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Jews, Music, and Postwar German Culture

Jewish Music Forum 2015–16 Season Opener In conjunction with The Barry S. Brook Center for Music Research and Documentation and the Leo Back Institute

“Jews, Music, and Postwar German Culture”

Book Talk and Conversation with Dr. Tina Frühauf (RILM, CUNY), Dr. William H. Weitzer (Executive Director, Leo Baeck Institute), and Dr. Mark Slobin (Winslow-Kaplan Professor of Music, Wesleyan University)

Dislocated Memories: Jews, Music, and Postwar German Culture (Oxford University Press, 2014), editors Tina Frühauf and Lily Hirsch

Monday, November 30, 6:00 p.m.
The Graduate Center, CUNY
365 Fifth Avenue, The Skylight Conference Room: 9100

The first volume of its kind, Dislocated Memories: Jews, Music, and Postwar German Culture draws together three significant areas of inquiry: Jewish music, German culture, and the legacy of the Holocaust.…

New York Andalus Ensemble –Et Dodim Kalah Oct 30

The New York Andalus Ensemble will perform Oct. 30 2014 at 7;30
at the CUNY Graduate Center
Elebash Recital Hall
365 Fifth Ave (corner of 34th) NY, NY
$13 Adults, $10 students

The_New York Andalus Ensemble presents Et Dodim Kalah (It’s the Time of
Courting, O Bride!), an evening of music and song from al-Andalus and North Africa.
Reflecting the cultural pluralism that characterizes this music, the 20 members of
the ensemble perform repertoire in Arabic, Hebrew, and Judeo-Spanish Ladino, emphasizing the
region’s shared tradition while cherishing the individual cultures that comprise it.

Berger, Arthur

American. Born in 1912 in New York. Died in Boston on October 7, 2003. Avant-garde composer. Studied at NYU and Harvard University. Focused in chamber and solo piano music. New York Music Critics Circle Citation, 1962. Won awards from Guggenheim, Fromm, Coolidge, Naumburg and Fulbright Foundations. Fellow of the American Academy & Institute of Arts and Letters. Fellow of the American Academy of Arts & Sciences. Taught at Mills College, 1939–1943. Taught at Brandeis University 1953-1980 as Irving Fine Professor of Music. Helped establish the graduate program at Brandeis. 2003 ASCAP-Deems Taylor Award.

Music and song from al-Andalus and North Africa in NYC

Et Dodim Kalah_ (It’s the Time of Courting, O Bride!)
Come hear The New York Andalus Ensemble
Thursday, October 30, 2014
7:30 PM
Elebash Recital Hall, CUNY Graduate Center, 365 5th Ave. (at 34th St.)

The New York Andalus Ensemble will present _Et Dodim Kalah_ (It’s the Time of Courting, O Bride!), an
evening of music and song from al-Andalus and North Africa.

TIckets: $13 adults/$10 students, available at the door or at

In al-Andalus (Southern Spain), peoples of the three Abrahamic faiths—Islam,
Judaism, and Christianity—shared their arts and sciences for more than five hundred
years, creating a multicultural canon of music and poetry. Since 1492, Jews and
Muslims in North Africa have carried the musical traditions forward from al-Andalus.
Today, the musical expansion from over five centuries ago to the present day
flourishes in New York City with the New York Andalus Ensemble.…

Jaffe, Stephen

American. B. 1955 in Washington, D.C. Studied composition at the University of Pennsylvania with George Crumb, George Rochberg, and Richard Wernick. Also at the Conservatoire de Musique in Geneva, Switzerland. Since 1999, he is Mary D.B.T. and James H. Semans Professor of Music at Duke University, where he taught since 1981. Jaffe co-directs Duke’s contemporary music concert series Encounters: with the Music of Our Time, and works with a inventive and gifted group of young composers. Jaffe won a Rome Prize from the American Academy in Rome, the American Academy of Arts and Letters Prize, and fellowships from the National Endowment for the Arts, Tanglewood, and the Guggenheim Foundation. Brandeis University awarded him its Creative Arts Citation (1989), Kennedy Center Friedheim Award for First Quartet(1991.…

Sarah Aroeste

American born. Sings in Ladino, music orginally from Spain, and her family later settling in Salonika, Greece. The Aroeste sound combines and updates aspects from her ‘unique family background with influx of Latin-based music in America over the past few years.’ Sarah wrote: “I have a Ladino fusion band–you can check it out at I began this project because there are so few young people working in Ladino. I grew up on the traditional music (my family is from Salonika, Greece), but I am also influenced by other musicial styles. Not only am I a proud Sephardic Jew, but I am also a young, modern American woman! I wanted to find a musical style that could really incorporate my various identities. So I started a band a few years ago taking traditional sephardic songs from across the Mediterranean and combining them with American rock, blues and jazz.…




300 singers from 22 cities across the U.S. and Israel take part in the 20th anniversary concerts of HaZamir: The International Jewish High School Choir at Jazz at Lincoln Center on Sunday March 17. The back-to-back concerts, at 3pm and at 6:30pm, are the annual culmination of a year-long teen program sponsored by the Zamir Choral Foundation in New York. Zamir is the only organization of its kind to use Jewish choral singing as a vehicle to foster Jewish identity, community and continuity.

The concerts span a wide range of classical and contemporary musical selections, with mostly Hebrew texts.…

Rubin, Joel

JoelRubin by David Kaufman

“Joel Rubin is Assistant Professor of Music in the Performance Program at the University of Virginia. He attended the California Institute of the Arts and received a BFA in clarinet performance from the State University of New York at Purchase (1978). His principal teachers were Richard Stoltzman and Kalmen Opperman. Rubin holds a Ph.D. in ethnomusicology from City University of London (2001). Rubin is an internationally acclaimed performer of Jewish instrumental klezmer music and hasidic music. In addition to performances with traditional musicians such as the Epstein Brothers (USA) and Moshe Berlin (Israel), he was the founder and clarinetist of some of the most internationally respected klezmer ensembles, including the Joel Rubin Jewish Music Ensemble and Brave Old World. Rubin’s fifth solo album, “Midnight Prayer”, came out in 2007 on Traditional Crossroads.…

Musica Judaica Issues: 2001-2002, Volume XVI

This Table of Contents Service is provided by The Jewish Music WebCenter on behalf of The American Society for Jewish Music.

