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Inaugural New Orleans International Jewish Music Festival

April 1 and April 2. Mark those dates on your calendars. Maybe even book a flight to New Orleans to attend the event! Out of towner tickets are only $50 for the entire two days. The first ever New Orleans International Jewish Music Festival is happening in only a few short weeks. And it’s going to be a great line up: Neshama Carlebach, Rebbe Soul, Moshav Band, Sam Glasser, The New Orlenas Klezmer All Stars and much more. To learn all about it, read this flyer:
Come support the Jewish community of New Orleans and at the same time bring some great music back to the city.

A Jewish Star Singing Competition

From the Jewish Music Plus blog we learn that a music contest is underway. Voting for contestants for Season 2 of A Jewish Star Singing Competition, the online Jewish singing competition which has engaged the orthodox Jewish music community, will end Friday, January 21 at 12:00 pm EST. 10 finalists will be chosen from 144 contestants from the worldwide talent competition and 3 will be chosen from the Jewish Star Junior competition. The MC will be the beloved Country Yossi, renowned entertainer, Jewish radio host and singer.

The finale of A Jewish Star season two will be hosted by the annual Soul to Soul concert, benefiting the education of children with special needs.

The show will take place on Sunday, February 20, 2011 , at 7pm
at the Brooklyn School for Music & Theatre,
883 Classon Avenue, Brooklyn, New York.…

Cantor Susan Wehle in Crash near Buffalo, New York

CNN reported that one of the victims of Continental Airlines Flight 3407 that crashed in Buffalo last Thursday was Cantor Susan Wehle. Brooklyn native Cantor Wehle was a cantor at Temple Beth Am in Williamsville, New York since November of 2002. She had also sung as a cantorial soloist at Temple Sinai in Amherst, New York. The cantor received her Cantorial Smicha from Aleph – the Movement for Jewish Renewal. Additionally she earned a Bachelor of Arts Degree in Theatre and in Judaic Studies, and a Bachelor of Fine Arts Degree in Acting. She performed with theatre companies in Buffalo, Chicago and New York City. Her parents were Holocaust survivors. Cantor Wehle was 55. She had released a CD called “Songs of Hope and Healing.” Temple Beth Am synagogue has established at guest book for those who wish to remember the cantor.…

Barry Serota Z”l

Barry Serota

Barry Serota, a practicing attorney and executive director of the Institute for Jewish Sound Recording, died suddenly November 16, 2009 on a plane flight between New York and Madrid on the way to Israel.

Serota, widely known for his deep knowledge of Jewish music, had produced more than 100 recordings of Jewish sacred and secular music. Serota’s output at the Institute, based in Chicago, included choral, instrumental, folk and art music. Serota was especially known a promoter of chazzanut. Starting in 1969, he issued many esoteric Jewish music recordings under the imprint of Musique Internationale.

Serota, an advisor to the Milken Foundation, worked on their large project of the Library of American Jewish Music, the recordings which were published under the Naxos label.…


Inaugural volume in book series on Jewish Cultural Studies, edited by Simon J. Bronner, Distinguished University Professor, The Pennsylvania State University, USA

Publisher: Littman Library of Jewish Civilization, Oxford, UK

Format and Guidelines: 8,000-word essays in English, prepared electronically
in Word, following Oxford Guide to Style (humanistic style with endnotes)
Deadline: May 1, 2006

Contact: Professor Simon J. Bronner, School of Humanities, The Pennsylvania
State University, 777 West Harrisburg Pike, Middletown, PA 17057-4898, USA,

Shmoozin’ Just Hits the Spot

Shmoozin' A new album, called simply, Shmoozin’, has been released by our friends from ‘down under’ — Australia– The group is Klezmania and they have produced an album that just hits the spot. Give it to all your girlfriends, honey. Freydi Mrocki is the vocalist. She does a nice job that keeps the album in a even mood. David Breytman, bayan (a Russian type of button chromatic accordian); David Krycer, double bass and guitars; and Lionel Mrocki on clarinet, saxophone, guitar, percussion, didgeridoo, (this is an Australian album after all!) and vocals. There are a lot “standards” on this album, but there are some differences. They start with Leonard Cohen’s “Dance Me to the End of Love” but add some Yiddish verse by Doodie Ringelblum.…

Third International Jewish Music Competition

October 10-14, 2012 in Amsterdam!

Preparations for the Third International Jewish Music Competition are
in full swing. Mark you calendar and tell your friends to join us in
Amsterdam for the five-day festival, October 10-14, 2012. We’ll start
with a kickoff concert in the monumental Portuguese Synagogue (built
in 1675), followed by the three-day competition in the
elegant Compagnie Theater, with 24 ensembles from around the world.
To close, we’ll host a day of workshops with a Jewish cultural
marketplace, an open podium, and a closing concert with winners from
the competition.
Take a look at our website for all the details.

Visit us:

Friend us:

Watch us:
IJMF Newsletter June 18, 2012:
Click to view this email in a browser:

The London Klezmer Quartet

LKQ gigs coming up:
Visit for more information
16 December – Golders Green, London: Hanukah Hopkele
22 January – Colchester Riverside Theatre: ‘Klezmer – A Living
23 January – Cambridge: ‘Sholem Aleykhem Comrades’ programme
24 January – Newington Green, London: LKQ in Concert
28 January – CD official release date
30 January – Liverpool Street, London: Holocaust Memorial Event
31 January – Green Note, Camden: LKQ concert
Feb 27-April 2 – Australia tour
April/May – Album launch tour in London, Dorset, Norwich, Cambridge

December Klezmer Events in London

Friday 7 December, Pages of Hackney, 7pm
Winter Warmer with the London Klezmer Quartet. Mulled wine, mince
pies, CDs, books etc.
Reserve a seat on 020 8525 1452. Tickets: £7
Pages Bookshop, 70 Lower Clapton Road, London E5 0RN

Sunday 9 December, Calthorpe Arms, Kings Cross
Klezmer workshop and monthly jam session
Workshop with Susi Evans 1-2pm; jamming 2-4. Entry: £5 on the door.
Download tunes ( )
Upstairs room, Calthorpe Arms, 252 Gray’s Inn Rd, London W1X 8JR

Hasofer, Devorah

Australian. Singer/songwriter. Performs in Australia and Israel. Devorah made aliyah to Israel with her husband and children in the summer of 1998. Four albums, with a synthesis of modern styles blended with a Chassidic feel. She sings her original compositions. She explore lots of issues, religious and other values in a personal kind of way. She performs for all age groups and backgrounds. Devorah’s CD music, created for women and girls, is labeled simply, Devorah I, II, III and IV.

