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Midnight Prayer Answered

The new CD, “Midnight
Prayer” by the Joel Rubin Ensemble has been released. Clarinetist Joel Rubin
has long been considered to be one of the leading
performers of Jewish instrumental klezmer music in the
world today, earning accolades from sources as diverse
as klezmer giants Dave Tarras and Max Epstein,
international clarinet soloist Richard Stoltzman,
avant garde composer John Zorn, and Nobel Prize
Laureate and poet Roald Hoffmann. The ensemble also
features Hungarian cimbalom virtuoso Kálmán Balogh,
Italian accordion wizard Claudio Jacomucci and rising
klezmer star violinist David Chernyavsky, as well as
Ferenc Kovács (trumpet), Csaba Novák (bass), Sándor
(second violin) and Pete Rushefsky (tsimbl).

To order:

For more information:


The Center for Jewish Music of the Jewish Community Center of St.
Petersburg is proud to announce “KlezFest St. Petersburg 2006,” an
international seminar on the traditional music of Eastern European
Jewry, to be held June 17-22, 2006 in St. Petersburg, Russia.

DONA FEST-2005 success in February

Polina Shepherd writes to us about the Dona-Fest just held in Moscow:

February 17-20 The Shalom Theater hosted a gala concert of the first Moscow International Festival-Seminar of Jewish music DONA FEST-2005.

The leading Jewish bands from Russia and the CIS countries, as well as European stars, clarinetist Merlin Shepherd, composer and choir leader Polina Achkinazi-Shepherd and violinist Mark Kovnatsky, took part in the festival.

European Klezmer stars and Russian and CIS leading Jewish bands, folk quartet Askenazim, The Kharkov Klezmer Band, Dona, Klezmasters, Arkady Gendler, Alina Ivakh, Psoi Korolenko, and many others took part in the gala concert. The book “The Yiddishkait Music” book was presented at the concert. The East European Jewish wedding music, Klezmer, was forgotten for a long time. It comes back to Russia today.…

Wajner, Leon

This brief life of Leon Wajner comes from an album collection of his songs, Cantos de lucha y resurgimiento (Songs of Struggle and Resurrection). Summarized and translated from the Spanish by Lori Cahan-Simon.

Leon Wajner
Born in Lodz in 1898. Died, (Argentina?) 1979. Composer, conductor, performer, and educator. Wajner came from a family of cantors. He studied viola, conducting, at the State Conservatory in Warsaw. Between the years 1915 and 1939, he was a prize winning violist and toured Europe, taught singing and music in various schools, and directed various choirs and orchestras. He was musical director of the Polish Military Theater in Lublin, as well as acting as Minister of Religion and Culture.

He was called to service in the Polish army and was imprisoned by the Russians on September 17, 1939 and held in Rovno, Volinia.…

Tatiana Fleischmann at Klezmer Brunch

klezmer brunch Oct, 2, 2011
Every Sunday Morning, combining live music and food in a fresh, cultural environment, City Winery’s Klezmer brunch series pairs some of the greatest musicians in the world with delicious lox, bagels and other tasty fare on our brunch menu on Sunday mornings from 10am to 2pm. **Please note that the live music is played from 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. with a short break in the middle.

Tickets are just $10 to cover for live music and does not include food or drink. Children 13 and under are free for the music. We have a full brunch menu available upon request.

On select weekends we welcome Rabbi Dan Ain from The New Shul to lead thoughtful discussion on theology, spirituality and the movements of the cosmos.

Yarkoni, Yaffa

Born in Israel in 1925, Yarkoni has had a successful singing career in the new State of Israel, starting off singing songs of the Palmach. She was a radio operator during Israel’s War of Independence. She started singing for large groups at that time, appearing in the army choral troupe and continued to bolster the nation’s morale through many of the tough wars for the next fifty years and became known as “the Singer of the Wars.” In 1967, Yarkoni was chosen to sing “Jerusalem of Gold” in front of the Western Wall after Israel recaptured the city. She traveled throughout the world singing Israel’s new Hebrew songs to sell-out audiences in world venues such as New York’s Carnegie Hall, the Paris Olympia and London’s Palladium.…

“On the Paths: Yiddish Songs with Tsimbl”

On Thursday August 5, 2004 the “Kavehoyz” of the Congress for Jewish
Culture will host a CD release concert for Rebecca Kaplan and Pete
‘s new recording, “On the Paths: Yiddish Songs with Tsimbl”.

Rebecca Kaplan sings rare Yiddish folksongs in an authentic folk
style and Pete Rushefsky is one of the best tsimblers on the Jewish
music scene today.
7:00 PM at 25 E. 21st. St. in Manhattan, between Park and B’way.
Information: 212-505-8040. Coffee and kosher pastries will be served.

To purchase this wonderful CD go to:

Povolotzky, Marianna

Israeli violinist. Born, 1975 in Moscow, Russia. Entered Tchaikovsky Central Music School. Immigrated to Israel 1990. Studied at Jerusalem Rubin Academy and Rubin Academy of Music in Tel Aviv. Member of young Israeli Philharmonic. Won first prize at Tel Aviv Academy chamber music competition, 1996. Appeared as soloist with Ra’anana Symphonette, Tel Aviv Academy Symphony, and Israel Philharmonic Orchestra. Member of second violin section, Israel Philharmonic since 1996.

Yiddish Repertoire Featured in Two Unusual Recitals at Symphony Space:

“Di Sheyne Milnerin” (Feb. 14th) and “A Yiddish Winterreise” (Feb. 16th)

Acclaimed bass-baritone Mark Glanville and Pianist Alexander Knapp will
give two unusual programs at the Leonard Nimoy Thalia at Symphony Space in
February featuring the Yiddish song repertoire.
Tickets $25; Members,
Students, Seniors $20; Day of Show $30

On Monday, February 14th at 7:30 PM the duo will perform the United States
premiere of ‘Di Sheyne Milnerin’ (‘Die Schöne Müllerin’) is a specially
devised cycle of songs from the Yiddish repertoire, only the second time a
collection of Yiddish song has been forged into a cycle with a coherent
dramatic trajectory.

Monday, February 14th, 7.30 p.m.
“Di Sheyne Milnerin (A Yiddish “Die Schöne Müllerin”)
USA Première
Symphony Space
2537 Broadway
New York, NY 10025
(212) 864-5400,+NY&cid=14104568892703723774&z=14
New York City

Wednesday, February 16th, 7.30 p.m.…

Krein, Alexander

Born, Nishny-Novgorod, 1883. Died, Moscow, April 22, 1951. Composer. Distinctive member of The Society for Jewish Folk Music in Moscow at the beginning of the twentieth century. Attended Moscow Conservatory starting around 1897, graduating 1908. Active in the modern music division of the Commission for Folklore, and also in the mid-1920s, wrote music for the Russian Jewish theaters, the Moscow Jewish State Theater and the The White Russian Jewish State Theater. His most important work, the symphonic cantata “Kaddish” for mixed chorus, tenor and orchestra (1921-22), thought lost for many years, was recently recovered in Russia. His music captures the “Hebraic” flavor, including Hebrew Caprice, The Night at the Old Market Place, Gazelles and Songs and Hebrew Sketches.


Nov 1-2, 2014 at the Oshman Family Jewish Community Center, Palo Alto, California.

Interactive klezmer music, song, dance, and more, for all ages, featuring internationally renowned musicians: clarinetist Joel Rubin and Veretski Pass, dancing led by Bruce Bierman.

