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Nathan, Shuly

Superstar in Israel, Shuly Nathan’s sweet and crystal clear voice was recorded in one of the most famous songs of all: Naomi Shemer’s Jerusalem of Gold. Born in London, but arriving in Israel at age 2, Shuly Nathan’s albums are both in the folk and pop-Israeli idioms. Today her new CDs reveal a mature artist whose voice is as wonderful as ever. Her website contains a brief biography, some photos, links to her new albums on CD Baby, and contact information.

Musica Judaica Issues: 2005-2006, Volume XVIII

This Table of Contents Service is provided by The Jewish Music WebCenter on behalf of The American Society for Jewish Music.

Volume XVIII. 2005-2006

Israel J. Katz
Arbie Orenstein

President's Greetings p. iv
From the Editors p. vii
p. vii
The History of the Jewish Music Publishing House Jibne and Yuwal
Translated from the German by Eliott Kahn and Verena Bopp
Jascha Nemtsov p. 1
The Augmented Second, Chagall's Silhouettes, and the Six-Pointed StarMarina Ritzarev p. 43
The Female Sozanda Art from the Viewpoint of Professionalism in the Musical Tradition: A Preliminary Survey Elena Reikher (Temin) p. 71
Arab Music and Aesthetics as Basis for the Liturgical Structure of the Sabbath Morning Service of the Syrian Jews in Brooklyn, New YorkMark Kligman p.


Musica Judaica Issues: 2001-2002, Volume XVI

This Table of Contents Service is provided by The Jewish Music WebCenter on behalf of The American Society for Jewish Music.

Volume XVI. 2001-2002

Israel J. Katz
Arbie Orenstein

President's Greetings p. iv
From the Editors p. vi
The Metaphor of Light in Joseph Haydn's Oratorio, The Creation (1798): A New Jewish Textual SourceAdena Portowitz p.1
The Music of David Nowakowsky (1848-1921): A New Voice from Old OdessaEmanuel Rubinp.21
Toward a Clearer Definition of the Mogen Avot ModeBoaz Tarsi p.53
Synagogal Chanting of the Bible: A Linking of Linguistics and EtnomusicologyRachel Mashiah and Uri Sharvitp.81
In Memoriam: Alexander L. Ringer (1921-2002)Amnon Shiloah p.99
Two Significant Musicological Events: Commemorating Salamone Rossi (ca.1570 - ca. 1628) and Eric Werner (1901-1988)Mark Kligmanp.109
The Turn of the Millennium in Jewish Music: A Bibliography of Selected Items (1999-2002)Compiled by
Judith Shira Pinnolis
Conributors of articles to this issuep.151
ASJM Membershipp.153
Updated 25 March, 2005

All content © 2001-2002 American Society for Jewish Music.…


LA-SHIR CHOIR, (The Los Angeles Hebrew Choir), is a choir “dedicated to the preservation, propagation and enjoyment of Hebrew songs, new and old.” The repertoire consists mainly of modern secular songs of Israel, with occasional selections of traditional Jewish songs, including Yiddish and ancient Judeo-Spanish (Ladino). The website is out of date but has contact information.

Mizrachi, Alberto

Alberto Mizrachi is now a world famous cantor and premiere interpreter of Jewish song. He’s often called the “Jewish Pavarotti”. He is cantor at Anshe Emet Synagogue in Chicago. He concertizes all over the world, sings in nine languages, and has appeared in most of the major venues of the world. He’s recorded with the Milken project, been on PBS, and appeared in large concert stages. I first met the cantor, (then known as Abraham Mizrachi), in Cincinnati, as a graduate student when he hired me to be a song leader in a part time job at a local temple where he was cantor. It was there he gave me a gift set of the Coopersmith books The Songs We Sing and The More Songs We Sing and said “here, learn these”.…

Composer Commission Opportunity

Kaplan Commissioning Project
Saint Mary’s University Concert Band

The ninth Helen and Sam Kaplan Foundation Commission for a new Concert Band composition written by a composer of Jewish heritage is outlined below. Any questions prior to application submission should be directed to Dr. Janet Heukeshoven, Director of Bands, at Saint Mary’s University of Minnesota.

Amount of Commission:

• $7,000.00 plus travel/expense allowance for a campus residency at the premier of the composition.

Description of the Composition:

• The work will be scored for standard full Concert Band instrumentation, appropriate difficulty level for advanced high school bands and small college ensembles.

• Length of composition: approximately 5-8 minutes in length.

