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Audition for the Harvard Yiddish Players’ Fall Production of Shulamis

ShulamithAudition for the Harvard Yiddish Players’ Fall Production of Shulamis
Love. Deception. Revenge. Yiddish.
AUDITION FOR THE HARVARD YIDDISH PLAYERS’ FALL PRODUCTION OF SHULAMIS! Audition for Harvard’s landmark production of the most popular Yiddish play of all time – Shulamis: a timeless Biblical operetta of love and deception, of the price of …revenge and the power of forgiveness. Our production will feature a new translation, a new musical score, a live orchestra, masks, avant-garde design elements, and innovative choreography. Songs will be performed in Yiddish (with supertitles), while the dialogue will be in English. NO PREVIOUS KNOWLEDGE OF YIDDISH REQUIRED. Actors and singers, please come prepared with a song (ideally a musical theater or opera selection). Dancers are encouraged to audition for our dance-only corps. We are looking for actors, dancers, and singers of all ages and backgrounds for a large ensemble cast.…

Lazar Weiner’s Yiddish Art Songs Come to Life on New CD Release

The Milken Archive of American Jewish Music has released another CD. This one is “The Art of Yiddish Song” with 32 songs by Lazare Weiner. [8.559443]. You can read a complete discription released by the Milken Archive about the recording.
Often referred to as “America’s Jewish Schubert”, Weiner’s exquisite songs are a pinnacle of Yiddish art song (lider). This recording shows his mastery of craftsmanship, connection to the language, and complete immersion in the depths of meaning in Jewish culture. The performers are top drawer, and so the recording is a “must” for anyone interested in Yiddish art music, or generally in good lieder.

Multi-Ethnic Music Cultures of Moldova

The Center for Jewish History and
Center for Traditional Music and Dance present:
Monday, September 21 at 7:00pm
“The Multi-Ethnic Music Cultures of Moldova”
The An-sky Institute for Jewish Culture Series
Curated by Walter Zev Feldman, Ph.D.
New York University / Rubin Academy of Music, Jerusalem

Lecture: Walter Zev Feldman discusses the cultural history of
this area of ethnic transformation and his recent expedition
which discovered musicians of mixed ancestry still
performing traditional Jewish music in his father’s hometown
of Edinets. A reception will follow the event.

$15 general, $10 CJH, CTMD members

Major support for the Center for Traditional Music and
Dance’s An-sky Institute for Jewish Culture was provided by
the Keller-Shatanoff Foundation. Support was also provided
by the Atran Foundation and public funds from the National
Endowment for the Arts, the New York State Council on the
Arts and the New York City Department of Cultural Affairs.…

Kristallnacht Commemorated with the Glorious Music of Salomon Sulzer and Louis Lewandowski

New York. Congregation Rodeph Sholom’s Senior Cantor,
Rebecca Garfein, and Cantorial Intern, Jennifer Strauss-Klein will
commemorate Kristallnacht-the Night of Broken Glass, with the music of
renowned Viennese Cantor, Salomon Sulzer and Berlin composer, Louis
Lewandowski at 6p.m., Friday, November 3, 2006 during Shabbat services.
Guest Cantor, Dr. Bruce Ruben, newly appointed Director of the Hebrew
Union College-Jewish Institute of Religion’s School of Sacred Music will
also participate in this special service. Rodeph Sholom’s Organist, Dr.
John Schuder and augmented professional choir, will accompany the
cantors. This event is free of charge and the entire community is
invited to attend. Rodeph Sholom is located at 7 West 83rd Street (off
Central Park West.) For more information, please call (212) 362-8800, extension 1337.