Volume XVI. 2001-2002

Israel J. Katz
Arbie Orenstein

President's Greetings p. iv
From the Editors p. vi
The Metaphor of Light in Joseph Haydn's Oratorio, The Creation (1798): A New Jewish Textual SourceAdena Portowitz p.1
The Music of David Nowakowsky (1848-1921): A New Voice from Old OdessaEmanuel Rubinp.21
Toward a Clearer Definition of the Mogen Avot ModeBoaz Tarsi p.53
Synagogal Chanting of the Bible: A Linking of Linguistics and EtnomusicologyRachel Mashiah and Uri Sharvitp.81
In Memoriam: Alexander L. Ringer (1921-2002)Amnon Shiloah p.99
Two Significant Musicological Events: Commemorating Salamone Rossi (ca.1570 - ca. 1628) and Eric Werner (1901-1988)Mark Kligmanp.109
The Turn of the Millennium in Jewish Music: A Bibliography of Selected Items (1999-2002)Compiled by
Judith Shira Pinnolis
Conributors of articles to this issuep.151
ASJM Membershipp.153
Updated 25 March, 2005

All content © 2001-2002 American Society for Jewish Music.…

“The Vienna Rite” at the Roulette in NYC . The Vienna Rite is a new chamber opera by Judith Berkson that will be premiering for two nights in November at the Roulette. There are only two performances, November 2nd and 3rd 2012. “The Vienna Rite” is the story of a new service composed in 1828 by Viennese Cantor Salomon Sulzer in collaboration with Franz Schubert and other Viennese composers which sought to merge European music with synagogue chant.

It is being performed by the new music ensemble Yarn/Wire along with guests Brian Chase and Chi-Chi Glass and features the amazing baritone Ian Greenlaw as Salomon Sulzer along with singers Lana Cencic, Allyssa Lamb, Bo Chang, Judith Berkson, Aram Tchobanian and Gavriel Savit. It is set in the historic Stadttempel with costumes and set design by Audrey Robinson.…

Stettner, Ellen

American. Cantor. Opera singer. She served as the first cantor of the Stephen Wise Free Synagogue of New York City and held the post for 21 years. Cantor Stettner is on the faculty of Hebrew Union College-Jewish Institute of Religion, School of Sacred Music, and currently is a member of the Joint Cantorial Placement Commission and Vice President of the American Conference of Cantors. Cantor Stettner has performed extensively throughout the country with the Santa Fe Opera, the New York Opera Ensemble, the New England Chamber Opera and the Princeton Opera. She won the prestigious National Arts and Letters Vocal Competition in Carnegie Hall and, as a result, was the featured soloist in a performance of Mozart arias with the American Symphony Orchestra. In addition, she was in documentaries produced by the BBC and the French National Television.…

Musica Judaica Issues: 2000-2001, Volume XV

This Table of Contents Service is provided by The Jewish Music WebCenter on behalf of The American Society for Jewish Music.

Volume XV. 2000-2001

Israel J. Katz
Arbie Orenstein

Greetings from Hadassah B. Markson p. iv
From the Editorsp. iv
Nationalism and the Creation of Jewish Music: The Politicization of Music and Language in the German-Jewish Press Prior to the Second World WarEsther Schmidt p.1
Heinrich Schalit and Weimar Jewish MusicEliott Kahn p.33
The Song of Israel: An Eastern ViewpointAmnon Shiloahp.69
Yemenite Women's Songs at the Habani Jews' Wedding CelebrationsYael Shaip. 83
The Third London International Conference on Jewish Music (2000)Malcolm Millerp.97
A Musical Banquet: the Tenth London International Jewish Music Festival (11 June-13 July 2000)Malcolm Millerp.111
IN MEMORIAM: Irene Heskes (1923-1999)Jon Newsomp.119
IN MEMORIAM: Byron Cantrell (1919-1997)Israel J.


The Leo Kraft 90th Birthday Concert at the Center for Jewish History

On Sunday, March 11th at 3 PM the Society will present The Leo Kraft 90th
Birthday Concert at the Center for Jewish History. This performance will
feature some of New York’s finest chamber music players, including flutist
Patricia Spencer, clarinetists Charles Neidich and Ayako Oshima, violinist
Renne Jolles, violist Mark Halloway, and cellist Marcy Rosen, as well pianist
Morey Ritt, who will premiere Testimonium, a new work Kraft has written
for her.

Among other works on the program are New Songs from Old, a fantasy for
solo clarinet based on traditional Jewish motifs and Seven Hebrew Songs to
poems by medieval Hebrew poets, sung by the American baritone Thomas
Meglioranza, with David Jolley, horn and Konstantza Chernov, piano. Hailed by The
Boston Globe
for his “vocal distinction and expressive warmth,” Meglioranza
is one of this country’s most sought-after and unique young singers.…

Musica Judaica Issues: 1999, Volume XIV

This Table of Contents Service is provided by The Jewish Music WebCenter on behalf of The American Society for Jewish Music.

Volume XIV. 1999

Irene Heskes

Production Editor, Doris B. Gold

A Publication Devoted to All Aspects of Jewish Music
This issue of Musica Judaica is dedicated to the late Cantor Aaron J. Caplow
“Sweet Singer of Prayers”

Greetings from the President of the SocietyHadassah B. Markson p.6
Editor's CommentaryIrene Heskes p.7
Medieval Elements in the Liturgical Music of the Jews of Southern France and Northern Spain. [Vol. I, 1975/76].Judith Kaplan Eisensteinp.9
Postscript: Remembering Some of Our PioneersMarsha Bryan Edelmanp.31
The Music of the Synagogue as a Source of the Yiddish Folksong. [Vol. II. 1977/78]Max Wohlberg.


Young Artists Concert Series at YIVO

Thursday, May 12th. 7pm
As part of the Young Artists Concert Series, Hebrew College School of Jewish Music students
Richard Lawrence and Kate Judd will be performing in
a concert highlighting the works of Lazar Weiner and Joseph Achron at the YIVO
Institute for Jewish Research, New York City,
at the Center for Jewish History | 15 West 16th Street – NYC

For more information on the concert and to purchase tickets, please go to:

Musica Judaica Online Reviews (MJOR)

The American Society of Jewish Music announces official release of MUSICA JUDAICA ONLINE REVIEWS, which has been operating under the Editorship of Dr. Judah M. Cohen of Indiana University
since the beginning of the year.

Designed as an offshoot of Musica Judaica, the Society’s journal which is
published once a year, Musica Judaica Online Reviews (MJOR) not only allows
us to publish reviews much closer to the publication date of the book or
recording in question, but also guarantees a much wider circulation and
distribution of the reviews, to all who are interested what is being written
about in Jewish music. Moreover, at the same time, our goal is not only to
share the reviews but to engage in discussion, with readers able to submit
their comments (of course, moderated by our editor).…

And Sarah Danced CD Release

Emil Skobeloff And Sarah Danced Emil Skobeloff and Or Chadash have released an album of all new tunes to liturgical music called “And Sarah Danced.: The album is thoroughly American in concept, and takes the listener on a walk through fifty-plus years of American popular styles, attached to Jewish liturgical texts. Skobeloff succeeds in creating some good tunes and some are quite catchy. So for those fond of American style music for Jewish worship, check out this album. Several of the successful songs are the “Magen Avot”, “Ma Tovu” and “Ashrei”. Skobeloff has a myspace page at:


Inaugural volume in book series on Jewish Cultural Studies, edited by Simon J. Bronner, Distinguished University Professor, The Pennsylvania State University, USA

