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Musica Judaica Issues: 1975-76, Volume I, No. 1

This Table of Contents Service is provided by The Jewish Music WebCenter on behalf of The American Society for Jewish Music.

Volume I. Number 1. 5736/1975-76

Israel J. Katz
Albert Weisser

Abraham Zvi Idelsohn (1882-1938): A Bibliography of His Collected Writings/Israel J. Katz p.1
Medieval Elements in the Liturgical Music of the Jews of Southern France and Northern Spain/Judith K. Eisensteinp.33
Giacomo Meyerbeer: The Jew and His Relationship with Richard Wagner/Joan L. Thomsonp.55
Review Essay: The Music of Europe and the Americas (nineteenth and twentieth centuries) in the Encyclopaedia Judaica (Jerusalem, 1971)/Albert Weisserp.87
Facsimile of Two Fragments of Joseph Achron's Kiddush HasemAlmanach of the Yiddish Art Theatrep.104
Contributors of Articlesp.105
Alfred Sendrey (1884-1976): In Memoriam/Israel J.


Musica Judaica Issues: 1977-78, Volume II, No. 1

This Table of Contents Service is provided by The Jewish Music WebCenter on behalf of The American Society for Jewish Music.

Volume II. Number 1. 5738/1977-78

Israel J. Katz
Albert Weisser

Lazare Saminsky's Years in Russia and Palestine: Excerpts from an Unpublished Autobiography/Edited and annotated by Albert Weisser p.1
The Music of the Synagogue as a Source of the Yiddish FolksongMax Wohlbergp.21
Cross-Cultural Dynamics in Musical Traditions: The Music of the Jews of Cochin/Israel J. Rossp.51
Soviet-Yiddish Folklore Scholarship/Eleanor Gordon Mlotek p.73
Book Reviews: The Articles "Music, Masoretic Accents, and Hazzan" in the Encyclopaedia Judaica (Jerusalem, 1971)Eric Wernerp.91
Book Reviews: Chanah Milner and Paul Storm, eds. Sefardische Liederen en Balladen (romanzas) (The Hague, 1974)Samuel G.


Shore, Stephanie

American. Cantor. songwriter. Born into a musical family with mother Rita Shore and father Ira Shore. BA Florida International University. Recorded CDs “My Soul” and “Quiet Time”. Has a Purim Spiel website where various spiels can be viewed, listened to or purchased. Served as a cantor for Hillel in Miami, Florida. Currently cantor at Congregation B’nai Israel in Boca Raton, Florida. Member of the Guild of Temple Musicians, the Cantor’s Association of Florida and the Women’s Cantors Network. Her website has a unique cantorial teaching area with torah portions (broken down into a triennial cycle) and various prayers and blessings. Learners can listen to these various items online. Her website features a biography, a list of recordings and a link to the Congregation B’nai Israel website.…

Musica Judaica Issues: 1981-82, Volume IV, No. 1

This Table of Contents Service is provided by The Jewish Music WebCenter on behalf of The American Society for Jewish Music.

Volume IV. Number 1. 5742/1981-82

Israel J. Katz
Albert Weisser
Laura Leon-Cohen, Associate Editor

Dedicated to the Memory of Albert Weisser (1918-1982)

The Music Division of the Jewish-Ethnographic Expedition in the Name of BaronHorace Guinzbourg (1911-1914)Albert Weisser p.1
Curt Sachs and the Library Museum of the Performing ArtsCarleton Sprague Smithp.9
The Role of Ethnomusicology in the Study of Jewish MusicJohanna Spector p.20
The Enigma of the Antonio Bustelo Judeo-Spanish Ballad tunes in Manuel L. Ortega's Los hebreos en marreucosIsrael J. Katzp.33
On the Melody of David Edelstadts's "Vacht Oyfl" Robert A. Rothsteinp.69
Book and Music Reviews: Neil Levin, ed.


Musica Judaica Issues: 1982-83, Volume V, No. 1

This Table of Contents Service is provided by The Jewish Music WebCenter on behalf of The American Society for Jewish Music.

