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Jewish Songs at an Exhibition

Yiddish singer Sharon Bernstein (voice & piano) and klezmer pioneer Stu Brotman (bass, tsimbl, & percussion) join forces in a unique performance set to paintings by self-taught Toronto artist Mayer Kirshenblatt . Kirshenblatt’s vibrant portraits of his home town Apt, Poland before the Holocaust inspire a rich blend of traditional song and contemporary sound . Projected images of the paintings connected with the songs complete this experience that recreates the sights and sounds of a Jewish Polish town. Presented in conjunction with the book They Called Me Mayer July: Painted Memories of Jewish Life in Poland Before the Holocaust by Mayer
Kirshenblatt and Barbara Kirshenblatt-Gimblett (University of California Press, forthcoming September 2007) and exhibition with the same title at the Judah L. Magnes Museum, September 10, 2007 – January 13, 2008, 2911 Russell Street • Berkeley • 510-549-6950 •

Date, Time and Cost:
Saturday, September 8, 8:30 pm
JCC East Bay, 1414 Walnut Street, Berkeley CA
$15 general / $12 Seniors, Students and JCC East Bay and Magnes Museum members…

KlezKanada 2007 Starts Tonight

KlezKanada, in Lanier, Quebec Canada is starting tonight, Monday August 20th. This is the 12th year of the annual camp program. This year, the all star faculty is amazing, the students are superb, and the excitement is palpable. If you’re not here this year, make sure to mark this week on your calendar for next. Looks like the first newsletter, by Ari Davidow, greeted the attendees as they arrived. Each day of camp, there’s a camp newsletter published in 3 languages which might be any combination of Yiddish, English, French, Spanish, German or Russian. You never know who will get around to writing an article and each are published in the native language. KlezKanada is a music camp for families or individuals. There’s a tremendous amount of talent present and we’re hearing it already.…

All About Women Cantors

The Journal of Synagogue Music Fall 2007 issue features articles celebrating 25 years of women as Conservative cantors. There are articles about, by, and for women and Jewish music in this issue (vol. 32) and will be of interest to many who may want to know more women and Jewish music. There are many excellent articles of interest, including a biographical sketch of Barbara Ostfeld by Bruce Ruben (readers are also invited to take a look at my article on Barbara in Encyclopedia Judaica), histories of women in the cantorate, a history of the Khazntes, (women who sang cantorial music albeit not in synagogue), issues of Kol Isha, and an especially interesting piece by Victor Tunkel on the music of the first women composer, Leonora Duarte (1610-1678).…

Sunday October 7 Alicia Svigals at 92nd St Y

With accordionist Patrick Farrell and vocalist Inna Barmash
Lost and Found: Musical Treasures of the Jewish Ukraine

On Sunday, October 7, Alicia Svigals, the world’s leading klezmer
fiddler and founder of the Grammy-winning ensemble The Klezmatics,
presents lost musical treasures of the Jewish Ukraine. Drawing on
the fieldwork of Moshe Beregovsky, a Soviet-Jewish
ethnomusicologist, Svigals brings to life, through music and
conversation, tunes recorded on wax cylinders before World War II.
This incredible collection disappeared when Beregovsky was exiled to
Siberia but was recently rediscovered in a dusty archive. Come
help resurrect this beautiful old culture — singing and dancing

Sun, Oct 7, 2007, 4:00pm
3:30 Russian Tea Reception

Tickets $30
92nd Street Y,
Lexington Avenue at 92nd Street, NYC
Buttenwieser Hall

Musique et poésie des Juifs d’Italie à la Renaissance


Musique et poésie des Juifs d’Italie à la Renaissance

Salle de la Paroisse de St-Gervais, 11 rue Dassier, Genève
7 octobre 2007 à 17h

Gloria Moretti : chant
Viva Biancaluna Biffi : chant, viola d’arco
Enrico Fink : chant, récitation
Avery Gosfield : flûte à bec, flûte et tambour
Marco Ferrari : flûte à bec, douçaine, chalemie, flûte double
Francis Biggi : viola da mano, viola da penna, cetra, colascione
Elisabetta Benfenati : guitare renaissance
Massimiliano Dragoni : dulcimelo, percussion
Federico Marincola : luth basse, chitarra battente
Chaque communauté juive d’Italie, grande ou petite, a gardé jusqu’à nos jours sa
propre tradition musicale. Ces mélodies, la plupart transmises oralement, portent
les traces du mélange continu des trois courants les plus répandus en Italie :
séfarade, ashkénaze et italien.…

Graduate Seminar on Topics in Jewish Music at YIVO

Graduate Seminar on Topics in Jewish Music
Taught by Dr. Neil Levin, Visiting Professor-in-Residence

This eight session graduate seminar, YIVO’s first such seminar in music, will embrace an array of topics within the wider spectrum of Jewish Studies related to the music of Jewish experience or connection—secular-cultural as well as sacred-liturgical aspects—according to the interests and pursuits of the participants.

