It’s Always Closer Than You Think

The deadline for submissions to the Shalshelet liturgical music competition is November 1, 2007, which is closer than you think, if you are preparing to compose a musical composition. The composition can be by a professional, or a student over 18 (or under 18 with parental signature), and can be a musical choral work, a simple melody or melody with instruments. The purpose is for a composition for a sacred Jewish text, must be original, and not previously published. All the rules of the competition are available at their website. For those who may have a curiousity about American-based Jewish liturgical music, or those who have a serious interest in entering, click here:

The 2008 Shalshelet International Festival of New Jewish Liturgical Music will be held June 15, 2008 in Milwaukee, Wisconsin.

You can find out more about the organization by viewing the website or contacting:
Shalshelet: The Foundation for New Jewish Liturgical Music
P.O. Box 15836
Chevy Chase, MD 20825