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Announcements Archive 2003

Saturday 29 November 2003, 8.00pm
Budapest Klezmer Band (Hungary). Coming from the heart of Europe, where klezmer music originated, this ensemble sweeps you off your feet from the first moment with their raw
energy, soaring sounds and gypsy folk rhythms. With exuberant vitality and yet with extreme poignancy they conjure up a time when this music was an integral part of European Jewish life.

Presented by the Jewish Music Institute supported by Warner Music UK, The Spiro Ark, The Swiss Embassy, the Hungarian Cultural Centre and The Jewish Chronicle.

Doors open 7.30, bands on at 8.00
Tickets £17.50 Concessions £14.00 Pass for all 4 concerts £50. Concessions for seniors, students, children, unwaged, groups of 10 or more or if coming to more than 1 concert) .…

JMWC Announcement Blog QR Code

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Just click the URL, and then scan the QR code from the screen into your smart phone.

You can then save the code as a contact on your phone, or as a ‘favorite’ QR code, depending on your QR code reader. Have fun!

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3rd International Jewish Music Competition in Amsterdam

October 11-14, 2012 in a new location!
The Third International Jewish Music Competition will be held at the
Compagnie theater in the heart of Amsterdam’s old city center and on
the edge of the city’s Jewish Cultural Quarter This competition is for individual musicians, ensembles and bands specializing in performing Jewish music and whose goal is an international career performing this repertoire.
Competition registration: open until July 1
Announcement of selected contestants: August 1
Ticket sales: starts in September
Festival opening concert: Wednesday October 10
Preliminary competition rounds: Thursday October 11 & Friday October
Finale: Saturday October 13
Winners’ Concert: Sunday October 14
More information & registration:
Location: Compagnietheater, Kloveniersburgwal 50, Amsterdam
IJMF Newsletter May 2012

Click to view this email in a browser –

Association for Canadian Jewish Studies Call for Papers

The Association for Canadian Jewish Studies/L’Association des études juives canadiennes (ACJS /l’AÉJC) will be holding its 34th Annual Conference May 30-June 1, 2010 at Concordia University in Montreal as part of the Congress of the Humanities and Social Sciences. The conference provides a platform for original scholarly research in Canadian Jewish history, life and culture. Individuals are invited to send proposals for learned paper presentations in either English or French twenty minutes in
length (approximately 2,000 words) that concern some aspect of the Canadian Jewish experience.

Potential presenters are asked to submit a paper
proposal by Tuesday, January 5, 2010. The paper proposal should comprise a
400-word abstract formulated to clearly and concisely state the main argument
of the scholarly paper and indicate how it will contribute to existing
scholarship in the field of Canadian Jewish Studies.…


“KlezmerQuerque” – The southwest’s annual festival of klezmer music & dance
celebrates its 9th year February 18-20 (Presidents day weekend).

KlezmerQuerque 2011 is coming!! The 9th annual celebration of Klezmer music & dance
will take place over Presidents Day Weekend from February 18-20 (FRI-SUN). The
festival is co-produced by Congregation Nahalat Shalom, Nahalat Shalom’s 25-piece
Community Klezmer band & Rikud Yiddish dance troupe. All KlezmerQuerque events will
take place at Nahalat Shalom, 3606 Rio Grande Blvd. NW in Albuquerque (between
Candelaria & Griegos on Rio Grande).

Washington Jewish Music Festival 2008

Washington Jewish Music Festival 2008
May 31 – June 8

Nine days of music, film and dialogue from an amazing variety of artists and musical
styles. Visit for a full line-up and tickets.

The Ninth Annual Washington Jewish Music Festival celebrates and explores the wide
spectrum of sounds and traditions that make up Jewish music. Throughout a nine-day
festival, audiences will be able to hear a wide range of styles and influences that
make up the richness of Jewish music. The Festival will feature David Buchbinder’s
Odessa/Havana, an exciting Jewish-Cuban musical fusion; the Afro-Semitic Experience,
showcasing the musical traditions of both Jewish and African diasporas; Beyond The
Pale, presenting new klezmer music, fused with folk and roots; the silent film The
set to live music performed by Davka; the Sisters of Sheynville who swing in
Yiddish; dance music and classical music; musical theater and pop; and much more.…

Third International Jewish Music Competition

October 10-14, 2012 in Amsterdam!

Preparations for the Third International Jewish Music Competition are
in full swing. Mark you calendar and tell your friends to join us in
Amsterdam for the five-day festival, October 10-14, 2012. We’ll start
with a kickoff concert in the monumental Portuguese Synagogue (built
in 1675), followed by the three-day competition in the
elegant Compagnie Theater, with 24 ensembles from around the world.
To close, we’ll host a day of workshops with a Jewish cultural
marketplace, an open podium, and a closing concert with winners from
the competition.
Take a look at our website for all the details.

Visit us:

Friend us:

Watch us:
IJMF Newsletter June 18, 2012:
Click to view this email in a browser:

ECA Budapest Cantors Convention

Booking is now officially open for the ECA Budapest Cantors Convention
July 2014: Thursday 10 – Monday 14th.
Guest teachers: Asher Hainovitz and Yaakov Motzen
Subject the High Holydays

Convention includes Shabbat Services in the Hungarian tradition, a concert by world class cantors and an evening for young talent to perform. It also includes a Tour of Jewish Budapest and a personal tour of the Dohány Street Synagogue on Sunday afternoon.

Fees: full fee is £245 and for students it is £145. Some scholarships are available particularly for Eastern European delegates. There is a £15 discount on all bookings before 30 April.

This year the prices include (as well as breakfast and light lunches) Shabbat lunch and dinners on Thursday, Friday and Sunday for delegates. Accommodation is not included, but for early bookers there is a special discount price at the Convention Hotel: The Golden Park, which is near the synagogue.…

KlezFest London 2006 alongside a Jewish Song School this summer

KlezFest London 2006 Sunday 13-Friday 18 August
Jewish Song School Sunday 13-Friday 18 August
Ot Azoy! Yiddish Course Sunday 6-Friday 11 August

KlezFest London is a hands-on learning experience with luminaries of the Klezmer revival
from Europe and America, focusing on the style, ornamentation, rhythm and repertoire of
Eastern European Jewish music, song and dance. It is an inspirational and life-enhancing
experience for amateur and professional instrumentalists and singers. In 2006, KlezFest
includes a special parallel strand for professional klezmer players as well as the
parallel Song School. KlezFest is preceded by a fantastic one-week Yiddish course ideal
for complete beginners and for singers but catering also for advanced language students.
Booking is now open and details and registration can be found on Web