This seminar is open to graduate students within any department at all colleges, universities or conservatories. It is not restricted to those within music departments per se, but also open to those pursuing Jewish Studies in general—especially history, literature, theatre, liturgy, or other sub-fields of Jewish Studies—who may have special interest in related music in terms of context and interdisciplinary consideration.

With prior approval, undergraduate (college, university, or conservatory) students may also be permitted to participate—both those with an interest in a particular area of Jewishly-related music and those who may be pursuing related term papers or projects.…

Baba Yaga Records

French Record website that carries an assortment of Yiddish, klezmer, Chassidic, Ladino and Judeo-Arabic music. Website has English and German mirrors (eventually). There are also announcements about live concerts. People who wish to distribute CDs in Paris should communicate with Frederique, Baba Yaga Records, 8, Rue Adolphe Focillon 75014 Paris, tel 01 45 40 31 31 (

University of London. The Doris and Bertie Black Library and Archive of Jewish Music

The School of Oriental and African Studies and the University of London has established a new Jewish Music library as part of the Jewish Music Institute. The Library is seeking donations of Jewish music and books. For more information, please contact:
Jewish Music Institute
SOAS University of London
Thornhaugh Street
Russell Square
Tel: (44) +20 8909 2445
Fax: (44) +20 8909 1030

THE CANTOR’S SON film screening

On Sunday, March 30 at 4:15 pm The National Center for Jewish Film will screen the
newly-restored 1937 Yiddish feature film THE CANTOR’S SON, starring Moishe Oysher, with new English
subtitles. The screening is part of JEWISHFILM.2008 NCJF’s 11th Annual Film Festival
running from March 29-April 13.

Restoration of the film was made possible by her friends through the Miriam Saul Krant
Preservation Fund, and by grants from the National Endowment for the Arts, The Pritzker
Pucker Family Foundation, the National Foundation for Jewish Culture & the Eastman Kodak
Company, with support from Brandeis University & the Massachusetts Cultural Council.

The restored version of THE CANTOR’S SON had its world premiere at the Jerusalem Film
Festival in July 2006 and its American premiere at the New York Film Festival at Lincoln
Center in January 2007.…

Molly Picon: Yiddish Star, American Star

Molly Picon: Yiddish Star, American Star
From June 26, 2007 through September 22, 2007
Vincent Astor Gallery
The New York Public Library for the Performing Arts,
40 Lincoln Center Plaza, New York, NY 10023-7498
Hours: Tues, Wed, Fri & Sat: 12 to 6; Thurs: 12 to 8
Learn more:

Look at the NYPL brochure on Molly Picon (pdf)

Amsterdamse Muziekgebouw International Jewish Music Festival 2008

Van 9 tot en met 11 mei 2008 zal in het Amsterdamse Muziekgebouw aan ‘t IJ een
driedaags concours van Joodse muziek worden gehouden. Kaartverkoop is net van start

Uit 16 landen zijn inmiddels 25 ensembles uit uiteenlopende genres gekozen om deel
te nemen. Zij zullen volks- en popmuziek, klezmer, klassiek en balkanmuziek ten
gehore brengen. De vertegenwoordigde landen zijn Wit-Rusland, Servië, Duitsland,
Frankrijk, België, Italië, Engeland, Israël, Argentinië, Griekenland, Venezuela,
Chili, Mexico, de Verenigde Staten en natuurlijk ook Nederland. De deelnemers aan
het concours strijden niet alleen om prijzengeld, maar ook om een concerttournee en
een professioneel cd-opnamecontract met Universal Records. Met deze prijzen heeft
het festival niet alleen amateurs aangetrokken, maar ook de doorgewinterde bands en

