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Amsterdam Jewish Music School Opening Day Schedule Available

LESSON PROGRAM 5768 2007/2008 & OPEN DAY Sunday 16.09.07 Jewish Music School

For complete information, email the school.

Do you and/or your child(ren) want to follow our Jewish music lessons, than please send your name, address, phone/mobile, e-mail address & title(s) of the lesson programs to: or Jewish Music School, Postbus 15894, 1001 NJ Amsterdam. You also can phone us: 020 624 11 32 / 06 166 463 75.

The administration of the Music School Amsterdam sends you the “Aanmeldingsformulier” by post. Please subscribe before the 8th of September 2007.

Please forward this message !

drs Anton Molenaar
organisatie & management cultuureducatie

Joodse muzieklessen i.s.m. Muziekschool Amsterdam
Tel +31 (20) 624 11 32
Mob 06 166 463 75
Locatie Muziekschool Amsterdam
Bachstraat 5, 1077 GD Amsterdam
Postadres Postbus 15894, 1001 NJ Amsterdam…

The Adventures of Mazel and Schlimazel at the Toronto Fringe Festival

Palmerston Library Theatre
560 Palmerston Ave.
Toronto, ON
Mazel and Schlimazel is an all-original musical adaptation of a folkloric children’s tale of Yiddish/Jewish origin. Lorie and her band of spirited Klezmer musicians provide live music to this classic tale while it is presented, full of humour, suspense and surprise, by an expert storyteller.

The spirits of good luck and bad luck are at it again; only this time, the life of Tam, a young peasant lad, is on the line. In this music…al adventure, join the debonair Mazel and the wicked Schlimazel as they try to take control of Tam’s destiny while he tries to capture the heart of the king’s daughter.

This event is co-sponsored by the Ashkenaz Foundation
“The Adventures Mazel and Schlimazel” at the Fringe Festival!…

Master Klezmer Class with Clarinetist David Krakauer

Master Klezmer Class with Clarinetist David Krakauer
Monday, November 14, 7:00-10:00pm
Jewish Community Center of the East Bay
1414 Walnut Street, Berkeley.

7:00-8:00pm: Lecture/demo by internationally-acclaimed klezmer and classical clarinetist David Krakauer, who will demonstrate klezmer technique and share personal stories and insights prior to the hands-on portion of the workshop.

8:00-10:00pm: Master class for “high intermediate to professional level” musicians. Participants will play (alone or with a pre-formed group) and will receive constructive feedback and coaching.

Registration fee:
* Individuals who play for Mr. Krakauer: $50/person
* Groups that play: $35/person
* Listeners (“auditors”): $20/person.
A limited number of reduced price scholarships will be available. Inquire at info[at]
Registration process:
Please reserve your space via phone (415.789.7679) or email (info[at] Tell us your name, email, and telephone and whether you will listen only OR play a solo OR play with a group of a specific number of people.…

The Zemel Choir Celebrates in Song

CELEBRATE WITH SONG– The Zemel Choir, in association with Jewish
Music Institute and the BBC “Play it Again” campaign

Do you enjoy singing?
Would you like to sing in a choir?
Join The ZEMEL Choir together with Pandemonium and the JFS Choir for
workshops 10 June (:& a concert 17 June St John’s, Smith Square
7.30pm. They specially welcome people who have experience of
singing, but have never had the opportunity to join a choir – also
experienced choristers – both Jewish and non-Jewish – who would like
to experience the rich tradition of Jewish choral music. If you would
like to sing in one of these groups, and to experience the pleasure
of singing Jewish choral music, please enrol 020 8236 0317
(evenings), or e-mail

10 June 10am-5.45pm
Dragon Hall, 17 Stukeley Street, London WC2B 5LT
Workshops for Intermediate and Experienced choral groups Massed choir
workshop Vocal workshop with acclaimed choral conductor Mike Brewer
Cost for Workshop participants: £30 (including concert ticket)

17th June 2007 7.30pm
St John’s, Smith Square, London SW1P 3HA
Featuring performances by the Zemel Choir, Pandemonium (a choir for
young adults) and the JFS Choir.…

Ocala Cantors in Concert

Ocala – The Third Annual Cantorial Concert, “On Wings of Song” presented by
Temple Beth Shalom will be held at 4:00 pm on Sunday, March 11 at the Appleton
Art Museum, 4333 NE Silver Springs Blvd. in Ocala, FL

An unforgettable musical event to benefit the future programs and activities
of the temple will highlight Jewish cultural songs and contemporary musical
gems. Featured performers include Rabbi/Cantor Samuel Berman and his cantorial
colleagues Cantor Harold Orbach, Cantor David Sislen, Cantor Riselle Bain, Joy
Katzen-Guthrie, Chana Olmstead, Steve Berman
and Dale Berman.

Tickets are $20 and may be purchased by calling Gary Green 352.347-2481.

Preferred seating options include: “soprano” benefactor $300, 4 tickets;
“tenor” patron $150, 2 tickets; “baritone” sponsor” $75, 1 ticket.

Rabbi Samuel Berman
Temple Beth Shalom of Ocala
1109 NE 8th Avenue
Ocala, FL 34470
Phone: (352) 624-3499

Musica Judaica Issues: 1993-94, Volume XIII

This Table of Contents Service is provided by The Jewish Music WebCenter on behalf of The American Society for Jewish Music.

Volume XIII. Number 1. 5755/1993-94

Neil W. Levin

Assistant Editor, Alexander V. Knapp

Founder, Albert Weisser (1918-1982)

From the EditorNeil W. Levin p.iv
An Unanticipated Consequence of Political/Racial Persecution: the Contribution of Jewish Musicians to the Cultural Transfer of European Art Music to JapanIrene Suchy p.1
Mordecai Sandberg (1897-1973): A Catalogue of the MusicAustin Clarkson, with Karen Pegley and Jay Rahnp.18
An International Conference on Jewish Music at City University, LondonMalcolm Miller p.82
Award of the Degree of Doctor of Humane Letters, Honoris Causa, to Israel Adler p.90
Hanoch Avenary: In MemoriamEdwin Seroussi p.93
Reviews: Walter Salmen, "...denn die Fiedel macht das Fest." Jüdische Musikanten und TÄnzer vom 13.


Musica Judaica Issues: 1989-90, Volume XI

This Table of Contents Service is provided by The Jewish Music WebCenter on behalf of The American Society for Jewish Music.

Volume XI. Number 1. 5750/1989-90

Neil W. Levin

Assistant Editor, Alexander V. Knapp

Written Evidence and Oral tradition: The Singing of Hayom Harat Olam in Sephardi SynagoguesEdwin Seroussi p.1
Neglected Sources for the Historical Study of Synagogue Music: The Prefaces to Louis Lewandowski's Kol Rinnah u'T'Fillah and Todah W'simrah--Annotated TranslationsGeoffrey Goldbergp.27
A Guide to the Unpublished Works of Gershon Ephros (1890-1978): An Annotated BibliographyMarsha Bryan Edelmanp.58
Lord Byron's Hebrew Melodies: A Curious Episode Reconsidered-- A Review EssayCarole Rosenp.86
Reviews: Philip V. Bohlman, The Land Where Two Streams Flow: Music in the German-Jewish Community of Israel (Urbana and Chicago, 1989)Samuel Adlerp.93
Akiva Zimmermann, B'ron Yahad: Essays, Research and Notes on Hazzanut and Jewish Music (Tel Aviv, 1988)Joseph A.