Klezmer workshop and concert in Leeds

Sunday April 27, 2008
Workshop 10am-1pm
Performance 3:00pm

Klezmer music and Yiddish dance workshop, led by Ilana Cravitz and Guy
, with members of FDT Klezmorim and guests

10:00am Workshop for all and introduction to the afternoon’s concert

Participants and observers will learn about the historical background and
cultural context of this Jewish music and the associated dances. They will
then have the opportunity to gain hands-on (or feet-on!) experience,
choosing either to study the music (style, ornamentation, accompaniment) in
more depth, or to learn some of the dances with experienced dance leader and
drummer Guy Schalom, with live music from members of the band. No previous
knowledge of klezmer music or dance required. Instrumentalists should be
grade 4 equivalent or above.

3:00pm Afternoon Concert: FDT Klezmorim – Bessarabia – London –
Philadelphia: Klezmer from Old World to New, and back again

A journey beyond the borders of time and space with a programme of old and
new ‘traditional’ Jewish music crossing the boundaries between Orient and

Robbins, Betty (Bertha Abramson)

American. Born April 9, 1924, Cavala, Greece. First female synagogue cantor. At age 4, she moved to Poland with her family. As a youngster there, she convinced the local cantor to teach her to sing for synagogue, (which he agreed to do if she cut her braids!) In 1938, the family escaped from Poland to Australia. There, she met and married an American service man and moved to US, settling in Oceanside, New York. In 1955, she was appointed cantor at Temple Avodah for their High Holidays. The New York Times ran an article on August 3, 1955, quoting Reform officials that she may have been “the very first woman cantor in …Jewish history.” She continued to teach children and serve as a cantor in various synagogues in places she lived, and on Jewish holiday cruises.…

Klezmer Klimax!

Wednesday 11th August 2010 · 7:00pm – 11:00pm
Location The Union Chapel, Compton Avenue, London N1 2XD

More Info Frank London of the Klezmatics and an impressive line-up of American, European and British klezmer stars bring the rhythms and excitement of Eastern European party music to the heart of London. With Michael Alpert, Deborah Strauss, Jeff Warschauer, Merlin Shepherd, Andreas Schmitges, Ilana Cravitz, Ros Hawley, Paul Tkachenko, Guy Schalom, Emma Stiman, Stewart Curtis and Maurice Chernick. Concert is presented by the Jewish Music Institute (JMI) as part of KlezFest London.

* Doors: 7:00 pm
* Price: £17.50 adv + booking fee, £20 on the door
* Entry: All Ages
* Room(s): Chapel

Light a Candle for Jewish Music in Greater Boston

Boston Jewish Music Festival
Preview Concert
January 10, 2010
7:30 PM
Temple Aliyah, Needham

See the group that’s all the rage, one of Israel’s hottest acts, Habanot Nechama,
in a special concert at Temple Aliyah in Needham.
The concert is sponsored by Temple Aliyah, Temple Beth Shalom, the Israeli Consulate
and the Boston Jewish Music Festival
Ticket Price:$18
Order tickets online at
Temple Aliyah
1664 Central Ave., Needham, MA

Preliminary Schedule
Boston Jewish
Music Festival

Saturday 3/6: Opening Night Gala Concert, 30th Anniversary of the Klezmer Conservatory
Band with special guests vocalist Judy Bressler and Don Byron, clarinet. Also: JDub
recording artists Golem.
7:30 PM
at Berklee Performance Center.

Sunday 3/7: Family Music Concerts, 1 PM. Shira Kline and Shir-La-La, JCC in Newton;
Peter & Ellen Allard, Metrowest Community Day School; Yehuda Katz, Sharon/South

2013 European Cantors Convention

The European Cantors Association is delighted to announce the next European Cantors Convention.

It will take place in London, at Central Synagogue, from Monday 17 to Thursday 20 June 2013, followed by a Shabbaton 21/22 June. The convention will open with a concert on Monday 17 June.

The Guest cantors will be the incredible composer, practitioner and educator Sol Zim from New York, and the outstanding teacher / practitioner who proved so excellent and popular last year Yehezkel Klang from Israel.

This convention is for practicing prayer leaders of all backgrounds, for choirmasters and choristers and for congregants – and for anyone interested in the music of the synagogue. The subject will be Shabbat Unwrapped: We will be working in small groups with our guest teachers to uncover everything you need to know about the music of Shabbat services.…

ECA Budapest Cantors Convention

Booking is now officially open for the ECA Budapest Cantors Convention
July 2014: Thursday 10 – Monday 14th.
Guest teachers: Asher Hainovitz and Yaakov Motzen
Subject the High Holydays

Convention includes Shabbat Services in the Hungarian tradition, a concert by world class cantors and an evening for young talent to perform. It also includes a Tour of Jewish Budapest and a personal tour of the Dohány Street Synagogue on Sunday afternoon.

Fees: full fee is £245 and for students it is £145. Some scholarships are available particularly for Eastern European delegates. There is a £15 discount on all bookings before 30 April.