Het concours is onderdeel van een groots festival, met o.a.…


Force of Nature: Celebrating the Earth performed by Melodia Women’s Choir

Melodia Women s Choir/Cynthia Powell, Artistic Director, now celebrating their fifth
season and acclaimed by WNYC for their elegance and ringing tones, has scheduled
several spring performances: on Saturday and Sunday, May 3 and 4, 2008, they will
present Force of Nature: Celebrating the Earth, music about the natural world, at
St. Luke in the Fields Church in New York City.
487 Hudson Street
New York, NY
Saturday May 3 at 8 PM
Sunday May 4 at 4 PM.
Tickets are $20 in advance, $25 at the door, discounts for students
and seniors: $20 in advance, $15 at the door.
Call 212-252-4135, or visit

The program will feature Samuel
‘s Sure On This Shining Night; Hungarian composer Zoltán Kodály s Mountain Nights Songs Without Words For Women s Voices; Ronald Perera‘s Earthsongs; Zhou
‘s Four Seasons, a setting of ancient Chinese poetry; A Goodly Heritage by
British composer Gordon Jacob; Spring Song by Israeli composer Yehezkel Braun;
Hotaru Koi (Firefly) by Japanese composer Ro Ogura; and Wellsprings (New York
Premiere) and Contemplations (U.S.…

Toronto Jewish Folk Choir Celebrates Yiddish and Israel’s 60th


A Yiddish work celebrating the joy of playing the fiddle, and a salute
in song to the State of Israel on its 60th anniversary highlight the
82nd annual spring concert of the Toronto Jewish Folk Choir. Canada’s
oldest continuing choral body performs Sunday, June 1, 2008, 2 p.m. at
the Leah Posluns Theatre, 4588 Bathurst St., Toronto.Alexander Veprinsky
conducts the 30-voice Choir.

Tickets are $23; seniors and students, $19; children 12 and under, free.
For information and ticket reservations, e-mail
or call 416-636-0936 (evenings, weekends) or (416) 593-0750.
Information is also available at

Pianist is Lina Zemelman, with soloists Miriam Eskin, soprano; Artour
, tenor; David Weiss, baritone; and Herman Rombouts, bass.…

Ayelet Rose Gottlieb Sextet at Jazz Standard

Ayelet Rose Gottlieb Sextet¹s Debut at the Jazz Standard

“A commanding vocalist” — New York Times

“The elegance in this music is juxtaposed against the rawness of its
sensuality” — Billboard

A.R.G. Sextet explores the balance between improvisation and the written
page. Though using traditional jazz group instrumentation, the band
challenges the assumed role of each of the instruments, particularly the
voice. They recently recorded a new CD anticipated to be released in 2008,
and will be playing a ³preview concert² at the world renowned Jazz Standard
this June. The Sextet’s repertoire features compositions and arrangements by
Ayelet Rose Gottlieb. She uses her own lyrics as well as poetry by Rumi and
Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. among others. Arrangements include tunes by
Ornette Coleman and Bob Dylan.…

Studying Jewish music at SOAS

SOAS University of LondonThe Music Department runs BA, MMus and PhD degree programmes; all focus on world music, with the opportunity to specialize in regional traditions including Jewish musics, and to receive high-level training in performance. In the BA, Music can be combined with language studies, Development Studies, Anthropology and many other academic disciplines, while PhD projects can be practice-led, fieldwork-based, or theoretical.

Scholarship support is available for Jewish Music studies at SOAS via the recently inaugurated JMI Mildred Loss Studentships. Please contact Abigail Wood for application details. Specialist research resources include the JMI library, housed at SOAS.

BA Music Studies

Jewish music course options currently include:
· Aspects of Jewish Music (2nd/3rd year)
· Popular Music and Politics in Israel (2nd/3rd year)
· Klezmer music: roots and revival (2nd/3rd year)
· Performance options: klezmer (1st year); free choice of performance study (2nd and 3rd yars).…

Spirit of Sepharad: From Casbah to Caliphate

World premiere
June 25, 2008 at 7pm at the Museum of Jewish Heritage – A Living Memorial to
the Holocaust

Written & conceived by Gerard Edery
Directed by Henning Rübsam

A soul-stirring musical journey, “Spirit of Sepharad: From Casbah to
Caliphate” traces the unique migration of Sephardic music from medieval
Spain, across North Africa, to the Middle East. Combining music, dance and
illuminating projections, this dynamic mixed-media performance brings to
life all the rich cultural strains that influenced Sephardic/Mizrahi Jews.
Featuring an array of virtuoso musicians from multiple disciplines, the
program includes songs of secular and liturgical origin, spanning many
centuries to the present and many continents from Ancient Persia (present
day Afghanistan and Iran), Spain, Morocco, Algeria, Greece, Syria, Turkey,
The Balkans, Jerusalem and Kurdistan (then, as now, part of Iran, Turkey and