• The composition must be based on Jewish melodic or thematic material, either folk or religious sources.…



Annual Concert for a Bold Spiritual Community of Resistance and Love

Sunday, May 21, 2017, 4 PM
130 W 30, NYC

The Emma Lazarus powerful 1883 sonnet, “The New Colossus,” inscribed on the pedestal of the Statue of Liberty, has served as a beacon of welcome and hope to generations of immigrants who came to our shores seeking refuge and freedom. We can revel in the chamber music, songs, liturgical settings, choral music and works for Yiddish theater created by immigrant composers, Bela Bartok, Ernest Bloch, Kurt Weill, Sholom Secunda, Irving Berlin, Miguel del Aguila, and Regina Spektor,

performed by

Elana Arian, violin/singer, Ivan Barenboim, clarinet, Adria Benjamin, viola, Tomoko Fujita, cello, John Riddle, tenor, Beth Robin, piano, Joyce Rosenzweig, pianist/conductor, Amanda Seigel, soprano, Sebu Sirinian, violin, Lisa Tipton, violin, Sally Wilfert, singer, Cantor Steve Zeidenberg, singer, and the CBST Community Chorus.




21st- 23rd April, 2017


Organization : Choir “KORAIS”

The “KORAIS” Choir has the pleasure to invite you in a Festival of joy that is going to take place on April 21-23, 2017 in Thessaloniki. This city of Northern Greece, well-known for its nice Mediterranean climate, open-hearted people and a long history that left behind a lot of ancient monuments, can promise you an unforgettable stay, full of exciting experiences.

Moreover, the love and support expressed by the numerous Musical Festival followers as well as the warm and friendly welcome of the Organization Committee create a unique atmosphere of enthusiasm that contributes to an unforgettable experience.

Key information about the Festival

The Festival is addressed to all types of choirs and vocal ensembles from all over the world.…


585 Cranbrooke Avenue, Toronto, Ontario M6A 2X9 Telephone: (416) 789-5502 Fax: (416) 789-5981 E-mail: KLEZ-MORE!!
A Celebration of the Morris Winchevsky School’s 75TH Anniversary

The Morris Winchevsky School celebrates its 75th anniversary with a reunion concert – KLEZ-MORE!! The public and alumni are invited to join the celebration on Sunday, September 21, 7:30 p.m. at the Isabel Bader Theatre, 93 Charles St. W., Toronto.

The evening features some of Toronto’s leading Jewish musicians. The KLEZMER SWINGTET – led by Jonno Lightstone, with Tony Quarrington and Jordan Klapman – swings Yiddish favourites. DAVE WALL AND MARILYN LERNER will include their fresh and stunning original settings of Yiddish poetry to music that blends classical, jazz and Jewish traditions, from their well-received new album, Still Soft-Voiced Heart.…

The Guild of Temple Musicians

The Guild of Temple Musicians is an educational and networking organization for synagogue musicians, affiliated with the American Conference of Cantors. It publishes a newsletter and offers workshops for members, as well as an annual convention. The Guild sponsors the Young Composer’s Award for the creation of serious works of Jewish music suitable for worship and/or the concert stage. In addtion, with the American Conference of Cantors, the Guild also runs the Generation to Generation Award to encourage High School musicians to create new works of music. The president for the 2010-2011 term is Aryell Cohen. He is the contact person at the address and phone below.

The Guild of Temple Musicians
5301 Balboa Blvd.
Encino, CA 91316

Women Cantor’s Network

“The WCN… is an open resource to any working, aspiring, or retired woman cantor who enjoys sharing, learning, singing and praying as a unique community. The WCN supports each other in struggles and to celebrate our accomplishments. WCN has grown into a membership of over 300 women and men from the U.S. and Canada. Lists the purposes of the cantor’s network and information about their conferences. Contact information on the website

The Undying Flame: Ballads and Songs of the Holocaust

By Jerry Silverman

Subtitle reads: “110 Songs in 16 Languages with Extensive Historical Notes, Illustrations, Piano Arrangements, Guitar Chords and Singable English translations. Includes a CD of 14 Songs”.

The songs are in “Yiddish, German, Hebrew, Spanish, French, Dutch, Italian, Serbo-Croatian, Ladino, Greek, Norwegian, Czech, Polish, Russian, Hungarian and English.” Texts appear in each language’s transliteration and English translations. An introduction to each song is given. Often there are illlustrations or other documentation that accompany a song. Histories of the songs are given if known. Authors of texts and composers are attributed when known.

An announcement about this book on HaSafran from Aviva Astrinsky states that this is “a major collection of Holocaust music. Most of the songs have never appeared in print before. Over 300 pages.
The book is divided into three main sections:

  1. The Gathering Storm: 1933-1939
  2. Shoah: 1940 – 1945
  3. Kaddish: A Post-War Retrospective


Mauro Braunstein Nusach Database

Mauro Braunstein, a mathematician and composer, has put together a database of nusach melodies with score that he has transcribed. The database contains thousands of variations of nusach covering the gamut of Jewish liturgical texts. It is divided by liturgy (weekdays, Sabbath, holidays), life cycles, and trope. Within these sections are myriad examples of the melodies and traditions of singing for the texts. There is score set for each of these, and some links to outside sound files as well. The purpose of the site is to offer a leader or researcher musical options to sing the services. Braunstein also offers his services for transcribing recordings into sheet music of those who contact him, which many will find extremely useful. This is an excellent site as a resource for finding nusach in musical notation, although some may find some of the options given within a score somewhat confusing, most will find this very helpful.…


A joint Dutch/Israeli shop located in Amsterdam that includes chassidic, Israeli, Jewish and folk music. It contains a section on the Eurovision contest and you can obtain recordings for every Israeli entry since 1973. Also includes sections for Trance style and Metal musics, videos.Provides access to purchasing Jewish music to a non-Israeli audience. “From the main page (and from actually any other page), you can access seven music categories. CD’s are arranged alphabetically, by the artist’s last name …Using the search engine – You can search for your favorite artist…” Website information includes hours and directions.
Israelism, Vijzelgracht 61, 1017HP, Amsterdam, Netherlands.Tel: +31-20-420-9330. Fax: +31-20-420-9322.

