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Friedman, Debbie

American. Singer-songwriter, cantorial soloist, music educator and music director, who writes contemporary liturgical and spiritual music, primarily associated with the Reform movement. Deborah Lynn Friedman was born 23 February 1951 in Utica, New York. In 1956, the young family moved to St. Paul where she sang in the choir in high school and was active in youth movements. She graduated Highland Park High School in St. Paul in 1969. She went to Israel for a year and returned to the United States. She recalls 6 April 1971 as the date a melody came to her while sitting on a bus, and she composed V Ahavta, her first complete setting of a liturgical text, which she then taught at a PAFTY meeting at Rodef Shalom Temple.…


Albuquerque, New Mexico, USA
February 17th through February 19th President s Day weekend

The weekend-long event features concerts, dance parties, lectures and classes with
the renown Klezmer performing artists.
Schedule of Events:
Friday, February 17th, 6:30pm:
Freylekhe Shabbes Concert & Dance Party featuring a ‘danced’ Kabbalat Shabbat
service followed by a potluck vegetarian dinner (7:00) and a short concert (7:30) by
our featured musicians Adrianne Greenbaum & Margot Leverett. accompanied by ABQ’s
favorite Klezband The Rebbe’s Orkestra, concert segues into dancing lead by our
featured dance artist Steve Weintraub & Nahalat Shalom s Yiddish dance troupe Rikud
($10.00 -suggested donation).

Saturday, February 18th Events:
9:30-10:45am: Yiddish and Eastern European dance class with Steve Weintraub ($18
adults, 17 and under $10).…

Out Of Darkness

Out Of Darkness featuring Liz Lerman Dance Exchange and Special Guests Sayat Nova
Tickets on sale now or 800-432-7250
$35 / $45 / $55

MARCH 22, 2008
7:30 PM
Cutler Majestic Theater
219 Tremont Street, Boston

The world-renowned Liz Lerman company boasts a 30-year international history of
art-making, exploring the role of engaging the everyday individual in art-making
processes, and the function of dance as a memory device.

The internationally treasured Armenian music and dance troupe Sayat Nova has since
1986 performed around the world in an effort to express the pride and indomitable
spirit of the Armenian people, and foster friendship across communities worldwide.
“… frantic and triumphant, with wailing melodies and a frenzied, rolling drum
beat.” — Watertown Tab, 2006

In Out of Darkness the two groups perform together for the first time.…

Gal, Zehava

Israeli born-American based mezzo-soprano. Teacher and Vocal coach. Discovered by Jennie Tourel. Studied voice at the Juilliard School of Music and Piano at the Rubin Academy in Jerusalem. Ms. Gal won prestigious awards such as the Paris and Munich International Voice Competition, and Young Concert Artists in NY. Gal has sung at top opera houses and festivals all over the world, such as La Scala, Paris, Covent garden, Vienna, Glyndebourne, Santa Fe, & Pesaro. Gal sung with conductors such as Von Karajan, Abbado, Mehta, and with major orchestras such as New York, Israel and the Berlin Philharmonic. Gal has appeared in the title role of Carmen in Peter Brook’ s Theatre and Film production of La Tragedie de Carmen. Gal has recorded for major record labels including RCA, CBS, Philips and EMI.…

Rabbi Jeffrey Summit’s “Singing God’s Words” at Jewish Music Forum

On Monday, February 13, 2017 at 7pm, Rabbi Jeffrey A. Summit, Ph.D. will speak about his new book, Singing God’s Words: The Performance of Biblical Chant in Contemporary Judaism (Oxford University Press, 2016).

This book is the first in-depth study of the meaning and experience of chanting Torah among contemporary American Jews, describing how this ritual is shaped by such forces as digital technology, feminism and contemporary views of spirituality.

Rabbi Summit will be joined by discussants Dr. Mark Slobin, Winslow-Kaplan Professor of Music Emeritus at Weleyan University and Cantor Richard Cohn, Director, Debbie Friedman School of Sacred Music, Hebrew Union College-Jewish Institute of Religion.

Center for Jewish History | 15 West 16th Street | New York, NY 10011

This program is co-sponsored by the American Jewish Historical Society.


Cohen, Dalia

Israeli musicologist. Professor Emeritus of of the Department of Musicology at The Hebrew University and the Jerusalem Academy of Music. Her research interests include music theory, universals in music, music perception and cognition, learned and natural musical schemata, sytle as determined by both the aesthetic ideal and cognitive constrains, vocal communication among humans and animals, symmetry in music, musical language of Bach, Arab music in theory and practice. She has published numerous books on these subjects as well as numerous papers, books, conference presentations. Often collaborates with Ruth Katz in the field of cognition in music. Wrote her dissertation on Zimrat hahimnônim sel ha-‘arauim ha-rtôdoksim we-bay-yevanim haq-qatôlim be-yisra-el [The Hymn Singing of the Greek Orthodox and Greek Catholic Arabs in Israel]. Ph.D., Musicology, Jerusalem, 1968. Co-author with Ruth Katz, Palestinian Arab Music: A Maqam Tradition in Practice (2005).…

The Dybbuk Project Opens in Montreal

January 24 and 26. workshops. Montreal
JANUARY 24TH AND 26TH 2008 AT 7:30 P.M.
TEL. 514-739-2301 FAX 514-739-9340
The Dybbuk Project, opera by Ofer Ben Amots.
Sheri Wills, scenery.

Based on the classic Jewish play by S. Ansky, this new 3-Act opera
features renowned international artists, and combines music, drama,
dance, realtime video projections, and more. The world premiere of
this production will be held in Montreal at the Segal Centre for
Performing Arts. The Dybbuk has been often described as Romeo &
Juliet meets The Exorcist. Indeed, the play?s subtitle, Between Two
Worlds, indicates the duality, which is both the center and source of
the haunting drama of life vs. death, demonic vs.…

Zhenya Lopatnik at YIVO July 12

Zhenya Lopatnik, a well-known klezmer singer from Kharkov, Ukraine will be performing in NYC this Sunday, July 12 2015 at 1pm at the YIVO Institute for Jewish Research, 15 West 16th St. This is a rare opportunity to hear one of the best Yiddish singers in the world.

Zhenya Lopatnik is a singer,composer, Yiddish songwriter, and Jewish educator. She is perhaps best known for the music she composed to “Ver vet blaybn” by Avrom Sutzkever which is sung the world over. She has participated in numerous klezmer festivals as a singer, teacher and soloist of the “Kharkov Klezmer Band”. Zhenya organizes the Annual International Festival “Kharkov Klezmer Teg”. Her songs can be heard at Klezmer events in many countries.

She will be the featured singer in the Annual All-Yiddish Program in Memory of Dr.…

Give Ear to Thy People: Choral Music from the Jewish Tradition

Osnat NetzerMusica Sacra Presents World Premiere by Israeli Composer
This Saturday, March 21, 2009 at 8:00 PM
Musica Sacra will explore Jewish choral
repertoire that juxtaposes the sacred and secular, the ancient and
contemporary, the traditional and innovative. The concert, entitled
Give Ear to Thy People: Choral Music from the Jewish Tradition, will
feature Paths of Stone and Water, a world premiere written for Musica
Sacra by Osnat Netzer, Israeli composer and pianist. The concert also
includes Aaron Copland’s In the Beginning, which sets the Genesis
creation story, music by Noam Elkies, Yiddish choral music from the
early 20th century, and other selections from the Jewish diaspora.

