Search Results for: MENBONUS ONEXBET bonus code for today for free Bangladesh Chittagong

Serling, Elaine

American. Born in Detroit, Michigan. Wayne State University, in nursing. An experienced educator and singer/songwriter. In 2001, she won the “Jewish Woman in the Arts” award for contributions as a songwriter, performer and Jewish educator. She has made an impact not only in the Midwest, giving concerts to children and adults for over thirty years, but has published a song book, Sing and Celebrate: Jewish Songs for All Occasions (Danza Publications, 1987) with a CD available. Elaine’s songs teach about Jewish life and themes in an upbeat, yet non-insipid fashion, with varied arrangements. While most of the songs are in English, she mixes Hebrew and English in holiday and other songs. Her second CD is “Join the Circle” (Danza, 2002). Elaine is an ASCAP and published songwriter.…

Occasional Courses

SOAS University of London KlezFest London Annual Summer School (2004 dates 8-12 August) Now in its fourth year, KlezFest London has become the place to study the uplifting and poignant music, song and dance of Eastern European Jewish life. The faculty are all the very top musicians, singers and teachers from America and from Eastern Europe. They are the pioneers of the Klezmer Revival as well as the links to the past. Their knowledge and expertise conjure up the warm and intense Yiddish culture in dance classes, lectures, workshops, masterclasses, performances and jams from 9am till after midnight. The students – instrumentalists and singers of all ages and backgrounds – gather from all parts the world, brought together by a common passion for Jewish Music. There is expert tuition in instrumental and ensemble playing and for existing bands.


Das Europäische Zentrum für Jüdische Musik

Hannover, Germany. Das Europäische Zentrum für Jüdische Musik under the direction of Andor Izsák hopes to reconstruct and document the music of the synagogues that were lost during the time of WWII. Much of the Jewish cantorial, organ music and composers are unknown to most people today in Germany, and the Center’s mission is to increase awareness and knowledge. The Center will search after documents, present concerts and sponsor festivals and symposia, and publish music.

The Academy for Jewish Religion, California (AJR, CA)

Located at the Yitzhak Rabin Hillel Center for Jewish Life at UCLA, The Academy for Jewish Religion, of California is a pluralistic Rabbinical and Cantorial Seminary and Chaplaincy Program. AJR, CA’s Cantorial Seminary is the only Cantorial school in the Western United States and its’ Dean, Hazzan Nathan Lam, is the hazzan of Stephen S. Wise Temple, the largest congregation in the world. The Cantorial Seminary trains men and women to become cantors who will be a living resource of the varied aspects of the Jewish musical tradition – with mastery of the melodies and chants for Jewish prayer, and of the music for home, school and community. This mastery, coupled with the ability to impart and inspire, includes the contemporary modes and sounds, which resonate with today’s generation.…

Library of Congress. Selected Jewish music collections.

The Library of Congress Aaron Copland Collection
Part of the American Memories Project, this website includes links to the featured items in the Aaron Copland collections, including visual images and texts of personal letters, his own writings, his sketches and manuscripts of music, and photographs. An extensive and thorougly organized primary source on the music of Copland. Also includes an index and a search screen.

The Library of Congress Leonard Bernstein Collection
“This online Leonard Bernstein Collection makes available a selection of 85 photographs, 177 scripts from the Young People’s Concerts, 74 scripts from the Thursday Evening Previews, and over 1,100 pieces of correspondence, in addition to the collection’s complete Finding Aid.”

The Library of Congress Mario Castelnuevo-Tedesco Collection
Papers of Mario Castelnuevo-Tedesco are held in the Library of Congress.…

Yiddish Blues

Yiddish Blues,  founded in January ,2000, is a Dresden, Germany-based band consisting of Mandy Muller, violin, Bernard Muller-Weber, guitar and Reinhard John, bass. They play adaptations of early twentieth-century klezmer greats from Eastern Europe and America. They will play the standards such as hora, bulgar and chusidl, but also branch into the combo elements with swing and tango and newly composed pieces such as “The Flatbush Waltz” by Andy Statman. Their website includes nice clips of several selections and includes their CD and contact information. Additionally special is a brief history of klezmer and photos of Jewish and formerly Jewish sites in the Polish part of Galitzia and environs. the site is primarily in German. A visit to the website gallery of photos is well worth it if you want to get a glimpse how some former Jewish synagogues, mikvehs and other property are being used by Europeans today.…


Good things are happening in the midwest…. A new young a cappella ensemble called Shircago is out there performing and recording. They have a CD called “Striking a Chord”….produced in year 2000, coming out of “the first-ever Jewish a cappella festival based in the Midwest.” A Cappella groups are very popular on college campuses today…. these exuberant young people are combining some fun with Jewish music.

Nathan, Shuly

Superstar in Israel, Shuly Nathan’s sweet and crystal clear voice was recorded in one of the most famous songs of all: Naomi Shemer’s Jerusalem of Gold. Born in London, but arriving in Israel at age 2, Shuly Nathan’s albums are both in the folk and pop-Israeli idioms. Today her new CDs reveal a mature artist whose voice is as wonderful as ever. Her website contains a brief biography, some photos, links to her new albums on CD Baby, and contact information.

Hazamir Choir of Helsinki –Judiska Sangforeningen rf

The purpose of the Hazamir Helsinki Choir is to maintain and promote the Jewish musical tradition. Hazamir is a mixed voice choir, and has been since 1917. Singers come both from Helsinki’s Jewish congregation along with members of other music groups. Today, the choir s repertoire consists mainly of Hebrew and Yiddish language songs. Additionally, the choir sings songs in Finnish, Swedish, and, more recently, in Russian. A large part of the choir s Yiddish language repertoire is arranged for this choir and, therefore, unique. The Choir s long-time director, Eva Jacob, has made a number of arrangements for the choir, and also brought the Russian-Jewish tradition of choral singing into their repertoire. The Choir appears regularly and is active in a range of festivals and music events.…

The Diaspora Yeshiva Band

This band, formed in the 1970’s at the Diaspora Yeshiva in Jerusalem, combines American bluegrass, rock and country music with the chassidic nigun. They gained fame after garnering prizes at the Chassidic Music Festival in Israel in the late 1970’s. Today the band consists of eight members and has produced six albums including Melave Malke, At the Gate of Return, The Diaspora Yeshiva Band, and Land of Our Fathers. Samples of their style are available in Real Audio on their website. They sing in both Hebrew and English.

