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Katchko Gray, Cantor Deborah

American cantor. Currently serves Temple Shearith Israel, Ridgefield, CT. Newest CDs are Jewish Soul andSacred Spirit. Cantor Katchko states: “As a fourth generation cantor and the second female in a conservative pulpit (1981), I am passionate about sharing the love of Jewish music I grew up with. In l982 I founded the Women Cantors’ Network to share that love with others- we have grown to over 300 members with annual conferences, newsletters, online discussions, and web site: In addition, I credit my mentor, Prof. Elie Wiesel, for instilling in me a profound love of Jewish culture and sense of responsibility in sharing it. As a mother of four sons and full time cantor since l981, I have tried to instill a sense of Jewish pride and love of music in everything I do.” Cantor Katchko has a discography which includes In Celebration of Israel Independence Day on cassette; Spirited and Soulful on cassette; Jewish Soul, a CD; (also available digitally online) andKinderSongs, a CD.…

Klezmatics 25th Anniversary and CD Release

Sunday, February 26, 2012
4:00 & 7:00 PM
Gary and Laura Maurer Concert Hall
4544 N. Lincoln Ave.
< /br>
$25 General Public/$23 Old Town School Members/$21 Seniors & Children

Grammy winners The Klezmatics erupted out of New York City’s East Village in 1986 and revitalized klezmer for the new century with music that is steeped in Eastern European Jewish tradition and spirituality, while incorporating contemporary themes such as human rights and anti-fundamentalism with eclectic and danceable musical influences including Arab, African, Latin and Balkan rhythms, jazz and punk.


Schola Cantorum on Hudson Explores Judeo-Christian Choral Music Sacred Bridge

Three mid-March Choral Concerts in Caldwell, Jersey City and Manhattan will light up a sacred bridge.
Schola Cantorum on Hudson, the critically acclaimed
30-voice choral ensemble based in the New York/New Jersey metropolitan area, will perform
choral music highlighting the Judeo-Christian heritage with its 12th Ethnic
Celebration Series Concert in three venues. Entitled Sacred Bridge, this second
concert program of Schola’s season will first be performed at Caldwell College
on Bloomfield Avenue in Caldwell, New Jersey, on Sunday, March 11, 2007 at 4
pm, reprised on Sunday, March 18, at 4 pm, at Historic Holy Rosary Church, 344
Sixth Street, between Monmouth and Brunswick Streets in Jersey City. The third
concert will be performed at St. Malachy’s Church, The Actors’ Chapel, 239
West 49th Street (between Broadway and Eighth Avenue) in New York City, Monday,
March 19 at 7:30 pm.…

Meira Warshauer�s “Yishakeyni” To Be Performed Across the U.S. by

Meira Warshauer�s �Yishakeyni� To Be Performed Across the U.S. by
Jerusalem Lyric Trio
Tour Performances in North Carolina, Illinois and California

Meira Warshauer�s “Yishakeyni� (Sweeter than Wine) for soprano, flute
and piano will be performed across the U.S. by the Jerusalem Lyric Trio
during the month of November. The piece, a setting of the first four
verses of “Song of Songs,” the great love song of the Bible, will be
performed by the Trio as part of their tour concerts on the following
dates and at the following locations:

November 11 – 7:30 PM – Durham, North Carolina – Judea Reform
Congregation, 1933 West Cornwallis Rd. For more information, contact the
Congregation at 919-489-7062. This concert is co-sponsored by the Duke
University concert series.

November 14 – 3:00 PM – Sacramento, CA – Mosaic Law Congregation, 2300
Sierra Boulevard.…

Traveling the Yiddishland – A Musical Story

Traveling the Yiddishland – A Musical Story by Dmitri ‘Zisl’ Slepovitch

“Traveling the Yiddishland” by Dmitri Slepovitch presented by the National Yiddish Theatre – Folksbiene – is a musical/ multimedia journey across the routes of the Yiddish song’s history in the 20th century Eastern Europe– brought to the modern audiences through the original videos, live singing, playing, and DJ-ing.

The program is based on the Yiddish song, traditional and original Litvak klezmer tunes, documentary footage, and storytelling. But most importantly, it is a multi-vectored dialog that creates a link to the rich traditional heritage.

Monday, June 13 at 7:00pm
Baruch Performing Arts Center
55 Lexington Ave. at East 25th St.
New York, NY

General admission: $20
For tickets, call 646-312-5073 or 866-811-4111.…

Jewish Music Classes Ready for Spring at Hebrew College

Hebrew College is offering a variety of courses teaching the basics of Jewish synagogue music. Courses range from cantillation and nusach, to holiday nusach. Some of these courses are available to anyone as part of their continuing online course offerings. For example, this semester, an Introduction to Nusach is being offered online. For more information and to register, visit:

Journal for the Study of Sephardic and Mizrahi Jewry

Academicians in the field of Sephardic and Mizrahi studies are invited to submit articles and contribute to this innovative, new journal. Among the many benefits of publishing with the journal is the short time span between submission and publishing compared to other journals. Moreover, the journal is free, fully online, and easily accessible to the general public via the journal website.

Part of FIU’s President Navon Program, the Journal for the Study of Sephardic and Mizrahi Jewry has been an ongoing, interdisciplinary project which draws upon the expertise of leading scholars in the field and seeks to cover all aspects of the Sephardic and Mizrahi Jewish experience.

