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One Day Seminar on the Jews of India

Wednesday, October 14
Travel U: One Day Seminar on the Jews of India
Jewish Museum, Manhattan
10:30am to 5:30pm
Five scholars will present the Jewish history, art, culture and communities
of India.
Rabbi Marvin Tokayer,
“In Search of the Unknown Jewish Experience in India”

Dr. Susan Braunstein, Curator
“The Jewish Museum’s collection of Indian Art”

Rahel Musleah
“Jewish Indian Music performance and The Jews of Calcutta”

Dr. Ken Robbins
“The Jews of Kerala” (including Pardesi Synagogue and Judaica)

Stephen Richter, Street Photographer
“India through its People Photographic Lecture”

Rabbi Marvin Tokayer
“Fascinating Heroes of Cochin”

Dr. Aryeh Maidenbaum
Jewish Museum Travel Representative

Indian Dance Performance Sponsored by Tourism India, plus traditional Indian
Henna Painting
Members: $110 by October 1, $135 at the door
Non-members: $135
Participants in the Museum’s upcoming India travel program may enjoy
complimentary admission.…

A Cultural Journey Through Jewish India

Scholar’s Shabbat:
A Cultural Journey Through Jewish India
with Rahel Musleah

Tikvat Israel Congregation
2200 Baltimore Road
Rockville, MD 20851

December 4-5, 2009
Please note deadline for reservations
Friday, Dec. 4
6 p.m. Kabbalat Shabbat
Dinner (reservations required)
8 p.m. Lecture: “Jewish Calcutta Through Music and Memory”
(free, open to the community)

Saturday, Dec. 5 (Parshat Vayishlach)
9:30 a.m. Shacharit: Rahel will be chanting Torah and Haftorah in the
style and will discuss differences in the liturgy.
Lecture: “A Taste of Shabbat, Calcutta Style”
12:15 p.m. Dessert kiddush and Q&A with Rahel, followed immediately by
6 p.m. Ma’ariv and havdalah
6:30 p.m. A Taste of India: Vegetarian Dairy Indian Repast (reservations
8 p.m. Melave Malka: “Masala: A Bazaar of Spice, Song and Story”
(free, open to the community)

Shabbat Dinner: $18 adults/$8 students
A Taste of India: $10 adults/$5 students (Adults registered for both meals,
RSVP: or call the synagogue office at 301-762-7338
by Nov.…

Yesterday, Today and Tomorrow

The Ramaz Chorus of the New York under the direction of Caroll Goldberg recorded songs on Yom Yerushalayim in 2001. Title of the CD is Yesterday-Today-Tomorrow. If your Jewish day school is looking for material that is attractive, uplifting, and sounds good both to you and teens, you may want to take a listen to this recording to see what kids can do. Caroll Goldberg also has a book L’yisrael Mizmor, that has “selections with melody line, chords, two and three part settings suitable for amateur as well as professional chorus, texts, transliterations and translations, discography, curriculum guide, amd bibliography.” Availble through

Hodu: Jewish Rhythms from Baghdad to India

�Hodu,� in Hebrew, means both �India� and �Praise God!�–an appropriate double entendre for a community that thrived in the most benevolent of diasporas. This compilation of songs for Shabbat and holidays features a blend of ancient texts, authentic melodies and contemporary rhythms. Hebrew texts and English translations included.

The cost of the CD is $15 plus $4 shipping, available through Ms. Musleah’s website,, or by calling 516-

The Colors of Water — Today in Boston!

Julie Silver plays Hancock Hall in Boston, March 22nd, 4PM…with the tremendously talented Yavilah McCoy and Josh Nelson.
Program: The Colors of Water – An original Mayyim Hayyim production telling the unique musical family history of four generations who found a home in Judaism through spirit and song.
Written by Anita Diamant, Janet Buchwald and Yavilah McCoy
Performers: Yavilah McCoy, Julie Silver, Josh Nelson and more!
Hancock Hall
180 Berkeley Street
Boston, MA 02116

$54 General Admission (Reception and Performance) –Dessert Reception starts at 3pm
$36 Performance Only
$18 Students (performance only, please arrive at 3:45)

Hungry for Music? Metropolitan Klezmer TODAY

Sunday, February 1, 2009
11:00am – 2:00pm
City Winery
155 Varick Street at Vandam
New York, NY
Contact Info Phone: 212-608-0555

City Winery is a great new all-ages space for music, sweeping sight-lines with a raised stage and excellent acoustics. The klezmer brunch tradition is reborn in West Soho, with tasty treats including bagels, lox and much more… kosher too! And yes of course they do have the wine list. Wooden floors if you feel like dancing even.

Tickets just $10; kids under 13 are free! No minimum food or drink order, come on down.

Online tickets here:
featuring Metropolitan Klezmer ::: special brunch quintet formation ::: PAM FLEMING: trumpet, DAVE HOFSTRA: bass, DEBRA KREISBERG: clarinet/sax, EVE SICULAR: drums, & special guest SHOKO NAGAI: piano/accordion

Jeff and Deborah play Manhattan Live Today

Miss the pre-game hype …And you can still watch the Superbowl later….go to a fun concert instead this afternoon.
Sunday, February 1 at 3 PM
Town and Village Synagogue
334 East 14th Street
near First Avenue, Manhattan
Sponsored by the Jewish War Veterans Post 1

This annual, multigenerational concert extravaganza features the internationally renowned Strauss/Warschauer Duo along with three wonderful groups comprised of friends and students of the Duo: The Columbia University Klezmer Band, the Port Washington Temple Beth Israel Intergenerational Klezmer Band and the Workmen’s Circle Klezmer Workshop.

$1 donation requested. Doors open at 2:45 PM.
(The Duo will perform one short set and present the three other klezmer groups.)
For more information, contact Jerry Alperstein at 212 477-3131 or

Music in Jewish History and Culture

By Emanuel Rubin and John H. Baron

In a carefully chosen title, Rubin and Baron set about to teach not only Jewish music but to give the reader a handle to understand their working definition of Jewish music which is “Jewish music is music that serves Jewish purposes.” Thus Music in Jewish History and Culture is a title that tells the reader that any music “that serves Jewish purposes” in the course of time, various places and for various Jewish cultural or religious purposes might be construed as Jewish music. This is functional music. It must be at the service of those in the community for religious, spiritual, national, psychological, artistic or cultural matters. In the end, there are many Jewish musics. These are not only the product of the ages past such as cantillation, nusach or synagogue modes, but also the music of the streets of today’s youth in Israel or elsewhere.…

A Heymishe Yiddishe Chanuke TODAY!

