a seat,

and refresh your neshomeh (soul) at

Cabaret by the Bay San Rafael

THIS SUNDAY, 5:00pm   November 20, 2016

Comedy, Yiddish song, Storytelling, Dancing, Klezmer Music, and More!
At the Osher Marin JCC, 200 N. San Pedro Road, San Rafael
Presented by KlezCalifornia, Osher Marin JCC, and New Yiddish Theater
  • Reb Irwin Keller, Master of Ceremonies
  • Veretski Pass (Cookie Segelstein, Joshua Horowitz, Stu Brotman), klezmer band
  • Jewlia Eisenberg with Jeremiah Lockwood, singers
  • Naomi Newman, performance artist 
  • Jake Marmer, poet 
  • Anthony Russell, singer 
  • Gerry Tenney, singer

This Cabaret celebrates the release of Gerry Tenney’s newest CD: “Gerry Tenney & California Klezmer: A Retrospective.”

Tickets:  $20 adult, $10 teen, free for ages 12 and under. More details here.


H.L. Miller Cantorial School and College of Jewish Music: Jewish Theological Seminary

The Miller Cantorial School trains cantors in the Conservative movement. The College of Jewish Music trains musicians for congregational service or as teachers of Jewish music, choral directors, composers or research scholars. The H.L. Miller Cantorial School awards the diploma of hazzan and the College of Jewish Music awards the bachelor’s and master’s degrees in sacred music. Students preparing for the cantorate are enrolled in both schools and are expected to complete the diploma program and the master of sacred music degree simultaneously, on a full-time basis, preferably within a five-year period.

Beth Schafer in Beaumont, TX

Beth Schafer will be leading two events in Beaumont, TX the second week in February.
Friday, Feb 13 2009
8:00 PM Service with Beth Schafer trio!
Age Limit: All ages Tickets: FREE

Sat Feb 14 2009
7:00 PM
Concert with Beth Schafer Trio!
held at:
Temple Emanuel
1120 Broadway St Beaumont, TX 77701
for more info: Phone: (409) 832-6131

Jewish Folklore in Israel

This website is dedicated to Jewish folklore, mainly in Israel, and of many different groups from around the world. The site brings up-to-date news of publications in the field of Jewish folklore. These includes tables of contents, links to academic departments and institutions including the Israel Folktale Archive at University of Haifa, and periodicals in Hebrew and English. Some sets of tables of contents service to journals such as Yuval, of the Jewish Music Research Centre in Jerusalem, and other journals containing articles on dance and Jewish music.

Leynen in the Fast Lane

by Hazzan Jack Kessler. A book-and-cd package designed as an easy-access method to fluid Torah chant. The method begins with the trop sung as a niggun to become grounded in the melody before engaging the ‘nuts and bolts’ of trop signs, and continues with many practice examples from Torah.

Nusach CDs: Nusach Ha-Tefilla is the collection of traditional nusach for the entire Jewish liturgical year by Hazzan Jack Kessler. The recordings combine the basic melodic material, sung in a straight-ahead, non-florid way in the appropriate mood for each service, with a wide range of havurah-style melodies for group participation. The series may be purchased in holiday blocks. Hazzan Kessler may be reached at or 215-849-9227.

KlezFest London 2006 alongside a Jewish Song School this summer

KlezFest London 2006 Sunday 13-Friday 18 August
Jewish Song School Sunday 13-Friday 18 August
Ot Azoy! Yiddish Course Sunday 6-Friday 11 August

KlezFest London is a hands-on learning experience with luminaries of the Klezmer revival
from Europe and America, focusing on the style, ornamentation, rhythm and repertoire of
Eastern European Jewish music, song and dance. It is an inspirational and life-enhancing
experience for amateur and professional instrumentalists and singers. In 2006, KlezFest
includes a special parallel strand for professional klezmer players as well as the
parallel Song School. KlezFest is preceded by a fantastic one-week Yiddish course ideal
for complete beginners and for singers but catering also for advanced language students.
Booking is now open and details and registration can be found on Web