Concert to Welcome Sderot Children to Boston

Join Shaloh House at an exciting concert by “Oneg Shemesh”
of the famous Moshav Band of Israel.
Tuesday, July 8th at 4:00 p.m.
Shaloh House Auditorium
29 Chestnut Hill Ave. (2nd floor )
Brighton, MA 02135

Delicious Refreshments

Join us in warmly welcoming these
children to Shaloh House’s summer camp.
Interact with them, and let them experience first-hand our
Ahavat Yisrael for these brave children.
You’ll be glad you came.
For more information, please call 617-787-2200

REFLECTIONS – Jewish Musical Journeys

Do you or your family know any unusual or interesting Seder or Shabbat songs? If so we’d love to hear from you – even if you don’t have the voice of an opera singer!

The REFLECTIONS project is creating an anthology of the huge range of different melodies sung in Jewish homes around Britain at Seder, Chanukah and Shabbat and recording them for posterity. Through the family stories of our interviewees we are tracing the origins of the songs and in this way developing a collection of Jewish Musical Journeys – a social history of the British Jewish community through its music.

Each family has its favourite tunes for the traditional Pesach songs or Shabbat Zmirot lyrics and the variations reflect the different family origins. We have already recorded eight different versions of Chad Gadya from Belarus, Hungary, Lithuania, Rhodes, Russia, Turkey and the UK!…

Lisa Jane Lipkin CD A Prayer for Peace

Lisa Jane Lipkin CD A Prayer for Peace
Lisa Jane Lipkin, an American singer songwriter, has created a new collection of Jewish prayers and chants based on traditional texts but performed with her own compositions. These prayers represent a spiritual journey for Lipkin, with Hebrew and English texts. Lipkin is a New York based musician who has recorded, arranged and produced for other artists including Sandi Kimmel, Christine Pepe and Neal Bomberg. Her first CD was Raise the Honey. Lisa has said “With the thirst of a mystic I traversed the world of spiritual teachings only to discover that all the wonders I learned out there were also in here in Jewish prayer and thought.” Lisa has performed at NYC Mamapalooza, the Towne Crier, and the Tupelo Music Hall. For information about the CD, visit: or

It’s Always Closer Than You Think

The deadline for submissions to the Shalshelet liturgical music competition is November 1, 2007, which is closer than you think, if you are preparing to compose a musical composition. The composition can be by a professional, or a student over 18 (or under 18 with parental signature), and can be a musical choral work, a simple melody or melody with instruments. The purpose is for a composition for a sacred Jewish text, must be original, and not previously published. All the rules of the competition are available at their website. For those who may have a curiousity about American-based Jewish liturgical music, or those who have a serious interest in entering, click here:

The 2008 Shalshelet International Festival of New Jewish Liturgical Music will be held June 15, 2008 in Milwaukee, Wisconsin.…


Music and Joy concert at The Waterside Arts Centre on Sunday 17 June 2007
Music and Joy
, the Jewish duo comprising Rabbi
Danny Bergson and Rabbi Mitch Goodman, is performing at The Waterside Arts
Centre, Sale, Manchester, UK on June 17th. This is the third concert by the two
orthodox Rabbis, who have already had such an effect on the Jewish music
world. Music and Joy plays a sophisticated mix of rock, jazz, fusion, world
and Jewish sounds.

Music and Joy‘s concert starts at 19.30 at The Waterside Arts Centre, Sale,
Manchester, M33 7ZF, on Sunday June 17th 2007. Tickets are available from
the box office, 0161 912 5616, priced at £12.50 for adults, and £8 for under
12s, students, and senior citizens.