Give Ear to Thy People: Choral Music from the Jewish Tradition
Saturday, March 21, 2009 at 8:00 PM

First Church Congregational
11 Garden Street
Cambridge, MA
(Near Harvard Square)
Reserved: $40
General: $25
Student/Senior: $15…

From Boston to Berlin

The Zamir Chorale of Boston invites you to
From Boston to Berlin
A cabaret-style evening featuring
the Zamir Chamber Chorus
which will perform highlights of Zamir Chorale of Boston’s upcoming concerts in
the first Louis Lewandowski Festival in Berlin, Germany

Thursday, November 10, 2011
The Goethe-Institut*, 170 Beacon Street, Boston
(between Berkeley and Clarendon Streets)
Joshua Jacobson, Artistic Director
Remarks by
Friedrich Löhr, German Consul General in Boston
Ralph Selig, International Authority on German-Jewish
Chazzanut (liturgical music)
Light kosher refreshments will be served.
The Zamir Chorale of Boston is headed to Berlin, Germany, December 15-18, to represent
the United States at the Louis Lewandowski Festival. Zamir will join six other choirs
from around the world in paying tribute to the German Jewish composer who became
world renowned because of his beautiful choral settings of the synagogue liturgy.…

Meira Warshauer’s In Memoriam

Composer Meira Warshauer’s In Memoriam September 11 and Caesaria will be presented in the U.S. and Germany in several formats by several ensembles on Saturday, September 10 and Sunday, September 11, 2011.

The World and German Premiere performances of the cello choir version of In Memoriam (for 6 celli, adapted by Mirel Iancovici from the version for solo cello and strings) will be given by Mr. Iancovici and I Multicelli in Bottrop at Martinskirche on September 10 at 7:00 PM, in Gelsenkirchen at the New Synagogue on the 11th at noon and in Gladbeck at the Martin Luther Forum Ruhr on the 11th at 6:00 PM. Other composers on these programs include J.S. Bach, Mozart, Ravel, Samuel Barber, Max Bruch and John Tavener. Special guest soloist will be Felicia Hamza.…

Jewish Music Competition – 28-31 October 2010

Competition ’10: register until July 1st

Amsterdam’s IJMF will once again host the world’s only Jewish Music
Competition: October 28-31, 2010. Information is online at
and registration is open until July 1st. The selected ensembles will
be announced in August. Pass it on to your favorite Jewish music
ensemble: this is an opportunity not to be missed!

Showcase for Presenters What’s the best way to get the attention
of Jewish music presenters in Boston, Philadelphia, Pittsburgh, San
Francisco, Los Angeles, New York City, Toronto, Utrecht, and
Washington DC? Join our competition and present yourself to the
growing list of festivals that will be scouting our 24 selected
ensembles via our site and/or in person at the competition:
and more presenters are affiliating every week!…


Sunday FEB 4th
at 10:30 am
at the Metro Theater 4
in Santa Barbara

We are grateful to all of you, that helped us be chosen out of hundreds of film at this great festival to have an additional screening.
Enter the funny, larger-than-life world of Yiddish Theater through this documentary film about the amazing woman who has kept the oldest running Yiddish Theater in America alive. Zypora Spaisman is a Holocaust survivor who
conquers all hearts in her passion for art, lifeand Yiddish.
This heartwarming story of one unique woman’s struggle portrays the fight
of both an old art form to stay relevant and an old actress to find mean ing and a stage in a society that worships youth.…

Chamber Music – New York Style” at Temple Israel of the City of New York

On Thursday, April 22 at 8 PM, the Musicians of Lenox
Hill, under the artistic direction of Soo-Kyung Park, will perform “Chamber Music –
New York Style” at Temple Israel of the City of New York, 112 East 75th Street, New
York City The program includes Three American Piecesfor flute and piano by Lukas
Foss, Gershwin’s Embraceable You and I’ve Got Rhythm arranged for solo piano by Earl
Wilde, Dvořák’s Piano Quartet No. 2 in Eb Major, B 162, Op.87 and Luminaria for
violin and harp by Kenji Bunch, who has been called “a composer to watch” by the New
York Times and is quickly emerging as one of the most prominent American composers
of his generation.

New York Concert Review hailed the Musicians of Lenox Hill as “exemplary throughout”
and “extremely impressive, technically and musically”.…

Steve Reich Talks about his Jewish Music at JMF

Pulitzer Prize-winning Composer Steve Reich Talks about his Jewish Music
(with music examples from the composer’s collection) — a unique interview
by fellow Pulitzer Prize-winner David Lang.

On Sunday, November 8th at 3 PM
at the Center for Jewish History
15th West 16th Street, NYC

The Jewish Music Forum presents a unique interview
with Pulitzer Prize-Winning Composer Steve Reich about his Jewish Music, with
music examples from the composers own collection. Mr. Reich will be
interview by fellow Pulitzer Prize-winning composer, David Lang.
The Jewish Music Forum is free to the public. Reservations for the Steve
Reich Talk will be taken on a first-come first-served basis. Call

Honoring John Rauch in LA

What: An Afternoon of Joyous Musical Celebration honoring the life and
creative vision of John H. Rauch

Who: Ofer Ben-Amots, Nabil Azzam, Stacie Chaiken, Sam Glaser, Yehuda
Sha-Rone Kushner, Stephen Macht, Vanessa Paloma, Yuval Ron Ensemble,
Russell Steinberg, Yael Strom, Bryna Weiss
Where: Temple Isaiah, 10345 W. Pico Blvd., Los Angeles, CA 90064
When: Sunday, June 10th, 2007, 3:00 PM

Admission: A suggested minimum donation of $15.00.
All proceeds benefit the Center for Jewish Culture and Creativity.
Keep art alive.

Info: contact C.J.C.C by phone at.: (323) 658-5824
Or email us at:

‘Prince of Kosher Gospel,’ Joshua Nelson, To Kick Off Mitzvah Weekend

The ‘Prince of Kosher Gospel,’ Joshua Nelson, at
Congregation Rodeph Sholom, Manhattan

The ‘Prince of Kosher Gospel,’ Joshua Nelson, will perform
during the 6p.m. Shabbat Services, Friday, October 17, 2008 at Congregation Rodeph
Sholom, Manhattan. Cantor Rebecca Garfein, Senior Cantor of Congregation Rodeph
Sholom along with Assistant Cantor, Shayna Peavey and the Rodeph Sholom Children’s
Choir, will join Joshua Nelson in soulful song to kick off Rodeph Sholom’s annual
Mitzvah Marathon Weekend.

Zalmen Mlotek with Adrienne Cooper in Ghetto Tango

Friday in Encino, CA
Ghetto Tango
Friday, January 16, 2008
8:00 p.m. in Lopaty Chapel
Led by Cantor Herschel Fox
Kabbalat Shabbat & Festive Oneg
Adrienne Cooper and Zalmen Mlotek
In the Jewish ghettos of Poland and Lithuania during World War II, a world of
dislocation, terror and death, cabaret music thrived. Jewish audiences gathered
in makeshift clubs and theaters to hear newly-created Yiddish songs, rooted in
Jewish folk and liturgical music as well as European operetta, American ragtime
and Argentine tango. .Jewish performers tuned these cosmopolitan songs in a
local key: satirical and elegiac, political and personal, angry and heartsick.
Together they created something rare, scarcely conceivable: art at the edge
of the abyss.