Volume V. Number 1. 5743/1982-83

Israel J. Katz
Laura Leon-Cohen, Associate Editor

Hugo Weisgall's The Golden Peacock: A Stylistic and Interpretive Analysis of Two SongsLaura Leon-Cohen p.1
Frederick Emil Kitziger of New Orleans: A Nineteenth-Century Composer of Synagogue MusicJohn H. Baronp.21
The Biblical Trope System in Ashkenazic Phrophetic ReadingJoseph A. Levinep.35
Modulation as an Integral Part of the Modal System in Jewish Music Judit Laki Frigyesip.53
The Development of the Hallel Chant as Reflected in Rabbinic Literature Macy Nulmanp.72
Antisemitism and Music in Nineteenth-Century France James H. Johnsonp.79
Record Reviews: The Art of Moshe Rudinow.


Silver, Sheila

American composer, largely of classical chamber and large scale music and film scores. Wrote the opera The Thief of Love. Winner of several prestigious composition prizes including the American Academy and Institute of Arts and Letters Composer Award and the ISCM National Composers Competition. Professor of Music at the State University of New York, Stony Brook. Sheila Silver has written numerous works with Jewish themes, including her recent Piano Concerto and Song of Sarah. Shirat Sarah will be out on the Milken Archive of Jewish Music (Naxos) the summer of 2004. She has written in a wide range of mediums: from solo instrumental works to large orchestral works; from opera to feature film scores. Her musical language is a unique synthesis of the tonal and atonal worlds, coupled with a rhythmic complexity which is both masterful and compelling.…

Goldstein, Sylvia

American. Composer, teacher and conductor and singer. Studied at Juilliard School of Music, Preparatory Division 1950 -1953, Cornell University 1953 -1955 (Dean’s List), Brandeis University 1955 -1957: B.A. in Music, cum laude, 1957, Phi Beta Kappa, 1997; Longy School of Music from 1955 -1958 and University of California, Berkeley 1960 to 1962: M.A. in Music, 1962. Currently Chair, Piano Department, Hartford Conservatory of Music where she teaches piano and theory. Also serves as temple music director, choir director for Greater Hartford Jewish Community Center, and music history instructor at local colleges. Member of CT State Music Teachers Association, The Music Club of Hartford, The Women Cantors Network and the Guild of Temple Musicians. Her Jewish sacred works include cantorial music for Shabbat, psalms, healing, weddings, nigunim, and general songs on Jewish subjects.…

Lights Celebrate Hanukkah on a PBS Station as Close as Your TV

Lights Celebrate Hanukkah Live in Concert is a high-definition special feature on PBS with a distinguished, diverse and dynamic ensemble of musical performers in celebration of the Jewish Festival of Lights. Craig Taubman hosts a musical extravaganza featuring the likes of the Grammy Award-winning Klezmatics; cantor/tenor Alberto Mizrahi (first introduced in CANTORS: A FAITH IN SONG); top-selling jazz artist Dave Koz; soulful and dynamic Joshua Nelson; Emmy Award-winning actress Mare Winningham; rising star Michelle Citrin and others.

For Dates and Times, look for your local PBS station here:

New Live Music — Silent Film

Sunday 17th February 2008 at 4pm
SCORE: East and West with live music from Lemez Lovas, Rohan Kriwaczek
and Moshikop
Barbican, Silk Street, London EC2Y 8DS
£8.50/£6 conc/£4.50 under 15s from the Barbican ticket office: 0845 120
7527 or

Part of the Barbican’s silent film / live music series, Lemez Lovas,
formerly of Oi Va Voi, directs guest musicians Moshikop and Rohan
in an irreverent live performance of a score for East and West
– especially prepared for the JCC – that played to sell-out audiences in
2005 and 2006.

In Sidney M. Goldin and Ivan Abramson’s silent movie (1923), streetwise
New Yorker Mollie (Molly Picon) travels to her demure cousin’s wedding
in a traditional Polish shtetl. Lovas, Moshikop and Kriwaczek’s cheeky
new score takes us from traditional klezmer to contemporary electronica,
from liturgical melancholy to party pop kitsch and from vaudeville to


Musicians Jewlia Eisenberg and Frank London chat with writer Josh Kun about
Jewish music, and perform live from last April in LA. Hear Josh Kun ask the perenniel question about “what is Jewish music?” At least the Q is updated. Kun’s list questions are worth hearing as well as the dicussion.





at the Museum of Jewish Heritage-A Living Memorial to the Holocaust

.WHAT: Second Annual New York’s Best Emerging Jewish Artists

WHERE: Museum of Jewish Heritage-A Living Memorial to the Holocaust
36 Battery Place, New York, NY 10280

WHEN: Wednesday, July 25 at 7p.m.

