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New Herman Berlinski CD from Milken Archive

Herman Berlinski: From the World of My Father [8.559446]

The Milken Archive of American Jewish Music has released a CD of four works for the synagogue and the concert hall by German-born, American composer and organist Herman Berlinski. These works reflect his rich, post-Romantic musical language, eclectic musical style, and depth of Jewish inspiration. This new disc complements the Milken Archive’s 2004 release of the composer’s Avodat Shabbat, a large-scale setting of the Sabbath evening liturgy according to the American Reform prayerbook. It brings to 45 the number of recordings released since the Milken Archive CD series was launched in September 2003.

Artist-in-Residence Opportunity

Sarah Beller is serving as co-coordinator for the Artist-in-Residence program at
the National Havurah Committee’s Summer Institute, a week-long
celebration of Jewish learning and living attended by a diverse group of
Jews from all over North America (Conservative, Reconstructionist,
Reform, Renewal, Orthodox, single, partnered, young, old, LGBT, etc.).

Under a grant from the Poretsky Foundation, the NHC sponsors two Jewish
Artists-in-Residence to teach and be part of the Institute community.
The application forms are available online, and those who wish may

The Poretsky Artist-in-Residence grant is ideal for those wishing to
explore a participatory project or thematic course idea in a supportive
community that itself includes a number of talented artists. The program is
particularly searching for artist-teachers who can help others become
art-makers for the week, and who will participate actively as both
teachers and learners in the Institute community that forms each summer.…

Jewish People’s Philharmonic Chorus in International Choral Festival

Yiddish Chorus in International Choral Festival!
The Jewish People’s Philharmonic Chorus
with Binyumen Schaechter, Conductor,
are performing next week at
The 5th New York International Choral Festival 2010
Thursday, October 28, 2010, 7:30 PM
at Riverside Church
490 Riverside Drive, New York, NY 10027
Tickets: $20
For tickets:
Tickets will be available at the door.
Seating is General Admission.
This concert includes 4 choruses,
each performing for 15 minutes or so,
plus an Orchestra,
culminating in a number sung by all choruses together.
The Jewish People’s Philharmonic Chorus
is the only Jewish – or Yiddish – chorus on the bill.

Sunday, June 5, 2011, 4:30 PM
at Symphony Space (2537 Broadway) in New York City,
the JPPC, with Conductor Binyumen Schaechter –
and with guest appearance by Di Shekhter-tekhter –
will be giving their annual gala concert.…

Pro Musica Hebraica at Kennedy Center in Washington

Pro Musica Hebraica is devoted to presenting Jewish classical music — much of it lost, forgotten, or rarely performed — in a concert-hall setting. On November 18, 2008, the ARC Ensemble of Canada’s Royal Conservatory of Music presents works by Mieczysław Weinberg, Szymon Laks, and Sergei Prokofiev all composed in the aftermath of world war.
Tuesday, November 18, 2008
The Terrace Theater
The Kennedy Center
Washington, DC
7:30 PM

Marhulet “DYBBUK” String Quartet Premiere

The string quartet Dybbuk by Wlad Marhulet was written for the New York based “J.A.C.K.” quartet. The piece is inspired by Jewish folklore, in which a Dybbuk is a malicious possessing spirit, believed to be the dislocated soul of a dead person. The piece depicts two aspects of Dybbuk – its wild and aggressive nature, as well as its memories from the past life full of suffering and tears.

The premiere is going to take place November 30th at 8:00pm.
in Paul Hall, Julliard School, NYC
60 Lincoln Center Plaza, Broadway (at 65th St)
Upper West Side
Subway: 1 to 66th St–Lincoln Ctr

Shua Kessin Kumzitz for Shlomo Carlebach

Shua Kessin Kumzitz will be presenting its Second Annual Live Music Webcast Featuring Shua Kessin in honor of the yahrtzeit of R’ Shlomo Carlebach z”l, whose music has touched the souls of countless people. This event follows the first-ever live Jewish music webcast last year, produced by, which drew tens of thousands of viewers. All day Sunday Nov. 8.

This year’s webcast, which is being produced by Ozer Babad and hosted and powered by, is expected to be watched by tens of thousands of people across the globe and will also be heard live on Radio Kol Berama, 107.9 FM in Lakewood, NJ.

Shua will be accompanied this Motzoei Shabbos by an orchestra featuring Yanky Katina, Yaakov Zeines and Jo Blumenthal.
The webcast will be broadcast live from Gal Paz on 13th Avenue in Boro Park, and all are invited to join in person or watch the event live on the #1 Torah newscenter on the Web,…

Association for Canadian Jewish Studies Call for Papers

The Association for Canadian Jewish Studies/L’Association des études juives canadiennes (ACJS /l’AÉJC) will be holding its 34th Annual Conference May 30-June 1, 2010 at Concordia University in Montreal as part of the Congress of the Humanities and Social Sciences. The conference provides a platform for original scholarly research in Canadian Jewish history, life and culture. Individuals are invited to send proposals for learned paper presentations in either English or French twenty minutes in
length (approximately 2,000 words) that concern some aspect of the Canadian Jewish experience.

Potential presenters are asked to submit a paper
proposal by Tuesday, January 5, 2010. The paper proposal should comprise a
400-word abstract formulated to clearly and concisely state the main argument
of the scholarly paper and indicate how it will contribute to existing
scholarship in the field of Canadian Jewish Studies.…

Dan Aran Breathing CD Released

An Israeli musician living in Brooklyn, Dan Aran just released his new CD Breathing containing a number of compositions by him. Aran is known in NY as a “brush specialist” and has got what the doctor ordered. Take a deep breath and listen to Breathing.. It’s sure to put you in the right place.

Soul Aviv CD Release

Soul Aviv SoulAviv has produced a CD of the same name. The vocal group is located in Santa Barbara, CA. Members are three women: Erin Berkowitz, Jamie Green, (vocals and percussion) and Liat Wasserman all singing with Rob Raede, vocals and guitar. The recording features music aimed at “tikkun olam” or making the world a better place… featuring the sounds of gospel, soul, reggae. Additional tracks include a number of original songs by Rob Raede featuring Jewish themes. The album’s vocal focus is energetic and highly entertaining. Some of the songs are “standards” recorded many times, such as “Wade in the Water” and “Rivers of Babylon/One Love” which joins a traditional gospel tune to Bob Marley’s hit, or “Oh Had I a Golden Thread by Pete Seeger.…


Songs Celebrating Jewish Communities Worldwide: Gershwin, Ravel,
Sephardic Melodies, many more
Featuring Dina Kuznetsova, Rinat Shaham, Steven Goldstein, Steven Blier
and Michael Barrett
FEBRUARY 18 AND 20 2009
at 8 PM

Kaufman Center and New York Festival of Song (NYFOS,,
will present Voices of the Jewish Diaspora on Tuesday and
Thursday, February 18 and 20, 2009 at 8 PM at Merkin Concert Hall at Kaufman
Center. It is the third subscription concert of the New York Festival of
Song, whose CD, Spanish Love Songs, (Bridge
Records, 2008) featuring Lorraine Hunt
, Joseph Kaiser, Steven Blier and Michael Barrett was named one of the “Best of the year” by Opera News.