Musica Judaica Issues: 1987-88, Volume X

This Table of Contents Service is provided by The Jewish Music WebCenter on behalf of The American Society for Jewish Music.

Volume X. Number 1. 5749/1987-88

Israel J. Katz

Review Editor, Neil W. Levin

Dedicated to the Memory of Eric Werner (1901-1988)

Eric Werner (1901-1988): A Bibliography of His Collected Writings Israel J. Katz p.1
Eric Werner: A Personal Memoir Judith K. Eisenstein p.37
The Hazzanic Recitative Max Wohlbergp.40
A Possible Influence of Traditional Chant on a Synagogue Motet of Salomone RossiJoshua R. Jacobsonp.52
Revival and Renewal: Can Jewish Ethnic Tradition Survive the Melting Pot?Amnon Shiloahp.59
Jewish Music Published in Palestine: An IntroductionJames J. Fuld p.70
Mordecai Sandberg (1897-1973)Joel Mandelbaump.81
In Memoriam: Shalom Altman (1911-1986) Marsha Bryan Edelmanp.92
Reviews: Darryl Lyman.


Musica Judaica Issues: 1986-87, Volume IX

This Table of Contents Service is provided by The Jewish Music WebCenter on behalf of The American Society for Jewish Music.

Volume IX. Number 1. 5748/1986-87

Israel J. Katz

Associate/Review Editor, Neil W. Levin

Chant and Cantillation Johanna Spector p.1
Folk Music in the Urban German-Jewish Community 1890-1919Philip V. Bohlman p.22
Fumio Koizumi of Japan: An Asian's Use of the Concepts of Melody Found in the Works of Abraham Z. Idelsohn, Robert Lachmann, and Curt SachsJames Siddons p.35
Ami Maayani and the Yiddish Art Song (Part II)Laya Harbater Silber p.47
Hebrew as an Elucidator of Concepts in Western MusicVered Cohen p.65
In Memoriam: Reuven Kosakoff (1898-1987)Sharon Kosakoff p.68
Book Reviews: Letter to the EditorBernard Beer p.76
Book Reviews: A Reply to Cantor BeerNeil Levin p.77
Book Reviews: Adaqi, Yehiel, and Uri Sharvit.


New Live Music — Silent Film

Sunday 17th February 2008 at 4pm
SCORE: East and West with live music from Lemez Lovas, Rohan Kriwaczek
and Moshikop
Barbican, Silk Street, London EC2Y 8DS
£8.50/£6 conc/£4.50 under 15s from the Barbican ticket office: 0845 120
7527 or

Part of the Barbican’s silent film / live music series, Lemez Lovas,
formerly of Oi Va Voi, directs guest musicians Moshikop and Rohan
in an irreverent live performance of a score for East and West
– especially prepared for the JCC – that played to sell-out audiences in
2005 and 2006.

In Sidney M. Goldin and Ivan Abramson’s silent movie (1923), streetwise
New Yorker Mollie (Molly Picon) travels to her demure cousin’s wedding
in a traditional Polish shtetl. Lovas, Moshikop and Kriwaczek’s cheeky
new score takes us from traditional klezmer to contemporary electronica,
from liturgical melancholy to party pop kitsch and from vaudeville to

Milch-Sheriff, Ella

Nee Ella Milch. Born 1954 In Haifa, Israel. Composer. Singer, pianist. Milch-Sheriff started as a child prodigy, writing her first compositions by the age of 12. While serving in the Israeli army, she continued to write and sing her songs. After army service, she returned to studies in composition under Prof. Tzvi Avni at the Rubin Academy of Music at the Tel-Aviv University where she graudated in composition. She studied vocal studies with Prof. Tamar Rachum and Dafna Cohen-Licht. Her output consists of opera, orchestral, chamber and vocal and popular music. Her works have had numerous performances in Israel and abroad. She is composer of chamber works such as: Duo for flute & Cello (1976) with recent pieces that include “A Crown they shall give unto You” for voice and orchestra based on Ladino-Flamenco folk music (premiered January 2005); “Woman in Paths” for voice and piano (premiered 2005); and “Good Night, Sweet ladies” for 3 singers, actress and orchestra (premiered 2004).…

Association for Canadian Jewish Studies Call for Papers

The Association for Canadian Jewish Studies/L’Association des études juives canadiennes (ACJS /l’AÉJC) will be holding its 34th Annual Conference May 30-June 1, 2010 at Concordia University in Montreal as part of the Congress of the Humanities and Social Sciences. The conference provides a platform for original scholarly research in Canadian Jewish history, life and culture. Individuals are invited to send proposals for learned paper presentations in either English or French twenty minutes in
length (approximately 2,000 words) that concern some aspect of the Canadian Jewish experience.

Potential presenters are asked to submit a paper
proposal by Tuesday, January 5, 2010. The paper proposal should comprise a
400-word abstract formulated to clearly and concisely state the main argument
of the scholarly paper and indicate how it will contribute to existing
scholarship in the field of Canadian Jewish Studies.…

Jack Gottlieb z”l

The American Society for Jewish Music sends out this sad announcement about the passing of Jack Gottlieb.
Dear Members and Friends:
It is with sadness that I share with you the news of Jack Gottlieb’s passing.

A prolific composer, especially of sacred songs and choral music for the synagogue, Jack worked actively on behalf of Jewish music and served as President of the ASJM for a number of years. Also a scholar and noted author, his acclaimed books, Funny, It Doesn’t Sound Jewish: How Yiddish Songs and Synagogue Melodies Influenced Tin Pan Alley, Broadway and Hollywood, and, most recently, his memoire Working with Bernstein, about his years as assistant to Leonard Bernstein, received rave reviews. A biography of Jack Gottlieb’s distinguished career is appended below.

As Jack wished for no public funeral, those in the New York area wishing to mark his passing are invited to attend the services at Congregation Emanu-El on March 11 and 12, 2011, which will be devoted to his music.…

Music Forgotten and Remembered

Location: Merkin Concert Hall at Kaufman Center, 129 W 67th St
Tickets: $25; $15 for seniors
To order, call Naomi at 212-294-6140

Israeli-American violinist Yuval Waldman will be giving a solo recital of “Music Forgotten and Remembered” at New York’s Merkin Concert Hall on Tuesday March 29, 2011, at 8 PM. The program presents rarely performed gems composed by Eastern European Jews, many of whom perished during World War II or were silenced by Soviet repression.

