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Composition Competition

American Recorder Society ▪ Amsterdam Loeki Stardust Quartet
Composition Competition

The American Recorder Society, in collaboration with the Amsterdam
Loeki Stardust Quartet (ALSQ), is pleased to announce its composition
competition for recorder music. The competition’s goal is to expand
the recorder quartet repertoire with new music for professional recorder
players by composers from the United States and Canada.

Further information on ALSQ is available
on their web site:

“The Media and the Messenger: Transforming the Cantor’s Art in the Age of Mechanical Reproduction”

Jeffrey Shandler
March 9th
“The Media and the Messenger: Transforming the Cantor’s Art In the Age of Mechanical Reproduction ”
Location: The Center for Jewish History
15 W. 16th St. New York City
Date: Friday, March 9, 2007
Time: 10:30 AM to Noon

Admission: This event is free and open to the public.
Sponsored by the American Jewish Historical Society
and the American Society for Jewish Music
The Jewish Music Forum lecture series continues, with an
investigation of the cantor’s life, art, and spirituality as narrated
through various modes of communication:
“The Media and the Messenger: Transforming the Cantor’s
Art in the Age of Mechanical Reproduction”

Presented by:
Dr. Jeffrey Shandler, Rutgers University
Respondents: Dr. Barbara Kirshenblatt-Gimblett, New York
University, and Dr. Mark Slobin, Wesleyan University
Co-sponsor: Working Group on Jews/Media/Religion
at the Center for Religion and Media, New York University…

Reisenberg, Nadia

Born 14 July 1904, in Vilna, Lithuania, Nadia Reisenberg moved with her family to St. Petersburg in 1915 where she studied piano at the Conservatory under Leonid Nikolaiev. After the Russian revolution, the family moved, going from Vilna, where Nadia played in the Gelios Theatre accompanying movies, to Poland where she concertized with the Warsaw Philharmonic, to Germany. The Reisenberg s came to America in 1922. Under the helpful largesse of Isaac Sherman, Nadia gave private recitals and began to build a reputation.

With less than one year of study with Alexander Lambert in New York, she gave her American debut on 17 December 1922, playing the Polish Fantasy by Ignace Paderewski, with the composer at the performance in the Century Theatre. With sterling reviews by the press, the young Miss Reisenberg began to receive invitations for more recitals.…

Shatin, Judith

American. composer. Recent CD of orchestral music called Piping the Earth, just released on Capstone Records (CPS 8727). Her Shapirit, Yefehfiah (Beautiful Dragonfly) was performed in January, 2005 by the New York Treble Singers in New York. Currently, Judith Shatin is William R. Kenan, Jr. Professor of Music and Director of the Virginia Center for Computer Music of the McIntire Department of Music at the University of Virginia. She founded the VCCM in 1988. Prof. Shatin received a AB from Douglass College, 1971, a MM from Julliard in 1974 and the MFA 1976 and PhD from Princeton in 1979. She started teaching at the University of Virginia in 1979 and has been there since. Her awards, commissions and prizes are numerous, spanning over 25 years of accomplishment and are listed on her website at the University of Virginia.…

Starting Research in Jewish Music


This is a guide to library research in the field of Jewish music. It contains a selective list of resources that may be helpful for getting started. For additional assistance with research, consult your local librarian or write to me on email.

Analyzing your research question

For help narrowing your subject for research or with help in formulating your questions to make
them appropriate for online research, read this brief guide.

Research the vocabulary:

In looking for resources in Jewish music, the student should start not only with traditional Library of Congress Subject Headings such as “Jews–music” or “Synagogue music”, but keyword searching. Keyword searching is an important component of any search today and especially on Internet sources. Here are some samples of additional ways to access unknown materials and focus searching in catalogs, databases and online sources:

Using variations: Jews, Jewish, Judaic, Judaism, Jewry

Synonyms and/or related terms: Israeli, Yiddish, Ladino, Hebrew, Yemenite, Sephardic, Ashkenazic, Palestinian, Middle Eastern

Narrower or specific terms: nusach, masoretic chants, chazan, synagogue, avodat hakodesh, klezmer, kol nidrei, Koenigsberg tradition

Word variations or language transliterations: cantor, chazan, hazan, hazon, kanter

Corporate authors or institutions in note fields: Hebrew Union College, Ktav, Transcontinental, Bloch Publishing, Rubin Academy, Hebrew University

Societies or organizations: American Society of Jewish Music, Renanot Institute, Yeshiva University, YIVO, National Yiddish Book Center

Publication medium: sound recordings, videocassette, score, manuscript

Performance groups: Western Wind, Zamir Chorale, Poogy, Arbel

Names: Andy Statman, Debbie Friedman, Hankus Netsky, Srul Glick, Simon Sargon, Ben Steinberg, Nathan Lam, Shlomo Carlbach, Max Janowsky

Broader/and or Related Subject Headings: liturgical music, synagogues; Yiddish theater; Jewish culture; cantillation; manuscripts, Hebrew art song; chants (Jewish); folk song (Jewish); klezmer; Jewish musicians; zemirot; passover songs; Songs, Hebrew; Songs, Yiddish; Music in the Bible; Music in Synagogues; Psalms;

Foreign terms: schir; shirim; megillah; Hebraische Musik; Yehudiym; yidishe; Jiddische lieder; z’mirot; zemirot; nigun; lider; lieder

Encyclopedias and Dictionaries

Nulman, Macy.


Announcements Archive 2002

All archival announcements from 2002 listed below.

–Syracuse, NY–
Klezfest photos from Klezfest 2001 and 2002.Next Festival on June 8, 2003.