Cantorial Summer School Progressive Tradition 2006

The Sabbath in the Progressive Tradition
L’chu N’ran’nah L’Adonai – Come let us sing to the Eternal One!
A four-day intensive course for synagogue musicians, worship leaders, choir
directors, and all lovers of Jewish music.
Course Director, Cantor Josee Wolff (New York)
Sunday 18 June – Wednesday 21 June 2006
Daily 10.30am – 5.30pm
West London Synagogue, 33 Seymour Place, London, W1
Full rate: £165 students rate £120. Daily rate: £45
Registration and more details Tel: 020 8909 2445

Czechs Turn Out for Jews and included Music

This item caught our attention. Good People supporting each other against hate and rage.
And music as well as marching played a part.

PRAGUE (JTA) – With several hundred neo-Nazis preparing to descend
upon Prague’s Jewish quarter for a brazen march on the anniversary of
Kristallnacht, Prague’s small Jewish community found some unusual
allies: anarchists, a Muslim leader and thousands of non-Jewish

On a freezing Sabbath afternoon that marked the 69th anniversary of
the Night of Broken Glass, the neo-Nazis got the boot in the Czech
capital — literally, in some cases.

Thousands of Czechs filled the streets Saturday to protest the
neo-Nazis in an unusually large and emotional show of solidarity with
the country’s Jews that in some cases turned violent. . .

Only about 1,500 Jews live in Prague, but some 3,000 to 4,000
demonstrators turned out for the day’s events.…

Free Synagogue of Flushing presents Judas Maccabaeus

Free Synagogue Cantor with Choir

As its Chanukkah gift to the community, the Free Synagogue of Flushing will present a special performance of Handel’s Judas Maccabaeus on Friday, December 19, 8:15 PM.

The Bible-based musical masterwork, which tells the story of Chanukkah, is FREE and open to the public.

It will feature celebrated Cantor Steven Pearlston and the distinguished Free Synagogue choir.
Robert Barrows will play the synagogue s historic pipe organ, which dates back to
1927, the only pipe organ at a synagogue in Queens. Jason Covey and Charles Grauman will be featured on trumpet. The program will be narrated by Rabbi Michael Weisser in the synagogue s magnificent sanctuary.

Handel s oratorio tells the story of Judas Maccabaeus, better known as Judah
Maccabee, a fearless leader acclaimed as one of the greatest warriors in
Jewish history.…

Fishel Bresler’s Klezmer & Hassidic Ensemble

Fischel Bresler Klezmer Trio
Fishel Bresler’s Klezmer & Hassidic Ensemble will perform their 18th
annual concert on Wednesday December 24th – 7:30 PM at
Congregation Ohawe Shalom Coffee House
Pawtucket RI
671 East Ave in Pawtucket (corner of Glenwood, nr where Blackstone meets
Hope St)
Doors open 7:00PM $10 adults, $7 children (under B-Mitzvah).
Special sponsor seating in the front rows $18 per seat
Funded in part by a grant from the RI State Council on the Arts

In honor of Chanukah, Latkes will be on sale, along with other snacks &
For questions 401 273-9814

photo credit Irving Schild

Shefa Gold in Brookline, MA

Rabbi Shefa Gold Scholar-in-Residence
A Weekend in Preparation for High Holidays

Temple Beth Zion,
1566 Beacon Street,
Brookline (617) 566-8171 x 20
Please RSVP to

Renowned musician and teacher Rabbi Shefa Gold will lead a Opening Our Hearts to
Forgiveness Selichot Service Saturday, September 20 th from 9:30PM-11:00PM – Free!


A Day Long Retreat about the Elulian Mysteries. This workshop will explore the
journey from devastation to renewal in preparation for the High Holy Days through
study, chant, meditation and sacred conversation.

Cost: $72 before 8/22, $85.00 after 8/22,
$36.00 for students and seniors To to to register or
call 617-566-8171 x20 for more info.

