Choral Music Arrangers

Dr. Joshua Jacobson of the Zamir Chorale of Boston

The director of the Zamir Chorale of Boston has made many arrangemetns for concerts of this chorale. Recordings are available at their website. Dr. Jacobson is “one of the world s leading authorities on Jewish choral music. He is Professor of Music and Director of Choral Activities at Northeastern University and Visiting Professor of Jewish Music at Hebrew College. A sought-after scholar and lecturer, his many arrangements, editions, and compositions are performed worldwide. His book,Chanting the Hebrew Bible: The Art of Cantillation (Jewish Publication Society, 2002), is considered the definitive source in the field. Zamir concerts are known for being highly entertaining, thanks to Dr. Jacobson s colorful programming and his illuminating commentary from the stage.”

Zuckerman, Mark

Choral Composer and arranger. Has written numerous works and also arranged Yiddish choral works, often incorporating some English to help audiences appreciate the texts better. Zuckerman appears to be a highly professional and successful modern choral arranger. You can hear many selections of his music online though his nicely laid out catalog of works. Another nice highlight of the website is the program liner notes online. Take a look at the “Year in Yiddish Song” to get a flavor of the information available. According to his online bio, his “choral music has achieved an international reputation with choruses and at festivals in The Netherlands and Canada as well as in the United States. It’s been performed and recorded by the Gregg Smith Singers, The Goldene Keyt Singers, the New Yiddish Chorale, The Workman’s Circle Chorus, and Di Goldene Keyt/The Yiddish Chorale….…