This year the prices include (as well as breakfast and light lunches) Shabbat lunch and dinners on Thursday, Friday and Sunday for delegates. Accommodation is not included, but for early bookers there is a special discount price at the Convention Hotel: The Golden Park, which is near the synagogue.…

Guthrie, Joy Katzen

A cantorial soloist and performer in Florida for over 18 years, Ms. Guthrie concertizes widely and has seven recordings. She writes many original works which are included in her CD’s. “Her concerts include liturgical music of the Jewish Kabbalists, Israeli and Yiddish folk tunes, musical stage and film works, and original songs, all of which she uniquely weaves together with history, storytelling, and song.” Her website is up-to-date and inclusive of booking and travel information, as well as a bio and CD’s, including some lyrics to her albums.

The Australian Archive of Jewish Music

Founded in 1994, the Australian Archive of Jewish Music focuses on Jewish music as found in Australia and Asia. The Archive has around 1,000 records, over 200 audio-cassettes and approximately 50 video-cassettes. The collection is also a window to the Jewish music cultures that developed along trade routes to Asian cities such as Bombay, Rangoon, Singapore, Penang, Jakarta, Surabaya, Hong Kong and Shanghai.

Abravanel, Maurice

American. Born, Jan. 6, 1903 in Salonika, Greece. Died, September, 1993. Brought up in Lausanne, Switzerland. At age 19, he went to Berlin where he studied music and theory with composer Kurt Weill. Became an assistant at the Mecklenburg Theatre and there developed a very remarkable baton technique. Conducted in Zwickau, Altenburg and Kassel. In 1933 and 1934 he conducted Monteux’s Orchestre Symphonique de Paris, and at Ballet Russe. In 1936 he came to US and conducted the Metropolitan Opera. In 1938 he left the Met to conduct Broadway. After WWII, went to Australia to conduct the Sydney Symphony Society. A year later, accepted the post as Conductor of Utah Symphony, and remained there for 32 years. In 1949, received a Tony Award for conducting of Regina.…

Dance Workshops with Steve Weintraub, March 17-19 2015

Tuesday, March 17 – Thursday, March 19, 7:30pm, Steve Weintraub, Magician of Jewish Dance, presents three workshops:
Tuesday, Raising the Roof: Jewish Stunts, Moves and Styles (Part 1). Dancing at a simkheh is not only a pleasure, it is also a
mitzveh and a gift to those celebrating. Learn to show off with the Bottle Dance, and be part of a Human Roulette Wheel and the Crushing Walls!

Wednesday, Make ‘Em Dance, for musicians and bands. Musicians will take turns dancing. Learn correct tempos and
feeling for each dance style. Improved playing guaranteed!

Thursday, Raising the Roof: Jewish Stunts, Moves and Style (Part 2). It’s Yiddish barn dancing! Including the Jewish square dance called the sher, and a variety of other fun and social dances with ballroom roots.…

Swing Dance with the Seth Kibel Quintet

Saturday, February 14 — Community College of Baltimore County (CCBC)
Swing Dance with the Seth Kibel Quintet
800 South Rolling Road
Catonsville, MD 21228-5317
8:30 to 11:30 pm
In the “Barn.” A joint production of CCBC (Catonsville) and ChileSwing.
$10 for undergraduate students with a valid school ID card.
$12 for CCBC employees with valid CCBC ID card and those over 64 years.
$15 for the public. Beginner lesson included at 7:30 pm.
Sean Lane on piano, Ed Hrybyk on double bass, Wes Crawford on drums, and special guest vocalist Renee Tannenbaum!
Here’s the FB event page:

Portrait of Fanny Mendelssohn at The Jewish Museum

A recent acquisition to The Jewish Museum, Portrait of Fanny Mendelssohn Hensel, 1842, by
19th century German artist Moritz Daniel Oppenheim, has been added to
the “Modernity” section of Culture and Continuity. The subject of this
portrait was the sister of famous composer Felix Mendelssohn-Bartholdy,
a talented composer and musician in her own right. Fanny Hensel was
the wife of a fellow painter, Wilhelm Hensel, whom Oppenheim met in Rome
with the Nazarenes.

To reach the Museum’s offices, call: 212.423.3200.
1109 5th Ave at 92nd St
NY, NY 10128
for Directions:

Winter Jewish Music Concert presents Anthony Mordechai Tzvi Russell

Winter Jewish Music Concert presents its first solo concert
For details:

For five years the Winter Jewish Music Concert has presented large-scale concerts of
Jewish music, with twenty or more singers at each concert.

On Sunday, June 9th, at 4:00 p.m., we will for the first time present a concert
featuring only one singer. The performer at this very special event will be Anthony
Mordechai Tzvi Russell
, who over the past year has gained attention as the new voice
of Yiddish song. He will be singing from the songbook of Sidor Belarsky, one of the
20th Century’s greatest singers of Jewish song.

Mr. Russell’s personal story is compelling. He is a classically-trained
African-American singer who converted to Judaism and whose partner is a rabbi.…

Yiddish singing star Anthony Russell in Miami

Anthony Russell will perform in Miami on Sunday, June 9th at 4:00 p.m. in the first
solo concert presented by the Winter Jewish Music Concert.

Tickets for the concert are now on sale online or by calling 1-800-838-3006. General
admission for the concert is $18, and sponsor tickets are $36.

Anthony Mordechai Tzvi Russell was profiled this week in the Times of Israel. “If
you think you know what a Yiddish singing star looks like, think again. The new, hot
name in the world of Yiddish musical performance is Anthony Russell, and he’s a
33-year-old, 6’1’’ African-American hipster from Oakland, California,” the author
wrote. “Baptist-born and Jew by choice, opera singer Anthony Mordechai Tzvi
Russell’s ‘niggunim’ have soul.” Read the rest of the article

The concert will include a variety of music—Yiddish music, music in Hebrew, and
African American spirituals.…

“Yentl” the play in NYC

“Yentl” the play, featuring Jill Sobule performing her new songs
With Isle of Klezbos as houseband, plus friends from Metropolitan Klezmer & beyond!
Featuring Songs by Jill Sobule. Directed by Steven Cosson.

