20th Annual North American Jewish Choral Festival

The Zamir Choral Foundation is proud to present its
20th Annual North American Jewish Choral Festival
July 12-16, 2009
Hudson Valley Resort & Spa
Kerhonkson, NY

Celebrate the joys of Jewish music with hundreds of singers, and the finest conductors
and clinicians from across North America (and beyond)
Enjoy daily “community singing” and participate in an “instant choir”
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Debbie Friedman joins the Zamir Chorale in performance. Nick Page in a ruach session

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North American Jewish Choral Festival

Founder and Director Matthew Lazar and recent Hallel V’Zimrah
Award winners Dr. Ruth K. Westheimer and Theodore Bikel

Festival Tradition – Singing the “Jewish Hallelujah Chorus”
(Lewandowski’s Psalm 150)