Women Cantor’s Network 25th Annual Conference

The Women Cantor’s Network will hold its annual conference and 25th year celebration at Congregation
Beth El in Sudbury, MA from Sunday, June 10 – Wednesday, June 13, 2007.
All women cantors, cantorial soloists, service leaders, cantorial
students, educators and women who have a strong interest in synagogue
music are welcomed. This year’s conference theme is “Even Higher: The
Cantor as Spiritual Leader through Life’s Rhythms and Rituals” and will
include a performance of the acclaimed play, the “The Mikveh
Monologues”, which is open to the public on Monday, June 11 at 7:30 p.m.
at Beth El. Tickets may be purchased at 978-443-9622. The conference
will feature many of Boston’s most renowned Jewish scholars, rabbis and
musicians. Conference registration is $190 before May 7th and $225 by
June 3rd.…

Triangle Fire Remembered

the culminating centennial event — An evening of music, spoken word poetry, and solidarity in commemoration of the 146 victims will be held in New York City. The event is free but you must have a ticket for admission.
Get your tickets at

You’ll get to hear Metropolitan Klezmer performing klezmer music written about the tragedy, uncovered 100 years later. Spoken word poetry from youthful voices from the New York City area. Clara Lemlich’s historical speech from the very stage where the Uprising of the 20,000 began. Solidarity Forever by the NYC Labor Chorus. Irish folk rock from Larry Kirwan of Black 47. Worker testimonials from Bangladesh, Egypt, and West Virginia.

The event takes place in the evening following the annual memorial commemoration at the site of the fire.…

Ayn Sof Arkestra and Bigger Band in Brooklyn

June 27, 2012

Gala Brooklyn Jazz/Klezmer Concert with
The Ayn Sof Arkestra and Bigger Band
Directed by Rabbi Greg Wall and Frank London
Wednesday, June 27th 8:30PM
Ocean Parkway Jewish Center
550 Ocean Parkway • Brooklyn, NY 11218
(between Ditmas Ave. and 18th Ave.)
Light refreshments will be served after the concert.
Cost: $12 if pre-registered; $15 at the door
PROMO code “OPJC-ML” price is $10
To register:

Once you register, you will be assigned your own referral code, and you will get credit for friends that attend events organized by Jewish Singles Galaxy, as well as credit for referrals they make to their friends. Like a coffee punch-card, as credits accrue, you will be able to attend future functions for free.…

A Jewish Music Medley

A Jewish Music Medley
Hebrew College School of Jewish Music
Sunday, March 21
Wellesley College
Houghton Memorial Chapel
106 Central Street
Wellesley, Mass.

Cosponsored by the Office of Spiritual and Religious Life
at Wellesley College
2:30& 4:45 p.m.
Your Turn to Learn– Hands-on Workshops

Join faculty from the School of Jewish Music for an afternoon of free workshops,
including Unlocking the Cantillation Code with Joshua Jacobson, a Sing-along with
Cantor Jeff Klepper, A Cappella from Alef to Tav with Honorable Menschen, and
Pedagogy of B’nai Mitzvah for Special Needs Students with Dr. Scott Sokol and
Cantor Louise Treitman.

Free admission. Registration required.
Register now

For a taste of the Cantillation workshop, read Joshua Jacobson’s blog post, What’s
Music Got to Do With It?: Why We Chant Torah ;

7:30 p.m.…

London in August IZ YIDISH UN KLEZ

Sunday 2 – Friday 7 August
Ot Azoy! This is the way – to Speak, Read and Write Yiddish in a week!
JMI famous crash course in Yiddish language and culture for beginners to advanced students
SOAS, University of London
Details and Registration 020 8909 2445
Presented by the Jewish Music Institute


Sunday 9 – Friday 14 August
JMI KlezFest London

A week-long intensive, inspiring and fun-packed Summer School of traditional Eastern European Jewish music, song and dance for professionals and amateurs (grade 5 and above) of all ages and backgrounds. Focus on how to teach klezmer music and dance; playing in ensembles and learning by ear. Students can mix and match between playing, dancing and singing. Performances led by students and professionals at SOAS, Kings Cross Station, the Jazz Café and local bars.…

My Online Course! Music of the Jewish People

New this fall from Hebrew College:
Online courses from the School of Jewish Music

I’m teaching an online course in Jewish music through Hebrew College of Boston. It’s called “Music of the Jewish People.” You won’t have to be able to read music, although of course, that always helps! However, it’s not actually required for taking this course. It’s all online, and there’s no particular “class time.” You “attend” the course completely online, get your resources and discussion online. The course is a college-level course and is intended for individuals who have completed high school and above.

You have to register and pay for the course registration through the Hebrew College.
After September 4th, there is a late registration fee, so register right away!
Anyone interested in taking your course should be directed to the Registrar (Marilyn Jaye – or 617-559-8642).…

Second European Cantors Convention, London

JMI Choral and Cantorial Section and Central Synagogue present the
Second European Cantors Convention, London
Tuesday June 19 — Thursday June 21, 2007

An unrivalled opportunity for practising and aspiring cantors from the UK,
Europe and further afield to share expertise and experience, learn new
melodies and be inspired by some of the greatest cantors in the world who
will be our honoured guests:

Asher Hainowitz, Yeshurun Synagogue, Jerusalem
Arie Subar, Congregation Beth Ora, Montreal
– Moshe Haschel, St John’s Wood Synagogue, London
Stephen Glass, Director of Music, Congregation Shaar Hashomayim, Montreal
Alexander Knapp, former Joe Loss lecturer in Jewish Music, London

The Cantors Convention will begin with a Concert ‘Chazanut ? Back to the
on Monday night 18 June and will be officially opened by the Chief
Rabbi, Sir Jonathan Sacks The programme, as last year, will provide stimulating lectures, debates,
masterclasses and discussion on matters relevant to both practicing chazanim
and ba’alei t’fila.…

Jewish Music Festival to be at Muziekgebouw in Amsterdam

From May 9-12, 2008, Amsterdam’s new
concert hall, Muziekgebouw aan ‘t IJ, will host the premiere of the
International Jewish Music Festival in its new format. The main event
of the festival will be a 3-day Competition for Jewish music ensembles.

For the first time ever, a jury of international Jewish music experts
will judge a competition for musicians and ensembles with a goal of
an international career focusing on Jewish music. This includes folk,
pop, klezmer, classical, and liturgical music, and music by Jewish
composers with clearly discernible Jewish elements.

