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Beverly Hills Concert Music and the Holocaust: Survival, Resistance and Response

“Music and the Holocaust: Survival, Resistance and Response” is a concert of
rarely heard music composed in hiding, before deportation, and in Nazi concentration
camps and ghettos.

The Concert features Choral Society of Southern California, Los Angeles Zimriyah
, USC Thornton School of Music Chamber Choir and student soloists, members of
the Los Angeles Vocal & Instrumental Ensemble ( la vie ), Cantor David Cane, and recordings made in the camps. The program will include works from various composers
in hiding, concentration camps and ghettos, including:

Cantor David Cane’s performance of songs he was forced to sing in Auschwitz.

— A Jewish composer’s eight-minute choral work, written in the Kreuzburg Civilian
Internment Camp as a gift to Christian inmates who protected him and several other
Jewish inmates.…

Helene Engel Sings Yiddish in Lausanne, Switzerland

Les oiseaux reviennent avec le printemps au Quebec et Hélène Engel revient chanter
avec l’automne en Suisse… et en yiddish (mais pas seulement!) avec le groupe

Le 4 Novembre à 20h30
CPO à Lausanne (Centre Pluriculturel et social d’Ouchy)
Beau-Rivage 2 Lausanne
Prix d’entrée: entre 14 et 22 Fs
Réservations: 004121 616 26 72 ou

Le 5 Novembre à 10h30
Maison du Prieur à Romainmôtier Brunch-Concert
tel: 004122 366 01 53
prix 55 Fs (brunch gastronomique inclus)

De belles musiques en perspective… nous nous réjouissons de vous y rencontrer!

For More Info:
Michel Borzykowski
site klezmer:
site AMJ:

Second Annual Interfaith Symposium of Music

A Symposium of Psalms < /br>< /br>
Join the Jewish Music Commission of Los Angeles and the Beverly Hills
Presbyterian Church on November 7 2004 at the second annual city-wide interfaith symposium devoted to music. This year the Workshop (3:00 p.m) will explore the role of the Psalms, a fertile source of spiritual and cultural
inspiration in the Jewish, Protestant and Catholic faiths with presentations
and panel discussions by leading Los Angeles clergy, scholars and composers.
< /br>< /br>
Registration is required for the 3:00 p.m. Workshop and seating reservations
are highly recommended for the 7:30 p.m. Concert. For more information, call
310.271.5194 or visit… more info…

Machaya, Rockville, MD

Machaya, Rockville, MD, May 22
An exciting evening of dance and music as the Machaya Klezmer Band entertains with the beauty of Klezmer music. Dance instructor Jay McCrensky will teach basic and advanced simcha dancing, couple dancing, Hassidic dancing, shers,jocs, and terkishes.

Sunday, May 22 7 – 9 pm, $8 mem./$10 general public/$5 children under 12 years. Reservations not necessary.

Jewish Community Center of Greater Washington
6125 Montrose Rd.
Rockville, MD 20852.

For more information,

Andalus Ensemble in NY

Greek Jewish Festival: May 31, 5pm, Outdoors!

The New York Andalus Ensemble–Chamber Orchestra presents a set of music and song
from al-Andalus and North Africa. Al-Andalus is excited to be headlining the first every
Greek Jewish Festival, in front of the historic Kehilla Kedosha Janina synagogue on
the Lower East Side of Manhattan. The event takes place outdoors on Broome Street,
between Allen and Eldridge.

For more info: or

Sephardic Temple of Cedarhurst: June 1, 7pm

The New York Andalus Ensemble (large ensemble) presents an evening of music and song
from al-Andalus and North Africa. Sponsored by the Ike, Molly and Steven Elias
Foundation, NYAE is happy to be performing music in the beautiful Sephardic Temple
of Cedarhurst, and being hosted by a wonderfully open and engaging community.…

“Working, the Musical” debut performance

Saturday, October 15 · 8:00pm – 11:00pm
Jewish Federation 550 S. Second St. Arcadia, 91106 CA

Hazzan Judy Sofer and colleagues are having four performances of their debut production for the Cultural Arts Program of Greater San Gabriel Pomona Valleys.
Saturday, Oct. 15 at 8:00
Sunday, Oct. 16 at 2:00
Saturday, Oct. 22 at 8:00
Sunday, October 23 at 2:00
Tickets are $36 – Premiere seating
$25- General Seating
$10- Students and children

Joanne Borts Stars at Gala Pre-Khanike Concert

Master of Ceremonies
Fyvush Finkel
DATE & TIME: Monday, DECEMBER 15, 2014 6:15 PM
MEMBERS $ 40 GUESTS $ 45 CONCERT ONLY $ 25 (8:15 PM)
Kindly send check payable to YAFAC and mail to RUTH HARRIS, TREASURER
For more information:

Poèmes Yiddish en musique

Vérités Jamais Sûres… Poèmes Yiddish en musique
Nelly Uzan – récitante
Michel Borzykowski – saxophones
Reb Yoyvl – accordéon
Jeudi 16 octobre 2014 à 20h30
Café-Théâtre de la Voirie
10, rue du Centre, 1009 Pully (Vaud/ Suisse)
Réservations: 076 324 34 52 ou
Entrée: 20 frs / tarif réduit: 15 frs

Après un millénaire d’effervescence intellectuelle et artistique, après plusieurs
tentatives d’anéantissement, le yiddish a suscité, ces cinquante dernières années,
un énorme regain d’intérêt: Ce fut d’abord “Le violon sur le toit” en 1967 et le
Prix Nobel de littérature attribué en 1978 à Isaac Bashevis Singer “pour son art de
conteur enthousiaste enraciné dans la culture et les traditions judéo-polonaises et
qui ressuscite l’universalité de la condition humaine”; puis vint le tour du
“renouveau” de la musique klezmer aux Etats-Unis, puis dans le monde entier.…


Yair Dalal:
WHEN: Saturday, November 4, 2006 at 7:30 PM

WHERE: Center for Jewish History, 15 West 16th Street, New York City
A unique performance in the four-day program
Back to Babylon: 2600 Years of Jewish Life in Iraq, November 2-5, 2006,
Exploring the venerable and multifaceted culture of Iraqi Jewry< During the first half of the 20th century, Jews were virtually the only instrumentalists in the Iraqi musical scene. All the musicians from Iraq who attended the first Arabic music congress in Cairo in 1932 were Jewish (but one). With the exile of the Jewish community in the 1950’s, many famous Iraqi Jewish musicians immigrated to Israel. Their legacy is still strong today, both in the preservation of the traditional Iraqi Maqam, and in its influence on contemporary Israeli music.