What to Listen For in Jewish Music

By Charles Heller

Heller covers the basics. He does so in a rather quirky way with very short, self-contained chapters. On the one hand, the book presumes one can read notes and there are many musical illustrations. On the other hand, he has some basic music hints –such as an illustration on how to relate notes on the score to a picture of a piano, or what a major and minor chord sound like –examples which makes the book seem as if it’s intended for those who have a very hard time reading music and no music theory background at all. It does seem difficult to me to explain Jewish modal theory if one doesn’t have the basics of a western scale firmly mastered. Somehow I’m having a hard time understanding this book’s audience as the author envisioned it.…


An Innovative CD, “TWO FAITHS, ONE VOICE,” blending Sephardic and Eastern European folk traditions is being released in May. There will also be a March concert in Vilnius, Lithuania which will mark a world premiere.

Sefarad Records, a contemporary musical enterprise that produces recordings
and concerts of ethnic folk music spanning many centuries and cultures, is
releasing “Two Faiths, One Voice,” an acoustic album that uncovers surprising
synergies between Christian and Jewish musical traditions. Featuring singer and
folklorist Maria Krupoves and the singer and virtuoso guitarist Gerard Edery,
“Two Faiths, One Voice” world premieres in Eastern Europe (at the Bernardine
Church in Vilnius, the site of many ecumenical concerts, on March 24) prior to
its U.S. premiere and CD release which take place in New York at Drom, 85
Avenue A, on Tuesday May 27 at 8pm.…

“Common Chords II”: A Celebration of Muslim and Jewish Music

“Common Chords II”: A Celebration of Muslim and Jewish Music is a concert occuring
at Temple Beth Sholom (401 Roslyn Rd, Roslyn Heights, NY 11577) on Saturday night,
3/1/2008 at 7:30 pm (5:30 pm for Mincha/Ma’ariv, followed by a 6:30 pm Lite Bite
Middle Eastern Cafe). If you haven’t heard the music of Salman Ahmad of the musical
group Junoon & world leading klezmer artist Yale Strom, then you’re missing
something… You can get an idea about their styles by going to their respective web
sites: and

If your kids and teens were not planning on attending this concert, have them listen
to the music on-line, I bet they’ll want to go!!! These performers are more often
at college campuses, central park, the UN General Assembly, and together they
combine sufi-rock with klezmer, jazz, and Sephardic motifs.…

And the Trains Kept Coming . . . to The Prophets

Cantata Singers & Ensemble
David Hoose, Music Director

World Premiere: Lior Navok‘s
And the Trains Kept Coming . . .
Cantata Singers Commission
Kurt Weill: The Prophets from The Eternal Road
First Boston performance

Friday, January 18, 2008 at 8 p.m.
Sunday, January 20, 2008 at 3 p.m.
New England Conservatory’s Jordan Hall,
30 Gainsborough St., Boston


Available at
TICKETS: $54, $34, & $20; $5 discount for WGBH members. $15 for students and seniors
(section C tickets only).
Limited student rush tickets available 30 min. before concert time with $10 cash and
student ID.

Jordan Hall Box Office
30 Gainsborough Street in Boston
(617-585-1260) or BosTix at Faneuil Hall & Copley Square.

Kristallnacht Commemorated with the Glorious Music of Salomon Sulzer and Louis Lewandowski

New York. Congregation Rodeph Sholom’s Senior Cantor,
Rebecca Garfein, and Cantorial Intern, Jennifer Strauss-Klein will
commemorate Kristallnacht-the Night of Broken Glass, with the music of
renowned Viennese Cantor, Salomon Sulzer and Berlin composer, Louis
Lewandowski at 6p.m., Friday, November 3, 2006 during Shabbat services.
Guest Cantor, Dr. Bruce Ruben, newly appointed Director of the Hebrew
Union College-Jewish Institute of Religion’s School of Sacred Music will
also participate in this special service. Rodeph Sholom’s Organist, Dr.
John Schuder and augmented professional choir, will accompany the
cantors. This event is free of charge and the entire community is
invited to attend. Rodeph Sholom is located at 7 West 83rd Street (off
Central Park West.) For more information, please call (212) 362-8800, extension 1337.

Longy School Famous Faculty Dumont Dies at 94

Long term Longy School of Music faculty member, Lily Dumont, died at the age of 94 at her home, March 6, 2006 in New Bedford, MA. Ms. Dumont was a concert pianist and teacher on the faculty of the Longy School for more than 40 years, and taught privately until around age 92. She was born in Berlin, the daughter of Jakob Dymont, a well-known Jewish synagogue music composer. Lily was famous in her own right before the second world war as a concert pianist, and had already played with many of the leading orchestras in Europe by the time of her departure during the Nazi regime in Germany. Via colleagues in the US, she made her way to New England, and eventually divided time between concertizing world wide, teaching and her family.…

Klezmer & African Drumming Extravaganza at The Tank

March 16, 2006, 10pm
Aaron Alexander’s Midrash Mish Mosh with Senegalese Sabar masters Yakar Rhythms

A World-Jazz Extravaganza is coming to The Tank on March 16, 2006 at
10pm, featuring Aaron Alexander’s Midrash Mish Mosh and Senegalese
Sabar drum masters Yakar Rhythms, featuring Aliounne ‘Guido’ Faye.
Special guest on Midrash Mish Mosh is drummer David Licht from the
Klezmatics! Both bands will play separately and then collaborate on a
couple tunes at the end. Alexander previously produced and a
collaboration with Yakar rhythms and Hasidic New Wave which resulted in
the CD “Belly of Abraham” for Knitting Factory records.

The Tank is Located at 279 Church St. (bet. Franklin & White), in Tribeca, in NYC.
The Tank @ Collective: Unconscious is located at 279 Church Street
between Franklin and White.…

Di bostoner klezmer Plus Kaplan and Rushefsky

Shed those winter blues at a lively concert on the first day of spring, Sunday, March 20, 2:30 P.M. at the intimate concert space at the Zeitgeist Gallery, 1353 Cambridge St. in Inman Square, Cambridge, MA (617-876-6060)

In a double bill of dynamic klezmer music and Yiddish song, two
up-and-coming groups will present material from their new CDs.
Di bostoner klezmer is the dynamic trio which plays rarely-heard and newly composed music, including a suite for melodica written by Brian Bender. Their accordionist, Christina Crowder is a former member of the world-famous di naye kapelye. Hankus (Klezmer Conservatory Band) Netsky says the group “breathes new life into traditional, old-country klezmer!”

The acclaimed duo Kaplan and Rushefsky bring to life rarely heard gems of traditional and original Yiddish song accompanied by the tsimbl and balaban.…


The Pittsburgh Jewish Music Festival, a new annual
concert series devoted to Jewish-themed classical
music, will debut this spring. The festival is founded by
cellist Aron Zelkowicz and will feature musicians of the
Pittsburgh Symphony Orchestra and guests. This
year’s theme is “A Vanished World”, an exploration of
Jewish culture in Eastern Europe at the beginning of
the twentieth century, and consists of three programs:
1.Monday, April 19, 2004 8pm
2. Tuesday, April 27, 2004 8pm
3. Wednesday, May 5 2004 8pm
For more info…

An All-Women’s Music & Dance Festival!

