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Musica Judaica Issues: 1982-83, Volume V, No. 1

This Table of Contents Service is provided by The Jewish Music WebCenter on behalf of The American Society for Jewish Music.

Volume V. Number 1. 5743/1982-83

Israel J. Katz
Laura Leon-Cohen, Associate Editor

Hugo Weisgall's The Golden Peacock: A Stylistic and Interpretive Analysis of Two SongsLaura Leon-Cohen p.1
Frederick Emil Kitziger of New Orleans: A Nineteenth-Century Composer of Synagogue MusicJohn H. Baronp.21
The Biblical Trope System in Ashkenazic Phrophetic ReadingJoseph A. Levinep.35
Modulation as an Integral Part of the Modal System in Jewish Music Judit Laki Frigyesip.53
The Development of the Hallel Chant as Reflected in Rabbinic Literature Macy Nulmanp.72
Antisemitism and Music in Nineteenth-Century France James H. Johnsonp.79
Record Reviews: The Art of Moshe Rudinow.


Neshoma Orchestra

A sohisticated website introduces the Neshoma Orchestra of Cedarhurst, New York. Celebrating 20 years as a band performing “at weddings, dinners, Bar /Bat Mitzvahs, and organizational/corporate events worldwide,” the orchestra is an exemplar of the American Yeshivish and Modern Orthodox style of music. The group boasts a large number of instrumentalists and vocalists, although there are no individual bios on the website. Neshoma Orchestra has records with many top concert artists in the Jewish field. Michael Sojcher and Elly Zomick are the leaders of the group. Neshoma website audio clips include a choice of mp3 or Real Audio. The current website features their CD “A Heimishe Simcha,” with a mention about the upcoming album called “Neshoma @your Simcha”. Contact information includes their address: 420 Central Avenue Cedarhurst, NY 11516.…

Musica Judaica Issues: 1993-94, Volume XIII

This Table of Contents Service is provided by The Jewish Music WebCenter on behalf of The American Society for Jewish Music.

Volume XIII. Number 1. 5755/1993-94

Neil W. Levin

Assistant Editor, Alexander V. Knapp

Founder, Albert Weisser (1918-1982)

From the EditorNeil W. Levin p.iv
An Unanticipated Consequence of Political/Racial Persecution: the Contribution of Jewish Musicians to the Cultural Transfer of European Art Music to JapanIrene Suchy p.1
Mordecai Sandberg (1897-1973): A Catalogue of the MusicAustin Clarkson, with Karen Pegley and Jay Rahnp.18
An International Conference on Jewish Music at City University, LondonMalcolm Miller p.82
Award of the Degree of Doctor of Humane Letters, Honoris Causa, to Israel Adler p.90
Hanoch Avenary: In MemoriamEdwin Seroussi p.93
Reviews: Walter Salmen, "...denn die Fiedel macht das Fest." Jüdische Musikanten und TÄnzer vom 13.


Musica Judaica Issues: 1989-90, Volume XI

This Table of Contents Service is provided by The Jewish Music WebCenter on behalf of The American Society for Jewish Music.

Volume XI. Number 1. 5750/1989-90

Neil W. Levin

Assistant Editor, Alexander V. Knapp

Written Evidence and Oral tradition: The Singing of Hayom Harat Olam in Sephardi SynagoguesEdwin Seroussi p.1
Neglected Sources for the Historical Study of Synagogue Music: The Prefaces to Louis Lewandowski's Kol Rinnah u'T'Fillah and Todah W'simrah--Annotated TranslationsGeoffrey Goldbergp.27
A Guide to the Unpublished Works of Gershon Ephros (1890-1978): An Annotated BibliographyMarsha Bryan Edelmanp.58
Lord Byron's Hebrew Melodies: A Curious Episode Reconsidered-- A Review EssayCarole Rosenp.86
Reviews: Philip V. Bohlman, The Land Where Two Streams Flow: Music in the German-Jewish Community of Israel (Urbana and Chicago, 1989)Samuel Adlerp.93
Akiva Zimmermann, B'ron Yahad: Essays, Research and Notes on Hazzanut and Jewish Music (Tel Aviv, 1988)Joseph A.


Musica Judaica Issues: 1987-88, Volume X

This Table of Contents Service is provided by The Jewish Music WebCenter on behalf of The American Society for Jewish Music.

Volume X. Number 1. 5749/1987-88

Israel J. Katz

Review Editor, Neil W. Levin

Dedicated to the Memory of Eric Werner (1901-1988)

Eric Werner (1901-1988): A Bibliography of His Collected Writings Israel J. Katz p.1
Eric Werner: A Personal Memoir Judith K. Eisenstein p.37
The Hazzanic Recitative Max Wohlbergp.40
A Possible Influence of Traditional Chant on a Synagogue Motet of Salomone RossiJoshua R. Jacobsonp.52
Revival and Renewal: Can Jewish Ethnic Tradition Survive the Melting Pot?Amnon Shiloahp.59
Jewish Music Published in Palestine: An IntroductionJames J. Fuld p.70
Mordecai Sandberg (1897-1973)Joel Mandelbaump.81
In Memoriam: Shalom Altman (1911-1986) Marsha Bryan Edelmanp.92
Reviews: Darryl Lyman.


Musica Judaica Issues: 1985-86, Volume VIII, No. 1

This Table of Contents Service is provided by The Jewish Music WebCenter on behalf of The American Society for Jewish Music.

Volume VIII. Number 1. 5747/1985-86

Israel J. Katz

Associate/Review Editor, Neil W. Levin

A Family of Jewish Musicians in Mid-Eighteenth Century Paris Alexander L. Ringer p.1
Reminiscences of Guido Adler (1855-1941)Carl A. Rosenthal p.13
Salomon Sulzer's Schir Zion, Volume One: A Survey of Its Contributors and Its ContentsAbraham Lubinp.23
A Perception of the Prayer Modes as Reflected in Musical and Rabbinical SourcesMacy Nulmanp.45
They Made Me a Jewish ComposerDavid Finkop.59
Ami Maayani and the Yiddish Art Song (Part I)Laya Harbater Silberp.75
Book Reviews: Eric Werner, The Sacred Bridge: The Interdependence of Liturgy and Music in Synagogue and Church during the First Millenium, Volume Two (New York, 1984)Theodore C.


Musica Judaica Issues: 1983-84, Volume VI, No. 1

This Table of Contents Service is provided by The Jewish Music WebCenter on behalf of The American Society for Jewish Music.

Volume VI. Number 1. 5744/1983-84

Israel J. Katz

Lazare Saminsky's Early Years in New York City (1920-1928): Excerpts from an Unpublished AutobiographyEdited by Israel J. Katz p.1
Sephardic Folkliterature and Eastern Mediterranean Oral TraditionSamuel G. Armistead and Joseph H. Silvermanp.38
A Trascription of the Judeo-Spanish Ballad La vuelta del maridoIsrael J. Katzp.55
The "Prologue" to Jewish Music in Twentieth-Century America: Four Representative Figures: [Bloch, Saminsky, Copland, and Weisgall]Albert Weisserp.60
Max Helfman: The Man and His Musical LegacyPhilip Moddel and Richard J. Neumann (Including a listing of Helfman's compositions compiled by Judith Tischler)p.67
Last Chants for the Cantorate?