NISHMAT HAYYIM cultivates Jewish meditation and contemplative practices in New
England through collaborations with synagogues and other Jewish institutions and
programs for individuals from all backgrounds.…

CD Release for Teach My Lips a Blessing: The Music of Erik Contzius

Erik Contzius Teach My Lips a Blessing
“Teach My Lips a Blessing: The Music of Erik Contzius” makes its
debut at Temple Israel of New Rochelle on June 20, 2008. Recorded
with the Amor Artis Chamber Choir under the baton of Maestro Johannes
Christopher Creaghan, organist, guest cantors Helene Reps and
Hayley Kobilinsky, tenor Jacob Meiner and the Youth Choir of Temple
Israel, Cantor Erik Contzius lends his baritone voice and
compositional style to this CD of twenty works for the synagogue.
This collection highlights the grandeur of the Reform prayer service
as well as several of the Psalms and other liturgies. Contzius’
composition, “And Hannah Prayed,” featured on this recording was
recently selected as a finalist at Shalshelet’s Third International
Festival of New Jewish Liturgical Music in Wisconsin.

“Teach My Lips a Blessing” is available through digital distributors
such as iTunes and, and is available as a physical CD at


“The Jewish Year in Melody” is the theme for the 2006 Pittsburgh Jewish Music Festival. There are several events happening at differnt venues and dates, including:
Wednesday, May 31, 2006
‘From Shabbat to the High Holy Days’
at the Pittsburgh Katz-JCC at 8:00 PM

Sunday, June 4, 2006
Tribute to Shlomo Carlebach
featuring Neshama Carlebach and her band
at Congregation Beth Shalom at 7:30 PM
Tuesday, June 6, 2006
Songs for the Seasons
at Rodeph Shalom Congregation at 8:00 PM

The Pittsburgh Jewish Music Festival is unique in its devotion to Jewish-themed classical music by Jewish composers and influenced by Jewish musical traditions. More information about the festival is available at:

Tickets can be ordered from ProArts Ticket Service

Israeli Music Successful Draw for American Audiences

by Uriel Heilman courtesy of JTA.
Whether out of hunger for a connection to Israel or mere interest in the music,
increasing numbers of Jews in America — both Americans and Israelis — are tuning
into Israeli music performances.

Singing in unintelligible gibberish as her hands strike the
darbuka drum with frantic intensity, the short, pretty brunette at center stage
holds the audience transfixed as she reaches the song’s crescendo.
When she sounds her final note, the audience rises for a standing ovation.
Though it is her New York debut concert, Israeli singer-songwriter Din Din Aviv is
no stranger here. The performance hall at the Museum of Jewish Heritage is packed
with Israeli fans of Aviv who live in New York and American Jews clutching her CD.…

Washington Jewish Music Festival 2008

Washington Jewish Music Festival 2008
May 31 – June 8

Nine days of music, film and dialogue from an amazing variety of artists and musical
styles. Visit for a full line-up and tickets.

The Ninth Annual Washington Jewish Music Festival celebrates and explores the wide
spectrum of sounds and traditions that make up Jewish music. Throughout a nine-day
festival, audiences will be able to hear a wide range of styles and influences that
make up the richness of Jewish music. The Festival will feature David Buchbinder’s
Odessa/Havana, an exciting Jewish-Cuban musical fusion; the Afro-Semitic Experience,
showcasing the musical traditions of both Jewish and African diasporas; Beyond The
Pale, presenting new klezmer music, fused with folk and roots; the silent film The
set to live music performed by Davka; the Sisters of Sheynville who swing in
Yiddish; dance music and classical music; musical theater and pop; and much more.…

Musica Judaica Issues: 1984-85, Volume VII, No. 1

This Table of Contents Service is provided by The Jewish Music WebCenter on behalf of The American Society for Jewish Music.