Publisher: Littman Library of Jewish Civilization, Oxford, UK

Format and Guidelines: 8,000-word essays in English, prepared electronically
in Word, following Oxford Guide to Style (humanistic style with endnotes)
Deadline: May 1, 2006

Contact: Professor Simon J. Bronner, School of Humanities, The Pennsylvania
State University, 777 West Harrisburg Pike, Middletown, PA 17057-4898, USA,

Bloch, Shoenberg, Bernstein: Assimilating Jewish Music

By David M. Schiller

For Jews, the terms “assimilating” or “assimilation” are charged. Many unpleasant associations arise with thoughts of Jews “assimilating into” or disappearing altogether into, general society; becoming like others. As Jonathan Sarna says in the introduction to his new book, American Judaism,: “Through the years, ‘assimilation’ has become so freighted with different meanings, modifiers, and cultural associations that for analytical purposes it has become virtually meaningless. In some Jewish circles, indeed, the term is regularly employed as an epithet.” But “assimilating” is a term that the dictionary states, also means, “absorbing”, or “to take in and appropriate.” It can mean a “healthy appropriation of new forms and ideas.” In this book, David Schiller bravely makes distinctions with something that “happened in a more or less remote past or that is happening now.” Using the term in the title is not only eyecatching, but essential to his thesis about the nature of Jewish art music.…


For details about Diamond CD, go to
To read an article about David Diamond’s AHAVA-Brotherhood, go to
To read an interview with narrator Theodore Bikel, go to
For details about Amots CD, go to

Ellen Schiller, Benjie

Cantor Benjie Ellen Schiller is both the first woman to be a full time faculty member at the School of Sacred Music at Hebrew Union College-Jewish Institute of Religion in New York and a composer of sacred music. Born in New York on April 14, 1958 to Miriam and Nathan Schiller, Cantor Schiller studied voice and composition, and received a B. M. in Theory and Composition at Boston University in 1980. She continued graduate studies there in voice and choral conducting, and shortly thereafter, married Rabbi Lester Bronstein in June, 1981.

She attended the School of Sacred Music of Hebrew Union College in New York and was invested in 1987. Her Master Thesis composition was “Life Song Cycle.” Cantor Schiller also became a full time faculty member and taught courses in cantillation, basic nusach (prayer modes) and the in-depth study of repertoire for Shabbat.…

NEFESH in Concert

Saturday, May 22nd at 8:30pm
Merryall Center for the Arts
Chapel Hill Road, New Milford, CT 06776

Tickets $15 – for reservations, directions, etc., phone: 860-354-7264
or visit
“One of our biggest hits last season,this popular group specializing in
Israeli and Klezmer music connects with the audience through song,
instrumentals and poignant classics of Yiddish theater. Their beautiful songbird
delights audiences young and old.”

Cantor Susan Wehle in Crash near Buffalo, New York

CNN reported that one of the victims of Continental Airlines Flight 3407 that crashed in Buffalo last Thursday was Cantor Susan Wehle. Brooklyn native Cantor Wehle was a cantor at Temple Beth Am in Williamsville, New York since November of 2002. She had also sung as a cantorial soloist at Temple Sinai in Amherst, New York. The cantor received her Cantorial Smicha from Aleph – the Movement for Jewish Renewal. Additionally she earned a Bachelor of Arts Degree in Theatre and in Judaic Studies, and a Bachelor of Fine Arts Degree in Acting. She performed with theatre companies in Buffalo, Chicago and New York City. Her parents were Holocaust survivors. Cantor Wehle was 55. She had released a CD called “Songs of Hope and Healing.” Temple Beth Am synagogue has established at guest book for those who wish to remember the cantor.…

Barry Serota Z”l

Barry Serota

Barry Serota, a practicing attorney and executive director of the Institute for Jewish Sound Recording, died suddenly November 16, 2009 on a plane flight between New York and Madrid on the way to Israel.

Serota, widely known for his deep knowledge of Jewish music, had produced more than 100 recordings of Jewish sacred and secular music. Serota’s output at the Institute, based in Chicago, included choral, instrumental, folk and art music. Serota was especially known a promoter of chazzanut. Starting in 1969, he issued many esoteric Jewish music recordings under the imprint of Musique Internationale.

Serota, an advisor to the Milken Foundation, worked on their large project of the Library of American Jewish Music, the recordings which were published under the Naxos label.…

Los Angeles Jewish Symphony and More

Three upcoming events for folks in California are coming up with the Los Angeles Jewish Symphony at the center of things. Starting next weekend is Event No. 1:

Shirat Hayam — Song of the Sea
A fundraiser for the Malibu Jewish Center & Synagogue.
Saturday, May 13, 2006, 8:00 PM

Malibu Jewish Center & Synagogue
24855 Pacific Coast Highway
Malibu, CA

An extraordinary event in our new synagogue featuring Cantor Marcelo Gindlin, Cantor
Mariana Gindlin & the MJC&S Choir in concert with the Los Angeles Jewish Symphony
conducted by Dr. Noreen Green. Dessert reception to follow.

For tickets, call (310) 456-2178
General Admission $65; Sponsorship $1,800 and $1,000

Winter Jewish Music Concert 2013 in January

Don’t miss Jewish music from around the world: Yiddish, Cantorial, Ladino, Israeli, folk, pop, classical, jazz, tango and beat box (and magic too) in Miami, Florida.

Performed in the glorious 1926 Bertha Abess Sanctuary at Temple Israel of Greater Miami, the oldest Jewish sanctuary in continuous use in Florida. Located at 7 N13.E. 19th Street, the Temple is in Miami’s vibrant urban center, five blocks north from the Arsht Center for the Performing Arts, and near the Wynwood Arts District, Midtown, and the Design District.

Tickets for the 2013 Winter Jewish Music Concert are now on sale.

The concert, with a huge cast of cantors and performers, will be Saturday evening, January 19th. Tickets are $18 per person (plus
service charge), and can be purchased online (
or by calling 1-800-838-3006.…

Winter Jewish Music Concert Held at Broward College

Tickets for the Seventh Annual Winter Jewish Music Concert, to be held at Broward College in January 10 2015 are now on sale.
For Info:
As in past years, we anticipate that the concert will sell out ahead of time, so we
suggest that you order your tickets early.

General admission tickets for the concert will again be only $18.00.

For those patrons who would like to reserve a seat in the front of the Bertha Abess
Sanctuary, we are offering a limited number of Preferred Seating tickets available
for $100.00. The remainder of the seats will continue to be general admission

Tickets may be purchased online ( or by
calling 1-800-838-3006.

“Yentl” the play in NYC

“Yentl” the play, featuring Jill Sobule performing her new songs
With Isle of Klezbos as houseband, plus friends from Metropolitan Klezmer & beyond!
Featuring Songs by Jill Sobule. Directed by Steven Cosson.

Wednesday, May 28
7:00PM (doors open 6:00PM)
Joe’s Pub at The Public Theater, NYC
425 Lafayette St (between E. 4th St & Astor Pl), New York City
Box office: 212-967-7555
Tickets $20.