Born in the Ukraine to Holocaust survivors and the Artistic Director of Music Bridges International, Waldman was able to rediscover these pieces by searching music libraries and obscure music collections in Russia, Ukraine, the Czech Republic, and Israel. They represent a wide spectrum of stylistic influences on Jewish composers: impressionistic, neoclassical, folk, and klezmer.…

Klezmer & African Drumming Extravaganza at The Tank

March 16, 2006, 10pm
Aaron Alexander’s Midrash Mish Mosh with Senegalese Sabar masters Yakar Rhythms

A World-Jazz Extravaganza is coming to The Tank on March 16, 2006 at
10pm, featuring Aaron Alexander’s Midrash Mish Mosh and Senegalese
Sabar drum masters Yakar Rhythms, featuring Aliounne ‘Guido’ Faye.
Special guest on Midrash Mish Mosh is drummer David Licht from the
Klezmatics! Both bands will play separately and then collaborate on a
couple tunes at the end. Alexander previously produced and a
collaboration with Yakar rhythms and Hasidic New Wave which resulted in
the CD “Belly of Abraham” for Knitting Factory records.

The Tank is Located at 279 Church St. (bet. Franklin & White), in Tribeca, in NYC.
The Tank @ Collective: Unconscious is located at 279 Church Street
between Franklin and White.…

Workmen’s Circle Klezmer Ensemble Open House

The Workmen’s Circle Klezmer Ensemble will be holding a free open house on Tuesday,
March 24, 2009 at 7 PM.
Led by famed klezmer musician Jeff Warschauer
Play wonderful music while making new friends and having a great time!
Free Open house: Tuesday, March 24, from 7-9 PM
Six paid sessions, Tuesdays at 7 PM:
March 30,
April 7, 21, 28,
May 5 and 12
(no class April 14)
* Open to all instrumentalists who play and read music at at least an intermediate
* Study with an internationally recognized master instructor
* Learn tunes from the diverse klezmer tradition
* Develop tools for improvisation
Single session class fee: $30. Discount for Workmen’s Circle members and/or those
attending all six sessions: $150.
Sessions will take place at the Workmen’s Circle, 45 East 33 Street, Manhattan (between
Park and Madison).…


Thursday March 15 at 7:30pm
at Jazz at Lincoln Center’s Rose Theater, NYC

Two of Israel’s most popular singers — Noa (Achinoam Nini), and Mira Awad,– blend Jewish and Arab musical sensibilities as a gesture of tolerance and understanding in an interesting cross-cultural musical collaboration on Thursday March 15 at 7:30pm at Jazz at Lincoln Center’s Rose Theater. “Two Voices, One Vision,” A Concert of Coexistence, mirrors on stage the work on the ground of The Abraham Fund Initiatives in Israel. The New York and Jerusalem-based domestic advocacy group develops programs, public policies and societal models that promote the cause of a shared society between Israel’s Jewish and Arab citizens.…

Yiddish Break at UPenn

Friday, March 23, 2012 at 5:00pm until Sunday, March 25, 2012 at 1:00pm
קומט און פֿאַרברענגט אױף אונדזער הײַיאָריקער ייִדיש־ברײק אין אין דער אוניװערסיטעט פֿון פּענסילװאַניע!

Come recharge your Yiddish battery with our sixth annual Yiddish Break at UPenn March 23-25th.

Register at
University of Pennsylvania
3600 Chestnut Street, Philadelphia, PA 19104


Leonard Bernstein, Voices of the Jewish Diaspora and
Fugitives (composers who left Germany during the 1930’s), will all
be themes of the acclaimed New York Festival Of Song (NYFOS, for
2008-9. A guest artist will be the rising Israeli mezzo-soprano
Rinat Shaham, already an acclaimed Carmen in Europe.

Opens September 23, 2008 in NYC with a Bernstein/Bolcom Celebration

Also: Fugitives on NOVEMBER 18 AND 20, 2008 and Voices of the Jewish Diaspora on February 10 and 12, 2009.

Below is a description of the season:

free open house at Workmen’s Circle NY

The Workmen’s Circle Klezmer Ensemble will be holding a free open house next
Tuesday, March 20, at 7 PM.

Led by famed klezmer musician Jeff Warschauer
Free Open house: Tuesday, March 20 from 7-9 PM
Six paid sessions, Tuesdays at 7 PM: March 27, April 17 and 24; May 1, 8 and

* Open to all players of musicians who play and read music at at least an
intermediate level
* Study with an internationally recognized master instructor
* Learn tunes from the diverse klezmer tradition
* Develop tools for improvisation
* Guest instructors from the cutting edge of the
contemporary klezmer scene

Please note that because of Passover, there will not be sessions on April 1
or 8.

Single session $30. Discount for Workmen’s Circle members and/or attending
all five sessions.…

“Purim in Khelm”

You are cordially invited to four free New York-area
performances of a new Yiddish musical comedy, “Purim
in Khelm”, presented by the National Yiddish Theatre –
Folksbiene and sponsored by the City University of New

“Purim in Khelm” features a professional cast,
klezmorim, and original Yiddish songs, and is
presented in Yiddish with English and Russian

by Motl Didner and Miryem-Khaye Seigel

An original Yiddish musical comedy
Presented with English and Russian supertitles

Featuring: Ashley Adler, Leizer Burko, Itzy Firestone,
Richard Kass, Susanne Nancy Kobb, David Mandelbaum,
Stuart Marshall, Freydale Zynstein-Oz, Harry Peerce
and Miryem-Khaye Seigel

With Art Bailey, Deborah Strauss and Jeff Warschauer

FOUR FREE PERFORMANCES sponsored by the City
University of New York

1) Tuesday, February 27 – Hunter College, Kaye
Playhouse – 7 PM.…

NEFESH in Concert

Saturday, May 22nd at 8:30pm
Merryall Center for the Arts
Chapel Hill Road, New Milford, CT 06776

Tickets $15 – for reservations, directions, etc., phone: 860-354-7264
or visit
“One of our biggest hits last season,this popular group specializing in
Israeli and Klezmer music connects with the audience through song,
instrumentals and poignant classics of Yiddish theater. Their beautiful songbird
delights audiences young and old.”

Milken Archive Sponsors Competition

The Milken Archive of American Jewish music is looking for good art that meets the ear. The Milken Archive of Jewish Music in collaboration with the Foundation for Jewish Culture is launching Eye Meets Ear: Visual Arts Competition for Emerging Artists to select 20 works as cover art for 20 themed volumes of music in the Milken Archive’s new virtual museum.

