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Doina Klezmer Quartet

“The repertoire of the Doina Klezmer Quartet consists of the traditional Eastern European klezmer music arranged by the band, but also of new, own Finnish and Northern influences creatively combining klezmer music composed by Sampo Lassila. In the music of Doina Klezmer otherwise distance musical elements are combined in a special and unique way. These musicians regard highly the tradition and also improvisation has a great importance in their music. Doina Klezmer was established in 1996 and after that the old Jewish music has gained quicly a whole lot of new fans in Finland and the concept of the “Finnish Klezmer” has been presented for the first time in public. Doina Klezmer has given concerts in Helsinki with their artist friends and performed at clubs and concert halls all over Finland.…

Two Worlds / Tsvey Veltn Concert

Wednesday, January 15th at 7 PM

On January 15 at 7 PM at the Center for Jewish History, a concert
co-sponsored by YIVO, the American Society for Jewish Music, and the Center for
Tradition Music and Dance wlll celebrate the long-awaited, new CD release of
Two Worlds/Tsvey Veltn (Golden Horn Records) by the rising Yiddish
musician Benjy Fox-Rosen and his band.

Following the concert, there will be an artist talkback with Fox-Rosen,
master Yiddish musician Joshua Waletsky, Pete Rushefsky, Director of the
Center for Traditional Music and Dance, and Amanda Scherbenske, Executive
Director of ASJM’s Jewish Music Forum, a scholar of new Jewish music.

Tickets: $15 for General Admission; $10 – YIVO, ASJM, CTMD members,
students, and seniors. Box Office: _smarttix.com_ | 212.868.4444 …

Los Angeles Zimriyah Chorale

“The Los Angeles Zimriyah Chorale was founded in 1997 by Cantor Ira Bigeleisen and Rand Harris. LAZC has been invited to perform in venues throughout the world and continues its mission of bringing Jewish music, particularly music written by Southern California Jewish composers, to audiences in America and abroad.” The website includes a history of the group, a list of performances, a calendar, and a listing of recording projects. The Chorale is available for performances and travels world wide. Nick Strimple, the music director, is also a composer, scholar and author on choral music.

Chana Mlotek z”l

It is with deep sadness we report the passing of Chana Mlotek, the Music Archivist at YIVO, author of many columns on Yiddish song, and editor and author of many books of Yiddish music. Chana Mlotek had an amazing memory for all the Yiddish songs and materials she worked with. She was certainly one of the giants of Yiddish music in the world, and in her years of contribution she shared with the the rest of us insights into her vast knowledge. She was a very generous with her knowledge and time helping those who came to find resources of Jewish music. She worked at YIVO since 1944 and will be missed not only by those who worked with her and her family, but by the greater world and family of Jewish music.…

Alexandria Kleztet in DC March 16

Saturday, March 16 — The Alexandria Kleztet and Bangla Avenue as part of
3222 11th Street, NW
Washington, DC 20010
$10 suggestion donation at the door
9 to 11 pm

This is part of the World Music Series at this very hip DC performance space. Kleztet on first, followed by the Bengalese/Jazz fusion band Bangla Avenue from 10 to 11 pm.

For this performance, the Kleztet will consist of yours truly, along with bassist Scott Harlan and violinist Susan Jones. Special guests, including percussionist Faheem Khemani and guitarist Cristian Perez, will be joining us for a few songs. Crazy world music jamming is sure to ensue!


Tzadik releases avant garde and experimental music, including a division labeled “radical Jewish culture”, “Japan series” and “lunatic fringe.” John Zorn is the creative talent organizing and producing this music. Many will be fascinated by the eclectic blend of American jazz, world music, Jewish, contemporary classical and other elements. Real Audio segments give an audio window on this world.

Yarkoni, Yaffa

Born in Israel in 1925, Yarkoni has had a successful singing career in the new State of Israel, starting off singing songs of the Palmach. She was a radio operator during Israel’s War of Independence. She started singing for large groups at that time, appearing in the army choral troupe and continued to bolster the nation’s morale through many of the tough wars for the next fifty years and became known as “the Singer of the Wars.” In 1967, Yarkoni was chosen to sing “Jerusalem of Gold” in front of the Western Wall after Israel recaptured the city. She traveled throughout the world singing Israel’s new Hebrew songs to sell-out audiences in world venues such as New York’s Carnegie Hall, the Paris Olympia and London’s Palladium.…

Concert in Honor of Adrienne Cooper Dec 22 in NYC

The world of Yiddish culture will be honoring Adrienne Cooper z”l with a concert to celebrate her life and work. Adrienne is best remembered as the magnificent voice of Yiddish song and teacher to thousands in the Yiddish and klezmer music worlds. Dec 22 2012 in NYC, there will be a concert that is bound to attract you and your friends, as well as plenty of the contemporary Jewish music world. The goal of the concert is to raise money to help establish a fund to continue her work, not just in recordings but for teaching for future generations.

Sat Dec 22 2012, 8 pm
Kaye Playhouse at Hunter College
East 68th Street between Park & Lexington Avenue
Tickets: $18, $36, $54
(212) 772-4448…

Neshama Carlebach Sings Hatikvah with Inclusive Lyrics

Where but YouTube would you be able to hear a new version of a national anthem? The Forward newspaper asked Neshama Carlebach to sing Hatikvah, but not just any recording. The article was suggesting some new lyrics that could potentially be more inclusive to all Israelis of whatever creed, color or religion in a democratic society. This proposed change is not just for Arabs (not Palestinians, but Israeli Arabs), but also may resonate with other minorities now living in Israel including Christians, Bahai, Druze, Buddhists and peoples of other faiths and ethnic groups.