Musica Judaica Issues: 2000-2001, Volume XV

This Table of Contents Service is provided by The Jewish Music WebCenter on behalf of The American Society for Jewish Music.

Volume XV. 2000-2001

Israel J. Katz
Arbie Orenstein

Greetings from Hadassah B. Markson p. iv
From the Editorsp. iv
Nationalism and the Creation of Jewish Music: The Politicization of Music and Language in the German-Jewish Press Prior to the Second World WarEsther Schmidt p.1
Heinrich Schalit and Weimar Jewish MusicEliott Kahn p.33
The Song of Israel: An Eastern ViewpointAmnon Shiloahp.69
Yemenite Women's Songs at the Habani Jews' Wedding CelebrationsYael Shaip. 83
The Third London International Conference on Jewish Music (2000)Malcolm Millerp.97
A Musical Banquet: the Tenth London International Jewish Music Festival (11 June-13 July 2000)Malcolm Millerp.111
IN MEMORIAM: Irene Heskes (1923-1999)Jon Newsomp.119
IN MEMORIAM: Byron Cantrell (1919-1997)Israel J.


Nederlands Israelitisch Seminarium (NIS)

The NIS is the eldest fully operational Rabbinical Seminary in Europe (founded 1740). The Seminary is funded and recognized as an institution for Higher Education on University Level by Her Majesties Minister for Education, Science and Culture. At NIS people can study Jewish Music or train to become Hazzan. Contact:
Nederlands Israelitisch Seminarium (NIS)
Gerrit van der Veenstraat 26
1077 ED Amsterdam
The Netherlands

University of London. The Doris and Bertie Black Library and Archive of Jewish Music

The School of Oriental and African Studies and the University of London has established a new Jewish Music library as part of the Jewish Music Institute. The Library is seeking donations of Jewish music and books. For more information, please contact:
Jewish Music Institute
SOAS University of London
Thornhaugh Street
Russell Square
Tel: (44) +20 8909 2445
Fax: (44) +20 8909 1030

Jewish Theological Seminary. Music Archives and Sabin Family Music Library

The Jewish music library supports the H.L. Miller Cantorial School of the JTS. The music library contains more than 5,500 reference materials, general Jewish music, cantor’s notebooks, music histories, scores, and sound recordings. Other historical materials include liturgical music,published and unpublished, from late-nineteenth and early twentieth century Europe and Russia. The library serves as a “repository for the history of Jewish music in the United States.” The music archives are part of the JTS special collections. Of special note are the papers of Max Wohlberg, Solomon Rosowsky, Herbert Fromm and Samuel Rosenbaum with finding aids available online. The JTS music archives contains the manuscripts of the Putterman Collection, which were commissioned works for synagogue.
For more information contact
Dr. Eliott Kahn, Music Archivist,
Jewish Theological Seminary
3080 Broadway,
New York, NY 10027
Phone: (212) 678-8076
Fax: (212) 678-8998

The Felicja Blumental Music Center & Library

The Blumental Library is located at 26 Bialik St. in Tel-Aviv. It was previously known as the A.M.L.I. (Americans for a Music Library in Israel) – Central Music Library. Collections are primarily classical music, with large collections in Israeli music, song books, chazzanut, and Yiddish including 18,000 records, over 2000 CDs and 130 video cassettes. Library hours are: Sun. Tues.: 9 – 14. Mon. Wed. Thurs.: 12 – 19. For more information: contact Ryna Kedar, Head, Acquisitions & Cataloging Division, The Felicja Blumental Music Center & Library Tel-Aviv, Israel.

Jewish People’s Philharmonic Chorus

Binyumen Schaechter, Musical Director

The Jewish People’s Philharmonic Chorus, the longest-continually-performing Jewish chorus in the world, is celebrating it¹s 80th anniversary with three concerts this Spring (details below).