“Yentl”: a play by Leah Napolin based on Isaac Bashevis Singer’s novel. featuring Jill Sobule performing her own music and lyrics; accompanied by bandmates from Isle of Klezbos, Metropolitan Klezmer and beyond. Come partake of “the mystery of appearances, the deceptions of the heart, and the divine androgyny of the soul.” Let YENTL, that most unorthodox of love stories surprise you… that most surprising of love triangles enchant you.…

The School of Oriental and African Studies, University of London (SOAS) University of London

The Department of Music at SOAS University of London offers Undergraduate and postgraduate degrees in Jewish music.
Joe Loss Lecturer in Jewish Music, SOAS, University of London: Alexander Knapp
Regular Courses include: Aspects of Jewish Music (BA – undergraduate)
The Music of the Jews (MMus – postgraduate)
The aims and objectives of these courses are to explore a musical culture which began in the Levant some 3,000 years ago and which has been diffused throughout the world, constantly adapting to new conditions and yet retaining its identity in many widely differing ethnic and geographical environments. Scholarly investigations combine broadly ethnomusicological and intercultural approaches with elements of musicology. The music of the Jews is one of the fundamental factors in the understanding of Near Eastern and European traditions, first having influenced, and then having been influenced by, the musics of Christianity and Islam.…

Charming Hostess at Barbes

8:00 pm Charming Hostess
VENUE: Barbes
DETAILS: Charming Hostess performs music from The Bowls Project. The Bowls Project offers a visceral, personal connection to daily life 1500 years ago in the region now known as Iraq. For this show, Charming Hostess is Jewlia Eisenberg, Marika Hughes and Brandon Seabrook.


The JEWISH MUSIC SCHOOL in Amsterdam is looking for funds, sponsors and other financial sources and/or support.
The Jewish Music School
c/o Muziekschool Amsterdam
Bachstraat 5, Amsterdam-zuid
is the first music school in the Netherlands/Europe, to concentrate uniquely on Jewish musical education and training. The music school offers a wide variety of classes and courses, both practical and/or theoretical. In addition it offers facilities for studying and practicing Jewish music under expert guidance. Besides providing the necessary facilities for our present teaching needs, this location will also enable us to expand and cooperate with other Jewish (cultural) organizations, which will also be able to make use of the premises.
For more information:

Jewish Music School
P.o.b. 15894 ~ 1001 NJ
Amsterdam, The Netherlands
Phone/Fax: +31 (0)20 771 58 81…

Department of Musicology, Hebrew University

The website states: “The Musicology Department, part of the Faculty of Humanities at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem, was founded in 1965 by the late Professor Alexander Ringer from the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champagne. It was the first such department to be founded in Israel, and already in its first decade of existence it boasted such distinguished faculty members as Israel Alder, the late Bathja Bayer, Jehoash Hirshberg, Don Harrán, Josef Tal, Dalia Cohen, Ruth Katz, and Amnon Shiloah. Then as in nowadays, the Department seeks to advance knowledge and research of music as a multifaceted phenomenon having varied manifestations, in conjunction with both local and global contexts, and with an emphasis on interdisciplinary approaches. The Department offers courses in three major areas: historical musicology, ethnomusicology, and theory.…

Kol Zimra: Chant Leader’s Training

Held at ELAT CHAYYIM in 99 Mill Hook Road, Accord, New York, starting August 2-8, 2004…
If you are one of the many people who have been moved and transformed by Rabbi Shefa Gold’s chanting practice and if you are a healer, teacher, artist or spiritual leader in your community, here is your chance to cultivate the inner qualities and learn the practical techniques that will enable you to bring that joy and meaning to others…not to mention the abundant blessings it will bring to your own spiritual life. Please feel free to pass this information on to others
who might benefit from it.

An Evening of Baroque Jewish music at the Kennedy Center

Charles and Robyn Krauthammer proudly present:
An Evening of Baroque Jewish music at the Kennedy Center
Apollo Ensemble
An evening of Baroque Jewish music:
The Apollo Ensemble presented by Pro Musica Hebraica

Making its U.S. debut, Amsterdam’s Apollo Ensemble performs a concert of Baroque Jewish musical treasures, one night only, at the Kennedy Center. A highlight is the American premiere of Dio, Clemenza e Rigore, an anonymously composed oratorio for an eighteenth-century Italian Jewish holiday synagogue service. Don’t miss this rarely performed work. This concert is presented by Pro Musica Hebraica, devoted to presenting Jewish classical music, much of it believed lost, forgotten, or rarely performed, in a concert hall setting.

Apollo Ensemble
Thu., Nov. 5 at 7:30 | Kennedy Center Terrace Theater | Seats $38

CACERES – Le-el elim, Cantata for two voices and basso continuo (1738)
MARCELLO – Salmo 15/Ma’oz Tzur (1724-1727)
For alto, violincello, bassoon, harpsichord, and baritone
De ROSSI – Trio sonatas for two violins and basso continuo (ca.…

Winter Jewish Music Concert presents Anthony Mordechai Tzvi Russell

Winter Jewish Music Concert presents its first solo concert
For details:

For five years the Winter Jewish Music Concert has presented large-scale concerts of
Jewish music, with twenty or more singers at each concert.

On Sunday, June 9th, at 4:00 p.m., we will for the first time present a concert
featuring only one singer. The performer at this very special event will be Anthony
Mordechai Tzvi Russell
, who over the past year has gained attention as the new voice
of Yiddish song. He will be singing from the songbook of Sidor Belarsky, one of the
20th Century’s greatest singers of Jewish song.

Mr. Russell’s personal story is compelling. He is a classically-trained
African-American singer who converted to Judaism and whose partner is a rabbi.…

Jonathan Keren Premiere Featured at The Israeli Chamber Project with Samuel Rhodes

JTS Presents: The Israeli Chamber Project with Samuel Rhodes, an Evening of Chamber Music from The Juilliard School featuring Tibi Cziger (clarinet), Michal Korman (cello), Assaff Weisman (piano), Carmit Zori (violin), with special guest artist Samuel Rhodes (viola) will take place on Wednesday, October 22, 2014, at 7:30 p.m. at The Jewish Theological Seminary (JTS), located at 3080 Broadway (corner 122nd Street) in New York City. The Israeli Chamber Project (ICP) will perform a wide-ranging program of favorite classics and recent works influenced by Jewish culture, including music of Mozart, Schulhoff, Brahms, and the New York premiere of music by Israeli composer Jonathan Keren.