Saturday, March 9, 2013
A full-length concert hosted by Kehillat Moreshet Avraham in Jerusalem’s Armon HaNatziv neighborhood.
For info, music and video, stop by my website:

Kehillet Moreshet Avraham
22 Adam Street
Armon HaNatziv, Jerusalem

Info/Reservations: 02-673-7183 or
Entrance: 30 NIS General Public, 20 Members

Michal Tal & Yoni Farhi – Through Foreign Ears

Israel Conservatory, Tel Aviv
Saturday, April 21, 2012

Debussy – Sounds from Wondrous Worlds
Piano Recital Series in Celebration of Debussy’s 150th Anniversary
Concert No. 3:
Through Foreign Ears – Spain, the Far East, Childhood and Jazz

Pianists: Michal Tal & Yoni Farhi

Chabrier: Habanera
Debussy: La soirée dans Grenade (from Estampes)
Ravel: Alborada del gracioso (from Miroirs)
Debussy: Pagodes (from Estampes)
Ravel: Ma mère l’oye, for piano four hands
Debussy: Children’s Corner
Debussy: Le petit nègre
Satie: Le Piccadilly; La Diva de l’empire
Satie: Trois morceaux en forme de poire, for piano four hands
Milhaud: La création du monde (version for piano four hands)

85-115 NIS
Young persons up to 21 years old: Free admission
Young persons 22-34 years old: 35-55 NIS

Reservations: 03-5466228 …

The Broder Singers: Forerunners of the Yiddish Theater

Miryem-Khaye Seigel, Librarian, Dorot Jewish Division, New York Public Library, presents
Broder Singers: Forerunners of the Yiddish Theater

Broder singers were the first Yiddish performers to present music and drama in a secular setting beginning in the mid-nineteenth century. This lecture will explore the Broder singers’ history, repertoire, and style, and their relationship to Yiddish theater.

Admission: Free
Venue: YIVO Institute at the Center for Jewish History | 15 West 16th Street – NYC

Lullabies and Legacy: The World of Yiddish Children’s Songs

Lullabies and Legacy: The World of Yiddish Children’s Songs
Songs of the cradle and home life, kheyder and nature.
Tuesday, February 7 at 12:00pm
Tuesdays, February 7th – 28th from 12:00-1:30pm
Location: The Workmen’s Circle
247 West 37th Street, New York, New York
For reservations call: 212-889-6800 x234
Or email:

Neshama Carlebach in Eastern US Tour

Neshama Carlebach will be performing in several venues in the coming months. Here is a sample listing:
For more information: See her website
Oct 31, 8PM
Temple Emanuel Social Hall
424 25th Street
Virginia Beach, VA 23451,
A Night with Neshama Carlebach in memory of Sharon Elstein z’l
Admission will be free , donations to Temple Emanuel in memory of
Sharon will be gratefully accepted at the door.
For further information please call 757-428-2591or send an email

Nov 5, 7:30 PM
6601 Bradley Boulevard
Bethesda, Maryland 20817
Neshama and her band will be performing at Bethesda Jewish
Center’s 10th Anniversary celebration.
For reservations and further information, please visit

Mincha Maariv Sefira

May 15 7:30pm
Bialystoker Synagogue
7-11 Willet Street Lower East Side. NYC.
Cantor Yitzchok Helfgot, Cantor Moshe Stern, Cantor Moshe Haschel, Maestro Matthew Lazar and Choir.
$36 General Admission. For reservations call 718-851-3226
or see for more information.

Free concert! Alicia Svigals’ Klezmer Fiddle Express

Event: Free concert! Alicia Svigals’ Klezmer Fiddle Express
With Christina Crowder, accordion, Brian Glassman, bass, and Aaron Alexander, drums, who will get everyone up and dancing!!
Start Time: Thursday, August 18 at 7:00pm
End Time: Thursday, August 18 at 10:00pm
Location: Putnam Valley Main Fire House
265 Oscawana Lake Road

Tribeca Hebrew Upcoming Events

Sunday February 27 – Frank London Project (Klezmatics)
Sunday March 13 – Joey Weisenberg Trio
Sunday March 20 – Shtreimel (Montreal Klez)
Sunday April 3 – David Glukh Klezmer Ensemble (Fusion of Klezmer, &
Macedonian Gypsy)
Sunday April 17 – Matt Darriau Band (Kleamatics)
$5 for kids/$15 for adults/$30 for the whole family
Reservations recommended!

Tribeca Hebrew
67 Hudson Street/1 Jay Street
(Enter on Jay Street – between Greenwich St and Hudson St)
New York, NY 10013


A concert of Piano Trios by Four Women composers will be held in New York on Sunday, March 19 at 3pm.
The concert will be held in St. Marks in the Bowery (19th and Second Avenue and performed by the Downtown Chamber Trio: RIEKO KAWABATA, violin; DANIEL BARRETT, cello and MIMI STERN-WOLFE, piano
INFORMATION: Suggested donation: $10
Reservations: 212 477-1594;


Third Annual Interfaith Symposium of Music in LA

Third Annual Interfaith Symposium of Music – “In the Beginning” –
The Music, Theology, Art History and Astrophysics of Creation

Date: Sunday, 2/12/2006
Start Time: Symposium 2:30 PM
The free evening concert (7:00 p.m.) will feature music of the Creation
story drawn from the many traditions of our time and of times past.
Location: Beverly Hills Presbyterian Church
Address: 505 N. Rodeo Drive, Beverly Hills, CA 90210
Registration and Info: 818.623.1000 or

Announcing the third annual city-wide interfaith symposium exploring
spiritual themes. In cooperation with the Beverly Hills Presbyterian
Church (BHPC), the Los Angeles Catholic Archdiocese and the Jewish Music
Commission of Los Angeles (JMCLA) we will explore the opening chapters
of Genesis in Jewish, Protestant and Catholic thought, liturgy, science,
art history and music.


un concert AMJ tout à fait original à Genève:

Marcelo Moguilevsky: clarinettes, flûtes, harmonica, voix
Cesar Lerner: piano, accordéon, percussions
dimanche 4 décembre à 17h à l’Alhambra, 10 rue de la Rôtisserie, Genève
Organisation: les Amis de la Musique Juive
Réservations: ou tel: 0(041)22 320 86 28
entrée: 25.- / AVS, chômeurs, étudiants, etc: 15.-
Réduction supplémentaire de 5.- aux membres AMJ