For 80 years, The Jewish People’s Philharmonic Chorus has inspired its listeners with an astonishing musical spectrum of Yiddish song. Centuries of hope, determination, humor, loss and renewal are bound up in each note they sing. The voices of sweatshop workers, immigrants, mothers, soldiers, tumlers, and lovers speak through their music. Founded in 1923 on New York’s Lower East Side, the Jewish People’s Philharmonic Chorus (known then as the “Freiheit Gezang Farein”) was a vocal part of the burgeoning labor movement. When the Chorus performed Jacob Schaefer’s oratorio “Tsvey Brider” in 1926, they were the first Jewish chorus in America to perform with an orchestra.…

The Israel Choral Organization

Hallel (ISCO) is a union of conductors and choirs in Israel. ICO was founded in June 1998 in order “to support and advance choral singing in Israel.” It promotes workshops, seminars, gatherings, pedagogy, activities, including international activities, publishes a quarterly bulletin and supports a website. The website is very out of date in terms of concert listings, but is maintained in Hebrew and English. Nevertheless contact information in provided.

Musica Judaica Issues: 1991-92, Volume XII

This Table of Contents Service is provided by The Jewish Music WebCenter on behalf of The American Society for Jewish Music.

Volume XII. 5754/1991-92

Neil W. Levin

Assistant Editor, Alexander V. Knapp

Founder, Albert Weisser (1918-1982)

A Song to Heal Your Wounds: Traditional Lullabies in the Repertoire of the Jews of IraqSara Manasseh p.1
A Golden Age for Jewish Composers in Paris: 1820-1865John H. Baron p.30
The Message of Moses and Aaron as Reflection of Arnold Schoenberg's spiritual QuestBoaz Tarsip.52
An Historic Israeli-American Musical Dialogue in New York: The Counter-Harmonies ConferenceMalcolm Millerp.65
Edith Gerson-Kiwi: In MemoriamEdwin Seroussip.75
Reviews: Susana Weich-Shahak, ed., Judeo-Spanish Moroccan Songs for the Life Cycle (Jerusalem, 1989)Laurence D. Loebp.


Musica Judaica Issues: 1999, Volume XIV

This Table of Contents Service is provided by The Jewish Music WebCenter on behalf of The American Society for Jewish Music.

Volume XIV. 1999

Irene Heskes

Production Editor, Doris B. Gold

A Publication Devoted to All Aspects of Jewish Music
This issue of Musica Judaica is dedicated to the late Cantor Aaron J. Caplow
“Sweet Singer of Prayers”

Greetings from the President of the SocietyHadassah B. Markson p.6
Editor's CommentaryIrene Heskes p.7
Medieval Elements in the Liturgical Music of the Jews of Southern France and Northern Spain. [Vol. I, 1975/76].Judith Kaplan Eisensteinp.9
Postscript: Remembering Some of Our PioneersMarsha Bryan Edelmanp.31
The Music of the Synagogue as a Source of the Yiddish Folksong. [Vol. II. 1977/78]Max Wohlberg.


Mickey Katz Endowed Chair in Jewish Music

Job Opening:
Mickey Katz Endowed Chair in Jewish Music
Position Description

The UCLA School of the Arts and Architecture and the UCLA Herb Alpert School of Music are pleased to invite applications from distinguished figures in composition, performance, ethnomusicology, musicology, or other scholarly disciplines for a tenured, professorial position as inaugural holder of the Mickey Katz Chair in Jewish Music. The Chair supports the study and practice of Jewish music broadly defined in terms of geographical area, historical period, and genre or style. Candidates are welcome to apply from a variety of disciplinary perspectives, including interdisciplinary ones. The eventual occupant of the Chair will hold an appointment in at least one department of the UCLA Herb Alpert School of Music (Ethnomusicology, Music, Musicology), with the possibility of cross-appointments in other departments, as appropriate.…

1000 Years of French Jewry: A Concert in Words and Music

Sunday, May 17, 2015
Temple Emau-El
99 Taft Avenue
Providence, RI
A concert on the music of the 1000 year history of French Jewry, from Rashi to today, will take place at Temple Emanu-El in Providence, RI, Sunday, May 17, 2015 at 7pm. The concert will include music of every era and genre from classical, folk to jazz, with an original script narrated by Professor Bill Miles, and accompanied by renowned pianist Judith Lyn Stillman. Instrumental soloists from the Boston Symphony Orchestra, along with Cantors Lynn Torgove, Brian Mayer and Maayan Harel and choral singers from Shir Emanu-El Choir, Kol Kesem Hazamir along with other choral singers will participate.

Advanced tickets are $50, $36 and $15 with tickets at the door at: $55, $40, $20.

Razdolina, Zlata (Rosenberg)

A composer and singer. Most of her repertoire of more than six hundred romances and songs is composed on texts of the famous Russian classical poets, A. Akhmatova, N.Gumilyov, O. Mandelstam, M. Tsvetayeva, A. Blok, I. Severyanin, S.Yesenin and others. In Israel she has written music for symphony orchestras, choirs and chamber ensembles.