–New York–TOUR with MUSIC–
Musical Walking Tour Sings the Stories of the Lower East Side

SUNDAY, OCTOBER 27, 2002, 11 AM

Lower East Side, New York . . . On Sunday, October 27, 2002, from 11:00 AM to 1:00 PM, the Eldridge Street Project will host the Lower East Side Serenade, a musical walking tour of the historic sites and sounds of the Lower East Side. As they meander along the streets, tour-goers will be treated to live performances of Yiddish and English songs which reference turn-of-the-century immigrant life in the neighborhood. World-renowned “minstrel”, Jeff Warschauer, will sing his heart out as architectural historian Lucien Sonder points out nineteenth- and early-twentieth-century landmarks in the neighborhood.…

di bostoner klezmer around for the holidays

Thursday, October 12th at 7:30 P.M. at the Stoughton Public Library.
Join “di bostoner klezmer” for a free, freylekh concert on Boston’s
South Shore. Accordionist Matt Wulf’s original pieces will be
featured, along with a new Terkisher by trombonist/melodicaist Brian Bender.
The library is located on 84 Park Street on the corner of Walnut
Street and Park Street (a.k.a. Route 27). For directions, call the library at
781-244-3711 or go to

Shabes October 14, 2006
Temple Emanuel in Worcester for a morning musical service starting at 9:30 A.M.
(address is 280 May Street, phone: 508-755-1257)

Motzi Shabes, October 14, 2006 in the evening – from about 6:30 to 9:00 P.M. – at the
always-lively service at Temple Beth Zion (Moshe Waldok’s shul) at 1566 Beacon Street, Brookline.…


A new CD from Naxos, (Naxos ID 8.559434), has the music of Frederick Jacobi.
Concerto for Violoncello and Orchestra (1932)
Sabbath Evening Service (excerpts) (1931)
Hagiographa (1938)
Ahavat olam (1945)
Two Pieces in Sabbath Mood (1946)

Artists include Alban Gerhardt, cello; Barcelona Symphony/National
Orchestra of Catalonia, Karl Anton Rickenbacher, conductor; Patrick
Mason, baritone; Academy of St. Martin in the Fields Chorus, Joseph
Cullen, conductor; Brian Krinke and Perrin Yang, violins; George Taylor,
viola; Stefan Reuss, cello; Joseph Werner, piano; Cantor Robert Bloch;
New York Cantorial Choir; Aaron Miller, organ; Slovak Radio Symphony
Orchestra, Samuel Adler, conductor


New Herman Berlinski CD from Milken Archive

Herman Berlinski: From the World of My Father [8.559446]

The Milken Archive of American Jewish Music has released a CD of four works for the synagogue and the concert hall by German-born, American composer and organist Herman Berlinski. These works reflect his rich, post-Romantic musical language, eclectic musical style, and depth of Jewish inspiration. This new disc complements the Milken Archive’s 2004 release of the composer’s Avodat Shabbat, a large-scale setting of the Sabbath evening liturgy according to the American Reform prayerbook. It brings to 45 the number of recordings released since the Milken Archive CD series was launched in September 2003.

Ellen Schiller, Benjie

Cantor Benjie Ellen Schiller is both the first woman to be a full time faculty member at the School of Sacred Music at Hebrew Union College-Jewish Institute of Religion in New York and a composer of sacred music. Born in New York on April 14, 1958 to Miriam and Nathan Schiller, Cantor Schiller studied voice and composition, and received a B. M. in Theory and Composition at Boston University in 1980. She continued graduate studies there in voice and choral conducting, and shortly thereafter, married Rabbi Lester Bronstein in June, 1981.

She attended the School of Sacred Music of Hebrew Union College in New York and was invested in 1987. Her Master Thesis composition was “Life Song Cycle.” Cantor Schiller also became a full time faculty member and taught courses in cantillation, basic nusach (prayer modes) and the in-depth study of repertoire for Shabbat.…

Max Stern’s Messer Marco Polo at New York City Opera VOX Showcase

VOX: Showcasing American Composers 2006
Produced by New York City Opera
Presented by the Skirball Center for the Performing Arts, New York University
566 LaGuardia Place (Washington Square Park South)
May 6 – 7, 2006
Sunday, MAY 7, 4:30 – 5:30 pm
Stephen Andrew Taylor, Paradises Lost, libretto by Kate Gale
Max Stern, Messer Marco Polo

Directions to Skirball Center:
The Skirball Center is located at 566 LaGuardia Place at Washington Square Park South, within a few blocks of most subway lines, including West 4th St. (A, C, E, F, V, and S), 8th Street (N, R, W), Astor Place (6) and Christopher Street (1).

Music In Our Time at CJH in NYC

Music in Our Time: 2015
Concert May 31 2015 3pm
Music from Golijov’s The Dreams and Prayers of Isaac the Blind; Yulzari‘s Le Grand Méchant, l’Oud and Il était une Fois; Kaminsky‘s Duo for Cello and Piano; Cohen‘s Steal a Pencil for Me; Fine‘s A Short Alleluia; and Ladino songs by Neumann. Performed by Charles Neidich, Rémy Yulzari, Ilana Davidson, Laura Leon, Donna Breitzer, Nadav Lev, and artists from Mannes College The New School of Music.

Ticket Info: $18 general; $12 American Society for Jewish Music/American Jewish Historical Society/Center for Jewish History members; $9 students, seniors

Purchase Tickets
presented by American Jewish Historical Society and American Society for Jewish Music

The Nora Theater Company’s Production of Silver Spoon

Wednesday, May 25 · 6:00pm – 9:30pm
Central Square Theater
450 Massachussettes Avenue
Cambridge, MA

More Info
Join Miles Rapoport, Lisa Danetz, Lew Finfer, Renee Loth, Jeff Malachowsky, Arnie Miller, Josh Posner, Paul Summit, Ben Taylor, Brenda Wright, Robert Zevin, and Silver Spoon Co-Creators Amy Merrill and Si Kahn for an evening of musical theater, meeting friends, and mulling the future to benefit Demos and The American Prospect.

6:00 – 7:15: Reception and conversation with American Prospect Editor Kit Rachlis, Demos and American Prospect President Miles Rapoport, Si Kahn, and Amy Merrill.

7:30 – 9:30: Reserved tickets to evening performance of Silver Spoon.

Ticket Prices:
$100 – Participant
$250 – Picket Captain (2 tickets)
$1,000 – Movement Builder (4 tickets)
Proceeds shared by Demos and The American Prospect.…

Music in Our Time: 2009

Sunday, June 7th at the Center for Jewish History
Celebrating the Siegmeister Centenary
“Music in Our Time,” the annual concert of Jewish music by contemporary composers, presented by the American Society for Jewish Music in association with the American Jewish Historical Society, will be given on Sunday, June 7th at 3 PM at the Center for Jewish History (15 West 16th Street, NYC).
For tickets $18 ($12 members); $6 for Students and Seniors, call 212-868-4444 or or
contact the Box Office: (917) 606-8200 /

Analyzing your area of research – Jewish Music

Once you have selected an area to research, the next step is to figure out where your area of research fits in to the existing literature.