Contestants are welcome from all countries and do not need to be
Jewish, but must be 16 years or older. Registration forms & more
information are now available online:

The jury will include leading figures from the music and recording
industry including Peter van der Heyden (Universal Music) and Frank
London (The Klezmatics).…

Master Klezmer Class with Clarinetist David Krakauer

Master Klezmer Class with Clarinetist David Krakauer
Monday, November 14, 7:00-10:00pm
Jewish Community Center of the East Bay
1414 Walnut Street, Berkeley.

7:00-8:00pm: Lecture/demo by internationally-acclaimed klezmer and classical clarinetist David Krakauer, who will demonstrate klezmer technique and share personal stories and insights prior to the hands-on portion of the workshop.

8:00-10:00pm: Master class for “high intermediate to professional level” musicians. Participants will play (alone or with a pre-formed group) and will receive constructive feedback and coaching.

Registration fee:
* Individuals who play for Mr. Krakauer: $50/person
* Groups that play: $35/person
* Listeners (“auditors”): $20/person.
A limited number of reduced price scholarships will be available. Inquire at info[at]
Registration process:
Please reserve your space via phone (415.789.7679) or email (info[at] Tell us your name, email, and telephone and whether you will listen only OR play a solo OR play with a group of a specific number of people.…

Music in Education Webinar: Eprhyme’s “Pride and Prejudice” and a Jewish View of Assimilation

An online webinar presenting class in Jewish music.
Go to: for complete details
Thursday, April 8, 2010 1:00 PM – 2:00 PM CDT
for Webinar Registration
the first of Lishmoa’s free Educators’ Webinars. As we prepare for Yom Hashoa, we will be presenting the lesson “Eprhyme’s ‘Pride and Prejudice’ and a Jewish View of Assimilation,” based on artist Eprhyme’s song “Pride and Prejudice.”

The lesson was written by Writer/Educator Danny Zeldin and is geared for High School students, although educators of all types are welcome to participate in the webinar. Rabbi Ethan Linden (Shir Chadash synagogue in New Orleans) will present the lesson and demonstrate how this powerful song can be used as a teaching tool in the classroom. We hope to be joined by Danny Zeldin as well as Eprhyme who will discuss the messages presented within his songs.…


“KLEZMERQUERQUE” –Albuquerque, New Mexico’s annual Klezmer music and dance festival
celebrates its seventh year over Presidents Day weekend February 12-15, 2009.

Known as “The Southwest’s Celebration of Klezmer Music and Dance”, KLEZMERQUERQUE 2009 will present a weekend of concerts, dance parties, classes and workshops featuring the world-renowned
klezmer duo Deborah Strauss and Jeff Warschauer, the renowned dancer, choreographer,
dance scholar and historian Judith Brin Ingber, as well as many local artists.
‘Klezmer’ is the music and dance of the Jewish people of Eastern Europe which is
currently enjoying a revival in world music as well as in popular music and culture.
The annual festival will take place over Presidents Day Weekend from February 12-15
(Thursday evening through Sunday afternoon) at Albuquerque’s Congregation Nahalat
Shalom which is located on 3606 Rio Grande Blvd.…

KLEZMER-PARIS 2006 in July

The Parizer yidish-tsenter – Medem Bibliotek is pleased
to inform all lovers of Klezmer music, Yiddish song,
dance… and also junior musicians that, this year, our 4th
annual klezfest “KLEZMER-PARIS 2006” is going to be
held in Paris, July, 6 to 10.
Maison de la culture yiddish – Bibliothèque Medem
18, passage Saint-Pierre Amelot – 75011 PARIS –
Tél. : 00 33 1 47 00 14 00 / Fax : 00 33 1 47 00 14 47

Jewish Music Festival in Boston, MA –March 25 and 26

A GREAT event celebrating 26 years of the world renowned Klezmer
Conservatory Band
, with workshops, discussion and more! in happening March 25 and 26 in Newton, MA.
Klezmer Conservatory Band Reunion Concert and Mini Music Festival
at the Leventhal Sidman JCC, 333 Nahanton Street, Newton, MA
JCC Box Office: 617-965-5226

A celebration of klezmer in Boston, birthplace of the klezmer
revival, features the Klezmer Conservatory Band along with former
band members Michael Alpert, Rosalie Gerut, Jeff Warschauer, Deborah
and other surprise guests!

Saturday, March 25, 2006 ­ 8pm
Sunday, March 26, 2006 ­ Concert ­ 4:00

Dispersions Cultural Conference Call for Papers

Many of our readers who are in academic studies may be interested in submitting a paper to this.
It’s a cultural conference on ‘Dispersions’….This may be a good fit for some of you.

January 16-19, 2014
Balsillie School of International Affairs
Waterloo, Ontario, Canada


The Canadian Association of Cultural Studies invites proposals on all topics of relevance to cultural studies from both current and future members for its upcoming conference.

The conference theme Dispersions encourages submissions devoted to exploring all forms of distributed culture. This may include papers that investigate dispersions of people, social groups and communities; flows of cultural objects and materialities; or the dispersion of cultural studies scholars (so often now housed in vulnerable departments) across disciplines.…

Courses in Boston with Yelena Neplok

New England Conservatory, 241 St. Botolph Street, Boston, presents two
ten week courses with Instructor Yelena Neplok. “Eastern European Jewish
Musical Traditions” runs on Wednesdays, February 15-May 3, 2006, from
7:00 -8:30 p.m. and “The Art of Russian Piano Music” runs on Tuesdays,
February 14-April 25, 2006, from 7:00-8:30 p.m.
Registration starts on January 10th.
Financial Aid available/*/ (call 617-585-1125 to apply)
For more information, contact the instructor at 617-566-7969 or email:
Tuition for NEC School of Continuing Education is $325 – for non credit,
and $450 for the credit.

IJMF Accepting Competition Applications

Have you already applied for the 4th International Jewish Music
Competition? Deadline on May 1!
,br /
The International Jewish Music competition will be held September 13
– 16, 2014 in the Muziekgebouw aan ‘t IJ and the Uilenburger
Synagogue in the heart of Amsterdam. This is the world’s most
significant launching pad for professional Jewish musical
ensembles… of the 80 ensembles that have participated since 2008,
most have experienced a boost in their careers, and more than half of
the participants in the last competition won cash prizes, concert
bookings and/or recording contracts.