The competition runs from September 1 to November 1, with winners to be announced in late December 2010. Each work selected will earn the artist a $2,000 cash prize. Artists, who must be ages 18 to 39, may submit works of art in any visual mediums that express and/or relate to the theme of individual virtual museum volumes, each of which explores a particular historical, cultural or musical theme.…

Irma (Reinhart) Cohon, Angie

American. Educator, editor, poet. Born, September, 1890, Portland, Oregon. Died, 1991. Her parents were J.F. and Amelia (Marks) Reinhart. Attended HUC, 1909-1910. BA, University of Cincinnati, 1912. Irma Cohon wrote the first English language history of Jewish music (A.Z. Idelssohn’s book was 1929):Introduction to Jewish Music in eight illustrated lectures (publ. before 1923), published by the National Council on Jewish Women (the 1923 edition by Bloch is a second edition). She collaborated with HUC prof, A.Z. Idelsohn, on Harvest Festivals, A Children’s Succoth Celebration. Cohon wrote poetry and several other works including A Brief Jewish Ritual (Women of Mizpah, 1921). On June 12, 1912, A. Irma Cohon married Rabbi Samuel S. Cohon (see Manuscript Collection No.276). They had one son, Baruch Joseph. Cohon’s brother was Harold Reinhart, ‘a prominent liberal rabbi in London, England.’ Her papers and music manuscripts are housed at the American Jewish Archives in Cincinnati.…

“Sunday Simcha”

Gail Wartell and Michael Atleson are alternate hosts of “Sunday Simcha,” a fifteen-year-old Jewish music program airing every Sunday morning from 6:30 to 8:30 am on WMPG, Greater Portland Community Radio, 90.9 and 104.1 FM, also streaming live at Gail has been a host of the program for about 7 years. The program features an eclectic blend of Jewish music from across the diaspora, including traditional, sacred, Sephardic, Eastern European, folk, rock, and “cutting edge” jazz and klezmer. They also provide news and announcements for the Maine Jewish community and occasionally mix in a dose of Jewish humor. Gail and Michael can be reached at WMPG-FM, 96 Falmouth Street, Box 9300, Portland, ME 04104-9300, or you may contact Michael via e-mail at

“The Dybbuk” in Newton

Jack Falk writes:
About 10 years ago I was drafted as music director for a
puppet theater production of “The Dybbuk” here in Portland.
(Since then I’ve worked on two other productions of the same
play, leading me to speculate that while possession might
not actually be 9/10 of the law, it was certainly approaching
9/10 of my musical activity.)
After all this time, “Between Two Worlds/The Dybbuk” has been remounted, and this time it’s going on the road. In Boston, there are two performances: Sat 2/28 8 pm and Sun 2/29 2 pm at the Jewish Theatre of New England, Leventhal-Sidman JCC, 333 Nahanton Street, Newton. For ticket info: 617-965-5226 or
-Here’s a link to the article in

Casman, Nellie

Born 1896 in Proskurov, Russia. Died, May 27, 1984 in New York City. Casman came to US in early 1900s. She began in the Yiddish theater as a child star. She performed in Yiddish theater in South America, Europe and throughout the US playing comic Yiddish roles. Nahama Sandrow, in her bookVagabond Stars, refers to Casman as “one of the rare female kuplétists, tiny and round…” The kuplét was a comedic patter song that had little to do with the action of a show. In some shows Casman combined this with the “red hot mama” style where she “starts to shake her bosom, which makes one cozy curve from shoulder to waist. She vibrates all over, till even the absurd red flower sticking up on top of her head jiggles, too and she looks down at her own chest with such childlike surprise and satisfaction that the audience roars with delight.” She performed in shows such as “The Girl from Argentina” and “The Drunkard”.…

London Klezmer Quartet

Upcoming Performances of The London Klezmer Quartet

Sunday 9 September, Klezmer in the Park, 2pm
Regents Park Bandstand, Regents Park, London NW1 4NR.
The event runs 1-5pm.
Event info ( )

Monday 8 October, Bookmarks Bookshop, 6.30pm
Sholem Aleykhem Comrade! Music and words portraying Jewish life in
revolutionary times presented by LKQ with David Rosenberg and Julia
Bard of Jewish Socialist Magazine.
Bookmarks Bookshop, 1 Bloomsbury Street, London WC1B 3QE

Wednesday 31 October, The Red Hedgehog, 7.30pm
An evening of Yiddish song and music, with LKQ and Yuri Vedenyapin. In
association with the Spiro Ark ( ).
The Red Hedgehog, 255 – 257 Archway Road, Highgate, London N6 5BS
Event info ( )
Book tickets at

“The Eternal Question (Di Alte Kashe)” New CD Released

Kame’a Media announces the release of “The Eternal Question (Di Alte
Kashe),” a compact disc by Yiddish singer Fraidy Katz. The CD comes with a
24-page booklet of Yiddish text, transliterations, English translations,
songwriter bios — and more.

Produced by Wolf Krakowski and Jim Armenti, TEQ features the musical and
vocal talents of 18 musicians from across the spectrum of Jewish, Americana and World Music.

Hundreds of Teens ZING in Gala Concert

Hundreds of Jewish teens from across the United States and Israel will gather in New York
for the 16th Annual HaZamir Gala Concert
March 22, 2009
6:00 PM
Congregation Rodeph Sholom
7 West 83rd Street, New York City

Participating HaZamir Chapters
HaZamir Baltimore, MD; HaZamir Bergen County, NJ; HaZamir Boston, MA;
HaZamir Cleveland, OH ; HaZamir Greater Washington, DC;
HaZamir Houston, TX ; HaZamir Israel ; HaZamir Long Island, NY;
HaZamir Los Angeles, CA; HaZamir Manhattan, NY;
HaZamir Minneapolis/St.Paul, MN ; HaZamir New Brunswick, NJ;
HaZamir North Jersey; HaZamir Philadelphia, PA; HaZamir Pittsburgh, PA;
HaZamir Portland, OR; HaZamir Providence, RI;

$36 Tickets at the door
For more information, please call
(212) 870-3339

Klez California Events Coming Soon!

NEW: Saturday, July 20, 4:00pm, Anthony Russell presents The Sidor Belarsky Songbook. Part of JCC San Francisco’s Oneg Shabbat, 2:00-5:00pm. Similar events are taking place every Saturday, through August 24. Many activities for all ages. No charge. More info: 415.292.1286

Saturday, July 20, 7:30-10:00pm, Mama Loshn in “A Mit-Zumer Nakht Cholem,” A Mid-Summer Night’s Dream Dance Party. Yiddish, Ladino, and English-language music. Mama Loshn will welcome other musical guests, including Reb Irwin Keller, Laurie Le’ah Lippin, and dance leader Bruce Bierman. At Congregation Ner Shalom, Cotati. Wine and beer available for purchase. Tickets: $20 advance /$25 door. More info: 707.528.5538, .

Sunday, July 21, 6:00pm (music begins 6:30pm) Klezmer Night with Saul Goodman‘s Klezmer Band, featuring Mike Perlmutter (clarinet), Dave Rosenfeld (mandolin, violin, percussion), and Jack Hanly (poyk, mandolin).…


A Southwestern celebration of Klezmer music and dance into the 21st century: a weekend of concerts, dance parties, and classes featuring the music and dance of the Eastern European Jewish People.
FEBRUARY 18th through FEBRUARY 20th, 2005 (President’s day weekend).
Presented by Congregation Nahalat Shalom (Inheritance of Peace congregation) – a non-profit, tax-exempt organization in Albuquerque, New Mexico, USA. For details….


Romashka, The Village Klezmer Quintet, and the Gold Sparkle Brass Band are joining forces at the Baggot Inn.

