Hungry for Music? Metropolitan Klezmer TODAY

Sunday, February 1, 2009
11:00am – 2:00pm
City Winery
155 Varick Street at Vandam
New York, NY
Contact Info Phone: 212-608-0555

City Winery is a great new all-ages space for music, sweeping sight-lines with a raised stage and excellent acoustics. The klezmer brunch tradition is reborn in West Soho, with tasty treats including bagels, lox and much more… kosher too! And yes of course they do have the wine list. Wooden floors if you feel like dancing even.

Tickets just $10; kids under 13 are free! No minimum food or drink order, come on down.

Online tickets here:
featuring Metropolitan Klezmer ::: special brunch quintet formation ::: PAM FLEMING: trumpet, DAVE HOFSTRA: bass, DEBRA KREISBERG: clarinet/sax, EVE SICULAR: drums, & special guest SHOKO NAGAI: piano/accordion