Born in Leningrad. (Now St. Petersburg). Composer and singer. Most of her repertoire of more than six hundred romances and songs is composed on texts of the famous Russian classical poets, A. Akhmatova, N.Gumilyov, O. Mandelstam, M. Tsvetayeva, A. Blok, I. Severyanin, S.Yesenin and others. In Israel she has written music for symphony orchestras, choirs and chamber ensembles. Works include “Requiem”, performed in 1989 at the Kremlin, Moscow; “The song of the Murdered Jewish People” on a poem by Itzhak Katzenelson; soundtrack for Kastner’s Trial”.…

Kleiner, Fran

American. Yiddish singer and music teacher. Born, Brooklyn, NY. Fran studied at Hebrew School of the Hebrew Educational Society, and graduated from Thomas Jefferson High School. She received a BA degree in Education and Psychology from Brooklyn College in June 1947, and a Masters in Social Work from Boston University in May l953. She married Robert Kleiner in 1948. Fran started teaching Yiddish songs in camp settings. In the early 1950s, she worked for a time at Camp Kingswood, but moved to the Philadelphia area in 1953. Fran has been singing Yiddish songs for young and old alike, and has spent over 30 years teaching Yiddish, Hebrew, Jewish and folk music to students in Philadelphia. Fran’s website includes a bio, concert schedules and contact info.

Klein, Betty

American-born, Israeli singer, guitarist, pianist harpist, accordionist and music therapist. She studied with Martha Schlamme at Mannes College, graduated with a BS from Boston University, MS from Columbia University and continued studies at Hunter College and Montclair State College. She performed throughout the New York area until moving to Israel. She participated in the Akko Music Festival, Folk Festival at Horshat Tal and the Llangollen Eisteddfod, Wales in 1990 where she won 2nd prize in the solo folk singing competition. Ms. Klein has appeared on the BBC, Belgian TV and radio programs and on Israeli TV and radio. Her Ladino and Yiddish concerts have been broadcast as well as recorded in albums. She has performed extensively in Europe in both Jewish and general venues, including festivals, universities, and the Vatican.…

Foster, Andrea

American. Cantorial singer, educator and children’s camp specialist. Currently Judaic Program Coordinator and songleader, Capital Camps, Camp Benjamin, 3rd-6th grades, Waynesboro, PA. Dr. Foster holds a PhD in American Studies, George Washington University(1993); MA Philosophy, George Washington University; MA Anthropology/Archaeology, SUNY Buffalo; and BA English, SUNYC Oswego. Dr. Foster is a performer, Jewish Folk Arts Festival, Rockville, MD; Music Specialist, pre-schools, 4th-7th grades, retreats, 6th-10th grades; Student Cantor, adult, Children’s and Tot, services HHD; Student Cantor Bar Mitzvah and Memorial Services, Bat Mitzvah training, Shabbat services; Sunday School Coordinator and teacher; Music Specialist summer camps in area; Jewish meditation group coordinator, facilitator. She is a member of the Women Cantors’ Network. She has also been a part-time Professor Montgomery College, Germantown, Maryland, in History. She resides in Germantown, MD.…

Farber, Sharon

Jewish/Israeli Composer. Pianist. Born in Israel. Served in IDF. Worked as theater composer and musical director. Moved to Boston in 1994, studying at the Berklee School of Music, graduating 1997 in both classical composition and film scoring. She composed scores for numerous TV and film projects. Sharon is currently based in Los Angeles and continues works as a Film, TV and Concert Composer in additional to a parallel career in classical composition and choir music. She serves as the Music Director for Temple of the Arts under Rabbi David Baron. Sharon is on the Board of Directors for the Society of Composers and Lyricists and is currently composing for the Emmy Award winning TV Series “Starting Over”. In 2002, her concert composition “The Third Mother/Mothers Lament” (in dedication to Daniel Pearl) premiered with the Los Angeles Master Chorale.…

Bauer, Marion

American. Composer. “Marion Bauer (15 August 1882-9 August 1955), daughter of French Jewish immigrants in Washington state, was a member of what scholars have called the “forgotten vanguard” of modernism…” Musicologist Dr. Melissa De Graaf has written a biographical sketch of Marion Bauer for the Jewish Music WebCenter, which can be viewed here as a pdf file.

Dr. De Graaf’s work is copyrighted. Pleasecontact JMWC if you need more information about the use of this article.

Amato-Salerno, Angela

Violin Soloist, Chamber Musician and Leader of Professional Orchestras in Italy and UK, Ms. Amato is now dedicating much of her Research into Jewish Music Study, with major interest in the arrangements of traditional Italian and Askenazy Music. She performed in major National and International Festivals. Purcell Room debut 1994; Teatro Francesco Cilea debut 1996; Teatro Bellini debut 1989. Winner of National and International Music Awards. Recorded for Radio France, Radio Swisse Romande, BBC and Rai radio and TV. CD recordings include 28° and 29° Tibor Varga Festival, Sion, Switzerland. Plays a French violin 1780 Paris School.

Nashir in NYC!

Nashir! The Rottenberg Chorale presents
On Sunday, May 31, at 7:00 pm, Nashir! The Rottenberg Chorale will present
its annual concert at Merkin Concert Hall, 129 West 67th Street, New York.

The eclectic program features works by Eric Whitacre, Yehezkel Braun, Gil
and Salomone Rossi, in English, Hebrew, Yiddish, French and Lugandan.