The program features songs in many languages celebrating the culturally
diverse Jewish communities that flourished as the tribes of Israel spread
out across the globe: Sephardic melodies arranged by Roberto Sierra;
Second Avenue specialties by Irving Berlin and Abraham Ellstein; art
songs by Ravel and Mahler; plus music by Gershwin, Bernstein, and Harold

Micha Haran in the Concert Meister Series at Baruch Performing Arts Center

Baruch Performing Arts Center Presents
The Concert Meister Series
Micha Haran
Solo Cellist &
Principal Cellist of The Israel Philharmonic Orchestra for 30 years

Tuesday, November 25th at 7:00 PM

Performing Bach Suite No.1 &
Kodaly Cello Sonata Op. 8
Engelman Recital Hall
On the South Side of East 25th Street Between Lexington & 3rd avenues
Manhattan, New York

Tickets: $30 -Call +1212.352.3101 or +1866.811.4111 or online


Micha Haran, Principal Cellist of the Israel Philharmonic Orchestra, returns to New
York, for a Solo performance at Baruch Performing Arts Center, after 33 years

“The Israeli Cellist is an assertive player with fine technical control and
musicianship that runs deep. Both in appearance and sound, he projects an intense
concentration that adds greatly to his communicative strength as an artist”
The New York Times, Haran’s Last Solo Performance in New York …

Beyond Boundaries: Klezmer Music in the 21st Century 2008

Beyond Boundaries

Beyond Boundaries: Klezmer Music in the 21st Century
Looks at the State of the Art of Klezmer through Discussion and Performance

On December 16, the Center for Jewish Studies and the Martin E. Segal Theatre Center of the CUNY Graduate Center will present Beyond Boundaries: Klezmer Music in the 21st Century. Featuring distinguished klezmer performers, scholars, cultural commentators, and composers, the program includes an afternoon symposium with music (at 3:00 p.m.) and an evening concert (at 7:00 p.m.). This event is part of the Beyond Boundaries Series in Jewish Music, launched by the Center for Jewish Studies in Spring 2008. The series explores aspects of Jewish music from multiple perspectives—geographical, cultural, and musical. The Graduate Center is located at 365 Fifth Avenue between 34th and 35th Streets.…

Musicians of Lenox Hill to Perform Chamber Music of Jewish Composers

On Monday, April 28 at 8 PM, the Musicians of Lenox
Hill, under the artistic direction of Soo-Kyung Park, will perform Chamber Music
of Jewish Composers at Temple Israel of the City of New York, 112 East 75th Street,
New York City. The concert will feature six extraordinary musicians presenting
familiar as well as new or rarely heard music by composers of Jewish faith or
heritage. The program includes Three Nocturnes for Violin, Cello and Piano by
Ernest Bloch, Duo for Flute and Piano by Aaron Copland, Gershwin s Preludes for
Piano, Trio for Violin, Cello and Piano, No. 1, Op. 49 by Felix Mendelssohn, Window
for Viola and Piano by David Ludwig, Sonata for Cello and Harp, Op. 208 by Mario
Castelnuovo-Tedesco and Arrowhead for Flute, Viola and Harp by Eric Zeizl.…

Alicia Svigal: It Would have Been Enough, But it Wasn’t. Now there’s More in April at John Zorn’s Stone place

At the Stone in NYC, 2nd St. and Ave C,
Violinist Alicia Svigals, a founder of the Grammy-winning Klezmatics
and the world’s best-known klezmer fiddler, is the curator for the
month of April at the Stone, John Zorn’s performance space on the
Lower East Side of Manhattan.

John Zorn, the composer who was recently awarded a MacArthur genius
grant, opened the Stone to provide a venue for the most creative new
music in New York. Each month he selects a different musician to
curate the series, and for April he asked Svigals to put together a
lineup that would tap into her eclectic and offbeat musical worlds.

The fifty acts Svigals booked revolve around three themes: Jewish
music, virtuoso female instrumentalist/improvisers/composers, and
all kinds of string music, traditional and contemporary.…

“Beyond Boundaries: Music and Israel @ 60”

Beyond Boundaries Poster Image“Beyond Boundaries: Music and Israel @ 60” looks at the Present-Day Complexities of Israeli Music

View Beyond Boundaries Brochure
On Friday, March 28, “Beyond Boundaries: Music and Israel @ 60,” a symposium of the Center for Jewish Studies at the CUNY Graduate Center, will explore the complex diversity of musical styles, cultures, religions and ethnicities that is Israel today. The daylong event will present papers, discussions, and musical performances from 9:30 AM to 3:30 PM in the Baisley Powell Elebash Recital Hall on the first floor of the Graduate Center, 365 Fifth Avenue (at 34th Street).

In the morning, three speakers will present papers on a variety of topics significant to our understanding of the present-day climate for music in Israel. In the afternoon, from 1 to 3 P.M., there will be a concert by two performance groups: the renowned contemporary New York-based chamber ensemble Continuum, with a program of Israeli art music with pieces by Tzvi Avni, Betty Olivero, and Benjamin Yusupov; and Galeet Dardashti’s all-woman band Divahn, with a program of ethnic and popular Mizrahi music.…


Zemel Choir
Zemel Choir
Do you enjoy singing? Come and Celebrate…
Come and Sing 10 Centuries of Jewish Music
Join us for workshops and a concert at St John’s, Smith Square
Open to Intermediate and Experienced Choristers
Sponsored by the Zemel Choir and The Spiro Ark

Sunday 1st June 2008: Workshops and voice-training
Sunday 15th June 2008: Workshops and Concert
Price £30 (to include entry to concert)
Price £25 if booked before April 30th
To register, or for further information, call 020 8236 0317
(evenings), or email
Sponsored by the Harold Hyam Wingate Foundation
And with the support of The Jewish Music Institute

Come and share with us in the joy of Jewish choral music.
The workshop leaders: …read more….

Symphony No. 4 Homage in memory of the Holocaust

The 24th. of January 2008, at 9, PM , there will be a premiere
performance of Alfono Rega,’s Symphony n°4 in 6 movements written
as a homage in memory of the Holocaust. This event will take place at the Conservatory of Milan contemporaneously with the inauguration of the Holocaust Museum situated in the railway station. of Milan, Italy.

The concert is free. It will be on behalf of the Associazione Luciano Elmo
Onlus in memory of Luciano Elmo, who was a Lawyer, sent in
concentration camp and the only survivor of his group.
He is recalled for having save a great number of Jews, and received military decorations several times.