Musica Judaica Issues: 1981-82, Volume IV, No. 1

This Table of Contents Service is provided by The Jewish Music WebCenter on behalf of The American Society for Jewish Music.

Volume IV. Number 1. 5742/1981-82

Israel J. Katz
Albert Weisser
Laura Leon-Cohen, Associate Editor

Dedicated to the Memory of Albert Weisser (1918-1982)

The Music Division of the Jewish-Ethnographic Expedition in the Name of BaronHorace Guinzbourg (1911-1914)Albert Weisser p.1
Curt Sachs and the Library Museum of the Performing ArtsCarleton Sprague Smithp.9
The Role of Ethnomusicology in the Study of Jewish MusicJohanna Spector p.20
The Enigma of the Antonio Bustelo Judeo-Spanish Ballad tunes in Manuel L. Ortega's Los hebreos en marreucosIsrael J. Katzp.33
On the Melody of David Edelstadts's "Vacht Oyfl" Robert A. Rothsteinp.69
Book and Music Reviews: Neil Levin, ed.


Musica Judaica Issues: 1980-81, Volume III, No. 1

This Table of Contents Service is provided by The Jewish Music WebCenter on behalf of The American Society for Jewish Music.

Volume III. Number 1. 5741/1980-81

Israel J. Katz
Albert Weisser

Friedrich Gernsheim (1839-1916) and the Lost GenerationAlexander L. Ringer p.1
Toward Defining the Jewish Prayer Modes: With Particular Emphasis on the Adonay Malakh ModeJoseph A. Levinep.13
Seged: A Falasha Pilgrimage FestivalKay Kaufman Shelemayp.43
The Jew in German Musical Thought before the Nineteenth CenturyJacob Hohenemserp.63
Letters to the Editors: An Encyclopedist's Ailments--Reviewing Reviews of the Encyclopaedia Judaica on Jewish MusicHanoch Avenaryp.74
Letters to the Editors: A reply to Dr. AvenaryEric Wernerp.76
Book and Music Reviews: Robert Strassburg, Ernest Bloch: Voice in the Wilderness (Los Angeles, 1977)Byron Cantrellp.77
Book and Music Reviews: Miriam Gideon: Shirat Miriam L'Shabbat: A Sabbath Evening Service (London, 1978)Hugo Weisgallp.80
Book and Music Reviews: Hugo Weisgall, The Golden Peacock: Seven Popular Songs from the Yiddish (Bryn Mawr, 1980)Bruce Saylorp.82
Contributors of Articlesp.86
In Memoriam: Marvin Duchow (1914-1979)Israel J.


Musica Judaica Issues: 1977-78, Volume II, No. 1

This Table of Contents Service is provided by The Jewish Music WebCenter on behalf of The American Society for Jewish Music.

Volume II. Number 1. 5738/1977-78

Israel J. Katz
Albert Weisser

Lazare Saminsky's Years in Russia and Palestine: Excerpts from an Unpublished Autobiography/Edited and annotated by Albert Weisser p.1
The Music of the Synagogue as a Source of the Yiddish FolksongMax Wohlbergp.21
Cross-Cultural Dynamics in Musical Traditions: The Music of the Jews of Cochin/Israel J. Rossp.51
Soviet-Yiddish Folklore Scholarship/Eleanor Gordon Mlotek p.73
Book Reviews: The Articles "Music, Masoretic Accents, and Hazzan" in the Encyclopaedia Judaica (Jerusalem, 1971)Eric Wernerp.91
Book Reviews: Chanah Milner and Paul Storm, eds. Sefardische Liederen en Balladen (romanzas) (The Hague, 1974)Samuel G.


Musica Judaica Issues: 1975-76, Volume I, No. 1

This Table of Contents Service is provided by The Jewish Music WebCenter on behalf of The American Society for Jewish Music.

Volume I. Number 1. 5736/1975-76

Israel J. Katz
Albert Weisser

Abraham Zvi Idelsohn (1882-1938): A Bibliography of His Collected Writings/Israel J. Katz p.1
Medieval Elements in the Liturgical Music of the Jews of Southern France and Northern Spain/Judith K. Eisensteinp.33
Giacomo Meyerbeer: The Jew and His Relationship with Richard Wagner/Joan L. Thomsonp.55
Review Essay: The Music of Europe and the Americas (nineteenth and twentieth centuries) in the Encyclopaedia Judaica (Jerusalem, 1971)/Albert Weisserp.87
Facsimile of Two Fragments of Joseph Achron's Kiddush HasemAlmanach of the Yiddish Art Theatrep.104
Contributors of Articlesp.105
Alfred Sendrey (1884-1976): In Memoriam/Israel J.


Musica Judaica Issues: 1984-85, Volume VII, No. 1

This Table of Contents Service is provided by The Jewish Music WebCenter on behalf of The American Society for Jewish Music.

Volume VII. Number 1. 5745/1984-85


Israel J. Katz

Yemenite and Babylonian Elements in the Musical Heritage of the Jews of Cochin, IndiaJohanna Spectorp.1
Songs of the Jews on the Island of Djerba. A Comparison between Two Surveys: Hara Sghira (1929) and Hara Kebira (1976)Ruth Francis Davisp.23
The Resurgence of Jewish Musical Life in an Urban German Community: Mannheim on the Eve of World War IIPhilip V. Bohlmanp.34
Felix Mendelssohn's Commissioned Composition for the Hamburg Temple: The 100th Psalm (1844)Eric Wernerp.54
Another Anthology of Sephardic Folksongs (A Review Essay)Samuel G. Armistead, Israel J.


Musica Judaica Issues: 1986-87, Volume IX

This Table of Contents Service is provided by The Jewish Music WebCenter on behalf of The American Society for Jewish Music.

Volume IX. Number 1. 5748/1986-87

Israel J. Katz

Associate/Review Editor, Neil W. Levin

Chant and Cantillation Johanna Spector p.1
Folk Music in the Urban German-Jewish Community 1890-1919Philip V. Bohlman p.22
Fumio Koizumi of Japan: An Asian's Use of the Concepts of Melody Found in the Works of Abraham Z. Idelsohn, Robert Lachmann, and Curt SachsJames Siddons p.35
Ami Maayani and the Yiddish Art Song (Part II)Laya Harbater Silber p.47
Hebrew as an Elucidator of Concepts in Western MusicVered Cohen p.65
In Memoriam: Reuven Kosakoff (1898-1987)Sharon Kosakoff p.68
Book Reviews: Letter to the EditorBernard Beer p.76
Book Reviews: A Reply to Cantor BeerNeil Levin p.77
Book Reviews: Adaqi, Yehiel, and Uri Sharvit.