Mike Boxer

Pianist/singer/songwriter and public school music teacher, Mike Boxer released Erev Chaim as a way to introduce Jewish music to teens not familiar with any. Boxer hopes that results in some Jewish youth who emerge more enthusiastic about the music of their faith. This “independently marketed concept album brings the face of cutting-edge mainstream pop to today’s Jewish music.” The track list contains — heimish, liturgical-oriented classics like Shalom Aleichem, Bilvavi, and Acheinu — but a good portion of the music features sounds typically from the forefront of modern pop, rock and R& B. Seven songs are revamped covers; seven are Boxer’s own original material. Boxer, who grew up in Spring Valley, NY and attended Binghamton University where he served as music director of Kashkeshet, a collegiate Jewish a cappella group,– has perfect pitch and plays a myriad of instruments.…

Amsterdams Synagogaal Koor (ASK)

Amsterdam Synagogue Choir in Rav Aron Schuster synagogue of Amsterdam, Netherlands, under the direction of Ilia Belianko. Ilia Belianko joined the ASK as chief conductor in September 2004. The choir was founded in 1985, and today consists of sixteen voices. The website includes a history of the organization and selected excerpts of music with information about obtaining sound recordings. Formerly under the direction of Barry Mehler in the Portuguese Esnoga (Synagogue) in Amsterdam.

Ayn Sof Arkestra and Bigger Band

Monday, March 28 · 8:30pm – 10:30pm
Location East 6th Street Community Synagogue, Max Raiskin Center
325 East 6th Street
New York, NY

Join the Ayn Sof Arkestra and Bigger Band at their monthly Monday Night Jazz Rabbi Invitational Concert.
$10.00 Cover

White Christmas: The Story of an American Song

By Jody Rosen

Writing a popular book about a popular song should merit some attention, so it’s not surprising that no less than four items appeared in The New York Times about this book. It’s supposed to be a book about one song. But, of course, it isn’t really. It’s a book about acculturation, assimilation and cultural impact. For readers of the Jewish Music WebCenter, these issues raised by White Christmas, may ultimately deal out the moral: we have only ourselves to “blame” –or– “congratulate” –as the view may be.

Irving Berlin, born as Izzy Baline, was of the generation of Jewish immigrants who wanted nothing more than to be thoroughly assimilated and thoroughly American. Berlin was one of the most successful examples of this, both in his personal and professional life.…

Poland’s Klezmer Heritage Sunday

Poland’s Klezmer Heritage Sunday, November 22, 2:00PM
The Center for Traditional Music and Dance An-sky Institute for Jewish Culture is pleased to present Jankiel’s Legacy: Poland’s Klezmer Music Heritage. All Polish schoolchildren know the character of Jankiel, the wise, old Jewish tsimbl (dulcimer) player featured in Pan Tadeusz, the epic masterpiece by Polish poet Adam Mickiewicz.

For hundreds of years, Jewish klezmer developed in shtetls throughout historic Polish territories as well as in cities like Warsaw, Krakow, Vilna, Lviv, and Lodz. In recent decades there has been a resurgence of interest among Poles in Jewish music, and today Poland is home to some of the world’s largest Yiddish music festivals. Join Walter Zev Feldman (NYU in Abu Dhabi), a pioneer of the klezmer revival and one of the music’s leading scholars, along with acclaimed tsimbl player and CTMD Executive Director, Pete Rushefsky, the celebrated klezmer flutist Adrianne Greenbaum (Mount Holyoke) and violin virtuoso Jake Shulman-Ment for a multi-media presentation and performance exploring Poland’s klezmer heritage.…

Lisa Gutkin at City Winery

Lisa Gutkin, longtime violinist with the Klezmatics, will appear at the klezmer brunch at the City Winery on August 11 2013. General admission is $10. Combined with delicious lox, bagels and other tasty fare at the Winery brunch menu on Sunday mornings from 10am to 2pm…. sure to please. Music at 11am.
City Winery
155 Varick Street
New York , NY 10013
(212) 608-0555

World Premiere oratorio, A Melancholy Beauty!

Varna International Presents The 2nd Songs of Life Festival
June 23 at 7:30pm
Citi Performing Arts Center Wang Theatre

BY PHONE: 866-348-9738

Songs of Life is pleased to announce the addition of the Boston Modern Orchestra
Project to the featured performance of the World Premiere oratorio, A Melancholy

A Melancholy Beauty is a major choral-orchestral oratorio that brings 300 superb
choristers and instrumentalists to the stage in an unparalleled music celebration
which combines classical choral-orchestral music with traditional rhythms and folk
styles that are rarely encountered today. This song of life will unravel the true
story of the Rescue of all Bulgaria’s Jews during WWII. This coming together of
musicians, from the US, Israel, and Bulgaria, the very countries that were impacted
by these crucial events, will redefine freedom and harmony through the power of

Ayn Sof Arkestra and Bigger Band for Passover Concert

Thursday, April 21 · 8:30pm – 10:30pm
East 6th Street Community Synagogue Max Raiskin Center
325 East 6th Street
New York, NY

Come join the Ayn Sof Arkestra and Bigger Band for a special middle of Passover Concert.
The midweek of the Festival of Passover is traditionally a time where the celebration of the holiday is stretched into the mundane workaday world, called “Chol HaMoed”.
Come join Ayn Sof for the holiday celebration! We may even break out the Slivovitz!
$10.00 Cover

NYC’s newest addition to the canon of new Jewish influenced music and culture, the Ayn Sof Arkestra and Bigger Band, under the direction of saxophonist Jazz Rabbi Greg Wall and Grammy winning trumpeter Frank London.The Arkestra consists of some of the most innovative artists on the scene today, such as Pam Fleming, Rob Henke, Jordan Hirsch, Paul Shapiro, Jessica Lurie, Marty Fogel, Zach Mayer, Aaron Alexander, David Chevan, Fima Ephron, Eyal Maoz, Mathias Kunzli, Uri Sharlin, and many others.…

Hava Nagila Historical Collections

Along with the documentary made by Roberta Grossman and Marta Kaufman that aired on PBS in 2010, there have been a few historical collections putting up materials about Hava Nagila, the ubiquitous folk tune that has become part and parcel of the American Jewish experience. Here’s some links to the history, video and archival materials that may be of interest to our readers.