On our website you
will find all information on how to enter the competition and the
conditions here: . The
deadline for applying is May 1, 2014.…

Cantorial Summer School Progressive Tradition 2006

The Sabbath in the Progressive Tradition
L’chu N’ran’nah L’Adonai – Come let us sing to the Eternal One!
A four-day intensive course for synagogue musicians, worship leaders, choir
directors, and all lovers of Jewish music.
Course Director, Cantor Josee Wolff (New York)
Sunday 18 June – Wednesday 21 June 2006
Daily 10.30am – 5.30pm
West London Synagogue, 33 Seymour Place, London, W1
Full rate: £165 students rate £120. Daily rate: £45
Registration and more details Tel: 020 8909 2445

Announcements Archive 2000

All archival announcements from 2000 listed below.

The Dutch duo, Mariejan van Oort and Jacques Verheijen, have just released their new CD “Benkshaft”. Visit their website at for more details.
Load date 12.08.00

–Boston, MA–
“Klezperanto” CD Release. The band will have CD release event Thursday night Nov. 30 (that’s one week after Thanksgiving)at 9 p.m. at Johnny D’s Uptown Restaurant and Music Club* (17 Holland Street, Somerville, MA 617 776-2004)
to celebrate the long-awaited release of the CD, Klezperanto! on the Naxos World label. “With solid klezmer roots, spectacular technical virtuosity, and a wry sense of humor, Ilene Stahl, Evan Harlan, and Boston’s hottest musisicans from the klezmer scene re-groove Yiddish and Mediterranean melodies with zydeco, funk, cumbia, rockabilly, and Romanian surf music.”
Load date 11.27.00

–Trieste, Italy–
Vanja Cvelbar has a band, The Original Klezmer Ensemble, in Trieste, Italy, that has released two CD’s: Klezmatic Tantz and Halleluja.…

Metropolitan Klezmer and Isle of Klezbos in East Village

Metropolitan Klezmer and Isle of Klezbos
perform together at Nuyorican Poets Cafe,
an East Village cultural landmark for 30 years!
Tuesday, November 21st
8pm double bill, $8 cover charge
as part of the club’s monthly Women Take the Bandstand series
236 East 3rd Street (between Avenues B & C), NYC
hotline: 212-505-8183

Jewish People’s Philharmonic Chorus

Binyumen Schaechter, Musical Director

The Jewish People’s Philharmonic Chorus, the longest-continually-performing Jewish chorus in the world, is celebrating it¹s 80th anniversary with three concerts this Spring (details below).

For 80 years, The Jewish People’s Philharmonic Chorus has inspired its listeners with an astonishing musical spectrum of Yiddish song. Centuries of hope, determination, humor, loss and renewal are bound up in each note they sing. The voices of sweatshop workers, immigrants, mothers, soldiers, tumlers, and lovers speak through their music. Founded in 1923 on New York’s Lower East Side, the Jewish People’s Philharmonic Chorus (known then as the “Freiheit Gezang Farein”) was a vocal part of the burgeoning labor movement. When the Chorus performed Jacob Schaefer’s oratorio “Tsvey Brider” in 1926, they were the first Jewish chorus in America to perform with an orchestra.…

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Triangle Fire an opera by Leonard Lehman in NYC

You may be interested in attending a performance of a new one-act opera, Triangle Fire, with music by Leonard Lehrman and a libretto by Ellen Frankel.  It’s being performed Saturday, March 25, 2017, at 8:00 pm – $10 suggested donation; no one turned away

at 8 PM
at New York University, Room 220, 32 Waverly Place (at the corner of University Place).

The opera, a Puffin Foundation commission, commemorates the fire that broke out at the Triangle Shirtwaist Factory on March 25, 1911, killing 146 garment workers, most of them young Jewish and Italian women, recently arrived from Europe.  It was one of the worst industrial accidents in American history.

For further information:

About the Creators
Composer: Leonard Lehrman‘s previous works include  A Requiem for Hiroshima (with Lee Baxandall), E.G.: A Musical Portrait of Emma Goldman (with Karen Ruoff Kramer), and Sacco and Vanzetti (with Marc Blitzstein).

OCLC, the central catalog organization of most major college, university and public libraries, announces
the release of the new Web site.

This site—and a downloadable WorldCat search box you can easily add to
your Web site—opens the complete WorldCat database to the public, not
just the smaller data subsets utilized by Open WorldCat partner sites such
as Google, Yahoo! Search and others. builds on the success of
OCLC’s Open WorldCat Program that has elevated the visibility of library
materials on the open Web since the summer of 2003.

The main attraction of the new site is the WorldCat search box. Web users
can now search the entire WorldCat database with the method most familiar
to them: simple keywords. As in Open WorldCat, each linked result leads to
a “Find in a Library” information page.…

Catch Metropolitan Klezmer Before the Holidays

Metropolitan Klezmer octet on the cusp of the holidays (awe-appropriate…)
Recharged traditionals, soulful originals, retro surprises! Full details

Thursday, September 14
7:00pm @ JCC Metrowest, West Orange NJ – free!

Tuesday, September 19
7:30pm @ Mo Pitkin’s – Judeo/Latino cuisine!
34 Avenue A (East Village) NYC

Yuval Ron with LA Jewish Symphony

See the Yuval Ron Ensemble performing with a FULL SYMPHONY and
dancers in a spectacular production under the stars!
East meets West: A Special Concert of The Yuval Ron Ensemble with
the LA Jewish Symphony

Conductor: Dr. Noreen Green

The Ensemble will perform (in the second half of the program only!)
traditional songs of the Middle East and Andalusia with new symphonic
arrangements by Yuval Ron plus Canciones Sefardi – a symphonic work
by Yuval Ron based on Andalusi songs of Morocco and…… the first
public performance of a symphonic medley from the Oscar winner film
“West Bank Story”.


singers Maya Haddi and Barak Marshall, guitarist Kenton Youngstrom
and dancers Maya Karasso and Melanie Kareem

Please note: the concert at the Ford will be taped for future
broadcast on TV channel 36!…

A YEMENITE MUSIC FESTIVAL: Celebrating Yemenite and Mizrachi Jewish Music

Legendary Yemenite-Israeli artists perform classic and contemporary
Yemenite and Mizrachi (Middle Eastern) Jewish music
Wednesday, May 25, 2011
8:00 pm
92ND STREET Y – Kaufmann Concert Hall
1395 Lexington Avenue New York, NY 10128
Tel: 212.415.5500

Order online and save 50% on service fees at

Price: $180 Premium Orchestra (includes VIP reception with the performers)
$75 Orchestra
$50 Balcony

Dudu Fisher in Minneapolis

Orchestra Hall, Minneapolis, One Night Only — Israel’s Foremost Singer and Broadway Star Dudu Fisher in a special celebration!
When: Monday, March 12, 2012 @ 7:30 p.m.
Where: Orchestra Hall, 1111 Nicollet Mall, Minneapolis, MN