YIVO. Archives and Library Music Collection

YIVO holds one of the world’s largest collections of Eastern European Jewish sound recordings and Jewish sheet music. Materials must be consulted onsite. Researchers are requested to call for an appointment for access to the Archives. “This collection consists of published and unpublished works of Yiddish and Hebrew; art, folk, popular, and theater music; Holocaust songs; liturgical and Hasidic music; choral music; and instrumental compositions. It includes several thousand pieces of published sheet music by composers and arrangers such as Abraham Ellstein, Abraham Goldfaden, Pinchas Jassinowski, Alexander Olshanetzky, Joseph Rumshinsky, and Sholem Secunda. It also includes published and unpublished choral, folk, classical, popular, liturgical, Hasidic, and Holocaust-related music by many different composers; as well as programs, clippings, photographs, and other documents about Jewish music.” Outstanding collections of cantorial and choral synagogue music, folk music and theater music can be in the archives.…

Jewish Music Distribution

Jewish Music Distribution, with help from Noa Lachman, has an extensive catalogue of recordings in cd and cassette tape formats as well as sheet music. Their catalogue covers contemporary, klezmer, classical Jewish, Yiddish, religious, Israeli, holiday, Russian, Ladino and so on. They have unique and extensive numbers of materials by British Jewish artists, composers and performing groups. Especially nice is the number of materials for easy piano and other instrumental arrangements for children to become exposed to this music.
Noa Lachman
Jewish Music Distribution
PO Box 67
Hailsham BN27 4UW
Free phone: 0800 7811 686
Tel/Fax: (44) 01323 832 863

Siddur Audio

A new website called “Siddur Audio” comes from Atlanta with the work of Rabbi Mark Zimmerman.
You can use the site to learn the Tefillot, and it is completely free. Most of the Siddur has
already been recorded in mp3 format. Rabbi Zimmerman has updated the site and increased the server capacity to accommodate the growing number of downloads that it has been generating lately. He has also
recently added audio of the weekday davening and the Passover Seder as well.

Kleztet Events Lineup

A number of exciting things going on in the next week or two for Kleztet fans.
On Monday, November 6, Kleztet will be giving another free concerts at
the Peabody Conservatory in Baltimore. This time it will be in the Dance Studio
(B28) from 7 until 9 pm. The studio is pretty hard to find, so your best
bet is just to get to Peabody, and then ask security (or a student) for

Another event: Kleztet will be at the Northeast Regional Folk Alliance Conference, or NERFA, in Monticello, New York at 9:45 pm on the evening of Saturday, November 11., 2006.

The Legacy of Robert Moevs

Event title: The Legacy of Robert Moevs; includes Elijah’s Chariot for string quartet and electronics from shofar sounds by Judith Shatin

Event date: Nov 13, 2016

Time: 7:30 p.m.

Location: Address: Shindell Choral Hall, 79 George St. City/Town: New Brunswick, NJ Country: US – United States State: NJ New Jersey Zip Code: 08901

This concert features Composition Teachers and Students at Rutgers University. Distinguished composer Robert Moevs, in whose honor the concert was conceived, was the first composition teacher of Judith Shatin, now William R. Kenan Professor of Music at the University of Virginia. In turn, her PhD advisee, Steven Kemper, is now Assistant Professor of Music at Rutgers University. This concert features music for string quartet, in Shatin’s case with electronics fashioned from recordings of Shofar calls, and shows the circle continuing.…

Music in Our Time: 2009

Sunday, June 7th at the Center for Jewish History
Celebrating the Siegmeister Centenary
“Music in Our Time,” the annual concert of Jewish music by contemporary composers, presented by the American Society for Jewish Music in association with the American Jewish Historical Society, will be given on Sunday, June 7th at 3 PM at the Center for Jewish History (15 West 16th Street, NYC).
For tickets $18 ($12 members); $6 for Students and Seniors, call 212-868-4444 or or
contact the Box Office: (917) 606-8200 /

Albuquerque Academy Klezmer Camp

June 28-July 2, 2004
Set in the foothills of the Sandia Mountains on the lush 300+ acre
campus of Albuquerque Academy, this weeklong workshop features
Veretski Pass, including tsimbalist and accordianist Josh Horowitz,
fiddler Cookie Segelstein, and Stu Brotman on bass. This year we are
offering optional afternoon classes including 2 sessions of Yiddish
dance, a lecture and slide show on 18th and 19th C. Yiddish life,
and a film screening and discussion. You can also hike on our
private wilderness tract and on the many acres of public land
nearby. Or you may want to explore the cultural resources of the
Albuquerque/Santa Fe area. More info….

Courses in Boston with Yelena Neplok

New England Conservatory, 241 St. Botolph Street, Boston, presents two
ten week courses with Instructor Yelena Neplok. “Eastern European Jewish
Musical Traditions” runs on Wednesdays, February 15-May 3, 2006, from
7:00 -8:30 p.m. and “The Art of Russian Piano Music” runs on Tuesdays,
February 14-April 25, 2006, from 7:00-8:30 p.m.
Registration starts on January 10th.
Financial Aid available/*/ (call 617-585-1125 to apply)
For more information, contact the instructor at 617-566-7969 or email:
Tuition for NEC School of Continuing Education is $325 – for non credit,
and $450 for the credit.

Women musicians Needed

Yoheved Friedland, (, a Jewish woman songwriter in N. Miami Beach, Florida would like to create a Jewish women’s musical group with other singers and songwriters. Please contact her if you would like to join this sort of women’s music ensemble. Please contact her directly at the email address.

International Federation of Choral Music in Jerusalem

International Federation for Choral Music Conference
September 16-20, 2006
Jerusalem, Israel

Hallel, the Israel Choral Organization is hosting. also:
Israel Ministry of Education and Culture
Israel Music Department of the Cultural Directorate
Israel Ministry of Foreign Affairs
Jerusalem Music Center
Mishkenot Sha’ananim Conference Center

A very exciting and interesting event is taking place in Israel before the High Holidays. If any of you are not totally immersed in preparations for the High Holidays and/or will be visiting relatives in Israel for the holidays, the letter below about the program may be of extreme interest to you. The letter is written by Professor André de Quadros who is the head of the Music Department at Boston University and the chair of the Multicultural and Ethnic division of the International Federation of Choral Music.…

Jewish Music Festival SF Bay Area

The 23rd Annual
Jewish Music Festival SF Bay Area
March 22 – 30, 2008
There will be more than a full week
of tremendous concerts and unique programs in multiple venues throughout the Bay
Area. Check your calendar one last time, and make sure you take in as much of this
annual Bay Area treasure as you possibly can. All the details are available at




The purpose of the Jewish Music WebCenter is to support and encourage scholarship and general enjoyment of Jewish music. This website provides an informational platform for activities by individuals and groups as well as academic and archival resources.