Depuis une vingtaine d’années, Cesar Lerner et Marcelo Moguilevsky apportent une
innovation et une ouverture à la musique populaire instrumentale juive.
Petits-enfants d’immigrants russes et polonais arrivés en Argentine en 1900, ils
contribuent avec virtuosité à la renaissance du style klezmer en développant un
langage personnel, basé sur l’improvisation et des éléments issus du folklore
argentin, du tango, du jazz et des musiques contemporaines.…

Preparation for Chazzonim and Baaley Tefila

An evening of presentations to prepare for Chazzonim and Baaley Tefila for the High Holidays is being sponsored by Cantors World and the Philip and Sarah Belz School of Jewish Music, Yeshiva University. Being held at The Jewish Center, 131 West 86th Street, NYC on September 22nds, 8:00pm, the evening features presentations from Cantor Bernard Beer “A Guide to Leading the High Holy Day Service”; Dr. Peak Woo, MD, “Ensuring Vocal Health During a Stressful Season”; and Cantor Abraham Weingarten “Maintaining Vocal Clarity and Strength Throughout Davening”. The evening is bein moderated by Cantor Benny Rogosnitzky and will deal with major issues pertaining to the shliach tzibur, issues of vocal health and maintenacne and ideas for successful delivery and choice of nusach and tunes. There will be a question and answer session following the presentations.…

Pre- High Holiday Concert: by Cantors World

September 21 at 7:30pm in Merkin Hall at 129 West 67th Street, New York City, a pre-high holiday special concert featuring Cantor Sol Zim, Cantor Jeffrey Nadel and Cantor Ari Klein. Also featuring Cantor Eliyahu Greenblatt, Azi Schwartz and his choir, Cantor Yechezkel Klang, and Cantor Daniel Gildar. The price is $40 general admission. For reservations call: 718-851-3226 or go to for more information.

Divahn in San Francisco

Thursday, July 14
Cafe Du Nord
7:30 pm (doors open)
2170 Market Street (at 15th)
Cash bar and dinner menu all night
Purchase tickets: $12 in advance at or $15 at the
For dinner reservations call (415) 861-5016
Amy Tobin (creator of The Esther Show and Lilith, the Musical) plays a short solo set at 8:30, followed by a full Divahn concert.

Prof. Martin Schwartz speaks at SOAS in London

Professor Martin Schwartz of the University of California will speak on the topic of “THE LARGE SHARED REPERTORY OF GREEK AND KLEZMER / YIDDISH VERNACULAR MUSICS”

PLACE: Khalili Lecture Theatre, SOAS, Thornhaugh Street, London WC1H 0XG
ADMISSION: Admission free. Open to all interested parties. A collection will be taken.
RESERVATIONS: All places must be reserved in advance. Please e-mail

Sandy Cash will be touring this Fall

Singer songwriter and storyteller Sandy Cash plays and sings in English accompanied by accoustic guitar. The Yale-educated, Detroit-born singer is popular in Israel’s “anglo” community. Sandy, who has also performed opera in Hebrew in Israel, has a rich voice which you can hear online at her website: Her touring starts next month in Georgia.

Wednesday, October 25
Eddie’s Attic
515-B North McDonough St. Decatur, GA
Info: Eddie’s Attic website or call 404-377-4976
For more tour dates, read on.

Dan Aran Breathing CD Released

An Israeli musician living in Brooklyn, Dan Aran just released his new CD Breathing containing a number of compositions by him. Aran is known in NY as a “brush specialist” and has got what the doctor ordered. Take a deep breath and listen to Breathing.. It’s sure to put you in the right place.

Music Forgotten and Remembered

Location: Merkin Concert Hall at Kaufman Center, 129 W 67th St
Tickets: $25; $15 for seniors
To order, call Naomi at 212-294-6140

Israeli-American violinist Yuval Waldman will be giving a solo recital of “Music Forgotten and Remembered” at New York’s Merkin Concert Hall on Tuesday March 29, 2011, at 8 PM. The program presents rarely performed gems composed by Eastern European Jews, many of whom perished during World War II or were silenced by Soviet repression.

Born in the Ukraine to Holocaust survivors and the Artistic Director of Music Bridges International, Waldman was able to rediscover these pieces by searching music libraries and obscure music collections in Russia, Ukraine, the Czech Republic, and Israel. They represent a wide spectrum of stylistic influences on Jewish composers: impressionistic, neoclassical, folk, and klezmer.…

Jack Gottlieb z”l

The American Society for Jewish Music sends out this sad announcement about the passing of Jack Gottlieb.
Dear Members and Friends:
It is with sadness that I share with you the news of Jack Gottlieb’s passing.

A prolific composer, especially of sacred songs and choral music for the synagogue, Jack worked actively on behalf of Jewish music and served as President of the ASJM for a number of years. Also a scholar and noted author, his acclaimed books, Funny, It Doesn’t Sound Jewish: How Yiddish Songs and Synagogue Melodies Influenced Tin Pan Alley, Broadway and Hollywood, and, most recently, his memoire Working with Bernstein, about his years as assistant to Leonard Bernstein, received rave reviews. A biography of Jack Gottlieb’s distinguished career is appended below.

As Jack wished for no public funeral, those in the New York area wishing to mark his passing are invited to attend the services at Congregation Emanu-El on March 11 and 12, 2011, which will be devoted to his music.…

Jacob Mendelson at viewing of Cantor’s Tale

Date: Friday, January 28, 2010
Time: 6PM – Erev Shabbat Services; 7:15PM – Film Viewing
Price: Free, open to the community
Contact: Cantor Rebecca Garfein,
RSVP: requested
Telephone Number: 646-454-3030
Artist/Speaker: Cantor Jacob Mendelson
Event Description: Cantor Jacob Mendelson will lend his magnificent voice and
neshama (soul) to Erev Shabbat Services, followed by a viewing of his award winning
film, A Cantor’s Tale, and a question and answer session. On Saturday, following
the 10AM Shabbat Service, Cantor Mendelson will demonstrate and discuss the styles
of Cantors from the Golden Age, introduce his family zemirot (songs) to the
congregation, and explain that the DNA for hazzanut is contained therein.