SUNDAY, February 25, 2007
SHIR LA MA’ALOTE: Elevating the World Through Music and Dance
A concert for women only to benefit Professional Women’s Theater,
an organization which seeks to promote all-female performance opportunities,
featuring known and rising stars in the Jewish women’s performing world!
Singer-songwriters, dancers, vocalists….
Chanale! ~ Debra Landau ~ Rachel Kohl Finegold ~ Emilia Cataldo ~ Gabrielle Orcha ~
The Light Peddler’s Band ~ Rena Needle ~ Tziporah Miriam Halperin…And MORE!
Show I: 4:00 pm
Show II: 7:30 pm
Reception & CD Fair: 6:15 – 7:15 pm
Yeshiva University’s Schottenstein Cultural Center
239 East 34th St. between 2nd & 3rd Aves. NY, NY 10016
$30 in advance, $36 at door / $15 students / all proceeds considered charity
For further information, please contact or 646-234-1542.…

Mizrachi, Alberto

Alberto Mizrachi is now a world famous cantor and premiere interpreter of Jewish song. He’s often called the “Jewish Pavarotti”. He is cantor at Anshe Emet Synagogue in Chicago. He concertizes all over the world, sings in nine languages, and has appeared in most of the major venues of the world. He’s recorded with the Milken project, been on PBS, and appeared in large concert stages. I first met the cantor, (then known as Abraham Mizrachi), in Cincinnati, as a graduate student when he hired me to be a song leader in a part time job at a local temple where he was cantor. It was there he gave me a gift set of the Coopersmith books The Songs We Sing and The More Songs We Sing and said “here, learn these”.…

Second Songs of Life Choral-Orchestral Festival in Bulgaria

The Second Songs of Life Choral-Orchestral Festival will take place in Bulgaria and Israel, Dec. 27, 2010 – Jan. 7, 2011. The festival will feature the WORLD PREMIERE performance of a newly commissioned oratorio depicting the inspiring story of the rescue of the Jews of Bulgaria during World War II.

Hundreds of singers accompanied by professional philharmonic orchestra will perform the oratorio in celebration of a poignant historical moment. In addition to the world premiere of the oratorio, all performances will include a program specially selected by the Festival conductors.

The original work by Composer Charles David Osborne and Librettist Aryeh Finklestein features conductors Dr. Joshua Jacobson, Director of the Zamir Chorale of Boston, and Professor Henry Leck, Director of the Indianapolis Children’s Choir.

For more information and to register, visit and watch the video about the previous festival… or contact the festival organizers, Kalin and Sharon Tchonev, Tel: + 1-803-520-3626,…

The Yellow Ticket in Seattle

The Yellow Ticket in Seattle, Monday 5/12

Klezmer violinist Alicia Svigals performs her original score live to a screening of 1918 silent film
The work, which was awarded the Foundation for Jewish Culture’s 2012 New Jewish Music Network commission, is currently touring the U.S. and Canada. Next stop: as part of a Music of Remembrance concert at Benaroya Hall, Seattle. This performance, with Alicia on violin and pianist Marilyn Lerner, will also be the premiere of a new version of the score for clarinet, violin and piano, commissioned by Music of Remembrance and featuring Seattle Symphony clarinetist Laura DeLuca.

Remarkably progressive for its time, The Yellow Ticket (1918) is the first film to explore the discrimination of Jews in Tsarist Russia and stars famed Polish actress Pola Negri, Hollywood?s first European silent film star.…

Wolpe Lectures from Jewish Music Forum

March 26, 2010
10:30 A.M.
Center for Jewish History 
15 West 16th Street

New York, NY

All events are FREE and open to the public.

Friday, March 26, 2010, at the Center for Jewish History,
Dr. Brigid Cohen will present a lecture entitled “‘In a Land
Large as an Apple Tree’: Wolpe’s Avant-Garde Music, Pedagogy, and
Pacifist Zionism in 1930’s Palestine” and Prof. Michael Beckerman
of NYU will contribute a written response.

The Jewish Music Forum, now in its sixth season, is a project of
The American Society for Jewish Music, with support from The
American Jewish Historical Society. Please visit our
website at

Portrait of Fanny Mendelssohn at The Jewish Museum

A recent acquisition to The Jewish Museum, Portrait of Fanny Mendelssohn Hensel, 1842, by
19th century German artist Moritz Daniel Oppenheim, has been added to
the “Modernity” section of Culture and Continuity. The subject of this
portrait was the sister of famous composer Felix Mendelssohn-Bartholdy,
a talented composer and musician in her own right. Fanny Hensel was
the wife of a fellow painter, Wilhelm Hensel, whom Oppenheim met in Rome
with the Nazarenes.

To reach the Museum’s offices, call: 212.423.3200.
1109 5th Ave at 92nd St
NY, NY 10128
for Directions:

Adrienne Cooper: A Yiddish Light Goes Out

Adrienne Cooper Khane-freyde bas beyle-buni z”l.

Adrienne Cooper (1946-2011), a leading light of Yiddish song died early last night, December 25, of cancer in Roosevelt Hospital in NYC. She was surrounded by her family and friends. Ms. Cooper, one of the world’s top figures of Yiddish music, brought Yiddish folk and theater music to modern audiences. She was a valued performer, not only for her impressive vocal qualities, but her masterful interpretive style and tremendous stage presence. She presented Yiddish song in such an expressive way that any audience could understand and appreciate it. Along with her feminist social conscience, she was a mentor and leader to thousands of musicians and students. She helped co-found “Klezkamp” and spread Yiddish culture throughout the world. She is survived by a daughter, Sara Gordon, and partner Marilyn Lerner, two brothers and her mother.…

LABAmusic: Alicia Svigals, Yoav Gal, Nadav Lev

Friday January 9 and Sunday January 11 (with brunch included!)

LABA, A Laboratory of Jewish Culture,
presents award-winning opera and contemporary music,
featuring LABA fellowship alumni Alicia
, Klezmer Violinist, Yoav Gal, and Nadav Lev.

From world music to indie opera, their diverse voices are united by the common
thread of Jewish culture – a mesmerizing tapestry of some of the
best original music made in downtown NYC.

Where: 14th Street Y, 344 E 14th St, New York, New York 10003
When: Friday 1/9 at 8 pm, Sunday 1/11 at 11:30, including brunch!
Tickets: $15, free with APAP badge.

Get Tickets here:

Zemel Choir in Celebration with Song

The ‘Celebration with Song’
event will be held on the 31 May and concluding in a concert on the
evening of 14 June 2009 at St John’s Smith Square London SW1.
This is the third year Zemel is participating, and the chorus is planning something a little bit different.
Their concert will be celebrating the output of Jewish music from a single country, the United
States of America. On the first date Zemel will be running a guest workshop
focusing on voice technique and other aspects of choral singing. This year
Zemel’s guest workshop leader will be the BBC’s Suzi Digby an experienced voice coach and conductor and well known to television audiences from her appearances on ‘Last Choir Standing’ and the
BBC’s ‘Choir of the Year’.…

Metropolitan Klezmer on the first day of Hanukah

Sunday, December 9
City Winery Klezmer Brunch
Metropolitan Klezmer octet plays the first day of Hanukah
11AM til 2PM live music (seating 10AM on)
New tunes a-lighting!
Full octet onstage, fresh back from tours upstate, down south & beyond:
$10 ticket (kids under 13 enter FREE)
City Winery
55 Varick Street
New York , NY 10013
Great venue & full menu; fine wines & sight-lines. No minimum order.