The Jewish Music WebCenter  was started by Judith Pinnolis, a librarian at Brandeis University in April, 1996, as an experiment in online bibliography. Less than two years later, In February, 1998, the Jewish Music WebCenter was born as an independent website with its own domain name.  At that time, there were only about 75 websites of Jewish Music and a bibliography of 40 selected print reference sources. Today there are thousands of websites and many more academic sources of Jewish music interest linked through this site. …

Zuckerman, Mark

Choral Composer and arranger. Has written numerous works and also arranged Yiddish choral works, often incorporating some English to help audiences appreciate the texts better. Zuckerman appears to be a highly professional and successful modern choral arranger. You can hear many selections of his music online though his nicely laid out catalog of works. Another nice highlight of the website is the program liner notes online. Take a look at the “Year in Yiddish Song” to get a flavor of the information available. According to his online bio, his “choral music has achieved an international reputation with choruses and at festivals in The Netherlands and Canada as well as in the United States. It’s been performed and recorded by the Gregg Smith Singers, The Goldene Keyt Singers, the New Yiddish Chorale, The Workman’s Circle Chorus, and Di Goldene Keyt/The Yiddish Chorale….…

My Online Course! Music of the Jewish People

New this fall from Hebrew College:
Online courses from the School of Jewish Music

I’m teaching an online course in Jewish music through Hebrew College of Boston. It’s called “Music of the Jewish People.” You won’t have to be able to read music, although of course, that always helps! However, it’s not actually required for taking this course. It’s all online, and there’s no particular “class time.” You “attend” the course completely online, get your resources and discussion online. The course is a college-level course and is intended for individuals who have completed high school and above.

You have to register and pay for the course registration through the Hebrew College.
After September 4th, there is a late registration fee, so register right away!
Anyone interested in taking your course should be directed to the Registrar (Marilyn Jaye – or 617-559-8642).…

Kaplan Commissioning Project

for composers of Jewish heritage:
Saint Mary¹s University Concert Band

The seventh Helen and Sam Kaplan Foundation Commission for a new Concert
Band composition written by a composer of Jewish heritage is outlined below.
Any questions should be directed directly to Dr. Janet Heukeshoven, Director
of Bands at Saint Mary¹s University of Minnesota. Contact information is
provided at the end of this notice.

Amount of Commission:
$5,000.00 plus travel/expense allowance for a campus visit at the premier of
the composition.

Description of the Composition:
The work will be scored for standard concert band instrumentation,
appropriate difficulty level for advanced high school bands and collegiate
ensembles. (A ³grade 4² level of difficulty by current educational
standards.) The orchestration of the 2012 project may be extended to
include solo voice or voices.…

Neshama Carlebach Events this Winter in US

December 9,2012, 7 PM
Neshama and her band with special guest artist Josh Nelson will
be performing at the Zinman Hall, Boca Raton Florida Jewish
Federation Campus.
For further information contact
Congregation Shaarei Kodesh
19785 Hampton Drive, Suite 4
Boca Raton, FL 33434
561-852-6555 (p)
561-852-3604 (f)

December 12th, 7:30 pm
Neshama, her band and the Green Pastures Baptist Church Choir
will be performing at the “Lights of Hope.”
All proceeds to benefit survivors of Hurricane Sandy, including
Neshama’s producer/manager/drummer Mark Ambrosino, who lost his
For further information contact
The Merrick Jewish Centre
225 Fox Blvd
Merrick NY 11566

YIVO to Digitize Ruth Rubin Field Recordings

Lorin Sklamberg, Sound Archivist at YIVO writes:

We [YIVO] have indeed begun the work of digitizing Ruth Rubin’s collection of field recordings. A large portion of the materials were transferred and databased by Bay Area singer/instrumentalist Jeanette Lewicki over the summer with the support of New York’s Center for Traditional Music and Dance. Though far from completed, the tracks that have been processed are currently being prepared for on-site use in the not-too-distant future by YIVO Sound Archives consultant Matt Temkin.

Renewed interest in these treasures can be partially attributed to the posthumous publication of Yiddish Folksongs from the Ruth Rubin Archives edited by Chana Mlotek and Mark Slobin (Wayne University Press, 2007). Recent projects that utilize the songs include my own Saints and Tzadiks (songs from the Irish and Yiddish traditions developed together with Susan McKeown), Voices of Ashkenaz (German-Jewish song connections explored by Andreas Schmitges, Deborah Strauss, Svetlana Kundish and Thomas Fritze) and Alpen Klezmer (Bavarian and Yiddish songs with Andrea Pancur and Ilya Shneyveys).…

Lamble, Judi

Judi Lamble composes Jewish vocal, and especially choral, including a cappella choruses, soloists, and duets, with music based on liturgical and scriptural texts. Her compositions are classically-oriented, with contemporary or ethnic energy. Having sung with the Chicago Symphony Chorus for 8 years, she writes music with a special sensitivity to the vocalists she serves. Her compositions are regularly performed by the Temple Israel congregational choir in Minneapolis, MN. Her website has contact information for obtaining scores, and samples of her music. Lamble’s music can be appropriate for groups with varying degrees of sophistication. For more information about difficulty of pieces, contact the composer. Some of the religious texts she uses follow the Reform liturgy. She also includes links to other composer’s sites.…

CALL FOR PAPERS: Magnified and Sanctified: the Music of Jewish Prayer

Conference: Magnified and Sanctified: the Music of Jewish Prayer

University of Leeds, UK
Tuesday 16 – Friday 19 June 2015

For the first time in Britain an International Academic Conference is being
devoted to the music of Jewish prayer. Internationally acclaimed scholars in
Jewish liturgical music will lead the programme presented jointly by the
School of Music, University of Leeds and the Academic Wing of the European
Cantors Association.

CALL FOR PAPERS (see more)…

Delaware Valley Jewish Choral

Gratz College will host the 4th annual Delaware Valley Jewish Choral
Festival on Sunday, March 28. Sponsored by the Zamir Choral Foundation in
conjunction with Gratz and the Jewish choral community of the Delaware
Valley, the event is designed for lovers of Jewish music of all backgrounds… Contact the Tyson Music Department at Gratz College, 215-635-7300, or e-mail See more information…

Call for Papers Conference in Budapest

Call for Papers
Exoticism, Orientalism and National Identity in Musical Theatre
International Musicological Conference on the Centenary of the Death of Karl Goldmark
Budapest, 11-12 December, 2015
Institute of Musicology
(Research Centre for the Humanities, Hungarian Academy of Sciences)

Karl Goldmark was a key figure of the musical culture of the Austro-Hungarian
Monarchy. He was born in a Hungarian city as a son of a Jewish chazzan, but his
activity concentrated mostly to Vienna. He considered himself Hungarian, but all of
his operas were composed in German and, except Gatz von Berlichingen, premiered in
Vienna. Thus, his life and oeuvre represents not only the problematic questions of
citizenship, religion and national identity in Central Europe at the turn of the
century, but also their impact on a variety of musical genres (operas, symphonic
works, chamber music, choral music, works for piano and songs).…

The Columbia University Series on Klezmer Music and Yiddish Song

The Columbia University Series on Klezmer Music and Yiddish Song Presents
Three Monday Evening Events: November 22, November 29 and December 13, 2004, 8:00
Curated by Deborah Strauss and Jeff Warschauer of the Strauss/Warschauer Duo,
this series is dedicated to presenting performances and lectures that reflect
the finest current research and creativity in the fields of klezmer music and
Yiddish song.