To watch the short promotional video click:

To order tickets call 612.371.5656 or visit for more information.
For groups of 10 or more, use coupon code GROUP to receive 50% off

Zalmen Mlotek and Moishe Rosenfeld Revive Golden Land thru Jan 6

The musical, The Golden Land, originally created by Zalmen Mlotek and Moishe Rosenfeld in 1984 told the ‘poignant yet joyous saga of the Eastern European Jewish immigration to America’ from their first glimpses of the Statue of Liberty through their battles for social justice and … continues through mid-century history.
Now playing at Baruch Performing Arts Center, 55 Lexington Avenue at 25th Street.
Phone:(646) 312-4085
Transit: 23 St
For tickets, performance times and dates:

Film Music of Yuval Ron CD Release

New CD Release!
20 Years of Film Music by Yuval Ron
February 25, 7pm
A New CD Release!
Film Music of Yuval Ron:
20 Years of Innovative Scores

Location: A recording studio in West Los Angeles. Please rsvp to receive exact address details.
Note:doors open at 6:30pm, event begins at 7:00pm< ,br />
Admission: Free, but seating is limited! RSVP: RSVPs required by 02/21/14 to

In celebration of the 20th year of Yuval Ron’s composing career in Los Angeles. this
album showcases highlights from such scores as West Bank Story (Academy Award winner
for Best Short Film), Road to Victory (Best Original Soundtrack, Moondance Film
Festival), Breaking the Maya Code (Best Film Award, Nyon Film Festival), Proteus
(Best Film Award, Philadelphia Film Festival), Samsara, Spiral Staircase and more.…

The Legacy of Robert Moevs

Event title: The Legacy of Robert Moevs; includes Elijah’s Chariot for string quartet and electronics from shofar sounds by Judith Shatin

Event date: Nov 13, 2016

Time: 7:30 p.m.

Location: Address: Shindell Choral Hall, 79 George St. City/Town: New Brunswick, NJ Country: US – United States State: NJ New Jersey Zip Code: 08901

This concert features Composition Teachers and Students at Rutgers University. Distinguished composer Robert Moevs, in whose honor the concert was conceived, was the first composition teacher of Judith Shatin, now William R. Kenan Professor of Music at the University of Virginia. In turn, her PhD advisee, Steven Kemper, is now Assistant Professor of Music at Rutgers University. This concert features music for string quartet, in Shatin’s case with electronics fashioned from recordings of Shofar calls, and shows the circle continuing.…

Lama Lo!

“LAMA LO!” ensemble was established in 1999 with the support of the Ministry of Absorption in Jerusalem. “LAMA LO!”(“WHY NOT!”) presents a new view of traditional Jewish folklore by blending traditional klezmer music with elements of classical, jazz and Middle Eastern ethnic music, thus forming the bright individual and creative manner of the group. It consists of 6 professional musicians: Roman Kekhman virtuoso clarnetist (soloist), Yevgeniy Lyublin (Trumpet), Yuri Povolotsky (Piano, Accordion), Yakov Entin(Violin , Bass), Eduard Rezonov(Contrabass) and Anatoly Magdalinsky (Drums). Lama Lo! participated in arrangements, organized by Knesset, the President’s House, and other governmental institutions, and took part in the opening of international klezmer festival in S’fat. All concerts organized by the Israeli Ministry of Foreign Affairs in 2001 and in 2002 were a great success.…

Festival Hapiyut

A concert of the music in the Spanish and Portugues tradition with Hazzon Daniel Halfon and Kolot HaEsnoga Singers.
Wednesday, Sept. 9, 2009 7pm
Bet Avi Chai
44 King George Street
Festival Hapiyut


Romashka, The Village Klezmer Quintet, and the Gold Sparkle Brass Band are joining forces at the Baggot Inn.

Thursday, May 6th
7 pm – The Village Klezmer Quintet
8 pm – The Gold Sparkle Brass Band
9 pm – Romashka, the NYC Gypsy Dance Party Band
$5 cover
Baggot Inn is located at 82 W. 3rd Street, bet. Thompson and Sullivan, New York., phone: (212) 477-0622

Klezmer & African Drumming Extravaganza at The Tank

March 16, 2006, 10pm
Aaron Alexander’s Midrash Mish Mosh with Senegalese Sabar masters Yakar Rhythms

A World-Jazz Extravaganza is coming to The Tank on March 16, 2006 at
10pm, featuring Aaron Alexander’s Midrash Mish Mosh and Senegalese
Sabar drum masters Yakar Rhythms, featuring Aliounne ‘Guido’ Faye.
Special guest on Midrash Mish Mosh is drummer David Licht from the
Klezmatics! Both bands will play separately and then collaborate on a
couple tunes at the end. Alexander previously produced and a
collaboration with Yakar rhythms and Hasidic New Wave which resulted in
the CD “Belly of Abraham” for Knitting Factory records.

The Tank is Located at 279 Church St. (bet. Franklin & White), in Tribeca, in NYC.
The Tank @ Collective: Unconscious is located at 279 Church Street
between Franklin and White.…

Kleztet Events Lineup

A number of exciting things going on in the next week or two for Kleztet fans.
On Monday, November 6, Kleztet will be giving another free concerts at
the Peabody Conservatory in Baltimore. This time it will be in the Dance Studio
(B28) from 7 until 9 pm. The studio is pretty hard to find, so your best
bet is just to get to Peabody, and then ask security (or a student) for

Another event: Kleztet will be at the Northeast Regional Folk Alliance Conference, or NERFA, in Monticello, New York at 9:45 pm on the evening of Saturday, November 11., 2006.

Flashes In The Darkness CD Released

In honor of her newly released CD, Flashes In The Darkness,
Talia Applebaum will be performing in Har Nof in the home of Karen Pichel.
Address: 2/12 Chai Taibe, Entrance Bet
Date: Motzei Shabbat, January 13th
Time: 8:00 PM
Entrance fee: 20 NIS
Cost of CD: 50 NIS
Talia’s music encompasses a variety of genres including:
Melodic piano ballads, folk, jazz, blues, rag time, mild rock and
All carrying messages based on Torah themes or verses.
All resulting from a personal spiritual journey that can be shared by all.
Please join us for this “Inspiring Musical Odyssey”

Quote from Tambourine, Jewish Woman’s Arts Newsletter,
“Talia’s unique sound reveals deep spiritual dimensions within her voice.
Potent and playful,
Talia’s voice emerges from the depths of the soul with a rawness and
honesty that is simply refreshing”


Instructor: Lorin Sklamberg
(Max and Frieda Weinstein Archives of Sound Recordings)
A fascinating survey of YIVO¹s audio holdings. Examples will include rare
commercial and private audio and video recordings of Yiddish folk, theater
and art songs, cantorial and klezmer music.
Class conducted in English.