Yuval Ron with LA Jewish Symphony

See the Yuval Ron Ensemble performing with a FULL SYMPHONY and
dancers in a spectacular production under the stars!
East meets West: A Special Concert of The Yuval Ron Ensemble with
the LA Jewish Symphony

Conductor: Dr. Noreen Green

The Ensemble will perform (in the second half of the program only!)
traditional songs of the Middle East and Andalusia with new symphonic
arrangements by Yuval Ron plus Canciones Sefardi – a symphonic work
by Yuval Ron based on Andalusi songs of Morocco and…… the first
public performance of a symphonic medley from the Oscar winner film
“West Bank Story”.


singers Maya Haddi and Barak Marshall, guitarist Kenton Youngstrom
and dancers Maya Karasso and Melanie Kareem

Please note: the concert at the Ford will be taped for future
broadcast on TV channel 36!…


February 4th, 6th and 8th 2007!
Israel Edelson (piano): winner of the BBC Lupert International Young Conductors’ competition
Devora Tyroler (accordion): Conductress of the “AccordiRon Orchestra” in Jerusalem
Batsheva Segal (violin): 4 time winner of the Keren Varon music competition

“Shulamit Rhythms” hails from Jerusalem, Israel. With a soul stirring repertoire of traditional Jewish songs, klezmer and hassidic inspired tunes, as well as classical pieces, the group aims to transport its listeners to a higher emotional plane.
Performance info:
Sunday, February 4th at 6pm @ the Manhattan Beach Jewish Center, 60 West End Ave, Brooklyn 718-891-8700

Benefit concert to raise funds for the Ron Shulamit Music Conservatory in Israel:
Tuesday, February 6th at 7:45pm @ 489 Marlborough Rd Brooklyn 718 469-5990

One of the performing groups is “Shulamit Rythms”.…

Klein, Betty

American-born, Israeli singer, guitarist, pianist harpist, accordionist and music therapist. She studied with Martha Schlamme at Mannes College, graduated with a BS from Boston University, MS from Columbia University and continued studies at Hunter College and Montclair State College. She performed throughout the New York area until moving to Israel. She participated in the Akko Music Festival, Folk Festival at Horshat Tal and the Llangollen Eisteddfod, Wales in 1990 where she won 2nd prize in the solo folk singing competition. Ms. Klein has appeared on the BBC, Belgian TV and radio programs and on Israeli TV and radio. Her Ladino and Yiddish concerts have been broadcast as well as recorded in albums. She has performed extensively in Europe in both Jewish and general venues, including festivals, universities, and the Vatican.…

Yehudi Wyner wins the Pulitzer Prize

Yehudi Wyner, composer and faculty member at Brandeis for many years until
his recent retirement, won the Pulitzer Prize in music yesterday for his
piano concerto ”Chiavi in mano.” The concerto was premiered in Boston at
the Boston Symphony Orchestra concert last year. Wyner is the first
Boston-based composer to win for a BSO work since Walter Piston in 1948.

Wyner is the son of Lazar Weiner, and is a well known composer in the Boston
area and internationally. Yehudi was born in 1929 in Calgary, Alberta, but
grew up in NYC. He studied at Julliard, Yale (with Richard Donovan and Paul
Hindemith), and Harvard (with Walter Piston). In 1953, he won the Rome Prize
in Composition. He taught at Yale from 1963-77, and served as head of the
composition faculty there.…

Chava Rachel, Neshama Carlebach and More Help Families in Jerusalem

Women are Raising their voices in Jerusalem,– many concerts happening that will help support the displaced families in Israel:

Motsei Shabbat, August 12th at 9:30pm
Chava Rachel in Concert
Fundraiser for Tzfat families
11 Rechov Misgav L’dach, apt 3
Old City, Jerusalem
Suggested donation: “twice chai” – 36+ NIS… CDs are 50 NIS

Monday, August 14th
Neshama Carlebach in Concert
The Maabada – Jerusalem
Doors open 21:00
For more info, call 02-629200, 1-700700920
Also see

Monday, August 14th @ 8 pm
Calling all women!
Evening of original music and spoken word performed by women for women!
Yellow Submarine
Doors open at 8 pm, show begins @ 8:30pm
Tickets in advance:30 NIS
At the door: 40 NIS
Proceeds of ticket sales are being
donated to a women’s charity (to be announced at the show!)

Headliners includes: Aliza Chava!

Rebecca Teplow Releases Hope

Rebecaa Teplow KavehRebecca Teplow’s latest CD “Kaveh, Hope” has just been released. The songs are all in Hebrew and composed and arranged by Rebecca on liturgical texts. Rebecca’s strong embrace of text is clear and distinct. She has interestingly even composed variations of her own songs and presents “Gam Ki Elech” twice in different styles. I liked the Joni Mitchell clarity and simplicity of her word painting in “Esa Einei” and that is one of her real strengths. The rock idiom predominates as in pieces such as “Hinei Kel,” which also includes some fun instrumentals. Teplow’s use of contemporary musical idioms are muted but used in a effective way, as in the introduction to “Peyrasti,” which starts out in one idiom but morphs into a rock sequence with some nice guitar riffs.…

Auditions for JPPC

Auditions are coming up for the new season of The Jewish People’s Philharmonic Chorus, the Yiddish chorus
in New York City, conducted by Binyumen Schaechter. No knowledge of Yiddish required.

Auditions for the 2012/2013 season for the
Jewish People’s Philharmonic Chorus / JPPC will be held on the evenings of September 4, 5 and 6, 2012,
from 6:00 to 8:30 PM at The Marseilles, 230 West 103 St, New York City.
Auditions by appointment only.
Email Lisa at

If unavailable on any of the 3 eves listed above,
please contact Lisa to schedule another time.

The JPPC performs only in Yiddish. Knowledge of Yiddish is *not* required to sing in the Chorus.
Lyrics are in English transliteration. Word-for-word translations are provided. Ability to read musical notes or sight-sing is beneficial.…

Jewish People’s Philharmonic Chorus Auditions

You are invited to
New York City
for the acclaimed

Jewish People’s Philharmonic Chorus
with Binyumen Schaechter, conductor
Auditions for the 2014/2015 season for the
Jewish People’s Philharmonic Chorus / JPPC
will be held on the evenings of
Tue., Sep. 2
Wed., Sep. 3
Thu., Sep. 4
6:00 to 8:00 PM
The Workmen’s Circle / Arbeter-ring
247 West 37th Street, 5th floor
(between 7th & 8th Avenues)
New York City.
Auditions by appointment only. Email:
If unavailable at the times listed above,
please contact us to schedule another time.

Feel free to forward this email
to anyone whom you believe would be interested
in auditioning.