A. Is your area of research too broad or too narrow?

What specific question or questions do you want to answer as you do your research? (i.e. what is your hypothesis or hypotheses? You may need to modify these as you do your research)

If your area of research is too broad you will be overwhelmed with too much information and will have trouble figuring out what to write about. Some areas of research might be fine if you were writing a full length book, but not practical for a 10 page paper. Try limiting your area of research in terms of time period, geography, or noteworthy individuals.…

Jewish Music Forum features Ezro Malakov

The Jewish Music Forum is offering a program being given at the Center for Jewish History
on Monday, March 2nd at 7 PM.
Celebrating the release of an important new book by Dr. Evan Rapport, Greeted with Smiles: Bukharian Jewish Music and Musicians in New York (Oxford University Press), with live music examples by some of New York’s most respected Bukharian musicians led by master singer Ezro Malakov, this promises to be a wonderfully informative and entertaining evening.
Center for Jewish History
15 West 16th Street
New York, NY
Please RSVP at:
Reception to follow.
Additional information about the program, Dr. Rapport and the performers is below.
I hope you will be able to join us on Monday, March 2nd. Admission is free.
Please RSVP to…

Master Klezmer Class with Clarinetist David Krakauer

Master Klezmer Class with Clarinetist David Krakauer
Monday, November 14, 7:00-10:00pm
Jewish Community Center of the East Bay
1414 Walnut Street, Berkeley.

7:00-8:00pm: Lecture/demo by internationally-acclaimed klezmer and classical clarinetist David Krakauer, who will demonstrate klezmer technique and share personal stories and insights prior to the hands-on portion of the workshop.

8:00-10:00pm: Master class for “high intermediate to professional level” musicians. Participants will play (alone or with a pre-formed group) and will receive constructive feedback and coaching.

Registration fee:
* Individuals who play for Mr. Krakauer: $50/person
* Groups that play: $35/person
* Listeners (“auditors”): $20/person.
A limited number of reduced price scholarships will be available. Inquire at info[at]
Registration process:
Please reserve your space via phone (415.789.7679) or email (info[at] Tell us your name, email, and telephone and whether you will listen only OR play a solo OR play with a group of a specific number of people.…

Ensemble Lucidarium Summer Jewish Renaissance Music

Here’s some information about a tuition-free course Ensemble Lucidarium
will be giving in Venice this Summer. It’s an opportunity to make music and learn about the Italian cantorial tradition and Jewish Renaissance music while living in the city itself, and
will feature lectures various aspects of Venetian culture, an in-depth
guided visit to the Ghetto and Jewish Cemetery and a traditional Italian
Shabbat service.  There will be a workshop on old Jewish song, and you can
even try your hand at traditional Italian percussion…

The Music of the Merchant:  Summer course in Venetian Renaissance and Italian Jewish Music”

July 24 – 30, 2017,

Fondazione Giorgio Cini, Isola San Giorgio Maggiore,
Venice, Italy.
Ensemble Lucidarium
Enrico Fink: Italian cantorial tradition, Jewish song, voice
Avery Gosfield: instrumental ensemble, Jewish song, recorder, pipe and tabor
Gloria Moretti: vocal ensemble, voice
Francis Biggi: instrumental ensemble, mixed ensemble, plucked strings
Massimiliano Dragoni: traditional and early percussion, hammer dulcimer

Workshops on: repertoire linked to carnival and the Commedia dell’Arte;
the reconstruction of Jewish song in the 16th century; the Italian Jewish

YidStock 2013

Join us for Yidstock 2013: the festival of new Yiddish music!
Thursday, July 18th through Sunday, July 21 Live at the Yiddish Book Center
Purchase your tickets today.
To purchase tickets for individual events or to purchase a Festival Pass:
A limited number of Festival Passes are available.*
*Festival Pass includes access to all concerts, lectures, and workshops
Back by popular demand, Yosi’s Kosher Falafel Tent will be serving an assortment of
great food.

Concert Schedule
– Thursday, July 18 –
*7pm | Klezmer Conservatory Band
– Saturday, July 20 –
*7pm | Margot Leverett & the Klezmer Mountain Boys and Klezperanto
– Sunday, July 21 –
*12pm | Wholesale Klezmer Band – Family Concert
*2pm | Brass Khazones: Steven Bernstein and Frank London play Cantorial Music
*4pm | Golem
*7pm | Yidstock All-Stars

Workshop · Lecture Schedule
– Friday, July 20 –
*1pm | Lecture: Hebrew National Salvage: Rediscovering Lost Musical treasures with
Hankus Netsky
*2pm | Lecture: Rockin’ the Shtetl: The Essential Klezmer with Seth Rogovoy
*3:30pm | Workshop: Yiddish Folk Dance with instructor Steve Weintraub
*5pm | Workshop: Instrumental Klezmer with instructor Brian Bender
– Saturday, July 21 –
*4pm | Talk: New Riffs: Improvising a Contemporary Yiddish Culture with Aaron Lansky
and Seth Rogovoy

For more information and to purchase tickets:
Website –
Phone – 413-256-4900
**PLEASE NOTE: Lineup is subject to change.…

Colors of the Diaspora

Regina Resnik presents Colors of the Diaspora. It’s a DVD collection with 3 distinct programs included, conceived and written by Michael Philip Davis. Ms. Resnik introduces and narrates the three concerts. Each is a distinct classical music art program, with the common thread of Jewish art music or music on Jewish themes.

The DVD will make the perfect Hannukah present for someone who loves both classical music and Jewish music. The DVD can be obtained through VAI DVD 4540, but also can be ordered directly through Video Artists International, 109 Wheeler Ave., Pleasantville, NY 10570. Toll free number is 800-477-7146.

The DVD includes some surprising repertoire and will introduce even aficionados of Jewish music to new selections.The narration is well written and informative. The selections are thoughtful, artistic, and knowledgeable about the breadth of Jewish music.…


“KLEZMERQUERQUE” –Albuquerque, New Mexico’s annual Klezmer music and dance festival
celebrates its seventh year over Presidents Day weekend February 12-15, 2009.