Saturday night Klezmer Concert & Dance Party
Sunday, 9:00am – 7:00pm
Nine Workshops: Playing klezmer music – all levels and instruments, singing (or listening) at a Zingeray: Yiddish song circle, master classes, klezmer dancing, probing Sholem Aleichem?s characters, writing poetry about the legendary phantasmagoric Golem

Buffet lunch followed by Three Singers, Four Opinions a Yiddish song performance featuring Sharon Bernstein, Jeanette Lewicki and Anthony Russell

Kids/Family program producing a comic, one-act musical based on the Yiddish folk song, How does the Tsar Drink Tea?

Freylekh Finale, Music, Dance & Pizza Party with Joel Rubin, Veretski Pass, Saul Goodman?s Klezmer Band, Ghost Note Ensemble, Festival Klezmer Band, and more!…

Washington Jewish Music Festival 2008

Washington Jewish Music Festival 2008
May 31 – June 8

Nine days of music, film and dialogue from an amazing variety of artists and musical
styles. Visit for a full line-up and tickets.

The Ninth Annual Washington Jewish Music Festival celebrates and explores the wide
spectrum of sounds and traditions that make up Jewish music. Throughout a nine-day
festival, audiences will be able to hear a wide range of styles and influences that
make up the richness of Jewish music. The Festival will feature David Buchbinder’s
Odessa/Havana, an exciting Jewish-Cuban musical fusion; the Afro-Semitic Experience,
showcasing the musical traditions of both Jewish and African diasporas; Beyond The
Pale, presenting new klezmer music, fused with folk and roots; the silent film The
set to live music performed by Davka; the Sisters of Sheynville who swing in
Yiddish; dance music and classical music; musical theater and pop; and much more.…

Starting Research in Jewish Music


This is a guide to library research in the field of Jewish music. It contains a selective list of resources that may be helpful for getting started. For additional assistance with research, consult your local librarian or write to me on email.

Analyzing your research question

For help narrowing your subject for research or with help in formulating your questions to make
them appropriate for online research, read this brief guide.

Research the vocabulary:

In looking for resources in Jewish music, the student should start not only with traditional Library of Congress Subject Headings such as “Jews–music” or “Synagogue music”, but keyword searching. Keyword searching is an important component of any search today and especially on Internet sources. Here are some samples of additional ways to access unknown materials and focus searching in catalogs, databases and online sources:

Using variations: Jews, Jewish, Judaic, Judaism, Jewry

Synonyms and/or related terms: Israeli, Yiddish, Ladino, Hebrew, Yemenite, Sephardic, Ashkenazic, Palestinian, Middle Eastern

Narrower or specific terms: nusach, masoretic chants, chazan, synagogue, avodat hakodesh, klezmer, kol nidrei, Koenigsberg tradition

Word variations or language transliterations: cantor, chazan, hazan, hazon, kanter

Corporate authors or institutions in note fields: Hebrew Union College, Ktav, Transcontinental, Bloch Publishing, Rubin Academy, Hebrew University

Societies or organizations: American Society of Jewish Music, Renanot Institute, Yeshiva University, YIVO, National Yiddish Book Center

Publication medium: sound recordings, videocassette, score, manuscript

Performance groups: Western Wind, Zamir Chorale, Poogy, Arbel

Names: Andy Statman, Debbie Friedman, Hankus Netsky, Srul Glick, Simon Sargon, Ben Steinberg, Nathan Lam, Shlomo Carlbach, Max Janowsky

Broader/and or Related Subject Headings: liturgical music, synagogues; Yiddish theater; Jewish culture; cantillation; manuscripts, Hebrew art song; chants (Jewish); folk song (Jewish); klezmer; Jewish musicians; zemirot; passover songs; Songs, Hebrew; Songs, Yiddish; Music in the Bible; Music in Synagogues; Psalms;

Foreign terms: schir; shirim; megillah; Hebraische Musik; Yehudiym; yidishe; Jiddische lieder; z’mirot; zemirot; nigun; lider; lieder

Encyclopedias and Dictionaries

Nulman, Macy.


Jewish Music Forum Speaker Hasia Diner

The Jewish Music Forum
will host the next lecture in the 2008-2009 series:
December 12, 2008
10:30 am – 12:00 pm
“Engaging Ethnography and Institutionalization in Jewish Music.”
This event is sponsored by the American
Society for Jewish Music and the American Jewish Historical
Society. All events are free and open to the public.

“American Jews, Music and the Memory of the Holocaust: 1945-1962”

Professor Hasia Diner, New York University
Respondent: Cantor Bruce Ruben, Hebrew Union College-Jewish Institute of
Center for Jewish History / Kovno Room
15 W. 16th Street (between 5th and 6th Aves., north side of the street)
New York, NY 10011

Tourel, Jennie

Born, June 22, 1900, Vitebsk, Russia. Died November 23, 1973, New York. Mezzo-soprano. At Opéra Comique for ten years. During WWII, Tourel espcaped through Portugal, then Cuba and finally NY. After an audition with toscanini, she appeared with New York Philharmonic and other major orchestras. Debuted at the Metropolitan Opera in May, 1937 and first appeared in Israel in 1949. Taught at Julliard in New York and in Jerusalem at the Rubin Academy. She was a great friend of Leonard Bernstein, who wrote Jeremiah Symphony to fit her coloratura mezzo-soprano voice. A picture from the Perry Collection at the University of Buffalo shows a picture of Tourel at the Russian Tea Room in NY.


A Southwestern celebration of Klezmer music and dance into the 21st century: a weekend of concerts, dance parties, and classes featuring the music and dance of the Eastern European Jewish People.
FEBRUARY 18th through FEBRUARY 20th, 2005 (President’s day weekend).
Presented by Congregation Nahalat Shalom (Inheritance of Peace congregation) – a non-profit, tax-exempt organization in Albuquerque, New Mexico, USA. For details….

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” Le MANIFESTE ” – Mouvement pour une Paix juste et durable

” Le MANIFESTE ” – Mouvement pour une Paix juste et durable –
vous informe :

Concert exceptionnel de Daniel Barenboïm et l’orchestre
West-Eastern Divan (120 musiciens venus de tout le Proche-Orient)/
Plus d’info :

Vendredi 7 août 2009 à 20h30
Victoria Hall de Genève
Ouverture des portes à 19h30
Programme :
Franz Liszt Les Préludes, Poème symphonique
Richard Wagner Prélude et Mort d’Isolde

Hector Berlioz Symphonie Fantastique
Dans le cadre des concerts de la Ville de Genève
en collaboration avec ” le Manifeste ”
L’orchestre West-Eastern Divan, fondé par Daniel Barenboïm et Edward Saïd
fête ses 10 ans d’existence cet été.
Vente de billets :
Location au guichet
Alhambra, rue de la Rôtisserie 10, lu-ve 10h-18h, sa 10h-17h Tél : 0800
418 418
Arcade d’information de la Ville de Genève, Pont de la Machine 1
lu-ve 12h-17h30, ma-ve 9h-17h30, sa 10h-16h30
Genève-Tourisme, rue du Mont-Blanc 18 lu 10h-18h, ma-sa 9h-18h, di 10h-16h
Location sur place une heure avant chaque concert

Prix des places : Frs 35.- 45.-
Billets de soutien (nombre de places limitées) à frs.…

JMF Presents “Robert Lachmann’s Oriental Music Archive in Mandatory Palestine”

The next event of The Jewish Music Forum 2010-2011 Season will be
Wednesday, Feb. 16, 2011
at Center for Jewish History, New York, NY,
Dr. Ruth Davis will present a lecture
entitled “Robert Lachmann’s Oriental Music Archive in Mandatory Palestine.”
The Jewish Music Forum, now in its seventh season, is a project of
The American Society for Jewish Music, with support from The
American Jewish Historical Society.
Please visit our
website at

Event details are as follows:

Wednesday, February 16th, 2011
4:00 P.M.
Center for Jewish History
15 West 16th Street, New York, NY 10011

All events are FREE and open to the public.