3 Wednesdays, 7:00-8:30 P.M.
March 19-26, April 2
Tuition: $90 / $75 (YIVO members)

Entrance at 15 West 16 Street (bet. 5th & 6th Aves.)

For further information and to register, please leave your name and contact
information at 212-294-6139.

Yavneh Ensemble Concert ‘America, Amerike’

America, Amerike: Jewish Music throughout America’s History

Monday, May 12, 2008
7:30 p.m.
Tiferet Bet Israel
1920 Skippack Pike
Blue Bell, PA 19422

Monday, May 19, 2008
7:30 p.m.
The Ethical Society Building
19 South Rittenhouse Square
Philadelphia, PA

The Yavneh Ensemble , conducted by Robert A.M. Ross, and with a special guest
appearance by Hazzan Howard K. Glantz, will present music of the Jewish experience
in America, including:
• Sephardic chants from colonial synagogues
• The 1897 Union Hymnal and its role in the formation of Jewish Americans
• The great wave of Eastern European immigration in its varied musical
manifestations: Yiddish theater, Yiddish radio and the clash of the old country with
the new in a special choral presentation of Sholom Secunda’s Chazonim Oyf Probe.…

Mount Zion Holiday Party

Monday, October 5, 2009 at 5:00pm to
Tuesday, October 6, 2009 at 11:00pm
Location: Mount Zion — Courtyard of Diaspora Yeshiva — Near Zion Gate/Old City Jerusalem
Jerusalem, Israel
Come enjoy the Sucoth Festival (Simchat Bet Hashoevah) at the Diaspora Yeshivah near Davids tomb.

Time: Monday and Tuesday the 5th and 6th of October. Music begins at 5:00pm
Location: Disaspora Yeshiva Courtyard — 1 Mount Zion.
Performances by: Itzik Orlev (tuesday), Chayim Dovid (monday) Yosef Karduner (tuesday), Sinai Tor (monday), Aharit Hayamim Hai (tuesday), Simcha Abrahamson of the Diaspora Yeshiva Band (monday and tuesday), Chazan Ben Bennet (monday and tuesday), Reuven Bekar (monday and tuesday), Ben Zion Lehrer (monday and tuesday), Yehuda Menasha, HZB and more!!

Giant Succah * Children’s activities from 2:00pm * Event open until 11:00pm

“Common Chords II”: A Celebration of Muslim and Jewish Music

“Common Chords II”: A Celebration of Muslim and Jewish Music is a concert occuring
at Temple Beth Sholom (401 Roslyn Rd, Roslyn Heights, NY 11577) on Saturday night,
3/1/2008 at 7:30 pm (5:30 pm for Mincha/Ma’ariv, followed by a 6:30 pm Lite Bite
Middle Eastern Cafe). If you haven’t heard the music of Salman Ahmad of the musical
group Junoon & world leading klezmer artist Yale Strom, then you’re missing
something… You can get an idea about their styles by going to their respective web
sites: and

If your kids and teens were not planning on attending this concert, have them listen
to the music on-line, I bet they’ll want to go!!! These performers are more often
at college campuses, central park, the UN General Assembly, and together they
combine sufi-rock with klezmer, jazz, and Sephardic motifs.…

Yiddish concert in Tel Aviv

Yiddish Concert in Tel Aviv this Saturday, December 26, 2009
at 9:30pm.
Lenka Lichtenberg writes: “Hi! If you happen to be in Israel this week – you know where to find
some fine new Yiddish music! Daniel Hoffman on violin, Kinneret Sagee on clarinet, Alexis Basque
on trumpet… good stuff!

Event: Yiddish concert in Tel Aviv this Saturday, December 26, 9:30pm
“Lenka Lichtenberg (voice, piano), Daniel Hoffman (violin), Kinneret Sagee
(clarinet), Alexis Basque (trumpet).”
Where: Cultural Center in Bet Ariela
Street: Shaul Hamelekh 25
Tel Aviv-Yafo, Israel

Love, Loss, Laughter – Favorite Yiddish Folk Songs

The Jewish People’s Philharmonic Chorus / JPPC
with Conductor Binyumen Schaechter
Sunday, October 23, 2011, 4:00 PM
Bet Am Shalom Synagogue, White Plains, NY 10606
What: Afn pripetshik, Der Rebe Elimeylekh, Tum balalayke, Bulbes and a great bouquet of less-known Yiddish folksongs.
Also: Works by Beyle Schaechter-Gottesman,
Avrom Sutzkever, Josh Waletzky.
Tickets: Book online at

or call the Synagogue at 914-946-8851

Click here for the additional specifics about the concert:

Click here for more info about the JPPC:

Ben Holmes and Patrick Farrell Duo at East Village Klezmer Series

Time: Tuesday, February 8 · 8:30pm – 10:30pm
Location: 325 E. 6th St., New York, NY
East Village Klezmer Series
8:30 PM
…325 E. 6th St. (bet. 1st & 2nd Ave.) NYC

Two of the most amazing musicians of their generation come together to present an evening of music at the East Village Klezmer Series.

The series are co-sponsored by Workmen’s Circle/Arbeiter Ring of NY, Living Traditions/Klez Kamp, and Center for Traditional Music and Dance.

Ellen Schiller, Benjie

Cantor Benjie Ellen Schiller is both the first woman to be a full time faculty member at the School of Sacred Music at Hebrew Union College-Jewish Institute of Religion in New York and a composer of sacred music. Born in New York on April 14, 1958 to Miriam and Nathan Schiller, Cantor Schiller studied voice and composition, and received a B. M. in Theory and Composition at Boston University in 1980. She continued graduate studies there in voice and choral conducting, and shortly thereafter, married Rabbi Lester Bronstein in June, 1981.