Grand Récital Liturgiques Roch Hachana 5767 En la grande Synagogue de Créteil

Le Président André BENAYOUN
Et les Membres de la Commission Administrative de la communauté de Créteil
Monsieur le Rabbin Alain SENIOR
Ont l’honneur et la joie de vous inviter
En présence d’Artistes et de Journalistes
Des présidents de communautés et des membres du consistoire
Le Dimanche 17 Septembre 2006 – 14 Elloul 5767 à 19h30
En la grande Synagogue de Créteil – KYRIAT – EL
Rue du 8 mai 1945 – 94000 CRETEIL
au profit des sinistrés du Nord d’Israël.
Au Grand Récital Liturgiques Roch Hachana 5767
Avec la Participation Exceptionnelle des Artistes
Ténor « Gabriel Efassi »
Hazan « Michaël Dahan »
Hazan « Moshé Amram »
Violoniste «Chalom Kinor»
Exposition JUDAICA
Présentation des Oeuvres, Artiste Peintre Israélien.
« Meyer LAZAR»
P.a.f : 20 euros, étudiants 10 euros – Suivi d’un cocktail.…


Gilbert and Sullivan’s
Di Yam Gazlonim (“The Pirates of Penzance” in Yiddish)
Book and Lyrics by Al Grand
Directed by Allen Lewis Rickman
Musical Direction by Zalmen Mlotek
Starring Jacob Feldman, Stephen Mo Hanan, Genette Lane, Dani Marcus and Steve Sterner
With Ashley Adler, Itzy Firestone, Susanne Kobb, Stuart Marshall, Eyal Sherf,
Allen Lewis Rickman, Yelena Shmulenson-Rickman, Yankl Salant, D. Zhonzinsky

March 18 – April 1

March 18: 2pm & 6pm
March 21: 2pm & 8pm
March 22: 2pm & 8pm
March 24: 8pm
March 25: 2pm & 6pm
March 28: 2pm & 8pm
March 29: 2pm & 8pm
March 31: 8pm
April 1: 2pm

In Yiddish
with English and Russian Translation Supertitles
The Goldman-Sonnenfeldt Family Auditorium
at The JCC in Manhattan
334 Amsterdam Ave at 76th St

For Tickets and Info call 212-279-4200
or visit (listed under ³Pirates of Penzance in Yiddish)
For information about
The National Yiddish Theatre – Folksbiene, visit us on the web at

Sicular, Eve

American. Percussionist. Leads Isle of Klezbos. Received BA in Russian History & Literature, Harvard University. Performer of klezmer, rock, R and B, Cajun/zydeco, samba, swing and Mid-Eastern music. Founded Metropolitan Klezmer, 1994. Won OutMusic Award as Outstanding Producer, 2002 for Mosaic Persuasion. Taught percussion and Yiddish film history at KlezCamp, Buffalo on the Roof, and Mame-Loshn.

Pelleg, Ada

“Israeli born. Received her B.A. in Piano Performance from the Chicago Music College and M.A. in Composition from Indiana School of Music in Bloomington, both degrees with Distinction. While a student she received the First Prize in the Molly Margolis Piano Competition in Chicago, as well as numerous scholarships and Distinctions. Among her teachers were Prof. Ludmila Lazar (Piano) and Prof. Fred Fox (Composition) Ms. Pelleg studied conducting with Henry Mazer, Associate conductor of the Chicago Symphony Orchestra. Pelleg was awarded a conducting fellowship to the Aspen Music Festival, a scholarship to study with Frederick Prauznitz at Peabody Conservatory at Johns Hoplkins University in Baltimore, and a fellowship to a special master class with Max Rudolph at the Curtis Institute of Music in Philadelphia. In addition, she participated in Master Classes with Sergiu Celibidacce in The Munich Philharmonic and Ghenadi Rhozdesvensky in Sienna.…

Michelassi, Cindy

Jewish song leader. American. Works in Chicago’s western suburbs, providing the music for Shabbat services, Family services, Tot Shabbat, Holiday services and programs, camps and retreats. Cindy is a graduate of the 1995 Synagogue Leadership Institute and the 1995 Rabbinic Aid program, both sponsored by the Union of American Hebrew Congregations. She is a 10 year veteran of Hava Nashira, the annual Song Leading and Music Conference held at Olin-Sang-Ruby Union Institute in Oconomowoc, Wisconsin.