Moscow Male Jewish Choir–Hassidic Capella

A “hasidic capella” choir, the artistic director and conductor is Alexander Tsaliuk. This is the male choir of the Cantorial Art Academy, established in 1989. It is n ow called the Hassidic Cappella, and is based in Moscow. “The choir s singers are all professional musicians  students and teachers at Moscow Tchaikovsky State Conservatory and other leading musical institutes in the capital  who have performed in the city s most acclaimed choral groups. They are united by their commitment to introducing listeners to the beauty of Jewish liturgical and cantorial music — music that has been forgotten and remains unknown to even the most educated lovers of music.” The choir sings in Hebrew, Yiddish and Russian. They perform both Jewish liturgical pieces, Russian folk music and classical repertoire.…



More than 40 free events with internationally acclaimed artists will be
presented in July at the 9th annual Summer On the Hudson, one of New York
City’s largest free summer festivals, The six-month series, which opened May
3 and runs through October 11, is an annual summer arts and cultural
festival in Riverside Park South, West 59th St. to West 72nd Street at the
Hudson River, presented by The New York City Department of Parks &

There will be an enormous variety of other events in music, dance and
theater, most running through August, as well as kayaking, yoga, pilates and
kids’ soccer and basketball. performances Food and drink is for sale at the
park’s Pier I Café.…

Joanne Borts Stars at Gala Pre-Khanike Concert

Master of Ceremonies
Fyvush Finkel
DATE & TIME: Monday, DECEMBER 15, 2014 6:15 PM
MEMBERS $ 40 GUESTS $ 45 CONCERT ONLY $ 25 (8:15 PM)
Kindly send check payable to YAFAC and mail to RUTH HARRIS, TREASURER
For more information:

Cultural Heritage of the Diaspora. Yiddish and Judeo-Spanish: Contrast, Comparison, Contact

Cultural Heritage of the Diaspora. Yiddish and Judeo-Spanish: Contrast, Comparison, Contact
May 8th-9th, 2016, Wrocław

The conference aims to show the current state of research on Yiddish and Judeo-Spanish (Ladino, Judezmo) as well as their present condition and importance as part of the legacy of the Jewish Diaspora. It also creates an opportunity to exchange views and to share the experiences of scholars dealing with both languages. We invite submissions that include different research perspectives or adopt comparative approach in history, anthropology, linguistics, literature and culture studies.

Thematic scope of the conference:

1. Yiddish and Judeo-Spanish – Parallel Histories

History of Yiddish and Judeo-Spanish languages, their structure, character and areas of use in a linguistic, social and gender context.

2. Sources
Description, current state, preservation and protection of sources in both languages (archival documents, press, memorial books, ethnographic sources, oral history etc.).…

A Rare Evening of Klezmer Tsimbl

Zev Feldman, Pete Rushefsky and Alicia Jo Rabins
Performing: “A Rare Evening of Klezmer Tsimbl (Cimbalom/hammered dulcimer)”:
Live at The Stone (
John Zorn, Artistic Director
Basya Schechter, Curator for February series
Date: Wednesday, February 15, 2006
Location: Corner of Ave. C and 2nd St., Lower East Side of Manhattan, NYC
Time: Two sets: 8PM and 10PM
Admission: $10

A special night of music featuring the tsimbl– also known as the cimbalom or Jewish/Eastern European hammered dulcimer. A string instrument played like a xylophone, the tsimbl employs over 100 strings to create a mystical harp-like sonority. It was a popular instrument in Jewish klezmer ensembles across Eastern Europe from the 1500’s through the first decades of the twentieth century.

Wiesenberg, Menachem

Israeli composer. Born 05.08.1950. Pianist. Arranger. Musical Director. BA in Piano Performance at Rubin Academy, Tel Aviv; Winner,  Helena Rubinstein Prize at Julliard. Graduated with Masters from Julliard Schoool of Music (1979); Post graduate studies in Piano and Theory, Mannes College. Currently Head of the Jazz and Interdisciplinary Music Department and Senior Lecturer at the Academy of Music in Jerusalem. Musical advisor for Young Musicins Group at the Jerusalem Music Center. Since 1982, senior lecturer at Tel Aviv Music Teachers College. Known for arrangements of Yiddish and Hebrew folk songs. Examples of this are his 1999 CD with popular singer Chava Alberstein, “Chava Sings More Yiddish Songs” where he was Musical Director, Arranger and Pianist; and the 1983 record “At Home”, with Chava Alberstein. In 2004, was named a visiting composer to the Jewish Music Institute in London.…

Strauss/Warschauer Duo in St. Petersburg 2008

The Strauss/Warschauer Duo will be performing in St. Petersburg, Russia this Wednesday
night, June 25, 7 PM as part of KlezFest St. Petersburg:

Beloselsky-Belozersky Palace
Nevsky Prospekt, 41

For tickets please contact the Jewish Community Center of St. Petersburg Rubinshteina
Street, 3
Tel: (812) 713-38-89, 571-64-40

Tucker, Sophie

One of the earliest Jewish popular music stars to entertain general as well as Jewish audiences, Sophie Tucker was born January 13, 1884 somewhere between Russia and Poland as her parents were coming to America. She arrived as an infant in the U.S. in 1884. Her parents, Charlie and Jennie Abuza, (name was changed from Kalish by the father to avoid Russian army)went to Boston and then to Hartford, Connecticut where the family opened a restaurant and rooming house. Sophie loved entertaining and used every opportunity as a young girl to show off, sometimes singing for customers. She dreamed of becoming a star and performed in some amateur groups at the local theater.

After high school she married a young trucker named Louis Tuck, and they had one son, Bert.…

Klez California Events Coming Soon!

NEW: Saturday, July 20, 4:00pm, Anthony Russell presents The Sidor Belarsky Songbook. Part of JCC San Francisco’s Oneg Shabbat, 2:00-5:00pm. Similar events are taking place every Saturday, through August 24. Many activities for all ages. No charge. More info: 415.292.1286

Saturday, July 20, 7:30-10:00pm, Mama Loshn in “A Mit-Zumer Nakht Cholem,” A Mid-Summer Night’s Dream Dance Party. Yiddish, Ladino, and English-language music. Mama Loshn will welcome other musical guests, including Reb Irwin Keller, Laurie Le’ah Lippin, and dance leader Bruce Bierman. At Congregation Ner Shalom, Cotati. Wine and beer available for purchase. Tickets: $20 advance /$25 door. More info: 707.528.5538, .

Sunday, July 21, 6:00pm (music begins 6:30pm) Klezmer Night with Saul Goodman‘s Klezmer Band, featuring Mike Perlmutter (clarinet), Dave Rosenfeld (mandolin, violin, percussion), and Jack Hanly (poyk, mandolin).…

‘Tailoring an Operetta to Its Audience’ Presentation at CJH

Dr. Michael Ochs, and noted scholar on Jewish music, Professor Mark Slobin
will present the talk, “Tailoring an Operetta to Its Audience:
Rumshinsky’s Di goldene kale (1923)” at the Center for Jewish History (15 West 16th
Street, NYC) on Friday, February 22, 2013 at 10:30 A.M., in what promises to be an
engaging discussion of the issues surrounding the re-construction and
arrangement of a Yiddish theater work.