Known as “The Southwest’s Celebration of Klezmer Music and Dance”, KLEZMERQUERQUE 2009 will present a weekend of concerts, dance parties, classes and workshops featuring the world-renowned
klezmer duo Deborah Strauss and Jeff Warschauer, the renowned dancer, choreographer,
dance scholar and historian Judith Brin Ingber, as well as many local artists.
‘Klezmer’ is the music and dance of the Jewish people of Eastern Europe which is
currently enjoying a revival in world music as well as in popular music and culture.
The annual festival will take place over Presidents Day Weekend from February 12-15
(Thursday evening through Sunday afternoon) at Albuquerque’s Congregation Nahalat
Shalom which is located on 3606 Rio Grande Blvd.…

Hazzan Israel Alter’s Music Now Available on CD

At long last the music of Hazzan Israel Alter is available on CD. Lois Welber recently released her cantorial CD, “Prayers of the High Holy Days: Shomeah Tefillah”. (Shomeah Tefillah – “…Who hears prayer” from Hineni) featuring the music of Hazzan Israel Alter. The CD focuses on music from “The High Holy Day Service” and “The Selichot Service” published by the Cantors Assembly. The original musical accompaniment is arranged by organist/composer Ernest Rakhlin and with pianist David Sparr. There is also one song included by Israel Goldfarb, “B’Sefer Chayim” (from Shirei T’shuvah –991900), which score is available through Transcontinental Music Publications.

These renditions are all sung with Welber’s strong mezzo-soprano in dedication to the 100th anniversary celebration of Temple B’Nai Israel in Revere, Massachusetts, where she has been cantor since 2000.…

The Zemel Choir Celebrates in Song

CELEBRATE WITH SONG– The Zemel Choir, in association with Jewish
Music Institute and the BBC “Play it Again” campaign

Do you enjoy singing?
Would you like to sing in a choir?
Join The ZEMEL Choir together with Pandemonium and the JFS Choir for
workshops 10 June (:& a concert 17 June St John’s, Smith Square
7.30pm. They specially welcome people who have experience of
singing, but have never had the opportunity to join a choir – also
experienced choristers – both Jewish and non-Jewish – who would like
to experience the rich tradition of Jewish choral music. If you would
like to sing in one of these groups, and to experience the pleasure
of singing Jewish choral music, please enrol 020 8236 0317
(evenings), or e-mail

10 June 10am-5.45pm
Dragon Hall, 17 Stukeley Street, London WC2B 5LT
Workshops for Intermediate and Experienced choral groups Massed choir
workshop Vocal workshop with acclaimed choral conductor Mike Brewer
Cost for Workshop participants: £30 (including concert ticket)

17th June 2007 7.30pm
St John’s, Smith Square, London SW1P 3HA
Featuring performances by the Zemel Choir, Pandemonium (a choir for
young adults) and the JFS Choir.…

Kultur Festival 2009: Keynote Tradition & Transformation

Jack Mendelson panel
Kultur Festival 2009: Keynote Tradition & Transformation, 1 Mar 2009
FAU Libraries & Klezmer Company Orchestra Present
Kultur Festival 2009
A Celebration of Jewish Music & Arts
February 25-March 1, 2009 @ Florida Atlantic University
Boca Raton, FL

Keynote Address
“Tradition and Transformation” Rabbi Irwin Kula
Sunday March 1, 2009 @ 1 p.m.
Friedberg Lifelong Learning Center (FAU)
Tickets $5

Meira Warshauer Works To Be Performed by Slovak Radio Orchestra

Meira WarshauerThree major works by American Jewish composer Meira Warshauer, Ahavah (Love),
Shacharit (Morning Service) and Like Streams in the Desert, will be
performed in “Music of the Jewish Heart,” a concert by the Slovak Radio
Symphony Orchestra, the Slovak Philharmonic Choir, soprano Jennifer
Hines, mezzo soprano Stephanie Gregory and tenor Michael Hendrick, all
under the direction of Maestro Kirk Trevor on Thursday, February 2 –
7:00 PM at The Concert Hall of Slovak Radio in Bratislava, Slovakia.
For more about these works, visit

can follow Ms. Warshauer’s trip to Bratislava online through her new
blog at

Pey Dalid Melava Malkah

Time Saturday, February 12 · 8:00pm – 10:30pm
Location J Greenstein Co Antique Judaica and Jewish Art Gallery
417 Central Ave.
Cedarhurst, NY

Israel Unity Tour 2011
Pey Dalid Melava Malkah
417 Central Ave. Cedarhurst, NY
8PM – $15 (suggested donation)

An Evening of Baroque Jewish music at the Kennedy Center

Charles and Robyn Krauthammer proudly present:
An Evening of Baroque Jewish music at the Kennedy Center
Apollo Ensemble
An evening of Baroque Jewish music:
The Apollo Ensemble presented by Pro Musica Hebraica

Making its U.S. debut, Amsterdam’s Apollo Ensemble performs a concert of Baroque Jewish musical treasures, one night only, at the Kennedy Center. A highlight is the American premiere of Dio, Clemenza e Rigore, an anonymously composed oratorio for an eighteenth-century Italian Jewish holiday synagogue service. Don’t miss this rarely performed work. This concert is presented by Pro Musica Hebraica, devoted to presenting Jewish classical music, much of it believed lost, forgotten, or rarely performed, in a concert hall setting.

Apollo Ensemble
Thu., Nov. 5 at 7:30 | Kennedy Center Terrace Theater | Seats $38

CACERES – Le-el elim, Cantata for two voices and basso continuo (1738)
MARCELLO – Salmo 15/Ma’oz Tzur (1724-1727)
For alto, violincello, bassoon, harpsichord, and baritone
De ROSSI – Trio sonatas for two violins and basso continuo (ca.…

Sydenham Choir at Queens College in June

The Center for Jewish Studies at Queens College
Is proud to announce their 6th Annual Benefit Concert

Monday, June 11th, 2007

Starring the world famous Sydenham Choir
from Johannesburg South Africa

The return of Cantor Oshy Tugendhaft & the Sydenham Shul Choir marks
their 6th North American tour performing their hit musical CELEBRATION!
Both Oshy Tugendhaft, and the Choir are internationally acclaimed having
sung with many leading Cantors, most recently with Yitzchak Meir

All seats are reserved. General admission: $50 $32 & $20
25 % discount for orders by May 28, 2007 $40 $24 & $15
Priority seating $100 $75. No discount, includes after show party with

Order tickets on line at
or call 800-494-8497.

Their CELEBRATION musical depicts many aspects of traditional and
contemporary Jewish life and liturgy and takes place to live music,
provided by a jazzy orchestra.…


Songs Celebrating Jewish Communities Worldwide: Gershwin, Ravel,
Sephardic Melodies, many more
Featuring Dina Kuznetsova, Rinat Shaham, Steven Goldstein, Steven Blier
and Michael Barrett
FEBRUARY 18 AND 20 2009
at 8 PM

Kaufman Center and New York Festival of Song (NYFOS,,
will present Voices of the Jewish Diaspora on Tuesday and
Thursday, February 18 and 20, 2009 at 8 PM at Merkin Concert Hall at Kaufman
Center. It is the third subscription concert of the New York Festival of
Song, whose CD, Spanish Love Songs, (Bridge
Records, 2008) featuring Lorraine Hunt
, Joseph Kaiser, Steven Blier and Michael Barrett was named one of the “Best of the year” by Opera News.