Neshama Carlebach, daughter of the late Shlomo Carlebach, took up the idea and has released a YouTube video with the suggested new and “old”-er texts. Of course the lyrics of this song “Hatikvah” have been changed before, and also those other famous Jewish songs, such as “Jerusalem of Gold.” Each time, these changes have come about due to changes in historic circumstances.…

Habrera Hativeet

Formed in 1977, Habrera Hativeet has performed around the world with Shlomo Bar, the founder, and features Sephardic and Eastern music fused with modern Israel. Bar, born in Rabat, Morocco, composes most of the group’s songs. He plays drums and flute and also arranges much of the music. The rest of the band is: Manashe Sasson, on Santur; Nitsan-Ken Razel, violin; Samson Khamkar on violin, the sitar and the flute; Ilan Ben-Ami, guitar; Yael Offenbach, Tabla; and Yaacob Segal, piano, ud, and bass. Habrera hativeet have 9 CDs, some of which were originally released in LP. The group tours extensively world wide. The website features a video clip from The 11th Jewish Music Festival in Cracow – Poland, July 2001. Having attended a concert of this group at Brandeis, I can attest to the excitement experienced in a HH concert.…

Fraenkel, Yossi

Yossi Fraenkel is a London-based Hassidic singer who travels around the world performing widely for Chassidic and Yiddish audiences. In 1998 he performed for British royal family. His recent stage performances include Simchas Beis Hashoevoat at Lubavitch World Headquarters in Crown Hights, Brooklyn, NY. Unfortunately his website doesn’t provide any clips of music, but he has contact information for those wishing bookings.
Phone: +44 (0)7946-359-697.

Krakauer and Haimovitz at Joe’s Pub in NYC

After returning from a whirlwind tour in Europe in “Krakauer Plays Zorn” with the
Madness Orchestra, David Krakauer is back in the U.S. Looking ahead to what’s
next on his agenda, he’ll be playing with cellist Matt Haimovitz at Joe’s Pub in
New York City

Joe’s Pub with Matt Haimovitz
Akoka: The End of Time
featuring Socalled with Maria Bachmann & Geoffrey Burleson

WHERE: Joe’s Pub – 425 Lafayette Street, NYC 10003
WHEN: Saturday, January 14, 2012
TIME: 9:00 PM
TICKETS: $20 –
Purchase Tickets

Beyond the Pale

Bios, Reviews, Sound Samples, Pictures, Schedule are all featured on the website. “Since their formation in 1998, Toronto’s Beyond the Pale has emerged as one of the most exciting ensembles in the Canadian klezmer, folk, and world music scenes. Rooted firmly in the spirit and forms of klezmer music, the group flirts with elements of other eastern-European folk styles (Romanian, Roma, Balkan) as well as modern and North American styles (bluegrass, reggae, funk) to forge a unique contemporary sound. Known both for inventive arrangements of traditional material and for compelling original compositions, their music has been described as “post-modern klezmer in all the best senses” (KlezmerShack— and “an altogether original mix” (Victoria Times-Colonist). The band performs at music festivals, concert theatres, community and private events, and has toured across Canada and parts of the United States.…

Johanna Spector Archives at JTS Receives Grant

January 30, 2013?The Library of The Jewish Theological Seminary
(JTS) has received a $175,300 Cataloging Hidden Special Collections
and Archives grant from The Andrew W. Mellon Foundation, through a
program administered by the Council on Library Resources (CLIR). The
grant will make the archives of Dr. Johanna Spector, a major
repository of rare materials related to the dwindling Jewish
communities of Africa, the Middle East, and Asia available for
research and to the public for the first time. The collection will
now be cataloged for use, and rehoused in order to prevent
deterioration of its materials.

Yiddish Songs from Vitebsk with Yale Strom, Elizabeth Schwartz & Franka Lampe

Thursday, May 19 · 7:00pm – 10:00pm
Internationales Theater Frankfurt
Hanauer Landstr. 5 – 7 / Zoo-Passage Tür Nr. 17
Gefühlvolles Klezmer-Konzert mit dem weltweit führenden
Künstler-Ethnographen und Violinisten Yale Strom,
der unverwechselbaren Klezmer-Sängerin Elizabeth Schwartz,
und der Balkan- und Klezmer-Akkordeonistin Franka Lampe.

Do 19.05.2011 19h00

Yale Strom (vio) betreibt intensive Forschung in jüdischen Gemeinden und Zigeunergemeinden Zentral- und Osteuropas sowie auf dem Balkan und zählt zu den führenden Künstler-Ethnographen des Klezmers. Er mischt Hasidic nigunim (Melodien meist ohne Text und Wort), Musik der Roma, Jazz, Klassik, Balkan – sowie sephardische Motive und spielte u.a. mit Andy Statman und Alicia Svigals. Elizabeth Schwartz (voc) machte sich einen Namen durch die dunkle Klangfarbe ihrer Stimme. Kritiker vergleichen Sie mit Größen wie Edith Piaf und Maria Tanase.…

BAM BAM BAM Krakauer Clarinet on Golijov

On Saturday, March 10, 8p.m., David Krakauer will be performing Osvaldo Golijov’s “The Dreams and
Prayers of Isaac the Blind” at BAM with the Brooklyn Philharmonic. It’s the world premiere of the newly orchestrated version of this music, so there will be quite a bit of excitement. The program is called “Bridge to the Beyond” as part of the Steinhardt Jewish Heritage Festival at BAM (Brooklyn Academy of Music).
at the Howard Gilman Opera House.
Peter J Sharp Building.
Brooklyn Academy of Music
30 Lafayette Ave, Brooklyn, NY 11217
For all the details, go to the Brooklyn Philharmonic website:

Hidden Talent! for Purim

Following the trend started by Queen Esther, a new women’s arts organization reveals…

Hidden Talent!
Women performing only for women!

Come see vocalists – songwriters – dancers and more!

for women only!

Shir La Maalote: Elevating the World Through Song & Dance
Sunday, February 25, Shows at 4 pm and 7:30 pm
Schottenstein Cultural Center of Yeshiva University
239 East 34th St, near 2nd Ave, NY 10016


Chanale Fellig,
Adena Kozak,
Rena Needle,
Tziporah Miriam Halperin,
Leslie Ginsparg,
Yachad Dance,
Debra Landau,
Leah Sigal,
Sara Gita Sobel,
Rachel Kohl Finegold,
Chaya & Faige Glaser,
Claudia Amzullag,
Anna Shoen,
Gabrielle Orcha,
Lori Leifer,
Chana Leah Schwartz,
Tsivia Glinert,
Penny Klein,
Elena Merlis,
Kol Isha A Cappella,
& Kol Neshama!…

Beethoven & Golijov

Audiences of the Marin Symphony’s Sunday, February 25 and
Tuesday, February 27 concerts will be treated to two epic works in one
program: Beethoven’s majestic Symphony No. 7 and contemporary composer
Osvaldo Golijov’s The Dreams and Prayers of Isaac the Blind, performed by
solo clarinetist Todd Palmer. Also on the program is Kodály’s Galanta
Dances. Alasdair Neale conducts.