The Symphony The Holocaust brings back to present days tonal and romantic
music, has been recorded some weeks ago in Milan and will be performed by the
Cantelli Orchestra, one of the most famous Orchestra of Milan, together with the
Costanzo Porta Choir of Cremona.…

News: Zamir Choral Performed At White House

Zamir Choral Performed At White House
On Monday evening, December 10, 2007, the Zamir Chorale, under the direction of
Matthew Lazar, entertained President and Mrs. Bush, Attorney General Michael Mukasey,
Homeland Security Chief Michael Chertoff and a select group of additional guests
at the annual White House Hanukkah celebration .Cantor Alberto Mizrahi was featured
,br /
The Chorale appeared at the candle lighting ceremony which was led by Ruth and Judea
Pearl, parents of slain Wall Street Journal reporter Daniel Pearl.
Later, at a lavish East Room reception, Zamir sang four more selections. Judea Perl
joined the choir in performing the final number for all in attendance.
The President was most gracious, shaking the hand of every member of the choir and
even taking a moment to share some words with Matthew Lazar.…

Jewish Artists Line Up This Fall atThe Museum of Jewish Heritage

The Museum of Jewish Heritage is pleased to announce its concert line up for October
and November of this year. All events will take place at the Museum of Jewish
Hertiage, 36 Battery Place in Lower Manhattan.

Monday, October 8, 7 P.M
Tuesday, October 9, 7 P.M.
Wednesday, October 10, 7 P.M.

Idan Raichel
Songs for Peace: The Acoustic Series
Featuring Idan Raichel; with Marta Gomez, Somi, Cabra Casay, and Itamar Doari

Join dynamic Isaraeli artist Idan Raichel for his very first series of intimate
acoustic concerts in New York. Idan blends the unique sounds of Israel’s cultural
tradition with styles frm around the world for a sound that Billboard Magazine calls
a “multi-ethnic tour de force.” Showcasing new and old musical partnerships, Idan
and artists will celebrate the universal language of music.…

Siddur Audio

A new website called “Siddur Audio” comes from Atlanta with the work of Rabbi Mark Zimmerman.
You can use the site to learn the Tefillot, and it is completely free. Most of the Siddur has
already been recorded in mp3 format. Rabbi Zimmerman has updated the site and increased the server capacity to accommodate the growing number of downloads that it has been generating lately. He has also
recently added audio of the weekday davening and the Passover Seder as well.

Svigals-Rushefsky in “Mahler’s World: Jewish Music in the Hapsburg Empire”

Klezmer violin superstar Alicia Svigals
returns to the Maverick on July 14 at 8:00 p.m. with tsimblist Pete

Ms. Svigals and Mr. Rushefsky brought down the house last summer at
Maverick, and this year¹s concert is called “Mahler¹s World: Jewish Music in
the Hapsburg Empire.” The concert is part of Maverick¹s season-long
celebration of the centenary of Gustav Mahler¹s arrival in America to lead
the Metropolitan Opera and the New York Philharmonic.

Classical concerts are Saturday evenings at 6:00 and Sunday afternoons at
3:00, with jazz, world music, and klezmer on selected Saturday nights at
8:00. Young people¹s concerts are Saturday mornings at 11:00.

The box office opens an hour before each concert; the hall opens half an
hour before curtain time. Except for the last weekend of the season, ticket
prices are $20 for adults and $5 for students.…

CUNY Hosts ‘Beyond Boundaries’ Dec 16

Beyond Boundaries

Beyond Boundaries: Klezmer Music in the 21st Century
Looks at the State of the Art of Klezmer through Discussion and Performance

On December 16, the Center for Jewish Studies and the Martin E. Segal Theatre Center of the CUNY Graduate Center will present Beyond Boundaries: Klezmer Music in the 21st Century. Featuring distinguished klezmer performers, scholars, cultural commentators, and composers, the program includes an afternoon symposium with music (at 3:00 p.m.) and an evening concert (at 7:00 p.m.). This event is part of the Beyond Boundaries Series in Jewish Music, launched by the Center for Jewish Studies in Spring 2008. The series explores aspects of Jewish music from multiple perspectives—geographical, cultural, and musical. The Graduate Center is located at 365 Fifth Avenue between 34th and 35th Streets.…

Ensemble Lucidarium Summer Jewish Renaissance Music

Here’s some information about a tuition-free course Ensemble Lucidarium
will be giving in Venice this Summer. It’s an opportunity to make music and learn about the Italian cantorial tradition and Jewish Renaissance music while living in the city itself, and
will feature lectures various aspects of Venetian culture, an in-depth
guided visit to the Ghetto and Jewish Cemetery and a traditional Italian
Shabbat service.  There will be a workshop on old Jewish song, and you can
even try your hand at traditional Italian percussion…

The Music of the Merchant:  Summer course in Venetian Renaissance and Italian Jewish Music”

July 24 – 30, 2017,

Fondazione Giorgio Cini, Isola San Giorgio Maggiore,
Venice, Italy.
Ensemble Lucidarium
Enrico Fink: Italian cantorial tradition, Jewish song, voice
Avery Gosfield: instrumental ensemble, Jewish song, recorder, pipe and tabor
Gloria Moretti: vocal ensemble, voice
Francis Biggi: instrumental ensemble, mixed ensemble, plucked strings
Massimiliano Dragoni: traditional and early percussion, hammer dulcimer

Workshops on: repertoire linked to carnival and the Commedia dell’Arte;
the reconstruction of Jewish song in the 16th century; the Italian Jewish



Annual Concert for a Bold Spiritual Community of Resistance and Love

Sunday, May 21, 2017, 4 PM
130 W 30, NYC

The Emma Lazarus powerful 1883 sonnet, “The New Colossus,” inscribed on the pedestal of the Statue of Liberty, has served as a beacon of welcome and hope to generations of immigrants who came to our shores seeking refuge and freedom. We can revel in the chamber music, songs, liturgical settings, choral music and works for Yiddish theater created by immigrant composers, Bela Bartok, Ernest Bloch, Kurt Weill, Sholom Secunda, Irving Berlin, Miguel del Aguila, and Regina Spektor,

performed by

Elana Arian, violin/singer, Ivan Barenboim, clarinet, Adria Benjamin, viola, Tomoko Fujita, cello, John Riddle, tenor, Beth Robin, piano, Joyce Rosenzweig, pianist/conductor, Amanda Seigel, soprano, Sebu Sirinian, violin, Lisa Tipton, violin, Sally Wilfert, singer, Cantor Steve Zeidenberg, singer, and the CBST Community Chorus.


Theodore Bikel: The First 85 Years!

WHAT: Theodore Bikel: The First 85 Years!

WHO: Confirmed performers include: Theodore Bikel, Alan Alda, Arlo Guthrie, Noel
Paul Stookey, Peter Yarrow, Tom Paxton, The Klezmatics, Judy Kaye, Susan
Werner, David Amram, Beyond the Pale, Artie Butler, Patricia Conolly, David
Krakauer, Hankus Netsky, Sarah Horowitz, Serendipity 4 (Theodore Bikel,
Tamara Brooks, Merima Ključo and Shura Lipovsky), and Michael Wex.

7:30pm Monday, June 15, 2009

Carnegie Hall, Stern Auditorium/Perelman Stage, 57th Street and Seventh
Avenue, New York City

Tickets range from $30 to $500.
Carnegie Hall Box Office –
or 212.247.7800


Alan Alda, Arlo Guthrie, Noel Paul Stookey, Peter Yarrow, Tom Paxton
Among Special Guests at June 15th concert to benefit Juvenile Law Center


Pittsburgh Jewish Music Festival 2008

Pittsburgh Jewish Music Festival 2008 presents
ISRAEL@60 May 21-June 1

TICKETS for all events $20 general admission, $15 seniors, $10 students
TICKETS available at
(412) 394-3353

ESTA in Concert
Wednesday, May 21 7:30pm
Byham Theater, 101 6th St.