Daniel Greenwood New CD Released

Daniel Greenwood released a CD with Galpaz six years ago called Mayim Ad Nofesh and got a review from The Jerusalem Post. He has recently released a new CD with CDBaby called Onah Hashem. It is available on ITunes .There are a number of full songs on MySpace

He has also recorded music with a composer and keyboardist from England named Scott Hill. Daniel recorded an Album with Scott on his Astranova Label called Ancient Future available on ITunes. He released another CD on CDBaby and ITunes called Return to Regalia and he has had over 35,000 plays of his songs on Spotify(Streaming Music Site) in Europe.His Artist name is JJ.(Since there is a popular band from Sweden called JJ people think this is their CD and listen.They seem to be enjoying the music).…

Jewish People’s Philharmonic Chorus in International Choral Festival

Yiddish Chorus in International Choral Festival!
The Jewish People’s Philharmonic Chorus
with Binyumen Schaechter, Conductor,
are performing next week at
The 5th New York International Choral Festival 2010
Thursday, October 28, 2010, 7:30 PM
at Riverside Church
490 Riverside Drive, New York, NY 10027
Tickets: $20
For tickets:
Tickets will be available at the door.
Seating is General Admission.
This concert includes 4 choruses,
each performing for 15 minutes or so,
plus an Orchestra,
culminating in a number sung by all choruses together.
The Jewish People’s Philharmonic Chorus
is the only Jewish – or Yiddish – chorus on the bill.

Sunday, June 5, 2011, 4:30 PM
at Symphony Space (2537 Broadway) in New York City,
the JPPC, with Conductor Binyumen Schaechter –
and with guest appearance by Di Shekhter-tekhter –
will be giving their annual gala concert.…

Yiddish Song Workshop at Felicja Blumental Music Centre Tel Aviv

The Yiddish Song Workshop‚ under the direction of Nekhama Lifshitz‚ is now admitting new singers. For details please contact Regina (0547621628) or Udi (0542026242). The workshop was founded 12 years ago by Nekhama Lifshitz‚ queen of Yiddish song. The aims of the workshop are to preserve Eastern European culture in general and Yiddish language and song in particular. Weekly workshop lessons are conducted privately by pianist and coach Regina Dricker‚ Nekhama’s right hand for many years. The lessons include voice training and study of Yiddish language and culture through the songs. Every year the workshop presents a number of song evenings or shows based upon different themes. Some of the performances‚ such as the evening dedicated to the Holocaust‚ are held throughout the country. This past year‚ which was dedicated to Yiddish poet Itsik Manger‚ we put on performances of ”The Megilah” [The Purimspiel] as well as a concert of Manger’s poetry and songs.…

Marhulet “DYBBUK” String Quartet Premiere

The string quartet Dybbuk by Wlad Marhulet was written for the New York based “J.A.C.K.” quartet. The piece is inspired by Jewish folklore, in which a Dybbuk is a malicious possessing spirit, believed to be the dislocated soul of a dead person. The piece depicts two aspects of Dybbuk – its wild and aggressive nature, as well as its memories from the past life full of suffering and tears.

The premiere is going to take place November 30th at 8:00pm.
in Paul Hall, Julliard School, NYC
60 Lincoln Center Plaza, Broadway (at 65th St)
Upper West Side
Subway: 1 to 66th St–Lincoln Ctr

Association for Canadian Jewish Studies Call for Papers

The Association for Canadian Jewish Studies/L’Association des études juives canadiennes (ACJS /l’AÉJC) will be holding its 34th Annual Conference May 30-June 1, 2010 at Concordia University in Montreal as part of the Congress of the Humanities and Social Sciences. The conference provides a platform for original scholarly research in Canadian Jewish history, life and culture. Individuals are invited to send proposals for learned paper presentations in either English or French twenty minutes in
length (approximately 2,000 words) that concern some aspect of the Canadian Jewish experience.

Potential presenters are asked to submit a paper
proposal by Tuesday, January 5, 2010. The paper proposal should comprise a
400-word abstract formulated to clearly and concisely state the main argument
of the scholarly paper and indicate how it will contribute to existing
scholarship in the field of Canadian Jewish Studies.…


Manhattan’s Congregation Rodeph Sholom and The Riverside Church are proud to
jointly present Celebrating Life!, a concert to raise funds for the Project People
Foundation (PPF) and the women and children of South Africa’s townships.

PPF is a New York-based non-profit organization founded in 1995 that builds bridges
between caring communities in the United States and women and students in South
Africa. PPF is helping South Africans as they strive for economic independence and
access to education despite the challenges of apartheid’s legacy, AIDS and poverty.

The concert will be held on October 29, 2009 at Congregation Rodeph Sholom, 7 West
83rd Street, Manhattan, starting at 6:30pm. It will feature a number of distinguished
musical artists, among them Diana Solomon-Glover, noted soprano soloist at The
Riverside Church, and Rebecca Garfein, Senior Cantor at Rodeph Sholom.…

The Jewish Women of Rebetika

Monday, June 20, 2011
Legendary Greek Jewish Singers of the ’20s. ’30s, & ’40s
Songs and Personal Histories of
Roza Eskenazi, Amalia Baka, Stella Haskil, and Victoria Hazan
Carol Freeman – Vocals
Beth Bahia Cohen – Violin
Haig Manoukian – Oud

LOCATION: The JCC of Manhattan
334 Amsterdam Ave. at 76th St.
New York City
Information: 646-505-5708
Admission $20, $15 members

Soul Aviv CD Release

Soul Aviv SoulAviv has produced a CD of the same name. The vocal group is located in Santa Barbara, CA. Members are three women: Erin Berkowitz, Jamie Green, (vocals and percussion) and Liat Wasserman all singing with Rob Raede, vocals and guitar. The recording features music aimed at “tikkun olam” or making the world a better place… featuring the sounds of gospel, soul, reggae. Additional tracks include a number of original songs by Rob Raede featuring Jewish themes. The album’s vocal focus is energetic and highly entertaining. Some of the songs are “standards” recorded many times, such as “Wade in the Water” and “Rivers of Babylon/One Love” which joins a traditional gospel tune to Bob Marley’s hit, or “Oh Had I a Golden Thread by Pete Seeger.…


Songs Celebrating Jewish Communities Worldwide: Gershwin, Ravel,
Sephardic Melodies, many more
Featuring Dina Kuznetsova, Rinat Shaham, Steven Goldstein, Steven Blier
and Michael Barrett
FEBRUARY 18 AND 20 2009
at 8 PM

Kaufman Center and New York Festival of Song (NYFOS,,
will present Voices of the Jewish Diaspora on Tuesday and
Thursday, February 18 and 20, 2009 at 8 PM at Merkin Concert Hall at Kaufman
Center. It is the third subscription concert of the New York Festival of
Song, whose CD, Spanish Love Songs, (Bridge
Records, 2008) featuring Lorraine Hunt
, Joseph Kaiser, Steven Blier and Michael Barrett was named one of the “Best of the year” by Opera News.