Admission to the concert is by ticket only. Tickets are $10 each; students with a valid school ID—as well as JTS alumni, faculty, students, and staff—may request up to two free tickets each.…


Force of Nature: Celebrating the Earth performed by Melodia Women’s Choir

Melodia Women s Choir/Cynthia Powell, Artistic Director, now celebrating their fifth
season and acclaimed by WNYC for their elegance and ringing tones, has scheduled
several spring performances: on Saturday and Sunday, May 3 and 4, 2008, they will
present Force of Nature: Celebrating the Earth, music about the natural world, at
St. Luke in the Fields Church in New York City.
487 Hudson Street
New York, NY
Saturday May 3 at 8 PM
Sunday May 4 at 4 PM.
Tickets are $20 in advance, $25 at the door, discounts for students
and seniors: $20 in advance, $15 at the door.
Call 212-252-4135, or visit

The program will feature Samuel
‘s Sure On This Shining Night; Hungarian composer Zoltán Kodály s Mountain Nights Songs Without Words For Women s Voices; Ronald Perera‘s Earthsongs; Zhou
‘s Four Seasons, a setting of ancient Chinese poetry; A Goodly Heritage by
British composer Gordon Jacob; Spring Song by Israeli composer Yehezkel Braun;
Hotaru Koi (Firefly) by Japanese composer Ro Ogura; and Wellsprings (New York
Premiere) and Contemplations (U.S.…

“Beyond Boundaries: Music and Israel @ 60”

Beyond Boundaries Poster Image“Beyond Boundaries: Music and Israel @ 60” looks at the Present-Day Complexities of Israeli Music

View Beyond Boundaries Brochure
On Friday, March 28, “Beyond Boundaries: Music and Israel @ 60,” a symposium of the Center for Jewish Studies at the CUNY Graduate Center, will explore the complex diversity of musical styles, cultures, religions and ethnicities that is Israel today. The daylong event will present papers, discussions, and musical performances from 9:30 AM to 3:30 PM in the Baisley Powell Elebash Recital Hall on the first floor of the Graduate Center, 365 Fifth Avenue (at 34th Street).

In the morning, three speakers will present papers on a variety of topics significant to our understanding of the present-day climate for music in Israel. In the afternoon, from 1 to 3 P.M., there will be a concert by two performance groups: the renowned contemporary New York-based chamber ensemble Continuum, with a program of Israeli art music with pieces by Tzvi Avni, Betty Olivero, and Benjamin Yusupov; and Galeet Dardashti’s all-woman band Divahn, with a program of ethnic and popular Mizrahi music.…

Lori Cahan-simon Ensemble in Chicago

Sunday, July 8, 2012
Goodman Auditorium • Illinois Holocaust Museum & Education Center 9603 Woods Drive • Skokie, Illinois

The Chicago YIVO Society presents the 2nd Annual Sarah Lazarus Memorial Concert featuring The Lori Cahan-Simon Ensemble in a program of, “Vessel of Song: The Music of Mikhl Gelbart ”
Lori Cahan-Simon, vocals; Steve Greenman, violin; Walt Mahovlich, accordion

Mikhl Gelbart set to music the works of over a hundred poets and dramatists, including Y.L. Peretz and Avrom Reyzen. His beloved songs have been taught not only in this country, but around the world, and have been recorded or sung by just about every singer of Yiddish song.

General Admission $10 • Museum Members FREE but reservations required
Online (preferred) — click on “Museum Events” or phone 847.967.4889

Isle of Klezbos

Isle of Klezbos
Tuesday, February 24, 2009
Mardi Gras Special at Drom
female-fueled bands, Eastern European sounds, East Village energy!
Mistress of Ceremonies: “Lavinia Co-op” of Bloolips!
7:30pm – 10:30pm (doors open at 7PM)
85 Avenue A near E. 6th St
New York, NY 10009
$15. + minimum, full tapas menu and bar

PHOTO CREDIT Isle of Klezbos pic: Anita Briggs

Let My People Sing Returns for 4th Year

Jewish entertainer Craig Taubman and his
production company Craig N Co, will be producing the fourth annual ‘Let My
People Sing Festival – A four part Celebration of Spirit and Song’ from
April 5-12, coinciding with the Jewish festival of Passover.

“For four years, Let My People Sing has brought together an inspired group
of artists from around the world to celebrate the human spirit – now more
than ever, we need something to sing about” said Taubman. “I am
particularly pleased that this year’s events will raise awareness and money
for the Jewish Family Service Food and Hunger programs”.

Master Klezmer Class with Clarinetist David Krakauer

Master Klezmer Class with Clarinetist David Krakauer
Monday, November 14, 7:00-10:00pm
Jewish Community Center of the East Bay
1414 Walnut Street, Berkeley.

7:00-8:00pm: Lecture/demo by internationally-acclaimed klezmer and classical clarinetist David Krakauer, who will demonstrate klezmer technique and share personal stories and insights prior to the hands-on portion of the workshop.

8:00-10:00pm: Master class for “high intermediate to professional level” musicians. Participants will play (alone or with a pre-formed group) and will receive constructive feedback and coaching.

Registration fee:
* Individuals who play for Mr. Krakauer: $50/person
* Groups that play: $35/person
* Listeners (“auditors”): $20/person.
A limited number of reduced price scholarships will be available. Inquire at info[at]
Registration process:
Please reserve your space via phone (415.789.7679) or email (info[at] Tell us your name, email, and telephone and whether you will listen only OR play a solo OR play with a group of a specific number of people.…

3rd International Jewish Music Competition in Amsterdam

October 11-14, 2012 in a new location!
The Third International Jewish Music Competition will be held at the
Compagnie theater in the heart of Amsterdam’s old city center and on
the edge of the city’s Jewish Cultural Quarter This competition is for individual musicians, ensembles and bands specializing in performing Jewish music and whose goal is an international career performing this repertoire.
Competition registration: open until July 1
Announcement of selected contestants: August 1
Ticket sales: starts in September
Festival opening concert: Wednesday October 10
Preliminary competition rounds: Thursday October 11 & Friday October
Finale: Saturday October 13
Winners’ Concert: Sunday October 14
More information & registration:
Location: Compagnietheater, Kloveniersburgwal 50, Amsterdam
IJMF Newsletter May 2012

Click to view this email in a browser –

Veretski Pass and Choral Music in CA

San Francisco: Sat, Mar 17, 8 PM
St. Mark’s Lutheran Church, 1111 O’Farrell St.
Click here to buy online at

Oakland: Sun, Mar 18, 4 PM
Temple Sinai, 2808 Summit St.
Click here to buy online at

The concerts showcase a variety of new and standard Klezmer music,
and a wealth of choral music by Jewish composers, including richly
scored six-part Shir Hama’alot by 17th century Italian composer
Salamone Rossi, beloved works by Darius Milhaud and Felix
Mendelssohn, a lush piece by 19th century composer David Nowakowsky called
Hashkivenu #2, Sylke Zimpel’s arrangement of the familiar
folk tune Tumbalalaika, and compelling psalm settings by contemporary
composers George Rochberg, Malcolm Singer, and Karen Tarlow.