Wednesday, May 28
7:00PM (doors open 6:00PM)
Joe’s Pub at The Public Theater, NYC
425 Lafayette St (between E. 4th St & Astor Pl), New York City
Box office: 212-967-7555
Tickets $20.

“Yentl”: a play by Leah Napolin based on Isaac Bashevis Singer’s novel. featuring Jill Sobule performing her own music and lyrics; accompanied by bandmates from Isle of Klezbos, Metropolitan Klezmer and beyond. Come partake of “the mystery of appearances, the deceptions of the heart, and the divine androgyny of the soul.” Let YENTL, that most unorthodox of love stories surprise you… that most surprising of love triangles enchant you.…

Zion’s Muse: Three Generations of Israeli Composers –Ariel Quartet

Ariel Quartet
Zion’s Muse: Three Generations of Israeli Composers

Terrace Theater
The John F. Kennedy Center for the Performing Arts
Washington, D.C.
Sunday, December 14th, 2014, 7:30 PM
Ariel Quartet
Gershon Gerchikov, violin
Alexandra Kazovsky, violin
Jan Grüning, viola
Amit Even-Tov, cello


Individual tickets ($44 each) are available at The Kennedy Center’s website or by calling (800) 444-1324. Alternatively, you can save $20 by subscribing to both this concert and the May 7, 2015 performance. To subscribe, call the Kennedy Center Subscription Office at (202) 416-8500, Mon.–Fri., 10 a.m.–5 p.m.

30th Jewish Music Festival East Bay

Some of the Events in San Francisco at the Jewish Music Festival:

Thursday, March 5, 8:00pm, The Klezmatics. Mystical, provocative, reflective and ecstatically danceable! Opening night of 30th Jewish Music Festival. Tickets: $30 general / $26 seniors, students, JCCEB members.
At The New Parish, OAKLAND

Saturday, March 7, 8:00pm, Hazonos, with Cantor Jack Mendelson, Frank London, Anthony Coleman, and Friends. Classical Jewish liturgical music sung by a master. Tickets: $26 general / $22 seniors, students, JCCEB members.
At Temple Sinai, OAKLAND

Sunday, March 8, 8:00pm, Kitka. Yiddish songs with internationally renowned women’s vocal ensemble. Tickets: $26 general / $22 seniors, students, JCCEB members.

At Freight and Salvage, BERKELEY.

More info on all Jewish Music Festival events: 510.848.0237 X126, Tickets: 800.838.3006 or via website.

Mandy Patinkin for Folksbiene

Jun 16. At Carnegie Hall, 7:30pm.
Mandy Patinkin sings “Mamaloshen”
A benefit for the future of Yiddish Theatre in America

This historic and exciting gala will bring together the diverse community of supporters who share in a love of Yiddish culture and a desire to ensure its continued dynamic presence in our lives. The concert will also feature appearances by the all-star female Klezmer ensemble Mikveh, the internationally acclaimed clarinet virtuoso David Krakauer, the fabulous New Yiddish Chorale directed by Zalmen Mlotek, soloists Cantor Jack Mendelson, and Cantor Rebecca Garfein and a Grand Chorus of New York and New Jersey school children who will join Mandy Patinkin on the stage of Carnegie Hall to sing in Yiddish and to have an experience they will remember for the rest of their lives.…

“A Night In The Old Marketplace”

A Night in the Old Marketplace PosterFRANK LONDON’S ” A NIGHT IN THE OLD MARKETPLACE”

Ron Caswell, tuba, bass
Brandon Seabrook guitar, banjo, mandolin
Art Bailey keyboards, accordion
Aaron Alexander, drums
And vocalists… La Tanya Hall, Manu Narayan (star of Broadway’s
Bombay Dreams), Craig
Wedren (from Shudder to Think), The Klezmatic’s Lorin Sklamberg and
many others featured on the recording,

“A Night In The Old Marketplace”

CD Release Party:

Monday, March 26th 8pm
Barrow Street Theater
27 Barrow Street
New York

Tickets via Telecharge 212-239-6200 or 800-432-7250
For more information read this POSTER with INFO

Running Time:
75 minutes, with no intermission

May be inappropriate for 10 and under.
Children under the age of 4 are not permitted in the theatre.
Important Notice
Performance begin promptly. Latecomers will not be seated!…

Gratz College Schreiber Jewish Music Library

“The Schreiber Jewish Music Library is one of the most extensive collections of its kind in the world. Centered around the Eric Mandell Collection, it includes more than 20,000 books, scores, records, tapes, and compact discs. It encompasses holdings in Jewish liturgy, Yiddish Theater, Ashkenazic hazzanut, Sephardic chants and popular music from America, Europe, and Israel. The Kutler Jewish Instrumental Library features compositions by Jewish composers or on Jewish themes for solo and ensemble instruments.” Schreiber Jewish Music library
Gratz College
7605 Old York Road
Melrose Park, PA 19027


Sunday, September 17th, 2006
Southpaw, 125 Fifth Avenue, Brooklyn, NY
7 PM Doors Open, 8 PM Concert/Dance Party

Goldenshteyn Tribute Ensemble
Featuring: Frank London, Jeff Warschauer, Margot Leverett, Susan Watts,
Aaron Alexander, Alicia Svigals, and many more
The Goldenshteyn Tribute Ensemble will begin at 8 PM on Sunday September
17th at Southpaw. Tickets are $25 in advance and $30 at the door. Call
212.946.6334 or visit for more information
and online ticket purchase.

Milken Archive Sponsors Competition

The Milken Archive of American Jewish music is looking for good art that meets the ear. The Milken Archive of Jewish Music in collaboration with the Foundation for Jewish Culture is launching Eye Meets Ear: Visual Arts Competition for Emerging Artists to select 20 works as cover art for 20 themed volumes of music in the Milken Archive’s new virtual museum.