The program features songs in many languages celebrating the culturally
diverse Jewish communities that flourished as the tribes of Israel spread
out across the globe: Sephardic melodies arranged by Roberto Sierra;
Second Avenue specialties by Irving Berlin and Abraham Ellstein; art
songs by Ravel and Mahler; plus music by Gershwin, Bernstein, and Harold

CUNY Hosts ‘Beyond Boundaries’ Dec 16

Beyond Boundaries

Beyond Boundaries: Klezmer Music in the 21st Century
Looks at the State of the Art of Klezmer through Discussion and Performance

On December 16, the Center for Jewish Studies and the Martin E. Segal Theatre Center of the CUNY Graduate Center will present Beyond Boundaries: Klezmer Music in the 21st Century. Featuring distinguished klezmer performers, scholars, cultural commentators, and composers, the program includes an afternoon symposium with music (at 3:00 p.m.) and an evening concert (at 7:00 p.m.). This event is part of the Beyond Boundaries Series in Jewish Music, launched by the Center for Jewish Studies in Spring 2008. The series explores aspects of Jewish music from multiple perspectives—geographical, cultural, and musical. The Graduate Center is located at 365 Fifth Avenue between 34th and 35th Streets.…

Micha Haran in the Concert Meister Series at Baruch Performing Arts Center

Baruch Performing Arts Center Presents
The Concert Meister Series
Micha Haran
Solo Cellist &
Principal Cellist of The Israel Philharmonic Orchestra for 30 years

Tuesday, November 25th at 7:00 PM

Performing Bach Suite No.1 &
Kodaly Cello Sonata Op. 8
Engelman Recital Hall
On the South Side of East 25th Street Between Lexington & 3rd avenues
Manhattan, New York

Tickets: $30 -Call +1212.352.3101 or +1866.811.4111 or online


Micha Haran, Principal Cellist of the Israel Philharmonic Orchestra, returns to New
York, for a Solo performance at Baruch Performing Arts Center, after 33 years

“The Israeli Cellist is an assertive player with fine technical control and
musicianship that runs deep. Both in appearance and sound, he projects an intense
concentration that adds greatly to his communicative strength as an artist”
The New York Times, Haran’s Last Solo Performance in New York …

Beyond Boundaries: Klezmer Music in the 21st Century 2008

Beyond Boundaries

Beyond Boundaries: Klezmer Music in the 21st Century
Looks at the State of the Art of Klezmer through Discussion and Performance

On December 16, the Center for Jewish Studies and the Martin E. Segal Theatre Center of the CUNY Graduate Center will present Beyond Boundaries: Klezmer Music in the 21st Century. Featuring distinguished klezmer performers, scholars, cultural commentators, and composers, the program includes an afternoon symposium with music (at 3:00 p.m.) and an evening concert (at 7:00 p.m.). This event is part of the Beyond Boundaries Series in Jewish Music, launched by the Center for Jewish Studies in Spring 2008. The series explores aspects of Jewish music from multiple perspectives—geographical, cultural, and musical. The Graduate Center is located at 365 Fifth Avenue between 34th and 35th Streets.…

Pro Musica Hebraica at Kennedy Center in Washington

Pro Musica Hebraica is devoted to presenting Jewish classical music — much of it lost, forgotten, or rarely performed — in a concert-hall setting. On November 18, 2008, the ARC Ensemble of Canada’s Royal Conservatory of Music presents works by Mieczysław Weinberg, Szymon Laks, and Sergei Prokofiev all composed in the aftermath of world war.
Tuesday, November 18, 2008
The Terrace Theater
The Kennedy Center
Washington, DC
7:30 PM

Musicians of Lenox Hill to Perform Chamber Music of Jewish Composers

On Monday, April 28 at 8 PM, the Musicians of Lenox
Hill, under the artistic direction of Soo-Kyung Park, will perform Chamber Music
of Jewish Composers at Temple Israel of the City of New York, 112 East 75th Street,
New York City. The concert will feature six extraordinary musicians presenting
familiar as well as new or rarely heard music by composers of Jewish faith or
heritage. The program includes Three Nocturnes for Violin, Cello and Piano by
Ernest Bloch, Duo for Flute and Piano by Aaron Copland, Gershwin s Preludes for
Piano, Trio for Violin, Cello and Piano, No. 1, Op. 49 by Felix Mendelssohn, Window
for Viola and Piano by David Ludwig, Sonata for Cello and Harp, Op. 208 by Mario
Castelnuovo-Tedesco and Arrowhead for Flute, Viola and Harp by Eric Zeizl.…

Afro-Semitic Experience in Middleton, CT

The Afro-Semitic Experience will be performing in Middletown,
Connecticut in a couple of weeks. They are performing in concert on Saturday,
April 16, 8:00 p.m., at Congregation Adath Israel 8 Broad Street, in
Middletown. If you want more information about this concert the number at
Adath Israel is (860) 346-4709.

Visit the still fairly new Afro-Semitic Experience web site. The site has lots of music,
photos, and info about the band. Plus there is a news page that is updated
on a fairly regular basis. The address is

Judith Shatin

Judith Shatin’s Chai Variations on Eliahu HaNavi
will be performed
by pianist Mary Kathleen Ernst
on 4/29/12 at 3:00 p.m. at the Roberts Music Center
4200 54th Ave S, Saint Petersburg, FL 33711
on the Eckerd College Recital Series
on 5/06/12 at 3:00 p.m. at the Crocker Art Museum
216 O Street
Sacramento, CA 95814
in conjunction with the Judy Chicago Exhibition in Sacramento, CA.

