Second European Cantors Convention, London

JMI Choral and Cantorial Section and Central Synagogue present the
Second European Cantors Convention, London
Tuesday June 19 — Thursday June 21, 2007

An unrivalled opportunity for practising and aspiring cantors from the UK,
Europe and further afield to share expertise and experience, learn new
melodies and be inspired by some of the greatest cantors in the world who
will be our honoured guests:

Asher Hainowitz, Yeshurun Synagogue, Jerusalem
Arie Subar, Congregation Beth Ora, Montreal
– Moshe Haschel, St John’s Wood Synagogue, London
Stephen Glass, Director of Music, Congregation Shaar Hashomayim, Montreal
Alexander Knapp, former Joe Loss lecturer in Jewish Music, London

The Cantors Convention will begin with a Concert ‘Chazanut ? Back to the
on Monday night 18 June and will be officially opened by the Chief
Rabbi, Sir Jonathan Sacks The programme, as last year, will provide stimulating lectures, debates,
masterclasses and discussion on matters relevant to both practicing chazanim
and ba’alei t’fila.

This convention is a “must attend” for anybody leading services. It is also
suitable for choirmasters and choristers as well as lay congregants and all
who wish to further their understanding and appreciation of the best of
synagogue music today. There will be opportunities to hear the faculty and
delegates presenting some of their favourite music. .

Come and meet colleagues, compare notes, learn/ brush-up/ refine//develop/
broaden/ increase your skills and learn some new music that is guaranteed to
enhance the services in your synagogue.

It takes place at Central Synagogue, 40 Hallam Street, London, W1N 6NN.
Following last years programme focused on Shabbat, this year it will be
centred on the nusach and melodies of the Shalosh R’galim.

L210 for the three days concessions L120
Included in the price is breakfast and lunch each day and a ticket for the
concert on Monday night. Accommodation is extra. A list of hotels in the
area will be provided on request

Download the Registration Form at Website

To enrol for the Convention please complete the Registration From and send
with your remittance by email to or print out and post
2nd Cantors Convention, Jewish Music Institute,
PO Box 232, Harrow, HA1 2NN
or call +44 (0) 208 909 2445 for more details.