The American Society for Jewish Music
The American Jewish Historical Society
A Heymishe Yiddishe Chanuke
Sunday, December 13, 2009 at 3 PM
Zalmen Mlotek and Guests from
The National Yiddish Theater-Folksbiene
(All songs will be accompanied by English supertitles, as is
the custom at the National Yiddish Theater-Folksbiene.)

Master Storyteller Isaiah Sheffer
of NPR’s Selected Shorts
Program followed by Menorah lighting, singing and reception.
$18 General; $12 Members;$9 Students & Seniors
For tickets call (212) 868-4444, or _www.smarttix.com_
Center for Jewish History
15 West 16th Street, NYC

Ayn Sof Arkestra and Bigger Band in Brooklyn

June 27, 2012

Gala Brooklyn Jazz/Klezmer Concert with
The Ayn Sof Arkestra and Bigger Band
Directed by Rabbi Greg Wall and Frank London
Wednesday, June 27th 8:30PM
Ocean Parkway Jewish Center
550 Ocean Parkway • Brooklyn, NY 11218
(between Ditmas Ave. and 18th Ave.)
Light refreshments will be served after the concert.
Cost: $12 if pre-registered; $15 at the door
PROMO code “OPJC-ML” price is $10
To register:

Once you register, you will be assigned your own referral code, and you will get credit for friends that attend events organized by Jewish Singles Galaxy, as well as credit for referrals they make to their friends. Like a coffee punch-card, as credits accrue, you will be able to attend future functions for free.…

Oh, Lovely Parrot! – Jewish Women’s Songs from Kerala

A New CD was released by The Jewish Music Research Centre in Jerusalem on the music of the Jewish women of Cochin, India. For centuries, the Jewish women of Cochin have been singing Jewish songs in the Malayalam language of Kerala, their ancient homeland on the tropical southwest coast of India.
Here’s the info to buy it and more descriptions below:
Title: Oh, Lovely Parrot! – Jewish Women’s Songs from Kerala
Editor(s): Barbara C. Johnson
Publisher: The Jewish Music Research Centre, The Hebrew University of Jerusalem
Place: Jerusalem
First Edition Year: 2004
Language: Malayalam
Tradition: Cochin
Country: India
Category: Folk Songs
Price: NIS 60 / $ 20
for more info….

Denburg, Moshe

Moshe Denburg (b. 1949) grew up in Montreal, Canada, in a religious Jewish family. His first musical influences were the singing and chanting of the Synagogue and his mother’s singing of Jewish and Israeli folksongs. His musical career has spanned over 3 decades and his accomplishments encompass a wide range of musical activities, including Composition, Performance, Jewish Music Education, and Piano Tuning. His compositions have been performed in many parts of the world and as a Performer/Composer he has recorded and toured with his ensemble Tzimmes all over North America.

Mr. Denburg has studied music extensively, both formally and informally. He has travelled worldwide, living and studying music in New York (1965-66), Israel (1966-73), Montreal (1973-78), Toronto (1978-82), India (1982-83; 1985-86), and Japan (1985). From 1986-90 he studied composition with John Celona at the University of Victoria, Canada.…

Shye Ben-Tzur & The Rajasthan Gypsies Free in Boston

Together with Outside the Box, Boston Jewish Music Festival will be presenting the grand finale event, a concert by Shye Ben-Tzur & The Rajasthan Gypsies. This is a unique multi-ethnic, Israeli and Indian ensemble that produces ‘world devotional music.’ Don’t miss what promises to be a remarkable free concert Sunday, July 21, 4 pm at Boston City Hall Plaza.

Yael Naim at City Winery

Oct. 29 and 30, 2011
Yael Naim: She Was A Boy Out
Bar Stools $25.00
Reserved Tables $28.00
Reserved Best Tables $32.00
VIP Tables $32.00

Their differing roots and their multiple passion for music unites them: YAEL NAIM releases a second, four-handed album together with DAVID DONATIEN, as a new collection of graceful songs.

After the worldwide success of the feel-good album, released in 2007, YAEL NAIM unveils her second album today « She Was a Boy ». Closeted in a Parisian apartment for two years, YAEL NAIM and DAVID DONATIEN perfected Yael’s songs in Hebrew and English, which culminated in a commercial and artistic success (Victoire de la Musique 2008, for the Album of the Year World Music category).


Yair Dalal:
WHEN: Saturday, November 4, 2006 at 7:30 PM

WHERE: Center for Jewish History, 15 West 16th Street, New York City
A unique performance in the four-day program
Back to Babylon: 2600 Years of Jewish Life in Iraq, November 2-5, 2006,
Exploring the venerable and multifaceted culture of Iraqi Jewry< During the first half of the 20th century, Jews were virtually the only instrumentalists in the Iraqi musical scene. All the musicians from Iraq who attended the first Arabic music congress in Cairo in 1932 were Jewish (but one). With the exile of the Jewish community in the 1950’s, many famous Iraqi Jewish musicians immigrated to Israel. Their legacy is still strong today, both in the preservation of the traditional Iraqi Maqam, and in its influence on contemporary Israeli music.


Announcements Archive 2000

All archival announcements from 2000 listed below.

The Dutch duo, Mariejan van Oort and Jacques Verheijen, have just released their new CD “Benkshaft”. Visit their website at for more details.
Load date 12.08.00

–Boston, MA–
“Klezperanto” CD Release. The band will have CD release event Thursday night Nov. 30 (that’s one week after Thanksgiving)at 9 p.m. at Johnny D’s Uptown Restaurant and Music Club* (17 Holland Street, Somerville, MA 617 776-2004)
to celebrate the long-awaited release of the CD, Klezperanto! on the Naxos World label. “With solid klezmer roots, spectacular technical virtuosity, and a wry sense of humor, Ilene Stahl, Evan Harlan, and Boston’s hottest musisicans from the klezmer scene re-groove Yiddish and Mediterranean melodies with zydeco, funk, cumbia, rockabilly, and Romanian surf music.”
Load date 11.27.00

–Trieste, Italy–
Vanja Cvelbar has a band, The Original Klezmer Ensemble, in Trieste, Italy, that has released two CD’s: Klezmatic Tantz and Halleluja.…

Sebastian Winston, Yohanan

Composer, classical, jazz and pop performer, Jewish music advocate. Typical of the renaissance in Jewish music phenomena of today’s contemporary music world. Musicians today are combining secular careers with Jewish activities and involvement. Today, those Jewish activities are also going on the resume. One such example is this website of a working musician in California. Website contains bio, links, resume. mp3s must be updated.