Mary Kathleen Ernst website:
My website:

Program notes:

Chai Variations on Eliahu HaNavi was inspired by the folk song
Eliahu HaNavi (Elijah the Prophet), often sung during the closing
service of the Jewish Sabbath. The letters of Chai, which means
life or living in Hebrew, symbolically stand for the number 18;
hence, 18 variations. I decided to give the performer a choice
regarding the ordering of the variations as a reflection of my
sense of performance as a collaboration between performer and
composer (and, for that matter, listener).…


Zemel Choir
Zemel Choir
Do you enjoy singing? Come and Celebrate…
Come and Sing 10 Centuries of Jewish Music
Join us for workshops and a concert at St John’s, Smith Square
Open to Intermediate and Experienced Choristers
Sponsored by the Zemel Choir and The Spiro Ark

Sunday 1st June 2008: Workshops and voice-training
Sunday 15th June 2008: Workshops and Concert
Price £30 (to include entry to concert)
Price £25 if booked before April 30th
To register, or for further information, call 020 8236 0317
(evenings), or email
Sponsored by the Harold Hyam Wingate Foundation
And with the support of The Jewish Music Institute

Come and share with us in the joy of Jewish choral music.
The workshop leaders: …read more….

Trio Sefarad

A group dedicated to the revival and interpretation of Sephardi repertoire. Nora Usterman – soprano; Ernesto Wildbaum – violín; Ricardo Barceló – guitar. Since 1994, the Trio has successfully performed at international festivals and a great number of concerts in Spain and abroad. The website is both in English and Spanish. It includes performer bios, photos, events calendar and a little history.

Ensemble Lucidarium Summer Jewish Renaissance Music

Here’s some information about a tuition-free course Ensemble Lucidarium
will be giving in Venice this Summer. It’s an opportunity to make music and learn about the Italian cantorial tradition and Jewish Renaissance music while living in the city itself, and
will feature lectures various aspects of Venetian culture, an in-depth
guided visit to the Ghetto and Jewish Cemetery and a traditional Italian
Shabbat service.  There will be a workshop on old Jewish song, and you can
even try your hand at traditional Italian percussion…

The Music of the Merchant:  Summer course in Venetian Renaissance and Italian Jewish Music”

July 24 – 30, 2017,

Fondazione Giorgio Cini, Isola San Giorgio Maggiore,
Venice, Italy.
Ensemble Lucidarium
Enrico Fink: Italian cantorial tradition, Jewish song, voice
Avery Gosfield: instrumental ensemble, Jewish song, recorder, pipe and tabor
Gloria Moretti: vocal ensemble, voice
Francis Biggi: instrumental ensemble, mixed ensemble, plucked strings
Massimiliano Dragoni: traditional and early percussion, hammer dulcimer

Workshops on: repertoire linked to carnival and the Commedia dell’Arte;
the reconstruction of Jewish song in the 16th century; the Italian Jewish

Cantor Nathan Lam

Born in Los Angeles. Studied cantorial music under Allan Michelson. By age 16, he started leading services for High Holy Days. Cantor Lam holds an Honora Causa from the Jewish Theological Seminary. As the cantor at Midway Jewish Center in New York City, he began commissioning new musical works. In 1976, Cantor Lam assumed his post at Stephen S. Wise Temple. Cantor Nathan Lam has led Stephen S. Wise Temple for over 25 years, and heads the Academy for Jewish Religion s cantorial school. Brad Sherman honored Cantor Lam as having “performed in concerts across the world, appeared on television both nationally and internationally, performed opera and sung his vast Jewish repertoire in a multitude of public appearances. He has released a number of recordings, including `Legacy,’ which represents a landmark collaboration between the talents of the National Symphony of Israel and the kind of Jewish musical innovation exemplified by Cantor Lam, and other well known composers.…

Digital Resources for Musicology

“This website provides links to substantial open-access projects of use to musicians and musicologists. With a burgeoning number of digital resources available, remembering titles of sites and pathways to them can be difficult. Digital Resources in Musicology (DRM) is organized topically and provides a rapid search tool for specialties within heterogeneous collections. Neither the links nor their descriptions are exhaustive.”

YIVO. Archives and Library Music Collection

YIVO holds one of the world’s largest collections of Eastern European Jewish sound recordings and Jewish sheet music. Materials must be consulted onsite. Researchers are requested to call for an appointment for access to the Archives. “This collection consists of published and unpublished works of Yiddish and Hebrew; art, folk, popular, and theater music; Holocaust songs; liturgical and Hasidic music; choral music; and instrumental compositions. It includes several thousand pieces of published sheet music by composers and arrangers such as Abraham Ellstein, Abraham Goldfaden, Pinchas Jassinowski, Alexander Olshanetzky, Joseph Rumshinsky, and Sholem Secunda. It also includes published and unpublished choral, folk, classical, popular, liturgical, Hasidic, and Holocaust-related music by many different composers; as well as programs, clippings, photographs, and other documents about Jewish music.” Outstanding collections of cantorial and choral synagogue music, folk music and theater music can be in the archives.…

Judah L.Magnes Museum and Blumenthal Library

Both the Western Jewish History Center and the Museum’s Blumenthal Library have collections relating to music. The Western Jewish History Center has: the Flora Jacobi Arnstein collection, which contains some material about the composer Frederick Jacobi; the Sigmund Anker collection (Anker was a violinist with the San Francisco philharmonic); the Daisy Cohn collection; the Regina Gans collection; the Solomon Goldman collection (which contains letters from Ernest Bloch); another small Ernest Bloch collection; the Jennie Harris collection (Jennie Harris was a songwriter); the Ellis Kohs collection; the Reuben Rinder collection (Rinder was a cantor of San Francisco’s Emanu-El, 1913-1959); the Bashe Rubenchik Rosenbloom collection; the Oscar Weil collection (Wiel was a composer of light opera and songs); and a very small Darius Milhaud collection, relating to his opera, David.”The library is a significant repository of Jewish music and recordings and played a key role in the revival of Klezmer music… The library also contains sheet music of songs and poems written in German ghettos and concentration camps during World War II.” Both the Center and the Blumenthal Library are open, Monday-Thursday, 11am-5pm, by appointment only.…

Hebrew Union College-Jewish Institute of Religion. School of Sacred Music. Klau Library, Music Collections

The Klau Library at HUC-JIR in New York contains 130,000 volumes of Judaica, including collections supporting the cantorial school. The collection includes sounds recordings, sheet music, and microfilms. The School of Sacred Music cantorial collections are focused and specific. They include a significant number of vertical files of sheet music and printed scores of liturgical music. Access to these materials is limited and requests should be made ahead of arrival. Music reference and research materials are limited, and the general public in NYC would be better served obtaining access through the NYPL collections.