The journal is a refereed, peer reviewed and interdisciplinary academic journal. Created to fill a lacuna in academic publications, the journal’s purpose is to provide an online platform for scholars to publish original, academic work that explores salient aspects within this burgeoning field of study.…

S o u n d i n g W o r d at Baruch College Performing Arts Center

S o u n d i n g W o r d at Baruch College Performing Arts Center
Tickets are $20 online and $25 at the door. Tickets for seniors and students are $18 online and $20 at the theater door. For tickets reservation call (866) 811 4111 or buy on line at​s/pam

P E R F O R M I N G A R T S M A R A T H O N 2 0 1 1
S o u n d i n g W o r d: A powerhouse 2-day double bill of multi-media music engagement with performances of Avant-Folk & Contemporary Jazz by Sabrina Lastman & Sasha Bogdanowitsch.

Baruch Performing Arts Center
July, Saturday 30 – 10 pm
July, Sunday 31 – 3 pm

S o u n d i n g W o r d, a beautiful temporal and timeless storytelling of original compositions with voice, original instruments, walkmans, electronics and video, highlights two original performances:

River of Painted Birds by Sabrina Lastman is a musical performance created for solo voice, walkmans, electronics and video, combining composed sections and free improvisation.…

Sway Machinery’s Musical Extravaganza “Hidden Melodies Revealed: A Secret Celebration of Rosh Hashanah”

The Night Before Rosh Hashonah…..
September 17th at the Wilshire Boulevard Temple
“The Sway Machinery Makes The Ancient Modern And The Mythological Real”
– Village Voice

On the heels of their successful New York
City events in 2007 and 2008, JDub Records Presents America’s only indie
rock/Jewish cantorial music group, The Sway Machinery
bringing one of the most unique celebrations of the Jewish new year “Hidden Melodies
Revealed – a Secret Celebration of Rosh Hashanah”
to Los Angeles for 2009.
This multi-media concert event celebrates Rosh Hashanah in a presentation
that is part ritual, part rock concert. The performance is scheduled for
the night before Rosh Hashanah, on September 17. “Hidden Melodies Revealed”
will also include storytelling and compelling animated films.

The event will take place at 9:00pm

at the Wilshire Boulevard Temple
3663 Wilshire Blvd, Los Angeles
and admission is free.…

More Time to Access Jewish Music in NYC

The Center for Jewish History, located in the heart of New York City, is pleased to announce that they have improved access to the collections of partners by extending the operating hours of the Lillian Goldman Reading Room and the Ackman & Ziff Family Genealogy Institute to five days a week!

Scholars, students and the general public now have the opportunity to conduct onsite research on Mondays from 9:30am – 7:30pm, Tuesdays – Thursdays from 9:30am – 5:30pm, and Fridays from 9:30am – 1:30pm.

In addition to offering extended hours, the Center provides access to our partners’ collections through its Online Public Access Catalog (, a unique tool that offers seamless searching of library, archival and museum holdings through a single portal.

Researchers can also view more than 1,200 electronic archival finding aids and two annotated bibliographies offered by the Center, Women in Daily Life: An Online Bibliography and Holocaust Resources: An Annotated Bibliography of Archival Holdings at the Center for Jewish History.…

Art of Jewish Music, à la Russe

Event: The Art of Jewish Music, à la Russe:
A Centennial Celebration of the Society for Jewish Folk Music

Date: Thursday, December 18, 2008
Time: 7:30 p.m.
Price: General Admission, $15; Students, $10
Location: Hebrew College, Berenson Hall, 160 Herrick Road, Newton Centre, MA

Klára Móricz, Valentine Visiting Assistant Professor of Music at Amherst College, explores the Russian origins of Jewish music as a serious art form and the relationship of this body of work to emerging 20th century Jewish nationalism and modernism. Musical illustrations performed by pianist Edwin Swanborn, tenor Elias Rosemberg and soprano
Lynn Torgrove.

Details and online registration at

Teruah Blog about Jewish Music

I’m so happy there are a slew of new Jewish music blogs out there…. They are letting us all know about all sorts of aspects of Jewish music that’s happening. One blog has listings of other blogs, –which is very helpful to anyone who likes to check things out online—… more and more happenings in Jewish music and more and more sound and video online as well. You can subscribe to many by RSS feeds and get info when there’s something new afoot. They even get the news about us at JMWC!

Teruah is one most everyone will want to take a look see.

The Great East End Treasure Hunt

London –The Great East End Treasure Hunt: A quest for a long lost past Sunday 6th April
from 2pm

Stumble around the East End and watch the Jewish history of this area unfurl with
musicians, treasure clues, actors and bagels. Sign up in groups to discover some
stories, fall upon soup kitchens, bump into klezmer players and search for

We’ll scatter signposts, clues, artists including performer Judy Batalion, live
musicians and hidden items along the roads of the East End, taking you on a two
hour tour around a Jewish world that has all but vanished.

The afternoon will finish at Corbett Place for tea, drinks and live music from

Produced by YaD Arts for the JCC for London

Meet at the Cable Street Mural, painted on the side of St.…

New Live Music — Silent Film

Sunday 17th February 2008 at 4pm
SCORE: East and West with live music from Lemez Lovas, Rohan Kriwaczek
and Moshikop
Barbican, Silk Street, London EC2Y 8DS
£8.50/£6 conc/£4.50 under 15s from the Barbican ticket office: 0845 120
7527 or

Part of the Barbican’s silent film / live music series, Lemez Lovas,
formerly of Oi Va Voi, directs guest musicians Moshikop and Rohan
in an irreverent live performance of a score for East and West
– especially prepared for the JCC – that played to sell-out audiences in
2005 and 2006.