ESTA is a unique band from Israel with an innovative and original
sound. ESTA’s music combines the aromas of world music, the power of rock, and the spirit
of jazz into a powerful, energetic new force that crosses genres, styles and
borders. Proclaimed as “Israel’s most original instrumental band”, ESTA has
toured prestigious festivals and venues throughout Europe, Israel and the
U.S., including a special performance for President Clinton at a White House
reception in honor of Israel’s 50th Anniversary.…

Judaica Sound Archives at FAU Features Legendary Yiddish Entertainment Family on its Website

The Judaica Sound ArchivesR (JSA) at Florida Atlantic University
Libraries has obtained the rights to offer on its website a major collection
of performances by the Bursteins, one of the most enduring family names in
Yiddish entertainment.

The JSA, located on FAU’s Boca Raton campus, created the collection
from holdings that had been donated to the archives at different times and
from different sources. It includes 33 albums and features the combined
works of Pesach Burstein, who produced musicals for audiences worldwide in
the 1920s; his wife, Lillian Lux, who joined his troupe when she was 17; and
their twins, Susan Burstein-Roth and Mike (Burstein) Burstyn. One can listen
to the Burstein family audio collection and read about the family’s
accomplishments at

The Castro Valley Chamber Orchestra

The Castro Valley Chamber Orchestra presents the World Premiere of

for orchestra and orator by Jack Curtis Dubowsky, conducted by Josh
, orated by Scott Budman.

VENUE: Castro Valley Center for the Arts, 19501
Redwood Road, Castro Valley, CA 94546. (Cross Street is Heyer Avenue.)
TICKETS: Suggested Donation: Adults $ 10.00.
Students over 13 & Seniors $ 5.00. Children 12 and under are free

BOX OFFICE: Tickets are available at the door, or at the
Castro Valley Center for the Arts Box Office, open Thursdays and
Fridays from 3:00 – 5:00 PM and one hour before the start of every
CVUSD or CVAF production. Castro Valley Center for the Arts telephone
510-889-8961. Or call the Castro Valley Adult School Office

The Lost Soul of Spain. Music and Dance of the Sephardic Jews

The Yuval Ron Ensemble featuring two stunning guest performers:
Israeli-Tunisian singer Smadar Levi and Israeli-Moroccan dancer Maya
. With Jamie Papish- Percussion, David Martinelli- Percussion,
Norik Manoukian – Woodwinds, Vergine Alumyan – Kanoun, Carolyne
Aycaguer – Harmonium.

Where: Brentwood Presbyterian Church.
12000 San Vicente Boulevard
Los Angeles, CA 90049

When: Sunday, November 2, 2008 at 7 PM
Tix: $20 at the door.
Info: or Calendar page at
tel: (818) 505-1355

Oscar winning composer. World music producer and artist Yuval Ron
(Oud and Saz) presents a preview concert of the music, his
international ensemble will perform for the King of Morocco, at the
International Sacred Music of Fez in June 2009. The program will
feature Hebrew and Ladino songs from Morocco, Andalusia, Bosnia, and

‘Prince of Kosher Gospel,’ Joshua Nelson, To Kick Off Mitzvah Weekend

The ‘Prince of Kosher Gospel,’ Joshua Nelson, at
Congregation Rodeph Sholom, Manhattan

The ‘Prince of Kosher Gospel,’ Joshua Nelson, will perform
during the 6p.m. Shabbat Services, Friday, October 17, 2008 at Congregation Rodeph
Sholom, Manhattan. Cantor Rebecca Garfein, Senior Cantor of Congregation Rodeph
Sholom along with Assistant Cantor, Shayna Peavey and the Rodeph Sholom Children’s
Choir, will join Joshua Nelson in soulful song to kick off Rodeph Sholom’s annual
Mitzvah Marathon Weekend.


Saturday, January 10, 2009
Doors 8:30PM
Cover $12

Yoshie Fruchter’s PITOM

“Yoshie combines influences from Frank Zappa, Sonic Youth and Masada into a rocking
band performing catchy, hooky compositions that both pay tribute to and challenge
the Jewish tradition…Pitom is a hard-edged new addition to the legacy of Radical
Jewish Culture” —John Zorn


Benjy has toured internationally performing throughout the United States and Europe.
Benjy was a recipient of the Bronfman Fellowship for Emerging Jewish Student Artists
in 2007, for “Minutn fun Bitokhn” his suite melding Yiddish songs with improvised
and composed music. And he even sings too. Benjy has studied voice and Yiddish song
with Lorin Sklamberg, of the Klezmatics, and is immersing himself in Yiddish, mostly
by leaving incomprehensible messages on his Grandmother’s voicemail.…

Mendelssohn’s Oratorio Elijah FREE concert

Free Synagogue of FlushingFree Synagogue of Flushing will present a special
performance of Felix Mendelssohn’s oratorio Elijah
on Friday, February 27, 8:15 PM.
The concert is FREE and open to the public.
It will feature celebrated cantor
Steven Pearlston and the distinguished Free Synagogue choir. Robert Mobsby will
perform in the role of Elijah and Robert Barrows will play the synagogue s
magnificent historic pipe organ, which dates back to 1927. It is the only pipe
organ at a synagogue in Queens.

Free Synagogue is located at 41-60 Kissena Boulevard (between Sanford and
Main Street), Flushing. Free on-site parking available. Please call
718-961-0030 or visit for more information.

Zemel Choir in Celebration with Song

The ‘Celebration with Song’
event will be held on the 31 May and concluding in a concert on the
evening of 14 June 2009 at St John’s Smith Square London SW1.
This is the third year Zemel is participating, and the chorus is planning something a little bit different.
Their concert will be celebrating the output of Jewish music from a single country, the United
States of America. On the first date Zemel will be running a guest workshop
focusing on voice technique and other aspects of choral singing. This year
Zemel’s guest workshop leader will be the BBC’s Suzi Digby an experienced voice coach and conductor and well known to television audiences from her appearances on ‘Last Choir Standing’ and the
BBC’s ‘Choir of the Year’.…

Give Ear to Thy People: Choral Music from the Jewish Tradition

Osnat NetzerMusica Sacra Presents World Premiere by Israeli Composer
This Saturday, March 21, 2009 at 8:00 PM
Musica Sacra will explore Jewish choral
repertoire that juxtaposes the sacred and secular, the ancient and
contemporary, the traditional and innovative. The concert, entitled
Give Ear to Thy People: Choral Music from the Jewish Tradition, will
feature Paths of Stone and Water, a world premiere written for Musica
Sacra by Osnat Netzer, Israeli composer and pianist. The concert also
includes Aaron Copland’s In the Beginning, which sets the Genesis
creation story, music by Noam Elkies, Yiddish choral music from the
early 20th century, and other selections from the Jewish diaspora.