For this program local composer Tina Harrington and
Composer-Not-in-Residence Matt Van Brink each created new works that
feature the two ensembles.…

“Tribute”: The Chamber Music of Judith Shatin

Deering Estate, Living Artist Concert Series
Meet Judith Shatin
Venue: Deering Estate at Cutler, Miami, FL
Event Date: November 13, 2009
The concert begins at 7:00 pm; Meet the Artist Reception at 6:30 pm.
Single tickets $25 on sale at the Visitor Center Ticket Office, or by calling (305) 235-1668, ext. 233.
On November 13 the Living Artist Concert Series at Deering Estate presents “Tribute” a concert featuring composer Judith Shatin with the Deering Estate Chamber Ensemble. They will perform Shatin’s chamber works View from Mt. Nebo and Doxa linking historical wartime works by Louis Ferdinand of Prussia and Erich Korngold.

“Days of Awe” at Rodeph Sholom, Manhattan

The “Days of Awe” to be Experienced during Selichot at Congregation
Rodeph Sholom, Manhattan

The music of the High Holy Days will be
explored in a sacred experience by David Chevan with the Afro-Semitic
Experience in a program of instrumental interpretations called “The Days
of Awe.” Cantor Rebecca Garfein, Senior Cantor of Congregation Rodeph
Sholom of Manhattan will join Chevan and the Afro-Semitic Experience and
with them enter a unique spiritual realm with their arrangements of
original music, High Holy Day cantorial works from the repertoire of
Hazzan Yosele Rosenblatt, along with familiar traditional Jewish
congregational High Holiday melodies on Selichot at 7:30p.m., September
16, 2006. Special Guest, Frank London of the Klezmatics will join as
well for this special evening. The program, a highly meditative series
of improvisations and interpretations of traditional melodies, is geared
to all ages.…

Micha Haran in the Concert Meister Series at Baruch Performing Arts Center

Baruch Performing Arts Center Presents
The Concert Meister Series
Micha Haran
Solo Cellist &
Principal Cellist of The Israel Philharmonic Orchestra for 30 years

Tuesday, November 25th at 7:00 PM

Performing Bach Suite No.1 &
Kodaly Cello Sonata Op. 8
Engelman Recital Hall
On the South Side of East 25th Street Between Lexington & 3rd avenues
Manhattan, New York

Tickets: $30 -Call +1212.352.3101 or +1866.811.4111 or online


Micha Haran, Principal Cellist of the Israel Philharmonic Orchestra, returns to New
York, for a Solo performance at Baruch Performing Arts Center, after 33 years

“The Israeli Cellist is an assertive player with fine technical control and
musicianship that runs deep. Both in appearance and sound, he projects an intense
concentration that adds greatly to his communicative strength as an artist”
The New York Times, Haran’s Last Solo Performance in New York …

Alicia Svigal: It Would have Been Enough, But it Wasn’t. Now there’s More in April at John Zorn’s Stone place

At the Stone in NYC, 2nd St. and Ave C,
Violinist Alicia Svigals, a founder of the Grammy-winning Klezmatics
and the world’s best-known klezmer fiddler, is the curator for the
month of April at the Stone, John Zorn’s performance space on the
Lower East Side of Manhattan.

John Zorn, the composer who was recently awarded a MacArthur genius
grant, opened the Stone to provide a venue for the most creative new
music in New York. Each month he selects a different musician to
curate the series, and for April he asked Svigals to put together a
lineup that would tap into her eclectic and offbeat musical worlds.

The fifty acts Svigals booked revolve around three themes: Jewish
music, virtuoso female instrumentalist/improvisers/composers, and
all kinds of string music, traditional and contemporary.…


One year ago, the Chevy Chase, Maryland-based organization devoted to
finding and sharing new Jewish liturgical music didn?t even exist.
Today, it is relishing the task of selecting the best from among 169
pieces of music written by composers from 5 countries and 19 U.S.

?We are absolutely thrilled,? said Dr. Norma Brooks, vice president
of Shalshelet: The Foundation for New Jewish Liturgical Music. ?A
festival highlighting new music for congregational singing was just
an idea, a dream. Where would the music come from? How would
composers find us? Well, they did, in a very big way,? she said,
pointing to a three-inch-thick stack of submitted sheet music and the
four accompanying review CDs.

Svigals-Rushefsky in “Mahler’s World: Jewish Music in the Hapsburg Empire”

Klezmer violin superstar Alicia Svigals
returns to the Maverick on July 14 at 8:00 p.m. with tsimblist Pete

Ms. Svigals and Mr. Rushefsky brought down the house last summer at
Maverick, and this year¹s concert is called “Mahler¹s World: Jewish Music in
the Hapsburg Empire.” The concert is part of Maverick¹s season-long
celebration of the centenary of Gustav Mahler¹s arrival in America to lead
the Metropolitan Opera and the New York Philharmonic.

Classical concerts are Saturday evenings at 6:00 and Sunday afternoons at
3:00, with jazz, world music, and klezmer on selected Saturday nights at
8:00. Young people¹s concerts are Saturday mornings at 11:00.

The box office opens an hour before each concert; the hall opens half an
hour before curtain time. Except for the last weekend of the season, ticket
prices are $20 for adults and $5 for students.…

Kleztet Events Lineup

A number of exciting things going on in the next week or two for Kleztet fans.
On Monday, November 6, Kleztet will be giving another free concerts at
the Peabody Conservatory in Baltimore. This time it will be in the Dance Studio
(B28) from 7 until 9 pm. The studio is pretty hard to find, so your best
bet is just to get to Peabody, and then ask security (or a student) for

Another event: Kleztet will be at the Northeast Regional Folk Alliance Conference, or NERFA, in Monticello, New York at 9:45 pm on the evening of Saturday, November 11., 2006.


Usdan Center For the Creative and Performing Arts (, America’s
premier summer arts day camp, will present its annual Festival Concerts, private
30-minute educational performances, just for Usdan students, at its on-site
1,000-seat McKinley Ampitheater, beginning Monday June 30.

A unique event this season will be the July 17 Concert of Remembrance and
Celebration; 60th Anniversary of Israel, hosted by the international concert
presenter and programmer Caroline Stoessinger. The concert will include excerpts
from Brundibar, the children s opera first performed in the Terezin concentration
camp, and since World War II, sung continually in Israel and throughout the world.
The Usdan Center Junior Chorus will perform.…

Kol Rinah Chorale’s 2015 Spring Concert

Kol Rinah, Westchester’s Jewish Chorale’s Spring Concert
Date: Sunday, May 3, 2015 at 4 PM
Address: *Yorktown Jewish Center*,2966 Crompond Rd, Yorktown Heights, NY
Admission: GA $22; Students/Seniors $18. Group Rates, Advanced Sale
Other Information visit:
or call (914) 243-9059
Music genre: Kol Rinah, led by Benjamin Gruder, offers an eclectic concert of songs from a rich Jewish
heritage, ranging from liturgical to contemporary, in English, Yiddish, Russian and Hebrew.

Kol Rinah performed by invitation within the last year at the North American
Jewish Choral Festival
and at the Westchester Jewish Heritage Festival, as well as at other


Tzimmes is a musical group based in Vancouver, B.C., Canada. Tzimmes offers a program that “emphasizes the tremendous diversity within Jewish music.” They sing klezmer tunes, Sephardic and North American folk ballads. Their programs usually include several languages. Musical samples are available at the site.