The Marin Symphony concerts will be held on Sunday, February 25 and Tuesday,
February 27 at 7:30pm at Marin Center, San Rafael, California. Tickets at $65, $50 and
$27 are available at 415.499.6800 (students half price). Free pre-concert
talks with Maestro Neale begin at 6:30pm in the concert hall. Audience
members are invited to meet clarinetist Todd Palmer, Maestro Neale and
members of the orchestra immediately after the Tuesday, February 27 concert
at the Symphony’s regular Tuesday Night Wrap Party, Four Points by Sheraton
Lounge, 1010 Northgate Drive, San Rafael.…

Cantors Sing Broadway for Benefit

From “West Side Story” to “Wicked,” the music of the Broadway theatre
will be highlighted at the “Cantors’ Cabaret” concert at 7p.m.,
Thursday, February 15, 2007 at Congregation Rodeph Sholom, 7 W 83rd Street off
Central Park West.

Joining Rodeph Sholom’s Cantor Rebecca Garfein and Cantorial
Intern, Jennifer Strauss-Klein are New York Metro Area Cantors, Claire Franco,
Daniel Singer, Howard Stahl and pianist, Jonathan Faiman. The concert, a
light-hearted tribute to the Broadway theatre will benefit the School of Sacred
Music Scholarship Fund at the Hebrew Union College-Jewish Institute of Religion and
Project Kehila, Rodeph Sholom’s response to the devastation of Hurricane Katrina.
To date, Project Kehila has contributed tens of thousands of dollars to the hard-hit
Gulf community.

General admission tickets to the “Cantors’ Cabaret” are $25 in advance/$36 at the
door; Senior citizen tickets (age 65 and above) are $18.…


Fresh on the heels of their first Grammy nomination for their innovative
collaboration with the Woody Guthrie archives, The Klezmatics will perform
two shows at Manhattan S.O.B. on January 21st.

The Klezmatics with special guests Susan McKeown and Boo Reiners
Double bill with Hugh Masekela
Showcasing songs from Wonder Wheel, Woody Guthrie Happy
Joyous Hanukkah
, and the Klezmatics 20-year career.

Sunday, January 21st
1st show- Doors: 6:30pm Hugh Masekela: 7:15pm – The Klezmatics: 8:15pm
2nd show- Doors: 9:30pm The Klezmatics: 10pm – Hugh Masekela: 11pm
Where: S.O.B. 200 Varick Street, NYC
Info and tickets:

Sunday October 7 Alicia Svigals at 92nd St Y

With accordionist Patrick Farrell and vocalist Inna Barmash
Lost and Found: Musical Treasures of the Jewish Ukraine

On Sunday, October 7, Alicia Svigals, the world’s leading klezmer
fiddler and founder of the Grammy-winning ensemble The Klezmatics,
presents lost musical treasures of the Jewish Ukraine. Drawing on
the fieldwork of Moshe Beregovsky, a Soviet-Jewish
ethnomusicologist, Svigals brings to life, through music and
conversation, tunes recorded on wax cylinders before World War II.
This incredible collection disappeared when Beregovsky was exiled to
Siberia but was recently rediscovered in a dusty archive. Come
help resurrect this beautiful old culture — singing and dancing

Sun, Oct 7, 2007, 4:00pm
3:30 Russian Tea Reception

Tickets $30
92nd Street Y,
Lexington Avenue at 92nd Street, NYC
Buttenwieser Hall

Beyond The Pale to Perform Mozart on CBC

Beyond the Pale, a folk, roots, and klezmer group from Toronto, will try something a little different… They will play MOZART for CBC Radio on, Jan 26 & 27. They’ll be performing in a unique musical event on January 26 at Glenn Gould Studio as part of CBC Radio Two’s “Mozart 250” celebrations. The show A New World of Mozart will feature “an evening of creative musical homage to Mozart” featuring Beyond the Pale, the Dunhuang Chamber Ensemble (traditional Chinese), The Creaking Tree String Quartet (modern bluegrass), and Autorickshaw (South Asian jazz fusion). The show will be recorded and broadcast on CBC Radio Two’s “In Performance, The World,”the following evening January 27 (actually Mozart’s 250th birthday). CBC Radio Two is 94.1 FM in Toronto.

Beyond the Pale consists of musicians Eric Stein (mandolin, cimbalon–Eric is of KlezKanada fame), Bret Higgins (bass), Martin Van de Ven (clarinet), Milos Popovic (accordian), Bogdan Djukic (violin, percussion), and Alexsandar Gajic (violin).…

Charles Davidson music released from Milken

Including a Jazz and Blues Sabbath Service
This new Milken Archive CD of music by Charles Davidson-one of the most
frequently commissioned composers by synagogues, cantors and Jewish
institutions, as well as by secular choruses across the
country-illustrates the influence and vitality of three enduring aspects
of the Jewish experience: the timeless Sabbath liturgy, the literary
legacy of the “Golden Age” of Spanish Jewry, and the vibrant folklore
tradition of Eastern European Yiddish culture.