The program features songs in many languages celebrating the culturally
diverse Jewish communities that flourished as the tribes of Israel spread
out across the globe: Sephardic melodies arranged by Roberto Sierra;
Second Avenue specialties by Irving Berlin and Abraham Ellstein; art
songs by Ravel and Mahler; plus music by Gershwin, Bernstein, and Harold

Bernstein: A Jewish Legacy

The Center for Jewish History, the American Society for Jewish Music
and the American Jewish Historical Society present:

Thursday, November 6 at 8:00p.m.
Bernstein: A Jewish Legacy
An encore performance of the recently sold-out program at The Jewish Museum and
part of the city-wide festival Bernstein: The Best of all Possible Worlds.
The concert of mostly unknown Bernstein works on Jewish themes, narrated by Jack
, Bernstein’s longtime editor, sheds new light on some of the composer’s
more celebrated pieces. A number cut from West Side Story, lyrics by Stephen Sondheim,
combined with another piece from an abandoned project with lyrics by Betty Comden
and Adolph Green, reveals a surprising transformation as a choral setting in Hebrew.
Among the other works are world premieres of “A Choral Quilt” (arranged by Gottlieb)
and a song Bernstein wrote in reaction to anti-Semitism.…

Gershon Kingsley CD from Milken

Gershon Kingsley [8.559435]
This new recording of four works by German-born American composer
Gershon Kingsley reveals the influence of American idioms and
contemporary musical developments-in this case jazz and electronic
music-on the work of Jewish composers, and confirms the openness of both
composers and Jewish institutions to expanding the boundaries of
traditional liturgical practice. In addition, the CD illustrates the
continuing affect of the Holocaust in provoking response by creative
artists, and points to the upcoming observance of the 60th anniversary
of the allied liberation of the concentration camps in the spring of
1945.For details about this CD, go to


The Center for Jewish Music of the Jewish Community Center of St.
Petersburg is proud to announce “KlezFest St. Petersburg 2005,” an
international seminar on the traditional music of Eastern European
Jewry, to be held June 18-22, 2005 in St. Petersburg, Russia.


The Center for Jewish Music of the Jewish Community Center of St.
Petersburg is proud to announce “KlezFest St. Petersburg 2007,” an
international seminar on the traditional music of Eastern European
Jewry, to be held July 8-12, 2007 in St. Petersburg, Russia.

“KlezFest St. Petersburg,” now in its 11th year, is the oldest klezmer
seminar in Russia. The 2007 festival will include master-classes on
Yiddish folk songs and klezmer music, workshops on Yiddish folklore
and Yiddish dance, lectures, concerts, and two excursions: “Jewish St.
Petersburg” and “Rivers and Canals of St. Petersburg.” Our staff will
include world-famous musicians — from New York, the violinist,
accordion player, vocalist, ethnomusicologist and the world’s leading
expert on Yiddish dance, Michael Alpert; also from New York, the
vocalist from the famous Klezmatics group, Lorin Sklamberg; from
Zaporozhie, Ukraine, the Yiddish folk poet and singer Arkady Gendler,
and others.…


The Center for Jewish Music of the Jewish Community Center of St.
Petersburg is proud to announce “KlezFest St. Petersburg 2006,” an
international seminar on the traditional music of Eastern European
Jewry, to be held June 17-22, 2006 in St. Petersburg, Russia.

Free Synagogue of Flushing presents Judas Maccabaeus

Free Synagogue Cantor with Choir

As its Chanukkah gift to the community, the Free Synagogue of Flushing will present a special performance of Handel’s Judas Maccabaeus on Friday, December 19, 8:15 PM.

The Bible-based musical masterwork, which tells the story of Chanukkah, is FREE and open to the public.

It will feature celebrated Cantor Steven Pearlston and the distinguished Free Synagogue choir.
Robert Barrows will play the synagogue s historic pipe organ, which dates back to
1927, the only pipe organ at a synagogue in Queens. Jason Covey and Charles Grauman will be featured on trumpet. The program will be narrated by Rabbi Michael Weisser in the synagogue s magnificent sanctuary.

Handel s oratorio tells the story of Judas Maccabaeus, better known as Judah
Maccabee, a fearless leader acclaimed as one of the greatest warriors in
Jewish history.…

Robbins, Betty (Bertha Abramson)

American. Born April 9, 1924, Cavala, Greece. First female synagogue cantor. At age 4, she moved to Poland with her family. As a youngster there, she convinced the local cantor to teach her to sing for synagogue, (which he agreed to do if she cut her braids!) In 1938, the family escaped from Poland to Australia. There, she met and married an American service man and moved to US, settling in Oceanside, New York. In 1955, she was appointed cantor at Temple Avodah for their High Holidays. The New York Times ran an article on August 3, 1955, quoting Reform officials that she may have been “the very first woman cantor in …Jewish history.” She continued to teach children and serve as a cantor in various synagogues in places she lived, and on Jewish holiday cruises.…

Musical Event Celebrating Jews of Color

New York – Ayecha, a leading Jewish diversity organization, is hosting a groundbreaking musical event celebrating the experience of Jews of Color in Israel, Africa and the United States. This historical event will feature top Jewish performers, including the internationally acclaimed Joshua Nelson and Danny Maseng.

The Jewish Soul Celebration concert will take place on
December 17, 2005,
from 8pm – 11pm,
at the Peter Norton Symphony Space at 2537
Broadway at 95th Street.
For more
on Ayecha, visit

Music in Our Time 2008 at CJH

On Sunday, June 1 at 3 PM, at the Center for Jewish History (15 West 16th
Street, NYC), the American Society for Jewish Music, in association with the
American Jewish Historical Society and the Mannes College of Music of the New
School, presents “Music in Our Time 2008,” our annual concert of contemporary

As those of you who have attended the Society’s previous concerts of
contemporary music know, not only are these concerts an important part of the
Society’s mission, but they are filled with vital, committed performances of Jewish
music by wonderful artists.

The program for “Music in Our Time 2008” consists of works by Paul Richards,
Arkadie Kougell, Ofer Ben-Amots, Lionel Semiatin and Paul Schonfield.