The Book of Klezmer: The History, The Music, The Folklore

By Yale Strom

Yale Strom has written a book with enormous effort that supplies the reader with good access to extensive quotations by klezmer musicians, translations of previous scholarly works into English, 3 superb appendices, a bibliography, a very nice discography and an index. The purpose of the book is to give an overall history of klezmer music, with its growth in Eastern Europe and a look at the current scene and it’s meaning today.

Strom spent several years researching the material, conducting interviews of klezmer musicians in America and Europe, and having materials translated into English. Over a twenty-year period, he made some fifty trips to Eastern Europe doing ethnographic research. Details supplied by photographic plates and the extensive quotations from his interviews abound in the book.

A highlight of special note in this book is Appendix 1, “Klezmer Zikhroynes in di Yizker Bikher,” (Klezmer remembrances in the Memorial Books).…

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Jonathan Keren Premiere Featured at The Israeli Chamber Project with Samuel Rhodes

JTS Presents: The Israeli Chamber Project with Samuel Rhodes, an Evening of Chamber Music from The Juilliard School featuring Tibi Cziger (clarinet), Michal Korman (cello), Assaff Weisman (piano), Carmit Zori (violin), with special guest artist Samuel Rhodes (viola) will take place on Wednesday, October 22, 2014, at 7:30 p.m. at The Jewish Theological Seminary (JTS), located at 3080 Broadway (corner 122nd Street) in New York City. The Israeli Chamber Project (ICP) will perform a wide-ranging program of favorite classics and recent works influenced by Jewish culture, including music of Mozart, Schulhoff, Brahms, and the New York premiere of music by Israeli composer Jonathan Keren.

Admission to the concert is by ticket only. Tickets are $10 each; students with a valid school ID—as well as JTS alumni, faculty, students, and staff—may request up to two free tickets each.…

Hava Nagila Historical Collections

Along with the documentary made by Roberta Grossman and Marta Kaufman that aired on PBS in 2010, there have been a few historical collections putting up materials about Hava Nagila, the ubiquitous folk tune that has become part and parcel of the American Jewish experience. Here’s some links to the history, video and archival materials that may be of interest to our readers.

First, the video, (fundraising promo about the PBS special from 2010): (about 10 minutes)

Second, the archival materials published on Flickr from the Jewish National Library in Jerusalem:

Images from, Sadagora, hometown where the melody was traced:

For years, the song text was attributed to Moshe Nathanson, but this claim turned out to be untrue. Later in life, Nathanson wrote to Idelsohn and apologized about accepting credit for the text, which Idelsohn had written.…


Brookline, MA–Sunday, July 9, 2006
7:30 pm
Temple Beth Zion (TBZ),
1566 Beacon Street, Brookline, MA
Advance tickets: $10
At the door: $12
For more info please contact Noam at
To purchase tickets in advance please call Eran at 617.216.4879 or email

Traverse the deserts of the Middle East, the mountains of northern India, and the warm waters of the Mediterranean with Eliyahu Sills and his Qadim Ensemble. The group and their music bring ancient musical traditions to a contemporary audience, allowing for a musical dialogue between the different cultures. The group performs instrumental pieces as well as songs with words in Hebrew, Arabic, Greek, Turkish, Farsi and Ladino.

Qadim is a word found both in Hebrew and Arabic meaning “ancient past” and “that which precedes” as well as “forward movement” and “that which will come.” The band is aptly named as their ancient and timeless music bridges cultures from throughout the near east, such as Mizrakhi, Sephardic and Ashkenazi, with Arabic, Turkish, Persian and north Indian.…

The School of Oriental and African Studies, University of London (SOAS) University of London

The Department of Music at SOAS University of London offers Undergraduate and postgraduate degrees in Jewish music.
Joe Loss Lecturer in Jewish Music, SOAS, University of London: Alexander Knapp
Regular Courses include: Aspects of Jewish Music (BA – undergraduate)
The Music of the Jews (MMus – postgraduate)
The aims and objectives of these courses are to explore a musical culture which began in the Levant some 3,000 years ago and which has been diffused throughout the world, constantly adapting to new conditions and yet retaining its identity in many widely differing ethnic and geographical environments. Scholarly investigations combine broadly ethnomusicological and intercultural approaches with elements of musicology. The music of the Jews is one of the fundamental factors in the understanding of Near Eastern and European traditions, first having influenced, and then having been influenced by, the musics of Christianity and Islam.…

Musleah, Rahel

Rahel Musleah was born in Calcutta, India, the seventh generation of a Calcutta Jewish family that traces its roots to 17th-century Baghdad. Through her multi-media song, story and slide programs, she shares her rare and intimate knowledge of this ancient community s history, customs and melodies. Ms Musleah is a graduate of Columbia University and the Jewish Theological Seminary of America. She is a member of the Authors Guild; the Society of Professional Journalists and the American Jewish Press Association. She sings with the Zamir Chorale and Shirah, the Jewish Community Chorus of the JCC on the Palisades, in Tenafly, NJ, both under the direction of Matthew Lazar. She has received awards for her writing from the American Jewish Press Association, the Society of Professional Journalists, the National Sephardi Literary Contest, the Society of National Association Publications, and the General Federation of Women s Clubs.…

Zamir Choral Foundation (New York)

“The Zamir Choral Foundation, created by Matthew Lazar, promotes Jewish choral music as a vehicle to inspire Jewish life, culture and continuity. Building on the success of the Zamir Chorale, the first modern Hebrew-singing chorus in North America, Mr. Lazar sought an expansive vision that went beyond the activities of any single choir – one that fostered Jewish identity across generational and denominational lines. Today, through extensive programming, education, sponsorships and special events, the Zamir Choral Foundation is at the core of an ever-growing network of Jewish choirs, singers and music which has helped create the only Foundation of its kind devoted to Jewish choral music. The Zamir Choral Foundation is creating a new world of Jewish music, musicians and culture for today and the future.”

Chanting the Hebrew Bible: The Complete Guide to the Art of Cantillation

By Joshua R. Jacobson

Precision. Thoroughness. Clarity. Devotion to Torah.