Volume VII. Number 1. 5745/1984-85


Israel J. Katz

Yemenite and Babylonian Elements in the Musical Heritage of the Jews of Cochin, IndiaJohanna Spectorp.1
Songs of the Jews on the Island of Djerba. A Comparison between Two Surveys: Hara Sghira (1929) and Hara Kebira (1976)Ruth Francis Davisp.23
The Resurgence of Jewish Musical Life in an Urban German Community: Mannheim on the Eve of World War IIPhilip V. Bohlmanp.34
Felix Mendelssohn's Commissioned Composition for the Hamburg Temple: The 100th Psalm (1844)Eric Wernerp.54
Another Anthology of Sephardic Folksongs (A Review Essay)Samuel G. Armistead, Israel J.



Force of Nature: Celebrating the Earth performed by Melodia Women’s Choir

Melodia Women s Choir/Cynthia Powell, Artistic Director, now celebrating their fifth
season and acclaimed by WNYC for their elegance and ringing tones, has scheduled
several spring performances: on Saturday and Sunday, May 3 and 4, 2008, they will
present Force of Nature: Celebrating the Earth, music about the natural world, at
St. Luke in the Fields Church in New York City.
487 Hudson Street
New York, NY
Saturday May 3 at 8 PM
Sunday May 4 at 4 PM.
Tickets are $20 in advance, $25 at the door, discounts for students
and seniors: $20 in advance, $15 at the door.
Call 212-252-4135, or visit

The program will feature Samuel
‘s Sure On This Shining Night; Hungarian composer Zoltán Kodály s Mountain Nights Songs Without Words For Women s Voices; Ronald Perera‘s Earthsongs; Zhou
‘s Four Seasons, a setting of ancient Chinese poetry; A Goodly Heritage by
British composer Gordon Jacob; Spring Song by Israeli composer Yehezkel Braun;
Hotaru Koi (Firefly) by Japanese composer Ro Ogura; and Wellsprings (New York
Premiere) and Contemplations (U.S.…

Colorado Hebrew Chorale

“The Colorado Hebrew Chorale was organized in September 1993 by its Music Director, Carol Kozak Ward, to preserve, promote, perform and celebrate the richness of Hebrew choral music throughout the Rocky mountain region. Since its inception, this highly dedicated volunteer chorus, whose membership draws from all areas within greater Denver, has literally given voice to the legacy and culture of the Jewish experience through song. Now entering its fourteenth season, the Colorado Hebrew Chorale retains its commitment to communal service as its raison d’être.” Their website has very nice pictures, lists of concerts, program offerings, a calendar and contact information.

Aleph Alliance for Jewish Renewal

Cantorial training: Aleph Alliance for Jewish Renewal has a learning program. The program, directed by Hazzan Jack Kessler, includes the full range of traditional nusach and stresses making tradition relevant in our time through the power of music and service leading skills. Also please go and click on ‘Davenning Leaders Training Institute’ under “Training Institute”, a required part of the Aleph program.

Zamir ‘Kibbitzes’ with Gevatron

Israel Prize winners, The Gevatron: The Israeli Kibbutz
, will perform with America’s foremost Jewish choral ensemble, the Zamir
Chorale of Boston
, on Thursday evening, October 18, 7:30 pm at
Congregation Kehillath Israel in Brookline.
The Israel Prize is the most prestigious award handed
out by the State of Israel and is presented annually for
distinguished achievement in scholarship, the arts, or
public service. The Gevatron, which received the
award in May, was founded in the same year as Israel
and is the best-known and most popular traditional
folk-singing group in the country. The exclusive Boston
concert will include Hebrew music in two very different
forms – the exquisite artistry of the Zamir along with
the rousing folk music of the Gevatron.
Those Were the Days – These Are the Songs is sponsored by the Zamir Chorale of Boston
and the Jewish Agency, and cosponsored by the Consulate of Israel to New England
and the Combined Jewish Philanthropies.…