Tickets are $24 (preferred seating), $21 (general admission) and $17
For further information, contact Merkin Concert Hall (212-501-3330) and on
the web at

CFP: Sholem Aleichem, 1916- 2016: Writing Place

CFP: Sholem Aleichem, 1916- 2016: Writing Place
International Conference
Jerusalem, 16-18 May 2016

The centennial of the death of Sholem Aleichem (Rabinovich), the most well-known and celebrated Yiddish author , creates an opportunity to revisit his life and work. His direct and indirect influence permeates literary, theatrical, and cinematic representations of East European Jewish life and, in his late work, America. Straddling the fine line between empathy and irony, Sholem Aleichem’s writing is a sensitive guide to the vicissitudes of cultural modernization, secularization, migration, and revolution.

As a research consortium based in four Israeli universities, the “Da’at Hamakom”/ ICORE Center for the Study of Cultures of Place in the Modern Jewish World invites interested scholars and senior graduate students to submit proposals (for individual papers or for panel sessions), which will aim to illuminate the various facets of “place” in Sholem Aleichem’s oeuvre or in cultural representations derived from his work.…

Poèmes Yiddish en musique

Vérités Jamais Sûres… Poèmes Yiddish en musique
Nelly Uzan – récitante
Michel Borzykowski – saxophones
Reb Yoyvl – accordéon
Jeudi 16 octobre 2014 à 20h30
Café-Théâtre de la Voirie
10, rue du Centre, 1009 Pully (Vaud/ Suisse)
Réservations: 076 324 34 52 ou
Entrée: 20 frs / tarif réduit: 15 frs

Après un millénaire d’effervescence intellectuelle et artistique, après plusieurs
tentatives d’anéantissement, le yiddish a suscité, ces cinquante dernières années,
un énorme regain d’intérêt: Ce fut d’abord “Le violon sur le toit” en 1967 et le
Prix Nobel de littérature attribué en 1978 à Isaac Bashevis Singer “pour son art de
conteur enthousiaste enraciné dans la culture et les traditions judéo-polonaises et
qui ressuscite l’universalité de la condition humaine”; puis vint le tour du
“renouveau” de la musique klezmer aux Etats-Unis, puis dans le monde entier.…

IJMF Accepting Competition Applications

Have you already applied for the 4th International Jewish Music
Competition? Deadline on May 1!
,br /
The International Jewish Music competition will be held September 13
– 16, 2014 in the Muziekgebouw aan ‘t IJ and the Uilenburger
Synagogue in the heart of Amsterdam. This is the world’s most
significant launching pad for professional Jewish musical
ensembles… of the 80 ensembles that have participated since 2008,
most have experienced a boost in their careers, and more than half of
the participants in the last competition won cash prizes, concert
bookings and/or recording contracts.

On our website you
will find all information on how to enter the competition and the
conditions here: . The
deadline for applying is May 1, 2014.…

Zamir Boston Elijah Rocks

Monday, May 19, 7:30 pm, “Elijah Rocks” at Sanders Theatre, Cambridge, MA:

Reserve your tickets now for our season finale, “Elijah Rocks.” This multimedia presentation will bring to life some of the great stories from the Bible. Experience the creation of the world, Cain and Abel, Noah and the flood, Moses and the exodus, Joshua at the walls of Jericho, Elijah with the fiery chariot, Shadrach in the furnace, and more. Special guest: the incomparable singer/songleader Nick Page. This year, Zamir is delighted to honor Charles Coe, noted poet and arts advocate; and Heather Zacker, Zamir alumna extraordinaire and healthcare executive. For tickets: or contact:


(America the Beautiful)
This 45-minute a cappella concert,
celebrating 360 years of American Jewish life (1654-2014),
features unique Yiddish choral arrangements
in distinctly American musical styles:
blues, jazz, spirituals,
Second Avenue theater hits, labor anthems, and more.
In these works you will recognize
America’s pervasive influence on Jewish culture –
and vice versa.
English translations provided.
Friday evening, March 7, 2014
6:30 Services, 7:15 Dinner, 8:00 Concert
Dinner and Concert: $25 for adults, $15 for children under 12

under “register for events”
or contact Adina at or 212-787-5347

Julien Clerc to appear in Israel

French singing star Julien Clerc will appear with a 40 piece orchestra in Israel on Sunday July 7, 2013 at the National Opera house in Tel Aviv, 19 Sderot Shaul HaMelech at 20h30. He will perform his standards along with some of his new repertoire. This is the French singer’s first time to perform in Israel. For more information, contact WWW.LOLLYPROD.COM -OU- 03.658.59.59

Nashir! The Rottenberg Chorale

Nashir! The Rottenberg Chorale presents
Music calm & boisterous plus a taste of Jewish a capella
On Sunday, June 2, at 7:00 pm, Nashir! The Rottenberg Chorale will present
its annual concert at Merkin Concert Hall, 129 West 67th Street, New York. The
eclectic program features works by David Berger, Charles Davidson, Flory
Jagoda and Bonia Shur