Marty Green productions introduces:

The Ballad of Monish
a one-man musical play
written and performed by Marty Green
Sunday Nov. 21 Berney Theater 123 Doncaster St. Winnipeg 2:00 pm/8:30 pm
Tickets: 2 for $25.00

Multi-talented Winnipeg-based interpreter of Yiddish culture Marty Green
introduces his latest offering in the form of a two-hour musical play, “The
Ballad of Monish”, based on a classic poem by I. L. Peretz. What starts out
as a Jewish retelling of the classic Faust legend quickly turns into a
rollicking, satirical look at traditional Jewish attitudes towards religion,
sex, and the non-Jewish world. Marty Green has taken this epic ballad and
adapted it to a lively jazz-klezmer setting, interleaving his own
razor-sharp English translations with the original Yiddish lyrics. There is
more info on the show at
including an audio clip of the opening number.…

Egg Rolls & Egg Creams Festival

Eldridge Street Project’s
Egg Rolls & Egg Creams Festival
Sunday, June 3, 12-4PM FREE!

Voted the Best Annual Block Party by the Village Voice!

Experience a unique slice of Lower Manhattan, where Chinatown meets the old
Jewish Lower East Side at our annual block party. Sample the rich cultural
traditions of the Chinese and East European Jewish communities: klezmer music,
Chinese opera and acrobatics, scribal art, language lessons, folk art demos, art
projects and more!

Eldridge Street Project
12 Eldridge Street between Canal and Division Streets

For more information visit our website at or call

The not-for-profit Eldridge Street Project is preserving the 1887 Eldridge
Street Synagogue as a center for historical reflection, aesthetic inspiration,
and spiritual renewal. Designated a National Historic Landmark in 1996, the
Eldridge Street Project Synagogue is the first great house of worship built in
America by Jewish immigrants from Eastern Europe.…

Oy Hoo! Festival in New York Continues this Week

Monday October 22, 2007
strongRick Recht
Central Synagogue · 07:30PM · Tickets: $15.00

Rick Recht is one of the top touring artists in Jewish music playing over 150 concerts each year in the US and abroad.

Travelin’ Music
JCC of Manhattan · 08:00PM · Tickets: $10/JCC Members $15/Non Members
The 4,000 Year History of the Jewish People. A Comedy Book by Leonora Thuna; Music by Charles Fox; Lyrics by Norman Gimbal.
For more information visit

PHP release new CD Hodu

The band PHP just released their debut album “HODU” with Sameach music.
Check out The website features pictures, sound bites and there’s video to download. The band is not sure what PHP stands for, — but in analog-land it might be called a pretty hot platter.

Two New Discographies of Jewish Music

Julian Futter wrote: Dr Rainer Lotz, who was behind the 11 CD set
“Vorbei” – Beyond recall, the survey of Jewish recordings in the Nazi
era, has just released a discography of Jewish recordings in German
speaking countries. “Discographie der Judaica-Aufnahmen”.
This book covers 78rpm recordings made from 1901 up to 1960. It is
complimentary to Spottswood since Spottwood only covers recordings made
in the USA. It is nearly 600 pages long and covers more than 400
performers. Covering all aspects of Jewish life, culture, religion and anti-semitism
it therefore also includes entries for Thomas Mann, Ze’ev Jabotinsky and
many of the leaders and functionaries of the 3rd Reich. Among other
performers there are full details for S Kwartin, J. Rosenblatt, Julius Guttmann and many others.…

Musicians of Lenox Hill to Perform Chamber Music of Jewish Composers

On Monday, April 28 at 8 PM, the Musicians of Lenox
Hill, under the artistic direction of Soo-Kyung Park, will perform Chamber Music
of Jewish Composers at Temple Israel of the City of New York, 112 East 75th Street,
New York City. The concert will feature six extraordinary musicians presenting
familiar as well as new or rarely heard music by composers of Jewish faith or
heritage. The program includes Three Nocturnes for Violin, Cello and Piano by
Ernest Bloch, Duo for Flute and Piano by Aaron Copland, Gershwin s Preludes for
Piano, Trio for Violin, Cello and Piano, No. 1, Op. 49 by Felix Mendelssohn, Window
for Viola and Piano by David Ludwig, Sonata for Cello and Harp, Op. 208 by Mario
Castelnuovo-Tedesco and Arrowhead for Flute, Viola and Harp by Eric Zeizl.…