These are some of the thoughts that define my reaction to this new and excellent work by Joshua Jacobson, Professor of Music at Northeastern University in Boston, and Hebrew College in Newton, Massachusetts. This large guide may additionally properly be called a “handbook”, a “textbook” or a “teacher’s manual ” in the pursuit of learning to chant the Jewish holy texts with understanding and correctness. Accompanying the book is a CD with demonstrations of the te’amim chanted– featuring the pleasant voice of the author. An index to the sung examples is included in an appendix at the back of the book. This work can be used as a teaching tool or resource for professional or lay cantors, and other teachers of synagogue chant.…

Announcements Archive 2002

All archival announcements from 2002 listed below.

–Syracuse, NY–
Klezfest photos from Klezfest 2001 and 2002.Next Festival on June 8, 2003.


–New York–TOUR with MUSIC–
Musical Walking Tour Sings the Stories of the Lower East Side

SUNDAY, OCTOBER 27, 2002, 11 AM

Lower East Side, New York . . . On Sunday, October 27, 2002, from 11:00 AM to 1:00 PM, the Eldridge Street Project will host the Lower East Side Serenade, a musical walking tour of the historic sites and sounds of the Lower East Side. As they meander along the streets, tour-goers will be treated to live performances of Yiddish and English songs which reference turn-of-the-century immigrant life in the neighborhood. World-renowned “minstrel”, Jeff Warschauer, will sing his heart out as architectural historian Lucien Sonder points out nineteenth- and early-twentieth-century landmarks in the neighborhood.…

Celebrate Freedoom with Music For Passover from URJ

Soundswrite newsletter: Volume 10, Number 7 • April, 2011 • Adar II/Nisan, 5771

Purim is over, which means Passover is just around the corner! Arguably the most widely observed of all Jewish holidays, Passover (Pesach) is a celebration of freedom–a remembrance of our people’s Exodus from slavery in Egypt over 3,000 years ago. Today, there’s an amazing array of terrific music for Pesach, both traditional and contemporary, to enliven your holiday and brighten your home, your car, your classroom, or anywhere else you listen to music. Check out these amazing recordings by clicking on any cover image below. Chag Pesach Sameach!

JCC MusicFest West Bloomfield

June 20-27
D. Dan & Betty Kahn Building on the Eugene & Marcia Applebaum Jewish Community Campus in West Bloomfield.
Tickets on sale May 10, 2004
Highlighting the musical heritage of the Jewish people through a variety of programs that educate and entertain our community, while encouraging affiliation with the Jewish Community Center.
For more information or to volunteer, contact Katie Marcus at

Leo Zeitlin Chamber Music Comes to Life in New Critical Edition

Leo Zeitlin Chamber Music The music world involved in the revival of Jewish national music or recovery of early twentieth century art music of the first order will be dazzled by the new critical edition of Leo Zeitlin’s Chamber Music published by AR Editions, and edited by musicologist and professors Paula Eisenstein Baker and Robert S. Nelson. Texts are presented in original Yiddish, Hebrew, transliterations and English translation.

But who was Leo Zeitlin? It’s not a name in currency today, but is likely to be more familiar now that musicians will have a chance to perform this music, and it is highly recommended that college and university libraries purchase the volume. All but two of the selections are class art pieces based on Jewish themes.

Zeitlin, also known as Leyb or Lev Tseytlin or in Russian as Lev Mordukhovich Tseitlin, was born in Pinsk (now part of Belarus) in 1884.…

Gershon Kingsley CD from Milken

Gershon Kingsley [8.559435]
This new recording of four works by German-born American composer
Gershon Kingsley reveals the influence of American idioms and
contemporary musical developments-in this case jazz and electronic
music-on the work of Jewish composers, and confirms the openness of both
composers and Jewish institutions to expanding the boundaries of
traditional liturgical practice. In addition, the CD illustrates the
continuing affect of the Holocaust in provoking response by creative
artists, and points to the upcoming observance of the 60th anniversary
of the allied liberation of the concentration camps in the spring of
1945.For details about this CD, go to

Metropolitan Klezmer & Isle of Klezbos

Today: Thursday, May 21
Trinity Wall Street, NYC – FREE & outdoors!
1:30pm – 2:30pm
Isle of Klezbos (with special guests) plays the historic, beautiful downtown environs of Trinity Wall Street for outdoor festivities, FREE & open to the public: Lower Broadway at Wall Street, NYC.
One fun set of klezmer & more among the trees & gravestones: live music and free lemonade. or 212-602-0800

Yiddish Summer Weimar

Yiddish Summer Weimar will have an extensive array of programming in Yiddish music in the summer of 2015

For more information, visit their website at:

Workshop Weeks (Workshopwochen)
From July 18 to August 9, Yiddish summer Weimar: offers beginner through advanced workshops in Yiddish instrumental music (klezmer), vocal music, dance, language, and more, taught by some of today’s leading artists. With participants of all ages and from all around the world, Yiddish Summer workshops touch the mind, heart, soul, and body. You won’t believe how much you can learn in an atmosphere that is so open and supportive! It’s no wonder that many of today’s most creative and successful Yiddish music projects have roots in Yiddish Summer Weimar. Concerts, jam sessions in outdoor cafés, Yiddish dance events, and more contribute to the justly famous “Yiddish Summer Weimar” atmosphere during the Workshop Weeks.…

Klezmer Influences in American Jewish Music

Admission: General $12 | YIVO Members $8
Box Office: | (212) 868-4444
Venue: YIVO Institute at the Center for Jewish History | 15 West 16th Street – NYC

For years, American Jewish composers have been integrating klezmer and Yiddish folk songs into new classical music, inventing a new form of artistic and cultural Jewish expression. In this unique lecture-demonstration, we present three of these outstanding and rarely performed pieces—Dreams and Prayers of Isaac the Blind by Osvaldo Golijov, Six Yiddish Scenes by Paul Alan Levi, and Café Music by Paul Schoenfield—and delve into the intricacies and challenges of performing American Jewish music today. Special guests include internationally-acclaimed clarinetist Todd Palmer, who will discuss the klezmer and mystical elements of Dreams and Prayers; pianist and composer Paul Alan
Levi, who will speak with Michael Leavitt, President of the American Society for Jewish Music about interpreting Yiddish Art Songs today; and Yuval Waldman, artistic director of the Sidney Krum Concert Series, who will introduce the hybrid klezmer-jazz elements in the closing piano trio Café Music…

Joseph Achron Society focuses on publication

The Joseph Achron Society, led by Sam Zerin, put out a fundraising call for publication of Achron’s works:

the Joseph Achron Society fundraiser ends tonight! Online donations are quick and easy, and will help us publish the first edition of Achron’s brilliant Paganini Caprice transcriptions!