First, the video, (fundraising promo about the PBS special from 2010): (about 10 minutes)

Second, the archival materials published on Flickr from the Jewish National Library in Jerusalem:

Images from, Sadagora, hometown where the melody was traced:

For years, the song text was attributed to Moshe Nathanson, but this claim turned out to be untrue. Later in life, Nathanson wrote to Idelsohn and apologized about accepting credit for the text, which Idelsohn had written.…

Hy Wolfe: An Evening of Songs and Stories


YIVO presents Hy Wolfe in a concert performance, accompanied by Herbert Kaplan at the piano. New York stage actor and singer Hy Wolfe returns to our stage with a show featuring Yiddish theater and folk songs and stories.

Wolfe worked with, and learned from, many of the brightest stars of the Yiddish theater, and is a living link with a glorious tradition. The show includes a tribute to the late Shifra Lerer, the last of the greats from the classical period of the Yiddish theater.

This is an opportunity to spend a delightful evening with one of the most entertaining performers on the stage today. With English translations throughout the program, this evening will be a pleasure for Yiddish speakers and non-Yiddish speakers alike.…

The Boston Camerata celebrates The Sacred Bridge

The Sacred Bridge
December 3, 2011 8:00 pm – Longy School of Music, Cambridge, MA
For tickets and prices, visit
Back by popular demand, a second interfaith celebration, a holiday program unlike
any other. Discover with The Boston Camerata the common musical roots of Jewish, Arabic, and Christian
religions, and the astonishing and beautiful interactions among these traditions.
Joel Cohen and The Boston Camerata are joined by members of the Sharq Arabic Music

Elaine and Susan at Philadelphia Folklore Project

Klezmer Concert: The Philadelphia Folklore Project presents award-winning drummer
Elaine Hoffman Watts and her daughter, acclaimed vocalist and trumpeter Susan Lankin
in an evening of klezmer music devoted to saying good riddance to all the
mishegas (Yiddish for craziness or insanity ) in our world today. Klezmer is the
celebratory music of Eastern European Jews. Goodnight Mishegas is a line in the
Hoffman family s Goodnight Waltz, composed close to a century ago, with words
recently penned by Susan. The Folklore Project invites people to sing along at the
concert and, in celebration of family and community traditions, to reflect on
possibilities for turning our woes into joy. Visit for music
and words!

Presenter: Philadelphia Folklore Project (PFP)
Date: December 11, 2011
Location: Calvary United Methodist Church, 801 S.…

The Pianos I Have Known

Released this past week: “The Pianos I Have Known: The Autobiography Of Irving Fields”
Collaboratively written between 94 year old Irving Fields and Huffington Post
music columnist Tony Sachs
( and edited and released by music critic
Aaron Joy through his indie book publishing and music label Roman Midnight Music

The book is currently available only in paperback via Lulu, and on Amazon.

“He’s [Fields] the composer of chart-topping songs performed by the likes of Dean Martin, Louis Armstrong, Sarah Vaughan and Xavier Cugat… one of the original Manhattan “society” cocktail
pianists whose career stretches back to the days of Prohibition… whose sister
Peppy was known as the Sophie Tucker of Miami Beach due to her long running radio
show… the originator of one of the first piano-drum-bass trios, with a later trio
lasting nearly 40 years… the man who first fused Jewish and Latin music with the
classic 1959 album “Bagels & Bongos”… a headliner at Carnegie Hall, top draw on
round-the-world cruises, star of radio and TV, and writer/performer of a hit song on
YouTube… and he’s still playing six nights a week as he approaches his 100th
birthday… This is the life of a Jewish kid from the Lower East Side who hated
practicing piano.” He’s also the inspiration behind the writing of
the book ‘And You Shall Know Us By The Trail Of Our Vinyl’ about Jewish music
history and the first release by the ReBoot Stereophonic jazz reissue label.…

Alicia Svigals’ Klezmer Fiddle Express

Alicia Svigals’ Klezmer Fiddle Express, with Patrick Farrell and
Marty Confurius
TODAY!! On Sunday, September 9, the National Yiddish Book Center presents
internationally renowned klezmer violinist Alicia Svigals, with
klezmer luminaries Patrick Farrell on accordion and Marty Confurius
on bass.
The National Yiddish Book Center
Applebaum Driker Theater
Amherst, MA
For directions, mapquest Hampshire College, and then look for signs
for the Book Center.
Sunday, September 9, 2 PM
Tickets and info:

Congregation Rodeph Sholom Marks MLK, Jr. Commemoration with Tel Aviv Gospel Choir

Congregation Rodeph Sholom Marks MLK, Jr. Commemoration with Tel Aviv Gospel Choir
Blending the unique sounds of musical groups from the
Middle East and New York City, an original take on gospel music will emerge and
resound at Congregation Rodeph Sholom during a multicultural and international
celebration to honor the memory of Martin Luther King, Jr., 6 p.m., Friday, Jan. 18,
2013 during Shabbat services.

The internationally renowned Iris and Ofer Portugaly and their Israeli Gospel Choir
will make their U.S. premiere, presenting a performance of Hebrew Gospel—their
innovative mix of African- American gospel with a “tantalizing” Israeli flavor. The
joyous program will bring together vocalists, gospel choirs, and musicians from
different cultures, communities, and ethnicities in a musical evening dedicated to
King’s vision for freedom and peace.…

GOLDEN MOLTEN STREAM: A Celebration of Contemporary Hebrew Poetry & Song

GOLDEN MOLTEN STREAM: A Celebration of Contemporary Hebrew Poetry & Song
Thursday, March 28, 2013
Time: 7:30pm
Book launch for Mystical Vertigo by Aubrey L. Glazer with performances by Jaffa Road, Cantor Aaron Bensoussan & Ernie Tollar, Aviva Chernick, Aaron Lightstone, Waleed Abdulhamid, jeff Wilson and Sundaar Viswantathan.

Featuring a closing set from JAFFA ROAD who have put these lively poems to music on their two Juno-nominated albums.