Milch-Sheriff, Ella

Nee Ella Milch. Born 1954 In Haifa, Israel. Composer. Singer, pianist. Milch-Sheriff started as a child prodigy, writing her first compositions by the age of 12. While serving in the Israeli army, she continued to write and sing her songs. After army service, she returned to studies in composition under Prof. Tzvi Avni at the Rubin Academy of Music at the Tel-Aviv University where she graudated in composition. She studied vocal studies with Prof. Tamar Rachum and Dafna Cohen-Licht. Her output consists of opera, orchestral, chamber and vocal and popular music. Her works have had numerous performances in Israel and abroad. She is composer of chamber works such as: Duo for flute & Cello (1976) with recent pieces that include “A Crown they shall give unto You” for voice and orchestra based on Ladino-Flamenco folk music (premiered January 2005); “Woman in Paths” for voice and piano (premiered 2005); and “Good Night, Sweet ladies” for 3 singers, actress and orchestra (premiered 2004).…

Fine, Vivian

Born in Chicago, IL, September 28, 1913. She showed musical promise by age five, and received a scholarship to study at Chicago Musical College 1919-1922. In 1924 began studying piano with Djane Lavoie-Herz. In 1925, she attended the American Conservatory in Chicago. She studied composition with Ruth Crawford and counterpoint with Adolf Weidig. In 1931 she studied with Roger Sessions in New York. She composed dissonant “ultra-modern” music. She taught at Julliard School of Music, and NYU. From 1964 until her retirement in 1987, Fine taught at Bennington College in Vermont. She founded the American Composers Alliance. She received numerous grants and awards including National Endowment for the Arts in 1974. Judith Cody completed a bio-bibliography (Greenwood Press) of her works which included 140 compositions. She died at age 86 in March, 20, 2000.…

Strauss, Deborah

Highly regarded klezmer violinist. Also accordionist and vocalist. Studied at violin, Rutgers University. Ethnomusicology, University of Chicago. Member, Klezmer Conservatory Band. Strauss/Warschauer Duo. Leads workshops and classes in the United States and Canada as well as Europe. Faculty, KlezKamp and KlezKanada. Amsterdam International Yiddish Festival and other major Jewish music festivals in Europe and and North America. Discography includes: Josh Waletzky’s Crossing the Shadows, (2002); Sweet Home Bukovina Oriente Musik, (RIEN CD 13, 1998); Klezmer Music A Marriage of Heaven and Earth Ellipsis Arts (CD4090, 1996); Kapelye On the Air Shanachie(LC 5762, 1995); The Singing Waltz (Omega OCD 3027, 1996); Deborah also appears on two Klezmer Conservatory Band CDs: Dance Me to the End of Love (Rounder 11661-3169-2, 2000) and A Taste of Paradise(Rounder 11661-3189-2, 2003).…

YAACOV ELKOBI in Concert at Le Centre d’art et de Culture Paris

L’événement judéo Oriental
Pour notre plus grand plaisir, LE CENTRE D’ART ET DE CULTURE accueille le mardi 20
mars 2007 à 20h30,
et pour la première fois en France en concert exclusif, l’Artiste ‘’ YAACOV ELKOBI’’

Dés l’âge de 9 ans, il commence à chanter avec son père lors de concerts de
musique séfarade, Andalouse et Judéo-Oriental sur les plus grandes scènes en Israël, aux USA, en Europe et
aujourd’hui en France . Le Ténor Gabriel ELFASSI qui parraine le jeune prodige et Artiste ‘’ YAACOV ELKOBI
’’, souhaite faire découvrir au public français son talent et sa performance
exceptionnelle. Il s’est produit récemment en Israël avec des artistes et musiciens de renom,‘’ LIOR

“A Night In The Old Marketplace”

A Night in the Old Marketplace PosterFRANK LONDON’S ” A NIGHT IN THE OLD MARKETPLACE”

Ron Caswell, tuba, bass
Brandon Seabrook guitar, banjo, mandolin
Art Bailey keyboards, accordion
Aaron Alexander, drums
And vocalists… La Tanya Hall, Manu Narayan (star of Broadway’s
Bombay Dreams), Craig
Wedren (from Shudder to Think), The Klezmatic’s Lorin Sklamberg and
many others featured on the recording,

“A Night In The Old Marketplace”

CD Release Party:

Monday, March 26th 8pm
Barrow Street Theater
27 Barrow Street
New York

Tickets via Telecharge 212-239-6200 or 800-432-7250
For more information read this POSTER with INFO

Running Time:
75 minutes, with no intermission

May be inappropriate for 10 and under.
Children under the age of 4 are not permitted in the theatre.
Important Notice
Performance begin promptly. Latecomers will not be seated!…


KLEZKAMP is taking the show on the road, and going to a location near, well, in the Poconos. There will be buses from various locations around New York to take you there.
July 25-August 1, 2007
Block & Hexter Vacation Center, Poyntelle, PA (Poconos)
featuring KK faculty including Henry Sapoznik, Michael Wex, Steve Weintraub, Susan Leviton, Cookie Segelstein & Mark Rubin
For more information, click here:

Study Jewish Music at SOAS

The School of Oriental and African Studies, part of the University of
London, offers unique opportunities for the study of Jewish musics.