The competition runs from September 1 to November 1, with winners to be announced in late December 2010. Each work selected will earn the artist a $2,000 cash prize. Artists, who must be ages 18 to 39, may submit works of art in any visual mediums that express and/or relate to the theme of individual virtual museum volumes, each of which explores a particular historical, cultural or musical theme.…

Out Of Darkness

Out Of Darkness featuring Liz Lerman Dance Exchange and Special Guests Sayat Nova
Tickets on sale now or 800-432-7250
$35 / $45 / $55

MARCH 22, 2008
7:30 PM
Cutler Majestic Theater
219 Tremont Street, Boston

The world-renowned Liz Lerman company boasts a 30-year international history of
art-making, exploring the role of engaging the everyday individual in art-making
processes, and the function of dance as a memory device.

The internationally treasured Armenian music and dance troupe Sayat Nova has since
1986 performed around the world in an effort to express the pride and indomitable
spirit of the Armenian people, and foster friendship across communities worldwide.
“… frantic and triumphant, with wailing melodies and a frenzied, rolling drum
beat.” — Watertown Tab, 2006

In Out of Darkness the two groups perform together for the first time.…


Force of Nature: Celebrating the Earth performed by Melodia Women’s Choir

Melodia Women s Choir/Cynthia Powell, Artistic Director, now celebrating their fifth
season and acclaimed by WNYC for their elegance and ringing tones, has scheduled
several spring performances: on Saturday and Sunday, May 3 and 4, 2008, they will
present Force of Nature: Celebrating the Earth, music about the natural world, at
St. Luke in the Fields Church in New York City.
487 Hudson Street
New York, NY
Saturday May 3 at 8 PM
Sunday May 4 at 4 PM.
Tickets are $20 in advance, $25 at the door, discounts for students
and seniors: $20 in advance, $15 at the door.
Call 212-252-4135, or visit

The program will feature Samuel
‘s Sure On This Shining Night; Hungarian composer Zoltán Kodály s Mountain Nights Songs Without Words For Women s Voices; Ronald Perera‘s Earthsongs; Zhou
‘s Four Seasons, a setting of ancient Chinese poetry; A Goodly Heritage by
British composer Gordon Jacob; Spring Song by Israeli composer Yehezkel Braun;
Hotaru Koi (Firefly) by Japanese composer Ro Ogura; and Wellsprings (New York
Premiere) and Contemplations (U.S.…

Hadassah Magazine Features Klezmer

Veretzki PassA terrific picture by Jean Fruth of Cookie Segelstein, klezmer violinist, graces the front cover of Hadassah Magazine this month with a feature article on traditional klezmer music, written by George Robinson. There are lots of photos including Cookie, Josh Horowitz, Stu Brotman, Andy Statman, Alicia Svigals, Pete Rushefsky, Joel Rubin, Michael Winograd, Yale Strom, and others. George does a good job of explaining the branch of klezmer that focuses on traditional folk and how it differs from other groups. Cookie, Josh and Stu have a group called Veretzki Pass, which is an amazing group, especially to hear in person. It might be noted, as his article touches on the topic of sources, that we owe a debt of gratitude to klezmer musicians such as Josh Horowitz and Bob Cohen for years and years of dedicated research in Europe on recovering as much authentic music as possible.…

Funny, It Doesn’t Sound Jewish: How Yiddish Songs and Synagogue Melodies Influenced Tin Pan Alley, Broadway, and Hollywood

By Jack Gottlieb

Jack Gottlieb’s mission is to set the record straight. He wishes to clearly demonstrate through musical examples and technical musical means, that in fact, Jewish music from Yiddish song to synagogue melos, influenced American popular culture. This book could be a coffee table book, but it’s more. It could be the written record of years of Gottlieb’s programmatic material, but it’s more than that. Or, it could be the text of a course on Jewish influences on popular song, but it’s not quite that. It can be used as a broad reference work, and also has many elements of that. The book defies a neat categorization in terms of style, format and content, but has elements of each: an extensive, fascinating browse book, a music record with technical references, and a reference book with listings of hundreds of musical composers, lyricists, and songs of Jewish origin.


KlezCalifonia Finale in Berkeley Sunday March 22

Sunday, March 22,2015
Jewish Music Festival Finale and Dance Party. Sing, dance and be inspired to make your own music. Dancing led by international Jewish dance expert Steve Weintraub

1:00 – 1:30 Instant Klezmer Mandolin Orchestra
1:40 – 2:10 Nigunim Community Chorus
2:20 – 3:50 Pop-Up Chorus: Leonard Cohen’s Hallelujah
4:00 – 6:00 Dance Party with Steve Weintraub and Veretski Pass

Presented in association with KlezCalifornia. Tickets: $15 general / $12 seniors, students, JCCEB members. Box office: 800.838.3006. More info:

At JCC of the East Bay, BERKELEY

Dance Workshops with Steve Weintraub, March 17-19 2015

Dance in Berkeley, CA with Steve Weintraub!
Tuesday, March 17 – Thursday, March 19, 7:30pm, Steve Weintraub, Magician of Jewish Dance, presents three workshops:
Tuesday, Raising the Roof: Jewish Stunts, Moves and Styles (Part 1). Dancing at a simkheh is not only a pleasure, it is also a
mitzveh and a gift to those celebrating. Learn to show off with the Bottle Dance, and be part of a Human Roulette Wheel and the Crushing Walls!

Wednesday, Make ‘Em Dance, for musicians and bands. Musicians will take turns dancing. Learn correct tempos and
feeling for each dance style. Improved playing guaranteed!

Thursday, Raising the Roof: Jewish Stunts, Moves and Style (Part 2). It’s Yiddish barn dancing! Including the Jewish square dance called the sher, and a variety of other fun and social dances with ballroom roots.…

Andalus Ensemble in NY

Greek Jewish Festival: May 31, 5pm, Outdoors!

The New York Andalus Ensemble–Chamber Orchestra presents a set of music and song
from al-Andalus and North Africa. Al-Andalus is excited to be headlining the first every
Greek Jewish Festival, in front of the historic Kehilla Kedosha Janina synagogue on
the Lower East Side of Manhattan. The event takes place outdoors on Broome Street,
between Allen and Eldridge.