Joseph Rumshinsky’s 1923 musical comedy, Di goldene kale (The Golden
Bride) was a work carefully designed to both move and entertain its specialized
American audience: Yiddish-speaking immigrants from Eastern Europe and
their families. With pathos (the basic ingredient), love, “Jewish-style”
music, a ritual kiddush, acts set in a shtetl and in America, a shadchen, a
lullaby that slips into Russian, assimilated Jews speaking broken Yiddish, a
paean to America, as well as other compelling features, it offered its
attendees a meaningful evening based on their past and present experiences.…



at the Museum of Jewish Heritage-A Living Memorial to the Holocaust

.WHAT: Second Annual New York’s Best Emerging Jewish Artists

WHERE: Museum of Jewish Heritage-A Living Memorial to the Holocaust
36 Battery Place, New York, NY 10280

WHEN: Wednesday, July 25 at 7p.m.

COST: $25 members, $30 non-members

NEW YORK, NY – After last year’s sold-out show which the Downtown Express called
“authentic, funny – and yes, subversive…,” the Museum welcomes a new line-up of
the best local Jewish talent. Established performers will introduce emerging Jewish
artists for a dynamic evening of cutting-edge comedy, music, and film at the Museum
of Jewish Heritage-A Living Memorial to the Holocaust on July 25 at 7 p.m.…

Jonathan Keren Premiere Featured at The Israeli Chamber Project with Samuel Rhodes

JTS Presents: The Israeli Chamber Project with Samuel Rhodes, an Evening of Chamber Music from The Juilliard School featuring Tibi Cziger (clarinet), Michal Korman (cello), Assaff Weisman (piano), Carmit Zori (violin), with special guest artist Samuel Rhodes (viola) will take place on Wednesday, October 22, 2014, at 7:30 p.m. at The Jewish Theological Seminary (JTS), located at 3080 Broadway (corner 122nd Street) in New York City. The Israeli Chamber Project (ICP) will perform a wide-ranging program of favorite classics and recent works influenced by Jewish culture, including music of Mozart, Schulhoff, Brahms, and the New York premiere of music by Israeli composer Jonathan Keren.

Admission to the concert is by ticket only. Tickets are $10 each; students with a valid school ID—as well as JTS alumni, faculty, students, and staff—may request up to two free tickets each.…

Irving Fine: An American Composer in His Time

By Phillip Ramey

This thoroughly researched biography, commissioned by Verna Fine, widow of the composer, is a highly readable entree not only to the life and works of Irving Fine, but to the history of the Brandeis University Department of Music. Irving Fine was a highly creative and innovative composer, and became the Walter W. Naumburg Professor of Music and Chairman of the School of Creative Arts at Brandeis. His inventive leadership of a newly formed Creative Arts Department would set the tone and course of study for the next 50 years. Fine had taught theory and music history at Harvard from 1939-50, when he joined the music faculty of Brandeis in Fall, 1950, as Lecturer in Music and Composer in Residence. Fine’s intellect led him to a style of “Stravinskian neoclassicism and romatically inflected serialism” that was to catch the imagination and close friendship of the American musical luminaries of the day, including Boston Symphony conductor Serge Koussevitzky, composers Aaron Copland and Leonard Bernstein, and his Brandeis colleagues Harold Shapero and Arthur Berger.…

Klezmer Influences in American Jewish Music

Admission: General $12 | YIVO Members $8
Box Office: | (212) 868-4444
Venue: YIVO Institute at the Center for Jewish History | 15 West 16th Street – NYC

For years, American Jewish composers have been integrating klezmer and Yiddish folk songs into new classical music, inventing a new form of artistic and cultural Jewish expression. In this unique lecture-demonstration, we present three of these outstanding and rarely performed pieces—Dreams and Prayers of Isaac the Blind by Osvaldo Golijov, Six Yiddish Scenes by Paul Alan Levi, and Café Music by Paul Schoenfield—and delve into the intricacies and challenges of performing American Jewish music today. Special guests include internationally-acclaimed clarinetist Todd Palmer, who will discuss the klezmer and mystical elements of Dreams and Prayers; pianist and composer Paul Alan
Levi, who will speak with Michael Leavitt, President of the American Society for Jewish Music about interpreting Yiddish Art Songs today; and Yuval Waldman, artistic director of the Sidney Krum Concert Series, who will introduce the hybrid klezmer-jazz elements in the closing piano trio Café Music…

Razdolina, Zlata (Rosenberg)

A composer and singer. Most of her repertoire of more than six hundred romances and songs is composed on texts of the famous Russian classical poets, A. Akhmatova, N.Gumilyov, O. Mandelstam, M. Tsvetayeva, A. Blok, I. Severyanin, S.Yesenin and others. In Israel she has written music for symphony orchestras, choirs and chamber ensembles.

Born in Leningrad. (Now St. Petersburg). Composer and singer. Most of her repertoire of more than six hundred romances and songs is composed on texts of the famous Russian classical poets, A. Akhmatova, N.Gumilyov, O. Mandelstam, M. Tsvetayeva, A. Blok, I. Severyanin, S.Yesenin and others. In Israel she has written music for symphony orchestras, choirs and chamber ensembles. Works include “Requiem”, performed in 1989 at the Kremlin, Moscow; “The song of the Murdered Jewish People” on a poem by Itzhak Katzenelson; soundtrack for Kastner’s Trial”.…

Reisenberg, Nadia

Born 14 July 1904, in Vilna, Lithuania, Nadia Reisenberg moved with her family to St. Petersburg in 1915 where she studied piano at the Conservatory under Leonid Nikolaiev. After the Russian revolution, the family moved, going from Vilna, where Nadia played in the Gelios Theatre accompanying movies, to Poland where she concertized with the Warsaw Philharmonic, to Germany. The Reisenberg s came to America in 1922. Under the helpful largesse of Isaac Sherman, Nadia gave private recitals and began to build a reputation.

With less than one year of study with Alexander Lambert in New York, she gave her American debut on 17 December 1922, playing the Polish Fantasy by Ignace Paderewski, with the composer at the performance in the Century Theatre. With sterling reviews by the press, the young Miss Reisenberg began to receive invitations for more recitals.…

YIVO Announces the Vilna Project

YIVO released the following important (and exciting) announcement:
East European Jewish Archive and Library Saved from
the Destruction of the Holocaust to be Reunited After 70 Years

Vilnius, Lithuania (September 23, 2014) – The YIVO Institute for Jewish Research is pleased to announce the launch of The Vilna Project, a seven-year international project to preserve, digitize and virtually reunite YIVO’s prewar archives located in New York City and Vilnius, Lithuania, through a dedicated web portal. The Project will also digitally reconstruct the historic Strashun Library of Vilna, one of the great prewar libraries in Europe. Project partners are The YIVO Institute for Jewish Research, The Central State Archives of Lithuania and the National Library of Lithuania.

In 1941, the Nazis destroyed YIVO in Vilna and ransacked the archives and library.…

Musica Judaica Issues: 2000-2001, Volume XV

This Table of Contents Service is provided by The Jewish Music WebCenter on behalf of The American Society for Jewish Music.