The JPPC is an intergenerational 4-part Chorus (SATB).
They perform only in Yiddish.
Knowledge of Yiddish is *not* required to sing in the Chorus.…

Cool Jew Artist Showcase at Manhattan JCC

Thu, Nov 20, 2008
7:30 PM
Cool Jew

This “extreme book signing” will celebrate the launch of Cool Jew with an unprecedented concert of New York talent. Lisa will perform spoken word from her book, followed by an artists’ showcase. Special guests include Dov Rosenblatt of Blue Fringe, Y Love and Diwon, Rav Shmuel, Chana Rothman, Basya Schecter of Pharoah’s Daughter, the Goddess Pearlman of Nice Jewish Girls Gone Bad, Naomi Less of Jewish Chicks Rock, Sarah Aroeste and her Ladino rock band, Michelle Citrin aka Rosh Hashanah Girl, Yoshie Fruchter, and spoken word performance by poet/novelist/memoirist Matthue Roth. Artists will be available to autograph CDs and books for sale, fun kosher foods will be available, a marketplace will feature Heebster swag, and a charity raffle will raise money for the One Family Fund for Israeli victims of terror.…

KlezKanada has Started, So I’m on Vacation

9:15pm JMWC KlezKanada Blog here. Departing from the usual announcements, JMWC is creating a week of blogging from the wonderful and beautiful setting of KlezKanada, where I’m on vacation this week. Amazingly, they have internet connection this year, so I thought those who wish could can read what I’m doing on my summer vacation for a change.

Lucky me, my husaband and I are here at KlezKanada, –Leaving Boston…traveling through New Hampshire, Vermont and the Canadian border… where it was a relief that the holdup was not too long… on through the Montreal traffic, through the Laurentians and here at Camp B’nai B’rith. KlezKanada is getting an early start this evening with a cabaret starting right off the bat –candlelit checkered tablecloths, the whole thing–with some young singers… , “Papiroisson” is being sung with Michael Winograd accompanying Rena Herman, –who has a nice voice is setting a great mood for the crowd.…

“ZUN MIT A REGN” (Sun and Rain) in St. Petersburg

The Amsterdam Jewish Music Projects Foundation will be taking part in
the Russian Centennial Celebration for Dmitri Shostakovich with the
programme “Zun mit a regn” (Sun and Rain) that is to be performed at the
Shostakovich Conferences in St. Petersburg on 12 and 13 October. The
programme, which premiered in the Netherlands, includes chamber music and
songs composed by Shostakovich himself and by his friends Mieczyslaw
Weinberg and Veniamin Basner. The central source of inspiration for the
works on the programme is the music of the Jewish people, oppressed in
Russia during the Stalin regime. The works will be performed by singer
Sovali (soprano), violinist Grigory Sedukh, cellist Alexander Oratovski and
pianist Paul Prenen. The performances are supported by the Wilhelmina E.
Jansen Fund.


Triangle Fire Remembered

the culminating centennial event — An evening of music, spoken word poetry, and solidarity in commemoration of the 146 victims will be held in New York City. The event is free but you must have a ticket for admission.
Get your tickets at

You’ll get to hear Metropolitan Klezmer performing klezmer music written about the tragedy, uncovered 100 years later. Spoken word poetry from youthful voices from the New York City area. Clara Lemlich’s historical speech from the very stage where the Uprising of the 20,000 began. Solidarity Forever by the NYC Labor Chorus. Irish folk rock from Larry Kirwan of Black 47. Worker testimonials from Bangladesh, Egypt, and West Virginia.

The event takes place in the evening following the annual memorial commemoration at the site of the fire.…

2013 European Cantors Convention

The European Cantors Association is delighted to announce the next European Cantors Convention.

It will take place in London, at Central Synagogue, from Monday 17 to Thursday 20 June 2013, followed by a Shabbaton 21/22 June. The convention will open with a concert on Monday 17 June.

The Guest cantors will be the incredible composer, practitioner and educator Sol Zim from New York, and the outstanding teacher / practitioner who proved so excellent and popular last year Yehezkel Klang from Israel.

This convention is for practicing prayer leaders of all backgrounds, for choirmasters and choristers and for congregants – and for anyone interested in the music of the synagogue. The subject will be Shabbat Unwrapped: We will be working in small groups with our guest teachers to uncover everything you need to know about the music of Shabbat services.…

The Full English is now Online

Well, it’s not Jewish music, but I imagine a lot of musicians out there will be interested in this bit of library and archive news…. This is from history bibliography discussion group…. and I’ve taken a look… it is astounding what is now available online.

‘Staggering’ digital folk music archive launched (M. Chilton, The
, June 21, 2013)

The Full English, an online folk music archive of 44,000 records and over
58,000 digitized images, was launched at the English Folk Dance and Song

Read more at:

The Full English is at:

You can follow their blog at

NEA National Heritage Fellow 2015 Recipients include Yiddish musician Michael Alpert

National Endowment for the Arts celebrates master folk and traditional artists by awarding fellowships each year. This year, Yiddish and klezmer musician Michael Alpert was one of the 2015 recipients.

The 2015 National Heritage Fellows will be honored in Washington, DC, at an awards ceremony at the Library of Congress on Thursday, October 1, 2015 and a free concert on Friday, October 2, 2015 at 8:00 p.m. at George Washington University’s Lisner Auditorium. Both events are free and open to the public. Concert tickets are first come, first served and will be available later this summer. The concert will also be webcast live at More information about these events will be available this fall. – See more at:

For more information about Michael Alpert and his music, see:

Margot Leverett & Klezmer Mountain Boys

Margot Leverett & Klezmer Mountain Boys at The New York Klezmer Series
February 12, 2013
Stephen Wise Free Synagogue in New York
30 W. 68th St., New York, NY 10023

NY Klezmer Series:

4 – 5 Kidz Klezmer Band of New York
5:30 – 7 Klezmer Music Workshop
5:30 – 7 Yiddish Dance Class w/Steve Weintraub
7:30 – 8:45 Concert
8:45 – 9:30 Klezmer Jam Session

Klezmer clarinetist Margot Leverett joins forces with today’s stars of klezmer and bluegrass to explore the shared musical spirit of two genres literally worlds apart. Appalachian and southern fiddle tunes by Bill Monroe meet klezmer melodies from pre-war Russia and Eastern Europe, some newly discovered. The resulting medleys and improvisations are at once raw, funny, soulful and footstomping.