For more info: or

Sephardic Temple of Cedarhurst: June 1, 7pm

The New York Andalus Ensemble (large ensemble) presents an evening of music and song
from al-Andalus and North Africa. Sponsored by the Ike, Molly and Steven Elias
Foundation, NYAE is happy to be performing music in the beautiful Sephardic Temple
of Cedarhurst, and being hosted by a wonderfully open and engaging community.…

An Erwin Schulhoff Retrospective

performed by Mimi Stern-Wolfe’s Downtown Chamber Players
Wednesday May 25 at 7:30 PM
Center for Jewish History, 15 West 16th Street
Tickets: $15; $10 for students, seniors

The Leo Baeck Institute and the American Society for Jewish Music are proud to present Mimi Stern Wolfe’s Downtown Music Productions in “An Erwin Schulhoff Retrospective,” a concert of chamber works by Schulhoff, along with an academic presentation of his life and musical legacy, May 25th, 7:00 PM, at the Center for Jewish History at 15 West 16th street. The prolific Schulhoff, a Jewish composer born in Prague, perished in a concentration camp at Wurzberg, Bavaria in 1942.

The program will include the following works of Erwin Schulhoff”:
** Hot Sonata for Saxophone and Piano (1930) performed by Marty Ehrlich, saxophone and Mimi Stern-Wolfe, piano.…

Neshama Carlebach Events this Winter in US

December 9,2012, 7 PM
Neshama and her band with special guest artist Josh Nelson will
be performing at the Zinman Hall, Boca Raton Florida Jewish
Federation Campus.
For further information contact
Congregation Shaarei Kodesh
19785 Hampton Drive, Suite 4
Boca Raton, FL 33434
561-852-6555 (p)
561-852-3604 (f)

December 12th, 7:30 pm
Neshama, her band and the Green Pastures Baptist Church Choir
will be performing at the “Lights of Hope.”
All proceeds to benefit survivors of Hurricane Sandy, including
Neshama’s producer/manager/drummer Mark Ambrosino, who lost his
For further information contact
The Merrick Jewish Centre
225 Fox Blvd
Merrick NY 11566

Festival de musiques juives anciennes “Kol Haneshama”

L’Association des Amis de la Musique Juive (
a le grand plaisir de vous annoncer le
Festival de musiques juives anciennes

“Kol Haneshama”

Dimanche 15 novembre 2009 à 17h: “Khagiga Yehudit”
Le Tendre Amour (Barcelone): Musique des fêtes des communautés juives d’Italie et
des Pays-Bas aux 17ème et 18ème siècles.

Dimanche 22 novembre 2009 à 17h: “Ayn naye lid”
Lucidarium (Genève, Milan): Prières et chansons profanes ashkénazes inédites de
l’aube de la culture yiddish – en première suisse!

Dimanche 29 novembre 2009 à 17h: “Me la amargates tú”
Me la amargates tú (Hollande, Israël): chants judéo-espagnols, joués sur des
instruments du Baroque et de la Renaissance, comme cela aurait pu se faire du 15ème
au 17ème siècles, si…

Ces 3 concerts auront lieu à la Cité Bleue, 46 avenue de Miremont, 1206 Genève.…

Beverly Hills Concert Music and the Holocaust: Survival, Resistance and Response

“Music and the Holocaust: Survival, Resistance and Response” is a concert of
rarely heard music composed in hiding, before deportation, and in Nazi concentration
camps and ghettos.

The Concert features Choral Society of Southern California, Los Angeles Zimriyah
, USC Thornton School of Music Chamber Choir and student soloists, members of
the Los Angeles Vocal & Instrumental Ensemble ( la vie ), Cantor David Cane, and recordings made in the camps. The program will include works from various composers
in hiding, concentration camps and ghettos, including:

Cantor David Cane’s performance of songs he was forced to sing in Auschwitz.

— A Jewish composer’s eight-minute choral work, written in the Kreuzburg Civilian
Internment Camp as a gift to Christian inmates who protected him and several other
Jewish inmates.…

Tsedaka Live Bands in Paris

tesedaka live bands

Dimanche 7 décembre à 19h.
Concert organisé par le Département jeunesse du Fsju.
Espace Rachi – 39, rue Broca Paris Vème.
Participation aux frais 15€ en pré-réservation et 20 € sur place.
Réservations au 01 43 31 82 50.

Yuval Ron Music Coming up in California

Yuval Ron Ensemble writes about some upcoming shows:

Saturday, October 27 2007 two shows: 1:45 – 2:30PM 4:00 – 4:45 PM
The Getty Villa
Yuval Ron
Oud Prayers – Sacred and Folk Music of the Middle East
with percussionist Jamie Papish
Location: Inner Peristyle at the Getty Villa in Malibu 17985 Pacific
Coast Highway Pacific Palisades, California 90272
Reservations and information: Call (310) 440-7300

Saturday, November 3, 2007
The Wechsberg Educational Foundation of Congregation Ner Tamid
A Los Angeles Jewish Symphony Concert ” A Musical Odyssey”
The Yuval Ron Ensemble
Admission: For tickets contact Ticket Alternatives at or call (877) 725-8849

Music Series of the Perishable Theater in Providence

The Live/Whirled Acoustic Music Series of the Perishable Theater,
Music Director – Marilyn Mair presents:
Bob Moses, percussion with Fishel Bresler, clarinet & mandolin, & Shelley
Katsh, piano & accordion,
in a program of jazz, klezmer, and original music, presented in an informal
concert setting, to be followed by a jam session.