Volume XV. 2000-2001

Israel J. Katz
Arbie Orenstein

Greetings from Hadassah B. Markson p. iv
From the Editorsp. iv
Nationalism and the Creation of Jewish Music: The Politicization of Music and Language in the German-Jewish Press Prior to the Second World WarEsther Schmidt p.1
Heinrich Schalit and Weimar Jewish MusicEliott Kahn p.33
The Song of Israel: An Eastern ViewpointAmnon Shiloahp.69
Yemenite Women's Songs at the Habani Jews' Wedding CelebrationsYael Shaip. 83
The Third London International Conference on Jewish Music (2000)Malcolm Millerp.97
A Musical Banquet: the Tenth London International Jewish Music Festival (11 June-13 July 2000)Malcolm Millerp.111
IN MEMORIAM: Irene Heskes (1923-1999)Jon Newsomp.119
IN MEMORIAM: Byron Cantrell (1919-1997)Israel J.


Milken Archive Sponsors Competition

The Milken Archive of American Jewish music is looking for good art that meets the ear. The Milken Archive of Jewish Music in collaboration with the Foundation for Jewish Culture is launching Eye Meets Ear: Visual Arts Competition for Emerging Artists to select 20 works as cover art for 20 themed volumes of music in the Milken Archive’s new virtual museum.

The competition runs from September 1 to November 1, with winners to be announced in late December 2010. Each work selected will earn the artist a $2,000 cash prize. Artists, who must be ages 18 to 39, may submit works of art in any visual mediums that express and/or relate to the theme of individual virtual museum volumes, each of which explores a particular historical, cultural or musical theme.…

Meira Warshauer’s In Memoriam

Composer Meira Warshauer’s In Memoriam September 11 and Caesaria will be presented in the U.S. and Germany in several formats by several ensembles on Saturday, September 10 and Sunday, September 11, 2011.

The World and German Premiere performances of the cello choir version of In Memoriam (for 6 celli, adapted by Mirel Iancovici from the version for solo cello and strings) will be given by Mr. Iancovici and I Multicelli in Bottrop at Martinskirche on September 10 at 7:00 PM, in Gelsenkirchen at the New Synagogue on the 11th at noon and in Gladbeck at the Martin Luther Forum Ruhr on the 11th at 6:00 PM. Other composers on these programs include J.S. Bach, Mozart, Ravel, Samuel Barber, Max Bruch and John Tavener. Special guest soloist will be Felicia Hamza.…

Vampire Suit reunites in Brooklyn June 22nd

After a long break spent pursuing other activities, the members of Vampire
Suit reunite at their favorite venue. The band will play on June 22nd at Barbes, 376
9th St., Park Slope, Brooklyn, at 8pm.

As the group’s leader and composer, Jay Vilnai brings to Vampire Suit his wide
palette experiences as a musician in New York, having shared the stage with such
diverse figures as Klezmer great Frank London, Brazilian percussionist Jorge Martins
saxophonist Roy Nathanson, and having played anything from traditional jazz to
Balkan music, Klezmer to Schoenberg, free improv to cabaret shows.


East Village Klezmer Series Returns – January 18th, 8:30pm with a wonderful double
Adrianne Greenbaum’s Fleytmusik – featuring Pete Rushevsky, and Zevy Zions –
solo accordion.

Klezmer and Yiddish Music returns to the East Village, where it once was
king, at a new series curated by Aaron Alexander at the Sixth Street
Community Synagogue, 325 E. Sixth Street | New York, NY 10003.
The lineup for the winter/spring series includes a
fantastic lineup including wonderful klezmorim from New York and faraway
places such as Montreal, Berlin, Boston, and the UK. We are lucky to have
such a great group of musicians contributing to this endeavor. Please come
out and support the series!

The series are co-sponsored by Workmen?s Circle/Arbeiter Ring of NY,
All shows start at 8.30 and cover is $15 (drink included) unless otherwise

Saints & Tzadiks: A Concert of Yiddish and Irish Songs

Wednesday, Feb 16 • 7:30 PM
University of St. Thomas, Jones Hall • 3910 Yoakum
For info:
Susan McKeown and Lorin SklambergIrish singer Susan McKeown and Klezmatics lead singer and accordionist, Lorin Sklamberg, present Saints & Tzadiks — a concert combining Yiddish and Irish songs. Culled from rare archive material and old recordings, McKeown and Sklamberg have selected songs on various themes from the Jewish and Irish traditions. The bulk of the Jewish material is drawn from the Ruth Rubin Archive at the YIVO Institute for Jewish Research. The Irish songs come from both the popular and the ancient Gaelic sean nos traditions.

$10 Adults / Children and Students Free

JCC Houston
5601 S. Braeswood
Houston, TX 77096-3907
(713) 729-3200
FAX: (713) 551-7223
Purchase Tix

22nd Jewish Music Festival California around the San Francisco Bay Area

Wow. What a a lineup of artists… Wish I was there! Soooo!! you WestCoasters will have a great time…because you can be there… if you’re anywhere near San Francisco, you will not want to miss this incredible group of artists. –JMWC

The 22nd Jewish Music Festival is almost here. It’s being held around the San Francisco Bay Area

This year’s Festival will be held from March 8-25 and feature concerts throughout the Bay Area. Performers include Aires de Sefarad; Michael Alpert; Peter Apfelbaum; Avi Avital; Steven Bernstein; Dan Cantrell; Kitka; Klezmer Buenos Aires; Pharaoh’s Daughter and more!

Kremer, Isa

Born in Beltz, Bessarabia. 21 October 1887. Died Cordoba, Argentia, 7 July 1956. Possibly the first women to bring Yiddish song to the concert stage in Russia, was known as an international balladist. Married Israel Heifetz and had one daughter, Toussia, 1917. Yiddish singer and opera star. She studied in Italy, and came to US. Operatic debut in La Boheme in 1902. Joined a group of intellectuals in Odessa with her husand and began to sing Yiddish songs. Due to the Russian revolution, escaped to Poland and then to America. Represented by Sol Hurok for her American debut at Carnegie Hall 29 October, 1922. Sang also in vaudeville Palace Theatre debut in 1927. “Mein Shtetle Belz” was written for her by Olshanetsky and Jacobs for the show “Song of the Ghetto.” Traveled throughout Canada and US on concert tours.…



at the Museum of Jewish Heritage-A Living Memorial to the Holocaust

.WHAT: Second Annual New York’s Best Emerging Jewish Artists

WHERE: Museum of Jewish Heritage-A Living Memorial to the Holocaust
36 Battery Place, New York, NY 10280

WHEN: Wednesday, July 25 at 7p.m.

COST: $25 members, $30 non-members

NEW YORK, NY – After last year’s sold-out show which the Downtown Express called
“authentic, funny – and yes, subversive…,” the Museum welcomes a new line-up of
the best local Jewish talent. Established performers will introduce emerging Jewish
artists for a dynamic evening of cutting-edge comedy, music, and film at the Museum
of Jewish Heritage-A Living Memorial to the Holocaust on July 25 at 7 p.m.…


The Toronto Jewish Folk Choir marks the 60 anniversary of the end of World War II and the liberation of the Nazi death camps in its 79th annual spring concert, Sunday, June 5, 7 p.m. at the Leah Posluns Theatre, 4588 Bathurst St. (parking available). Alexander Veprinsky conducts, with Lina Zemelman on piano, and the
Toronto Mandolin Orchestra as guest artists. Tickets, $22, $18 seniors and
students, are available at the door, or in advance from Jewish bookstores or by
calling 416-593-0750. Children under 12 are admitted free; group rates are
available on request. Information may also be obtained via
(click on Institutions) or by e-mailing

Call for Papers: Hearing Israel: Music, Culture and History at 60

Hearing Israel: Music, Culture and History at 60
University of Virginia
April 13-14, 2008

As the State of Israel approaches the sixtieth anniversary
of its founding in the spring of 2008, academic scholarship
continues to
focus primarily on its political life, religious and ethnic diversity,
and foreign policy. Much less attention has been devoted to the
life of Israeli society and its impact on evolving Israeli identities
across generations. One of the most dynamic yet least studied
spheres of
Israeli culture to emerge in the six decades since statehood is its
music, ranging from the worlds of pop music, rock, rap, and
mizrahit /to classical, religious, and ethnic traditions.

these questions, the University of Virginia will host an historic
international conference on Israeli music on April 13 and 14,

“Jewish Identities and the Quest for Purity in Twentieth-Century Art Music” by Dr. Klara Moricz

the Jewish Music Forum invites you to join us this Friday at the Center for Jewish History, 9 December 2011, for the next event of the 2011-2012 Jewish Music Forum season. JMF presents a talk entitled, “Jewish Identities and the Quest for Purity in Twentieth-Century Art Music” by Dr. Klara Moricz.