Tzipora Jochsberger, Z”L, died at 96 in Jerusalem

The Jewish music world mourns the passing of music educator Tzipora Jochsberger in Jerusalem on Oct. 28 at the age of 96. (1920-2017) Dr. Jochsberger led the New Jerusalem Conservatory and Academy of Music.   Jochsberger was Director of The Hebrew Arts School (now known as Kaufman Music Center) in New York until her retirement in 1985. Jochsberger may be best known to many as the creator and executive producer  of The Israel Music Heritage Project, a 10-volume video series exploring  the music and culture of Jewish communities around the world.

Hilda Jochsberger was born in Leutershausen, a small village of fewer than 2000 people near Ansbach, Germany on 27 December 1920. Her father was a cattle dealer. There were only a few Jewish families in that community.…

Triangle Fire an opera by Leonard Lehman in NYC

You may be interested in attending a performance of a new one-act opera, Triangle Fire, with music by Leonard Lehrman and a libretto by Ellen Frankel.  It’s being performed Saturday, March 25, 2017, at 8:00 pm – $10 suggested donation; no one turned away

at 8 PM
at New York University, Room 220, 32 Waverly Place (at the corner of University Place).

The opera, a Puffin Foundation commission, commemorates the fire that broke out at the Triangle Shirtwaist Factory on March 25, 1911, killing 146 garment workers, most of them young Jewish and Italian women, recently arrived from Europe.  It was one of the worst industrial accidents in American history.

For further information:

About the Creators
Composer: Leonard Lehrman‘s previous works include  A Requiem for Hiroshima (with Lee Baxandall), E.G.: A Musical Portrait of Emma Goldman (with Karen Ruoff Kramer), and Sacco and Vanzetti (with Marc Blitzstein).

New York

The monthly Kavehoyz, sponsored by the Congress for Jewish Culture begins its second season with a performance by Chaim Freiburg, who sings the repertoire of the great Yiddish singer, Sidor Belarsky.
Admission $5 includes coffee and pastries. What a deal!
Thursday, September 18th, 700 PM. 2003
Congress for Jewish Culture, 25 E. 21st. NYC between Park and Broadway.
info: 212-505-8040

Frequently Asked Questions

How can I get listed?

If you would like your announcement listed on the JMWC, please send complete information. This is not a news gathering service, so to be considered for a listing, you’ll have to inform the JMWC by sending an email. Please do not send attachments. Restrict your suggestions to Jewish musical events.— Best wishes! Judy

Mailing Address:

All Review materials and other documents should be sent to my work address:

Judith Pinnolis
Goldfarb Library MS045
Brandeis University
PO Box 549110
Waltham, MA 02454-9110

Need more HELP with JMWC?

Below are some frequently asked questions. I hope they can help you find some answers. Take a moment to look these over.

Here are some basic areas that are covered below:

  • Reference questions
  • Famous tunes
  • Music collecting info for beginners
  • Music for your kids
  • Catalogs of instrumental music

Q:Do you answer questions?…

Film Music of Yuval Ron CD Release

New CD Release!
20 Years of Film Music by Yuval Ron
February 25, 7pm
A New CD Release!
Film Music of Yuval Ron:
20 Years of Innovative Scores

Location: A recording studio in West Los Angeles. Please rsvp to receive exact address details.
Note:doors open at 6:30pm, event begins at 7:00pm< ,br />
Admission: Free, but seating is limited! RSVP: RSVPs required by 02/21/14 to

In celebration of the 20th year of Yuval Ron’s composing career in Los Angeles. this
album showcases highlights from such scores as West Bank Story (Academy Award winner
for Best Short Film), Road to Victory (Best Original Soundtrack, Moondance Film
Festival), Breaking the Maya Code (Best Film Award, Nyon Film Festival), Proteus
(Best Film Award, Philadelphia Film Festival), Samsara, Spiral Staircase and more.…