The Sound and Light Cinematic Duo

The Sound and Light Cinematic Duo (Merlin Shepherd/ clarinet, bass clarinet and Polina
Shepherd / piano) are performing new and traditional Jewish music to accompany the Yuri
Morozov Jewish Film Archive (Kiev).
and as part of the UK Jewish Film Festival

17th October, London, the Screen on the Hill
14th November, Birmingham, Mac
18th November, Manchester, The Cornerhouse
28th November, Nottingham, Broadway Cinema
also as part of the Brighton Festival of Jewish Music

5th December, Brighton, Sallis Benny Theatre
for more information

KITKA Yiddish Song Workshop

KITKA is thrilled to be hosting two Yiddish Folk Singing workshops with
MICHAEL ALPERT plus two concerts and a Ukrainian Ritual Folk Song workshop
with the wonderful singer/actress from Lviv, Ukraine, MARIANA SADOVSKA.
Yiddish Folk Singing Workshops with MICHAEL ALPERT.
Introduction to Yiddish Folk Singing
Tuesday, April 13, 2004
7:30 – 9:30 PM

Advanced Yiddish Folk Singing
Thursday, April 14, 2004
7:30 -9:30 PM

First Congregational Church
27th and Harrison Streets
Oakland, CA
$20 per workshop
Registration and Information: 510.444.0323 or


–San Francisco–
Sunday, March 14 2-4 PM Songs of Work, Protest, and Celebration
Sing Along at the Jewish Community Library
1835 Ellis St, San Francisco, between Scott and Pierce
Tel. (415) 567-3327
(Free parking is available in a structure marked JCHS on Pierce between
Ellis and Eddy)

Boom Pam at the MFA in Boston

The Museum of Fine Arts, Boston presents Boom Pam “The hottest ethnic beat group in
Zion .

Boom Pam come to the Museum of Fine Arts on Wednesday 27th June as part of their
popular summer outdoor music series, held in the beautiful Calderwood Courtyard.

Boom Pam first hit the music scene in Tel Aviv in 2004 with their cover of Aris San
s 1969 hit Boom Pam . Since then, the hype surrounding these musicians has boomed.
They are an intriguing yet simple mix of electric guitars, drums and tuba. Boom Pam
s original music and arrangements of Balkan, Jewish, Greek and Mediterranean songs,
seasoned with dueling guitars and a rock attitude. With this uplifting combination
of music, Boom Pam is a band that shouldn t be missed.…


Albuquerque’s annual Klezmer music and dance festival celebrates its sixth year over
Presidents’ Day weekend.

The Southwest’s annual celebration
of Klezmer music and dance, KLEZMERQUERQUE 2008, will present a weekend of concerts,
dance parties, classes, and a lunch with music featuring world-renowned klezmer
artists as well as many local artists. The annual event will take place from
February 15-17 (Friday evening through Sunday afternoon) at Albuquerque’s
Congregation Nahalat Shalom which is located on 3606 Rio Grande Blvd. NW (between
Candelaria & Griegos).

KLEZMERQUERQUE 2008 welcomes back by popular demand the klezmer dance master from
Chicago- Steve Weintraub, who teaches and performs klezmer and East European Jewish
dance at workshops around the world. Steve will perform on Friday and Saturday
evenings in addition to teaching two dance workshops on Saturday and one on Sunday.…

Segundo Mundo

Segundo Mundo is a little klezmer orchestra formed in 2005. The group name
is associated with the origin of this ancient music. Klezmer was born in a
region of Central Eastern Europe known as the “second world.” The group performs
originals versions of the most well known popular songs. “Segundo Mundo” performs
every Sunday in the neighborhood of “San Telmo”, in Buenos Aires. The band has also
played in hundreds of private events and in almost every place of Buenos Aires. The
orchestra took their music to other cities in Argentina, Chile and Uruguay.
Several times Segundo Mundo performed in Radio and Television. Highlights include
active involvement in the First World Klezmer Music in Argentina (KLEZFIESTA)
presented at the National Center of Music at the Teatro Presidente Alvear, the
Obelisk and the Greek Amphitheater.…

Elie Wiesel in Concert Melodies and Stories from Long Ago

Elie Wiesel is best known as the one who will not let the world forget…..
But for those of us who live in the world of Jewish music, we know Elie Wiesel
has another voice….the voice of a singer…a lover of Jewish music….a choral
conductor and, most of all, a friend and the honorary president of the Zamir Choral

Those who were at the 2009 North American Jewish Choral Festival will never
forget the moment that Professor Wiesel took the stage, his voice clear, strong,
and poignant as he sang the songs of his youth.

Now you have the opportunity to recapture that moment when you join
Elie Wiesel and The Matthew Lazar Singers and orchestra, live in concert, at
New York’s 92nd Street Y
on Saturday, December 18th for:
Elie Wiesel in Concert: Melodies and Stories from Long Ago
A rare opportunity to see the Nobel Prize-winner, scholar, teacher and
peace advocate in concert!…

ENCHANTED:A new Generation of Yiddishsong CD Release

ENCHANTED:A new Generation of Yiddishsong
A New CD by Adrienne Cooper

The League for Yiddish is pleased to announce that this wonderful new CD is now available. This new release of Adrienne Cooper promises to be the Yiddish music gem of the year. It is a bold foray into the unexplored, with sound collages, beautifully rendered ballads and delicately set folk songs on a colorful palette of styles and arrangements. Cooper is joined by the powerful forces of Marilyn Lerner, Frank London, Mike Winograd and others. This CD is destined to be an instant classic, not only for Yiddish music, but for world music in general. Enchanted features 13 songs and is accompanied by a booklet with the lyrics in transliteration and in English translation.


The Austrian cultural Forum New York Presents:
June 8, 2010, at 7:30 p.m. / Austrian Cultural Forum New York

The Austrian Cultural Forum takes special pride in presenting a
unique event: the Austrian-born world-famous singer and actor
Theodore Bikel will appear in the Austrian Cultural Forum and
treat us to his distinctive style of folk music. The gifted
musician s repertoire includes songs from all over the world
Yiddish, German, Russian, English, French, Croatian he speaks
six languages and sings in twenty. His accompanist is the pianist
and conductor Tamara Brooks, who has an impressive career in
her own right. By combining their talents, Bikel and Brooks
promise us an unforgettable evening in the fine theatre of the
ACFNY, 11 East 52nd Street, NY, NY 10022.…

Renowned Cleveland Music Collector Donates Jewish Recordings to FAU Libraries

Family of Renowned Cleveland Music Collector Donates Tens of Thousands of Recordings to FAU Libraries

BOCA RATON, FL – The family of Jack Saul, a renowned Cleveland music collector, has gifted about 10,000 unique Jewish records to Florida Atlantic University’s Judaica Sound Archives, which already held one of the world’s largest collections of preserved and digitized Judaic audio recordings. Another 50,000 vintage 78-rpm records from Saul’s collection will be used to establish a vintage records archive at FAU Libraries. In addition, 500 jazz LPs from the gift were added to the library’s extensive jazz collection.