YidStock 2013

Join us for Yidstock 2013: the festival of new Yiddish music!
Thursday, July 18th through Sunday, July 21 Live at the Yiddish Book Center
Purchase your tickets today.
To purchase tickets for individual events or to purchase a Festival Pass:
A limited number of Festival Passes are available.*
*Festival Pass includes access to all concerts, lectures, and workshops
Back by popular demand, Yosi’s Kosher Falafel Tent will be serving an assortment of
great food.

Concert Schedule
– Thursday, July 18 –
*7pm | Klezmer Conservatory Band
– Saturday, July 20 –
*7pm | Margot Leverett & the Klezmer Mountain Boys and Klezperanto
– Sunday, July 21 –
*12pm | Wholesale Klezmer Band – Family Concert
*2pm | Brass Khazones: Steven Bernstein and Frank London play Cantorial Music
*4pm | Golem
*7pm | Yidstock All-Stars

Workshop · Lecture Schedule
– Friday, July 20 –
*1pm | Lecture: Hebrew National Salvage: Rediscovering Lost Musical treasures with
Hankus Netsky
*2pm | Lecture: Rockin’ the Shtetl: The Essential Klezmer with Seth Rogovoy
*3:30pm | Workshop: Yiddish Folk Dance with instructor Steve Weintraub
*5pm | Workshop: Instrumental Klezmer with instructor Brian Bender
– Saturday, July 21 –
*4pm | Talk: New Riffs: Improvising a Contemporary Yiddish Culture with Aaron Lansky
and Seth Rogovoy

For more information and to purchase tickets:
Website –
Phone – 413-256-4900
**PLEASE NOTE: Lineup is subject to change.…

Eternal Echoes features Itzhak Perlman and Yitzchak Helfgot

Itzhak Perlman’s new album, Eternal Echoes: Songs and Dances for the Soul,, featuring Cantor Yitzchak Meir Helfgot, is now available for sale. The album is a collection of beloved liturgical and traditional Jewish works in new arrangements backed by chamber orchestra and klezmer musicians. It’s in stores just in time for the high holidays and online. Perlman’s website has a description of the album:

Music of the Jewish People CG501–an ONLINE course

Join me online, your host at The Jewish Music WebCenter, as I teach an entirely online course through Hebrew College in the “Music of the Jewish People”.

This online course investigates the role that music has played in Jewish life from ancient to modern times. Topics include music in the time of the Bible, rabbinic attitudes toward music, music and mysticism, the development of the modes for prayer and scriptural cantillation, church and synagogue music are compared, music of the holidays and the life cycle, folk and popular music in the Diaspora, the development of art music in the modern era and music in modern Israel. It also includes music of American Jews. Prior knowledge of music is not required. Cannot count for graduate credit for the students in the Cantorial Ordination programs.…

Music and song from al-Andalus and North Africa in NYC

Et Dodim Kalah_ (It’s the Time of Courting, O Bride!)
Come hear The New York Andalus Ensemble
Thursday, October 30, 2014
7:30 PM
Elebash Recital Hall, CUNY Graduate Center, 365 5th Ave. (at 34th St.)

The New York Andalus Ensemble will present _Et Dodim Kalah_ (It’s the Time of Courting, O Bride!), an
evening of music and song from al-Andalus and North Africa.

TIckets: $13 adults/$10 students, available at the door or at

In al-Andalus (Southern Spain), peoples of the three Abrahamic faiths—Islam,
Judaism, and Christianity—shared their arts and sciences for more than five hundred
years, creating a multicultural canon of music and poetry. Since 1492, Jews and
Muslims in North Africa have carried the musical traditions forward from al-Andalus.
Today, the musical expansion from over five centuries ago to the present day
flourishes in New York City with the New York Andalus Ensemble.…

Theodore Bikel at YIVO last June

Last June Theodore Bikel was honored by YIVO. Today they released this video, where he is accompanied by Lorin Sklamberg and Daniel Kahn.

“Di zun vet aruntergeyn”
Words by Moshe Leib Halpern
Music by Ben Yomen
English adaptation by Theodore Bikel
Di zun vet aruntergeyn untern barg
vet kumen a goldene pave tsu flien
un mit nemen vet zi unz ale ahin
ahin vu di benkshaft vet tsien
The sun will be setting soon over the hill
A peacock will come and gold majesty show
And with him we’ll fly
Leaving earth far below
To a land where all longing does go
זאָל ער האָבן אַ ליכטיקן גן־עדן

1000 Years of French Jewry: A Concert in Words and Music

Sunday, May 17, 2015
Temple Emau-El
99 Taft Avenue
Providence, RI
A concert on the music of the 1000 year history of French Jewry, from Rashi to today, will take place at Temple Emanu-El in Providence, RI, Sunday, May 17, 2015 at 7pm. The concert will include music of every era and genre from classical, folk to jazz, with an original script narrated by Professor Bill Miles, and accompanied by renowned pianist Judith Lyn Stillman. Instrumental soloists from the Boston Symphony Orchestra, along with Cantors Lynn Torgove, Brian Mayer and Maayan Harel and choral singers from Shir Emanu-El Choir, Kol Kesem Hazamir along with other choral singers will participate.

Advanced tickets are $50, $36 and $15 with tickets at the door at: $55, $40, $20.

Ode to David Eisenstadt CD Release

Cantor Mimi Sheffer and the Warsaw Singers directed by Sebastian Gunerka with organist Mirlan Kasymaliev have a created a tour de force in the new CD released as No. 1 of the Cilia: The Jewish Music Series. The collection contains eleven selections, most of them from Jewish liturgy, by various composers, with three of those composed by David Eisenstadt. The liner notes are written by the eminent Jewish musicologist and cantor Dr. Eliyahu Schleifer. Most of the settings will be familiar to American Reform Jews, but not all.

David Eisnstadt (1890-1942) was a conductor and composer of synagogue music who was well known in interwar Poland. Eisenstadt developed an outstanding choir in one of the most prestigious synagogues, the Great Tlomack Street Synagogue. He also composed original pieces for services such as a setting for L’cha Dodi and Sch’chula Achula which are included on the album.…

Amanda (Miryem-Khaye) Seigel and Sender Botwinik at Haverford

Join Amanda (Miryem-Khaye) Seigel and Sender Botwinik for a concert today Monday, Nov 3 2014 for the Yiddish Culture Festival
at Haverford College in Philly
Tell your Philly friends!
Miryem-Khaye Seigel and Sender Botwinik in Concert Yiddish Culture Festival 2014
Monday, November 3, 4:30PM–5:30PM
KINSC Sharpless Auditorium
Haverford College,
370 Lancaster Avenue
Haverford, PA 19041
Welcome – Yiddish Culture Festival 2014

Klezperanto at Regattabar in Cambridge

Nights are getting longer, and you’re going to need more D MINOR in your system
Klezperanto is ready with that essential vitamin and SO much more!