COST: $25 members, $30 non-members

NEW YORK, NY – After last year’s sold-out show which the Downtown Express called
“authentic, funny – and yes, subversive…,” the Museum welcomes a new line-up of
the best local Jewish talent. Established performers will introduce emerging Jewish
artists for a dynamic evening of cutting-edge comedy, music, and film at the Museum
of Jewish Heritage-A Living Memorial to the Holocaust on July 25 at 7 p.m.…



at the Museum of Jewish Heritage-A Living Memorial to the Holocaust

.WHAT: Second Annual New York’s Best Emerging Jewish Artists

WHERE: Museum of Jewish Heritage-A Living Memorial to the Holocaust
36 Battery Place, New York, NY 10280

WHEN: Wednesday, July 25 at 7p.m.

COST: $25 members, $30 non-members

NEW YORK, NY – After last year’s sold-out show which the Downtown Express called
“authentic, funny – and yes, subversive…,” the Museum welcomes a new line-up of
the best local Jewish talent. Established performers will introduce emerging Jewish
artists for a dynamic evening of cutting-edge comedy, music, and film at the Museum
of Jewish Heritage-A Living Memorial to the Holocaust on July 25 at 7 p.m.…

Second European Cantors Convention, London

JMI Choral and Cantorial Section and Central Synagogue present the
Second European Cantors Convention, London
Tuesday June 19 — Thursday June 21, 2007

An unrivalled opportunity for practising and aspiring cantors from the UK,
Europe and further afield to share expertise and experience, learn new
melodies and be inspired by some of the greatest cantors in the world who
will be our honoured guests:

Asher Hainowitz, Yeshurun Synagogue, Jerusalem
Arie Subar, Congregation Beth Ora, Montreal
– Moshe Haschel, St John’s Wood Synagogue, London
Stephen Glass, Director of Music, Congregation Shaar Hashomayim, Montreal
Alexander Knapp, former Joe Loss lecturer in Jewish Music, London

The Cantors Convention will begin with a Concert ‘Chazanut ? Back to the
on Monday night 18 June and will be officially opened by the Chief
Rabbi, Sir Jonathan Sacks The programme, as last year, will provide stimulating lectures, debates,
masterclasses and discussion on matters relevant to both practicing chazanim
and ba’alei t’fila.…

World Premiere of Symphony 1 by Meira Warshauer in South Carolina

World Premiere Performance of Meira Warshauer Symphony No. 1 Living,
Breathing Earth
by South Carolina Philharmonic on March 24

The World Premiere performance of Meira Warshauer’s Symphony No. 1 –
“Living, Breathing Earth”
will be given by the South Carolina
Philharmonic, Nicholas Smith, Music Director, at 7 PM on Saturday, March
24, 2007 as part of their Master Series 7 concert at the Koger Center
for the Arts, 1051 Greene Street in Columbia, South Carolina.

Tickets for the March 24 concert are $40, $32, $23, $16 and $13. For
tickets and more concert information, please call the South Carolina
Philharmonic box office at 803-254-7445 or visit them online at

World of the Piyut in English

Top musicologists and other scholars from Snunit, Avi Chai Foundation, and Hebrew University, among others, have a new website with an English version up and running: An Invitation to Piyut. Accroding to the site: “There are two archives at the core of the website. The central archive is a collection of piyutim and melodies. Here you can find piyutim divided into various categories and run a general search on all of the piyutim. Each piyut has two central “pages.” The first offers an in-depth look at the piyut, presenting different perspectives of background, commentary, and explanation. The second is a list of melodies, including a range of melodies and performances of the piyut. The second archive contains texts and melodies not classically defined as piyutim – such as selections from Psalms or traditional Jewish prayers.…

Happy 10th Anniversary JMWC !!

The Jewish Music Web Center is celebrating 10 years online this month!
My first research bibliography and organized list of Jewish websites appeared in February, 1997. I went live with the domain name the following February– making this our 10th anniversary year. In 1997, there were fewer than 75 websites devoted to Jewish music. Today, there are hundreds. The astounding growth of the Internet has allowed connections to people devoted to Jewish music all over the world.

Thank you ALL for a wonderful 10 years!