You know as well as I do: more than half of Achron’s important legacy has never been published — despite high praise from the likes of Heifetz and Schoenberg — and thus remains inaccessible to most of today’s performers.

For the first time in almost 100 years, the Achron-Paganini Caprices will be easily available in print to performers world-wide! Let us work together. Help us with a tax-deductible donation today — and receive a free score!

Here is the link again:

Thank you for your help.…

New Jewish Music Forum

The Jewish Music Forum, a new initiative of the American Society for Jewish
Music, an affiliate of the American Jewish Historical Society at the Center
for Jewish History, is pleased to announce its inaugural academic seminar
series. This ongoing seminar will feature leading scholars presenting new
research findings and theoretical contributions to the academic study of
Jewish music. All events are free and open to the public.

Jewish Music Forum
Spring 2005 Academic Seminar
“The Study of Music in Jewish Life”

January 28
Professor Kay Kaufman Shelemay, G. Gordon Watts Professor of Music at
Harvard University, Inaugural Lecture, “Memory and History in Jewish Music”

February 11
Professor Edwin Seroussi, Emanuel Alexandre Professor of Musicology at the
Hebrew University in Jerusalem, “Studying Jewish Music in Israel:
Achievements, Failures and Challenges for the Future”
Guest chair and respondent: Professor Stephen Blum, City University of New

March 11
Professor Judah M.…

Hebreos Net: MIDIS Judaicos

A Latin American website devoted to the Jewish kehillah, including this extensive MIDI library of Jewish music. Started in La Plata, Argentina, the network has “…over 1000 members, including Jews living in Argentina, Israel, Canada, the United States, Peru, Chile, Uruguay, Venezuela, Mexico, Spain, Bolivia, Brazil, and other countries. [They] have also held Mesibas [meetings] in Argentina, Uruguay, Chile, Israel, the United States, Mexico, and Venezuela.”

Grand Récital Liturgiques Roch Hachana 5767 En la grande Synagogue de Créteil

Le Président André BENAYOUN
Et les Membres de la Commission Administrative de la communauté de Créteil
Monsieur le Rabbin Alain SENIOR
Ont l’honneur et la joie de vous inviter
En présence d’Artistes et de Journalistes
Des présidents de communautés et des membres du consistoire
Le Dimanche 17 Septembre 2006 – 14 Elloul 5767 à 19h30
En la grande Synagogue de Créteil – KYRIAT – EL
Rue du 8 mai 1945 – 94000 CRETEIL
au profit des sinistrés du Nord d’Israël.
Au Grand Récital Liturgiques Roch Hachana 5767
Avec la Participation Exceptionnelle des Artistes
Ténor « Gabriel Efassi »
Hazan « Michaël Dahan »
Hazan « Moshé Amram »
Violoniste «Chalom Kinor»
Exposition JUDAICA
Présentation des Oeuvres, Artiste Peintre Israélien.
« Meyer LAZAR»
P.a.f : 20 euros, étudiants 10 euros – Suivi d’un cocktail.…

A YEMENITE MUSIC FESTIVAL: Celebrating Yemenite and Mizrachi Jewish Music

Legendary Yemenite-Israeli artists perform classic and contemporary
Yemenite and Mizrachi (Middle Eastern) Jewish music
Wednesday, May 25, 2011
8:00 pm
92ND STREET Y – Kaufmann Concert Hall
1395 Lexington Avenue New York, NY 10128
Tel: 212.415.5500

Order online and save 50% on service fees at

Price: $180 Premium Orchestra (includes VIP reception with the performers)
$75 Orchestra
$50 Balcony Now Available

OCLC, the central catalog organization of most major college, university and public libraries, announces
the release of the new Web site.

This site—and a downloadable WorldCat search box you can easily add to
your Web site—opens the complete WorldCat database to the public, not
just the smaller data subsets utilized by Open WorldCat partner sites such
as Google, Yahoo! Search and others. builds on the success of
OCLC’s Open WorldCat Program that has elevated the visibility of library
materials on the open Web since the summer of 2003.

The main attraction of the new site is the WorldCat search box. Web users
can now search the entire WorldCat database with the method most familiar
to them: simple keywords. As in Open WorldCat, each linked result leads to
a “Find in a Library” information page.…

Catch Metropolitan Klezmer Before the Holidays

Metropolitan Klezmer octet on the cusp of the holidays (awe-appropriate…)
Recharged traditionals, soulful originals, retro surprises! Full details

Thursday, September 14
7:00pm @ JCC Metrowest, West Orange NJ – free!

Tuesday, September 19
7:30pm @ Mo Pitkin’s – Judeo/Latino cuisine!
34 Avenue A (East Village) NYC

Yuval Ron with LA Jewish Symphony

See the Yuval Ron Ensemble performing with a FULL SYMPHONY and
dancers in a spectacular production under the stars!
East meets West: A Special Concert of The Yuval Ron Ensemble with
the LA Jewish Symphony

Conductor: Dr. Noreen Green

The Ensemble will perform (in the second half of the program only!)
traditional songs of the Middle East and Andalusia with new symphonic
arrangements by Yuval Ron plus Canciones Sefardi – a symphonic work
by Yuval Ron based on Andalusi songs of Morocco and…… the first
public performance of a symphonic medley from the Oscar winner film
“West Bank Story”.


singers Maya Haddi and Barak Marshall, guitarist Kenton Youngstrom
and dancers Maya Karasso and Melanie Kareem

Please note: the concert at the Ford will be taped for future
broadcast on TV channel 36!…

A Jewish Music Medley

A Jewish Music Medley
Hebrew College School of Jewish Music
Sunday, March 21
Wellesley College
Houghton Memorial Chapel
106 Central Street
Wellesley, Mass.

Cosponsored by the Office of Spiritual and Religious Life
at Wellesley College
2:30& 4:45 p.m.
Your Turn to Learn– Hands-on Workshops

Join faculty from the School of Jewish Music for an afternoon of free workshops,
including Unlocking the Cantillation Code with Joshua Jacobson, a Sing-along with
Cantor Jeff Klepper, A Cappella from Alef to Tav with Honorable Menschen, and
Pedagogy of B’nai Mitzvah for Special Needs Students with Dr. Scott Sokol and
Cantor Louise Treitman.

Free admission. Registration required.
Register now

For a taste of the Cantillation workshop, read Joshua Jacobson’s blog post, What’s
Music Got to Do With It?: Why We Chant Torah ;

7:30 p.m.…

The Legacy of Robert Moevs

Event title: The Legacy of Robert Moevs; includes Elijah’s Chariot for string quartet and electronics from shofar sounds by Judith Shatin

Event date: Nov 13, 2016

Time: 7:30 p.m.