For tickets, please contact the CJH Theater Box Office, phone: (917) 606-8200
email: .…

The Guild of Temple Musicians

The Guild of Temple Musicians is an educational and networking organization for synagogue musicians, affiliated with the American Conference of Cantors. It publishes a newsletter and offers workshops for members, as well as an annual convention. The Guild sponsors the Young Composer’s Award for the creation of serious works of Jewish music suitable for worship and/or the concert stage. In addtion, with the American Conference of Cantors, the Guild also runs the Generation to Generation Award to encourage High School musicians to create new works of music. The president for the 2010-2011 term is Aryell Cohen. He is the contact person at the address and phone below.

The Guild of Temple Musicians
5301 Balboa Blvd.
Encino, CA 91316

Sarah Aroeste

American born. Sings in Ladino, music orginally from Spain, and her family later settling in Salonika, Greece. The Aroeste sound combines and updates aspects from her ‘unique family background with influx of Latin-based music in America over the past few years.’ Sarah wrote: “I have a Ladino fusion band–you can check it out at I began this project because there are so few young people working in Ladino. I grew up on the traditional music (my family is from Salonika, Greece), but I am also influenced by other musicial styles. Not only am I a proud Sephardic Jew, but I am also a young, modern American woman! I wanted to find a musical style that could really incorporate my various identities. So I started a band a few years ago taking traditional sephardic songs from across the Mediterranean and combining them with American rock, blues and jazz.…




300 singers from 22 cities across the U.S. and Israel take part in the 20th anniversary concerts of HaZamir: The International Jewish High School Choir at Jazz at Lincoln Center on Sunday March 17. The back-to-back concerts, at 3pm and at 6:30pm, are the annual culmination of a year-long teen program sponsored by the Zamir Choral Foundation in New York. Zamir is the only organization of its kind to use Jewish choral singing as a vehicle to foster Jewish identity, community and continuity.

The concerts span a wide range of classical and contemporary musical selections, with mostly Hebrew texts.…

How an Afro-Jewish band rocked Nazi-occupied Denmark

How an Afro-Jewish band rocked Nazi-occupied Denmark

Anne Dvinge, University of Copenhagen

It seems an impossibility: in Nazi-occupied Denmark in the 1940s, one of the hottest jazz orchestras around was the interracial Harlem Kiddies, with two white and three black band members – and a Jewish singer in front. The story of how the band came to be so popular is one that uncovers the great role that jazz and race played in the occupied territories during the Second World War.

Several factors contributed to the social and political atmosphere that enabled their success. In the occupied territories in the Second World War, Denmark was known as the Sahnefront – the cream front – due to the co-operative government and the relative leniency of the occupying forces.…

Stettner, Ellen

American. Cantor. Opera singer. She served as the first cantor of the Stephen Wise Free Synagogue of New York City and held the post for 21 years. Cantor Stettner is on the faculty of Hebrew Union College-Jewish Institute of Religion, School of Sacred Music, and currently is a member of the Joint Cantorial Placement Commission and Vice President of the American Conference of Cantors. Cantor Stettner has performed extensively throughout the country with the Santa Fe Opera, the New York Opera Ensemble, the New England Chamber Opera and the Princeton Opera. She won the prestigious National Arts and Letters Vocal Competition in Carnegie Hall and, as a result, was the featured soloist in a performance of Mozart arias with the American Symphony Orchestra. In addition, she was in documentaries produced by the BBC and the French National Television.…

Berger, Arthur

American. Born in 1912 in New York. Died in Boston on October 7, 2003. Avant-garde composer. Studied at NYU and Harvard University. Focused in chamber and solo piano music. New York Music Critics Circle Citation, 1962. Won awards from Guggenheim, Fromm, Coolidge, Naumburg and Fulbright Foundations. Fellow of the American Academy & Institute of Arts and Letters. Fellow of the American Academy of Arts & Sciences. Taught at Mills College, 1939–1943. Taught at Brandeis University 1953-1980 as Irving Fine Professor of Music. Helped establish the graduate program at Brandeis. 2003 ASCAP-Deems Taylor Award.

New York Andalus Ensemble –Et Dodim Kalah Oct 30

The New York Andalus Ensemble will perform Oct. 30 2014 at 7;30
at the CUNY Graduate Center
Elebash Recital Hall
365 Fifth Ave (corner of 34th) NY, NY
$13 Adults, $10 students

The_New York Andalus Ensemble presents Et Dodim Kalah (It’s the Time of
Courting, O Bride!), an evening of music and song from al-Andalus and North Africa.
Reflecting the cultural pluralism that characterizes this music, the 20 members of
the ensemble perform repertoire in Arabic, Hebrew, and Judeo-Spanish Ladino, emphasizing the
region’s shared tradition while cherishing the individual cultures that comprise it.

Jaffe, Stephen

American. B. 1955 in Washington, D.C. Studied composition at the University of Pennsylvania with George Crumb, George Rochberg, and Richard Wernick. Also at the Conservatoire de Musique in Geneva, Switzerland. Since 1999, he is Mary D.B.T. and James H. Semans Professor of Music at Duke University, where he taught since 1981. Jaffe co-directs Duke’s contemporary music concert series Encounters: with the Music of Our Time, and works with a inventive and gifted group of young composers. Jaffe won a Rome Prize from the American Academy in Rome, the American Academy of Arts and Letters Prize, and fellowships from the National Endowment for the Arts, Tanglewood, and the Guggenheim Foundation. Brandeis University awarded him its Creative Arts Citation (1989), Kennedy Center Friedheim Award for First Quartet(1991.…

Music and song from al-Andalus and North Africa in NYC

Et Dodim Kalah_ (It’s the Time of Courting, O Bride!)
Come hear The New York Andalus Ensemble
Thursday, October 30, 2014
7:30 PM
Elebash Recital Hall, CUNY Graduate Center, 365 5th Ave. (at 34th St.)

The New York Andalus Ensemble will present _Et Dodim Kalah_ (It’s the Time of Courting, O Bride!), an
evening of music and song from al-Andalus and North Africa.