Maqam and Tefilah: The Liturgical Music of Syrian Jews

Prof. Mark Kligman will present
A Lecture sponsored by Magen Savid of Union Square and the Center for Sephardic Heritage
Wednesday, February 25, 2009
7:00pm – 9:00pm
Location: Magen David of Union Square
3 West 16th Street, btw 5th and 6th Aves
New York, NY
Contact Info Email/RSVP:
Admission: $5 (Free for students with ID)

Copies of Professor Kligman’s recently published book Maqam and Liturgy: Ritual, Music and Aesthetics of Syrian Jews in Brooklyn will be available for sale at the event.

Klezmer Workshop with Jeff Warschauer in NY

Free Open House this coming Tuesday, January 9, from 7-9 PM
Followed by a 6-week session – Tuesdays – January 16, 23, 30
and February 6, 13 and 20
Hands-On Workshop
– Study with an internationally recognized master instructor
– Learn tunes from the diverse klezmer tradition
– Work in ensembles with other instrumentalists
– Develop tools for improvisation
– Guest instructors from the cutting edge of the contemporary
klezmer scene
– Open to players of any instrument who play and read music at least
an intermediate level.

The open house and all sessions will take place at the Workmen’s Circle, 45
East 33rd Street (between Park and Madison), Manhattan.
$150 for all 6 sessions
Members: $25 per session
Non-members $30 per session
For more information contact:
Lisa Stein
New York Regional Director
Workmen’s Circle
45 E.…

Klezmer & African Drumming Extravaganza at The Tank

March 16, 2006, 10pm
Aaron Alexander’s Midrash Mish Mosh with Senegalese Sabar masters Yakar Rhythms

A World-Jazz Extravaganza is coming to The Tank on March 16, 2006 at
10pm, featuring Aaron Alexander’s Midrash Mish Mosh and Senegalese
Sabar drum masters Yakar Rhythms, featuring Aliounne ‘Guido’ Faye.
Special guest on Midrash Mish Mosh is drummer David Licht from the
Klezmatics! Both bands will play separately and then collaborate on a
couple tunes at the end. Alexander previously produced and a
collaboration with Yakar rhythms and Hasidic New Wave which resulted in
the CD “Belly of Abraham” for Knitting Factory records.

The Tank is Located at 279 Church St. (bet. Franklin & White), in Tribeca, in NYC.
The Tank @ Collective: Unconscious is located at 279 Church Street
between Franklin and White.…

Whirling Dervish with Yuval Ron Ensemble

“deeply moving pan-Middle Eastern music”–
The Yuval Ron Ensemble unites the sacred musical traditions of Judaism,
Sufism (Islamic mystical tradition) and the Christian Armenian Church
into an unusual musical celebration. Bringing together artists from
Arabic, Jewish and Christian ancestry the Yuval Ron Ensemble is
dedicated to fostering an understanding of Middle Eastern cultures and

What: An evening of Suft Music and Whirling and Sufi poetry of Rumi,
Yunus and Hafiz

Who: Whirling Dervish of the Melevi Order- Aziz, with The Yuval Ron
Ensemble, featuring Najwa Gibran, vocal soloist

Where: Church in Ocean Park, 235 Hill Street, Santa Monica, CA 90405.
Free street parking on 4th street and streets east of 4th street or pay
parking lots on Main Street or 1/4 block east of Main Street

When: Sunday, February 18, 2007 at 7:00pm

Money: Advanced tickets: $15, at the door: $20.…

Klezmer Workshop in Park Slope

A new series of the popular Klezmer Workshop in Park Slope, Brooklyn, begins
with a free Open House on Thursday evening, May 6, 2004, 7:30 PM at
Congregation Beth Elohim, 274 Garfield Place, Park Slope, Brooklyn.

John Zorn and the Future of Jewish Music Lecture

The Judaica Sound Archives at Florida Atlantic University’s S.E. Wimberly
Library on the Boca Raton campus, invites you to join librarian Daniel
, who will present a lecture titled “John Zorn and the Future of
Jewish Music,” on Tuesday, May 29, 2007 from 7 to 8 p.m.

WHEN: Tuesday, May 29, 2007, from 7 to 8 p.m.

WHERE: Paul C. Wimbish Wing of the S.E. Wimberly Library
Mildred & Abner Levine and Ruth & Saul Weinberger Jewish Life Center
Hillel Golden Pavilion
Florida Atlantic University
777 Glades Road
Boca Raton, FL 33431

COST:*Free and open to the public
CONTACT: Judaica Sound Archives at FAU Libraries at 561-297-0080

Klezmer Concert and Yiddish Dance Party at Columbia University

The Columbia University Series on Klezmer Music and Yiddish Song opens its
2005-2006 series on Monday, December 12, 2005, 8:00 PM, with a klezmer concert
and Yiddish dance party featuring the Strauss/Warschauer Duo and the Columbia
Klezmer Band.

The concert of traditional and original klezmer music and Yiddish songs will
be followed by dance instruction and a dance party.
The event is free and open to the public, and will take place at Deutsches
Haus, 420 West 116th Street (between Amsterdam Avenue and Morningside Drive) in
New York City. No tickets necessary.
For more information, please contact Jeff Warschauer at 718 399-1147 or, and visit


Temple Beth Sholom of Stratford and Congregation Sinai of Milford take
pleasure in announcing a joint venture – The Magevet Concert.

For those who are asking “Ma Zeh”, or what is Magevet? Magevet is a
cappella group that originated at Yale University in the spring of 1993
and has weathered the test of time. Their repertoire spans the Jewish
Universe from Hebrew, Yiddish and Ladino ballards to Ugandan Jewish tunes.

Sunday, November 16th at 2:00 PM
Temple Beth Sholom 275 Huntington Road, Stratford, Connecticut
Advance Tickets: Adults $12 – Children (ages 4-13) $10 – ages 3 and
under (on lap) Free
Advance Order of 10 Tickets – $100 Tickets at Door (ages 4 and above) $15
Contact for reservations: 203-378-6175 or 203-301-0558
Email: or

Please gather your friends and family to join us for an inexpensive and
enjoyable afternoon to listen to some of your old favorites, some of
what are to become your new favorites and some of them sung like you
have never heard before.…


The only West-Coast Appearance
Tuesday evening, February 17, 2009
(“The Schaechter Daughters”)

A musical revue about kids, young and older,
and their relationships with each other, with their parents,
and with the world around them.
The songs are in Yiddish.
**Translations are provided.**
For young, old, and everyone in between!
For the Yiddish-fluent, Yiddish-challenged and Yiddish-ignorant!
Bring your kids and grandkids for a truly inspirational evening!
The performers:

Tuesday, February 17, 2009, 7:30 P.M.
Sinai Temple, 10400 Wilshire Blvd, Los Angeles, CA
Admission: $18 Students: $8 Children under 6: Free
contact: Miriam Koral @ California Institute for Yiddish Language and
(310) 745-1190;
Made possible by support from the Ruth/Allen Ziegler Foundation, Luis
and Lee Lainer, Chic Wolk…

Emile Berliner and the Birth of the Recording Industry

Emile Berliner and the Birth of the Recording Industry, a presentation about the unsung hero of the recording industry will be given at the Library of Congress.
Tuesday, May 17, 2011

in honor of

Sam Brylawski,
Former head of the Recorded Sound Section and Editor of the UCSB Victor Records Discography
and Karen Lund, Digital Project Coordinator, the Music Division and Developer of the LC Emile Berliner Website, will speak on the subject of an unsung hero of recorded sound:
Free and Open to the Public
Tuesday, May 17th, 2011
12:00 – 1:00 p.m.
African & Middle Eastern Division Reading Room
Thomas Jefferson Building, LJ 220
101 Independence Avenue, S.E.…

Klezmer Workshop with Jeff Warschauer!