Tal, Michal

Israeli. Pianist. As one of Israel’s leading pianists, she has served since 2004, as the vice-director of the Givatayim Conservatory. Michal teaches, coaches and lectures at the Thelma Yelin High School for the Arts, the Jerusalem Music Center and the Tel Aviv Academy of Music. For many years she has promoted musical education in Israel. Michal Tal enjoys a versatile career as a soloist, chamber musician and as a devoted performer of new music.
Coming from a musical family, Michal started her piano lessons at the age of five. At the age of 16 she performed as a soloist with the Israel Philharmonic Orchestra. She studied at The Tel Aviv Academy of Music, and from 1983-1988 at Indiana University, and also in New York at The Juilliard School, and SUNY at Stony Brook with Richard Goode, Leon Fleischer, Richard Goode and Gilbert Kalish.…

Schaechter-Gottesman, Bella

Née Beyle Schaechter. Poet, artist and songwriter. Born 7 August 1920 in Vienna. Her mother, Lifshe Gottesman, and father, Benjamin Schaechter, moved to Cernauti, Romania (also called Czernowitz, now part of the Ukraine) when Beyle was eighteen months old. Beyle attended general school in Romanian, also learning French and Latin, spoke Yiddish at home, and German or Ukrainian around town. She studied violin briefly, but her fascination lay in art, singing and Yiddish poetry. Home was full of song as her mother knew a large folk song repertoire and had a wonderful voice. Years later, Lifshe Schaechter-Widman recorded songs in the United States, and wrote a memoir,Durkhgelebt a Velt: Zikhroynes (1973).

In 1938, Beyle’s two-year study at the Vienna art school was cut short when Hitler invaded Austria.…

Rubin, Ruth

Yiddish folklorist, ethnomusicologist and song collector. Ruth Rubin collected and notated over 2000 Yiddish songs. Ms. Rubin sang the Yiddish folksongs, often unaccompanied. She made documentary recordings such as “The Old Country” on Folkways Records, with other folksingers such as Pete Seeger included in the project. In a documentary about her life and work, “A Life of Song: A Portrait of Ruth Rubin” by Cindy Marshall, Ruth Rubin states that her parents moved to Montreal in 1904 and she was born there in 1906 as Rifkele Royzenblatt. She was born on Sept. 1, 1906. (Mark Slobin, in his new introduction to “Voices of a People” lists her as being born in Khotin, Romania.) At age 5, her father died. She attended The Aberdeen School, a Montreal Protestant school, and in the afternoons, a Jewish secular “shule”, the Peretz Shule,– getting an immersion in Jewish Yiddish culture.…


The American Sephardi Federation with Sephardic House invites you to for I-TAL-YAH: SONGS FROM THE ‘ISLAND OF THE DIVINE DEW’ , AN ITALIAN JEWISH MUSICAL JOURNEY
Curated by Francesco Spagnolo and Directed by Leon Hyman

Saturday, May 15, 2004, at 9:30 PM
Congregation Shearith Israel
70th Street and Central Park West
A concert of Italian Jewish musical pieces from the 17th, 18th, 19th and 20th centuries, inspired by Baroque, operatic, choral and folk musical styles, and representing the richness of Italian Jewish cultural identity throughout the centuries.
For reservations, please call the American Sephardi Federation at
Light Italian dessert specialties will be served after the concert.
More info…

The curator, musicologist Francesco Spagnolo, is the founder of Yuval,
the Italian Center for the Study of Jewish Music.…

Rabin Queler, Eve

American. Born January 1, 1936 in New York City. Conductor, pianist. First woman appointed conductor to a metropolitan orchestra and first woman to conduct at Lincoln Center’s Philharmonic Hall. Also the first woman to conduct on a commercially recorded opera. (Massenet’s Le Cid, 1976) Ms. Rabin grew up in an Orthodox Jewish home. A child prodigy, she received a scholarship by age 5. She attended New York City High School of Music and Art. Later she studied at CCNY and conducting at Mannes College of Music. She also studied at the Hebrew Union College School of Sacred Music. Started vocal coaching and rehearsal accompanist at New York City Opera in 1957-(8). Then, in graduate school, studied conducting with Carl Bamberger and later with Joseph Rosenstock at the Metropolitan Opera.…