TIckets: $13 adults/$10 students, available at the door or at

In al-Andalus (Southern Spain), peoples of the three Abrahamic faiths—Islam,
Judaism, and Christianity—shared their arts and sciences for more than five hundred
years, creating a multicultural canon of music and poetry. Since 1492, Jews and
Muslims in North Africa have carried the musical traditions forward from al-Andalus.
Today, the musical expansion from over five centuries ago to the present day
flourishes in New York City with the New York Andalus Ensemble.…

Rubin, Joel

JoelRubin by David Kaufman

“Joel Rubin is Assistant Professor of Music in the Performance Program at the University of Virginia. He attended the California Institute of the Arts and received a BFA in clarinet performance from the State University of New York at Purchase (1978). His principal teachers were Richard Stoltzman and Kalmen Opperman. Rubin holds a Ph.D. in ethnomusicology from City University of London (2001). Rubin is an internationally acclaimed performer of Jewish instrumental klezmer music and hasidic music. In addition to performances with traditional musicians such as the Epstein Brothers (USA) and Moshe Berlin (Israel), he was the founder and clarinetist of some of the most internationally respected klezmer ensembles, including the Joel Rubin Jewish Music Ensemble and Brave Old World. Rubin’s fifth solo album, “Midnight Prayer”, came out in 2007 on Traditional Crossroads.…

SHIRAH, Community Chorus on the Palisades

Led by Matthew Lazar, Founding Director and Conductor, and Beth Robin, Pianist/Accompanist, the chorus performs sacred and secular music in Hebrew, English, Yiddish and Ladino. SHIRAH was formed in January, 1995 as a regional chorus specializing in the performance of the full spectrum of Jewish music. Its roster includes a multigenerational blend of amateur and professiional singers from the northern New Jersey/New York metropolitan area. SHIRAH performs regularly at the JCC on the Palisades and has been featured in many concerts in the United States and Israel, including Avery Fisher Hall, the New Jersey and Bergen Performing Arts Centers in Newark and Englewood and the Colden Center, featuring the World Premiere of “The Scroll” by Dov Selzer with the Queens Symphony. SHIRAH also performs annually at the North American Jewish Choral Festival and was featured in the Opening Ceremonies of the JCC Maccabi Games in East Rutherford at the Continental Airlines Arena.…

Yiddish singing star Anthony Russell in Miami

Anthony Russell will perform in Miami on Sunday, June 9th at 4:00 p.m. in the first
solo concert presented by the Winter Jewish Music Concert.

Tickets for the concert are now on sale online or by calling 1-800-838-3006. General
admission for the concert is $18, and sponsor tickets are $36.

Anthony Mordechai Tzvi Russell was profiled this week in the Times of Israel. “If
you think you know what a Yiddish singing star looks like, think again. The new, hot
name in the world of Yiddish musical performance is Anthony Russell, and he’s a
33-year-old, 6’1’’ African-American hipster from Oakland, California,” the author
wrote. “Baptist-born and Jew by choice, opera singer Anthony Mordechai Tzvi
Russell’s ‘niggunim’ have soul.” Read the rest of the article

The concert will include a variety of music—Yiddish music, music in Hebrew, and
African American spirituals.…

Jews, Music, and Postwar German Culture

Jewish Music Forum 2015–16 Season Opener In conjunction with The Barry S. Brook Center for Music Research and Documentation and the Leo Back Institute

“Jews, Music, and Postwar German Culture”

Book Talk and Conversation with Dr. Tina Frühauf (RILM, CUNY), Dr. William H. Weitzer (Executive Director, Leo Baeck Institute), and Dr. Mark Slobin (Winslow-Kaplan Professor of Music, Wesleyan University)

Dislocated Memories: Jews, Music, and Postwar German Culture (Oxford University Press, 2014), editors Tina Frühauf and Lily Hirsch

Monday, November 30, 6:00 p.m.
The Graduate Center, CUNY
365 Fifth Avenue, The Skylight Conference Room: 9100

The first volume of its kind, Dislocated Memories: Jews, Music, and Postwar German Culture draws together three significant areas of inquiry: Jewish music, German culture, and the legacy of the Holocaust.…



Semi-Staged Concert Performances in New York on April 28 & 30
of a new opera in two acts by Gerald Cohen and Deborah Brevoort

These semi-staged concert performances will take place on:
Sunday, April 28, 2 p.m. at Shaarei Tikvah Congregation, Scarsdale, NY; and
Tuesday, April 30, 7 p.m. at the Jewish Theological Seminary, New York, NY

Details can be found on Gerald Cohen ‘s website
Shaarei Tikvah Congregation is located at 46 Fox Meadow Road, Scarsdale NY. Individual tickets are $30 at the door; $25 in advance; $15 for seniors and $10 for students. Please contact (914) 472-2013 or

Jewish Theological Seminary (JTS) is located at 3080 Broadway (at 122nd st.), New York, NY.…

The Leo Kraft 90th Birthday Concert at the Center for Jewish History

On Sunday, March 11th at 3 PM the Society will present The Leo Kraft 90th
Birthday Concert at the Center for Jewish History. This performance will
feature some of New York’s finest chamber music players, including flutist
Patricia Spencer, clarinetists Charles Neidich and Ayako Oshima, violinist
Renne Jolles, violist Mark Halloway, and cellist Marcy Rosen, as well pianist
Morey Ritt, who will premiere Testimonium, a new work Kraft has written
for her.

Among other works on the program are New Songs from Old, a fantasy for
solo clarinet based on traditional Jewish motifs and Seven Hebrew Songs to
poems by medieval Hebrew poets, sung by the American baritone Thomas
Meglioranza, with David Jolley, horn and Konstantza Chernov, piano. Hailed by The
Boston Globe
for his “vocal distinction and expressive warmth,” Meglioranza
is one of this country’s most sought-after and unique young singers.…

Young Artists Concert Series at YIVO

Thursday, May 12th. 7pm
As part of the Young Artists Concert Series, Hebrew College School of Jewish Music students
Richard Lawrence and Kate Judd will be performing in
a concert highlighting the works of Lazar Weiner and Joseph Achron at the YIVO
Institute for Jewish Research, New York City,
at the Center for Jewish History | 15 West 16th Street – NYC

For more information on the concert and to purchase tickets, please go to:

Jim Loeffler speaking at Jewish Music Forum

On Thursday, March 24th at 7 PM, in conjunction with YIVO, the Jewish Music Forum will present The Most Musical Nation: Jews and Culture in the Late Russian Empire, the title of a fascinating new book by Dr. James Loeffler, the Founder and first Executive Director of ASJM’s Jewish Music Forum.

Quoting from the book jacket below gives you additional details about this wonderful evening which will have live musical examples. Providing these music examples for Dr. Loffler’s talk, we are very grateful to have performers from YIVO’s Krum Young Artist Series. A reception and book singing will follow:

“No image of pre-revolutionary Russian Jewish life is more iconic than the fiddler on the roof. But in the half century before 1917, Jewish musicians were actually descending from their shtetl roofs and streaming in dazzling numbers to Russia’s new classical conservatories.…

Musica Judaica Online Reviews (MJOR)

The American Society of Jewish Music announces official release of MUSICA JUDAICA ONLINE REVIEWS, which has been operating under the Editorship of Dr. Judah M. Cohen of Indiana University
since the beginning of the year.