In Sidney M. Goldin and Ivan Abramson’s silent movie (1923), streetwise
New Yorker Mollie (Molly Picon) travels to her demure cousin’s wedding
in a traditional Polish shtetl. Lovas, Moshikop and Kriwaczek’s cheeky
new score takes us from traditional klezmer to contemporary electronica,
from liturgical melancholy to party pop kitsch and from vaudeville to

World Premiere of Symphony 1 by Meira Warshauer in South Carolina

World Premiere Performance of Meira Warshauer Symphony No. 1 Living,
Breathing Earth
by South Carolina Philharmonic on March 24

The World Premiere performance of Meira Warshauer’s Symphony No. 1 –
“Living, Breathing Earth”
will be given by the South Carolina
Philharmonic, Nicholas Smith, Music Director, at 7 PM on Saturday, March
24, 2007 as part of their Master Series 7 concert at the Koger Center
for the Arts, 1051 Greene Street in Columbia, South Carolina.

Tickets for the March 24 concert are $40, $32, $23, $16 and $13. For
tickets and more concert information, please call the South Carolina
Philharmonic box office at 803-254-7445 or visit them online at

Inaugural New Orleans International Jewish Music Festival

April 1 and April 2. Mark those dates on your calendars. Maybe even book a flight to New Orleans to attend the event! Out of towner tickets are only $50 for the entire two days. The first ever New Orleans International Jewish Music Festival is happening in only a few short weeks. And it’s going to be a great line up: Neshama Carlebach, Rebbe Soul, Moshav Band, Sam Glasser, The New Orlenas Klezmer All Stars and much more. To learn all about it, read this flyer:
Come support the Jewish community of New Orleans and at the same time bring some great music back to the city.

Barry Serota Z”l

Barry Serota

Barry Serota, a practicing attorney and executive director of the Institute for Jewish Sound Recording, died suddenly November 16, 2009 on a plane flight between New York and Madrid on the way to Israel.

Serota, widely known for his deep knowledge of Jewish music, had produced more than 100 recordings of Jewish sacred and secular music. Serota’s output at the Institute, based in Chicago, included choral, instrumental, folk and art music. Serota was especially known a promoter of chazzanut. Starting in 1969, he issued many esoteric Jewish music recordings under the imprint of Musique Internationale.

Serota, an advisor to the Milken Foundation, worked on their large project of the Library of American Jewish Music, the recordings which were published under the Naxos label.…

Tel Aviv-Based VEGA Launches Electronic Music Initiative

Art Basel to Host Launch of Tel Aviv EDM Label
12/06/2012, Thursday
Miami Beach, FL
Art Basel, 151 NE 41st Street
Show: 6:00 pm
F r e e Admission.

As Israel and Gaza (hopefully) conclude their most recent conflict, a new music project seeks to unite the region on the dancefloor. They believe music is the best weapon against rockets and air strikes.

From the premier international modern and contemporary art show, Art Basel, a new music and art label will be born. The label, VEGA, will be based in Jaffa, Tel Aviv, Israel. The musical focus will be on EDM and will be as ethnically and spiritually diverse as Jaffa itself, one of the most consistently peaceful places for Jews, Christians, and Muslims to live and create together.…

Yiddish Summer Program at Tel Aviv University

Tel Aviv, Israel
July 3 – 28, 2006
A vibrant new Summer Program in Yiddish language and culture is now available at Tel Aviv University. Under the auspices of Beth Shalom Aleichem, The Goldreich Family Institute for Yiddish Language, Literature, and Culture at Tel Aviv University and the Abraham Lerner Fund, this four-week program during the month of July 2006, offers intensive Yiddish instruction on campus at the beginners, intermediate, and advanced levels, and a rich afternoon program of lectures, tours, theatre, concerts, museums, films, and cultural events organized by YUNG YiDiSH in conjunction with Beth Shalom Aleichem. As students of the Lowy School for Overseas Students at Tel Aviv University whose credentials are recognized by universities world-wide, participants will receive 80 hours of language instruction (four credits) with highly qualified and experienced teachers in small classes and will be housed in dormitories adjacent to the campus.…

Journey of Spirit Travels to TV

The world premiere of A Journey of Spirit, the award-winning independent
documentary on wsinger/songwriter Debbie Friedman, will air on two
consecutive Sundays, October 15th and 22nd at 7 a.m. ET/PT (6 a.m. CT)
on Hallmark Channel. A Journey of Spirit which won the best film award
from the National Council for Jewish Women, and the Detroit Jewish Film
Festival award for best new Jewish film
, among others, chronicles the
inspirational story of Ms. Friedman and how she has affected
contemporary Jewish music. Check your local times and listings.

NPR and Nextbook stories on new CD “Jewface”

Some of the most offensive music ever recorded, put together by Jody Rosen…a look at the early vaudeville and minstrel music about Jews in America a hundred years ago…

NPR’s radio program hosted by Terry Gross, “Fresh Air” had a story on January 2, 2007 on the new CD “Jewface”, which journalist Jody Rosen put together. “It’s the first anthology of Jewish minstrel songs. Tracks include “Cohen Owes Me 97 Dollars,” “I’m a Yiddish Cowboy” and other long-lost hits from the vaudeville stage of the early 20th century. Rosen is the music critic for and also writes for The Nation.”
Rosen is the author of the book White Christmas: The Story of an American Song which was reviewed on JMWC Rosen also has an interview on Nextbook.…


Fresh on the heels of their first Grammy nomination for their innovative
collaboration with the Woody Guthrie archives, The Klezmatics will perform
two shows at Manhattan S.O.B. on January 21st.

The Klezmatics with special guests Susan McKeown and Boo Reiners
Double bill with Hugh Masekela
Showcasing songs from Wonder Wheel, Woody Guthrie Happy
Joyous Hanukkah
, and the Klezmatics 20-year career.

Sunday, January 21st
1st show- Doors: 6:30pm Hugh Masekela: 7:15pm – The Klezmatics: 8:15pm
2nd show- Doors: 9:30pm The Klezmatics: 10pm – Hugh Masekela: 11pm
Where: S.O.B. 200 Varick Street, NYC
Info and tickets:

“The Eternal Question (Di Alte Kashe)” New CD Released

Kame’a Media announces the release of “The Eternal Question (Di Alte
Kashe),” a compact disc by Yiddish singer Fraidy Katz. The CD comes with a
24-page booklet of Yiddish text, transliterations, English translations,
songwriter bios — and more.