Woody Guthrie’s Happy Joyous Hanukkah Tour

The Klezmatics will be in conert for a Woody Guthrie music performance to bring Happy Hanukkah music to Washington state.
When: December 12, 7:30pm
Where: Kirkland Performance Center
350 Kirkland Avenue
Kirkland, WA 98033
Info: Adult $36 Senior $32.50 Youth $15 Group $32
All tickets subject to a $1.00 service fee
(Youth is 25 and younger; Senior is 62 and older)
For information call Kirkland Performance Center at
(425) 893-9900 or visit
Taking advantage of a rare opportunity, Kirkland Performance Center
welcomes The Klezmatics to their 2006-2007 line-up midseason. The
Klezmatics will perform Woody Guthrie’s Happy Joyous Hanukkah Tour at
KPC December 12.
The Klezmatics will be presenting a contagious celebration of Hanukkah,
marrying their soulful and ebullient Jewish roots to Woody Guthrie’s
poignantly mesmerizing and newly discovered lyrics.…

Catch Metropolitan Klezmer Before the Holidays

Metropolitan Klezmer octet on the cusp of the holidays (awe-appropriate…)
Recharged traditionals, soulful originals, retro surprises! Full details

Thursday, September 14
7:00pm @ JCC Metrowest, West Orange NJ – free!

Tuesday, September 19
7:30pm @ Mo Pitkin’s – Judeo/Latino cuisine!
34 Avenue A (East Village) NYC

Creighton University in Omaha, Nebraska offers Jewish Music Symposium

A two-day academic symposium called “‘I Will Sing and Make Music’: Jewish Music and Musicians Throughout the Ages” will be held October 29-30, 2006. It is The Nineteenth Annual Klutznick-Harris Symposium being held in Omaha Nebraska. This year’s theme on Jewish music has as keynote speaker Josh Jacobson of Northeastern University.
Presenters include:

Theodore Albrecht
Kent State University
“Beethoven’s Quotation of Kol Nidrei? A Circumstantial Case for Sherlock Holmes”

Paul Eisenstein Baker
University of St. Thomas (Houston)
“Leo Zeitlin and the Early Twentieth Century Society for Jewish Folk Music”

Emily A. Bell
University of Florida
“Revitalizing the Synagogue Ritual: Cantor David Putterman’s Annual Service of New Music at New York’s Park Avenue Synagogue”

Dan W. Clanton, Jr.
University of Denver
“‘From Biblical Times to Lyrical Rhymes’: The Assertion of Jewish Identity in Music as Cultural Resistance”

Marsha Bryan Edelman
Gratz College
“What Do You Mean, ‘It Doesn’t Sound Jewish?’: Debunking Myths and Defining Models for Extra-Liturgical Music”

Anat Feinberg
College of Jewish Studies Heidelberg
“To Play or Not to Play: Jewish Musicians in Germany After 1945”

Susan M.…

Kristallnacht Commemorated with the Glorious Music of Salomon Sulzer and Louis Lewandowski

New York. Congregation Rodeph Sholom’s Senior Cantor,
Rebecca Garfein, and Cantorial Intern, Jennifer Strauss-Klein will
commemorate Kristallnacht-the Night of Broken Glass, with the music of
renowned Viennese Cantor, Salomon Sulzer and Berlin composer, Louis
Lewandowski at 6p.m., Friday, November 3, 2006 during Shabbat services.
Guest Cantor, Dr. Bruce Ruben, newly appointed Director of the Hebrew
Union College-Jewish Institute of Religion’s School of Sacred Music will
also participate in this special service. Rodeph Sholom’s Organist, Dr.
John Schuder and augmented professional choir, will accompany the
cantors. This event is free of charge and the entire community is
invited to attend. Rodeph Sholom is located at 7 West 83rd Street (off
Central Park West.) For more information, please call (212) 362-8800, extension 1337.


51st Annual Concert of the Zemel Choir
Cantors and Choristers
Sunday 12th November 2006, 7.30pm
Belsize Square Synagogue
51 Belsize Square , London NW3 4HX, UK

Now in its 51st year, Britain’s leading mixed voice Jewish choir,
presents a mixed bag of choral goodies at a concert at Belsize
Square Synagogue on November 12th.