The SOAS Music department runs BA, MMus and PhD degree programmes; all focus
on world music, with the opportunity to specialize in regional traditions
including Jewish musics, and to receive high- level training in performance.
In the BA, Music can be combined with language studies, Development Studies,
Anthropology and many other academic disciplines, while PhD projects can be
practice-led, fieldwork-based, or theoretical.

SOAS is the only university in the UK with a dedicated lectureship in Jewish
music, established in memory of the late Jewish bandleader Joe Loss z”l.
Course options include a survey of Jewish musics, specialised units in
klezmer and in Israeli pop, individual research projects, and Jewish
performance options.…

Alicia Svigals in concert: April 11 at the Stone

Alicia’s Saturday 4/7 show has been rescheduled to Wednesday 4/11. With
Uli Geissendorfer and guest Iliya Magalnyk.
Violinist Alicia Svigals, a founder of the Grammy-winning Klezmatics
and the world’s best-known klezmer fiddler, and maverick jazz
pianist Uli Geissendorfer join forces at the Stone in NYC on
Wednesday night, April 11 at 10 p.m. Sitting in: Russian
accordion virtuoso Iliya Magalnyk.

The Stone: 2nd St and Ave. C in Manhattan.

Tickets: $10

Visit the Stone’s website,

John Zorn and the Future of Jewish Music Lecture

The Judaica Sound Archives at Florida Atlantic University’s S.E. Wimberly
Library on the Boca Raton campus, invites you to join librarian Daniel
, who will present a lecture titled “John Zorn and the Future of
Jewish Music,” on Tuesday, May 29, 2007 from 7 to 8 p.m.

WHEN: Tuesday, May 29, 2007, from 7 to 8 p.m.

WHERE: Paul C. Wimbish Wing of the S.E. Wimberly Library
Mildred & Abner Levine and Ruth & Saul Weinberger Jewish Life Center
Hillel Golden Pavilion
Florida Atlantic University
777 Glades Road
Boca Raton, FL 33431

COST:*Free and open to the public
CONTACT: Judaica Sound Archives at FAU Libraries at 561-297-0080

Rebbe’s Orkestra in Albuquerque, NM

The Rebbe’s Orkestra presents an evening of Klezmer, Mediterranean, East European
and Middle Eastern music for a concert and dance party at Winning Coffee in
Saturday, June 16th from 7:30pm to 9:30pm.
Winning Coffee,
111 Harvard Dr. SE (south of Central Ave. near UNM),
Albuquerque, NM, 505-266-0000.
Admission is $5.00 at the door: 12 and under are free.

To learn all about the concert and the musicians, keep reading here…

Yavneh Ensemble Concert

Yavneh Ensemble Concert
The 49 Days: Music of the Omer Season
Sunday, June 3, 2007, at 7:30 p.m.
Congregation Adath Jeshurun
7763 Old York Road, Elkins Park, PA
Tickets: $36 preferred seating, $12 general admission, $8 student
Order tickets online at
or e-mail
or call 215-849-4129

The Yavneh Ensemble, conducted by Robert A.M. Ross, will present music associated
with the holy days
and observances before, during, and after counting of the Omer, including music for
Passover, Yom
HaShoah, Yom HaAzma-ut, Lag ba’Omer, Yom Yerushalayim, and Shavuot, plus May Day.
composers include Charles Davidson, Yehezkel Braun, Gerald Cohen, and Mario
Soloists will include Hazzan Howard Glantz of Adath Jeshurun and soprano Ilana

Of special interest is Naomi and Ruth, a lovely cantata for women’s voices, by
Mario Castelnuovo-Tedesco.…

Honoring John Rauch in LA

What: An Afternoon of Joyous Musical Celebration honoring the life and
creative vision of John H. Rauch

Who: Ofer Ben-Amots, Nabil Azzam, Stacie Chaiken, Sam Glaser, Yehuda
Sha-Rone Kushner, Stephen Macht, Vanessa Paloma, Yuval Ron Ensemble,
Russell Steinberg, Yael Strom, Bryna Weiss
Where: Temple Isaiah, 10345 W. Pico Blvd., Los Angeles, CA 90064
When: Sunday, June 10th, 2007, 3:00 PM

Admission: A suggested minimum donation of $15.00.
All proceeds benefit the Center for Jewish Culture and Creativity.
Keep art alive.