New line-up! new tunes!

TUESDAY OCT. 28 7:30 PM at The Regattabar
located in the Charles Hotel,
Harvard Square, Cambridge

Klezperanto is kicking off the Klezmer Festival, starting the show in a double bill with Klezwoods, a band with lots of fans in Boston too, so be sure to get your tickets today.
Here’s how:

With solid klezmer roots, spectacular technical virtuosity, and a wry sense of humor, Ilene Stahl and an all-star line-up of Boston’s best musicians re-groove traditional klezmer and Mediterranean melodies, rip up Romanian surf tunes, cover cop show themes and cumbias, slay a few standards, and burnish it all to a funky finish.…

Blues for Challah

The 4th Annual B4C Jewish Grateful Dead Shabbaton is rollin’!
Featuring the one and only Robbi Cohn, Grateful Dead photographer
extraordinaire with a special Q&A and gallery exhibit. Two prayer
service options with Rabbi Jeff Marker (Renewal) and Rabbi Moshe Shur
(Orthodox). And of course, the One More Saturday Night Jam Session
extravaganza. Get on the bus!
Register today.

Future of Yiddish Song event at YIVO

On Sunday, April 6th at 11 am at YIVO, join Klezmatics lead singer Lorin Sklamberg,
Professor Mark Slobin, and top archivists, scholars and performers of Yiddish music
for Passing the Torch: Jewish Music Archives and the Future of Yiddish Song. How can
Jewish music archives foster new performance and scholarship? This symposium
explores the folklorists and musicologists who collected Yiddish folk music, and the
role of music archives in stimulating new work today.

For more information and to purchase tickets, visit

Arik Einstein Z’l Obits

Israeli singer-songwriter Arik Einstein passed away Nov. 26 at the age of 74. His recordings were some of the very first album of Israeli music I purchased way back and he’s been a favorite in Israel for decades. Obits about Einstein tell about his life and work:

“Yentl” the play in NYC

“Yentl” the play, featuring Jill Sobule performing her new songs
With Isle of Klezbos as houseband, plus friends from Metropolitan Klezmer & beyond!
Featuring Songs by Jill Sobule. Directed by Steven Cosson.

Wednesday, May 28
7:00PM (doors open 6:00PM)
Joe’s Pub at The Public Theater, NYC
425 Lafayette St (between E. 4th St & Astor Pl), New York City
Box office: 212-967-7555
Tickets $20.

“Yentl”: a play by Leah Napolin based on Isaac Bashevis Singer’s novel. featuring Jill Sobule performing her own music and lyrics; accompanied by bandmates from Isle of Klezbos, Metropolitan Klezmer and beyond. Come partake of “the mystery of appearances, the deceptions of the heart, and the divine androgyny of the soul.” Let YENTL, that most unorthodox of love stories surprise you… that most surprising of love triangles enchant you.…

Jim Loeffler speaking at Jewish Music Forum

On Thursday, March 24th at 7 PM, in conjunction with YIVO, the Jewish Music Forum will present The Most Musical Nation: Jews and Culture in the Late Russian Empire, the title of a fascinating new book by Dr. James Loeffler, the Founder and first Executive Director of ASJM’s Jewish Music Forum.

Quoting from the book jacket below gives you additional details about this wonderful evening which will have live musical examples. Providing these music examples for Dr. Loffler’s talk, we are very grateful to have performers from YIVO’s Krum Young Artist Series. A reception and book singing will follow:

“No image of pre-revolutionary Russian Jewish life is more iconic than the fiddler on the roof. But in the half century before 1917, Jewish musicians were actually descending from their shtetl roofs and streaming in dazzling numbers to Russia’s new classical conservatories.…

Eyal Maoz in Park Slope

Date: Thursday May 5 at 9 PM till 11 PM
Venue: Tea Lounge
Venues address: 837 Union Street. Park Slope, Brooklyn New York, NY 11217
Telephone: (718) 789-2762
Event URL:
You tube link: Rocks:
Cover price: Free
Music genre: jazz/world/rock
Event description:
Live Edom performance at Tea Lounge. Where Jazz meets New Wave, and echoes
of Joy Division are counterposed with John Zorn’s Electric Masada, begins
the rocking odyssey of Edom.
With Eyal Maoz – guitar;
Shanir Blumenkranz –bass
and Yuval Lion – drums.


The Toronto Jewish Folk Choir celebrates its 85th annual
Spring concert by commemorating the original immigrant workers who founded
the choir. Its performance – under conductor Alexander Veprinsky – features
special guests Beyond The Pale (2010 Canadian Folk Music Awards’
Instrumental Group of the Year).

The concert takes place at the Posluns
Auditorium at Baycrest, 3560 Bathurst Street, north entrance, 2nd floor
(wheelchair accessible), Sunday, May 15, 2011, 3 p.m.

Tickets are $25; seniors and students, $20; children 12 and under free.
Information and ticket reservations may be obtained by calling 416-789-5502
or e-mailing Info will also be available at and at the Toronto Jewish
Folk Choir on Facebook.

The Choir’s major work, In Amerike, vividly captures the immigrant
experience in an evocative suite by Winnipeg composer Sid Robinovitch.…

KlezCalifornia This March

Afternoon of Song and Dance

Nigunim Concert 3/26/11
Saturday, March 26, 4:00pm, Afternoon of Song and Dance,
presented by the Nigunim Chorus.
Nigunim Chorus performance: A tribute to singer/songwriter Debbie Friedman, and other gems in Yiddish, Ladino and Hebrew.
· Spring-time Sing-Along: Old favorites and a few less-familiar songs, with lyrics provided.
· Klezmer and Israeli dancing: Easy-to-follow circle and line dances led by dance leader Bruce Bierman.

