

A music website is offering to help people find bands in Irish, German, Italian and Jewish music. The website is called I haven’t tried it myself, but apparently this website allows you to enter your Jewish affair particulars (date,type of affair etc.) and you get free quotes from bands, orchestras etc.. They compete for your
business. It also features plenty of information on live music presentations, as well as how to be your own DJ.

Female songwriters needed

A Chasidic female recording artist, Chana Fellig, is putting together a CD compilation of Jewish female songwriters. She’s interested in hearing from women and girls who write original songs or “who has dreamed of being a singer, who writes songs, plays an instrument, composes melodies etc. The songs can be a collaboration of a few talents.” If you are interested in submitting a song to her, please email her directly at


Shpatzirin is a new organization in NYC devoted to new Jewish music. It’s created a series of events raising awareness of Jewish culture and the avante garde. Thursday, June 10th @ 7:00PM – “Hip-Hip Machers”
Roosevelt Park-Hester St. between Chrystie St. & Forsyth St.
– B/D to Grand; or 6 to Canal; or J/Z to Bowery
Performances by Akil Dasan and Vanessa Hidary, followed by a screening
of Joey Garfield’s “Breath Control: A History of the Human Beatbox”
VERY IMPORTANT: check the website for last minute site changes!

Matisyahu: Thurs, June 17th @ Southpaw
125 5th Avenue, Park Slope Brooklyn, 18+, 8PM doors
Matisyahu brings it back to Brooklyn Thurs, June 17th with Dub is a
Weapon. Tickets on sale now –; $10 advance, $12 day
of show.…


Linda Yelnick runs an agency that books Jewish musicians and comedians. It’s called GIGZ and operates from 520 South El Camino Real, Suite 320,
San Mateo CA 94402. She is open to representing more artists. For more information….
Phone/Fax 650 692.1763