Some of the most offensive music ever recorded, put together by Jody Rosen…a look at the early vaudeville and minstrel music about Jews in America a hundred years ago…
NPR’s radio program hosted by Terry Gross, “Fresh Air” had a story on January 2, 2007 on the new CD “Jewface”, which journalist Jody Rosen put together. “It’s the first anthology of Jewish minstrel songs. Tracks include “Cohen Owes Me 97 Dollars,” “I’m a Yiddish Cowboy” and other long-lost hits from the vaudeville stage of the early 20th century. Rosen is the music critic for and also writes for The Nation.”
Rosen is the author of the book White Christmas: The Story of an American Song which was reviewed on JMWC Rosen also has an interview on Nextbook.