Thursday, May 6th
7 pm – The Village Klezmer Quintet
8 pm – The Gold Sparkle Brass Band
9 pm – Romashka, the NYC Gypsy Dance Party Band
$5 cover
Baggot Inn is located at 82 W. 3rd Street, bet. Thompson and Sullivan, New York., phone: (212) 477-0622


Mitziut’s next Jewish Drum Circle will convene for a rhythm-washed afternoon on Sunday, March 14, 2-4pm at the No Exit Cafe, 6970 N Glenwood, just north of Morse on the west side of the Red Line tracks in Rogers Park.
Join us for exotic beats from far off lands or quirky ones from nearby inspirations. No drum or experience required. For more info

Tel Aviv-Based VEGA Launches Electronic Music Initiative

Art Basel to Host Launch of Tel Aviv EDM Label
12/06/2012, Thursday
Miami Beach, FL
Art Basel, 151 NE 41st Street
Show: 6:00 pm
F r e e Admission.

As Israel and Gaza (hopefully) conclude their most recent conflict, a new music project seeks to unite the region on the dancefloor. They believe music is the best weapon against rockets and air strikes.

From the premier international modern and contemporary art show, Art Basel, a new music and art label will be born. The label, VEGA, will be based in Jaffa, Tel Aviv, Israel. The musical focus will be on EDM and will be as ethnically and spiritually diverse as Jaffa itself, one of the most consistently peaceful places for Jews, Christians, and Muslims to live and create together.…

Music in Jewish History and Culture

By Emanuel Rubin and John H. Baron

In a carefully chosen title, Rubin and Baron set about to teach not only Jewish music but to give the reader a handle to understand their working definition of Jewish music which is “Jewish music is music that serves Jewish purposes.” Thus Music in Jewish History and Culture is a title that tells the reader that any music “that serves Jewish purposes” in the course of time, various places and for various Jewish cultural or religious purposes might be construed as Jewish music. This is functional music. It must be at the service of those in the community for religious, spiritual, national, psychological, artistic or cultural matters. In the end, there are many Jewish musics. These are not only the product of the ages past such as cantillation, nusach or synagogue modes, but also the music of the streets of today’s youth in Israel or elsewhere.…

Music and song from al-Andalus and North Africa in NYC

Et Dodim Kalah_ (It’s the Time of Courting, O Bride!)
Come hear The New York Andalus Ensemble
Thursday, October 30, 2014
7:30 PM
Elebash Recital Hall, CUNY Graduate Center, 365 5th Ave. (at 34th St.)

The New York Andalus Ensemble will present _Et Dodim Kalah_ (It’s the Time of Courting, O Bride!), an
evening of music and song from al-Andalus and North Africa.

TIckets: $13 adults/$10 students, available at the door or at

In al-Andalus (Southern Spain), peoples of the three Abrahamic faiths—Islam,
Judaism, and Christianity—shared their arts and sciences for more than five hundred
years, creating a multicultural canon of music and poetry. Since 1492, Jews and
Muslims in North Africa have carried the musical traditions forward from al-Andalus.
Today, the musical expansion from over five centuries ago to the present day
flourishes in New York City with the New York Andalus Ensemble.…

Frequently Asked Questions

How can I get listed?

If you would like your announcement listed on the JMWC, please send complete information. This is not a news gathering service, so to be considered for a listing, you’ll have to inform the JMWC by sending an email. Please do not send attachments. Restrict your suggestions to Jewish musical events.— Best wishes! Judy

Mailing Address:

All Review materials and other documents should be sent to my work address:

Judith Pinnolis
Goldfarb Library MS045
Brandeis University
PO Box 549110
Waltham, MA 02454-9110

Need more HELP with JMWC?

Below are some frequently asked questions. I hope they can help you find some answers. Take a moment to look these over.

Here are some basic areas that are covered below:

  • Reference questions
  • Famous tunes
  • Music collecting info for beginners
  • Music for your kids
  • Catalogs of instrumental music

Q:Do you answer questions?…


DANCING ON THE EDGE OF A VOLCANO, (which was released a couple of years ago) is currently being sold olnline by Cedille Records at with a sale through mid January. (for $12) Some people who want to add this to their collections for a relatively inexpensive price, may want to know.

Jewish Cabaret, Popular, and Political Songs 1900-1945
CDR 90000 065 (2 CD set)

New Budapest Orpheum Society
Philip V. Bohlman, Artistic Director
Ilya Levinson, Music Director & Arranger
Stewart Figa, baritone — (SF)
Julia Bentley, mezzo-soprano — (JB)
Deborah Bard, soprano — (DB)
Ilya Levinson, piano
Peter Blagoev, violin
Stewart Miller, bass
Hank Tausend, percussion
Elizabeth Ko, flute
Jon Steinhagen, American lyrics
There’s more to traditional Jewish popular music than klezmer clarinet and Broadway-style fiddling on the roof.…

All About Women Cantors

The Journal of Synagogue Music Fall 2007 issue features articles celebrating 25 years of women as Conservative cantors. There are articles about, by, and for women and Jewish music in this issue (vol. 32) and will be of interest to many who may want to know more women and Jewish music. There are many excellent articles of interest, including a biographical sketch of Barbara Ostfeld by Bruce Ruben (readers are also invited to take a look at my article on Barbara in Encyclopedia Judaica), histories of women in the cantorate, a history of the Khazntes, (women who sang cantorial music albeit not in synagogue), issues of Kol Isha, and an especially interesting piece by Victor Tunkel on the music of the first women composer, Leonora Duarte (1610-1678).…

Bloch, Shoenberg, Bernstein: Assimilating Jewish Music

By David M. Schiller

For Jews, the terms “assimilating” or “assimilation” are charged. Many unpleasant associations arise with thoughts of Jews “assimilating into” or disappearing altogether into, general society; becoming like others. As Jonathan Sarna says in the introduction to his new book, American Judaism,: “Through the years, ‘assimilation’ has become so freighted with different meanings, modifiers, and cultural associations that for analytical purposes it has become virtually meaningless. In some Jewish circles, indeed, the term is regularly employed as an epithet.” But “assimilating” is a term that the dictionary states, also means, “absorbing”, or “to take in and appropriate.” It can mean a “healthy appropriation of new forms and ideas.” In this book, David Schiller bravely makes distinctions with something that “happened in a more or less remote past or that is happening now.” Using the term in the title is not only eyecatching, but essential to his thesis about the nature of Jewish art music.…


Force of Nature: Celebrating the Earth performed by Melodia Women’s Choir

Melodia Women s Choir/Cynthia Powell, Artistic Director, now celebrating their fifth
season and acclaimed by WNYC for their elegance and ringing tones, has scheduled
several spring performances: on Saturday and Sunday, May 3 and 4, 2008, they will
present Force of Nature: Celebrating the Earth, music about the natural world, at
St. Luke in the Fields Church in New York City.
487 Hudson Street
New York, NY
Saturday May 3 at 8 PM
Sunday May 4 at 4 PM.
Tickets are $20 in advance, $25 at the door, discounts for students
and seniors: $20 in advance, $15 at the door.
Call 212-252-4135, or visit

The program will feature Samuel
‘s Sure On This Shining Night; Hungarian composer Zoltán Kodály s Mountain Nights Songs Without Words For Women s Voices; Ronald Perera‘s Earthsongs; Zhou
‘s Four Seasons, a setting of ancient Chinese poetry; A Goodly Heritage by
British composer Gordon Jacob; Spring Song by Israeli composer Yehezkel Braun;
Hotaru Koi (Firefly) by Japanese composer Ro Ogura; and Wellsprings (New York
Premiere) and Contemplations (U.S.…

Jonathan Keren Premiere Featured at The Israeli Chamber Project with Samuel Rhodes

JTS Presents: The Israeli Chamber Project with Samuel Rhodes, an Evening of Chamber Music from The Juilliard School featuring Tibi Cziger (clarinet), Michal Korman (cello), Assaff Weisman (piano), Carmit Zori (violin), with special guest artist Samuel Rhodes (viola) will take place on Wednesday, October 22, 2014, at 7:30 p.m. at The Jewish Theological Seminary (JTS), located at 3080 Broadway (corner 122nd Street) in New York City. The Israeli Chamber Project (ICP) will perform a wide-ranging program of favorite classics and recent works influenced by Jewish culture, including music of Mozart, Schulhoff, Brahms, and the New York premiere of music by Israeli composer Jonathan Keren.