Kramer, Miriam

Born in Connecticut. Violinist. Lives in Great Britain. Named United Kingdom’s Jewish Performer of the Year 1995. Her grandfather was a Cantor and two of her uncles were concert violinists. Graduate of the Eastman School of Music, where she was awarded the Performers Certificate for Exceptional Young Artists. Studied violin with Charles Castleman and chamber music with Zvi Zeitlin. Studied with Yfrah Neaman on the Advanced Solo Studies Course at the Guildhall School. Won the National Federation of Music Clubs First Prize, the Stillman Kelley Prize and the Artists International Young Artist award. In November 1999, her disc of the music of Josef Achron was released. In her latest CD, Miriam and British pianist Nicholas Durcan have recorded for Naxos the violin and piano music of the great 20th century Polish composer Karol Szymanowski.…

Maxine Warshauer, Meira

A prolific composer based in Columbia, S.C. A graduate of Harvard, New England Conservatory of Music, and the University of South Carolina, Dr. Warshauer studied composition with Mario Davidovsky, Jacob Druckman, William Thomas McKinley, and Gordon Goodwin. She has received numerous awards from ASCAP as well as the America Music Center, Meet the Composer, and the South Carolina Arts Commission. She is the first recipient of the Art and Cultural Achievement Award from the Jewish Historical Society of South Carolina in 2000. Ms. Warshauer has composed numerous works for Jewish liturgy and on Jewish themes. Meira Warshauer s  We Are Dreamers , for SATB chorus, clarinet, percussion and piano, was commissioned in honor of the 50th anniversary of the state of Israel. The text is Psalm 126, whose theme is the return of exiles to Zion.…

NJ Premiere of Rachel and Leah:

NJ Premiere of Rachel and Leah: A New Musical composed by Elizabeth Swados
Saturday, November 12 · 8:00pm – 11:00pm
at the
Axelrod Performing Arts Center, Deal Park, NJ
100 Grant Avenue
Deal Park, NJ
Rachel and Leah
A New Musical Premieres at the Axelrod
November 12, 2011 8 p.m. One Show Only!
Tony Award nominee, Elizabeth Swados, has composed Rachel and Leah: A New Musical about the biblical matriarchs that will have its New Jersey concert premiere at The Axelrod Performing Arts Perhaps, best known for her Broadway and international smash hit Runaways, Elizabeth Swados infuses more than 30 years of artistry and flavor into the music of Rachel and Leah: A New Musical. The Obie Award-winning composer has collaborated on this latest work with her apprentice of six years, Rebecca Keren (Book & Lyrics) and off-Broadway’s rising star, Daniella Rabbani (Book).…

Jazz artist Matt Savage

Jazz composer and Bösendorfer piano artist Matt Savage and his Trio will celebrate his 16th birthday at Stephen Wise Free Synagogue, 30 W. 68th Street, NYC, on Saturday, May 10, 2008, at 8 pm with an electrifying performance of award winning original compositions and jazz standards. The concert is free of charge and open to the community. Suggested donations ($20 / $10 students) will benefit Kulanu, or “All of Us,” the innovative weekly course offered by Stephen Wise Free Synagogue, open to all Jewish children who have Autistic Spectrum Disorder.

Triangle Fire an opera by Leonard Lehman in NYC

You may be interested in attending a performance of a new one-act opera, Triangle Fire, with music by Leonard Lehrman and a libretto by Ellen Frankel.  It’s being performed Saturday, March 25, 2017, at 8:00 pm – $10 suggested donation; no one turned away

at 8 PM
at New York University, Room 220, 32 Waverly Place (at the corner of University Place).

The opera, a Puffin Foundation commission, commemorates the fire that broke out at the Triangle Shirtwaist Factory on March 25, 1911, killing 146 garment workers, most of them young Jewish and Italian women, recently arrived from Europe.  It was one of the worst industrial accidents in American history.

For further information:

About the Creators
Composer: Leonard Lehrman‘s previous works include  A Requiem for Hiroshima (with Lee Baxandall), E.G.: A Musical Portrait of Emma Goldman (with Karen Ruoff Kramer), and Sacco and Vanzetti (with Marc Blitzstein).

Matisyahu Lag Ba’Omer Boat Cruise

Matisyahu Lag Ba’Omer Boat Cruise
Sat, May 8, 2004
presented by JDUB & RocksOff
Boat opens at 10PM/sails at 11PM
from the dock at 23rd Street and FDR Drive (East Side). 2 full bars,
surprise guests, new tunes, spectacular views of NYC, Brooklyn, the
Statue of Liberty, the bridges, and the moon.
Tickets are $20 in advance, $25 at the boat, and the show is 21+ w/ID

A New Voice in Yiddish Music CD Release

“I Can’t Complain But Sometimes I still Do”
Jane Peppler accompanied by Aviva Enoch
The League for Yiddish is pleased to announce that this wonderful new CD is now
available from their online store The recording features 14 songs and and a waltz – a natural,
intimate atmosphere, evocative and original. There are a few old favorites, some
rarely-heard marvels, and two original compositions.
Track List
Zing, bruder, zing! Birobidzhan Di elter
Epes fun gornisht Gris, bagris
Don un Donye A bisl libe Hilda’s waltz Fraytik af der nakht Harbstlid
Got fun Avrom Bobenyu Glik
A yidishe khasene Ta’am haman
To listen to several of the songs go to:
or click

“The recording’s greatest virtues are the selection of songs and the well-tailored
folkish arrangements.…



The purpose of the Jewish Music WebCenter is to support and encourage scholarship and general enjoyment of Jewish music. This website provides an informational platform for activities by individuals and groups as well as academic and archival resources.


The Jewish Music WebCenter  was started by Judith Pinnolis, a librarian at Brandeis University in April, 1996, as an experiment in online bibliography. Less than two years later, In February, 1998, the Jewish Music WebCenter was born as an independent website with its own domain name.  At that time, there were only about 75 websites of Jewish Music and a bibliography of 40 selected print reference sources. Today there are thousands of websites and many more academic sources of Jewish music interest linked through this site. …

20th Annual Jewish Music Festival Berkeley California

March 19- April 3, 2005
The largest festival of Jewish music in the US celebrates its landmark
anniversary in Berkeley, San Francisco and Marin. Highlights include
members of Israel’s East West Ensemble with the Omar Faruk Tekbilek
, Theodore Bikel with Hankus Netsky, the Klezmatics with Joshua Nelson, Community Music Day with an Instrument Petting Zoo, Hebrew hip-hop, and workshops for all ages; Judith Cohen, a leading scholar of Sephardic music, and Emil Zrihan, an extraordinary Israeli counter-tenor and cantor of the Moroccan tradition in a sneak preview of a new work with America’s leading, San Francisco based new music string quartet.
Tickets and Info: 415-276-1511 or
15% discount for groups of 10 and more.
A project of the Berkeley Richmond Jewish Community Center…

Celebrations: The Heritage Ensemble New CD Released

Celebrations: The Heritage Ensemble Interprets Festive Melodies from the Hebraic Songbook, the latest contemporary world music album was just released by Eugene Marlow¹s Heritage Ensemble.

The Heritage Ensemble is dedicated to the concert performance of
liturgical and folksong Hebraic melodies in various jazz, Afro-Cuban, and
Brazilian styles, with a touch of classicism for good measure.

Nine tracks: four from the Chanukah festival, two from Purim. An
original composition, Yotvata–a mixture of classical and jazz–celebrates
the creation of the leading dairy kibbutz in Israel. An eighth track,
Halleluyah, from the liturgy, is a solo piano arrangement.