–Boston, MA

“Days of Awe” at Rodeph Sholom, Manhattan

The “Days of Awe” to be Experienced during Selichot at Congregation
Rodeph Sholom, Manhattan

The music of the High Holy Days will be
explored in a sacred experience by David Chevan with the Afro-Semitic
Experience in a program of instrumental interpretations called “The Days
of Awe.” Cantor Rebecca Garfein, Senior Cantor of Congregation Rodeph
Sholom of Manhattan will join Chevan and the Afro-Semitic Experience and
with them enter a unique spiritual realm with their arrangements of
original music, High Holy Day cantorial works from the repertoire of
Hazzan Yosele Rosenblatt, along with familiar traditional Jewish
congregational High Holiday melodies on Selichot at 7:30p.m., September
16, 2006. Special Guest, Frank London of the Klezmatics will join as
well for this special evening. The program, a highly meditative series
of improvisations and interpretations of traditional melodies, is geared
to all ages.…

Mike Boxer CD Erev Chaim

Pianist/singer/songwriter and public school music teacher, Mike Boxer released Erev Chaim as a way to introduce Jewish music to teens not familiar with any. Boxer hopes that it results in some Jewish youth who emerge more enthusiastic about the music of their faith. This “independently marketed concept album
brings the face of cutting-edge mainstream pop to today’s Jewish music.” The track list contains — heimish, liturgical-oriented classics like Shalom Aleichem, Bilvavi, and Acheinu — but a good portion of the music features sounds typically from the forefront of modern pop, rock and R and B. Seven songs are revamped covers; seven are Boxer’s own original material.

Important Critical Edition of Leo Zeitlin’s Music Published

As part of their series on Recent Researches in the Music of the Nineteenth and Early Twentieth Century, AR Editions has released an important critical edition of Jewish music, the Leo Zeitlin: Chamber Music. Paula Eisenstein Baker and Robert Nelson are the editors. This is the work of many years of research and labor to bring this performance and critical score to light. This music is important to American Jewish community because Leo Zeitlin (1884-1930) was one of the significant members of the St. Petersburg Society for Jewish Folk Music group of Jewish musicians establishing a Jewish national school, who came to America. The musicans of the St. Petersburg Society brought those musical ideas both to Israel and America; that organization being the ancestor of today’s American Society of Jewish Music.…

B’nai B’rith Radio, the first 24-hour Jewish music Radio Station

Washington, D.C. –B’nai B’rith Radio, the first 24-hour Jewish music radio station located in the United States began broadcasting on the Internet Oct. 18, 2004.

B’nai B’rith Radio, sponsored by B’nai B’rith International (BBI), plays Jewish music from all over the world through its website,

Unlike most Internet radio, it is free both of charge and commercials. The station is fully subsidized by BBI and its members and supporters.

Along with an eclectic Judaic play list-which includes traditional Yiddish, secular Israeli, Jewish American, Instrumental, and Chasidic music -there will be special programming like Saturday night sing-a-longs, a remembrance program for slain former Israeli prime minister Yitzhak Rabin, and festive holiday shows during the Chanukah and Sukkot seasons.

Orpheus Trust

Orpheus Trust – Konzertreihe
�Mit leichtem Gep�ck. Gerhard Bronner pr�sentiert junge Stars mit vergessener Musik�
Echte Berliner N�chte –
Wien-Berlin und retour
4. November 2004, 19.30 Uhr
RadioKulturhaus, 1040 Wien, Argentinierstra�e 30a

22nd Arad Hebrew Song Festival

This Week! Aug. 2-4.
Many of Israels best singers and choral groups will be
performing at Arad and at Metzada. These include David Broza, Gidi Gov,
Matti Caspi, Danny Sanderson, Yizhar Cohen, Shalom Chanoch, Avihu Medina,
Margalit Tzanani, and the list goes on and on. Some of the free events include a midnight concert dedicated to Naomi Shemer with Shuly Natan, the Gevatron singers, and others.

For details check out the following URL (in Hebrew):

Jazz in July Summer Festival 2004

92nd Street Y. New York. 20th Anniversary! Mon, July 19 – Thu, July 29.
Every July for 20 years, Kaufmann Concert Hall has been jumping to the sounds of jazz. Whether it’s ragtime or swing, blues or bop, Dick Hyman, jazz’s swingingest pianist, leads the best of the jazz world in music from Duke to Diz, Basie to Blakey and beyond in the 92nd Street Y’s Jazz in July Summer Festival. Check it out on the 92nd Street Y website. To get on their mailing list, write to: 92nd Street Y eNews. Add to your address book today! and get all the latest.