Saul’s gift contained many rare and popular 78 rpms, LP albums and reel-to-reel tapes. While some of the recordings were new titles for the JSA, others were duplicates and replaced recordings in the archives that were not in as good condition.…

Light a Candle for Jewish Music in Greater Boston

Boston Jewish Music Festival
Preview Concert
January 10, 2010
7:30 PM
Temple Aliyah, Needham

See the group that’s all the rage, one of Israel’s hottest acts, Habanot Nechama,
in a special concert at Temple Aliyah in Needham.
The concert is sponsored by Temple Aliyah, Temple Beth Shalom, the Israeli Consulate
and the Boston Jewish Music Festival
Ticket Price:$18
Order tickets online at
Temple Aliyah
1664 Central Ave., Needham, MA

Preliminary Schedule
Boston Jewish
Music Festival

Saturday 3/6: Opening Night Gala Concert, 30th Anniversary of the Klezmer Conservatory
Band with special guests vocalist Judy Bressler and Don Byron, clarinet. Also: JDub
recording artists Golem.
7:30 PM
at Berklee Performance Center.

Sunday 3/7: Family Music Concerts, 1 PM. Shira Kline and Shir-La-La, JCC in Newton;
Peter & Ellen Allard, Metrowest Community Day School; Yehuda Katz, Sharon/South

Cyro Baptista & Beat The Donkey, Edom, and More

Cyro Baptista & Beat The Donkey
Record Release Party for Infinito – Out now on Tzadik Records
EDOM, the group led by one of the new guitar heroes of modern avant-jazz EYAL MAOZ will also be celebrating the release of their new album Hope and Destruction – out now on Tzadik Records.

Saturday, November 14, 2009
Time: 7:00pm – 10:00pm
Le Poisson Rouge
158 Bleecker Street, NYC
New York, NY

Dudu Fisher at Symphony Hall in Boston

Special Half Price Tickets to see Dudu Fisher
Live in Concert at Boston Symphony Hall – November 1, 2009

Known for his stirring performance on Broadway as
Jean Valjean in LES MISERABLES and as a world
famous Israeli cantor, Dudu Fisher brings an
exciting and visually stunning show to Boston’s
Symphony Hall on Sunday, November 1, at 7:30 PM.
Based on his highly successful PBS special, IN
CONCERT FROM ISRAEL, Fisher will take the
audience on an inspired journey connecting his
talent as a Broadway performer, cantor, and
contemporary artist with music and stories that
celebrate the beauty of Israel’s landscape, culture and people.

We are pleased to offer half-price tickets to
those who mention this announcement by calling
617-266-1200 or by visiting

Fisher has performed on the stages of Broadway,
the West End in London, Israel, and throughout
the world, including singing with the Israel
Philharmonic Orchestra conducted by Maestro Zubin
Mehta, recording an album of show tunes with the
London Symphony Orchestra, and performing for
Britain’s Royal family and Bill and Hillary



More than 40 free events with internationally acclaimed artists will be
presented in July at the 9th annual Summer On the Hudson, one of New York
City’s largest free summer festivals, The six-month series, which opened May
3 and runs through October 11, is an annual summer arts and cultural
festival in Riverside Park South, West 59th St. to West 72nd Street at the
Hudson River, presented by The New York City Department of Parks &

There will be an enormous variety of other events in music, dance and
theater, most running through August, as well as kayaking, yoga, pilates and
kids’ soccer and basketball. performances Food and drink is for sale at the
park’s Pier I Café.…


“KLEZMERQUERQUE” –Albuquerque, New Mexico’s annual Klezmer music and dance festival
celebrates its seventh year over Presidents Day weekend February 12-15, 2009.

Known as “The Southwest’s Celebration of Klezmer Music and Dance”, KLEZMERQUERQUE 2009 will present a weekend of concerts, dance parties, classes and workshops featuring the world-renowned
klezmer duo Deborah Strauss and Jeff Warschauer, the renowned dancer, choreographer,
dance scholar and historian Judith Brin Ingber, as well as many local artists.
‘Klezmer’ is the music and dance of the Jewish people of Eastern Europe which is
currently enjoying a revival in world music as well as in popular music and culture.
The annual festival will take place over Presidents Day Weekend from February 12-15
(Thursday evening through Sunday afternoon) at Albuquerque’s Congregation Nahalat
Shalom which is located on 3606 Rio Grande Blvd.…

Songs in the Key of Hanukkah

Created and produced by composer and multi-instrumentalist Erran Baron Cohen, the CD is a collection of songs that “brings the ancient music of Hanukkah kicking and screaming straight into the 21st Century” …” the songs combine klezmer, reggae, electronica, hip hop, tango, pop and other genres, all fluently woven into something uniquely Baron Cohen’s. The album contains five reinterpretations of classic favorites as well as five original tunes created exclusively for this project, all sung in English, Hebrew or Ladino (Judaeo-Spanish).” Featuring Jules Brookes in new English texts, some songs on the album performed by some world-class Jewish singers, including Israeli superstar Idan Raichel, world-music diva Yasmin Levy and New York City-based rapper Y-Love. For more info:

Judaica Sound Archives at FAU Features Legendary Yiddish Entertainment Family on its Website

The Judaica Sound ArchivesR (JSA) at Florida Atlantic University
Libraries has obtained the rights to offer on its website a major collection
of performances by the Bursteins, one of the most enduring family names in
Yiddish entertainment.