Sunday, June 10th, 3:00 PM
at the Perishable Theater,
95 Empire Street,
Providence RI
Admission $8

Audience members are invited to bring acoustic instruments for the jam
session that will follow the concert.
Concert Information or reservations: 401-331-2695 x101
photo credits- Fishel Bresler & Shelley Katsh: Irving Shild; Bob Moses:
Elianna Bresler,

VIKLARBO Chamber Ensemble

TIME: 7:30 PM
LOCATION: Valley Beth Shalom
ADDRESS: 15739 Ventura Boulevard, Encino 91436
The Jewish Music Commission of LA presents the elite Los Angeles-based VIKLARBO
Chamber Ensemble in a program that includes new American Jewish music by David
Lefkowitz and Maria Newman. Both of these young Los Angeles-based musicians are in
great demand as composers, performers and educators. Also on the evening program are
works by Leonard Bernstein and Robert Schumann.

The ensemble features Maria Newman, Violin; Scott Hosfeld, Viola; Sebastian
Toettcher, cello; Wendy Prober, piano; and Amanda Walker, clarinet.

Tickets are $10 in advance; $15 at the door. For reservations and information, call
Valley Beth Shalom (818) 788-6000 or E-mail

Poèmes Yiddish en musique

Vérités Jamais Sûres… Poèmes Yiddish en musique
Nelly Uzan – récitante
Michel Borzykowski – saxophones
Reb Yoyvl – accordéon
Jeudi 16 octobre 2014 à 20h30
Café-Théâtre de la Voirie
10, rue du Centre, 1009 Pully (Vaud/ Suisse)
Réservations: 076 324 34 52 ou
Entrée: 20 frs / tarif réduit: 15 frs

Après un millénaire d’effervescence intellectuelle et artistique, après plusieurs
tentatives d’anéantissement, le yiddish a suscité, ces cinquante dernières années,
un énorme regain d’intérêt: Ce fut d’abord “Le violon sur le toit” en 1967 et le
Prix Nobel de littérature attribué en 1978 à Isaac Bashevis Singer “pour son art de
conteur enthousiaste enraciné dans la culture et les traditions judéo-polonaises et
qui ressuscite l’universalité de la condition humaine”; puis vint le tour du
“renouveau” de la musique klezmer aux Etats-Unis, puis dans le monde entier.…

Helene Engel Sings Yiddish in Lausanne, Switzerland

Les oiseaux reviennent avec le printemps au Quebec et Hélène Engel revient chanter
avec l’automne en Suisse… et en yiddish (mais pas seulement!) avec le groupe

Le 4 Novembre à 20h30
CPO à Lausanne (Centre Pluriculturel et social d’Ouchy)
Beau-Rivage 2 Lausanne
Prix d’entrée: entre 14 et 22 Fs
Réservations: 004121 616 26 72 ou

Le 5 Novembre à 10h30
Maison du Prieur à Romainmôtier Brunch-Concert
tel: 004122 366 01 53
prix 55 Fs (brunch gastronomique inclus)

De belles musiques en perspective… nous nous réjouissons de vous y rencontrer!

For More Info:
Michel Borzykowski
site klezmer:
site AMJ:


Yair Dalal:
WHEN: Saturday, November 4, 2006 at 7:30 PM

WHERE: Center for Jewish History, 15 West 16th Street, New York City
A unique performance in the four-day program
Back to Babylon: 2600 Years of Jewish Life in Iraq, November 2-5, 2006,
Exploring the venerable and multifaceted culture of Iraqi Jewry< During the first half of the 20th century, Jews were virtually the only instrumentalists in the Iraqi musical scene. All the musicians from Iraq who attended the first Arabic music congress in Cairo in 1932 were Jewish (but one). With the exile of the Jewish community in the 1950’s, many famous Iraqi Jewish musicians immigrated to Israel. Their legacy is still strong today, both in the preservation of the traditional Iraqi Maqam, and in its influence on contemporary Israeli music.


Sandy Cash will be touring this Fall

Singer songwriter and storyteller Sandy Cash plays and sings in English accompanied by accoustic guitar. The Yale-educated, Detroit-born singer is popular in Israel’s “anglo” community. Sandy, who has also performed opera in Hebrew in Israel, has a rich voice which you can hear online at her website: Her touring starts next month in Georgia.

Wednesday, October 25
Eddie’s Attic
515-B North McDonough St. Decatur, GA
Info: Eddie’s Attic website or call 404-377-4976
For more tour dates, read on.

Chanukah Party at WSJC Featuring Pey Dalid

Come join the West Side Jewish Center for our annual Chanukah Concert!
Congregation Beth Israel West Side Jewish Center
Featuring: Pey Dalid!
Wednesday, December 16th @ 7 PM
West Side Jewish Center
347 West 34th St. (Between 8 & 9 Ave.)
New York, NY
And More!
Please call the office for reservations: 212-502-5291

Joanne Borts Stars at Gala Pre-Khanike Concert

Master of Ceremonies
Fyvush Finkel
DATE & TIME: Monday, DECEMBER 15, 2014 6:15 PM
MEMBERS $ 40 GUESTS $ 45 CONCERT ONLY $ 25 (8:15 PM)
Kindly send check payable to YAFAC and mail to RUTH HARRIS, TREASURER
For more information:

Concert klezmer pour les 10 ans de l’Atelier Romand de Langues Bibliques


Concert klezmer pour les 10 ans de l’Atelier Romand de Langues Bibliques

Samedi 5 juillet 2008 – 20h30 Cret-Berard (Puidoux, VD, CH)

Un large repertoire de musique klezmer, yiddish et sefarades, avec des
chants dont certains peuvent etre repris en chour.

Le groupe HOTEGEZUGT (”cause toujours” en yiddish) se forme et se deforme
depuis 1996 grace — des musiciens qui se passionnent pour les diverses
musiques juives. Il perpetue la tradition sans la figer et metisse le
klezmer avec les musiques d’aujourd’hui.

Entre : 20.- (etudiants, chomeurs, AVS : 10.-)
Informations et reservations: tl. 0041 21 946 03 60 ou
Acces en voiture: par Puidoux-Village (sortie d’autoroute no 13: Chexbres)
En train: Gare de Puidoux-Chexbres. Cret-Berard vient vous chercher sur
demande !