Designed as an offshoot of Musica Judaica, the Society’s journal which is
published once a year, Musica Judaica Online Reviews (MJOR) not only allows
us to publish reviews much closer to the publication date of the book or
recording in question, but also guarantees a much wider circulation and
distribution of the reviews, to all who are interested what is being written
about in Jewish music. Moreover, at the same time, our goal is not only to
share the reviews but to engage in discussion, with readers able to submit
their comments (of course, moderated by our editor).…

And Sarah Danced CD Release

Emil Skobeloff And Sarah Danced Emil Skobeloff and Or Chadash have released an album of all new tunes to liturgical music called “And Sarah Danced.: The album is thoroughly American in concept, and takes the listener on a walk through fifty-plus years of American popular styles, attached to Jewish liturgical texts. Skobeloff succeeds in creating some good tunes and some are quite catchy. So for those fond of American style music for Jewish worship, check out this album. Several of the successful songs are the “Magen Avot”, “Ma Tovu” and “Ashrei”. Skobeloff has a myspace page at:


Inaugural volume in book series on Jewish Cultural Studies, edited by Simon J. Bronner, Distinguished University Professor, The Pennsylvania State University, USA

Publisher: Littman Library of Jewish Civilization, Oxford, UK

Format and Guidelines: 8,000-word essays in English, prepared electronically
in Word, following Oxford Guide to Style (humanistic style with endnotes)
Deadline: May 1, 2006

Contact: Professor Simon J. Bronner, School of Humanities, The Pennsylvania
State University, 777 West Harrisburg Pike, Middletown, PA 17057-4898, USA,

The Jewish Music Forum and The Center for Jewish History Lecture

The Jewish Music Forum and The Center for Jewish History
are pleased to present

Professor Mark Kligman
(Hebrew Union College-Jewish Institute of Religion)

Friday, April 8, 10 AM
Center for Jewish History
15 West 16th Street

“Beyond Yiddishland: New Studies from the Jewish Musical Mediterranean”

The music of Sephardi Jewish communities is a diverse and complex
cultural phenomenon. Spanning the Mediterranean from the Western
Sephardic communities of Spain and Portugal to North Africa, the Ottoman
Empire and the Levant, the Sephardi world encompasses a vast geographic,
cultural and linguistic space. This presentation will offer a broad
overview of the development of academic scholarship on Western and
Middle Eastern Sephardi musical traditions. Using extensive audio
examples, Professor Kligman will demonstrate the stylistic and cultural
diversity across Mediterranean Jewish communities, past and present.…


For details about Diamond CD, go to
To read an article about David Diamond’s AHAVA-Brotherhood, go to
To read an interview with narrator Theodore Bikel, go to
For details about Amots CD, go to

Ostfeld, Cantor Barbara

American. Cantor. Born December 24, 1952, St. Louis, MO. She is the first woman invested as a cantor. Graduated 1975, Hebrew Union College-Jewish Institute of Religion-School of Sacred Music (HUC-SSM). Received the honorary DSM from HUC in 2000. From 1976 through 1988, served Temple Beth-El of Great Neck. From 1990 through 2002, served Temple Beth Am of Buffalo, NY. From 1996 to 1998, chaired the Joint Cantorial Placement Commission. In 2002, appointed as Placement Director of the American Conference of Cantors (ACC). She also served the American Conference of Cantors (ACC) as Secretary, Vice-President, as a Northeast regional representative, and several terms on the board of directors. Cantor Ostfeld edited the CAA newsletter, Shalshelet: The Chain, for two years.

NEFESH in Concert

Saturday, May 22nd at 8:30pm
Merryall Center for the Arts
Chapel Hill Road, New Milford, CT 06776

Tickets $15 – for reservations, directions, etc., phone: 860-354-7264
or visit
“One of our biggest hits last season,this popular group specializing in
Israeli and Klezmer music connects with the audience through song,
instrumentals and poignant classics of Yiddish theater. Their beautiful songbird
delights audiences young and old.”

Four Seasons Plus presents Klezmer Music Concert

Cookie Segelstein and Joshua Horowitz invite you to join us for a concert in this historic building in the woods!

Four Seasons Plus presents Klezmer Music Concert
with Cookie Segelstein and Joshua Horowitz

Date: Friday, May 14th, 2010
Time: 8 PM
Place: Emmanuel Episcopal Church, Church in the Wilderness
50 Emmanuel Church Rd.
Killingworth, CT 06419
Phone: 860-663-1800
Tickets: $20
Reception follows concert.

Cool Jew Artist Showcase at Manhattan JCC

Thu, Nov 20, 2008
7:30 PM
Cool Jew

This “extreme book signing” will celebrate the launch of Cool Jew with an unprecedented concert of New York talent. Lisa will perform spoken word from her book, followed by an artists’ showcase. Special guests include Dov Rosenblatt of Blue Fringe, Y Love and Diwon, Rav Shmuel, Chana Rothman, Basya Schecter of Pharoah’s Daughter, the Goddess Pearlman of Nice Jewish Girls Gone Bad, Naomi Less of Jewish Chicks Rock, Sarah Aroeste and her Ladino rock band, Michelle Citrin aka Rosh Hashanah Girl, Yoshie Fruchter, and spoken word performance by poet/novelist/memoirist Matthue Roth. Artists will be available to autograph CDs and books for sale, fun kosher foods will be available, a marketplace will feature Heebster swag, and a charity raffle will raise money for the One Family Fund for Israeli victims of terror.…

Up On The Roof: Divahn at JCC in NYC

Thu, Jul 23, 2009
8:00 PM
An all female band led by Galeet Dardashti takes over the JCC’s rooftop with their lyric, rhythmic and energetic grooves which redefine Middle Eastern and Sephardic music with a sophisticated 21st century sound, an international flair with music in Hebrew, Persian, Arabic, Aramaic, Ladino, and Turkish.

$8.00 Member
$10.00 Non-Member

Location: The JCC in Manhattan, 334 Amsterdam Ave. at 76th St. (Program room assignments will be available at the JCC Customer Service Desk, in the lobby of the Samuel Priest Rose Building.)
: For tix click here or
please call 646-505-5708.