Friday December 9, 2011, 10:30 a.m.-12:00 p.m.
Center for Jewish History

15 West 16th Street, New York, New York 10011

Radio Gagarin: Experiments in Sunday Socialism

Sunday 16th July 6pm – 1am
Radio Gagarin: Experiments in Sunday Socialism
Notting Hill Arts Club, 21 Notting Hill Gate, London W12
6pm – 1a.m. £5.

After a run of successive roadblocks, Radio Gagarin is back with the latest
in a series of regular Gypsy Balkan Russian Klezmer mash-ups at the NHAC.

The Commissar continues to pledge exclusive new music from your hosts the
Gagarin Allstars, plus special guests, internationally renowned, Mama Matrix
with Daz Dolczech, poetry from Tim Cumming, performance from Friends of
Gagarin, Marxist-Leninist alienation from art/animation/video installations
for the Proletariat from state artists Adrian Philpott & Cathy Gale; frozen
vodka & rakiya galore and resident DKs (Dancefloor Komissars) Max Reinhardt
& Misha Maltsev sweating it out in the Gypsy Diskoteka til’ the road of
excess has led us to the place of wisdom.…

Shostakovich at 100 Held in LA

Shostakovich at 100 – A Community Concert
Wednesday, June 7, 2006 at 8:00 p.m.
Valley Beth Shalom, 15739 Ventura Boulevard, Encino 91436

Celebrating the centennial of Russia’s leading 20th century composer,
The Jewish Music Commission of Los Angeles (JMCLA) presents a free
community concert. Featuring special guest Joseph Dorfman, concert
pianist, composer, and Shostakovich scholar at Buchman-Mehta School of
Music (Tel Aviv University), the concert will showcase performances by
Barry Gold (cello), Mark Kashper (violin), David Kasap (accordion), Hila
(soprano), Alma Mora (mezzo-soprano), Mark Saltzman (tenor) and Neal Brostoff (piano). Dorfman will perform his “Trio, in Memoriam
Dimitri Shostakovich” (1976). Shostakovich’s “From Jewish Folk Poetry,”
op. 79 (1948), written at the height of Soviet cultural repression and
featuring Russian translations of Yiddish folk poetry, will also be

Kabbalah at DROM

Friends from Marseille, France are coming to NY to rock your socks off!! On June 14th, Kabbalah is bringing their unique groove of Yiddish songs in English, German, and Russian, where rock, jazz, pop, hip hop, gypsy, Slavic and oriental music collide to create an amazing new sounds. Doors: 6:30 PM / Show: 7:00 PM
Drom NYC • 85 Avenue A • New York, NY

Then the Ljuba Davis Ladino Ensemble celebrate there Album Release on June 15th. Davis has been a mainstay of the early West Coast Jewish music revival, who is now a passionate musical elder savoring the expressive force of a lifetime of song, celebration, and wisdom. Doors: 7:00 PM / Show: 8:00 PM

And don’t forget, the fourth annual Istanblive summer concert series is right around the corner.After an unprecedented three-year run at Central Park SummerStage, Istanbulive IV triumphantly debuts this year at Lincoln Center Out of Doors on July 28th.…

Triangle Fire an opera by Leonard Lehman in NYC

You may be interested in attending a performance of a new one-act opera, Triangle Fire, with music by Leonard Lehrman and a libretto by Ellen Frankel.  It’s being performed Saturday, March 25, 2017, at 8:00 pm – $10 suggested donation; no one turned away

at 8 PM
at New York University, Room 220, 32 Waverly Place (at the corner of University Place).

The opera, a Puffin Foundation commission, commemorates the fire that broke out at the Triangle Shirtwaist Factory on March 25, 1911, killing 146 garment workers, most of them young Jewish and Italian women, recently arrived from Europe.  It was one of the worst industrial accidents in American history.

For further information:

About the Creators
Composer: Leonard Lehrman‘s previous works include  A Requiem for Hiroshima (with Lee Baxandall), E.G.: A Musical Portrait of Emma Goldman (with Karen Ruoff Kramer), and Sacco and Vanzetti (with Marc Blitzstein).

“Di Goldene Kale (The Golden Bride)” in New York

Yiddish Opera Di Goldene Kale (the Golden Bride) will be live in New York and runs from Dec. 2 through Jan. 3 at the Museum of Jewish Heritage, 36 Battery Place, Lower Manhattan
An article about the show appears in the New York Times:
Previews December 2 – 6
Performances December 8 – January 3
Gala Opening Night
Tuesday | December 8 | 7:30 P.M.

Wednesdays & Thursdays | 2 P.M. & 7:30 P.M.*
Saturdays | 7:30 P.M.
Sundays | 2 P.M. & 6 P.M.
Fridays | December 25 & January 1| 12 P.M.
*No 7:30 P.M. Performance on December 31

NYTF opens its 101st season with Di Goldene Kale (The Golden Bride), first seen on stage in the Roaring 20s. In this operetta, Goldele, a poor girl from the shtetl, inherits a fortune from her estranged father and embarks on a mission to find both her long-lost mother and her husband-to-be.…



Semi-Staged Concert Performances in New York on April 28 & 30
of a new opera in two acts by Gerald Cohen and Deborah Brevoort

These semi-staged concert performances will take place on:
Sunday, April 28, 2 p.m. at Shaarei Tikvah Congregation, Scarsdale, NY; and
Tuesday, April 30, 7 p.m. at the Jewish Theological Seminary, New York, NY

Details can be found on Gerald Cohen ‘s website
Shaarei Tikvah Congregation is located at 46 Fox Meadow Road, Scarsdale NY. Individual tickets are $30 at the door; $25 in advance; $15 for seniors and $10 for students. Please contact (914) 472-2013 or

Jewish Theological Seminary (JTS) is located at 3080 Broadway (at 122nd st.), New York, NY.…

Lippitz, Lori

Aamerican. Vocalist and guitarist. Cantorial soloist. B.A. in English and Russian Literature, U. of Michigan, Ann Arbor, 1979. Additional work in Russian Language and Literature, U. of Chicago, IL. Founder, the Maxwell Street Klezmer Band, 1983. Cantorial soloist for ten years at the Jewish Reconstructionist Congregation of Evanston, IL. Cantorial soloist Congregation Or Shalom, Vernon Hills, IL. High Holidays Cantorial Soloist for the U. of Michigan and U. of Wisconsin Reform services. Founded the Heavy Shtetl congregational klezmer band. Co-founded the Yiddish Arts Ensemble, a family repertory company.