· After the show, walk to Saul’s Deli for a free dessert with purchase of an entree and presentation of a ticket to the Afternoon of Song and Dance.
At JCC East Bay. Tickets: $10 at the door. Co-sponsored by KlezCalifornia. More info: 510.528.8872, mail[at],

Beyond the Pale in Berkeley and San Francisco
Beyond the Pale
Saturday, March 26, 8:00pm & Sunday, March 27, 9:00pm.…

NJ Cantors Concert

NJ Cantors Concert at Temple Emanu-El in Edison.
Saturday night February 12, 2011 8pm.

and the SHLOCK ROCK (free family) Concert at Neve Shalom
Sunday morning at 9:40am.
Temple Emanu-El, Edison, NJ – New Jersey Cantors’ Concert Ensemble – February 12, 2011
Temple Emanu-El, Edison, NJ
100 James Street, Edison, NJ 08820 · 732-549-4442

Musicians of Lenox Hill Perform an Evening of Romantic Chamber Music

On Thursday, April 28 at 8 PM, the Musicians of
Lenox Hill, under the artistic direction of Soo-
Kyung Park, will perform
an Evening of Romantic Chamber Music
at Temple Israel of the City of New
112 East 75th Street, New York City

The program includes the New York City premiere of the
Piano Trio in F Major by Marcel Tyberg, whose
works were thought lost in the Holocaust. The
program also features Alexander Borodin s String
Quartet No.2 in D Major
, Frederic Chopin s
Andante Spianato and Grande Polonaise Brillante
Op. 22 for Solo Piano
, and Three Watercolors for
Flute, Cello and Piano
by Philippe Gaubert.
Admission to the concert is free with a suggested
donation of $20.

JMF Presents “Robert Lachmann’s Oriental Music Archive in Mandatory Palestine”

The next event of The Jewish Music Forum 2010-2011 Season will be
Wednesday, Feb. 16, 2011
at Center for Jewish History, New York, NY,
Dr. Ruth Davis will present a lecture
entitled “Robert Lachmann’s Oriental Music Archive in Mandatory Palestine.”
The Jewish Music Forum, now in its seventh season, is a project of
The American Society for Jewish Music, with support from The
American Jewish Historical Society.
Please visit our
website at

Event details are as follows:

Wednesday, February 16th, 2011
4:00 P.M.
Center for Jewish History
15 West 16th Street, New York, NY 10011

All events are FREE and open to the public.

Cantor Unplugged

Saturday, January 29 · 8:00pm – 10:00pm
Location Congregation Sha’ar Zahav
290 Dolores St. (corner of 16th & Dolores)
San Francisco, CA

Join Cantor Sharon Bernstein and friends Carolyn Reiser, Cantor Leigh Korn, and Henry Carrey, as she throws off her cantorial persona and wanders through the (American) (Jewish) (Gay) songbook.

$10 members; $15 non-members; children 12 and under free
Congregation Sha’ar Zahav 415/861-6932

Saints & Tzadiks: A Concert of Yiddish and Irish Songs

Wednesday, Feb 16 • 7:30 PM
University of St. Thomas, Jones Hall • 3910 Yoakum
For info:
Susan McKeown and Lorin SklambergIrish singer Susan McKeown and Klezmatics lead singer and accordionist, Lorin Sklamberg, present Saints & Tzadiks — a concert combining Yiddish and Irish songs. Culled from rare archive material and old recordings, McKeown and Sklamberg have selected songs on various themes from the Jewish and Irish traditions. The bulk of the Jewish material is drawn from the Ruth Rubin Archive at the YIVO Institute for Jewish Research. The Irish songs come from both the popular and the ancient Gaelic sean nos traditions.

$10 Adults / Children and Students Free

JCC Houston
5601 S. Braeswood
Houston, TX 77096-3907
(713) 729-3200
FAX: (713) 551-7223
Purchase Tix

Jewish Ghetto Cabaret – Yom HaShoah Program

Temple Emunah Yom HaShoah Program
Cost: FREE, and registration is not required.
When: May 01, 2011 | 07:30 PM to 09:00 PM
Where: Temple Emunah, 9 Piper Rd, Lexington, MA, Lexington, MA 02421
781-861-0300; wheelchair accessible

Special Features:
Jews in the various Ghettos during the Shoah had numerous
cabarets of musicians and singers. Songs ranged from the sad
and deeply somber in response to the death and horrific
conditions within and without of the Ghettos, to parodies on the
Nazis, to the typical songs sung in the cabarets of Europe before
the war. The caliber was so high as to attract the attendance of
German soldiers out of uniform.

Our Jewish Ghetto Cabaret program will be rich and varied and
be presented by a small musical ensemble, soloists, and the

9th Daniel Pearl World Music Day– Concert eSACHERe

Concert “eSACHERe” is held under the auspices of the Embassy of Switzerland and as part of the 9th Annual Daniel Pearl World Music Days.

(12 composers of Swiss patron Paul Sacher)

CONRAD BECK (1901-1989): Drei Epigramme
LUCIANO BERIO (1925-2003): Les mots sont alles …
PIERRE BOULEZ (1925): Messagesquisse*
BENJAMIN BRITTEN (1913-1976): Tema ‘Sacher’
HENRI DUTILLEUX (1916): 3 Strophes sur le nom de Sacher
WOLFGANG FORTNER (1907-1987): Thema und Variationen
ALBERTO GINASTERA (1916-1983): Punena No. 2
CRISTOBAL HALFFTER (1930): Variation uber das Thema eSACHERe
HANS WERNER HENZE (1926): Cappriccio
HEINZ HOLLIGER (1939): Chaconne
KLAUS HUBER (1924): Transpositio ad infinitum
WITOLD LUTOSLAWSKI (1913-1994): Sacher-Variation

*Guests: JAN TALICH – conductor & eSACHERe Cello Ensemble

Monday 9th May 2011, 7pm
The National Gallery – Convent of St Agnes of Bohemia in Prague (U Milosrdnych 17, Praha 1, Czech Republic).…

Klezbos at City Winery

Sunday, October 16 · 11:00am – 2:00pm
City Winery NYC
155 Varick Street (btw Spring & Vandam)
New York, NY

Isle of Klezbos returns to City Winery’s klezmer brunch, celebrating the band’s 13th birthday** (our all-gal sextet debuted in 1998!) Soulful, fun-loving, hard-swinging Yiddish-rooted musical adventures: great new tunes too.