Info: contact C.J.C.C by phone at.: (323) 658-5824
Or email us at:

Ramon Tasat in Concert in NY

Hazzan Dr. Ramon Tasat in Concert
Sunday, May 20th 2007
7:00 pm
Congregation Ansche Chesed
251 West 100 street (corner West End Avenue)
New York, NY 10025
Tickets $20. in advance $25. At the door Children under 13 Free
Tickets on line

Hear the echoes of faraway lands that hosted Sephardic Jews for centuries and enjoy a kaleidoscopic array of musical styles in a thoughtful exploration of the age-old liturgical texts as well as joyous and moving Ladino folk songs exploring eternal themes of love and life.

DYB tells the story their way

This might not be the way some musicologists might tell the story, but those invested in this topic should read it.

Here’s the pitch and how they tell it::

What do Matisyahu, Blue Fringe, Klezmatics, Moshav Band, and Soul Farm all
have in common?

Their direct connection to The Diaspora Yeshiva Band, the band that invented
Jewish Rock!

The Diaspora Yeshiva Band¹s recordings signify, perhaps, the most
influential change in modern Jewish music history.
Here is an exclusive, fascinating and informative article about a
history-making group, and the major fore-runners of today¹s Jewish music by
one of the original founding members.

A fascinating article about the history of modern Jewish music and the
influence of The Diaspora Yeshiva Band on most of today¹s Jewish music
groups can be found by clicking on this link: ”…

A Tribute to John Rauch

This Sunday June 10th 2007 at 3:00pm
Yuval Ron Music and the Center for Jewish Creativity present
In Memoriam:
A Tribute to John Rauch
The late President of the Center for Jewish Culture and Creativity

with the artists:
Russel Steinberg, Vanessa Paloma, Sam Glaser, Yuval Ron Ensemble,
Nabil Azzam, Stephen Macht, Sha-Rone Kushnir, Yehuda Hyman, Ofer Ben-Amots, Yale Storm, Elizabeth
Schwartz, Stacie Chaiken and Bryna Weiss
Artistic Director: Yuval Ron

Script: Yehuda Hyman
Art exhibition curator: Peter Handwerker
Event Producer: Kerry Cobuccio
Sound: Sean Faye-Cullen
Produced by Yuval Ron Music (

Where: Temple Isaiah, 10345 W. Pico Blvd., Los Angeles, CA 90064
Admission: A suggested minimum donation of $15.00 – All proceeds
benefit the Center for Jewish Culture and Creativity. Keep art alive.
Info and advance tickets: by phone at.: (323) 658-5824 Or email at:
Up Coming events:
July 15 – Ford Amphitheater in Hollywood: The Yuval Ron Ensemble with
a symphony orchestra:

Jewish Music School in Amsterdam Newsletter

Jewish Music School, Amsterdam
The Jewish Music School exclusively teaches Jewish music under professional coaching and guidance.
The school offers students, irrespective of your background, a wide range of educational programs.
The Jewish Music School wants to provide a hospitable environment for everyone.
The educational program is aimed at all age groups, from musical forming for the youngest until education
for yougsters and adults. The levels vary from amateurs to (semi)professionals. The lessons – mainly in groups – are in Dutch, English or Hebrew. The teachers have a vast experience in teaching Jewish music in all its varieties from Ashkenazim (Eastern European Jews) as well as the Sephardim (Spanish-Portuguese Jews).

Educational Program
At the moment JMS is organizing and scheduling the educational program for 2007-2008.
If you would like to receive our programm, please contact:
Jewish Music School, Postbox 15894, 1001 NJ Amsterdam
Mobile phone 06 166 463 75
Phone 020 624 11 32.…

Winter Jewish Music Concert Held at Broward College

Tickets for the Seventh Annual Winter Jewish Music Concert, to be held at Broward College in January 10 2015 are now on sale.
For Info:
As in past years, we anticipate that the concert will sell out ahead of time, so we
suggest that you order your tickets early.

General admission tickets for the concert will again be only $18.00.

For those patrons who would like to reserve a seat in the front of the Bertha Abess
Sanctuary, we are offering a limited number of Preferred Seating tickets available
for $100.00. The remainder of the seats will continue to be general admission

Tickets may be purchased online ( or by
calling 1-800-838-3006.