Hazamir Choir of Helsinki –Judiska Sangforeningen rf

The purpose of the Hazamir Helsinki Choir is to maintain and promote the Jewish musical tradition. Hazamir is a mixed voice choir, and has been since 1917. Singers come both from Helsinki’s Jewish congregation along with members of other music groups. Today, the choir s repertoire consists mainly of Hebrew and Yiddish language songs. Additionally, the choir sings songs in Finnish, Swedish, and, more recently, in Russian. A large part of the choir s Yiddish language repertoire is arranged for this choir and, therefore, unique. The Choir s long-time director, Eva Jacob, has made a number of arrangements for the choir, and also brought the Russian-Jewish tradition of choral singing into their repertoire. The Choir appears regularly and is active in a range of festivals and music events.…

“Purim in Khelm”

You are cordially invited to four free New York-area
performances of a new Yiddish musical comedy, “Purim
in Khelm”, presented by the National Yiddish Theatre –
Folksbiene and sponsored by the City University of New

“Purim in Khelm” features a professional cast,
klezmorim, and original Yiddish songs, and is
presented in Yiddish with English and Russian

by Motl Didner and Miryem-Khaye Seigel

An original Yiddish musical comedy
Presented with English and Russian supertitles

Featuring: Ashley Adler, Leizer Burko, Itzy Firestone,
Richard Kass, Susanne Nancy Kobb, David Mandelbaum,
Stuart Marshall, Freydale Zynstein-Oz, Harry Peerce
and Miryem-Khaye Seigel

With Art Bailey, Deborah Strauss and Jeff Warschauer

FOUR FREE PERFORMANCES sponsored by the City
University of New York

1) Tuesday, February 27 – Hunter College, Kaye
Playhouse – 7 PM.…

Ettinger, Dan

Israeli. Born 1971 in Holon, Israel. Baritone, pianist and conductor, an accomplished pianist, accompanist and coach, and was a faculty member of the Rubin Academy of Music in Jerusalem and the Tel Aviv University. A recent press release revealed: “Dan began his piano studies at the age of six. He graduated from Thelma Yellin High School, and served in the IDF’s special program for excellent musicians. In 1993, he won first prize in the Francois Shapira Competition as a baritone singer (1993) and performed with the Israeli Philharmonic Orchestra. He participated for several years in the summer academy courses of IVAI – Israel Vocal Arts Institute. During 1995-1998 Dan sang in various roles at the New Israeli Opera and was also a faculty member at the Rubin Academy of Music in Jerusalem and Tel Aviv University.…

Melodia Spring Concert Awakening the Spirit in NYC

Melodia’s spring concert Awakening the Spirit will feature the U.S. Premiere of John Rutter’s new work “Visions,” a powerful work that examines the spiritual, religious, and historic importance of Jerusalem as a symbol of “a utopian ideal of heavenly peace and seraphic bliss for redeemed humanity” in four movements.

The violin soloist performing this piece is the wonderful Areta Zhulla, an award-winning young artist who works and trains with Itzhak Perlman. I’ll enclose the details of the upcoming performances of this piece below, but please don’t hesitate to get in touch if you’d like this information in a different format. Thanks so much for considering adding this event to your calendar.

Melodia Women’s Choir led by Cynthia Powell, Areta Zhulla (violin), Rita Costanzi (harp), and an all-female string quintet: Rachell Wong, Robyn Quinnett, violins; Stephanie Griffin, viola; Kate Dillingham, cello; and Kathyrn Stewart, bass.…

Beyle Schaechter Gottesman: Song of Autumn

Yiddish Film Project
Worlds within a World: Conversations with Yiddish Writers
Beyle Schaechter Gottesman: Song of Autumn

The League for Yiddish, publishers of the magazine Afn Shvel is pleased to
announce that the
film Beyle Schaechter-Gottesman: Song of Autumn (BEYLE SHEKHTER-GOTESMAN:
), the
second film in our series Worlds within a World: Conversations with Yiddish Writers
(A velt mit veltelekh: shmuesn mit yidishe shraybers) is ready and available for viewing and

The film is available in VHS
or DVD format.
TO ORDER, send $30 plus $5 postage (in the US) or your credit card information to:
SUITE 1101
Postage for Canada : $6.00 for either VHS or DVD.…

Korczak’s Orphans Opera in Brooklyn

The opear, Korczak’s Orphans will be presented by the Opera Company of Brooklyn
Saturday, May 3, 7pm at Stephen Wise Free Synagogue.

,br /
This Yom Hashoah, Stephen Wise Free Synagogue hosts the Opera Company of Brooklyn’s premiere of Korczak’s
. This opera, by composer Adam Silverman and librettist Susan Gubernat, is a
moving, impassioned story based on the life of Janusz Korczak (1878-1942). Directed
by SWFS member Judy Weinstein and member Will Conard performs. Tickets are $25 and can be
purchesed at the door, by calling 212-567-3283 or at
Free to Stephen Wise Free Synagogue (SWFS) Members.
Stephen Wise Free Synagogue(30 West 68th Street, Manhattan; subway: 1 to 66th Street or B/C to 72nd Street).…

HOT, HIP AND HEYMISH with the Queen of Yiddish Soul

Congregation Sinai presents
Piano Accompaniment byGRANT STURIALE
Sunday, February 24th
at 2:00 PM
at Congregation Sinai, 1532 Willowbrae Avenue in San Jose, California

Join Tony Award Nominee Eleanor Reissa for a celebration of the vitality of Yiddish
music and humor. You don’t need to understand Yiddish to appreciate the joy and
warmth of this unique soulful language. The show seamlessly blends passionate folk
songs, classics of the Second Avenue Theater, and stirring expressions of love,
piousness, and protest.

Tickets are only $36.00 $25.00 for Seniors 65 and over $18.00 for Kids 18.00 and
under $75.00 for Supporters (includes a CD and preferred seating) $500.00 for Patrons
(includes a CD, preferred seating, and a party at the home of Maureen Ellenberg
with a performance by Miss Reissa in a warm, intimate setting)
For reservations please call
(408) 264-8542

– Sheldon Harnick, lyricist of Fiddler on The Roof

– 1010 WINS Radio

-The New York Daily News…


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Klezmer in Charlottesville, VA

internationally acclaimed clarinetist Joel Rubin and tsimbalist
Pete Rushefsky will be offering a rare evening of klezmer and hasidic duets
Tues., Jan. 29, 2008, 7:00 pm, at the Gravity Lounge in Charlottesville.

The duo will perform Eastern European Jewish instrumental klezmer music and
hasidic nigunim (religious melodies of spiritual elevation), including
material from Midnight Prayer, recorded in Budapest with the 8-piece
international Joel Rubin Jewish Music Ensemble for the New York label,
Traditional Crossroads (2007), the forthcoming Nign of Reb Mendel
Futterfass, and other projects.

For more information, see


New CD Release: Ya’ale is for sale through CDBaby –

With Ya’ale, her first solo recording, Shaina Ettel expresses her love of Torah and song. She brings a fresh approach to traditional Jewish music. She captures the heart and soul of Chabad niggunim. The songs are powerful . The CD comes with
an 8 page insert with text in English and Hebrew. Shaina Ettel’s voice has an “ethereal” quality and has been compared to Judy Collins, or Sarah Brightman. This CD, consists of 13 selections with
Shaina Ettel accompanied by both piano and full orchestration.

Shaina Ettel grew up in Saratoga Springs, New York. She is a professionally trained
vocalist, and has performed in many concerts and shows. She made Aliyah 2½ years
ago and presently lives in the picturesque Nachlaot neighborhood.…

Rabbi Jeffrey Summit’s “Singing God’s Words” at Jewish Music Forum

On Monday, February 13, 2017 at 7pm, Rabbi Jeffrey A. Summit, Ph.D. will speak about his new book, Singing God’s Words: The Performance of Biblical Chant in Contemporary Judaism (Oxford University Press, 2016).