The JSA, located on FAU’s Boca Raton campus, created the collection
from holdings that had been donated to the archives at different times and
from different sources. It includes 33 albums and features the combined
works of Pesach Burstein, who produced musicals for audiences worldwide in
the 1920s; his wife, Lillian Lux, who joined his troupe when she was 17; and
their twins, Susan Burstein-Roth and Mike (Burstein) Burstyn. One can listen
to the Burstein family audio collection and read about the family’s
accomplishments at


Force of Nature: Celebrating the Earth performed by Melodia Women’s Choir

Melodia Women s Choir/Cynthia Powell, Artistic Director, now celebrating their fifth
season and acclaimed by WNYC for their elegance and ringing tones, has scheduled
several spring performances: on Saturday and Sunday, May 3 and 4, 2008, they will
present Force of Nature: Celebrating the Earth, music about the natural world, at
St. Luke in the Fields Church in New York City.
487 Hudson Street
New York, NY
Saturday May 3 at 8 PM
Sunday May 4 at 4 PM.
Tickets are $20 in advance, $25 at the door, discounts for students
and seniors: $20 in advance, $15 at the door.
Call 212-252-4135, or visit

The program will feature Samuel
‘s Sure On This Shining Night; Hungarian composer Zoltán Kodály s Mountain Nights Songs Without Words For Women s Voices; Ronald Perera‘s Earthsongs; Zhou
‘s Four Seasons, a setting of ancient Chinese poetry; A Goodly Heritage by
British composer Gordon Jacob; Spring Song by Israeli composer Yehezkel Braun;
Hotaru Koi (Firefly) by Japanese composer Ro Ogura; and Wellsprings (New York
Premiere) and Contemplations (U.S.…


East Village Klezmer Series Returns – January 18th, 8:30pm with a wonderful double
Adrianne Greenbaum’s Fleytmusik – featuring Pete Rushevsky, and Zevy Zions –
solo accordion.

Klezmer and Yiddish Music returns to the East Village, where it once was
king, at a new series curated by Aaron Alexander at the Sixth Street
Community Synagogue, 325 E. Sixth Street | New York, NY 10003.
The lineup for the winter/spring series includes a
fantastic lineup including wonderful klezmorim from New York and faraway
places such as Montreal, Berlin, Boston, and the UK. We are lucky to have
such a great group of musicians contributing to this endeavor. Please come
out and support the series!

The series are co-sponsored by Workmen?s Circle/Arbeiter Ring of NY,
All shows start at 8.30 and cover is $15 (drink included) unless otherwise

Cantor Susan Wehle in Crash near Buffalo, New York

CNN reported that one of the victims of Continental Airlines Flight 3407 that crashed in Buffalo last Thursday was Cantor Susan Wehle. Brooklyn native Cantor Wehle was a cantor at Temple Beth Am in Williamsville, New York since November of 2002. She had also sung as a cantorial soloist at Temple Sinai in Amherst, New York. The cantor received her Cantorial Smicha from Aleph – the Movement for Jewish Renewal. Additionally she earned a Bachelor of Arts Degree in Theatre and in Judaic Studies, and a Bachelor of Fine Arts Degree in Acting. She performed with theatre companies in Buffalo, Chicago and New York City. Her parents were Holocaust survivors. Cantor Wehle was 55. She had released a CD called “Songs of Hope and Healing.” Temple Beth Am synagogue has established at guest book for those who wish to remember the cantor.…

Yuval Ron Concerts in Northern California

August 23: Berkeley, CA – Towards the Days of Awe Concert, 7:30 pm
August 24: Berkeley Hills, CA – “Turning Heart” – Sufi poetry & music, 7:30 pm
August 25: Santa Cruz, CA – Towards the Days of Awe Concert, 7:30 pm
Continue for more information:
Interview with Yuval Ron in Fez Morocco from CNN

Archive of Digital Applications in Musicology (ADAM)

“The aim of ADAM is to preserve information about projects in digital musicology that were ground-breaking in their time but lack a substantial online presence. Projects end for a variety of reasons: discontinuation of funding, insurmountable changes of technology, or the retirement of a director. These projects remain stand-outs for the careful musical thinking that underlies them and the innovative approaches they introduced. For curated digital and hybrid editions, see EVE: Electronic and Virtual Editions.”

Film Music of Yuval Ron CD Release

New CD Release!
20 Years of Film Music by Yuval Ron
February 25, 7pm
A New CD Release!
Film Music of Yuval Ron:
20 Years of Innovative Scores

Location: A recording studio in West Los Angeles. Please rsvp to receive exact address details.
Note:doors open at 6:30pm, event begins at 7:00pm< ,br />
Admission: Free, but seating is limited! RSVP: RSVPs required by 02/21/14 to

In celebration of the 20th year of Yuval Ron’s composing career in Los Angeles. this
album showcases highlights from such scores as West Bank Story (Academy Award winner
for Best Short Film), Road to Victory (Best Original Soundtrack, Moondance Film
Festival), Breaking the Maya Code (Best Film Award, Nyon Film Festival), Proteus
(Best Film Award, Philadelphia Film Festival), Samsara, Spiral Staircase and more.…


September 30, 2:30 PM – 3:30 PM
Tune in to WHYY-TV (channel 12), Philadelphia, for two Philadelphia Folklore Project documentaries. Eatala is a loving portrait of a ground-breaking indomitable woman, Elaine
Hoffman Watts, and the place of klezmer music in her family over five
generations. Elaine and Susan Sing Goodnight to Mishegas playfully
explores a song written and performed by Elaine’s daughter, Susan
Lankin Watts.

Mikveh Music and More in Boston

Sunday March 25, 2007. Boston, MA 3pm.
3:00 PM – Mayyim Hayyim’s Signature Chocolate and Champagne Reception in the Back Bay Grand Ballroom
4:00 PM – Performance: Mikveh, Music and More in the John Hancock Hall
“Mikveh, Music and More” will be held at the John Hancock Hall in Boston’s Back Bay. Every seat is a great seat – reserve early! John Hancock Hall is located at 180 Berkeley Street in Boston. There will be parking available at nearby lot for $6 or free street parking.
Debbie Friedman,
Cantor Benjie Ellen Schiller, Peri Smilow, The Allards, Jeff Klepper and
Josh Nelson
will be performing. With NEW music by all of the above-and by
Danny Maseng, Craig Taubman, and Julie Silver (who unfortunately, won’t be
attending). Kudos to Josh Nelson who conceived of and directs the
event (and produced a CD of the music).…