Full menu, great venue, fine wines & sight-lines! No minimum order.
Live music 11am-2pm; seating & brunch from 10am on.
Tickets $10, kids under 13 enter free.

Debra Kreisberg, clarinet & alto sax
Pam Fleming, trumpet & flugelhorn
Melissa Fogarty, vocals
Shoko Nagai, accordion & piano
Saskia Lane, upright bass
Eve Sicular, drums | leader

Easy Sunday parking. Subways: #1 to Houston OR Canal, C/E to Spring. Wonderful sight-lines, hope to see you too!…

Klezmer Concert Features Music of Dave Tarras

Yale Strom, one of the leading artists of klezmer culture, will perform the music of the “Benny Goodman of Klezmer”, Dave Tarras – many of these Tarras’ melodies have never been published or recorded before now.
Thursday, May 5 · 7:00pm – 10:00pm
Dweck Center, Brooklyn Public Library
1 Grand Army Plaza
Brooklyn, NY

Hot Pstromi clarinet virtuoso NORBERT STACHEL (Pink Floyd, Freddie Hubbard, Diana Ross, Roy Hargrove, Tower of Power, Boz Scaggs, Sheila E and many other world-class bands) will bring new exciting artistic interpretation to Tarras’s tunes.

Strom will also discuss his new book, Dave Tarras:The King of Klezmer (Or-Tav), a Tarras-family authorized biography. Tarras is considered the most influential klezmer musician of the twentieth century. Even the great be-bop artists Charlie Parker and Miles Davis traveled to the Catskills to study the technique of this complex and compelling virtuoso.…

Emile Berliner and the Birth of the Recording Industry

Emile Berliner and the Birth of the Recording Industry, a presentation about the unsung hero of the recording industry will be given at the Library of Congress.
Tuesday, May 17, 2011

in honor of

Sam Brylawski,
Former head of the Recorded Sound Section and Editor of the UCSB Victor Records Discography
and Karen Lund, Digital Project Coordinator, the Music Division and Developer of the LC Emile Berliner Website, will speak on the subject of an unsung hero of recorded sound:
Free and Open to the Public
Tuesday, May 17th, 2011
12:00 – 1:00 p.m.
African & Middle Eastern Division Reading Room
Thomas Jefferson Building, LJ 220
101 Independence Avenue, S.E.…

Yiddish Celluloid Closet

Thursday, June 30 · 8:00pm – 9:30pm
Le Petit Versailles Garden
346 East Houston (near E. 2nd St & Avenue C)

More Info
Not music, but drummer-bandleader Eve Sicular of Isle of Klezbos presents “The Celluloid Closet of Yiddish Film: A Yingl Mit a Yingl Hot Epes a Tam?” & it’s FREE this Thursday in NYC’s East Village! Outdoors even.

Show info:
Yiddish Celluloid Closet page, with video teaser too:

Joel Rubin New CD Release Azoy Tsu Tsveyt

Joel Rubin along with Uri Caine, the masterful classically trained jazz keyboardist, will be releasing a new CD Azoy Tsu Tsveyt on July 26 2011. An article on FlipSwitch gives the background. (reprinted below).
To learn more about Joel and his music:

CD will be released by Tzadik label: Tzadik CD 8163, New York 2011

Joel Rubin is Clarinetist and ethnomusicologist and is Assistant Professor of Music and Director of Music Performance in the McIntire Department of Music at the University of Virginia in Charlottesville. Rubin is also on Jewish Studies faculty

S o u n d i n g W o r d at Baruch College Performing Arts Center

S o u n d i n g W o r d at Baruch College Performing Arts Center
Tickets are $20 online and $25 at the door. Tickets for seniors and students are $18 online and $20 at the theater door. For tickets reservation call (866) 811 4111 or buy on line at​s/pam

P E R F O R M I N G A R T S M A R A T H O N 2 0 1 1
S o u n d i n g W o r d: A powerhouse 2-day double bill of multi-media music engagement with performances of Avant-Folk & Contemporary Jazz by Sabrina Lastman & Sasha Bogdanowitsch.

Baruch Performing Arts Center
July, Saturday 30 – 10 pm
July, Sunday 31 – 3 pm

S o u n d i n g W o r d, a beautiful temporal and timeless storytelling of original compositions with voice, original instruments, walkmans, electronics and video, highlights two original performances:

River of Painted Birds by Sabrina Lastman is a musical performance created for solo voice, walkmans, electronics and video, combining composed sections and free improvisation.…

Klezmer in London, Sussex, Hampshire and Edinburgh

Late Summer Schedule for klezmer in London, Sussex, Hampshire and Edinburgh
ilana cravitz
For more klezmer info and resources e-mail
, or

Tuesday 2 August
Hackney, London
LKQ Summer Cooler @ Pages of Hackney
70 Lower Clapton Road, London E5 0RN

The ever-popular London Klezmer Quartet returns to Pages with a Summer
Cooler event. Enjoy live music, Pimms and strawberries while you shop
for your holiday reading with 10%discount at Clapton’s independent
Entry £5 on the door

First International Terezin Music Conference

Leeds College of Music (UK) is proud to announce it first International
Terezin Music Conference in February 2012, and the launch of the Terezin Music Hub.
For more information, call for papers, booking, draft programme, etc, please visit:

Feel free to contact for further details, and follow the Hub on Twitter: @TerezinMusicHub

Alexandria Kleztet in VA

Saturday, September 10 — The Alexandria Kleztet
Potomac Overlook Regional Park
2845 Marcey Road
Arlington, VA 22207
7 to 8:45 pm

If it rains (always a decent possibility), we go inside the auditorium at the Nature Center!

The Alexandria Kleztet has been combining traditional Eastern European/Jewish music with diverse influences for more than a decade. New arrangements of traditional melodies and original songs by members of the band draw upon jazz, classical, world beat, rock and other musical genres to create a unique and entertaining sound.

The band is based in the Washington/Baltimore area and has performed throughout the Mid-Atlantic region.

Tatiana Fleischmann at Klezmer Brunch

klezmer brunch Oct, 2, 2011
Every Sunday Morning, combining live music and food in a fresh, cultural environment, City Winery’s Klezmer brunch series pairs some of the greatest musicians in the world with delicious lox, bagels and other tasty fare on our brunch menu on Sunday mornings from 10am to 2pm. **Please note that the live music is played from 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. with a short break in the middle.