Free Open House Tuesday, March 15, 2005 from 7-9 PM
5-week session – Tuesdays – 3/22, 3/29, 4/5, 4/12, 4/19
Members $115; per session $25
Non-members $140; per session $30
Hands-On Workshop
– Study with an internationally recognized master instructor Jeff Warshauer
– Learn tunes from the diverse klezmer tradition
– Work in ensembles with other instrumentalists
– Develop tools for improvisation
– Guest instructors from the cutting edge of the contemporary klezmer scene
– Open to players of any instrument who play and read music at least an intermediate level.
The open house and all sessions will take place at the Workmen’s Circle, 45
East 33rd Street (between Park and Madison), Manhattan.
For more information contact:
Lisa Stein
New York Regional Director
Workmen’s Circle
45 E.

Klezmer Workshop with Jeff Warschauer

Free Open House Tuesday, May 16, 2006 from 7-9 PM
Followed by a 5-week session – Tuesdays – May 23, 30
and June 6, 13 and 20

Hands-On Workshop
– Study with an internationally recognized master instructor
– Learn tunes from the diverse klezmer tradition
– Work in ensembles with other instrumentalists
– Develop tools for improvisation
– Guest instructors from the cutting edge of the contemporary klezmer
– Open to players of any instrument who play and read music at least
an intermediate level.

The open house and all sessions will take place at the Workmen’s Circle, 45
East 33rd Street (between Park and Madison), Manhattan.

Members: $25 per session
Non-members $30 per session

For more information contact:

Lisa Stein
New York Regional Director
Workmen’s Circle
45 E.…

SIMSBURY PUBLIC LIBRARY Celebrates with Klezmer Music

as part of it’s celebration of the Isaac Bashevis Singer Centennial
presents a
Celebration of Klezmer Music
with Members of the Wholesale Klezmer Band
October 3, 2:00 PM
Family event
Free admission
Boy Scout Hall
Simsbury, Connecticut
Contact: Jackie Hemond (860) 658-7663, (860) 658-6732 (fax)
Members of the Wholesale Klezmer Band will be appearing at Boy Scout
Hall in Simsbury on Sunday, October 3rd at 2:00 p.m. The concert will
be for families and will last about an hour.

Jewish People’s Philharmonic Chorus Auditions

You are invited to
New York City
for the acclaimed

Jewish People’s Philharmonic Chorus
with Binyumen Schaechter, conductor
Auditions for the 2014/2015 season for the
Jewish People’s Philharmonic Chorus / JPPC
will be held on the evenings of
Tue., Sep. 2
Wed., Sep. 3
Thu., Sep. 4
6:00 to 8:00 PM
The Workmen’s Circle / Arbeter-ring
247 West 37th Street, 5th floor
(between 7th & 8th Avenues)
New York City.
Auditions by appointment only. Email:
If unavailable at the times listed above,
please contact us to schedule another time.

Feel free to forward this email
to anyone whom you believe would be interested
in auditioning.

The JPPC is an intergenerational 4-part Chorus (SATB).
They perform only in Yiddish.
Knowledge of Yiddish is *not* required to sing in the Chorus.…

Menachem Wiesenberg at Hebrew College in Newton, MA

The School of Jewish Music at Hebrew College is pleased to present a Master Class led by Menachem Wiesenberg, one of Israel’s most acclaimed musicians. Composer, musician, pianist, and music educator, Mr. Wiesenberg will be on campus Wednesday, October 3 from 1:30-2:45pm to lead a master class featuring his vocal compositions as performed by students of the School of Jewish Music. This event is free and open to the public.

For more information please contact Barbara Cassidy, Administrative Director at For information about Mr. Wiesenberg:

Hebrew College
160 Herrick Road
Newton Centre, MA 02459

Veretski Pass Concert, Ask Drs. Klez and Dance Party

Temple Beth Tikvah in Madison, CT and
Veretski Pass
Cookie Segelstein, Joshua Horowitz and Stuart Brotman

Friday, Nov 13, Music in the service with Rabbi and Cantor
Saturday, Nov 14th
7:30pm Havdalah Celebration
Saturday, November 14, 2009
Time: 7:30pm – 10:30pm
8:00 pm — Concert/Lecture including a performance of the “Klezmer Shul” followed by a Dance Party
hors d’oeuvres and wine
(Admission Free )

Sunday, Nov 15
12:15, Lunch and learn for adults, Ask Drs. Kez

Temple Beth Tikvah
196 Durham Rd. (Route 79)
Madison, CT 06443
For further information, contact Cantor Goldberg at 203-245-7028, ext. 209.

Klezmer in London, Sussex, Hampshire and Edinburgh

Late Summer Schedule for klezmer in London, Sussex, Hampshire and Edinburgh
ilana cravitz
For more klezmer info and resources e-mail
, or

Tuesday 2 August
Hackney, London
LKQ Summer Cooler @ Pages of Hackney
70 Lower Clapton Road, London E5 0RN

The ever-popular London Klezmer Quartet returns to Pages with a Summer
Cooler event. Enjoy live music, Pimms and strawberries while you shop
for your holiday reading with 10%discount at Clapton’s independent
Entry £5 on the door

NEA National Heritage Fellow 2015 Recipients include Yiddish musician Michael Alpert

National Endowment for the Arts celebrates master folk and traditional artists by awarding fellowships each year. This year, Yiddish and klezmer musician Michael Alpert was one of the 2015 recipients.

The 2015 National Heritage Fellows will be honored in Washington, DC, at an awards ceremony at the Library of Congress on Thursday, October 1, 2015 and a free concert on Friday, October 2, 2015 at 8:00 p.m. at George Washington University’s Lisner Auditorium. Both events are free and open to the public. Concert tickets are first come, first served and will be available later this summer. The concert will also be webcast live at More information about these events will be available this fall. – See more at:

For more information about Michael Alpert and his music, see:

Alicia Svigals’ Klezmer Fiddle Express Thursday

New York–
Free and outdoors, 12:30 to 1:30 pm, 2nd Ave and 10th St.
Come see Alicia and her band for free! A presentation of the Third
Street Music School Settlement’s Music in Abe Lebewohl Park concert
series. Featuring Aaron Alexander, drums, Brian Glassman, bass, and
Patrick Farrell, accordion.