Stettner, Ellen

American. Cantor. Opera singer. She served as the first cantor of the Stephen Wise Free Synagogue of New York City and held the post for 21 years. Cantor Stettner is on the faculty of Hebrew Union College-Jewish Institute of Religion, School of Sacred Music, and currently is a member of the Joint Cantorial Placement Commission and Vice President of the American Conference of Cantors. Cantor Stettner has performed extensively throughout the country with the Santa Fe Opera, the New York Opera Ensemble, the New England Chamber Opera and the Princeton Opera. She won the prestigious National Arts and Letters Vocal Competition in Carnegie Hall and, as a result, was the featured soloist in a performance of Mozart arias with the American Symphony Orchestra. In addition, she was in documentaries produced by the BBC and the French National Television.…


According to the website, Satlah’s music is “a unique blend of jazz, world music and avant-garde with a strong Jewish/middle eastern flavor.” The band, based in New York City, has a new CD called “Exodus” recorded live at Tonic in New York’s Lower East Side, and a first CD called “Satlah” which features John Zorn as a guest artist. Satlah is an Israeli slang term… John Zorn is producing their music on the Tzaddik label. In the past year, Satlah has performed at the Jewish Culture Festival in Krakow, Poland, the Klezmer Express Festival in Verona, Italy, the MIMI New Music Festival in Marseilles, France and at a concert in London along with John Zorn for BBC Radio. They also performed at the Chicago Cultural Center through the Israeli Consulate and the Washington D.C.…

Holocaust Memorial Day at Central Synagogue London

Thursday, January 26, 2006 at Wix Hall, Central Synagogue in London.
Address: 36 Hallam Street, London, W1N 6NN,
Phone:020 7580 1355.
Time: The concert starts at 7.30pm
Ticket prices are £15
concessions £12.50

A concert celebrating human creativity in adversity for Holocaust Memorial Day. Maya Kasir soprano, Sagi Hartov cello, Marc Verter piano and special guest Sarah Aaronson accordion.
After a short film ‘They never touched my bread’ – celebrating the meeting in Canterbury after 40 years of two musicians who performed together in the extraordinarily creative Terezin Concentration Camp outside Prague will be presented classical and cabaret music for voice, cello, accordion and piano, written and performed in the camp. Steven Leas with Central Synagogue choir conducted by Michael Etherton will sing the memorial prayer El Male Rahamim, that they performed in the presence of Her Majesty the Queen at Westminster Hall at Holocaust Memorial Day 2005 and which was broadcast on BBC TV.…

Psalms of Joy and Sorrow

On October 17, the Milken Archive of American Jewish Music released the 48th CD in its pioneering recording series that documents music related to the Jewish experience in America. Titled Psalms of Joy and Sorrow, this new disc reflects the varied responses of twelve 20th- and 21st-century composers to some of the most affecting and enduring of all biblical texts-the Psalms.

Common to the liturgies, histories, and spirit of both Judaism and Christianity, the biblical Book of Psalms is one of the most widely familiar and most frequently quoted books of the Hebrew Bible. The Psalms’ sentiments and teachings, expressed in a singular blend of majestic grandeur and poignant simplicity, give them a uniquely universal resonance.

Encompassing virtually every human emotion and mood from exaltation to alienation, hope to despair, these texts have inspired musical interpretation since Jewish antiquity, with notated musical settings dating back more than ten centuries.…

The Zemel Choir

The Zemel Choir, founded in 1955 and located in London, UK, is a mixed voice choir that performs extensively in the UK, Israel and elsewhere. The repertoire is inclusive of Jewish liturgical, Israeli, madgrigals, modern and classical music. The choir has performed internationally at festivals, concerts, on the BBC and other media venues. The choir prides itself on its high musical standards.

‘Funny, It Doesn’t Sound Jewish’ at National Arts Club

Monday, December 18, 2006 at 8 PM
National Arts Club
15 Gramercy Park South (at 20th St. between Park Avenue & Irving
Place), New York City
Free event.

Funny, It Doesn’t Sound Jewish
Slide Lecture, Musical Performance & Booksigning
In his latest book, Funny, It Doesn’t Sound Jewish, composer and
author, Jack Gottlieb chronicles how Jewish songwriters and composers
transformed American popular music of the mid-twentieth-century. Dr.
Gottlieb will play piano and show vintage images as he illustrates
the connection, citing instances where Yiddish songs and cantorial
music were adapted by Jewish songwriters as they penned tunes for Tin
Pan Alley, Broadway, and Hollywood. The book (which includes a CD)
will be available at NAC member discount. A reception will follow.

Milken Archive Releases 50 CD set

Milken Archive Completes First Phase of Multi-Year Recording Project with Release of 49th and 50th CDs-
and Complete Box Set

The Milken Archive of American Jewish Music, the most comprehensive exploration of music related to Jewish life in America ever undertaken, has reached a major milestone with the release of the 49th and 50th CDs in its pioneering recording series on Naxos American Classics.

These discs illustrate two of the Archive’s primary goals: to reconstruct and preserve for current and future generations major musical manifestations of the American Jewish experience and to reveal the intersection of Jewish composers and Jewish subject matter with some of the major genres in Western classical music.
The Milken Archive has also released a deluxe box set of < 50 Milken Archive CDs.…

Radio Gagarin: Experiments in Sunday Socialism

Sunday 16th July 6pm – 1am
Radio Gagarin: Experiments in Sunday Socialism
Notting Hill Arts Club, 21 Notting Hill Gate, London W12
6pm – 1a.m. £5.

After a run of successive roadblocks, Radio Gagarin is back with the latest
in a series of regular Gypsy Balkan Russian Klezmer mash-ups at the NHAC.

The Commissar continues to pledge exclusive new music from your hosts the
Gagarin Allstars, plus special guests, internationally renowned, Mama Matrix
with Daz Dolczech, poetry from Tim Cumming, performance from Friends of
Gagarin, Marxist-Leninist alienation from art/animation/video installations
for the Proletariat from state artists Adrian Philpott & Cathy Gale; frozen
vodka & rakiya galore and resident DKs (Dancefloor Komissars) Max Reinhardt
& Misha Maltsev sweating it out in the Gypsy Diskoteka til’ the road of
excess has led us to the place of wisdom.…

KlezCalifornia Palo Alto: Concert, Dance Party, Classes, Workshops

KlezCalifornia Palo Alto: CONCERT and DANCE PARTY
Saturday April 29th, 8:00pm – 11:00pm, Cubberley Auditorium, ALSJCC,
4000 Middlefield Road, Palo Alto, CA.