Produced by Wolf Krakowski and Jim Armenti, TEQ features the musical and
vocal talents of 18 musicians from across the spectrum of Jewish, Americana and World Music.


Usdan Center For the Creative and Performing Arts (, America’s
premier summer arts day camp, will present its annual Festival Concerts, private
30-minute educational performances, just for Usdan students, at its on-site
1,000-seat McKinley Ampitheater, beginning Monday June 30.

A unique event this season will be the July 17 Concert of Remembrance and
Celebration; 60th Anniversary of Israel, hosted by the international concert
presenter and programmer Caroline Stoessinger. The concert will include excerpts
from Brundibar, the children s opera first performed in the Terezin concentration
camp, and since World War II, sung continually in Israel and throughout the world.
The Usdan Center Junior Chorus will perform.…

Afro-Semitic Experience in Fall Village, CT

The Afro-Semitic Experience will be performing
a twilight concert next Saturday evening, August 9, at 6:30 p.m. at Music
Mountain in Falls Village Connecticut.

Music Mountain is a beautiful
facility with an air-conditioned auditorium making it comfortable no matter
what the weather-no worries about rain or high humidity! Falls Village is in the Berkshires and is about 10-15 minutes from the Massachusetts border. The address is 225 Music Mountain Road, Falls Church,
Connecticut, but the best way to get there is to check out the directions on
the Music Mountain web page:


Metropolitan Klezmer plus…. much more.

Cellist Edward Arron Also Featured.

Usdan Center For the Creative and Performing Arts (, now
entering its 42nd season and declared a ‘Best O’f class or camp for 2009 by
TimeOutNY/Kids, NY Metro Parents and Long Island Press, will open its series
of Festival Concerts, private educational performances for its students, on
Monday June 29 at the Center¹s 200-acre woodland campus. These will be in
addition to many special workshops that will offer by the visiting artists
for Usdan students. The Center¹s 2009 season runs from June 29 to August 14.
Usdan is located at 185 Colonial Springs Road, in Huntington, Long Island.

Jewish Music Radio Returns to London s Airwaves this weekend

London is to have a Jewish music show once again after a 2-year absence. The Jewish
Program will air on east-London based ethnic radio station NuSounradio for an hour
every evening at 7pm.

Presenters Zev Gruber and Yitzchok Mordfield will bring listeners some of the latest
and greatest hits Up until June 2007, Soundradio 1503AM carried several Jewish
programmes, but upon its collapse that ended.

Now listeners will be able to once again tune in and hear Jewish music on the radio
by tuning in to the frequency of 92FM or at

Concert Exceptionnel de Musique Juive

Le Président Gérard UZAN
& les membres de la Communauté Administrative
De Nogent, le Perreux, Bry,
Ont l’Immense Plaisir de Vous Convier
Le 19 janvier 2008 a 20h15 (Samedi soir – Motsé Chabbat Paracha BECHALA’H)
Au Concert Exceptionnel de Musique Juive
Au profit du projet de la Maison de la Culture Juive de Nogent

Récital Présenté par M Daniel SANDLER
En partenariat avec l’A.P.A.C
En présence de Son Excellence, David KORNBLUTH
Ambassadeur d’Israël auprès de l’Unesco

Grand Rabbin de Paris,

Président du Consistoire de Paris,

Des Autorités Civiles De Nogent, le Perreux, Bry,

Avec les Artistes,

Raphaël COHEN
Cantor de la SYNAGOGUE Education Sinaï

Le célèbre Hazan Raphaël Cohen s’est passionné de musique juive dès son enfance.…

Silver, Julie

American. Singer. Songwriter. Julie Silver was raised in Newton, Massachusetts. By 18, she was leading song sessions throughout the Reform Jewish movement, and playing coffeehouses in and around Boston. She was graduated from Clark University in Worcester, Massachusetts and was selected by her senior class to deliver the commencement address and sing an original song at Graduation in May, 1988. After college, Silver landed a job as an on-air personality at WMJX, Magic 106.7 in Boston, a contemporary music radio station. She started as a weekend DJ, and quickly became the host of  Bedtime Magic, a top show of the Boston radio market. It was a natural fit for Silver who combined comic timing with a silky-smooth speaking voice.

Silver moved to Santa Monica in June 1994 to continue writing and recording.…

Raskin, Judith

A lyric soprano whose voice was often described as  ravishing, Judith Raskin stressed purity of sound, clear diction, and the musical line. Born 21 June 1928, in New York, Judith grew up as an only child of teachers Harry A. Raskin and Lillian Mendelson Raskin. She studied both violin and piano as a child, but discovered singing, and sang in the glee club of Roosevelt High School in Yonkers. She studied voice with Anna Hamlin and acting with Ludwig Donath at Smith College, graduating 1949 with a BA, and along the way winning various scholarships and awards including the Harriet D. Barnum Award. Smith College later also awarded her an honorary MA in 1963. She won the Marian Anderson Scholarship for two years 1952 and 1953, and in 1956 won an award by the Musician s Club of New York.…

Hadassah Magazine Features Klezmer

Veretzki PassA terrific picture by Jean Fruth of Cookie Segelstein, klezmer violinist, graces the front cover of Hadassah Magazine this month with a feature article on traditional klezmer music, written by George Robinson. There are lots of photos including Cookie, Josh Horowitz, Stu Brotman, Andy Statman, Alicia Svigals, Pete Rushefsky, Joel Rubin, Michael Winograd, Yale Strom, and others. George does a good job of explaining the branch of klezmer that focuses on traditional folk and how it differs from other groups. Cookie, Josh and Stu have a group called Veretzki Pass, which is an amazing group, especially to hear in person. It might be noted, as his article touches on the topic of sources, that we owe a debt of gratitude to klezmer musicians such as Josh Horowitz and Bob Cohen for years and years of dedicated research in Europe on recovering as much authentic music as possible.…