Tickets are $24 (preferred seating), $21 (general admission) and $17
For further information, contact Merkin Concert Hall (212-501-3330) and on
the web at

De Chassidische liederen Deel 2

SHIRAH Centrum Soest nodigt uuit
voor een workshop over
De Chassidische liederen Deel 2
Datum: zondag 10 maart
Tijd: 12.00 uur tot 14.00 uur

Locatie:Het Huis van Winzum-Smid, Eikenlaan 26, 3768 EV Soest (5 min
loopafstand van station Soest-Zuid)
Prijs: 15 euro, (reductie in overleg)

Shepherd, Paulina

(Brighton, UK)
Composer, singer, pianist and the leading choral conductor of Yiddish song in the Former USSR. She has performed and taught internationally. Her specially developed choral teaching methods are based on instrumental ornamentation and Jewish modes. Performs with her own a capella ensemble Ashkenazim and works with the Sound & Light Cinematic Duo, who play live accompaniment to rare black and white silent Jewish films. Polina’s music is performed by choirs and soloists all over the world.Contact: E-mail: , tel. +44-1273-553737

The Klezmer Connection

A musical quartet called The Klezmer Connection now has a website advertising the group, with Iosif Zilberman, violin; Dimitry Cernavski, clarinet/saxophone; Michele Levine, vocalist and pianist/keyboardist and Andrea Valentini, percussion. They perform in the New York, New Jersey, Connecticut area. The Klezmer Connection specializes in klezmer, Yiddish and Israeli music, as well as American standards such as Broadway showtunes and lots of swing music. Klezmer Connection has “performed throughout the US, Europe and Israel at concerts, music festivals, and, most joyously, bar/bat mitzvahs and weddings.” They are often joined by Jim Gold, a folk-dance teacher and leader. Contact Michele Levine: 914-328-3408 or email:

Fraenkel, Yossi

Yossi Fraenkel is a London-based Hassidic singer who travels around the world performing widely for Chassidic and Yiddish audiences. In 1998 he performed for British royal family. His recent stage performances include Simchas Beis Hashoevoat at Lubavitch World Headquarters in Crown Hights, Brooklyn, NY. Unfortunately his website doesn’t provide any clips of music, but he has contact information for those wishing bookings.
Phone: +44 (0)7946-359-697.

The Jerusalem Lyric Trio

Amalia Ishak, soprano; Wendy Eisler-Kashy, flute; and Allan Sternfield, piano are the trio’s performers. The Jerusalem Lyric Trio is an Israeli ensemble that highlights the religious and cultural heritage of the Jewish people in its performances. Since 1995, they have performed our programs throughout Western and Eastern Europe, the United States, South America, Russia, and of course, Israel.
The Trio’s repertoire, in addition to familiar classical repertoire, includes works inspired by biblical texts, Jerusalem, the landscape of Israel, the Holocaust, and familiar songs (in Hebrew, Yiddish, and Ladino). They have represented Israel in international music festivals, including the Old Testament in the Arts (Prague), Judische Kulturtage (Munich), Musical Spring in St. Petersburg (Russia), The Eighth International New Music Festival (Riga, Latvia), Encuentros (Buenos Aires), Concentus Moravaie (Czech Republic) and the Budapest Spring Festival 2000.…

Israel Contemporary Players

“The Israel Contemporary Players was founded in 1991 with the aim of performing the best classical chamber ensemble repertoire of the 20th century – most of which had never been performed in Israel. Members of the Israel Contemporary Players are drawn mainly from the ranks of the Jerusalem Symphony Orchestra with the addition of other outstanding musicians from Israel and abroad.” The website has a list of musicians, their repertoire, and contact information. It also has the season concert series listings for Tel Aviv and Jerusalem.

Hester Street Troupe

Klezmer and other Jewish music consisting of Alan Sweifach, clarinet ; Jay Sweifach, keyboards(synthesizer); and Jim Bazewicz, drums. They have 3 CDs: Generation to Generation, Sounds of the Shtetl, and their third CD is On Second Avenue, consisting of Yiddish Vaudeville and the Lower East Side songs. Contact: (908) 276-5245 or

Fred Hersch

American Jazz pianist and composer, described by The New Yorker as “a poet of a pianist”. Hersch has been awarded several residencies at the MacDowell Colony, including in February, 2006, when his CD Fred Hersch in Amsterdam: Live at the Bimhuis (Palmetto Records) will also be released. He tours widely in the United States and Europe. Hersch has reached outstanding acclaim in the jazz world, such that a Jazziz magazine writer stated: “few jazz pianists have ever struck as beguiling a balance between technique, feeling, insight and imagination…Hersch s engagement with each of these songs is so complete that he evokes the sort of secret meanings words cannot. Besides critical claim, Hersch composes ‘classical’ music, and has won a 2003 Guggenheim Memorial Fellowship for composition, a Rockefeller Fellowship for a composition residency at the Bellagio Center in Italy and two Grammy® nominations for Best Jazz Instrumental Performance.…

Halevi Choral Society

The Halevi Choral Society is a professional Jewish choir located in Chicago, IL under the direcction of Judith Karzen. Founded as a community chorus in 1926 by Harry Coopersmith and Hyman Reznick, the choral group, devotes its entire repertoire to Jewish music. Styles include liturgical, Israeli, Yiddish, Ladino and secular Jewish music. The Choral group presents many new works and commissions compositions. The website includes contact information, a history, a mission statement and a concert schedule.