Location: Address: Shindell Choral Hall, 79 George St. City/Town: New Brunswick, NJ Country: US – United States State: NJ New Jersey Zip Code: 08901

This concert features Composition Teachers and Students at Rutgers University. Distinguished composer Robert Moevs, in whose honor the concert was conceived, was the first composition teacher of Judith Shatin, now William R. Kenan Professor of Music at the University of Virginia. In turn, her PhD advisee, Steven Kemper, is now Assistant Professor of Music at Rutgers University. This concert features music for string quartet, in Shatin’s case with electronics fashioned from recordings of Shofar calls, and shows the circle continuing.…

Film Music of Yuval Ron CD Release

New CD Release!
20 Years of Film Music by Yuval Ron
February 25, 7pm
A New CD Release!
Film Music of Yuval Ron:
20 Years of Innovative Scores

Location: A recording studio in West Los Angeles. Please rsvp to receive exact address details.
Note:doors open at 6:30pm, event begins at 7:00pm< ,br />
Admission: Free, but seating is limited! RSVP: RSVPs required by 02/21/14 to

In celebration of the 20th year of Yuval Ron’s composing career in Los Angeles. this
album showcases highlights from such scores as West Bank Story (Academy Award winner
for Best Short Film), Road to Victory (Best Original Soundtrack, Moondance Film
Festival), Breaking the Maya Code (Best Film Award, Nyon Film Festival), Proteus
(Best Film Award, Philadelphia Film Festival), Samsara, Spiral Staircase and more.…

Zalmen Mlotek and Moishe Rosenfeld Revive Golden Land thru Jan 6

The musical, The Golden Land, originally created by Zalmen Mlotek and Moishe Rosenfeld in 1984 told the ‘poignant yet joyous saga of the Eastern European Jewish immigration to America’ from their first glimpses of the Statue of Liberty through their battles for social justice and … continues through mid-century history.
Now playing at Baruch Performing Arts Center, 55 Lexington Avenue at 25th Street.
Phone:(646) 312-4085
Transit: 23 St
For tickets, performance times and dates:

Dudu Fisher in Minneapolis

Orchestra Hall, Minneapolis, One Night Only — Israel’s Foremost Singer and Broadway Star Dudu Fisher in a special celebration!
When: Monday, March 12, 2012 @ 7:30 p.m.
Where: Orchestra Hall, 1111 Nicollet Mall, Minneapolis, MN

To watch the short promotional video click:

To order tickets call 612.371.5656 or visit for more information.
For groups of 10 or more, use coupon code GROUP to receive 50% off

Alicia Svigal: It Would have Been Enough, But it Wasn’t. Now there’s More in April at John Zorn’s Stone place

At the Stone in NYC, 2nd St. and Ave C,
Violinist Alicia Svigals, a founder of the Grammy-winning Klezmatics
and the world’s best-known klezmer fiddler, is the curator for the
month of April at the Stone, John Zorn’s performance space on the
Lower East Side of Manhattan.

John Zorn, the composer who was recently awarded a MacArthur genius
grant, opened the Stone to provide a venue for the most creative new
music in New York. Each month he selects a different musician to
curate the series, and for April he asked Svigals to put together a
lineup that would tap into her eclectic and offbeat musical worlds.

The fifty acts Svigals booked revolve around three themes: Jewish
music, virtuoso female instrumentalist/improvisers/composers, and
all kinds of string music, traditional and contemporary.…

Kiss the Beloved: Kabbalistic Kirtan

KABBALISTIC KIRTAN is a new Jewish musical experience, a fusion of East andWest inspired by chant from India (kirtan) and music of the Middle East.
Musicians on the recording include:
Yofiyah (vocals)
Lenny Seidman (tabla, frame drum)
Roger Mgrdichian (oud)
Joe Tayoun (doumbek, riq)
Amira Dvorah (bansuri flute)
Andrew Bleckner (harmonium)

Blending inspiring melodies, driving drum beats, and call and response
chanting of short Hebrew prayers and names of God, Kabbalistic kirtan
inspires a sense of Oneness and unity with all, marked by deep joy and even

for information, contact:
Yofiyah at: 215-242-6677

Musica Judaica Issues: 1984-85, Volume VII, No. 1

This Table of Contents Service is provided by The Jewish Music WebCenter on behalf of The American Society for Jewish Music.

Volume VII. Number 1. 5745/1984-85


Israel J. Katz

Yemenite and Babylonian Elements in the Musical Heritage of the Jews of Cochin, IndiaJohanna Spectorp.1
Songs of the Jews on the Island of Djerba. A Comparison between Two Surveys: Hara Sghira (1929) and Hara Kebira (1976)Ruth Francis Davisp.23
The Resurgence of Jewish Musical Life in an Urban German Community: Mannheim on the Eve of World War IIPhilip V. Bohlmanp.34
Felix Mendelssohn's Commissioned Composition for the Hamburg Temple: The 100th Psalm (1844)Eric Wernerp.54
Another Anthology of Sephardic Folksongs (A Review Essay)Samuel G. Armistead, Israel J.


Spector, Johanna

Born in Lativa in April 23, 1915? 1920?. Ethnomusicologist. Came to the US in 1947 after losing her husband, parents and brother in the Holocaust. Earned a doctorate from HUC and master from Columbia University.Taught for two years at Hebrew University in Jerusalem. Taught at Jewish Theological Seminary, starting in 1954 and continued there for over thirty years. Founded Department of Ethnomusicology in 1962 which specialized in the music of the Jews of Yemen, India and the Middle East. Collected an archive of thousands of recordings of Jews from very varied backgrounds. She produced numerous article and documentary films on the musics from these Jewish communities.

Johanna Spector Archives at JTS Receives Grant

January 30, 2013?The Library of The Jewish Theological Seminary
(JTS) has received a $175,300 Cataloging Hidden Special Collections
and Archives grant from The Andrew W. Mellon Foundation, through a
program administered by the Council on Library Resources (CLIR). The
grant will make the archives of Dr. Johanna Spector, a major
repository of rare materials related to the dwindling Jewish
communities of Africa, the Middle East, and Asia available for
research and to the public for the first time. The collection will
now be cataloged for use, and rehoused in order to prevent
deterioration of its materials.