Sydenham Choir at Queens College in June

The Center for Jewish Studies at Queens College
Is proud to announce their 6th Annual Benefit Concert

Monday, June 11th, 2007

Starring the world famous Sydenham Choir
from Johannesburg South Africa

The return of Cantor Oshy Tugendhaft & the Sydenham Shul Choir marks
their 6th North American tour performing their hit musical CELEBRATION!
Both Oshy Tugendhaft, and the Choir are internationally acclaimed having
sung with many leading Cantors, most recently with Yitzchak Meir

All seats are reserved. General admission: $50 $32 & $20
25 % discount for orders by May 28, 2007 $40 $24 & $15
Priority seating $100 $75. No discount, includes after show party with

Order tickets on line at
or call 800-494-8497.

Their CELEBRATION musical depicts many aspects of traditional and
contemporary Jewish life and liturgy and takes place to live music,
provided by a jazzy orchestra.…

“A Night In The Old Marketplace”

A Night in the Old Marketplace PosterFRANK LONDON’S ” A NIGHT IN THE OLD MARKETPLACE”

Ron Caswell, tuba, bass
Brandon Seabrook guitar, banjo, mandolin
Art Bailey keyboards, accordion
Aaron Alexander, drums
And vocalists… La Tanya Hall, Manu Narayan (star of Broadway’s
Bombay Dreams), Craig
Wedren (from Shudder to Think), The Klezmatic’s Lorin Sklamberg and
many others featured on the recording,

“A Night In The Old Marketplace”

CD Release Party:

Monday, March 26th 8pm
Barrow Street Theater
27 Barrow Street
New York

Tickets via Telecharge 212-239-6200 or 800-432-7250
For more information read this POSTER with INFO

Running Time:
75 minutes, with no intermission

May be inappropriate for 10 and under.
Children under the age of 4 are not permitted in the theatre.
Important Notice
Performance begin promptly. Latecomers will not be seated!…

Frank London’s “A Night In The Old Marketplace”

CD Release Celebration for Frank London’s “A Night In The Old Marketplace”

Ron Caswell, tuba. bass
Brandon Seabrook guitar, banjo, mandolin
Art Bailey keyboards, accordion
Aaron Alexander, drums

And vocalists… La Tanya Hall, Manu Narayan (star of Broadway’s Bombay
Dreams), Craig Wedren (from Shudder to Think), The Klezmatic’s Lorin Sklamberg and many others featured on the recording.

CD Release Celebration:
Monday, March 26th
Barrow Street Theatre
27 Barrow St.
NY 10014
(corner of 7th Ave. South)
Admission: $20
Telecharge Website < by phone inside the NY metro area at (212) 239-6200 and outside the NY metro area at 1 (800) 432-7250.

A Night In The Old Marketplace In Stores –April 3, 2007

Kultur Festival 2009: Keynote Tradition & Transformation

Jack Mendelson panel
Kultur Festival 2009: Keynote Tradition & Transformation, 1 Mar 2009
FAU Libraries & Klezmer Company Orchestra Present
Kultur Festival 2009
A Celebration of Jewish Music & Arts
February 25-March 1, 2009 @ Florida Atlantic University
Boca Raton, FL

Keynote Address
“Tradition and Transformation” Rabbi Irwin Kula
Sunday March 1, 2009 @ 1 p.m.
Friedberg Lifelong Learning Center (FAU)
Tickets $5

Funny, It Doesn’t Sound Jewish: How Yiddish Songs and Synagogue Melodies Influenced Tin Pan Alley, Broadway, and Hollywood

By Jack Gottlieb

Jack Gottlieb’s mission is to set the record straight. He wishes to clearly demonstrate through musical examples and technical musical means, that in fact, Jewish music from Yiddish song to synagogue melos, influenced American popular culture. This book could be a coffee table book, but it’s more. It could be the written record of years of Gottlieb’s programmatic material, but it’s more than that. Or, it could be the text of a course on Jewish influences on popular song, but it’s not quite that. It can be used as a broad reference work, and also has many elements of that. The book defies a neat categorization in terms of style, format and content, but has elements of each: an extensive, fascinating browse book, a music record with technical references, and a reference book with listings of hundreds of musical composers, lyricists, and songs of Jewish origin.


Mandy Patinkin for Folksbiene

Jun 16. At Carnegie Hall, 7:30pm.
Mandy Patinkin sings “Mamaloshen”
A benefit for the future of Yiddish Theatre in America

This historic and exciting gala will bring together the diverse community of supporters who share in a love of Yiddish culture and a desire to ensure its continued dynamic presence in our lives. The concert will also feature appearances by the all-star female Klezmer ensemble Mikveh, the internationally acclaimed clarinet virtuoso David Krakauer, the fabulous New Yiddish Chorale directed by Zalmen Mlotek, soloists Cantor Jack Mendelson, and Cantor Rebecca Garfein and a Grand Chorus of New York and New Jersey school children who will join Mandy Patinkin on the stage of Carnegie Hall to sing in Yiddish and to have an experience they will remember for the rest of their lives.…

Gratz College Schreiber Jewish Music Library

“The Schreiber Jewish Music Library is one of the most extensive collections of its kind in the world. Centered around the Eric Mandell Collection, it includes more than 20,000 books, scores, records, tapes, and compact discs. It encompasses holdings in Jewish liturgy, Yiddish Theater, Ashkenazic hazzanut, Sephardic chants and popular music from America, Europe, and Israel. The Kutler Jewish Instrumental Library features compositions by Jewish composers or on Jewish themes for solo and ensemble instruments.” Schreiber Jewish Music library
Gratz College
7605 Old York Road
Melrose Park, PA 19027

White Christmas: The Story of an American Song

By Jody Rosen

Writing a popular book about a popular song should merit some attention, so it’s not surprising that no less than four items appeared in The New York Times about this book. It’s supposed to be a book about one song. But, of course, it isn’t really. It’s a book about acculturation, assimilation and cultural impact. For readers of the Jewish Music WebCenter, these issues raised by White Christmas, may ultimately deal out the moral: we have only ourselves to “blame” –or– “congratulate” –as the view may be.