Tickets are just $10 to cover for live music and does not include food or drink. Children 13 and under are free for the music. We have a full brunch menu available upon request.

On select weekends we welcome Rabbi Dan Ain from The New Shul to lead thoughtful discussion on theology, spirituality and the movements of the cosmos.

Neshama Carlebach in Eastern US Tour

Neshama Carlebach will be performing in several venues in the coming months. Here is a sample listing:
For more information: See her website
Oct 31, 8PM
Temple Emanuel Social Hall
424 25th Street
Virginia Beach, VA 23451,
A Night with Neshama Carlebach in memory of Sharon Elstein z’l
Admission will be free , donations to Temple Emanuel in memory of
Sharon will be gratefully accepted at the door.
For further information please call 757-428-2591or send an email

Nov 5, 7:30 PM
6601 Bradley Boulevard
Bethesda, Maryland 20817
Neshama and her band will be performing at Bethesda Jewish
Center’s 10th Anniversary celebration.
For reservations and further information, please visit

Naftule’s Dream at the Lilypad

Naftule’s Dream at the Lilypad
Friday, December 2 at 6:00pm
Location: The Lily Pad
Inman Square
1353 Cambridge St
Cambridge, MA
After nearly 5 years of silence, Naftule’s Dream is back!!! Playing our hits from the past like “Job,” “The Sitting Man” and that family favorite, “Free Klez.” Join us for a great end of the week concert at our favorite performance venue.

Glenn Dickson, clarinet; Gary Bohan, trumpet, Michael McLaughlin, accordion; Andrew Stern, electric guitar; Jim Gray, tuba; and Eric Rosenthal, drums.

Jacob Mendelson at viewing of Cantor’s Tale

Date: Friday, January 28, 2010
Time: 6PM – Erev Shabbat Services; 7:15PM – Film Viewing
Price: Free, open to the community
Contact: Cantor Rebecca Garfein,
RSVP: requested
Telephone Number: 646-454-3030
Artist/Speaker: Cantor Jacob Mendelson
Event Description: Cantor Jacob Mendelson will lend his magnificent voice and
neshama (soul) to Erev Shabbat Services, followed by a viewing of his award winning
film, A Cantor’s Tale, and a question and answer session. On Saturday, following
the 10AM Shabbat Service, Cantor Mendelson will demonstrate and discuss the styles
of Cantors from the Golden Age, introduce his family zemirot (songs) to the
congregation, and explain that the DNA for hazzanut is contained therein.


“KlezmerQuerque” – The southwest’s annual festival of klezmer music & dance
celebrates its 9th year February 18-20 (Presidents day weekend).

KlezmerQuerque 2011 is coming!! The 9th annual celebration of Klezmer music & dance
will take place over Presidents Day Weekend from February 18-20 (FRI-SUN). The
festival is co-produced by Congregation Nahalat Shalom, Nahalat Shalom’s 25-piece
Community Klezmer band & Rikud Yiddish dance troupe. All KlezmerQuerque events will
take place at Nahalat Shalom, 3606 Rio Grande Blvd. NW in Albuquerque (between
Candelaria & Griegos on Rio Grande).

Maqam and Tefilah: The Liturgical Music of Syrian Jews

Prof. Mark Kligman will present
A Lecture sponsored by Magen Savid of Union Square and the Center for Sephardic Heritage
Wednesday, February 25, 2009
7:00pm – 9:00pm
Location: Magen David of Union Square
3 West 16th Street, btw 5th and 6th Aves
New York, NY
Contact Info Email/RSVP:
Admission: $5 (Free for students with ID)

Copies of Professor Kligman’s recently published book Maqam and Liturgy: Ritual, Music and Aesthetics of Syrian Jews in Brooklyn will be available for sale at the event.

“Jewish Artists for Haiti Benefit Concert:Relief/Rebuilding”

“Spread the word: Big hearted event to raise effective
funds for Haitian relief- best Jewish musicians in NY from Y Love to Frank London,
Basya Schechter to Breslov Bar Band, Neshama Carlebach to the endless Ayn Sof
Arkestra. Contribute!”.

Event: Jewish Artists for Haiti Benefit Concert: Relief/Rebuilding
Start Time: Monday, January 10 at 7:00pm
End Time: Monday, January 10 at 10:00pm
Location: Stephen Wise Free Synagogue

Journal for the Study of Sephardic and Mizrahi Jewry

Academicians in the field of Sephardic and Mizrahi studies are invited to submit articles and contribute to this innovative, new journal. Among the many benefits of publishing with the journal is the short time span between submission and publishing compared to other journals. Moreover, the journal is free, fully online, and easily accessible to the general public via the journal website.

Part of FIU’s President Navon Program, the Journal for the Study of Sephardic and Mizrahi Jewry has been an ongoing, interdisciplinary project which draws upon the expertise of leading scholars in the field and seeks to cover all aspects of the Sephardic and Mizrahi Jewish experience.

The journal is a refereed, peer reviewed and interdisciplinary academic journal. Created to fill a lacuna in academic publications, the journal’s purpose is to provide an online platform for scholars to publish original, academic work that explores salient aspects within this burgeoning field of study.…

New Debbie Friedman CD Shacharit Prayers

AsYouGoOnYouWay"/ Debbie Friedman has released a new CD “As You Go On Your Way: Schacharit –The Morning Prayers”. This just released CD has a combination of Debbie’s compositions and melodies to the liturgical texts of the Shacharit, the morning service. Some of the songs on the album are new, but many were composed as long ago as 1972. In a way this retrospective is a perspective piece. The “traditional” repetitions, for example are where the text is more traditional (for example, in the Amidah, the Imahot are included in the non- traditional setting.) The album helps the listener integrate the familiar tunes of Friedman with some chanting of segments of the service. Friedman states in her album “By praying we can understand how each Bracha, each blessing, helps us build a balanced and grateful life.

Beth Schafer in Beaumont, TX

Beth Schafer will be leading two events in Beaumont, TX the second week in February.
Friday, Feb 13 2009
8:00 PM Service with Beth Schafer trio!
Age Limit: All ages Tickets: FREE

Sat Feb 14 2009
7:00 PM
Concert with Beth Schafer Trio!
held at:
Temple Emanuel
1120 Broadway St Beaumont, TX 77701
for more info: Phone: (409) 832-6131