The Freilachmakers Klezmer String Band

“Upbeat Jewish music from the Ashkenazic and Sephardic traditions, with Brazilian, gypsy and Celtic influences. The 5-piece ensemble from Sacramento, California band performs mainly in Northern California, but is quite willing to travel for special occasions. The band also performs original compositions. Lots of singing (in Yiddish, Ladino and Hebrew) and fascinating instrumentation (clawhammer banjo, Brazilian classical guitar, clarinet, accordion, mandolin, string bass) – a wonderful ensemble for your planned concert, wedding, bar/bat mitzvah, fundraiser or other simcha.

Tiferet, Hanna

Songwriter, singer, liturgical leader.
“Hanna was the first woman to receive the title of “Eshet Hazon”— Woman of Vision, and “Miyoledet Neshama” —Midwife of the Soul. She received ordination as a rabbinic pastor from Reb Zalman Schachter-Shalomi and studied at the Hebrew Univerity in Jerusalem as a Melton Senior Educator. She is currently co-spiritual leader at Congregation B’nai Or of Boston.” CDs include “Awaken, Arise” and “Kol Koreh: A Voice Calls,” “Olamama,” “Refuah Shleyma: The Healing Circle,” “And You Shall Teach Your Children,” and “Or Shalom.” Her website lists CDs, teachings, songbooks and contact information. Hanna Tiferet Siegel.FAX: 617-363-0371 E-mail:

Brass Hebraica

Brass Hebraica is a brass quintet devoted to Jewish Music. Members of the group reside in Connecticut, but the group is available for performances anywhere. Five very accomplished musicians arrange and perform Judaica brass quintet using eclectic styles. Brass Hebraica is not to be confused with Klezmer. The instrumentation includes: 2 trumpets, french horn, tuba and trombone. For further information contact: Gary Knepler, Director at 120 Harvester Road in Monroe, CT 06468 (203-268-6040) or by email.

Di Bostoner Klezmer

di bostoner klezmer is a trio of talented musicians which plays a full range of klezmer, traditional Jewish, Hasidic and Israeli music – with swing on the side. Public concerts (from Chamber of Commerce to library to theater), simkhes and holiday celebrations, and specialized venues (nursing homes, kids’ camps) round out our resume. For more information, visit, contact Dena (dobe) Ressler at 781-643-1957, or email us at: Di Bostoner Klezmer’s CD is expected during the spring of 2004.

Mordhuhovich, Alexandr

Russian composer and performer. Born March 28, 1946 in Zlatoust, Chelyabinsk, Russia. Senior lecturer of the Magnitogorsk State Conservatory (MaGK). Graduated 1964 from Magnitogorsk Musical College in bayan and the piano. 1971 graduated from the Gorky (Nizhny Novgorod) Conservatory. Post-graduate study, 1995 from Nizhny Novgorod Conservatory. Since 1970, worked as educator of the Russian folk instruments section of the Magnitogorsk Musical College. Winner of diploma at the All-Russian Contest in Moscow at 2000, and winner of diploma at the international Contest of bayan-accordion-players “The Far East Cup” in Vladivostok, 2000. Founded the concert ensemble of Russian folk instruments «Rodnye Napevy» («The Native Tunes»)(1980). Also founded a chamber instrumental ensemble «Retro» (1991), the instrumental trio «Accordion-Retro» (1997), the instrumental duet «Expromt» (2000). As a composer, he has released more than 20 author’s collections since the 1980s.…

An Evening of Yiddish Poetry and Song

WWGD? [What Would Glatshteyn Do?]
An Evening of Yiddish Poetry
sponsored by The League for Yiddish/
Afn Shvel magazine
You are cordially invited to a unique new event –
a bilingual evening of contemporary Yiddish poetry!
In zikh (Introspectivist) Yiddish poets, 1923

The program will feature Yiddish poets and songwriters reading (and singing) from
their own works.
When: Sunday, August 1, 2010; 6 – 7:45 P.M.
Where: Bowery Poetry Club, 308 Bowery, Manhattan,
main floor (between Houston and Bleecker at 1st St.; Bowery is the continuation
of Cooper Square below E. 4th St.)
F train to 2nd Ave. or 6 train to Bleecker
Admission – $6.00.
All are invited to come listen and
you are invited to participate
in the program if you:
– write Yiddish poetry
– write Yiddish songs
– translate Yiddish poetry into English (or
another language) or English (or another
language) poetry into Yiddish
Priority will be given to poets and songwriters.…