The concert follows Benjamin Wolf‘s appointment as choirmaster
at the synagogue, and includes a performance by a new male-
voice quartet comprising young soloists Marc Finer, Eliot
Alderman and Benjamin Seifert, joined by Benjamin Wolf
. Finer,
Alderman and Seifert are already well known to Jewish audiences
as cantors and cantorial soloists.

With music ranging from Yiddish opera to close-harmony, and
including jazzy arrangements of Chanukah tunes, this promises
to be a fun concert not to be missed.…

“Days of Awe” at Rodeph Sholom, Manhattan

The “Days of Awe” to be Experienced during Selichot at Congregation
Rodeph Sholom, Manhattan

The music of the High Holy Days will be
explored in a sacred experience by David Chevan with the Afro-Semitic
Experience in a program of instrumental interpretations called “The Days
of Awe.” Cantor Rebecca Garfein, Senior Cantor of Congregation Rodeph
Sholom of Manhattan will join Chevan and the Afro-Semitic Experience and
with them enter a unique spiritual realm with their arrangements of
original music, High Holy Day cantorial works from the repertoire of
Hazzan Yosele Rosenblatt, along with familiar traditional Jewish
congregational High Holiday melodies on Selichot at 7:30p.m., September
16, 2006. Special Guest, Frank London of the Klezmatics will join as
well for this special evening. The program, a highly meditative series
of improvisations and interpretations of traditional melodies, is geared
to all ages.…

Melodia Women’s Choir in Manhattan with Becca Schack World Premier

The Melodia Women’s Choir will present an all female performance of Vivaldi’s Gloria in D Major and contemporary works, including the world premiere of Becca Schack‘s new commissioned piece “In My end is My Beginning” based on a text by T. S. Eliot.
The concert is being held
Saturday November 17 at 8 PM, and
Sunday, November 18 at 3 PM at
St. Peter’s Church,
346 West 20th Street, New York City, New York.
Melodia will be joined by an all-women
instrumental chamber ensemble.

Tickets are $20 in advance and $25 at the door.
For information, call (212) 252-4134, or visit

The Zemel Choir Celebrates in Song

CELEBRATE WITH SONG– The Zemel Choir, in association with Jewish
Music Institute and the BBC “Play it Again” campaign

Do you enjoy singing?
Would you like to sing in a choir?
Join The ZEMEL Choir together with Pandemonium and the JFS Choir for
workshops 10 June (:& a concert 17 June St John’s, Smith Square
7.30pm. They specially welcome people who have experience of
singing, but have never had the opportunity to join a choir – also
experienced choristers – both Jewish and non-Jewish – who would like
to experience the rich tradition of Jewish choral music. If you would
like to sing in one of these groups, and to experience the pleasure
of singing Jewish choral music, please enrol 020 8236 0317
(evenings), or e-mail

10 June 10am-5.45pm
Dragon Hall, 17 Stukeley Street, London WC2B 5LT
Workshops for Intermediate and Experienced choral groups Massed choir
workshop Vocal workshop with acclaimed choral conductor Mike Brewer
Cost for Workshop participants: £30 (including concert ticket)

17th June 2007 7.30pm
St John’s, Smith Square, London SW1P 3HA
Featuring performances by the Zemel Choir, Pandemonium (a choir for
young adults) and the JFS Choir.…

Women Cantor’s Network 25th Annual Conference

The Women Cantor’s Network will hold its annual conference and 25th year celebration at Congregation
Beth El in Sudbury, MA from Sunday, June 10 – Wednesday, June 13, 2007.
All women cantors, cantorial soloists, service leaders, cantorial
students, educators and women who have a strong interest in synagogue
music are welcomed. This year’s conference theme is “Even Higher: The
Cantor as Spiritual Leader through Life’s Rhythms and Rituals” and will
include a performance of the acclaimed play, the “The Mikveh
Monologues”, which is open to the public on Monday, June 11 at 7:30 p.m.
at Beth El. Tickets may be purchased at 978-443-9622. The conference
will feature many of Boston’s most renowned Jewish scholars, rabbis and
musicians. Conference registration is $190 before May 7th and $225 by
June 3rd.…


The Center for Jewish Music of the Jewish Community Center of St.
Petersburg is proud to announce “KlezFest St. Petersburg 2007,” an
international seminar on the traditional music of Eastern European
Jewry, to be held July 8-12, 2007 in St. Petersburg, Russia.