Irving Berlin, born as Izzy Baline, was of the generation of Jewish immigrants who wanted nothing more than to be thoroughly assimilated and thoroughly American. Berlin was one of the most successful examples of this, both in his personal and professional life.…

Out Of Darkness

Out Of Darkness featuring Liz Lerman Dance Exchange and Special Guests Sayat Nova
Tickets on sale now or 800-432-7250
$35 / $45 / $55

MARCH 22, 2008
7:30 PM
Cutler Majestic Theater
219 Tremont Street, Boston

The world-renowned Liz Lerman company boasts a 30-year international history of
art-making, exploring the role of engaging the everyday individual in art-making
processes, and the function of dance as a memory device.

The internationally treasured Armenian music and dance troupe Sayat Nova has since
1986 performed around the world in an effort to express the pride and indomitable
spirit of the Armenian people, and foster friendship across communities worldwide.
“… frantic and triumphant, with wailing melodies and a frenzied, rolling drum
beat.” — Watertown Tab, 2006

In Out of Darkness the two groups perform together for the first time.…

Zion’s Muse: Three Generations of Israeli Composers –Ariel Quartet

Ariel Quartet
Zion’s Muse: Three Generations of Israeli Composers

Terrace Theater
The John F. Kennedy Center for the Performing Arts
Washington, D.C.
Sunday, December 14th, 2014, 7:30 PM
Ariel Quartet
Gershon Gerchikov, violin
Alexandra Kazovsky, violin
Jan Grüning, viola
Amit Even-Tov, cello


Individual tickets ($44 each) are available at The Kennedy Center’s website or by calling (800) 444-1324. Alternatively, you can save $20 by subscribing to both this concert and the May 7, 2015 performance. To subscribe, call the Kennedy Center Subscription Office at (202) 416-8500, Mon.–Fri., 10 a.m.–5 p.m.

Swing Dance with the Seth Kibel Quintet

Saturday, February 14 — Community College of Baltimore County (CCBC)
Swing Dance with the Seth Kibel Quintet
800 South Rolling Road
Catonsville, MD 21228-5317
8:30 to 11:30 pm
In the “Barn.” A joint production of CCBC (Catonsville) and ChileSwing.
$10 for undergraduate students with a valid school ID card.
$12 for CCBC employees with valid CCBC ID card and those over 64 years.
$15 for the public. Beginner lesson included at 7:30 pm.
Sean Lane on piano, Ed Hrybyk on double bass, Wes Crawford on drums, and special guest vocalist Renee Tannenbaum!
Here’s the FB event page:

Portrait of Fanny Mendelssohn at The Jewish Museum

A recent acquisition to The Jewish Museum, Portrait of Fanny Mendelssohn Hensel, 1842, by
19th century German artist Moritz Daniel Oppenheim, has been added to
the “Modernity” section of Culture and Continuity. The subject of this
portrait was the sister of famous composer Felix Mendelssohn-Bartholdy,
a talented composer and musician in her own right. Fanny Hensel was
the wife of a fellow painter, Wilhelm Hensel, whom Oppenheim met in Rome
with the Nazarenes.

To reach the Museum’s offices, call: 212.423.3200.
1109 5th Ave at 92nd St
NY, NY 10128
for Directions:

KlezCalifonia Finale in Berkeley Sunday March 22

Sunday, March 22,2015
Jewish Music Festival Finale and Dance Party. Sing, dance and be inspired to make your own music. Dancing led by international Jewish dance expert Steve Weintraub

1:00 – 1:30 Instant Klezmer Mandolin Orchestra
1:40 – 2:10 Nigunim Community Chorus
2:20 – 3:50 Pop-Up Chorus: Leonard Cohen’s Hallelujah
4:00 – 6:00 Dance Party with Steve Weintraub and Veretski Pass

Presented in association with KlezCalifornia. Tickets: $15 general / $12 seniors, students, JCCEB members. Box office: 800.838.3006. More info:

At JCC of the East Bay, BERKELEY

Dance Workshops with Steve Weintraub, March 17-19 2015

Dance in Berkeley, CA with Steve Weintraub!
Tuesday, March 17 – Thursday, March 19, 7:30pm, Steve Weintraub, Magician of Jewish Dance, presents three workshops:
Tuesday, Raising the Roof: Jewish Stunts, Moves and Styles (Part 1). Dancing at a simkheh is not only a pleasure, it is also a
mitzveh and a gift to those celebrating. Learn to show off with the Bottle Dance, and be part of a Human Roulette Wheel and the Crushing Walls!

Wednesday, Make ‘Em Dance, for musicians and bands. Musicians will take turns dancing. Learn correct tempos and
feeling for each dance style. Improved playing guaranteed!