Give Ear to Thy People: Choral Music from the Jewish Tradition
Saturday, March 21, 2009 at 8:00 PM

First Church Congregational
11 Garden Street
Cambridge, MA
(Near Harvard Square)
Reserved: $40
General: $25
Student/Senior: $15…

Hundreds of Teens ZING in Gala Concert

Hundreds of Jewish teens from across the United States and Israel will gather in New York
for the 16th Annual HaZamir Gala Concert
March 22, 2009
6:00 PM
Congregation Rodeph Sholom
7 West 83rd Street, New York City

Participating HaZamir Chapters
HaZamir Baltimore, MD; HaZamir Bergen County, NJ; HaZamir Boston, MA;
HaZamir Cleveland, OH ; HaZamir Greater Washington, DC;
HaZamir Houston, TX ; HaZamir Israel ; HaZamir Long Island, NY;
HaZamir Los Angeles, CA; HaZamir Manhattan, NY;
HaZamir Minneapolis/St.Paul, MN ; HaZamir New Brunswick, NJ;
HaZamir North Jersey; HaZamir Philadelphia, PA; HaZamir Pittsburgh, PA;
HaZamir Portland, OR; HaZamir Providence, RI;

$36 Tickets at the door
For more information, please call
(212) 870-3339

Music of Theresienstadt in Hartford

Music of Theresienstadt
Anne Sofie von Otter
Anne Sofie von Otter at Immanuel Congregational Church, Hartford
Sunday, April 26, 2009

On Sunday, April 26, 2009 at 7:30pm, the Woodland Concert Series will be presenting an important musical and cultural offering to the Hartford area. Featured will be mezzo-soprano Anne Sofie von Otter in a program of music composed by Jewish composers during their imprisonment at Theresienstadt, a concentration camp in Czechoslovakia. She is being assisted in this concert by the noted violinist Daniel Hope, and by her regular accompanist, Bengt Forsberg.

Tickets are $30 general admission, $20 for seniors or students and $40 for preferred seating. While tickets may be available at the door, we strongly suggest they be purchased in advance by contacting the Woodland Concert Series at 860-527-8121 or by going to their website:…


Margot Leverett kicks off the series, beginning Thursday July 2nd at 7:30pm

NEW YORK, NY – The Jewish Museum’s popular SummerNights program returns,
presenting live world music in a concert setting on four Thursdays in
July. Each concert begins at 7:30 pm. Margot Leverett and the Klezmer
Mountain Boys,
performing their unique mix of bluegrass and klezmer,
kick off SummerNights on July 2. This cosmopolitan concert series
features critically acclaimed musicians offering innovative
interpretations of music from all over the world. Other scheduled
performers include Musette Explosion with accordionist Will Holshouser
and guitarist Matt Munisteri echoing on French jazz of the 1930s and 40s
with fiery improvisations; the virtuosic brass band music of SLAVIC SOUL
PARTY!; and Ljova and the Kontraband performing a mix of
Eastern-European melodies, Latin rhythms and jazz-inspired

Jorge Liderman died in California

Jorge Liderman, a well-known composer, died at age 50 in California in February 3, 2008. Liderman, born in Argentina in 1957, went to Israel and received musical training at the Rubin Academy of Music in Jerusalem. He came to the United States and studied at the University of Chicago. He worked at the music department of the University of California, Berkeley since 1989. Liderman became known as a composer of modern classical music, and also wrote many pieces on Jewish themes. A recording of of his composition of 46 Spanish songs “Aires de Sefarad” was recently reviewed by this author for the Association of Jewish Libraries Newsletter. [Albany Records TROY829]. He had many works commissioned by major organizations such as the Israel Philharmonic, Los Angeles Philharmonic, San Francisco Contemporary Music Players and the London Sinfonetta.…

Zamir Chorale of Boston at NAJCF

Zamir will help kick off the
festivities on opening night of the 20th Annual North American Jewish Choral Festival
at the Hudson Valley Resort and Spa in Kerhonkson, NY. Congratulations to Mati Lazar
and the Zamir Choral Foundation on two decades of bringing Jewish choral music to
musicians from all over the United States. For more information, go to



The final two concerts of The Jewish Museum’s popular
SummerNights series are on Thursday evenings, July 16 and 23. On July
16, SLAVIC SOUL PARTY! performs virtuosic new brass band music
incorporating diverse influences, and on July 23, Ljova and the
Kontraband offer a mix of Eastern-European melodies, Latin rhythms and
jazz-inspired improvisations. Concerts begin at 7:30 pm. The Jewish
Museum is located at Fifth Avenue at 92nd Street, Manhattan.

Tickets for each concert are $15 for the general public; $12
for students and seniors; and $10 for Jewish Museum members. For
further information regarding programs at The Jewish Museum, the public
may call 212.423.3337 or visit

Dubrow Talk on Lazar Weiner at Milstein Conference in NYC


One day public conference celebrating history of Jewish life in New
York, achievements of Jewish communal organizations, treasures of Jewish
archives. Conference marks culmination of 3 years of work on the
Milstein Family Jewish Communal Archive Project. Morning Sessions
feature presentation on Jewish organizational archives and a roundtable
discussion by Jewish agency leaders, Afternoon focuses on papers by
scholars on a wide range of political, social and cultural issues and
the evening session features a discussion by New York area archivists
to discuss the rich resources found in New York and how to preserve them
for the future. Funded by the Milstein Family Foundation and the
Howard and Abby Milstein Foundation.…

Shir Appeal at Ner Tamid

Jewish A-Cappella Concert THIS Sunday 3pm at Ner Tamid

Shir Appeal: A Jewish A-Cappella Group
Tufts University, Boston

Shir Appeal is Tufts University’s Co-Ed Jewish a cappella group,
united by the love of music and Jewish culture, and one of the more
acclaimed in the nation.

Shir Appeal sings many types of music, including traditional Jewish
folk songs, Israeli rock, liturgical music, and American songs with
Jewish themes.

General Admission: $15 ·
Seniors, Students and under 18: $10
Ner Tamid is located at 1250 Quintara Street and 22nd Avenue in The
Sunset, San Francisco.
It is accessible by public transportation and there is plenty of

Jewish Music Competition – 28-31 October 2010

Competition ’10: register until July 1st

Amsterdam’s IJMF will once again host the world’s only Jewish Music
Competition: October 28-31, 2010. Information is online at
and registration is open until July 1st. The selected ensembles will
be announced in August. Pass it on to your favorite Jewish music
ensemble: this is an opportunity not to be missed!