Admission to the concert is by ticket only. Tickets are $10 each; students with a valid school ID—as well as JTS alumni, faculty, students, and staff—may request up to two free tickets each.…

Sydenham Choir at Queens College in June

The Center for Jewish Studies at Queens College
Is proud to announce their 6th Annual Benefit Concert

Monday, June 11th, 2007

Starring the world famous Sydenham Choir
from Johannesburg South Africa

The return of Cantor Oshy Tugendhaft & the Sydenham Shul Choir marks
their 6th North American tour performing their hit musical CELEBRATION!
Both Oshy Tugendhaft, and the Choir are internationally acclaimed having
sung with many leading Cantors, most recently with Yitzchak Meir

All seats are reserved. General admission: $50 $32 & $20
25 % discount for orders by May 28, 2007 $40 $24 & $15
Priority seating $100 $75. No discount, includes after show party with

Order tickets on line at
or call 800-494-8497.

Their CELEBRATION musical depicts many aspects of traditional and
contemporary Jewish life and liturgy and takes place to live music,
provided by a jazzy orchestra.…

White Christmas: The Story of an American Song

By Jody Rosen

Writing a popular book about a popular song should merit some attention, so it’s not surprising that no less than four items appeared in The New York Times about this book. It’s supposed to be a book about one song. But, of course, it isn’t really. It’s a book about acculturation, assimilation and cultural impact. For readers of the Jewish Music WebCenter, these issues raised by White Christmas, may ultimately deal out the moral: we have only ourselves to “blame” –or– “congratulate” –as the view may be.

Irving Berlin, born as Izzy Baline, was of the generation of Jewish immigrants who wanted nothing more than to be thoroughly assimilated and thoroughly American. Berlin was one of the most successful examples of this, both in his personal and professional life.…

Winter Jewish Music Concert Held at Broward College

Tickets for the Seventh Annual Winter Jewish Music Concert, to be held at Broward College in January 10 2015 are now on sale.
For Info:
As in past years, we anticipate that the concert will sell out ahead of time, so we
suggest that you order your tickets early.

General admission tickets for the concert will again be only $18.00.

For those patrons who would like to reserve a seat in the front of the Bertha Abess
Sanctuary, we are offering a limited number of Preferred Seating tickets available
for $100.00. The remainder of the seats will continue to be general admission

Tickets may be purchased online ( or by
calling 1-800-838-3006.

An Evening of Baroque Jewish music at the Kennedy Center

Charles and Robyn Krauthammer proudly present:
An Evening of Baroque Jewish music at the Kennedy Center
Apollo Ensemble
An evening of Baroque Jewish music:
The Apollo Ensemble presented by Pro Musica Hebraica

Making its U.S. debut, Amsterdam’s Apollo Ensemble performs a concert of Baroque Jewish musical treasures, one night only, at the Kennedy Center. A highlight is the American premiere of Dio, Clemenza e Rigore, an anonymously composed oratorio for an eighteenth-century Italian Jewish holiday synagogue service. Don’t miss this rarely performed work. This concert is presented by Pro Musica Hebraica, devoted to presenting Jewish classical music, much of it believed lost, forgotten, or rarely performed, in a concert hall setting.

Apollo Ensemble
Thu., Nov. 5 at 7:30 | Kennedy Center Terrace Theater | Seats $38

CACERES – Le-el elim, Cantata for two voices and basso continuo (1738)
MARCELLO – Salmo 15/Ma’oz Tzur (1724-1727)
For alto, violincello, bassoon, harpsichord, and baritone
De ROSSI – Trio sonatas for two violins and basso continuo (ca.…

Klezperanto in Boston

Klezperanto’s back in Boston in an exciting double bill with The Wiyos

SUNDAY JULY 20 at 7:30 p.m. at the STUART STREET PLAYHOUSE, corner of Charles and Stuart Streets in the heart of Boston’s theater district, with very special guests, THE WIYOS, “Vaudevillian Ragtime-Blues and Hillbilly Swing”

You can read all about them at where you can see pictures, check out their tour schedule and press stuff, and hear samples, but it’s even BETTER to see this amazing ensemble LIVE!

Price: $15.00 in advance, $20.00 day of concert

To purchase tickets online visit Tele-Charge Online
To purchase tickets by phone call 800-447-7400*
*Service fees may apply
To purchase tickets in person visit the Stuart Street Playhouse Box Office 200 Stuart Street (in the Radisson Hotel Boston).…

Transcontinental Music

“Transcontinental Music Publications/New Jewish Music Press, the music publishing arm of the Reform movement, publishes a wide variety of musical materials for synagogue and home use. Since it is the largest publisher of Jewish choral music in the world, it serves as the single most important resource for all community groups such as schools, universities, churches, and libraries.” Catalog is now online. The Transcontinental catalog is also distributing music from the Cantors Assembly (Conservative). Ordering information included at site.

Phone: 800-455-5223.

Afro-Semitic Experience in Middleton, CT

The Afro-Semitic Experience will be performing in Middletown,
Connecticut in a couple of weeks. They are performing in concert on Saturday,
April 16, 8:00 p.m., at Congregation Adath Israel 8 Broad Street, in
Middletown. If you want more information about this concert the number at
Adath Israel is (860) 346-4709.

Visit the still fairly new Afro-Semitic Experience web site. The site has lots of music,
photos, and info about the band. Plus there is a news page that is updated
on a fairly regular basis. The address is


One year ago, the Chevy Chase, Maryland-based organization devoted to
finding and sharing new Jewish liturgical music didn?t even exist.
Today, it is relishing the task of selecting the best from among 169
pieces of music written by composers from 5 countries and 19 U.S.

?We are absolutely thrilled,? said Dr. Norma Brooks, vice president
of Shalshelet: The Foundation for New Jewish Liturgical Music. ?A
festival highlighting new music for congregational singing was just
an idea, a dream. Where would the music come from? How would
composers find us? Well, they did, in a very big way,? she said,
pointing to a three-inch-thick stack of submitted sheet music and the
four accompanying review CDs.