Deikman, Susan

Singer, composer, Hebrew kirtan leader, educator. Leader in the international Music for People Organization, and teacher of voice, music improvisation and art. She teaches singing and leads drum circles. Susan is the creator of Mishpacha Music for children and their families. She is the founder of “Tone Deaf Choir” and has an instructional CD, “Toning for Tuning” for the Vocal Discovery Series. One of the originators of Hebrew kirtan which blends call and response chanting of Hebrew text and names of God with joyous sound: a blend of voice, harmonium, and drums. Kirtan, Deikman states “is an ancient Hindu devotional chant form and is similar in its religious passion and intensity to African-American Gospel and Hasidic niggunim.” Susan is known for her style of chanting. She states that she “offers you a powerful, direct, and personally transformative entry to God-realization.” Susan teaches at Elat Chayyim, which is affiliated with the Jewish Renewal Movement.…

Holocaust Remembrance Day at Museum of Jewish Heritage

WHAT: “Different Trains” Featuring the Israeli Contemporary String Quartet
WHERE: Edmond J. Safra Hall at the Museum of Jewish Heritage – A Living Memorial to the Holocaust
36 Battery Place, Lower Manhattan
WHEN: Sunday, May 4, 2008, 7 p.m.
COST: $15 for adults, $12 for students and seniors, $10 for members

Join the internationally acclaimed Israeli Contemporary String Quartet
(ICSQ) for a moving performance of “Different Trains,” distinguished American
composer Steve Reich’s commemorative Holocaust work, in honor of Yom HaShoah, at the
Museum of Jewish Heritage-A Living Memorial to the Holocaust. “Different Trains,”
which The New York Times calls a “work of such astonishing originality that
breakthrough seems the only possible description,” will take place in Edmond J.
Safra Hall at the Museum on Sunday, May 4 at 7 p.m.…



A scholarship in the name of Isaac Stern, the violinist, educator,
humanitarian, and savior of Carnegie Hall, will soon be presented to a
violin student at Usdan Center for the Creative and Performing Arts
( The scholarship has been funded by a generous grant from
the Linda and Isaac Stern Charitable Foundation. Usdan¹s faculty will hold
auditions this spring in order to identify the winning student.



The final two concerts of The Jewish Museum’s popular
SummerNights series are on Thursday evenings, July 16 and 23. On July
16, SLAVIC SOUL PARTY! performs virtuosic new brass band music
incorporating diverse influences, and on July 23, Ljova and the
Kontraband offer a mix of Eastern-European melodies, Latin rhythms and
jazz-inspired improvisations. Concerts begin at 7:30 pm. The Jewish
Museum is located at Fifth Avenue at 92nd Street, Manhattan.

Tickets for each concert are $15 for the general public; $12
for students and seniors; and $10 for Jewish Museum members. For
further information regarding programs at The Jewish Museum, the public
may call 212.423.3337 or visit



“A project with newly composed music of expansive scope, Alexander has
produced a screaming celebration of the multicultural American Jewish
Elliott Simon, AllAboutJazz – NY

New York, NY: Makor (25 West 67th street) Celebrate the 365th day of
the year and the 7th night of Hanukkah – all in one; enjoy three floors
of entertainment and mingling! Beginning at 9pm the party will include
Aaron Alexander’s Midrash Mish Mosh, Frank London’s Klezmer Brass
All-stars, a Klezmer Jam Session and The Boys of Balagan Boogaloo. Also
offered as part of the evening is a two-hour open beer and wine bar
(from 10 to 12) followed by a champagne toast at midnight.…

Toronto Jewish Folk Choir Celebrates Yiddish and Israel’s 60th


A Yiddish work celebrating the joy of playing the fiddle, and a salute
in song to the State of Israel on its 60th anniversary highlight the
82nd annual spring concert of the Toronto Jewish Folk Choir. Canada’s
oldest continuing choral body performs Sunday, June 1, 2008, 2 p.m. at
the Leah Posluns Theatre, 4588 Bathurst St., Toronto.Alexander Veprinsky
conducts the 30-voice Choir.

Tickets are $23; seniors and students, $19; children 12 and under, free.
For information and ticket reservations, e-mail
or call 416-636-0936 (evenings, weekends) or (416) 593-0750.
Information is also available at

Pianist is Lina Zemelman, with soloists Miriam Eskin, soprano; Artour
, tenor; David Weiss, baritone; and Herman Rombouts, bass.…

Kurt Weill Review

The music of Kurt Weill will be performed by 5 very talented singers, and staged/choreographed by Steve Weintraub in the Chicago area. The show opens on Friday, March 19, and runs Fridays & Saturdays at 8 and Sundays at 7 thru April 25. The location is the historic No Exit Cafe at 6970 N. Glenwood Ave, in Rogers Park. Free parking available at the Trilogy lot at Estes and Glenwood.
Tickets are $12, food and drink will be available (seating is at tables). Call 773-743-3355 for info or reservations. More…

Ladino Music with Sarah Aroeste

Vocalist Sarah Aroeste and her band of some of the hottest musicians
combine traditional Ladino Mediterranean music with contemporary rock,
blues and jazz.
Center for Jewish History, NYC
Wednesday, June 2nd
7 PM
15 West 16th Street (between 5th and 6th Avenues)
Complimentary for contributors to the Jack Calderon Memorial Fund for
the Sephardic Arts
Tickets: $15 ($12 advance, seniors, students, and for members of ASF/SH
and Shearith Israel)
To make reservations: Box Office (917) 606-8200
or for information, call (212) 294-8350
For more information:

“Working, the Musical” debut performance

Saturday, October 15 · 8:00pm – 11:00pm
Jewish Federation 550 S. Second St. Arcadia, 91106 CA

Hazzan Judy Sofer and colleagues are having four performances of their debut production for the Cultural Arts Program of Greater San Gabriel Pomona Valleys.
Saturday, Oct. 15 at 8:00
Sunday, Oct. 16 at 2:00
Saturday, Oct. 22 at 8:00
Sunday, October 23 at 2:00
Tickets are $36 – Premiere seating
$25- General Seating
$10- Students and children

Prof. Martin Schwartz speaks at SOAS in London

Professor Martin Schwartz of the University of California will speak on the topic of “THE LARGE SHARED REPERTORY OF GREEK AND KLEZMER / YIDDISH VERNACULAR MUSICS”

PLACE: Khalili Lecture Theatre, SOAS, Thornhaugh Street, London WC1H 0XG
ADMISSION: Admission free. Open to all interested parties. A collection will be taken.
RESERVATIONS: All places must be reserved in advance. Please e-mail

Leo Zeitlin music at JMF in NYC

The Jewish Music Forum of the American Society of Jewish Music will present rare evening event, on Thursday, February 9th at 7 PM. Because these evenings have been so popular, you will need to make reservations to attend (see information below).