Thursday March 15 at 7:30pm
at Jazz at Lincoln Center’s Rose Theater, NYC

Two of Israel’s most popular singers — Noa (Achinoam Nini), and Mira Awad,– blend Jewish and Arab musical sensibilities as a gesture of tolerance and understanding in an interesting cross-cultural musical collaboration on Thursday March 15 at 7:30pm at Jazz at Lincoln Center’s Rose Theater. “Two Voices, One Vision,” A Concert of Coexistence, mirrors on stage the work on the ground of The Abraham Fund Initiatives in Israel. The New York and Jerusalem-based domestic advocacy group develops programs, public policies and societal models that promote the cause of a shared society between Israel’s Jewish and Arab citizens.…

Chanukah and More with Musica Ebraica

Musica Ebraica Choir
Sunday, November 28 · 2:00pm – 4:00pm
Location Glebe Community Centre
175 Lyon Street
Ottawa, ON

Join Musica Ebraica as it presents ‘Chanukah and More.’ Take a musical journey to the Balkans, Italy, India, Spain and North America. The concert will feature the choir’s unique style: an eclectic mix of old and new; Ashkenazi and Sephardi; Hebrew, Yiddish, French and Ladino as well as excerpts from Handel’s Judas Maccabeus.

Tickets are $18 for adults and $10 for students.
Please call Patsy Royer at 613-233-3099 or email or

Future of Yiddish Song event at YIVO

On Sunday, April 6th at 11 am at YIVO, join Klezmatics lead singer Lorin Sklamberg,
Professor Mark Slobin, and top archivists, scholars and performers of Yiddish music
for Passing the Torch: Jewish Music Archives and the Future of Yiddish Song. How can
Jewish music archives foster new performance and scholarship? This symposium
explores the folklorists and musicologists who collected Yiddish folk music, and the
role of music archives in stimulating new work today.

For more information and to purchase tickets, visit

“Yentl” the play in NYC

“Yentl” the play, featuring Jill Sobule performing her new songs
With Isle of Klezbos as houseband, plus friends from Metropolitan Klezmer & beyond!
Featuring Songs by Jill Sobule. Directed by Steven Cosson.

Wednesday, May 28
7:00PM (doors open 6:00PM)
Joe’s Pub at The Public Theater, NYC
425 Lafayette St (between E. 4th St & Astor Pl), New York City
Box office: 212-967-7555
Tickets $20.

“Yentl”: a play by Leah Napolin based on Isaac Bashevis Singer’s novel. featuring Jill Sobule performing her own music and lyrics; accompanied by bandmates from Isle of Klezbos, Metropolitan Klezmer and beyond. Come partake of “the mystery of appearances, the deceptions of the heart, and the divine androgyny of the soul.” Let YENTL, that most unorthodox of love stories surprise you… that most surprising of love triangles enchant you.…

Blues for Challah

The 4th Annual B4C Jewish Grateful Dead Shabbaton is rollin’!
Featuring the one and only Robbi Cohn, Grateful Dead photographer
extraordinaire with a special Q&A and gallery exhibit. Two prayer
service options with Rabbi Jeff Marker (Renewal) and Rabbi Moshe Shur
(Orthodox). And of course, the One More Saturday Night Jam Session
extravaganza. Get on the bus!
Register today.

Music and song from al-Andalus and North Africa in NYC

Et Dodim Kalah_ (It’s the Time of Courting, O Bride!)
Come hear The New York Andalus Ensemble
Thursday, October 30, 2014
7:30 PM
Elebash Recital Hall, CUNY Graduate Center, 365 5th Ave. (at 34th St.)

The New York Andalus Ensemble will present _Et Dodim Kalah_ (It’s the Time of Courting, O Bride!), an
evening of music and song from al-Andalus and North Africa.

TIckets: $13 adults/$10 students, available at the door or at

In al-Andalus (Southern Spain), peoples of the three Abrahamic faiths—Islam,
Judaism, and Christianity—shared their arts and sciences for more than five hundred
years, creating a multicultural canon of music and poetry. Since 1492, Jews and
Muslims in North Africa have carried the musical traditions forward from al-Andalus.
Today, the musical expansion from over five centuries ago to the present day
flourishes in New York City with the New York Andalus Ensemble.…

Theodore Bikel at YIVO last June

Last June Theodore Bikel was honored by YIVO. Today they released this video, where he is accompanied by Lorin Sklamberg and Daniel Kahn.

“Di zun vet aruntergeyn”
Words by Moshe Leib Halpern
Music by Ben Yomen
English adaptation by Theodore Bikel
Di zun vet aruntergeyn untern barg
vet kumen a goldene pave tsu flien
un mit nemen vet zi unz ale ahin
ahin vu di benkshaft vet tsien
The sun will be setting soon over the hill
A peacock will come and gold majesty show
And with him we’ll fly
Leaving earth far below
To a land where all longing does go
זאָל ער האָבן אַ ליכטיקן גן־עדן

Klezperanto at Regattabar in Cambridge

Nights are getting longer, and you’re going to need more D MINOR in your system
Klezperanto is ready with that essential vitamin and SO much more!

New line-up! new tunes!

TUESDAY OCT. 28 7:30 PM at The Regattabar
located in the Charles Hotel,
Harvard Square, Cambridge

Klezperanto is kicking off the Klezmer Festival, starting the show in a double bill with Klezwoods, a band with lots of fans in Boston too, so be sure to get your tickets today.
Here’s how:

With solid klezmer roots, spectacular technical virtuosity, and a wry sense of humor, Ilene Stahl and an all-star line-up of Boston’s best musicians re-groove traditional klezmer and Mediterranean melodies, rip up Romanian surf tunes, cover cop show themes and cumbias, slay a few standards, and burnish it all to a funky finish.…

Amanda (Miryem-Khaye) Seigel and Sender Botwinik at Haverford

Join Amanda (Miryem-Khaye) Seigel and Sender Botwinik for a concert today Monday, Nov 3 2014 for the Yiddish Culture Festival
at Haverford College in Philly
Tell your Philly friends!
Miryem-Khaye Seigel and Sender Botwinik in Concert Yiddish Culture Festival 2014
Monday, November 3, 4:30PM–5:30PM
KINSC Sharpless Auditorium
Haverford College,
370 Lancaster Avenue
Haverford, PA 19041
Welcome – Yiddish Culture Festival 2014