This book is the first in-depth study of the meaning and experience of chanting Torah among contemporary American Jews, describing how this ritual is shaped by such forces as digital technology, feminism and contemporary views of spirituality.

Rabbi Summit will be joined by discussants Dr. Mark Slobin, Winslow-Kaplan Professor of Music Emeritus at Weleyan University and Cantor Richard Cohn, Director, Debbie Friedman School of Sacred Music, Hebrew Union College-Jewish Institute of Religion.

Center for Jewish History | 15 West 16th Street | New York, NY 10011

This program is co-sponsored by the American Jewish Historical Society.


Jewish Artists Line Up This Fall atThe Museum of Jewish Heritage

The Museum of Jewish Heritage is pleased to announce its concert line up for October
and November of this year. All events will take place at the Museum of Jewish
Hertiage, 36 Battery Place in Lower Manhattan.

Monday, October 8, 7 P.M
Tuesday, October 9, 7 P.M.
Wednesday, October 10, 7 P.M.

Idan Raichel
Songs for Peace: The Acoustic Series
Featuring Idan Raichel; with Marta Gomez, Somi, Cabra Casay, and Itamar Doari

Join dynamic Isaraeli artist Idan Raichel for his very first series of intimate
acoustic concerts in New York. Idan blends the unique sounds of Israel’s cultural
tradition with styles frm around the world for a sound that Billboard Magazine calls
a “multi-ethnic tour de force.” Showcasing new and old musical partnerships, Idan
and artists will celebrate the universal language of music.…

“The Media and the Messenger: Transforming the Cantor’s Art in the Age of Mechanical Reproduction”

Jeffrey Shandler
March 9th
“The Media and the Messenger: Transforming the Cantor’s Art In the Age of Mechanical Reproduction ”
Location: The Center for Jewish History
15 W. 16th St. New York City
Date: Friday, March 9, 2007
Time: 10:30 AM to Noon

Admission: This event is free and open to the public.
Sponsored by the American Jewish Historical Society
and the American Society for Jewish Music
The Jewish Music Forum lecture series continues, with an
investigation of the cantor’s life, art, and spirituality as narrated
through various modes of communication:
“The Media and the Messenger: Transforming the Cantor’s
Art in the Age of Mechanical Reproduction”

Presented by:
Dr. Jeffrey Shandler, Rutgers University
Respondents: Dr. Barbara Kirshenblatt-Gimblett, New York
University, and Dr. Mark Slobin, Wesleyan University
Co-sponsor: Working Group on Jews/Media/Religion
at the Center for Religion and Media, New York University…

Yosif Feigelson Cello Concert of Mieczyslaw Weinberg in NYC

Weinberg sonatasOn Sunday, November 22nd at 3 p.m. celebrated Russian cellist Yosif Feigelson
will perform at the Stephen Wise Free Synagogue (30 West 68th Street, NYC).

The concert will feature four Cello Sonatas of composer Mieczyslaw (Moishe) Weinberg (1919-1996). Tickets and more information are available at the website: or by phone at: (212) 877-4050.

Called “one of the most prolific, yet largely overlooked composers”,
Mieczyslaw (Moishe) Weinberg is author to 26 symphonies, 17 string quartets, operas,
concerti as well as music to many movies including famous “The Cranes Are Flying”.
For more facts about composer visit

Milken Archive Releases 50 CD set

Milken Archive Completes First Phase of Multi-Year Recording Project with Release of 49th and 50th CDs-
and Complete Box Set

The Milken Archive of American Jewish Music, the most comprehensive exploration of music related to Jewish life in America ever undertaken, has reached a major milestone with the release of the 49th and 50th CDs in its pioneering recording series on Naxos American Classics.

These discs illustrate two of the Archive’s primary goals: to reconstruct and preserve for current and future generations major musical manifestations of the American Jewish experience and to reveal the intersection of Jewish composers and Jewish subject matter with some of the major genres in Western classical music.
The Milken Archive has also released a deluxe box set of < 50 Milken Archive CDs.…

Kristallnacht Commemorated with the Glorious Music of Salomon Sulzer and Louis Lewandowski

New York. Congregation Rodeph Sholom’s Senior Cantor,
Rebecca Garfein, and Cantorial Intern, Jennifer Strauss-Klein will
commemorate Kristallnacht-the Night of Broken Glass, with the music of
renowned Viennese Cantor, Salomon Sulzer and Berlin composer, Louis
Lewandowski at 6p.m., Friday, November 3, 2006 during Shabbat services.
Guest Cantor, Dr. Bruce Ruben, newly appointed Director of the Hebrew
Union College-Jewish Institute of Religion’s School of Sacred Music will
also participate in this special service. Rodeph Sholom’s Organist, Dr.
John Schuder and augmented professional choir, will accompany the
cantors. This event is free of charge and the entire community is
invited to attend. Rodeph Sholom is located at 7 West 83rd Street (off
Central Park West.) For more information, please call (212) 362-8800, extension 1337.


Thursday, Oct. 26, 2006
92nd Street Y, 1395 Lexington Avenue @ 92nd Street

Michael Alpert, artistic consultant.
Yiddish musicperformed by a blockbuster crew, with Michael Alpert: vocals, drums, violin,
Sharon Bernstein: vocals, Adrienne Cooper: vocals,
Rebecca Kaplan: vocals, Janet Leuchter: vocals,
Miryem-Khaye Seigal: vocals, Paula Teitelbaum: vocals,
Deborah Strauss: violin, Marilyn Lerner: piano, Peter
: cimbalom
To purchase tickets 212-415-5500
JMWC Recommendation: “Not to be Missed”!

KlezKanada has Started, So I’m on Vacation

9:15pm JMWC KlezKanada Blog here. Departing from the usual announcements, JMWC is creating a week of blogging from the wonderful and beautiful setting of KlezKanada, where I’m on vacation this week. Amazingly, they have internet connection this year, so I thought those who wish could can read what I’m doing on my summer vacation for a change.

Lucky me, my husaband and I are here at KlezKanada, –Leaving Boston…traveling through New Hampshire, Vermont and the Canadian border… where it was a relief that the holdup was not too long… on through the Montreal traffic, through the Laurentians and here at Camp B’nai B’rith. KlezKanada is getting an early start this evening with a cabaret starting right off the bat –candlelit checkered tablecloths, the whole thing–with some young singers… , “Papiroisson” is being sung with Michael Winograd accompanying Rena Herman, –who has a nice voice is setting a great mood for the crowd.…

Alicia Svigals’ Klezmer Fiddle Express, live in Somerville!!

Alicia Svigals, violin
With Mimi Rabson, violin
Jim Guttman, bass
Pete Rushefsky, tsimbl

Thursday Aug 3, 9 p.m.
Johnny D’s
17 Holland St, Davis Square, Somerville, MA 02144, (617) 776-2004

Before the big klezmer bands of the new world arose with their brass and
drums, there were the archetypical Jewish orchestras of the old world, led by
the fiddle and bourne aloft by the otherworldy sounds of the harp-like
‘tsimbl’, or Jewish hammered dulcimer. Renowned violinist Alicia Svigals, a founder
of the Klezmatics and one of the world’s foremost klezmer fiddlers, presents a program
of those ancient and ecstatic Jewish melodies, accompanied by the scene’s
top players on fiddle, tsimbl and string bass: Mimi Rabson, Pete Rushefsky and
Jim Guttman.