Berlin-based duo Khupe will give klezmer workshop on March 10, 2004 in Austria…. following their appearance at Vienna’s remarkable Accordion Festival.

Twenty Israeli Composers: Voices of a Culture.

By Robert Fleisher

In 1986, Robert Fleisher spent two months at the center for visiting artists and scholars known as Mishkenot Sha’ananim opposite the wall of Jerusalem’s old city. There he interviewed twenty-four Israeli composers, and in the present volume he brings us oral histories of twenty of these, based on the interviews. The topics covered include the composers’ reflections on their own individual creative output, the place of their music within Israeli music culture, and life in Israel and how it affects their work. The reader gets a good picture of how the special character of modern Israeli history helps to create the culture of the land, a culture born in a relatively young country set in an ancient land, with a population drawn from every conceivable place on earth but at the same time sharing the commonality of Jewish identity.…

Music in Jewish History and Culture

By Emanuel Rubin and John H. Baron

In a carefully chosen title, Rubin and Baron set about to teach not only Jewish music but to give the reader a handle to understand their working definition of Jewish music which is “Jewish music is music that serves Jewish purposes.” Thus Music in Jewish History and Culture is a title that tells the reader that any music “that serves Jewish purposes” in the course of time, various places and for various Jewish cultural or religious purposes might be construed as Jewish music. This is functional music. It must be at the service of those in the community for religious, spiritual, national, psychological, artistic or cultural matters. In the end, there are many Jewish musics. These are not only the product of the ages past such as cantillation, nusach or synagogue modes, but also the music of the streets of today’s youth in Israel or elsewhere.…

Irving Fine: An American Composer in His Time

By Phillip Ramey

This thoroughly researched biography, commissioned by Verna Fine, widow of the composer, is a highly readable entree not only to the life and works of Irving Fine, but to the history of the Brandeis University Department of Music. Irving Fine was a highly creative and innovative composer, and became the Walter W. Naumburg Professor of Music and Chairman of the School of Creative Arts at Brandeis. His inventive leadership of a newly formed Creative Arts Department would set the tone and course of study for the next 50 years. Fine had taught theory and music history at Harvard from 1939-50, when he joined the music faculty of Brandeis in Fall, 1950, as Lecturer in Music and Composer in Residence. Fine’s intellect led him to a style of “Stravinskian neoclassicism and romatically inflected serialism” that was to catch the imagination and close friendship of the American musical luminaries of the day, including Boston Symphony conductor Serge Koussevitzky, composers Aaron Copland and Leonard Bernstein, and his Brandeis colleagues Harold Shapero and Arthur Berger.…

Hungry for Music? Metropolitan Klezmer TODAY

Sunday, February 1, 2009
11:00am – 2:00pm
City Winery
155 Varick Street at Vandam
New York, NY
Contact Info Phone: 212-608-0555

City Winery is a great new all-ages space for music, sweeping sight-lines with a raised stage and excellent acoustics. The klezmer brunch tradition is reborn in West Soho, with tasty treats including bagels, lox and much more… kosher too! And yes of course they do have the wine list. Wooden floors if you feel like dancing even.

Tickets just $10; kids under 13 are free! No minimum food or drink order, come on down.

Online tickets here:
featuring Metropolitan Klezmer ::: special brunch quintet formation ::: PAM FLEMING: trumpet, DAVE HOFSTRA: bass, DEBRA KREISBERG: clarinet/sax, EVE SICULAR: drums, & special guest SHOKO NAGAI: piano/accordion

20th Annual North American Jewish Choral Festival

The Zamir Choral Foundation is proud to present its
20th Annual North American Jewish Choral Festival
July 12-16, 2009
Hudson Valley Resort & Spa
Kerhonkson, NY

Celebrate the joys of Jewish music with hundreds of singers, and the finest conductors
and clinicians from across North America (and beyond)
Enjoy daily “community singing” and participate in an “instant choir”
Join the Mailing List
Debbie Friedman joins the Zamir Chorale in performance. Nick Page in a ruach session