Neshoma Orchestra

A sohisticated website introduces the Neshoma Orchestra of Cedarhurst, New York. Celebrating 20 years as a band performing “at weddings, dinners, Bar /Bat Mitzvahs, and organizational/corporate events worldwide,” the orchestra is an exemplar of the American Yeshivish and Modern Orthodox style of music. The group boasts a large number of instrumentalists and vocalists, although there are no individual bios on the website. Neshoma Orchestra has records with many top concert artists in the Jewish field. Michael Sojcher and Elly Zomick are the leaders of the group. Neshoma website audio clips include a choice of mp3 or Real Audio. The current website features their CD “A Heimishe Simcha,” with a mention about the upcoming album called “Neshoma @your Simcha”. Contact information includes their address: 420 Central Avenue Cedarhurst, NY 11516.…

Eternal Echoes features Itzhak Perlman and Yitzchak Helfgot

Itzhak Perlman’s new album, Eternal Echoes: Songs and Dances for the Soul,, featuring Cantor Yitzchak Meir Helfgot, is now available for sale. The album is a collection of beloved liturgical and traditional Jewish works in new arrangements backed by chamber orchestra and klezmer musicians. It’s in stores just in time for the high holidays and online. Perlman’s website has a description of the album:

Kessler, Jack

American. Cantor. Jack Kessler was ordained as a Cantor at the Jewish Theological Seminary of America, and went on to have a twenty-year career serving Conservative congregations. During that time he received a Master’s degree in voice from Boston Conservatory and pursued studies in composition in the graduate department of Brandeis University, where he worked with Arthur Berger and Harold Shapero, and Bethany Beardslee at Harvard. A lyric baritone, he has performed opera, oratorio, and premiered new works, in addition to his ongoing career as a singer of Hazzanut, the sacred cantorial art. Originally trained as an Ashkenazi Hazzan, his performance style and original compositions also embrace Sephardi and Mizrachi styles. Hazzan Kessler has lectured and taught master classes in Jewish music at New England Conservatory in Boston, the Academy for Jewish Religion in New York, and presented many concerts in an educational format.…

Hazamir Choir of Helsinki –Judiska Sangforeningen rf

The purpose of the Hazamir Helsinki Choir is to maintain and promote the Jewish musical tradition. Hazamir is a mixed voice choir, and has been since 1917. Singers come both from Helsinki’s Jewish congregation along with members of other music groups. Today, the choir s repertoire consists mainly of Hebrew and Yiddish language songs. Additionally, the choir sings songs in Finnish, Swedish, and, more recently, in Russian. A large part of the choir s Yiddish language repertoire is arranged for this choir and, therefore, unique. The Choir s long-time director, Eva Jacob, has made a number of arrangements for the choir, and also brought the Russian-Jewish tradition of choral singing into their repertoire. The Choir appears regularly and is active in a range of festivals and music events.…

Tucker, Sophie

One of the earliest Jewish popular music stars to entertain general as well as Jewish audiences, Sophie Tucker was born January 13, 1884 somewhere between Russia and Poland as her parents were coming to America. She arrived as an infant in the U.S. in 1884. Her parents, Charlie and Jennie Abuza, (name was changed from Kalish by the father to avoid Russian army)went to Boston and then to Hartford, Connecticut where the family opened a restaurant and rooming house. Sophie loved entertaining and used every opportunity as a young girl to show off, sometimes singing for customers. She dreamed of becoming a star and performed in some amateur groups at the local theater.

After high school she married a young trucker named Louis Tuck, and they had one son, Bert.…

Streisand, Barbara

Superstar of American pop music, film, music director, Broadway actress, comedian and activist. Ms. Streisand’s official website contains extensive biographical information and chronological lists of her films, awards, career and a discography. The Streisand Foundation page lists recipients of grants. Ms. Streisand is surpassed only by Elvis Presley in the number of Gold Albums sold. Blessed with the incredible voice, she remains one of my favorite singers and one of the greatest voices of the century.

Schonthal, Ruth

Born June 27, 1924, Hamburg, Germany. Composer and pianist. Studied in Berlin where she was the “youngest student ever accepted at the Stern Conservatory.” In 1935 her family began fleeing the Nazis, going first to Stockholm, where she studied at the Royal Academy of Music, and then Mexico City where she studied composition with Manuel M. Ponce. In 1946, Hindemith met her and invited her to study at Yale, where she earned a BA in 1950. She worked in several part-time jobs to support herself both by playing and teaching. In 1950s, moved to New York, composing a large number of works over 30 years including operas, orchestra pieces, lieder and chamber music and quite a few piano works. Her works include several with Jewish themes such as A Bird Flew Over Jerusalem.…

Milch-Sheriff, Ella

Nee Ella Milch. Born 1954 In Haifa, Israel. Composer. Singer, pianist. Milch-Sheriff started as a child prodigy, writing her first compositions by the age of 12. While serving in the Israeli army, she continued to write and sing her songs. After army service, she returned to studies in composition under Prof. Tzvi Avni at the Rubin Academy of Music at the Tel-Aviv University where she graudated in composition. She studied vocal studies with Prof. Tamar Rachum and Dafna Cohen-Licht. Her output consists of opera, orchestral, chamber and vocal and popular music. Her works have had numerous performances in Israel and abroad. She is composer of chamber works such as: Duo for flute & Cello (1976) with recent pieces that include “A Crown they shall give unto You” for voice and orchestra based on Ladino-Flamenco folk music (premiered January 2005); “Woman in Paths” for voice and piano (premiered 2005); and “Good Night, Sweet ladies” for 3 singers, actress and orchestra (premiered 2004).…

Duo Brikcius & Year of Czech Music

Duo Brikcius & Year of Czech Music
[2 Cellists & 2 Siblings]
You are invited to the November concert “Festival Brikcius” – DUO BRIKCIUS & YEAR OF
CZECH MUSIC (2 Cellists – 2 Siblings), that will take place on Thursday 20th
November 2014
at 7.30pm
Location: in the representative concert hall from the 13th century of
the Stone Bell House in Prague
GHMP, 3rd floor, Old Town Square 605/13,
Prague 1,
Czech Republic.