Divahn in San Francisco

Thursday, July 14
Cafe Du Nord
7:30 pm (doors open)
2170 Market Street (at 15th)
Cash bar and dinner menu all night
Purchase tickets: $12 in advance at or $15 at the
For dinner reservations call (415) 861-5016
Amy Tobin (creator of The Esther Show and Lilith, the Musical) plays a short solo set at 8:30, followed by a full Divahn concert.

New Yiddish Rep

New Yiddish Rep presents:
Straight from the former Soviet Union
Psoy Oy Oy!!!
At home in the global diaspora, four fun filled evenings of
stories, songs and mishigass, with poet-singer-songwriter-
performance artist and fellow traveler Psoy Korolenko. To Psoy
the Jewish experience is not only a personal story, but also a
metaphor of transcultural identity and ultimate otherness. He
sings and tumults in English, Russian, French, and Yiddish.
Saturday, November 15th at 10 PM
Saturday, December 13th at 8 PM
Saturday, January 3rd, at 8 PM
Saturday, January 10th at 8 PM

Community Synagogue
325 E. 6th Street
Between 1st and 2nd Avenues
Trains: F to 2nd Ave., 6 to Astor Place, L to 1st Ave., Q to 8th St.
Admission: Donate as you exit.…

Of Daniel Pearl on Armistice Day– DOWNTOWN CHAMBER & OPERA PLAYERS

St. Marks in the Bowery (10th St & Second Av)

CAROLYN STEINBERG: Secular Requiem: 1. “Chorale,” 2. “Of Daniel Pearl.” 3. “Do Not Stand at My Grave and Weep.” 4. “Chorale”, String Quartet & Vocal Quartet; SIMA WOLF (commission): Ashbah (Ghosts) (Brian Turner) for Violin, Cello, Piano, Narrator; DAVID THOMAS: War Song for Soprano, Mezzo-Soprano & Piano; EDDIE VENEGAS: Encounters for String Quartet; DAVID HOLLISTER: Listen Here, Joe; Performers: Eileen Clarke, Soprano; Megan Friar, Mezzo-Soprano; Kurt Alakulppi, Tenor; Ivan Thomas, Narrator, Bass; Matt Fieldes, double bass; Sweet Plantain String Quartet; Downtown Piano Trio
Information :; Suggested donation: $10-$15;
Reservations: 212 477-1594;

Cantors in Concert with Susan Kander World Premiere

And the Time of Singing has Come…
An Evening of Cantors in Concert
Honoring Cantor Israel Goldstein, Director
School of Sacred Music – Hebrew Union College – Jewish Institute of Religion

Thursday April 1 2004 7:30 PM
Congregation Rodeph Sholom
7 West 83rd St (off CPW)
New York City

Presenting the world premiere of a vocal work by composer
Susan Kander, with Sandra Schipior, violin… more info…


The American Sephardi Federation with Sephardic House invites you to for I-TAL-YAH: SONGS FROM THE ‘ISLAND OF THE DIVINE DEW’ , AN ITALIAN JEWISH MUSICAL JOURNEY
Curated by Francesco Spagnolo and Directed by Leon Hyman

Saturday, May 15, 2004, at 9:30 PM
Congregation Shearith Israel
70th Street and Central Park West
A concert of Italian Jewish musical pieces from the 17th, 18th, 19th and 20th centuries, inspired by Baroque, operatic, choral and folk musical styles, and representing the richness of Italian Jewish cultural identity throughout the centuries.
For reservations, please call the American Sephardi Federation at
Light Italian dessert specialties will be served after the concert.
More info…

The curator, musicologist Francesco Spagnolo, is the founder of Yuval,
the Italian Center for the Study of Jewish Music.…

Southern California Choral Symposium and Concert

Micael Isaacson
Sunday, March 9th, 2008
Symposium: 3:00 p.m.
Concert: 7:00 p.m.

Presentations and discussion by leading Los Angeles scholars and clergy exploring
the significance of Angels in contemporary civilization – followed by a concert
featuring music inspired by Angels through the ages.

The evening Concert (7:00 p.m.) conducted by Dr. Nick Strimple, Director of Music at
BHPC and member of the faculty of The Thornton School of Music at the University of
Southern California, will feature the Choral Society of Southern California, the LA
Zimriyah Chorale and the BHPC Chancel Choir. Noted vocal soloists include baritone
Cale Olson, mezzo-soprano Catherine Cooper, and Cantor Ira Bigeleisen. Music for the
extraordinary evening are works inspired by Angels in classical and contemporary
compositions by Handel, Tchaikovsky, Rothblum, Isaacson and Strimple.…

Ladino Music with Sarah Aroeste

Vocalist Sarah Aroeste and her band of some of the hottest musicians
combine traditional Ladino Mediterranean music with contemporary rock,
blues and jazz.
Center for Jewish History, NYC
Wednesday, June 2nd
7 PM
15 West 16th Street (between 5th and 6th Avenues)
Complimentary for contributors to the Jack Calderon Memorial Fund for
the Sephardic Arts
Tickets: $15 ($12 advance, seniors, students, and for members of ASF/SH
and Shearith Israel)
To make reservations: Box Office (917) 606-8200
or for information, call (212) 294-8350
For more information:

Second Annual Interfaith Symposium of Music

A Symposium of Psalms < /br>< /br>
Join the Jewish Music Commission of Los Angeles and the Beverly Hills
Presbyterian Church on November 7 2004 at the second annual city-wide interfaith symposium devoted to music. This year the Workshop (3:00 p.m) will explore the role of the Psalms, a fertile source of spiritual and cultural
inspiration in the Jewish, Protestant and Catholic faiths with presentations
and panel discussions by leading Los Angeles clergy, scholars and composers.
< /br>< /br>
Registration is required for the 3:00 p.m. Workshop and seating reservations
are highly recommended for the 7:30 p.m. Concert. For more information, call
310.271.5194 or visit… more info…