Showcase for Presenters What’s the best way to get the attention
of Jewish music presenters in Boston, Philadelphia, Pittsburgh, San
Francisco, Los Angeles, New York City, Toronto, Utrecht, and
Washington DC? Join our competition and present yourself to the
growing list of festivals that will be scouting our 24 selected
ensembles via our site and/or in person at the competition:
and more presenters are affiliating every week!…

ENCHANTED:A new Generation of Yiddishsong CD Release

ENCHANTED:A new Generation of Yiddishsong
A New CD by Adrienne Cooper

The League for Yiddish is pleased to announce that this wonderful new CD is now available. This new release of Adrienne Cooper promises to be the Yiddish music gem of the year. It is a bold foray into the unexplored, with sound collages, beautifully rendered ballads and delicately set folk songs on a colorful palette of styles and arrangements. Cooper is joined by the powerful forces of Marilyn Lerner, Frank London, Mike Winograd and others. This CD is destined to be an instant classic, not only for Yiddish music, but for world music in general. Enchanted features 13 songs and is accompanied by a booklet with the lyrics in transliteration and in English translation.

Yiddish Repertoire Featured in Two Unusual Recitals at Symphony Space:

“Di Sheyne Milnerin” (Feb. 14th) and “A Yiddish Winterreise” (Feb. 16th)

Acclaimed bass-baritone Mark Glanville and Pianist Alexander Knapp will
give two unusual programs at the Leonard Nimoy Thalia at Symphony Space in
February featuring the Yiddish song repertoire.
Tickets $25; Members,
Students, Seniors $20; Day of Show $30

On Monday, February 14th at 7:30 PM the duo will perform the United States
premiere of ‘Di Sheyne Milnerin’ (‘Die Schöne Müllerin’) is a specially
devised cycle of songs from the Yiddish repertoire, only the second time a
collection of Yiddish song has been forged into a cycle with a coherent
dramatic trajectory.

Monday, February 14th, 7.30 p.m.
“Di Sheyne Milnerin (A Yiddish “Die Schöne Müllerin”)
USA Première
Symphony Space
2537 Broadway
New York, NY 10025
(212) 864-5400,+NY&cid=14104568892703723774&z=14
New York City

Wednesday, February 16th, 7.30 p.m.…

Young Artists Concert Series at YIVO

Thursday, May 12th. 7pm
As part of the Young Artists Concert Series, Hebrew College School of Jewish Music students
Richard Lawrence and Kate Judd will be performing in
a concert highlighting the works of Lazar Weiner and Joseph Achron at the YIVO
Institute for Jewish Research, New York City,
at the Center for Jewish History | 15 West 16th Street – NYC

For more information on the concert and to purchase tickets, please go to:

AUTO DE FE Concert

AUTO DE FE – CONCERT commemorating Crypto-Jews
With Vanessa Paloma and Ariel Lazarus
Start Time: Tuesday, August 9 at 9:00pm
End Time: Tuesday, August 9 at 10:30pm

Fuchsberg Jerusalem Center of
The United Synagogue of Conservative Judaism
8 Agron Street, P.O.Box 7456
Jerusalem, Israel
Tel. 02-625-6386 Ext. 4
A concert in Judeo-Spanish (Ladino, Haketía, Judezmo) of music as seen through the eyes of the Crypto-Jewish Community.

Jewish Museum Media Center Exhibitions for Radio & TV, Music

The Barbara and E. Robert Goodkind Media
Center features an exhibition space
dedicated to video art and new media, and houses a digital library of 100 radio and
television programs from The Jewish Museum’s National Jewish Archive of Broadcasting
. Selections include such comedy favorites as “How to Be a Jewish Son,” a
panel discussion from a 1970 David Susskind Show featuring Mel Brooks; a 1947 radio
drama entitled “Operation Nightmare” starring John Garfield and Al Jolson, produced
by the United Jewish Appeal to call attention to displaced persons in postwar
Europe; contemporary television documentaries on black-Jewish relations, Latino
Jews, and klezmer music; interviews with artists such as Marc Chagall, Jacques
Lipchitz, Larry Rivers, George Segal and Ben Shahn; and Manischewitz wine
commercials produced between 1963 and 1981 featuring Sammy Davis, Jr.…

Holocaust Remembrance Day at Museum of Jewish Heritage

WHAT: “Different Trains” Featuring the Israeli Contemporary String Quartet
WHERE: Edmond J. Safra Hall at the Museum of Jewish Heritage – A Living Memorial to the Holocaust
36 Battery Place, Lower Manhattan
WHEN: Sunday, May 4, 2008, 7 p.m.
COST: $15 for adults, $12 for students and seniors, $10 for members

Join the internationally acclaimed Israeli Contemporary String Quartet
(ICSQ) for a moving performance of “Different Trains,” distinguished American
composer Steve Reich’s commemorative Holocaust work, in honor of Yom HaShoah, at the
Museum of Jewish Heritage-A Living Memorial to the Holocaust. “Different Trains,”
which The New York Times calls a “work of such astonishing originality that
breakthrough seems the only possible description,” will take place in Edmond J.
Safra Hall at the Museum on Sunday, May 4 at 7 p.m.…

A Time for Peace in LA

What: A Time for Peace – An Inspirational evening of sacred Sufi
music from the Turkish and Pakistani traditions and devotional
music from the Moroccan-Jewish and Yemenite-Jewish music

Who: The Yuval Ron Ensemble, featuring Najwa Gibran, vocal
soloist, with appearance by Whirling Dervish of the Melevi
Order- Aziz.

Where: Islamic Center of Southern California 434 S. Vermont
Ave. Los Angeles, CA 90021. The Location of the Concert is a
sacred space! The public is asked to attend dressed in a
manner, which is respectful and appropriate for a place of

When: Sunday, February 17, 2008 at 7:30pm

Money: tickets are $20 at the door, no advanced sales.

Info: Tel: 310-415-6747 or Calendar
page at

Elaine and Susan at Philadelphia Folklore Project

Klezmer Concert: The Philadelphia Folklore Project presents award-winning drummer
Elaine Hoffman Watts and her daughter, acclaimed vocalist and trumpeter Susan Lankin
in an evening of klezmer music devoted to saying good riddance to all the
mishegas (Yiddish for craziness or insanity ) in our world today. Klezmer is the
celebratory music of Eastern European Jews. Goodnight Mishegas is a line in the
Hoffman family s Goodnight Waltz, composed close to a century ago, with words
recently penned by Susan. The Folklore Project invites people to sing along at the
concert and, in celebration of family and community traditions, to reflect on
possibilities for turning our woes into joy. Visit for music
and words!

Presenter: Philadelphia Folklore Project (PFP)
Date: December 11, 2011
Location: Calvary United Methodist Church, 801 S.…


Wondering what to do with all that Chanukah gelt in the way of gift certificates or cash?… JMWC can recommend a few musical solutions, one sest for the classical repertoire and one for YIddish.

Paul Ben-Haim, Vol. 2 on Centaur CRC 2766 and Piano Music of Paul Ben-Haim on Centaur CRC 2506
Gila Goldstein, piano, Yehonatan Berick, violin, Inbal Segev, cello and Alexander Fiterstein, clarinet are featured on the 2766 and Gila Goldstein is soloist for 2506. The works are (2766) Music for Piano 1957, op 53, Variations on a Hebrew Melody for Piano, Violin and Cello, Chamsin for Piano solo, Pastorale Variee for Clarinet and Paino, op. 31b and Music for Piano 1967, op. 67. The works for 2506 are: Sonatina, op.

Twenty Israeli Composers: Voices of a Culture.