Jewish Music Forum features Ezro Malakov

The Jewish Music Forum is offering a program being given at the Center for Jewish History
on Monday, March 2nd at 7 PM.
Celebrating the release of an important new book by Dr. Evan Rapport, Greeted with Smiles: Bukharian Jewish Music and Musicians in New York (Oxford University Press), with live music examples by some of New York’s most respected Bukharian musicians led by master singer Ezro Malakov, this promises to be a wonderfully informative and entertaining evening.
Center for Jewish History
15 West 16th Street
New York, NY
Please RSVP at:
Reception to follow.
Additional information about the program, Dr. Rapport and the performers is below.
I hope you will be able to join us on Monday, March 2nd. Admission is free.
Please RSVP to…

1000 Years of French Jewry: A Concert in Words and Music

Sunday, May 17, 2015
Temple Emau-El
99 Taft Avenue
Providence, RI
A concert on the music of the 1000 year history of French Jewry, from Rashi to today, will take place at Temple Emanu-El in Providence, RI, Sunday, May 17, 2015 at 7pm. The concert will include music of every era and genre from classical, folk to jazz, with an original script narrated by Professor Bill Miles, and accompanied by renowned pianist Judith Lyn Stillman. Instrumental soloists from the Boston Symphony Orchestra, along with Cantors Lynn Torgove, Brian Mayer and Maayan Harel and choral singers from Shir Emanu-El Choir, Kol Kesem Hazamir along with other choral singers will participate.

Advanced tickets are $50, $36 and $15 with tickets at the door at: $55, $40, $20.

Ode to David Eisenstadt CD Release

Cantor Mimi Sheffer and the Warsaw Singers directed by Sebastian Gunerka with organist Mirlan Kasymaliev have a created a tour de force in the new CD released as No. 1 of the Cilia: The Jewish Music Series. The collection contains eleven selections, most of them from Jewish liturgy, by various composers, with three of those composed by David Eisenstadt. The liner notes are written by the eminent Jewish musicologist and cantor Dr. Eliyahu Schleifer. Most of the settings will be familiar to American Reform Jews, but not all.

David Eisnstadt (1890-1942) was a conductor and composer of synagogue music who was well known in interwar Poland. Eisenstadt developed an outstanding choir in one of the most prestigious synagogues, the Great Tlomack Street Synagogue. He also composed original pieces for services such as a setting for L’cha Dodi and Sch’chula Achula which are included on the album.…

Arik Einstein Z’l Obits

Israeli singer-songwriter Arik Einstein passed away Nov. 26 at the age of 74. His recordings were some of the very first album of Israeli music I purchased way back and he’s been a favorite in Israel for decades. Obits about Einstein tell about his life and work:

Eternal Echoes features Itzhak Perlman and Yitzchak Helfgot

Itzhak Perlman’s new album, Eternal Echoes: Songs and Dances for the Soul,, featuring Cantor Yitzchak Meir Helfgot, is now available for sale. The album is a collection of beloved liturgical and traditional Jewish works in new arrangements backed by chamber orchestra and klezmer musicians. It’s in stores just in time for the high holidays and online. Perlman’s website has a description of the album:

Isle of Klezbos Performs at Jewish Museum SummerNights Series

The all women’s klezmer sextet, ISLE OF KLEZBOS, will perform at the Jewish Museum’s “SummerNights” Series on Thursday, July 25 2013 as the final concert. Isle of Klezbos plays imaginative versions of eclectic Eastern European-rooted Jewish folk music, Yiddish swing and tango.
This event also includes an open bar with wine and light refreshments.
Doors open at 7pm, and the concert begins at 7:30pm.
The Jewish Museum is located at Fifth Avenue at 92nd Street, Manhattan.
July 25 concert tickets are $15 for the general public; $12 for students and seniors;
and $10 for Jewish Museum members. Visit
to purchase tickets online. For additional information, the public may call
An infrared assistive listening system for people who are hard of hearing is available
for programs in the Museum’s S.…

The Pianos I Have Known

Released this past week: “The Pianos I Have Known: The Autobiography Of Irving Fields”
Collaboratively written between 94 year old Irving Fields and Huffington Post
music columnist Tony Sachs
( and edited and released by music critic
Aaron Joy through his indie book publishing and music label Roman Midnight Music

The book is currently available only in paperback via Lulu, and on Amazon.

“He’s [Fields] the composer of chart-topping songs performed by the likes of Dean Martin, Louis Armstrong, Sarah Vaughan and Xavier Cugat… one of the original Manhattan “society” cocktail
pianists whose career stretches back to the days of Prohibition… whose sister
Peppy was known as the Sophie Tucker of Miami Beach due to her long running radio
show… the originator of one of the first piano-drum-bass trios, with a later trio
lasting nearly 40 years… the man who first fused Jewish and Latin music with the
classic 1959 album “Bagels & Bongos”… a headliner at Carnegie Hall, top draw on
round-the-world cruises, star of radio and TV, and writer/performer of a hit song on
YouTube… and he’s still playing six nights a week as he approaches his 100th
birthday… This is the life of a Jewish kid from the Lower East Side who hated
practicing piano.” He’s also the inspiration behind the writing of
the book ‘And You Shall Know Us By The Trail Of Our Vinyl’ about Jewish music
history and the first release by the ReBoot Stereophonic jazz reissue label.…

Klezmer Brunch – Margot Leverett and the Klezmer Mountain Boys 8/7 at City Windery Brunch

Margo Leverett at City Winery

10:00am Seating / 11:00am Show

Every Sunday Morning, combining live music and food in a fresh, cultural environment, City Winery’s Klezmer brunch series pairs some of the greatest musicians in the world with delicious lox, bagels and other tasty fare on our brunch menu on Sunday mornings from 10am to 2pm. **Please note that the live music is played from 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. with a short break in the middle.

Tickets are just $10 to cover for live music and does not include food or drink. Children 13 and under are free for the music. We have a full brunch menu available upon request.

On select weekends we welcome Rabbi Dan Ain from The New Shul to lead thoughtful discussion on theology, spirituality and the movements of the cosmos.…

Hy Wolfe: An Evening of Songs and Stories


YIVO presents Hy Wolfe in a concert performance, accompanied by Herbert Kaplan at the piano. New York stage actor and singer Hy Wolfe returns to our stage with a show featuring Yiddish theater and folk songs and stories.

Wolfe worked with, and learned from, many of the brightest stars of the Yiddish theater, and is a living link with a glorious tradition. The show includes a tribute to the late Shifra Lerer, the last of the greats from the classical period of the Yiddish theater.

This is an opportunity to spend a delightful evening with one of the most entertaining performers on the stage today. With English translations throughout the program, this evening will be a pleasure for Yiddish speakers and non-Yiddish speakers alike.…