Beverly Hills Concert Music and the Holocaust: Survival, Resistance and Response

“Music and the Holocaust: Survival, Resistance and Response” is a concert of
rarely heard music composed in hiding, before deportation, and in Nazi concentration
camps and ghettos.

The Concert features Choral Society of Southern California, Los Angeles Zimriyah
, USC Thornton School of Music Chamber Choir and student soloists, members of
the Los Angeles Vocal & Instrumental Ensemble ( la vie ), Cantor David Cane, and recordings made in the camps. The program will include works from various composers
in hiding, concentration camps and ghettos, including:

Cantor David Cane’s performance of songs he was forced to sing in Auschwitz.

— A Jewish composer’s eight-minute choral work, written in the Kreuzburg Civilian
Internment Camp as a gift to Christian inmates who protected him and several other
Jewish inmates.

— Short recordings made during the war in Kreuzburg.

— Commentary by Nick Strimple, Holocaust music scholar and USC faculty member.

WHEN: November 2, 2006 at 8:00 P. M.
WHERE: Beverly Hills Presbyterian Church
505 N. Rodeo Drive
Beverly Hills, CA 90210

WHO: Sponsored by the American Musicological Society, the Jewish Music Commission of Los
Angeles and the Beverly Hills Presbyterian Church. Conducted by Magen Solomon and
Nick Strimple, both USC Thornton School of Music faculty members.

TICKETS: $18 adult, $10 student. Reservations at 310.271.5194, ask for Emily.