Sadeh, Daphna

Israeli bassist, composer. Co-Founder, Eve’s Women (1997), an all female group of jazz, klezmer, and rock. Also founded Daphna Sadeh And The Voyagers,(2002), a contemporary world fusion music group based in London. Studied, Manhattan School of Music in New York. After graduation, she joined theEast-West Ensemble in Israel for seven years. Performed in Israel with The Israel Orchestra, The Israel Northern Orchestra, The Israeli Opera Orchestra, and The Beer-Sheva Sinfonietta. Released the CDOut of Border in 2002, and the CD “Eve’s Women” Sadeh has performed at numerous international festivals along with her work in her various ensembles. She currently resides in England. Sadeh’s profile and list of works available from Rainlore website. Her website describing her life, various ensembles includes photos and audio clips from her two CDs.…

Lann, Vanessa

American. Composer. b. Brooklyn, New York, April 6, 1968. Pianist since the age of five. “Studied composition with Ruth Schonthal at the Westchester Conservatory of Music, where she received the William Petchek Scholarship. For two summers she was a scholarship student at the Tanglewood Institute. She was graduated summa cum laude from the music department of Harvard University, where her teachers included Earl Kim, Leon Kirchner and Peter Lieberson. Lann won the New York Music Teachers Association ‘Herbert Zipper Prize,’ the New York Musicians Club ‘Bohemians Prize’ and the Harvard University ‘Hugh F. MacColl Prize.’ She directed the Harvard Group For New Music and was co-founder of the Harvard Group For Gender Studies In Music. She also produced and announced radio feature programs (WHRB, Cambridge) and worked as music director for productions at the American Repertory Theater.…

Cohen, Judith

Canadian ethnomusicologist and performer of Sephardic, Crypto-Jewish, Judeo-Spanish (“Ladino”)and Medieval music. Born in Montreal 1949, Dr. Cohen received her PhD from Université de Montréal in 1989 with a dissertation on Sephardic music in Canada. She travels widely researching medieval and Crypto-Jewish music in Spain and Portugal. She gives lecture-recitals, often accompanied by her daughter Tamar. Her CDs include: “GERINELDO: Chansons traditionnelles jud’o-espagnoles” (1994) and “Empezar quiero contar: Canciones de Sefarad,” (2000). Her website Judith Cohen includes a vitae, list of publications and lectures and discography. Dr. Cohen has published online articles and bibliographies including:A short bibliography of Sephardic Music

Theodore Bikel z”l videos and performances

Theodore Bikel and the Zamir Chorale singing Techezakna, a folk song arranged by Eleanor Epstein, at the 19th Annual North American Jewish Choral Festival in 2008, conducted by Matthew Lazar.

Theodore Bikel and Judy Collins “Kisses Sweeter than Wine” American folksong at 1963 Hooenanny


Mary Martin and Theodore Bikel, song from The Sound of Music

Theodore Bikel With Judy Collins in Newport Festival in 1962 Greenland Whale Fisheries

CFP: Sholem Aleichem, 1916- 2016: Writing Place

CFP: Sholem Aleichem, 1916- 2016: Writing Place
International Conference
Jerusalem, 16-18 May 2016

The centennial of the death of Sholem Aleichem (Rabinovich), the most well-known and celebrated Yiddish author , creates an opportunity to revisit his life and work. His direct and indirect influence permeates literary, theatrical, and cinematic representations of East European Jewish life and, in his late work, America. Straddling the fine line between empathy and irony, Sholem Aleichem’s writing is a sensitive guide to the vicissitudes of cultural modernization, secularization, migration, and revolution.

As a research consortium based in four Israeli universities, the “Da’at Hamakom”/ ICORE Center for the Study of Cultures of Place in the Modern Jewish World invites interested scholars and senior graduate students to submit proposals (for individual papers or for panel sessions), which will aim to illuminate the various facets of “place” in Sholem Aleichem’s oeuvre or in cultural representations derived from his work.…

Max Stern: Profile of a Composer

MAX STERN, a composer living in Israel, has many materials that can be found through online sites. For those interested in finding some interesting music, you can follow the links below:

First, A composer’s biography about Max is available through the Israel Music Institute:

Works List at IMI
Max Stern Works

Works Availablefor performance through IMI.

CD recordings at CD Baby (16 CDs):

Books (published by KTAV and available through
Bible & Music: Influences of the Old Testament on Western Music. This book lists works based on Biblical themes and verses.
Bible & Music

Psalms & Music: Influences of the Psalms on Western Music. This book lists musical settings based on the Psalms. “Psalms have been set to music more than any other biblical texts.…



Warsaw, Poland–The Grand Opening of the Museum of the History of Polish Jews will take place on October 28, 2014. At this time, the 8-gallery Core Exhibition, presenting 1,000 years of Jewish life in Poland, will be unveiled to the public. This announcement follows closely on that of the appointment of the new Museum director, Dr. Dariusz Stola, who begins his position on March 1.