· A unique feature of Celebrations is a ninth track narrated by Dr.
Marlow that describes The Heritage Ensemble¹s history, repertoire, and
philosophy. Musical clips from the current album and a forthcoming CD (to be
released in Spring 2011) underscore Marlow¹s comments.…

Job Opening in New Orleans

Tulane University through Library Associates Companies (LAC) seeks a creative, dynamic Head of Music & Media Librarian to work within the Public Services Division at an academic library located in New Orleans, LA. Reporting to the Director of Public Services, the Head of the Music and Media Librarian will play a key role in the Library’s efforts to rebuild its world-class music collections, which were heavily damaged by Hurricane Katrina. He or she will participate in committee service within the library and through professional activity help to advocate for the interests of librarians at Tulane and throughout the profession. The librarian may share reference duties with other librarians at a central Reference and Information Desk including some evening and weekend duty; and participate in the library’s instruction program.…


Marty Green productions introduces:

The Ballad of Monish
a one-man musical play
written and performed by Marty Green
Sunday Nov. 21 Berney Theater 123 Doncaster St. Winnipeg 2:00 pm/8:30 pm
Tickets: 2 for $25.00

Multi-talented Winnipeg-based interpreter of Yiddish culture Marty Green
introduces his latest offering in the form of a two-hour musical play, “The
Ballad of Monish”, based on a classic poem by I. L. Peretz. What starts out
as a Jewish retelling of the classic Faust legend quickly turns into a
rollicking, satirical look at traditional Jewish attitudes towards religion,
sex, and the non-Jewish world. Marty Green has taken this epic ballad and
adapted it to a lively jazz-klezmer setting, interleaving his own
razor-sharp English translations with the original Yiddish lyrics. There is
more info on the show at
including an audio clip of the opening number.…

American Democracy Inspires Jewish Music

Meira Warshauer Look to the Light will be performed on November 12 at Princeton University as part of American Democracy Inspires Jewish Music and Poetry Program

Meira Warshauer’s Look to the Light for SATB and piano, with text by
Rabbi Dan Grossman will be performed by Sharim V’Sharot, central New
Jersey’s select Jewish choir, Elayne Robinson Grossman, Music Director,
as part of their “American Democracy Inspires Jewish Music and Poetry”
program on Sunday, November 12 – 1:00 PM in Frist Hall on the campus of
Princeton University, Princeton, New Jersey. Look to the Light portrays
Chanukah themes of light and freedom through the lens of American
experience, with references to George Washington and Billings, Montana.

This program is free and open to the public, however reservations are

Call for Papers: Hearing Israel: Music, Culture and History at 60

Hearing Israel: Music, Culture and History at 60
University of Virginia
April 13-14, 2008

As the State of Israel approaches the sixtieth anniversary
of its founding in the spring of 2008, academic scholarship
continues to
focus primarily on its political life, religious and ethnic diversity,
and foreign policy. Much less attention has been devoted to the
life of Israeli society and its impact on evolving Israeli identities
across generations. One of the most dynamic yet least studied
spheres of
Israeli culture to emerge in the six decades since statehood is its
music, ranging from the worlds of pop music, rock, rap, and
mizrahit /to classical, religious, and ethnic traditions.

these questions, the University of Virginia will host an historic
international conference on Israeli music on April 13 and 14,

The Boston Camerata celebrates The Sacred Bridge

The Sacred Bridge
December 3, 2011 8:00 pm – Longy School of Music, Cambridge, MA
For tickets and prices, visit
Back by popular demand, a second interfaith celebration, a holiday program unlike
any other. Discover with The Boston Camerata the common musical roots of Jewish, Arabic, and Christian
religions, and the astonishing and beautiful interactions among these traditions.
Joel Cohen and The Boston Camerata are joined by members of the Sharq Arabic Music

Eternal Echoes features Itzhak Perlman and Yitzchak Helfgot

Itzhak Perlman’s new album, Eternal Echoes: Songs and Dances for the Soul,, featuring Cantor Yitzchak Meir Helfgot, is now available for sale. The album is a collection of beloved liturgical and traditional Jewish works in new arrangements backed by chamber orchestra and klezmer musicians. It’s in stores just in time for the high holidays and online. Perlman’s website has a description of the album:


Sat Jun 24
(Anat Fort, piano, composer; Michel Gentile, flute; Roland Schneider, drums)
Piano, Flute, Percussion/Drums?! Yes. This is the world premiere for a
new project with Michel Gentile and Roland Schneider. Tunes by all three. Lots of free playing in different configurations. Sounds from Israel, Canada, Germany. Anat is very excited about collaborating with Michel, one of
the most unique flute players around. And, of course, Roland has been the
drummer of choice in her trio for many years. And when the three
get together…you have to hear it.
9:00PM & 10:30PM
Cover $10

29 Cornelia Street, NYC, New York 212-989-9319
between West 4th and Bleecker Sts, Greenwich Village
1,9 Subway to Sheridan Square; A, C, E, B, D, F to West 4th St.…

Alexander Brott: My Lives in Music

By Alexander Brott and Betty Nygaard King

So many Americans are just unaware of the accomplishments and achievements of Canadians. Possibly this is more ignorance than snobbery, but sometimes it seems to be a bit of both, without good reason for either. This snobbery particularly extends, it seems, in music. Our friends in Canada continually prove themselves extremely worthy, and yet notions to the otherwise persist. Fortunately, Canadians are a patient people and their accomplishments continue to shine and speak on their behalf. One such accomplished and distinguished musician is Alexander Brott. If you haven’t heard of him, then perhaps this memoir, published on the occasion of his 90th birthday, and written with the help of Betty Nygaard King, will be an antidote.

The book is an autobiographical memoir about his life as a violinist, conductor, composer, teacher and producer.…

Michael Lukin Catalogues the Dov Noy Collection at JNUL

Congratulations to flautist Michael Lukin on the completion of the Song Index to the Dov Noy Collection in the Jewish National University Library (JNUL) in Jerusalem. This event will be of world wide interest to those who love Yiddish and Hebrew songs. The project involved meticulous cataloging that allows a searcher to find individual songs within a large number of Yiddish and Hebrew song anthologies and other works in this collection. Each song is searchable in the vernacular including keyword, title and author (composer and lyricist) searching. In addition, the incipit of the song, that is, the opening lines, or in some cases, some line of the refrain which may be more identifying to the song, are included in the record. Searchers may try typing in their title or even just a word of the title (keyword) to find which volumes this song may be in.…

Eisenberg’s Mary Christ Performed by Svigals

Premiere of a unique collaboration — Evan Eisenberg‘s new novel,
Mary Christ, set to Alicia Svigals‘ music and performed live
Monday, June 25 at 8 pm, at Ansche Chesed, 251 W. 100th St. (at West
End Ave). On the roof if weather allows, indoors otherwise.
Suggested contribution: $5.

A presentation of the Scribblers on the Roof series at Ansche

Evan Eisenberg (The Recording Angel, The Ecology of Eden) will read
selections from Mary Christ, a recently completed anti-historical
novel, accompanied by klezmer fiddler Alicia Svigals. He may also
read a couple of his humor pieces from Time, The New Yorker, The
Atlantic, Slate, or the New York Times. Also reading will be
Elizabeth Frank, author of the novel Cheat and Charmer and winner
of the Pulitzer Prize for her biography of the poet Louise Bogan.…

Prof. Martin Schwartz speaks at SOAS in London

Professor Martin Schwartz of the University of California will speak on the topic of “THE LARGE SHARED REPERTORY OF GREEK AND KLEZMER / YIDDISH VERNACULAR MUSICS”

PLACE: Khalili Lecture Theatre, SOAS, Thornhaugh Street, London WC1H 0XG
ADMISSION: Admission free. Open to all interested parties. A collection will be taken.
RESERVATIONS: All places must be reserved in advance. Please e-mail