By Robert Fleisher

In 1986, Robert Fleisher spent two months at the center for visiting artists and scholars known as Mishkenot Sha’ananim opposite the wall of Jerusalem’s old city. There he interviewed twenty-four Israeli composers, and in the present volume he brings us oral histories of twenty of these, based on the interviews. The topics covered include the composers’ reflections on their own individual creative output, the place of their music within Israeli music culture, and life in Israel and how it affects their work. The reader gets a good picture of how the special character of modern Israeli history helps to create the culture of the land, a culture born in a relatively young country set in an ancient land, with a population drawn from every conceivable place on earth but at the same time sharing the commonality of Jewish identity.…


Linda Yelnick runs an agency that books Jewish musicians and comedians. It’s called GIGZ and operates from 520 South El Camino Real, Suite 320,
San Mateo CA 94402. She is open to representing more artists. For more information….
Phone/Fax 650 692.1763

Call for papers

The Eurovision Song Contest: Popular Music, Media, and Politics
With the 50th anniversary of the Eurovision Song Contest approaching, we
invite submissions for a collection of essays dealing with this popular
culture phenomenon from a wide range of historical, sociological, and
theoretical perspectives…

The Columbia University Series on Klezmer Music and Yiddish Song

Three Monday Evening Events on November 22, November 29 and December 13, 2004, 8:00 PM

Curated by Deborah Strauss and Jeff Warschauer of the Strauss/Warschauer Duo, this series is dedicated to presenting performances and lectures that reflect the finest current research and creativity in the fields of klezmer music and Yiddish song.

The 2004 series begins on November 22 with THE FROG AND THE WOODCUTTER: Yiddish Story, Song and Klezmer Narrations presented by renowned Yiddish teacher and storyteller Peysakh Fiszman in a special collaboration with the Strauss/Warschauer Duo.

On November 29 acclaimed Jewish music scholar Dr. Mark Kligman will join the duo in THE SOUL YOU PLACED WITHIN ME: The Essence of Eastern European Khazones, Yiddish Song and Klezmer Music.

The series closes on December 13 with THE COLUMBIA KLEZMER BAND AND THE STRAUSS/WARSCHAUER DUO: Concert and Dance Party, featuring traditional and original klezmer music and Yiddish songs, followed by dance instruction and a dance party.…

The Alexandria Kleztet

Tuesday, November 9, The Alexandria Kleztet will be at the Peabody Conservatory of Music in Baltimore from 7 until 9 pm in Griswold Hall, which is located on the second floor of the main conservatory building at 17 East Mount Vernon Place. For more information and directions, visit the Peabody Institute on-line at

Gerald Cohen music concerts

Saturday, November 13, 7:30 p.m.: Champaign, IL
Concert: Music (mostly…) of Gerald Cohen
As part of a weekend as composer/cantor-in-residence at Sinai Temple in Champaign, IL, will present a concert of solo, choral, and chamber music including Preludes and Debka for trombone and string quartet, and selections from V’higad’ta L’vincha, Maariv for Weekdays, and the opera Sarah and Hagar. Other performers include Dennis Helmrich, piano; Jerold Siena, tenor; Elliot Chasanov, trombone; Allison Fromm Entriken, conductor.
*Sinai Temple, 3104 West Windsor Road, Champaign, Illinois
Call (217) 352-8140 for information

Simply Safat Concert Tour

Thursday, Nov 11th @7:30pm
New Haven, CT
Congregation Bikur Cholim Sheveth Achim
112 Marvel Rd
co-sponsors: Westville Synagogue, Yale Hillel, Young Israel of New
Haven, and New Haven Hebrew Day School
Contact: Moshe Waren @ 860-490-6816

New Jewish Music Forum

The Jewish Music Forum, a new initiative of the American Society for Jewish
Music, an affiliate of the American Jewish Historical Society at the Center
for Jewish History, is pleased to announce its inaugural academic seminar
series. This ongoing seminar will feature leading scholars presenting new
research findings and theoretical contributions to the academic study of
Jewish music. All events are free and open to the public.

Jewish Music Forum
Spring 2005 Academic Seminar
“The Study of Music in Jewish Life”

January 28
Professor Kay Kaufman Shelemay, G. Gordon Watts Professor of Music at
Harvard University, Inaugural Lecture, “Memory and History in Jewish Music”

February 11
Professor Edwin Seroussi, Emanuel Alexandre Professor of Musicology at the
Hebrew University in Jerusalem, “Studying Jewish Music in Israel:
Achievements, Failures and Challenges for the Future”
Guest chair and respondent: Professor Stephen Blum, City University of New

March 11
Professor Judah M.…

Israeli Cellist At Carnegie’s Weill Recital Hall

Israeli cellist Benjamin Shapira returns to NY to celebrate his new CD “Romantic Music for Cello”. He will be performing an all-romantic program at Carnegie’s Weill Recital Hall on April 30th, 8:30 pm.

Shapira’s international career was launched after his celebrated Carnegie’s Weill Recital Hall performance of the Complete Bach Suites for Cello Solo. This CD features selections from Mendelssohn, Schumann, Saint-Saens and and Dvorak. He performs with his mother, pianist Shulamith Shapira, a graduate of the State Conservatory of Music in Bucharest under the supervision of legendary teacher Florica Musicescu. More information about the concert at: For ticket information call (888)43-CELLO or CarnegieCharge at (212)247-7800.
CD’s available at selected Tower Records and on the web at:,, and

Jewish Music Forum features Dr. Hankus Netsky in September

The Jewish Music Forum is very pleased to introduce the 2005-2006 schedule of our academic seminar series, “New Perspectives on Music in Jewish Life.”
The first speaker will be Dr. Hankus Netsky of the New England Conservatory of Music. On Friday, September 23 at 10 A.M.
at the Center for Jewish History, Dr. Netsky will deliver a lecture, “The Philadelphia Russian Sher Medley: Viewing the Immigrant Experience through a Musical Text.” Dr. Mark Slobin of Wesleyan University will serve as respondent to this talk. All sessions of the Jewish Music Forum take place on Friday mornings,
beginning at 10:00 AM at the Center for Jewish History. For additional information, please contact James Loeffler at 212-294-8328 or

Meira Warshauer Works To Be Performed by Slovak Radio Orchestra

Meira WarshauerThree major works by American Jewish composer Meira Warshauer, Ahavah (Love),
Shacharit (Morning Service) and Like Streams in the Desert, will be
performed in “Music of the Jewish Heart,” a concert by the Slovak Radio
Symphony Orchestra, the Slovak Philharmonic Choir, soprano Jennifer
Hines, mezzo soprano Stephanie Gregory and tenor Michael Hendrick, all
under the direction of Maestro Kirk Trevor on Thursday, February 2 –
7:00 PM at The Concert Hall of Slovak Radio in Bratislava, Slovakia.
For more about these works, visit

can follow Ms. Warshauer’s trip to Bratislava online through her new
blog at

Elaine Hoffman Watts 2007 winner of a National Heritage Fellowship

Elaine Hoffman Watts wins National Endowment for the Arts, National Heritage Fellowship
The Jewish Music WebCenter already knew how great Elaine is, having conducted an extensive interview with her at KlezKanada a few years ago, not to mention hearing all those concerts with her. Now she’s getting a national honor… nice!