Out Of Darkness

Out Of Darkness featuring Liz Lerman Dance Exchange and Special Guests Sayat Nova
Tickets on sale now or 800-432-7250
$35 / $45 / $55

MARCH 22, 2008
7:30 PM
Cutler Majestic Theater
219 Tremont Street, Boston

The world-renowned Liz Lerman company boasts a 30-year international history of
art-making, exploring the role of engaging the everyday individual in art-making
processes, and the function of dance as a memory device.

The internationally treasured Armenian music and dance troupe Sayat Nova has since
1986 performed around the world in an effort to express the pride and indomitable
spirit of the Armenian people, and foster friendship across communities worldwide.
“… frantic and triumphant, with wailing melodies and a frenzied, rolling drum
beat.” — Watertown Tab, 2006

In Out of Darkness the two groups perform together for the first time.…

“A Night In The Old Marketplace”

A Night in the Old Marketplace PosterFRANK LONDON’S ” A NIGHT IN THE OLD MARKETPLACE”

Ron Caswell, tuba, bass
Brandon Seabrook guitar, banjo, mandolin
Art Bailey keyboards, accordion
Aaron Alexander, drums
And vocalists… La Tanya Hall, Manu Narayan (star of Broadway’s
Bombay Dreams), Craig
Wedren (from Shudder to Think), The Klezmatic’s Lorin Sklamberg and
many others featured on the recording,

“A Night In The Old Marketplace”

CD Release Party:

Monday, March 26th 8pm
Barrow Street Theater
27 Barrow Street
New York

Tickets via Telecharge 212-239-6200 or 800-432-7250
For more information read this POSTER with INFO

Running Time:
75 minutes, with no intermission

May be inappropriate for 10 and under.
Children under the age of 4 are not permitted in the theatre.
Important Notice
Performance begin promptly. Latecomers will not be seated!…

Gala Opening Night Tickets for Boston Jewish Music Festival

30th Anniversary of Klezmer Conservatory Band Features Reunion with
Clarinetist Don Byron & Vocalist Judy Bressler; JDub Recording Artists, Golem, Opens Show

The legendary Klezmer Conservatory Band (KCB), the band that kick-started the klezmer music revival, will open the first annual Boston Jewish Music Festival (BJMF) with a gala concert celebrating the band’s 30th anniversary at the Berklee Performance Center on March 6, 2010 at 7:30 PM.

Tickets for the concert are on sale through Ticketmaster ( and the Berklee box office. Tickets for other BJMF events are now on sale, most through Ticketweb ( The entire festival schedule is now posted on the BJMF web site.

Two former members who were instrumental in helping build the band’s reputation—vocalist Judy Bressler and clarinetist Don Byron—will reunite with them for the first time in more than 20 years.…

Shalshelet 6th International Festival of New Jewish Liturgical Music

We want to be sure you know about the March 15 2015 deadline for submissions of music to Shalshelet’s 6th International Festival of New Jewish Liturgical Music which wlll take place in Philadelphia on December 13-15, 2015. Shalshelet Festival is interested in music of any style, composed by people of any age and background, that is a new setting of traditional/liturgical Jewish text.
There is more information at
​For questions about the ​submissions process or the Festival, contact:
Please share this with anyone who might be interested.

Sarah Hyams
Executive Director
Shalshelet: The Foundation for New Jewish Liturgical Music

BOSTON Jewish Music Festival is NOW!

It’s major! The Boston jewish Music Festival February 27 – March 15 2015 has plenty of events around the region. If you haven’t gone yet, this is your chance to get tickets to major or any events you want to attend. There’s plenty for adults, children, teens and families.

To get the online brochure of the festival, just
click here!
Get on board! The Boston Jewish Music Festival just keeps getting better and better. This year has some spectacular events planned with a theme of “musical bridges” .

Jewish Music Festival SF Bay Area

The 23rd Annual
Jewish Music Festival SF Bay Area
March 22 – 30, 2008
There will be more than a full week
of tremendous concerts and unique programs in multiple venues throughout the Bay
Area. Check your calendar one last time, and make sure you take in as much of this
annual Bay Area treasure as you possibly can. All the details are available at


MARILYN SOKOL in Me and My Fanny

MARILYN SOKOL in Me and My Fanny
From Marilyn Sokol, the Emmy, Obie, and Bistro Award-Winning Actress/Singer/Comedienne who brought you the smash hit Guilt Without Sex comes Me and My Fanny, a jubilant tribute to Fanny Brice – the late, great Star of Stage, Screen, Radio, and TV, the original funny girl about whom the Broadway musical was written. Sokol performs seldom-sung Brice – musical gems from Burlesque and Vaudeville to The Ziegfeld Follies and Film – and poignantly reinvents familiar favorites. Fun ensues as Marilyn intertwines little-known Brice stories with her own personal anecdotes. Her distinctive voice and hilarious delivery, combined with a book written by Sokol and Scott Margolin, and Musical Direction by MAC Award-Winner Ian Herman make Me and My Fanny a joyful celebration.…

Chamber Music – New York Style” at Temple Israel of the City of New York

On Thursday, April 22 at 8 PM, the Musicians of Lenox
Hill, under the artistic direction of Soo-Kyung Park, will perform “Chamber Music –
New York Style” at Temple Israel of the City of New York, 112 East 75th Street, New
York City The program includes Three American Piecesfor flute and piano by Lukas
Foss, Gershwin’s Embraceable You and I’ve Got Rhythm arranged for solo piano by Earl
Wilde, Dvořák’s Piano Quartet No. 2 in Eb Major, B 162, Op.87 and Luminaria for
violin and harp by Kenji Bunch, who has been called “a composer to watch” by the New
York Times and is quickly emerging as one of the most prominent American composers
of his generation.

New York Concert Review hailed the Musicians of Lenox Hill as “exemplary throughout”
and “extremely impressive, technically and musically”.…


Temple Beth Israel, Waltham presents
As part of its 100th year celebrations


Concert/Dance Party and Music Workshops

Featuring the dynamic duo of Sruli Dresdner and Lisa Mayer
Joined by very special guest Yosl Kurland

Music, singing, dancing (with expert leading), high spirits, refreshments, fun for all!

Sunday, Dec. 14
Temple Beth Israel
25 Harvard Street, Waltham, MA 02453

2-5pm: Concert and Dance Party
$25, $20 TBI members, kids under 12 free
12-1pm: Simultaneous participatory workshops: Yiddish singing, instrumental klezmer music
$18, $15 TBI members, kids under 12 free
Combined workshop and concert/dance ticket: $40, $32 members
Workshops begin promptly at 12
Lunch provided to workshop participants at 1
Participants will play a tune with the band at the concert
For information and ticketing:
Online ticket purchase

Musicians of Lenox Hill to Perform Chamber Music of Jewish Composers

On Monday, April 28 at 8 PM, the Musicians of Lenox
Hill, under the artistic direction of Soo-Kyung Park, will perform Chamber Music
of Jewish Composers at Temple Israel of the City of New York, 112 East 75th Street,
New York City. The concert will feature six extraordinary musicians presenting
familiar as well as new or rarely heard music by composers of Jewish faith or
heritage. The program includes Three Nocturnes for Violin, Cello and Piano by
Ernest Bloch, Duo for Flute and Piano by Aaron Copland, Gershwin s Preludes for
Piano, Trio for Violin, Cello and Piano, No. 1, Op. 49 by Felix Mendelssohn, Window
for Viola and Piano by David Ludwig, Sonata for Cello and Harp, Op. 208 by Mario
Castelnuovo-Tedesco and Arrowhead for Flute, Viola and Harp by Eric Zeizl.…

Svigals-Rushefsky in “Mahler’s World: Jewish Music in the Hapsburg Empire”

Klezmer violin superstar Alicia Svigals
returns to the Maverick on July 14 at 8:00 p.m. with tsimblist Pete

Ms. Svigals and Mr. Rushefsky brought down the house last summer at
Maverick, and this year¹s concert is called “Mahler¹s World: Jewish Music in
the Hapsburg Empire.” The concert is part of Maverick¹s season-long
celebration of the centenary of Gustav Mahler¹s arrival in America to lead
the Metropolitan Opera and the New York Philharmonic.