Thursday, Raising the Roof: Jewish Stunts, Moves and Style (Part 2). It’s Yiddish barn dancing! Including the Jewish square dance called the sher, and a variety of other fun and social dances with ballroom roots.…

Dance Workshops with Steve Weintraub, March 17-19 2015

Tuesday, March 17 – Thursday, March 19, 7:30pm, Steve Weintraub, Magician of Jewish Dance, presents three workshops:
Tuesday, Raising the Roof: Jewish Stunts, Moves and Styles (Part 1). Dancing at a simkheh is not only a pleasure, it is also a
mitzveh and a gift to those celebrating. Learn to show off with the Bottle Dance, and be part of a Human Roulette Wheel and the Crushing Walls!

Wednesday, Make ‘Em Dance, for musicians and bands. Musicians will take turns dancing. Learn correct tempos and
feeling for each dance style. Improved playing guaranteed!

Thursday, Raising the Roof: Jewish Stunts, Moves and Style (Part 2). It’s Yiddish barn dancing! Including the Jewish square dance called the sher, and a variety of other fun and social dances with ballroom roots.…

“Yentl” the play in NYC

“Yentl” the play, featuring Jill Sobule performing her new songs
With Isle of Klezbos as houseband, plus friends from Metropolitan Klezmer & beyond!
Featuring Songs by Jill Sobule. Directed by Steven Cosson.

Wednesday, May 28
7:00PM (doors open 6:00PM)
Joe’s Pub at The Public Theater, NYC
425 Lafayette St (between E. 4th St & Astor Pl), New York City
Box office: 212-967-7555
Tickets $20.

“Yentl”: a play by Leah Napolin based on Isaac Bashevis Singer’s novel. featuring Jill Sobule performing her own music and lyrics; accompanied by bandmates from Isle of Klezbos, Metropolitan Klezmer and beyond. Come partake of “the mystery of appearances, the deceptions of the heart, and the divine androgyny of the soul.” Let YENTL, that most unorthodox of love stories surprise you… that most surprising of love triangles enchant you.…

30th Jewish Music Festival East Bay

Some of the Events in San Francisco at the Jewish Music Festival:

Thursday, March 5, 8:00pm, The Klezmatics. Mystical, provocative, reflective and ecstatically danceable! Opening night of 30th Jewish Music Festival. Tickets: $30 general / $26 seniors, students, JCCEB members.
At The New Parish, OAKLAND

Saturday, March 7, 8:00pm, Hazonos, with Cantor Jack Mendelson, Frank London, Anthony Coleman, and Friends. Classical Jewish liturgical music sung by a master. Tickets: $26 general / $22 seniors, students, JCCEB members.
At Temple Sinai, OAKLAND

Sunday, March 8, 8:00pm, Kitka. Yiddish songs with internationally renowned women’s vocal ensemble. Tickets: $26 general / $22 seniors, students, JCCEB members.

At Freight and Salvage, BERKELEY.

More info on all Jewish Music Festival events: 510.848.0237 X126, Tickets: 800.838.3006 or via website.

Jonathan Keren Premiere Featured at The Israeli Chamber Project with Samuel Rhodes

JTS Presents: The Israeli Chamber Project with Samuel Rhodes, an Evening of Chamber Music from The Juilliard School featuring Tibi Cziger (clarinet), Michal Korman (cello), Assaff Weisman (piano), Carmit Zori (violin), with special guest artist Samuel Rhodes (viola) will take place on Wednesday, October 22, 2014, at 7:30 p.m. at The Jewish Theological Seminary (JTS), located at 3080 Broadway (corner 122nd Street) in New York City. The Israeli Chamber Project (ICP) will perform a wide-ranging program of favorite classics and recent works influenced by Jewish culture, including music of Mozart, Schulhoff, Brahms, and the New York premiere of music by Israeli composer Jonathan Keren.

Admission to the concert is by ticket only. Tickets are $10 each; students with a valid school ID—as well as JTS alumni, faculty, students, and staff—may request up to two free tickets each.…

Pre- High Holiday Concert: by Cantors World

September 21 at 7:30pm in Merkin Hall at 129 West 67th Street, New York City, a pre-high holiday special concert featuring Cantor Sol Zim, Cantor Jeffrey Nadel and Cantor Ari Klein. Also featuring Cantor Eliyahu Greenblatt, Azi Schwartz and his choir, Cantor Yechezkel Klang, and Cantor Daniel Gildar. The price is $40 general admission. For reservations call: 718-851-3226 or go to for more information.

Divahn in San Francisco

Thursday, July 14
Cafe Du Nord
7:30 pm (doors open)
2170 Market Street (at 15th)
Cash bar and dinner menu all night
Purchase tickets: $12 in advance at or $15 at the
For dinner reservations call (415) 861-5016
Amy Tobin (creator of The Esther Show and Lilith, the Musical) plays a short solo set at 8:30, followed by a full Divahn concert.

Third Annual Interfaith Symposium of Music in LA

Third Annual Interfaith Symposium of Music – “In the Beginning” –
The Music, Theology, Art History and Astrophysics of Creation

Date: Sunday, 2/12/2006
Start Time: Symposium 2:30 PM
The free evening concert (7:00 p.m.) will feature music of the Creation
story drawn from the many traditions of our time and of times past.
Location: Beverly Hills Presbyterian Church
Address: 505 N. Rodeo Drive, Beverly Hills, CA 90210
Registration and Info: 818.623.1000 or

Announcing the third annual city-wide interfaith symposium exploring
spiritual themes. In cooperation with the Beverly Hills Presbyterian
Church (BHPC), the Los Angeles Catholic Archdiocese and the Jewish Music
Commission of Los Angeles (JMCLA) we will explore the opening chapters
of Genesis in Jewish, Protestant and Catholic thought, liturgy, science,
art history and music.