“KlezFest St. Petersburg,” now in its 11th year, is the oldest klezmer
seminar in Russia. The 2007 festival will include master-classes on
Yiddish folk songs and klezmer music, workshops on Yiddish folklore
and Yiddish dance, lectures, concerts, and two excursions: “Jewish St.
Petersburg” and “Rivers and Canals of St. Petersburg.” Our staff will
include world-famous musicians — from New York, the violinist,
accordion player, vocalist, ethnomusicologist and the world’s leading
expert on Yiddish dance, Michael Alpert; also from New York, the
vocalist from the famous Klezmatics group, Lorin Sklamberg; from
Zaporozhie, Ukraine, the Yiddish folk poet and singer Arkady Gendler,
and others.…


A Jewish community site from Trondheim, Norway dedicated to the “private, non-profit, non-denominational resource site for Jewish religion and culture with the primary focus on Western Sephardic traditions, mainly the Spanish and Portuguese traditions of NW Europe and the Americas, and a secondary focus on Litvak, Hamburg and Scandinavian Ashkenazi traditions.” In the music section, which is in Norwegian, there is a history of Sephardic music, along with online scores of various pieces and samples of music from Emanuel Aguilar and the Rev. D.A. de Sola’s Talelé zimrá(Sephardi melodies : being the traditional liturgical chants of the Spanish & Portuguese Jews Congregation, London. These are interesting samples of music that may not be as familiar to Americans.


Safam is a vocal group that’s been around for years. What’s nice is, they continue to write new music, primarily in English. Yet, Safam has reached the point where you can now get “greatest hits” albums. In the world of Jewish music, this is some sort of milemarker few ever reach. The Safam website has many online clips of music from a variety of their albums, old and new, a clear and simple chart with listings of upcoming concerts, songbooks, CDs and biographies of the performers.

Transcontinental Music

“Transcontinental Music Publications/New Jewish Music Press, the music publishing arm of the Reform movement, publishes a wide variety of musical materials for synagogue and home use. Since it is the largest publisher of Jewish choral music in the world, it serves as the single most important resource for all community groups such as schools, universities, churches, and libraries.” Catalog is now online. The Transcontinental catalog is also distributing music from the Cantors Assembly (Conservative). Ordering information included at site.

Phone: 800-455-5223.

Kurt Weill and Lotte Lenya Papers

In the Irving S. Gilmore Music Library of Yale University. Includes an online index to the music of Kurt Weill as well as standard archival listings such as an overview and scope of the collections, inventory by box, biographical sketch and Library of Congress Subject Headings (listings of the other names of people with materials in the collections.)

Chicago Public Library Jewish Music Archive

A public library collection whose primary donor, Cyril Robinson, has traveled to worldwide Jewish music events since 1997 to record live performances, interview musicians, and gather related material. This archive includes sound recordings, and digital and physical objects. “A special emphasis of the collection is klezmer, a distinct musical genre based on traditional Jewish folk music. Unique recordings of live performances, lectures, and masterclasses from worldwide music festivals and venues provide many examples of contemporary klezmer bands and Jewish musicians. Recorded interviews also document these musicians’ individual oral histories and personal experiences with Jewish music and Jewish life.” All this makes many of these items unique to the study of contemporary American Jewish culture. An online inventory gives the depth of the collection and an alphabetical list of interviews refers to full citations in the inventory.…

Kol Simcha

Kol Simcha, a Swiss ensemble formed in 1986, plays an assortment of klezmer styles from traditional to “contemporary.” The website provides an up-to-date schedule, including venues in Switzerland, Germany, France and Norway. The biographies reveal that band members include both American and European trained musicians. Four CDs are featured with playlists and sound snippets. The newer website features news, movies and videos online, as well as all their sponsors and managers all over Europe.