She attended the School of Sacred Music of Hebrew Union College in New York and was invested in 1987. Her Master Thesis composition was “Life Song Cycle.” Cantor Schiller also became a full time faculty member and taught courses in cantillation, basic nusach (prayer modes) and the in-depth study of repertoire for Shabbat.…

Kabala by Matthew Fields

Turning elements from “Chad Gadya” interleaved with Rosh Hashanah themes in a trombone brass quartet canonic segment is only one of the many interesting twists of the compositions of Matthew H. Fields recording Kabala. Fields has several ‘classical’ music pieces all with extremely unusual uses of Jewish thematic content. The above description comes from “Call of the Shofar” (1992) which is set for tenor trombones, and bass trombone. And I’ll bet you’ve never heard a carillon performing the Sh’ma as the base tune (cantus firmus) of a toccata. “A carillon is a frame of beams and girder to which 23 or more bells are bolted” …so it’s something like playing a xylophone and organ at the same time, only bells ringing…of course that’s not the end… Then there’s Kabala (1993) which is an intriguing composition for clarinet, viola and piano, and a mood piece I liked a lot for it’s mystery and lyrical qualities.…

Two Women’s Events in Jerusalem

Wednesday, February 15 at 8PM Women’s Hachnoses Calla Event, featuring Anita Tucker from GK speaking, and musical entertainment by Ayelet Hashachar, visiting from Baltimore.
At the Matnas in Ramat Bet Shemesh. Bring a gift or cash donation. More info, call: Yehudis Schamroth at 0545-91-6673 or Shoshana Schillet at 999-2805

February 28, at 7:30pm Women’s Performance for Rosh Chodesh Adar: “THE SWITCHBOARD OPERATOR” an original funny musical set in the 1920’s, written, produced and directed by Rebbitzen Devorah Green. At Beit Ha’Am “Gerard Bechar Theater” 11 Bezalel St. Tickets: 45, 50, 60 nis (Proceeds to support Yeshivas Bircas HaTorah). Info: call 054-808-4746

Celebrating Women’s Voices

An amazing event will transpire on
Wed, March 10, 2010
5:30pm – 8:30pm
Central Synagogue
123 East 55th Street
New York, NY

In the Jewish legal tradition there are rules restricting the female voice (kol isha) in public religious rituals. In a unique pre-Pesach program we celebrate these voices. Inspired by artist Judy Chicago’s Dinner Party, an installation on permanent exhibit at the Brooklyn Museum celebrating famous women, we present a new take on a uniquely Jewish ‘dinner party’—the Passover seder. Join us to hear the glorious voices of Jewish women who will present familiar and not so familiar seder melodies reflecting the richness of Jewish music and the spiritual and aesthetic power of women’s voices. The evening will begin with a light supper and study of rabbinic texts taught by Rabbi Judith Hauptman, Talmud professor at Jewish Theological Seminary.…

New Muslim Cool

Thursday, December 10, 2009
7:30 p.m.
Hebrew College, Berenson Hall
$10 advance registration; $15 general admission, free for students with valid ID
The School of Jewish Music presents
A Jewish Music Forum
Music of a Nation, Music of a People:
Is Israeli Art-Music Jewish?
Ronit Seter
Respondant: Klára Móricz
Co-sponsored by the Jewish Music Forum of the American Society for Jewish Music

For information, please contact Renée Tepper, This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it ; 617-559-8622.

What defines a particular genre of music as the voice of a people? of a nation? And what if the two are intrinsically intertwined? For the founders of Israeli art music—Paul Ben-Haim, Alexander Boskovich, Oedoen Partos, Mordecai Seter and Josef Tal—the goal was to separate people and nation, to create a national “style” of music that was unique to Israel, rather than identified with Jewish music of the Diaspora.…

One Day Seminar on the Jews of India

Wednesday, October 14
Travel U: One Day Seminar on the Jews of India
Jewish Museum, Manhattan
10:30am to 5:30pm
Five scholars will present the Jewish history, art, culture and communities
of India.
Rabbi Marvin Tokayer,
“In Search of the Unknown Jewish Experience in India”

Dr. Susan Braunstein, Curator
“The Jewish Museum’s collection of Indian Art”

Rahel Musleah
“Jewish Indian Music performance and The Jews of Calcutta”

Dr. Ken Robbins
“The Jews of Kerala” (including Pardesi Synagogue and Judaica)

Stephen Richter, Street Photographer
“India through its People Photographic Lecture”

Rabbi Marvin Tokayer
“Fascinating Heroes of Cochin”

Dr. Aryeh Maidenbaum
Jewish Museum Travel Representative

Indian Dance Performance Sponsored by Tourism India, plus traditional Indian
Henna Painting
Members: $110 by October 1, $135 at the door
Non-members: $135
Participants in the Museum’s upcoming India travel program may enjoy
complimentary admission.…

Music of the Jewish People Online Course

There’s still room and time to sign up! The “Music of the Jewish People,” a full semester, tremendously fun online course at the college level is being offered by Hebrew College. I’m teaching this course for HC, and looking forward to a variety of participants, from college students and up, from anywhere in the US or abroad. I understand that there is still time to sign up to get credits (better hurry and not forget to sign upafter Rosh Hashanah!)

You can also take the course as a “non-credit” course and many people not needing the course for a degree may choose that route. Either way, for credit or non-credit, I’m expecting it to be exciting.

Course Description:
Have you ever wondered what Jews sang in synagogue in Colonial America?…

Women’s Klezmer Summit (Not for Women Only!)

Come for a day, or come for the week! July 5-10
At Circle Lodge, Workmen’s Circle’s famed adult lodge adjacent to
historic Camp Kinder Ring in Hopewell Junction, Dutchess County NY.

Featuring leaders of the klezmer and new Yiddish song revivals:
violinist Alicia Svigals, vocalist Adrienne Cooper, trumpeter Susan
Watts, drummer/film historian Eve Sicular, vocalist Shauna Kanter,
and more.

To reserve call 845.221-2771 ext. 110, check out the link at or email

Each day begins with a voice workshop conducted by Shauna Kanter of
the famed Voice Theater Workshop. Catch daily lectures, panels,
concerts, and hands-on workshops and coaching on klezmer history and
making new Yiddish music personal – from Eve’s J. Edgar Klezmer and
her famed Yiddish Celluloid Closet lec/dem on the gay subtext in
Yiddish film to Alicia’s Klezmer Unfettered, amazing collaborations
and road stories, to Susan Watt’s wild tales of klezmer family life,
and Adrienne’s legendary Memoir of Gluckl of Hameln and her Every
Mother’s Son antiwar song concert.…

Art of Jewish Music, à la Russe

Event: The Art of Jewish Music, à la Russe:
A Centennial Celebration of the Society for Jewish Folk Music

Date: Thursday, December 18, 2008
Time: 7:30 p.m.
Price: General Admission, $15; Students, $10
Location: Hebrew College, Berenson Hall, 160 Herrick Road, Newton Centre, MA

Klára Móricz, Valentine Visiting Assistant Professor of Music at Amherst College, explores the Russian origins of Jewish music as a serious art form and the relationship of this body of work to emerging 20th century Jewish nationalism and modernism. Musical illustrations performed by pianist Edwin Swanborn, tenor Elias Rosemberg and soprano
Lynn Torgrove.