KlezCalifornia will begin on Saturday night with Havdalah, leading into
a spectacular lineup concert with the California Klezmer/Red Hot
Chachkas All Stars with Heather Klein on vocals, and featuring the
internationally renowned Klezmer Band VERETSKI PASS – hip and heymish!
Then, this entire group of fabulous musicians will back up Steve
Weintraub, one of America’s top Yiddish Dance Masters, as he winds and
leads us through traditional, energetic, eastern European dances.
Check the web site for more details at
< General admission is $25,
students/seniors/ALSJCC members $20, children/teens (5-18) $5. For more
information, call 415-789-7679 or email


String Quartets by Milhaud, Zorn, Secunda, Schonthal and Binder Released on CD by Milken Archive

String Quartets
The Milken Archive of American Jewish Music Releases Its 40th CD–
Jewish String Quartets by Darius Milhaud, Sholom Secunda, John Zorn, Ruth Schonthal and Abraham Wolf Binder on Naxos American Classics.
Jewish String Quartets [8.559451]
is a unique collection of Judaically inspired, 20th-century string quartets. Written by five highly individual and stylistically diverse composers, this latest CD features the imaginative intersection of Jewish melodies, motifs or historical sensibilities with one of the cornerstone genres of the Western musical canon, the string quartet. This intimate medium has historically been a prism for a composer’s most personal musical statements, and that tradition is upheld in the pieces heard on this new disc.
Compositions by Darius Milhaud, Sholom Secunda, John Zorn, Ruth Schonthal and Abraham Wolf Binder with
performances by the Juilliard String Quartet, the Bochmann String Quartet, the Bingham String Quartet, and a quartet formed specially for the Zorn composition.…

European Association for Jewish Culture Online

Review of the performances of new compositions commissioned by the
European Association for Jewish Culture are in the latest edition of their Review bulletin available in pdf format. It includes ‘Destination Unknown’ by Adam Heidemann in Krakow, ‘Stenclmusic’ by Rachel Stott in London, ‘Alphabet Music’ by Giovanni Mancuso in Venice and others, as well as reports of new drama and films. A 16-page illustrated Review is available at:

Meira Warshauer�s “Yishakeyni” To Be Performed Across the U.S. by

Meira Warshauer�s �Yishakeyni� To Be Performed Across the U.S. by
Jerusalem Lyric Trio
Tour Performances in North Carolina, Illinois and California

Meira Warshauer�s “Yishakeyni� (Sweeter than Wine) for soprano, flute
and piano will be performed across the U.S. by the Jerusalem Lyric Trio
during the month of November. The piece, a setting of the first four
verses of “Song of Songs,” the great love song of the Bible, will be
performed by the Trio as part of their tour concerts on the following
dates and at the following locations:

November 11 – 7:30 PM – Durham, North Carolina – Judea Reform
Congregation, 1933 West Cornwallis Rd. For more information, contact the
Congregation at 919-489-7062. This concert is co-sponsored by the Duke
University concert series.

November 14 – 3:00 PM – Sacramento, CA – Mosaic Law Congregation, 2300
Sierra Boulevard.…

‘Oyfn Sheydveg’ & more

The release of, ‘Oyfn Sheydveg,’ a new CD by
the Boston-based KHEVRE is happening now.
To celebrate the new recording, Khevre will be playing a show in New York.
Sunday, October 24th.
Lefrak Concert Hall, Queens College.
Admission is $10.
Opening, is comedian ‘Modi,’ who’s a riot.
You can pick up tickets by visiting the Colden box office, or by phone:
You can also visit:
michael winograd- reeds, flutes
dana sandler- vocals
eylem basaldi- violin
carmen staaf- piano, accordion
jorge roeder- bass
richie barshay- drums, percussion
For more information on KHEVRE, please read out latest review by Ari Davidow
at :
For our fans in boston, KHEVRE will be playing a Halloween show, with a
number of other bands. MORE INFO BELOW:…

Milder, Larry

Guitarist. Rabbi. Singer songwriter. “Larry has produced three albums of new and original Jewish folk music: Bible & Beyond, On My Block, and Rats, Leviathans & Other Tails. Larry’s songs also appear on over a dozen albums, including NFTY at 50, an anthology of classic songs from the Reform Jewish youth movement; Havdalah Pajama by Judy Caplan Ginsburgh, winner of a Parents’ Choice award; and most recently, Celebrate Kids, the latest collection by Craig Taubman.” His song “Wherever You Go (There’s Always Someone Jewish!),” has been taught in schools around New England. Three of Larry’s songs are included in the new Shireinu songbook from Transcontinental Music. Taught guitar master classes at the CAJE Conference. Guitarist of Hamakor, Boston’s Israeli folk dance troupe. Founded the innovative Jewish band, Elijah Rock.…

London Jewish Male Choir

London group founded in 1926 and continuing to perform regularly throughout the UK. The choir has performed in the USA, Germany, Ireland, South Africa and Poland as well as Israel. There is a photo gallery and member bios. The group has a CD called “For All These Things”. The website includes an incredibly helpful list of scores the group has used. They have a database which lists the composer,name of piece, arranger, category of use, and their latest performance pieces. Unfortunately, in order to view the scores, you must load a capellasoftware into your computer.

Karen, Kenny

Composer and recording artist. Born, January 8, 1944 Troy, NY to an Orthodox Rabbi’s family. Grew up in Montreal. Recordings for Elvis Presley movies and for Burt Bacharach including Bacharach’s original “Alfie”, “This Guy’s in Love With You” and countless other American “pop” classics. Show score demos include “Hello Dolly” and “Promises, Promises”. Participated in years of achievement in the jingle industry. Sang on over 15,000 radio and television spots. In October 1975, wrote and introduced “Jerusalem Is Mine” at the Jerusalem Theatre in Israel. Won 5 National Academy of Radio Arts & Sciences (NARAS) MVPAward for “Best Male Studio Singer.” Formed independent label, Eden Record Corp., in 1995. Kenny has 4 CDs listed are on website which highlight many of his Jewish creations. He has mp3 files to hear samples, along with a photo gallery of his life, lyrics, and a bio.…