Classical concerts are Saturday evenings at 6:00 and Sunday afternoons at
3:00, with jazz, world music, and klezmer on selected Saturday nights at
8:00. Young people¹s concerts are Saturday mornings at 11:00.

The box office opens an hour before each concert; the hall opens half an
hour before curtain time. Except for the last weekend of the season, ticket
prices are $20 for adults and $5 for students.…

Duo Brikcius & Year of Czech Music

Duo Brikcius & Year of Czech Music
[2 Cellists & 2 Siblings]
You are invited to the November concert “Festival Brikcius” – DUO BRIKCIUS & YEAR OF
CZECH MUSIC (2 Cellists – 2 Siblings), that will take place on Thursday 20th
November 2014
at 7.30pm
Location: in the representative concert hall from the 13th century of
the Stone Bell House in Prague
GHMP, 3rd floor, Old Town Square 605/13,
Prague 1,
Czech Republic.

The two cellists, brother and sister Anna Brikciusová and František Brikcius (Duo
Brikcius), will introduce a new programme for two cellos. It includes: Suite for Two
by composer and cellist from Prague David Popper (1843 – 1913); Chassidic
by “Terezín” Jewish composer Zikmund Schul (1916 – 1944); Composition for Two
by Czech composer Bohuslav Martinů (1890 – 1959; Duo by “Terezín” Jewish
composer Gideon Klein (1919 – 1945), written shortly before World War II.…

Steve Reich Talks about his Jewish Music at JMF

Pulitzer Prize-winning Composer Steve Reich Talks about his Jewish Music
(with music examples from the composer’s collection) — a unique interview
by fellow Pulitzer Prize-winner David Lang.

On Sunday, November 8th at 3 PM
at the Center for Jewish History
15th West 16th Street, NYC

The Jewish Music Forum presents a unique interview
with Pulitzer Prize-Winning Composer Steve Reich about his Jewish Music, with
music examples from the composers own collection. Mr. Reich will be
interview by fellow Pulitzer Prize-winning composer, David Lang.
The Jewish Music Forum is free to the public. Reservations for the Steve
Reich Talk will be taken on a first-come first-served basis. Call

Celebrate Freedoom with Music For Passover from URJ

Soundswrite newsletter: Volume 10, Number 7 • April, 2011 • Adar II/Nisan, 5771

Purim is over, which means Passover is just around the corner! Arguably the most widely observed of all Jewish holidays, Passover (Pesach) is a celebration of freedom–a remembrance of our people’s Exodus from slavery in Egypt over 3,000 years ago. Today, there’s an amazing array of terrific music for Pesach, both traditional and contemporary, to enliven your holiday and brighten your home, your car, your classroom, or anywhere else you listen to music. Check out these amazing recordings by clicking on any cover image below. Chag Pesach Sameach!

Lights Celebrate Hanukkah on a PBS Station as Close as Your TV

Lights Celebrate Hanukkah Live in Concert is a high-definition special feature on PBS with a distinguished, diverse and dynamic ensemble of musical performers in celebration of the Jewish Festival of Lights. Craig Taubman hosts a musical extravaganza featuring the likes of the Grammy Award-winning Klezmatics; cantor/tenor Alberto Mizrahi (first introduced in CANTORS: A FAITH IN SONG); top-selling jazz artist Dave Koz; soulful and dynamic Joshua Nelson; Emmy Award-winning actress Mare Winningham; rising star Michelle Citrin and others.

For Dates and Times, look for your local PBS station here:

World Premiere oratorio, A Melancholy Beauty!

Varna International Presents The 2nd Songs of Life Festival
June 23 at 7:30pm
Citi Performing Arts Center Wang Theatre

BY PHONE: 866-348-9738

Songs of Life is pleased to announce the addition of the Boston Modern Orchestra
Project to the featured performance of the World Premiere oratorio, A Melancholy

A Melancholy Beauty is a major choral-orchestral oratorio that brings 300 superb
choristers and instrumentalists to the stage in an unparalleled music celebration
which combines classical choral-orchestral music with traditional rhythms and folk
styles that are rarely encountered today. This song of life will unravel the true
story of the Rescue of all Bulgaria’s Jews during WWII. This coming together of
musicians, from the US, Israel, and Bulgaria, the very countries that were impacted
by these crucial events, will redefine freedom and harmony through the power of

Holocaust Memorial Day at Central Synagogue London

Thursday, January 26, 2006 at Wix Hall, Central Synagogue in London.
Address: 36 Hallam Street, London, W1N 6NN,
Phone:020 7580 1355.
Time: The concert starts at 7.30pm
Ticket prices are £15
concessions £12.50

A concert celebrating human creativity in adversity for Holocaust Memorial Day. Maya Kasir soprano, Sagi Hartov cello, Marc Verter piano and special guest Sarah Aaronson accordion.
After a short film ‘They never touched my bread’ – celebrating the meeting in Canterbury after 40 years of two musicians who performed together in the extraordinarily creative Terezin Concentration Camp outside Prague will be presented classical and cabaret music for voice, cello, accordion and piano, written and performed in the camp. Steven Leas with Central Synagogue choir conducted by Michael Etherton will sing the memorial prayer El Male Rahamim, that they performed in the presence of Her Majesty the Queen at Westminster Hall at Holocaust Memorial Day 2005 and which was broadcast on BBC TV.…

‘Oyfn Sheydveg’ & more

The release of, ‘Oyfn Sheydveg,’ a new CD by
the Boston-based KHEVRE is happening now.
To celebrate the new recording, Khevre will be playing a show in New York.
Sunday, October 24th.
Lefrak Concert Hall, Queens College.
Admission is $10.
Opening, is comedian ‘Modi,’ who’s a riot.
You can pick up tickets by visiting the Colden box office, or by phone:
You can also visit:
michael winograd- reeds, flutes
dana sandler- vocals
eylem basaldi- violin
carmen staaf- piano, accordion
jorge roeder- bass
richie barshay- drums, percussion
For more information on KHEVRE, please read out latest review by Ari Davidow
at :
For our fans in boston, KHEVRE will be playing a Halloween show, with a
number of other bands. MORE INFO BELOW:…