Details and online registration at

Middle Eastern Music and Dance Retreat

Imagine – a week long, all day and all night, music and dance with
master musicians and dancers in a magical red wood forest:

August 17 – 24, 2008

Middle Eastern Music and Dance Retreat
Omar Faruk Tekbilek
Yuval Ron
Naser Musa
Souhail Caspar
Dror Sinai
and many more world music artists of Middle Eastern music and dance.

Location: Mendocino, CA
Registration and more information:

Southern California Choral Symposium and Concert

Micael Isaacson
Sunday, March 9th, 2008
Symposium: 3:00 p.m.
Concert: 7:00 p.m.

Presentations and discussion by leading Los Angeles scholars and clergy exploring
the significance of Angels in contemporary civilization – followed by a concert
featuring music inspired by Angels through the ages.

The evening Concert (7:00 p.m.) conducted by Dr. Nick Strimple, Director of Music at
BHPC and member of the faculty of The Thornton School of Music at the University of
Southern California, will feature the Choral Society of Southern California, the LA
Zimriyah Chorale and the BHPC Chancel Choir. Noted vocal soloists include baritone
Cale Olson, mezzo-soprano Catherine Cooper, and Cantor Ira Bigeleisen. Music for the
extraordinary evening are works inspired by Angels in classical and contemporary
compositions by Handel, Tchaikovsky, Rothblum, Isaacson and Strimple.…

KlezKamp 22 – Hasidish Yiddish

KlezKamp 22 – Hasidish Yiddish
KlezKamp is almost here again! It’s being held December 24-29, 2006, at the
Hudson Valley Resort and Spa in Kerhonkson, New York for a week of Yiddish
music and culture.

The entire catalogue and registration materials are available online at
If you would like Living Traditions to mail you a catalogue or
would like them to do so in the future, please email your current contact
information, email:

Dubrow Talk on Lazar Weiner at Milstein Conference in NYC


One day public conference celebrating history of Jewish life in New
York, achievements of Jewish communal organizations, treasures of Jewish
archives. Conference marks culmination of 3 years of work on the
Milstein Family Jewish Communal Archive Project. Morning Sessions
feature presentation on Jewish organizational archives and a roundtable
discussion by Jewish agency leaders, Afternoon focuses on papers by
scholars on a wide range of political, social and cultural issues and
the evening session features a discussion by New York area archivists
to discuss the rich resources found in New York and how to preserve them
for the future. Funded by the Milstein Family Foundation and the
Howard and Abby Milstein Foundation.…

Third Annual Interfaith Symposium of Music in LA

Third Annual Interfaith Symposium of Music – “In the Beginning” –
The Music, Theology, Art History and Astrophysics of Creation

Date: Sunday, 2/12/2006
Start Time: Symposium 2:30 PM
The free evening concert (7:00 p.m.) will feature music of the Creation
story drawn from the many traditions of our time and of times past.
Location: Beverly Hills Presbyterian Church
Address: 505 N. Rodeo Drive, Beverly Hills, CA 90210
Registration and Info: 818.623.1000 or

Announcing the third annual city-wide interfaith symposium exploring
spiritual themes. In cooperation with the Beverly Hills Presbyterian
Church (BHPC), the Los Angeles Catholic Archdiocese and the Jewish Music
Commission of Los Angeles (JMCLA) we will explore the opening chapters
of Genesis in Jewish, Protestant and Catholic thought, liturgy, science,
art history and music.

Yiddish Summer Program at Tel Aviv University

Tel Aviv, Israel
July 3 – 28, 2006
A vibrant new Summer Program in Yiddish language and culture is now available at Tel Aviv University. Under the auspices of Beth Shalom Aleichem, The Goldreich Family Institute for Yiddish Language, Literature, and Culture at Tel Aviv University and the Abraham Lerner Fund, this four-week program during the month of July 2006, offers intensive Yiddish instruction on campus at the beginners, intermediate, and advanced levels, and a rich afternoon program of lectures, tours, theatre, concerts, museums, films, and cultural events organized by YUNG YiDiSH in conjunction with Beth Shalom Aleichem. As students of the Lowy School for Overseas Students at Tel Aviv University whose credentials are recognized by universities world-wide, participants will receive 80 hours of language instruction (four credits) with highly qualified and experienced teachers in small classes and will be housed in dormitories adjacent to the campus.…

From Boston to Berlin

The Zamir Chorale of Boston invites you to
From Boston to Berlin
A cabaret-style evening featuring
the Zamir Chamber Chorus
which will perform highlights of Zamir Chorale of Boston’s upcoming concerts in
the first Louis Lewandowski Festival in Berlin, Germany

Thursday, November 10, 2011
The Goethe-Institut*, 170 Beacon Street, Boston
(between Berkeley and Clarendon Streets)
Joshua Jacobson, Artistic Director
Remarks by
Friedrich Löhr, German Consul General in Boston
Ralph Selig, International Authority on German-Jewish
Chazzanut (liturgical music)
Light kosher refreshments will be served.
The Zamir Chorale of Boston is headed to Berlin, Germany, December 15-18, to represent
the United States at the Louis Lewandowski Festival. Zamir will join six other choirs
from around the world in paying tribute to the German Jewish composer who became
world renowned because of his beautiful choral settings of the synagogue liturgy.…

Graduate Seminar on Topics in Jewish Music at YIVO

Graduate Seminar on Topics in Jewish Music
Taught by Dr. Neil Levin, Visiting Professor-in-Residence

This eight session graduate seminar, YIVO’s first such seminar in music, will embrace an array of topics within the wider spectrum of Jewish Studies related to the music of Jewish experience or connection—secular-cultural as well as sacred-liturgical aspects—according to the interests and pursuits of the participants.

This seminar is open to graduate students within any department at all colleges, universities or conservatories. It is not restricted to those within music departments per se, but also open to those pursuing Jewish Studies in general—especially history, literature, theatre, liturgy, or other sub-fields of Jewish Studies—who may have special interest in related music in terms of context and interdisciplinary consideration.

With prior approval, undergraduate (college, university, or conservatory) students may also be permitted to participate—both those with an interest in a particular area of Jewishly-related music and those who may be pursuing related term papers or projects.…