Prof. Martin Schwartz speaks at SOAS in London

Professor Martin Schwartz of the University of California will speak on the topic of “THE LARGE SHARED REPERTORY OF GREEK AND KLEZMER / YIDDISH VERNACULAR MUSICS”

PLACE: Khalili Lecture Theatre, SOAS, Thornhaugh Street, London WC1H 0XG
ADMISSION: Admission free. Open to all interested parties. A collection will be taken.
RESERVATIONS: All places must be reserved in advance. Please e-mail


un concert AMJ tout à fait original à Genève:

Marcelo Moguilevsky: clarinettes, flûtes, harmonica, voix
Cesar Lerner: piano, accordéon, percussions
dimanche 4 décembre à 17h à l’Alhambra, 10 rue de la Rôtisserie, Genève
Organisation: les Amis de la Musique Juive
Réservations: ou tel: 0(041)22 320 86 28
entrée: 25.- / AVS, chômeurs, étudiants, etc: 15.-
Réduction supplémentaire de 5.- aux membres AMJ

Depuis une vingtaine d’années, Cesar Lerner et Marcelo Moguilevsky apportent une
innovation et une ouverture à la musique populaire instrumentale juive.
Petits-enfants d’immigrants russes et polonais arrivés en Argentine en 1900, ils
contribuent avec virtuosité à la renaissance du style klezmer en développant un
langage personnel, basé sur l’improvisation et des éléments issus du folklore
argentin, du tango, du jazz et des musiques contemporaines.…

Mincha Maariv Sefira

May 15 7:30pm
Bialystoker Synagogue
7-11 Willet Street Lower East Side. NYC.
Cantor Yitzchok Helfgot, Cantor Moshe Stern, Cantor Moshe Haschel, Maestro Matthew Lazar and Choir.
$36 General Admission. For reservations call 718-851-3226
or see for more information.

Jerusalem Musical Trio in Geneva

AMJ avait le plaisir de vous annoncer un nouveau concert original à Genève:
dimanche 4 novembre à 17h
Conservatoire de Musique de Genève (Place Neuve)

Roman Kekhman (clarinettes et saxophones)
Yakov Entin (violon et guitare)
Bella Kresin ( piano)
“La musique folklorique est celle où la force vitale de l’âme juive est la plus
aisément perceptible.”

Le “Jerusalem Musical Trio” présente des interprétations brillantes, originales et
créatives du folklore juif en mélangeant le klezmer à la musique classique, au jazz
et au folklore d’Europe de l’Est. Chacun de ses concerts est acclamé avec
enthousiasme partout dans le monde juif et non juif et le public en ressort toujours
rempli de joie et d’amour! Mais au delà de la musique et inspirés par l’esprit
universel de “la ville d’or et de lumière”, les musiciens du “Jerusalem Musical
Trio” se veulent messagers de la paix.…


Temple Beth Sholom of Stratford and Congregation Sinai of Milford take
pleasure in announcing a joint venture – The Magevet Concert.

For those who are asking “Ma Zeh”, or what is Magevet? Magevet is a
cappella group that originated at Yale University in the spring of 1993
and has weathered the test of time. Their repertoire spans the Jewish
Universe from Hebrew, Yiddish and Ladino ballards to Ugandan Jewish tunes.

Sunday, November 16th at 2:00 PM
Temple Beth Sholom 275 Huntington Road, Stratford, Connecticut
Advance Tickets: Adults $12 – Children (ages 4-13) $10 – ages 3 and
under (on lap) Free
Advance Order of 10 Tickets – $100 Tickets at Door (ages 4 and above) $15
Contact for reservations: 203-378-6175 or 203-301-0558
Email: or

Please gather your friends and family to join us for an inexpensive and
enjoyable afternoon to listen to some of your old favorites, some of
what are to become your new favorites and some of them sung like you
have never heard before.…

Machaya, Rockville, MD

Machaya, Rockville, MD, May 22
An exciting evening of dance and music as the Machaya Klezmer Band entertains with the beauty of Klezmer music. Dance instructor Jay McCrensky will teach basic and advanced simcha dancing, couple dancing, Hassidic dancing, shers,jocs, and terkishes.

Sunday, May 22 7 – 9 pm, $8 mem./$10 general public/$5 children under 12 years. Reservations not necessary.

Jewish Community Center of Greater Washington
6125 Montrose Rd.
Rockville, MD 20852.

For more information,



Partners in Torah will present once again SHIDDUCHIM AND SURVIVAL (A
BA’ALAS TESHUVA’S TALE) a One-Person Musical Play featuring Chana
Rochel Eller
(nee Sommerstein) on
Sunday Evening, October 21st, 8:30 P.M.,
at the Rockland County Community College Theatre,
145 College Rd.,
Suffern (Monsey), New York.
Exclusive performance for ladies and
mature girls. Tickets $18.00. Proceeds for Partners In Torah, a
division of Torah Umesorah. Purchase tickets at the door, or for
reservations call 973-473-3575

Rebecca Kaplan & Pete Rushefsky

Kaplan & Rushefsky, Amherst, MA, Nov 21
On the Paths: Yiddish Songs with Tsimbl (Oyf di vegelekh)
National Yiddish Book Center
on the campus of Hampshire College, Route 116, Amherst, Massachusetts.
Sunday, November 21, 2004 2:00 PM
Donation: $6

Acclaimed Yiddish music artists Rebecca Kaplan (vocals, piano, drum) and Pete Rushefsky (tsimbl, the harp-like traditional klezmer hammered dulcimer) bring to life rarely heard gems of Yiddish music from collections by Moshe Beregovski, Joseph Moskowitz, Ruth Rubin, and others.

At the National Yiddish Book Center, on the campus of Hampshire College, Route 116, Amherst, Massachusetts. You don’t need to know Yiddish to enjoy our programs! Space is limited, and all programs are filled on a strictly first-come, first-served basis. For additional information, an application or reservations, please phone us at 413-256-4900.…