The two cellists, brother and sister Anna Brikciusová and František Brikcius (Duo
Brikcius), will introduce a new programme for two cellos. It includes: Suite for Two
by composer and cellist from Prague David Popper (1843 – 1913); Chassidic
by “Terezín” Jewish composer Zikmund Schul (1916 – 1944); Composition for Two
by Czech composer Bohuslav Martinů (1890 – 1959; Duo by “Terezín” Jewish
composer Gideon Klein (1919 – 1945), written shortly before World War II.…

Joe Loss Lecturer in Jewish Music

Joe Loss Lecturer in Jewish Music
Vacancy Number
Russell Square
Post Class
Teaching and Research
Department / Centre
Department of Music
Contract Type
Closing date for applications
30 December 2013
School of Arts (Department of Music)
£32,558 – £46,741 p.a Inclusive of London Allowance

Applications are invited for a Lectureship in Jewish Music based within the Department of Music, Faculty of Arts and Humanities. The Department of Music is the leading centre in Europe for teaching and research in the music of Asia and Africa. Your principal responsibilities will be to lecture on Jewish music to BA and Master’s students, contribute to interregional, interdisciplinary or thematic teaching and research in Music, supervise research students, engage in research and publication, and contribute to the administration of programmes of study in Music.…

From Psalm to Lamentation: A Concert of Cantorial Masterpieces

Pro Musica Hebraica presents
From Psalm to Lamentation:
A Concert of Cantorial Masterpieces
Cantor Netanel Hershtik,
The Hampton Synagogue Choir
& The Amernet String Quartet

A concert honoring a rich tradition of cantorial masterpieces capturing their fundamental duality: joy and despair, longing and redemption, the deeply haunting and the wildly celebratory.

Sunday, December 2 at 3 pm
Co-presented with the Eldridge Street Museum
Eldridge Street Synagogue
12 Eldridge Street, New York, NY 10002

Purchase online
or call (212) 219-0888, ext. 205.
Tickets are $20 for adults, $15 for students and seniors. A limited number of VIP premier seats are available for $100.

“Beyond Boundaries: Music and Israel @ 60”

Beyond Boundaries Poster Image“Beyond Boundaries: Music and Israel @ 60” looks at the Present-Day Complexities of Israeli Music

View Beyond Boundaries Brochure
On Friday, March 28, “Beyond Boundaries: Music and Israel @ 60,” a symposium of the Center for Jewish Studies at the CUNY Graduate Center, will explore the complex diversity of musical styles, cultures, religions and ethnicities that is Israel today. The daylong event will present papers, discussions, and musical performances from 9:30 AM to 3:30 PM in the Baisley Powell Elebash Recital Hall on the first floor of the Graduate Center, 365 Fifth Avenue (at 34th Street).

In the morning, three speakers will present papers on a variety of topics significant to our understanding of the present-day climate for music in Israel. In the afternoon, from 1 to 3 P.M., there will be a concert by two performance groups: the renowned contemporary New York-based chamber ensemble Continuum, with a program of Israeli art music with pieces by Tzvi Avni, Betty Olivero, and Benjamin Yusupov; and Galeet Dardashti’s all-woman band Divahn, with a program of ethnic and popular Mizrahi music.…

Shua Kessin Kumzitz for Shlomo Carlebach

Shua Kessin Kumzitz will be presenting its Second Annual Live Music Webcast Featuring Shua Kessin in honor of the yahrtzeit of R’ Shlomo Carlebach z”l, whose music has touched the souls of countless people. This event follows the first-ever live Jewish music webcast last year, produced by, which drew tens of thousands of viewers. All day Sunday Nov. 8.

This year’s webcast, which is being produced by Ozer Babad and hosted and powered by, is expected to be watched by tens of thousands of people across the globe and will also be heard live on Radio Kol Berama, 107.9 FM in Lakewood, NJ.

Shua will be accompanied this Motzoei Shabbos by an orchestra featuring Yanky Katina, Yaakov Zeines and Jo Blumenthal.
The webcast will be broadcast live from Gal Paz on 13th Avenue in Boro Park, and all are invited to join in person or watch the event live on the #1 Torah newscenter on the Web,…

Symphony No. 4 Homage in memory of the Holocaust

The 24th. of January 2008, at 9, PM , there will be a premiere
performance of Alfono Rega,’s Symphony n°4 in 6 movements written
as a homage in memory of the Holocaust. This event will take place at the Conservatory of Milan contemporaneously with the inauguration of the Holocaust Museum situated in the railway station. of Milan, Italy.

The concert is free. It will be on behalf of the Associazione Luciano Elmo
Onlus in memory of Luciano Elmo, who was a Lawyer, sent in
concentration camp and the only survivor of his group.
He is recalled for having save a great number of Jews, and received military decorations several times.

The Symphony The Holocaust brings back to present days tonal and romantic
music, has been recorded some weeks ago in Milan and will be performed by the
Cantelli Orchestra, one of the most famous Orchestra of Milan, together with the
Costanzo Porta Choir of Cremona.…

Yiddish Summer Program at Tel Aviv University

Tel Aviv, Israel
July 3 – 28, 2006
A vibrant new Summer Program in Yiddish language and culture is now available at Tel Aviv University. Under the auspices of Beth Shalom Aleichem, The Goldreich Family Institute for Yiddish Language, Literature, and Culture at Tel Aviv University and the Abraham Lerner Fund, this four-week program during the month of July 2006, offers intensive Yiddish instruction on campus at the beginners, intermediate, and advanced levels, and a rich afternoon program of lectures, tours, theatre, concerts, museums, films, and cultural events organized by YUNG YiDiSH in conjunction with Beth Shalom Aleichem. As students of the Lowy School for Overseas Students at Tel Aviv University whose credentials are recognized by universities world-wide, participants will receive 80 hours of language instruction (four credits) with highly qualified and experienced teachers in small classes and will be housed in dormitories adjacent to the campus.…

News: Zamir Choral Performed At White House

Zamir Choral Performed At White House
On Monday evening, December 10, 2007, the Zamir Chorale, under the direction of
Matthew Lazar, entertained President and Mrs. Bush, Attorney General Michael Mukasey,
Homeland Security Chief Michael Chertoff and a select group of additional guests
at the annual White House Hanukkah celebration .Cantor Alberto Mizrahi was featured
,br /
The Chorale appeared at the candle lighting ceremony which was led by Ruth and Judea
Pearl, parents of slain Wall Street Journal reporter Daniel Pearl.
Later, at a lavish East Room reception, Zamir sang four more selections. Judea Perl
joined the choir in performing the final number for all in attendance.
The President was most gracious, shaking the hand of every member of the choir and
even taking a moment to share some words with Matthew Lazar.…

Something Jewish in UK

from London, England and
Leslie Bunder is now running a number of Jewish websites including and
She is launching a dedicated Jewish music site covering all types of Jewish music (of course where there are clearlyJewish influences and content withni them).
They are also broadcasting a weekly Jewish music show called the SomethingJewish Radio Show and have featured, played and interviewed people from The Klezmatics through to Jewish rapper Remedy Ross.