In front of St. Mark’s Church-in-the-Bowery at 10th St. and 2nd Ave. NY
Concert held rain or shine — in case of rain it moves onto the
portico of the church.

Click here for more info about the
Abe Lebewohl concert series

For more about Alicia, visit her website

Koleinu, Boston’s Jewish Community Chorus invites you to join

Do you love to sing? Do you want to share in the joy and meaning that
comes from singing Jewish music in a chorus? Koleinu, Boston’s Jewish
Community Chorus, invites you to join us as we begin our 8th season on
Thursday, September 10, 2009.

Koleinu (“ko-lay-noo”)/Our Voice, a non-audition group of 60+ members
who love learning and singing Jewish music together, is directed by our
dynamic and skilled conductor, Carol Marton. Koleinu meets Thursday
nights from 7:30 to 9:45 PM at Hebrew College, 160 Herrick Rd. in Newton

Our first three rehearsals are open, so why not give us a try? No
pressure to join; no prior musical or Jewish experience necessary.
Openrehearsals will be held on 9/10, 9/17, and 9/24 in Hebrew
College(kosher snacks and camaraderie provided).…

A Cultural Journey Through Jewish India

Scholar’s Shabbat:
A Cultural Journey Through Jewish India
with Rahel Musleah

Tikvat Israel Congregation
2200 Baltimore Road
Rockville, MD 20851

December 4-5, 2009
Please note deadline for reservations
Friday, Dec. 4
6 p.m. Kabbalat Shabbat
Dinner (reservations required)
8 p.m. Lecture: “Jewish Calcutta Through Music and Memory”
(free, open to the community)

Saturday, Dec. 5 (Parshat Vayishlach)
9:30 a.m. Shacharit: Rahel will be chanting Torah and Haftorah in the
style and will discuss differences in the liturgy.
Lecture: “A Taste of Shabbat, Calcutta Style”
12:15 p.m. Dessert kiddush and Q&A with Rahel, followed immediately by
6 p.m. Ma’ariv and havdalah
6:30 p.m. A Taste of India: Vegetarian Dairy Indian Repast (reservations
8 p.m. Melave Malka: “Masala: A Bazaar of Spice, Song and Story”
(free, open to the community)

Shabbat Dinner: $18 adults/$8 students
A Taste of India: $10 adults/$5 students (Adults registered for both meals,
RSVP: or call the synagogue office at 301-762-7338
by Nov.…

A Jewish Music Medley

A Jewish Music Medley
Hebrew College School of Jewish Music
Sunday, March 21
Wellesley College
Houghton Memorial Chapel
106 Central Street
Wellesley, Mass.

Cosponsored by the Office of Spiritual and Religious Life
at Wellesley College
2:30& 4:45 p.m.
Your Turn to Learn– Hands-on Workshops

Join faculty from the School of Jewish Music for an afternoon of free workshops,
including Unlocking the Cantillation Code with Joshua Jacobson, a Sing-along with
Cantor Jeff Klepper, A Cappella from Alef to Tav with Honorable Menschen, and
Pedagogy of B’nai Mitzvah for Special Needs Students with Dr. Scott Sokol and
Cantor Louise Treitman.

Free admission. Registration required.
Register now

For a taste of the Cantillation workshop, read Joshua Jacobson’s blog post, What’s
Music Got to Do With It?: Why We Chant Torah ;

7:30 p.m.…

London in August IZ YIDISH UN KLEZ

Sunday 2 – Friday 7 August
Ot Azoy! This is the way – to Speak, Read and Write Yiddish in a week!
JMI famous crash course in Yiddish language and culture for beginners to advanced students
SOAS, University of London
Details and Registration 020 8909 2445
Presented by the Jewish Music Institute


Sunday 9 – Friday 14 August
JMI KlezFest London

A week-long intensive, inspiring and fun-packed Summer School of traditional Eastern European Jewish music, song and dance for professionals and amateurs (grade 5 and above) of all ages and backgrounds. Focus on how to teach klezmer music and dance; playing in ensembles and learning by ear. Students can mix and match between playing, dancing and singing. Performances led by students and professionals at SOAS, Kings Cross Station, the Jazz Café and local bars.…


Temple Beth Israel, Waltham presents
As part of its 100th year celebrations


Concert/Dance Party and Music Workshops

Featuring the dynamic duo of Sruli Dresdner and Lisa Mayer
Joined by very special guest Yosl Kurland

Music, singing, dancing (with expert leading), high spirits, refreshments, fun for all!

Sunday, Dec. 14
Temple Beth Israel
25 Harvard Street, Waltham, MA 02453

2-5pm: Concert and Dance Party
$25, $20 TBI members, kids under 12 free
12-1pm: Simultaneous participatory workshops: Yiddish singing, instrumental klezmer music
$18, $15 TBI members, kids under 12 free
Combined workshop and concert/dance ticket: $40, $32 members
Workshops begin promptly at 12
Lunch provided to workshop participants at 1
Participants will play a tune with the band at the concert
For information and ticketing:
Online ticket purchase

Klezbos plays Brooklyn Museum

Klezbos plays Brooklyn Museum/First Saturday (FREE!)
First Saturday – Fred Tomaselli & lots more! (Even if
you’re not in NYC Nov 6th, please tell your friends: this is really fun & FREE.)

Start Time: Saturday, November 6 at 9:00pm
Location: The Brooklyn Museum of Art
200 Eastern Parkway
Brooklyn, New York 11238-6052
2 or 3 line –Eastern Parkway/Brooklyn Museum
For entire lineup:

Jews, Music, and Postwar German Culture

Jewish Music Forum 2015–16 Season Opener In conjunction with The Barry S. Brook Center for Music Research and Documentation and the Leo Back Institute

“Jews, Music, and Postwar German Culture”

Book Talk and Conversation with Dr. Tina Frühauf (RILM, CUNY), Dr. William H. Weitzer (Executive Director, Leo Baeck Institute), and Dr. Mark Slobin (Winslow-Kaplan Professor of Music, Wesleyan University)

Dislocated Memories: Jews, Music, and Postwar German Culture (Oxford University Press, 2014), editors Tina Frühauf and Lily Hirsch

Monday, November 30, 6:00 p.m.
The Graduate Center, CUNY
365 Fifth Avenue, The Skylight Conference Room: 9100

The first volume of its kind, Dislocated Memories: Jews, Music, and Postwar German Culture draws together three significant areas of inquiry: Jewish music, German culture, and the legacy of the Holocaust.…


The Cantors and Choirs of Congregation Rodeph Sholom will
celebrate Chanukah, the Festival of Lights, during Shabbat services at 6 PM on
Friday, December 9, 2011. The unique, intergenerational service will feature Cantor
Rebecca Garfein, Cantor Shayna De Lowe
, and the volunteer adult and children’s
choirs from the synagogue. This year, the first night of Chanukah is Tuesday,
December 20, 2011.

“Chanukah celebrates miracles and the power to overcome hardship,” according to
Congregation Rodeph Sholom’s Senior Cantor, Rebecca Garfein. “For many people in
our country, this has been an especially tough year. Chanukah can help remind us
all of the everyday miracles in our lives.”