Even before its Grand Opening, the Museum has received accolades. The New York Times named the Museum’s Core Exhibition the one to watch in its “Great Expectations 2014” list. The Architectural Record featured the Museum building in its Design Vanguard 2013 issue.

The Museum held its soft opening on the 70th anniversary of the Warsaw Ghetto Uprising on April 19, 2013, and has since received more than 200,000 visitors.…

Women’s Klezmer Summit (Not for Women Only!)

Come for a day, or come for the week! July 5-10
At Circle Lodge, Workmen’s Circle’s famed adult lodge adjacent to
historic Camp Kinder Ring in Hopewell Junction, Dutchess County NY.

Featuring leaders of the klezmer and new Yiddish song revivals:
violinist Alicia Svigals, vocalist Adrienne Cooper, trumpeter Susan
Watts, drummer/film historian Eve Sicular, vocalist Shauna Kanter,
and more.

To reserve call 845.221-2771 ext. 110, check out the link at or email

Each day begins with a voice workshop conducted by Shauna Kanter of
the famed Voice Theater Workshop. Catch daily lectures, panels,
concerts, and hands-on workshops and coaching on klezmer history and
making new Yiddish music personal – from Eve’s J. Edgar Klezmer and
her famed Yiddish Celluloid Closet lec/dem on the gay subtext in
Yiddish film to Alicia’s Klezmer Unfettered, amazing collaborations
and road stories, to Susan Watt’s wild tales of klezmer family life,
and Adrienne’s legendary Memoir of Gluckl of Hameln and her Every
Mother’s Son antiwar song concert.…

Klez California Events Coming Soon!

NEW: Saturday, July 20, 4:00pm, Anthony Russell presents The Sidor Belarsky Songbook. Part of JCC San Francisco’s Oneg Shabbat, 2:00-5:00pm. Similar events are taking place every Saturday, through August 24. Many activities for all ages. No charge. More info: 415.292.1286

Saturday, July 20, 7:30-10:00pm, Mama Loshn in “A Mit-Zumer Nakht Cholem,” A Mid-Summer Night’s Dream Dance Party. Yiddish, Ladino, and English-language music. Mama Loshn will welcome other musical guests, including Reb Irwin Keller, Laurie Le’ah Lippin, and dance leader Bruce Bierman. At Congregation Ner Shalom, Cotati. Wine and beer available for purchase. Tickets: $20 advance /$25 door. More info: 707.528.5538, .

Sunday, July 21, 6:00pm (music begins 6:30pm) Klezmer Night with Saul Goodman‘s Klezmer Band, featuring Mike Perlmutter (clarinet), Dave Rosenfeld (mandolin, violin, percussion), and Jack Hanly (poyk, mandolin).…

3rd International Jewish Music Competition in Amsterdam

October 11-14, 2012 in a new location!
The Third International Jewish Music Competition will be held at the
Compagnie theater in the heart of Amsterdam’s old city center and on
the edge of the city’s Jewish Cultural Quarter This competition is for individual musicians, ensembles and bands specializing in performing Jewish music and whose goal is an international career performing this repertoire.
Competition registration: open until July 1
Announcement of selected contestants: August 1
Ticket sales: starts in September
Festival opening concert: Wednesday October 10
Preliminary competition rounds: Thursday October 11 & Friday October
Finale: Saturday October 13
Winners’ Concert: Sunday October 14
More information & registration:
Location: Compagnietheater, Kloveniersburgwal 50, Amsterdam
IJMF Newsletter May 2012

Click to view this email in a browser –

An at Fort in Tel Aviv

Sept 6th 1t 9:30PM
Shablul jazz Tel-Aviv

מועדון שבלול

האנגר 13 נמל תל-אביב
With David Friedman-vibes, Gilad Dobrecky-percussion.It’s a rare opportunity to hear David play in Israel. The group will be
playing original material by all three musicians.
*special discount if you mention you are on Anat’s mailing list!!!*

Triangle Fire Remembered

the culminating centennial event — An evening of music, spoken word poetry, and solidarity in commemoration of the 146 victims will be held in New York City. The event is free but you must have a ticket for admission.
Get your tickets at

You’ll get to hear Metropolitan Klezmer performing klezmer music written about the tragedy, uncovered 100 years later. Spoken word poetry from youthful voices from the New York City area. Clara Lemlich’s historical speech from the very stage where the Uprising of the 20,000 began. Solidarity Forever by the NYC Labor Chorus. Irish folk rock from Larry Kirwan of Black 47. Worker testimonials from Bangladesh, Egypt, and West Virginia.