The NEA writes about Elaine:

“Elaine Hoffman Watts’ family came to the United States from a town near Odessa in the former Soviet Union. Her father, Jacob Hoffman, was a prominent member of a klezmer band that was recorded in the 1920s. Elaine received training from her father and uncles in the family’s repertoire of polkas, freilachs, mazurkas, shers, and other tunes of Eastern European Jewish musical tradition. She became the first woman graduate in percussion from the Curtis Institute of Music.…

Shapira and Shapira Perform Brahms at Carnegie Weill Recital Hall

Renowned cellist Benjamin Shapira will joined by pianist Shulamith Shapira performing the two Brahms cello sonatas at Carnegie’s Weill Recital Hall on March 16th, 8:00 pm.
B. Shapira’s talent was recognized at a very early age. He was quickly embraced by
America Israel Cultural Foundation, and was selected by Isaac Stern to join a small
group of outstanding young protégé artists at the Jerusalem Music Center. Shapira’s
international career was launched after his celebrated Carnegie’s Weill Recital Hall
performance of the Complete Bach Suites for Cello Solo. Since, Shapira is in
constant demand as a soloist, performing all over the United States and abroad. His
recent years’ US performances include concerts in Chicago, Los Angeles, Boston,
Texas, Tennessee, Utah and Wisconsin. Shapira frequently performs internationally as
well, touring Europe, South America and Israel.…

Houston Yiddish Vinkl Concert

HOUSTON, March 20
The Yiddish Vinkel will present a Yiddish concert and sing-along led by Israel
Ghelman on March 20th at 8 P.M. at the Jewish Community Center. Mr. Ghelman, born in Argentina, is a professional singer and guitar player who has presented music programs throughout the United States as well as in Latin
America. His style, as singer and teacher, confers a special atmosphere to his performance that captivates all the audiences. We invite all interested members of the community to join Vinkel members for this program which is free of charge. For more information call Susan at 713-772-3036.

A Musical Tour of the East European Jewish World

Zalman Mlotek, director of the Folksbiene Yiddish Theater, and his actors
will present a sampler of Yiddish music and theater, during a lecture and
performance entitled, A Musical Tour of the East European Jewish World , on
Wednesday, June 28, from 7pm to 8:30pm as part of a 3 day program on Eastern European Jewish history and Yiddish culture.

The YIVO Institute for Jewish Research will sponsor a unique
three-day educational training program in Eastern European Jewish history and
Yiddish culture (EPYC), beginning Tuesday, June 27 through Thursday June 29, 2006,
at the Center for Jewish History (15 West 16th St., New York City). The EPYC
Educators Seminar will introduce lead educators to YIVO’s wealth of cultural
treasures and educational resources. Thanks to major funding by the Conference on
Jewish Material Claims Against Germany, Inc., a broad group of educators from the
United States, Canada, Mexico, Lithuania and Israel will participate in a series of
lectures and workshops presented by renowned scholars.…

Kristallnacht Commemorated with the Glorious Music of Salomon Sulzer and Louis Lewandowski

New York. Congregation Rodeph Sholom’s Senior Cantor,
Rebecca Garfein, and Cantorial Intern, Jennifer Strauss-Klein will
commemorate Kristallnacht-the Night of Broken Glass, with the music of
renowned Viennese Cantor, Salomon Sulzer and Berlin composer, Louis
Lewandowski at 6p.m., Friday, November 3, 2006 during Shabbat services.
Guest Cantor, Dr. Bruce Ruben, newly appointed Director of the Hebrew
Union College-Jewish Institute of Religion’s School of Sacred Music will
also participate in this special service. Rodeph Sholom’s Organist, Dr.
John Schuder and augmented professional choir, will accompany the
cantors. This event is free of charge and the entire community is
invited to attend. Rodeph Sholom is located at 7 West 83rd Street (off
Central Park West.) For more information, please call (212) 362-8800, extension 1337.

Concerts at the Museum of Jewish Heritage NYC

Sunday, November 12, 1:30 P.M.
Museum of Jewish Heritage-A Living Memorial to the Holocaust
36 Battery Place
New York, NY 10280
Jewish Composers: Jerusalem to Broadway
With featured artists Guy Mannheim, tenor, and Shirit-Lee Weiss, soprano

Join Israeli soprano Shirit-Lee Weiss and Israeli tenor Guy Mannheim, a
soloist with the New Israeli Opera, for an exciting musical journey from
the streets of Jerusalem, through the shtetls of Eastern Europe and the
cities of Western Europe after WWII, to the sparkling lights of
Broadway. In a true celebration of the Jewish spirit, the program will
include the music and lyrics of world-renowned artists such as
Bernstein, Sondheim, and Weill, along with Israeli music by Naomi
Shemer, Zohar Argov, and others.

Tenor Guy Mannheim has performed with the New Israeli Opera, the New
York Chamber Opera, and in concerts and recitals in Israel, Germany, and
New York.…

Come Celebrate Joel Mandelbaum & Friends at PeaceSmiths

On Sun., Nov. 12, 2006 at 3PM PeaceSmiths, The Elie Siegmeister Society, and The Professor Edgar H. Lehrman Memorial Foundation for Ethics, Religion, Science and the Arts, Inc. proudly present A Concert of Music by Joel Mandelbaum & Friends, launching the celebration of his 75th year, with Helene Williams, soprano; Antoinette Blaikie, oboist; and composers Jay Anthony Gach, Leonard Lehrman, & Joel Mandelbaum, the latter two at the piano, at First United Methodist Church, at 25 Broadway (Route 110 – “the last church on the left,” going south), in Amityville, NY. Info: 631-798-0778. A donation of $8 is suggested.

Two pieces will receive their world premieres at this concert: Elie Siegmeister’s “Outside My Window,” on a text by poet Kim Rich, who will also be present; and Mandelbaum’s setting of his own (June 10, 2005) “Letter to Jewish Week,” composed for the occasion.…

Whirling Dervish with Yuval Ron Ensemble

“deeply moving pan-Middle Eastern music”–
The Yuval Ron Ensemble unites the sacred musical traditions of Judaism,
Sufism (Islamic mystical tradition) and the Christian Armenian Church
into an unusual musical celebration. Bringing together artists from
Arabic, Jewish and Christian ancestry the Yuval Ron Ensemble is
dedicated to fostering an understanding of Middle Eastern cultures and

What: An evening of Suft Music and Whirling and Sufi poetry of Rumi,
Yunus and Hafiz

Who: Whirling Dervish of the Melevi Order- Aziz, with The Yuval Ron
Ensemble, featuring Najwa Gibran, vocal soloist

Where: Church in Ocean Park, 235 Hill Street, Santa Monica, CA 90405.
Free street parking on 4th street and streets east of 4th street or pay
parking lots on Main Street or 1/4 block east of Main Street

When: Sunday, February 18, 2007 at 7:00pm

Money: Advanced tickets: $15, at the door: $20.…