The Milken Archive of American Jewish Music Releases Its 40th CD–
Jewish String Quartets by Darius Milhaud, Sholom Secunda, John Zorn, Ruth Schonthal and Abraham Wolf Binder on Naxos American Classics.
Jewish String Quartets [8.559451]
is a unique collection of Judaically inspired, 20th-century string quartets. Written by five highly individual and stylistically diverse composers, this latest CD features the imaginative intersection of Jewish melodies, motifs or historical sensibilities with one of the cornerstone genres of the Western musical canon, the string quartet. This intimate medium has historically been a prism for a composer’s most personal musical statements, and that tradition is upheld in the pieces heard on this new disc.
Compositions by Darius Milhaud, Sholom Secunda, John Zorn, Ruth Schonthal and Abraham Wolf Binder with
performances by the Juilliard String Quartet, the Bochmann String Quartet, the Bingham String Quartet, and a quartet formed specially for the Zorn composition.
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