The event takes place in the evening following the annual memorial commemoration at the site of the fire.…

ENCHANTED:A new Generation of Yiddishsong CD Release

ENCHANTED:A new Generation of Yiddishsong
A New CD by Adrienne Cooper

The League for Yiddish is pleased to announce that this wonderful new CD is now available. This new release of Adrienne Cooper promises to be the Yiddish music gem of the year. It is a bold foray into the unexplored, with sound collages, beautifully rendered ballads and delicately set folk songs on a colorful palette of styles and arrangements. Cooper is joined by the powerful forces of Marilyn Lerner, Frank London, Mike Winograd and others. This CD is destined to be an instant classic, not only for Yiddish music, but for world music in general. Enchanted features 13 songs and is accompanied by a booklet with the lyrics in transliteration and in English translation.

A New Voice in Yiddish Music CD Release

“I Can’t Complain But Sometimes I still Do”
Jane Peppler accompanied by Aviva Enoch
The League for Yiddish is pleased to announce that this wonderful new CD is now
available from their online store The recording features 14 songs and and a waltz – a natural,
intimate atmosphere, evocative and original. There are a few old favorites, some
rarely-heard marvels, and two original compositions.
Track List
Zing, bruder, zing! Birobidzhan Di elter
Epes fun gornisht Gris, bagris
Don un Donye A bisl libe Hilda’s waltz Fraytik af der nakht Harbstlid
Got fun Avrom Bobenyu Glik
A yidishe khasene Ta’am haman
To listen to several of the songs go to:
or click

“The recording’s greatest virtues are the selection of songs and the well-tailored
folkish arrangements.…

Jewish Music Competition – 28-31 October 2010

Competition ’10: register until July 1st

Amsterdam’s IJMF will once again host the world’s only Jewish Music
Competition: October 28-31, 2010. Information is online at
and registration is open until July 1st. The selected ensembles will
be announced in August. Pass it on to your favorite Jewish music
ensemble: this is an opportunity not to be missed!

Showcase for Presenters What’s the best way to get the attention
of Jewish music presenters in Boston, Philadelphia, Pittsburgh, San
Francisco, Los Angeles, New York City, Toronto, Utrecht, and
Washington DC? Join our competition and present yourself to the
growing list of festivals that will be scouting our 24 selected
ensembles via our site and/or in person at the competition:
and more presenters are affiliating every week!…

Cabaret Show at Skokie Theatre

Kimber Leigh Nussbaum, a Vocalist with the Maxwell Street Klezmer Band, to Perform
Cabaret Show at Skokie Theatre

“Devil May Care, a one-woman cabaret show featuring Kimber Leigh Nussbaum, a
vocalist with the Maxwell Street Klezmer Band
Sunday, November 15, 2009
2:00 p.m.
Skokie Theatre, 7924 N. Lincoln Ave., Skokie, IL
$20 in advance, $25 at the door
More Information and to Order Tickets, Call the Skokie Theatre, 847-677-7761 or

Sway Machinery’s Musical Extravaganza “Hidden Melodies Revealed: A Secret Celebration of Rosh Hashanah”

The Night Before Rosh Hashonah…..
September 17th at the Wilshire Boulevard Temple
“The Sway Machinery Makes The Ancient Modern And The Mythological Real”
– Village Voice

On the heels of their successful New York
City events in 2007 and 2008, JDub Records Presents America’s only indie
rock/Jewish cantorial music group, The Sway Machinery
bringing one of the most unique celebrations of the Jewish new year “Hidden Melodies
Revealed – a Secret Celebration of Rosh Hashanah”
to Los Angeles for 2009.
This multi-media concert event celebrates Rosh Hashanah in a presentation
that is part ritual, part rock concert. The performance is scheduled for
the night before Rosh Hashanah, on September 17. “Hidden Melodies Revealed”
will also include storytelling and compelling animated films.

The event will take place at 9:00pm

at the Wilshire Boulevard Temple
3663 Wilshire Blvd, Los Angeles
and admission is free.…