The topic is “The Music of Leo Zeitlin,” one of the composers of the St. Petersburg School from the early 20th Century. On this occasion the wonderful performers from YIVO’s Sidney Krum Young Artis Series will provide live music examples to accompany the talk, which will be given by Professor Paula Eisenstein Baker, with Dr. Michael Steinlauf at respondent.

Joining the Krum Young Artists will be Cantors Robert Abelson, Maria Dubinsky, and Martha Novick. The evening session will be held at the YIVO Institute at the Center for Jewish History (15 West 16th Street, NYC), and will be taped for later broadcast on the web.…

Preparation for Chazzonim and Baaley Tefila

An evening of presentations to prepare for Chazzonim and Baaley Tefila for the High Holidays is being sponsored by Cantors World and the Philip and Sarah Belz School of Jewish Music, Yeshiva University. Being held at The Jewish Center, 131 West 86th Street, NYC on September 22nds, 8:00pm, the evening features presentations from Cantor Bernard Beer “A Guide to Leading the High Holy Day Service”; Dr. Peak Woo, MD, “Ensuring Vocal Health During a Stressful Season”; and Cantor Abraham Weingarten “Maintaining Vocal Clarity and Strength Throughout Davening”. The evening is bein moderated by Cantor Benny Rogosnitzky and will deal with major issues pertaining to the shliach tzibur, issues of vocal health and maintenacne and ideas for successful delivery and choice of nusach and tunes. There will be a question and answer session following the presentations.…

Prayers for Fellow Prisoners with Ullern Kammerkor

Norway’s Ullern Kammerkor at the Center for Jewish History
15 West 16th Street, NYC
Thursday, May 29th at 7 PM
Prayers for Fellow Prisoners
by Kristian Hernes on a text by Dietrich Bonhoeffer
Norway’s Ullern Kammerkor
Gjermund Brenne, Conductor
A program of music by composers active in the Terezin Concentration Camp and who perished during the Holocaust. In addition, the concert will have two pieces by Kurt Weill.

Beverly Hills Concert Music and the Holocaust: Survival, Resistance and Response

“Music and the Holocaust: Survival, Resistance and Response” is a concert of
rarely heard music composed in hiding, before deportation, and in Nazi concentration
camps and ghettos.

The Concert features Choral Society of Southern California, Los Angeles Zimriyah
, USC Thornton School of Music Chamber Choir and student soloists, members of
the Los Angeles Vocal & Instrumental Ensemble ( la vie ), Cantor David Cane, and recordings made in the camps. The program will include works from various composers
in hiding, concentration camps and ghettos, including:

Cantor David Cane’s performance of songs he was forced to sing in Auschwitz.

— A Jewish composer’s eight-minute choral work, written in the Kreuzburg Civilian
Internment Camp as a gift to Christian inmates who protected him and several other
Jewish inmates.…

KlezCalifornia This March

Afternoon of Song and Dance

Nigunim Concert 3/26/11
Saturday, March 26, 4:00pm, Afternoon of Song and Dance,
presented by the Nigunim Chorus.
Nigunim Chorus performance: A tribute to singer/songwriter Debbie Friedman, and other gems in Yiddish, Ladino and Hebrew.
· Spring-time Sing-Along: Old favorites and a few less-familiar songs, with lyrics provided.
· Klezmer and Israeli dancing: Easy-to-follow circle and line dances led by dance leader Bruce Bierman.

· After the show, walk to Saul’s Deli for a free dessert with purchase of an entree and presentation of a ticket to the Afternoon of Song and Dance.
At JCC East Bay. Tickets: $10 at the door. Co-sponsored by KlezCalifornia. More info: 510.528.8872, mail[at],

Beyond the Pale in Berkeley and San Francisco
Beyond the Pale
Saturday, March 26, 8:00pm & Sunday, March 27, 9:00pm.…

VIKLARBO Chamber Ensemble

TIME: 7:30 PM
LOCATION: Valley Beth Shalom
ADDRESS: 15739 Ventura Boulevard, Encino 91436
The Jewish Music Commission of LA presents the elite Los Angeles-based VIKLARBO
Chamber Ensemble in a program that includes new American Jewish music by David
Lefkowitz and Maria Newman. Both of these young Los Angeles-based musicians are in
great demand as composers, performers and educators. Also on the evening program are
works by Leonard Bernstein and Robert Schumann.

The ensemble features Maria Newman, Violin; Scott Hosfeld, Viola; Sebastian
Toettcher, cello; Wendy Prober, piano; and Amanda Walker, clarinet.

Tickets are $10 in advance; $15 at the door. For reservations and information, call
Valley Beth Shalom (818) 788-6000 or E-mail

Beethoven & Golijov

Audiences of the Marin Symphony’s Sunday, February 25 and
Tuesday, February 27 concerts will be treated to two epic works in one
program: Beethoven’s majestic Symphony No. 7 and contemporary composer
Osvaldo Golijov’s The Dreams and Prayers of Isaac the Blind, performed by
solo clarinetist Todd Palmer. Also on the program is Kodály’s Galanta
Dances. Alasdair Neale conducts.

The Marin Symphony concerts will be held on Sunday, February 25 and Tuesday,
February 27 at 7:30pm at Marin Center, San Rafael, California. Tickets at $65, $50 and
$27 are available at 415.499.6800 (students half price). Free pre-concert
talks with Maestro Neale begin at 6:30pm in the concert hall. Audience
members are invited to meet clarinetist Todd Palmer, Maestro Neale and
members of the orchestra immediately after the Tuesday, February 27 concert
at the Symphony’s regular Tuesday Night Wrap Party, Four Points by Sheraton
Lounge, 1010 Northgate Drive, San Rafael.…

Zhenya Lopatnik at YIVO July 12

Zhenya Lopatnik, a well-known klezmer singer from Kharkov, Ukraine will be performing in NYC this Sunday, July 12 2015 at 1pm at the YIVO Institute for Jewish Research, 15 West 16th St. This is a rare opportunity to hear one of the best Yiddish singers in the world.

Zhenya Lopatnik is a singer,composer, Yiddish songwriter, and Jewish educator. She is perhaps best known for the music she composed to “Ver vet blaybn” by Avrom Sutzkever which is sung the world over. She has participated in numerous klezmer festivals as a singer, teacher and soloist of the “Kharkov Klezmer Band”. Zhenya organizes the Annual International Festival “Kharkov Klezmer Teg”. Her songs can be heard at Klezmer events in many countries.

She will be the featured singer in the Annual All-Yiddish Program in Memory of Dr.…

Journey of Spirit Travels to TV

The world premiere of A Journey of Spirit, the award-winning independent
documentary on wsinger/songwriter Debbie Friedman, will air on two
consecutive Sundays, October 15th and 22nd at 7 a.m. ET/PT (6 a.m. CT)
on Hallmark Channel. A Journey of Spirit which won the best film award
from the National Council for Jewish Women, and the Detroit Jewish Film
Festival award for best new Jewish film
, among others, chronicles the
inspirational story of Ms. Friedman and how she has affected
contemporary Jewish music. Check your local times and listings.