Highlights of the service will include Peter Yarrow’s “Light One Candle,” and “Bring
On the Light,” a piece by composer, singer, and actor Danny Maseng that was
commissioned by Congregation Rodeph Sholom for Chanukah in 2001.…

Achishena, Tziona

Tziona Achishena Closeup

American-born Israeli. Tziona Achishena provided this autobiographical sketch: “Tziona’s Achishena’s rich and soulful voice weaves its way through her new disc, “Miriam’s Drum”, created in collaboration with percussionist Shani Ben Canar. The album features original melodies to ancient Hebrew prayers “received” through her intuitive musicianship, and enlivened by world class percussion, transcendent harmonies, and inspired vocal improvisation. The album’s release marks the culmination of years of musical and spiritual searching. Interestingly, this process began, not through music training, but through dance. From early childhood to her first years in college at Berkeley, Tziona spent much of her time in the dance studio, studying all the major western dance forms from Ballet to Modern dance. At home, however, she was singing; and experiencing through her voice the beginnings of a sense of the revelation of soul.…

Shye Ben-Tzur & The Rajasthan Gypsies in Boston

Shye Ben-Tzur & The Rajasthan Gypsies
SUNDAY, JULY 21st, 4 P.M.
FREE and Open to the Public

This weekend begins the Outside the Box Festival (OTB), a new, free nine-day festival
of over 200 music, dance, and theater events. The BJMF is presenting the grand finale,
Shye Ben-Tzur & The Rajasthan Gypsies is a unique multi-ethnic, Israeli and Indian ensemble that
creating “world devotional music”–a unique mix of Indian Qawwali music with Hebrew
lyrics. They’ve been hailed around the globe, and this is their U.S. debut.

Tribute to Israel at JTS

JTS and the Guild of Temple Musicians will host A Tribute to Israel, a free choral concert in honor of Yom Ha’atzma’ut, State of Israel Independence Day, on Sunday, May 4, at 7:00 p.m. at JTS. The program will feature the choruses of the H. L. Miller Cantorial School and College of Jewish Music of JTS, conducted by Hazzan David F. Tilman, adjunct assistant professor of Hazzanut, and Debbie Friedman School of Sacred Music at Hebrew Union College – Jewish Institute of Religion, conducted by Joyce Rosenzweig, adjunct instructor of Music at JTS and artist-in-residence at HUC.

The centerpiece will be the world premiere of “Hallel for Children’s and Adult Choirs” by Michael Summa (RS ’17), the winning piece in the Guild of Temple Musicians’ 2014 Young Composer’s Award; Mr.…

Harmony in the Holy Land

Harmony in the Holy Land
Saturday, Dec. 22, 2012
Doors: 7:30pm
Show: 8:30pm
Free Entry
Donations appreciated
18 Mesilat Yesharim, Beit Mazia Theater, Jerusalem

With performances by Diwansaz, hosting Mark Eliyahu and Poet Rabbi David Menachem.
With additional performances and prayers with renowned spiritual teacher/healer, Thomas Hubl, Aliza Hava, Pesach Dahvid Stadlin, and religious/spiritual leaders of Islam, Christianity and Judaism.

This event is part of the Birth 2012 global broadcast of over 40 events worldwide celebrating unity in diversity and calling for a new era of spiritual ascension for humanity.

In the region of Jerusalem, a spiritual message was given and received by three great messengers, Abraham, Mohammed and Jesus. An open channel to the Divine emanates from here, and is the reason why the three monotheisms hold it sacred.…

Music in Education Webinar: Eprhyme’s “Pride and Prejudice” and a Jewish View of Assimilation

An online webinar presenting class in Jewish music.
Go to: for complete details
Thursday, April 8, 2010 1:00 PM – 2:00 PM CDT
for Webinar Registration
the first of Lishmoa’s free Educators’ Webinars. As we prepare for Yom Hashoa, we will be presenting the lesson “Eprhyme’s ‘Pride and Prejudice’ and a Jewish View of Assimilation,” based on artist Eprhyme’s song “Pride and Prejudice.”

The lesson was written by Writer/Educator Danny Zeldin and is geared for High School students, although educators of all types are welcome to participate in the webinar. Rabbi Ethan Linden (Shir Chadash synagogue in New Orleans) will present the lesson and demonstrate how this powerful song can be used as a teaching tool in the classroom. We hope to be joined by Danny Zeldin as well as Eprhyme who will discuss the messages presented within his songs.…

Eyal Maoz’s Edom

Eyal Maoz’s Edom (Tzadik Records) in a concert.
New Middle eastern experimental jazz-rock.
Check it out at
Eyal Maoz-guitar and compositions
Brian Marsella – organ
Shanir Blumenkranz – bass
Yuval Lion – drums
BAM Café.
30 Lafayette Avenue (between St. Felix Street and Ashland Place) Brooklyn
Tel: 718- 636-4100
Saturday, April 4th 9PM. Free concert !

Brooklyn Library
Grand Army Plaza Brooklyn
Thursday, May 7th 7PM.
Free concert !

Alicia Svigals’ Party Band at Celebrate Showcase

Free! Come dance the hora with dance leader Steve Weintraub and
Alicia’s klezmer party band!
Sunday, January 28, 12 to 5 p.m.

Big hora at 2 p.m! Come dance with us, and check out the band for
your wedding or bat/bar mitzvah. Before and after the big hora,
we’ll be playing for and teaching klezmer and Israeli folkdancing in
a more intimate setting. Its free, and its part of the Celebrate!
Party Showcase featuring hundreds of party vendors.

Celebrate! Party Showcase
Teaneck Marriott at Glenpointe
100 Frank W Burr Boulevard
Teaneck, New Jersey 07666 USA
Phone: 1-201-836-0600
For showcase information and directions:
or call Flora at 1-203-322-2840
Read about Alicia at
Visit the JCC website for more info:


–San Francisco–
Sunday, March 14 2-4 PM Songs of Work, Protest, and Celebration
Sing Along at the Jewish Community Library
1835 Ellis St, San Francisco, between Scott and Pierce
Tel. (415) 567-3327
(Free parking is available in a structure marked JCHS on Pierce between
Ellis and Eddy)


Tubapalooza is on the way. This time it’s on a Saturday night and not a Friday night so those that observe shabbos can come down and enjoy! Now I’ll be playing tuba all night long with four very different bands. About 6 hours of tuba playing to be exact…. the Queen of Philadelphia’s Klezmer is coming to play Tubapalooza. Yep. Susan Watts and the Fabulous Shpielkehs will be playing Tubapalooza part Deux! Susan’s vocal stylings and trumpet virtuosity are a fierce combination! So grab your honey and put this date in your book. Here is ALL of the info:

Saturday, May 7th 2005 9pm – very late!@ Zebulon
258 Wythe Avenue (betwixed Metropolitan Ave. and N. 3rd)
Brooklyn, NY 11211 (Williamsburg)
L train to the Bedford Stop
A FREE night of nothing but great TUBA bands!…