Golden Age of Chazzanut new CD set

2 CDs set of Rare Cantorials on sale through the month of May for $17.98 .
through Hatikvah music
This 2 CD set features some of the greatest cantors from the Golden Age of
Chazunot. Most of these cantors have been available on CD only on compilations, and many have NEVER been available on an any CD until now.
This 2 CD set consisting of approximately an hour and a half features the
following Cantors:
Kapov-Kagan, Alter Yehiel Karniol, David Roitman, Shlomo Rothstein, Moshe
Surkis, Zvee Aroni, Herman Borenstein, Shlomo Pinkasovitz, Leon Cortilli,
Alexander Sirota, Leib Glantz, Berele Chagy, and Shlomo Kupfer.

Hirschhorn, Natasha (Jitomirskaia)

“Cantor Natasha (Jitomirskaia) Hirschhorn first became interested in Jewish music during her studies at the Gnesin Music College in Moscow. After graduating from college with Honors Diploma in musicology, piano and composition, she continued her education at the Kiev State Conservatory. Deepening her involvement in Judaism, Natasha also collaborated with the Kiev Jewish Youth Musical Theater as pianist, singer, and, later, its music director. The success of their four-women-show performances throughout Ukraine was embittered by the hostility both from the anti-Semitic Ukrainian authorities and the ultra-Orthodox rabbis. In 1992 Natasha’s quest for a more comprehensive Jewish education has brought her to Washington, D.C., where for three years she studied privately with cantors and rabbis from the area, including Cantors Sue Roemerand Sharon Steinberg. In May 1999 Natasha has completed her studies at the Academy for Jewish Religion, the only non-denominational Rabbinic and Cantorial Seminary, and was ordained as Hazzan and Teacher in Israel.…

The Yellow Ticket in Detroit

Friday 4/24/2015 7pm
Detroit Film Theatre, Detroit Institute of Art
5200 Woodward Avenue, Detroit, Michigan 48202

Klezmer violinist Alicia Svigals performs her original score live to
1918 silent film, with special guest, Seattle Symphony clarinetist
Laura DeLuca

The work, which was awarded the Foundation for Jewish Culture’s 2012
New Jewish Music Network commission, is currently touring the U.S.
and Canada. Next stop: a return engagement at the Detroit Institute
of Art. This performance, with Alicia on violin and pianist Marilyn
, will also be a reprise performance of a new version of the
score for clarinet, violin and piano, commissioned by Music of
Remembrance and featuring Seattle Symphony clarinetist Laura DeLuca.

Remarkably progressive for its time, The Yellow Ticket (1918) is the
first film to explore the discrimination of Jews in Tsarist Russia
and stars famed Polish actress Pola Negri, Hollywood?s first
European silent film star.…


Center for Jewish History Great nights in the Great Hall at 7:30 pm
WEDNESDAY, JULY 28 at 7:30 pm The Rafi Malkiel Quintet

Rafi Malkiel- Trombone, Itai Kriss- Flute, Jack Glottman- Piano, Noriko
Ueda- Bass, Dan Aran- Drums

TUESDAY, AUGUST 3 at 7:30 pm Gili Sharett and ensemble
Gili Sharett- Bassoon, Lawrence Zoernig- Cello, Arielle Levioff- Piano
This program will be featuring one premiere of a sonata for bassoon and
cello by Peter Winkler, Fantasy and Lullaby by the Jewish
American composer, Sheila Silver and Sonata by the Israeli composer Yehezkel
Braun. The concert will also feature works by Schumann and Mozart.

Center for Jewish History 15 W. 16 St.
BOX OFFICE: (PHONE)917.606.8200 – (FAX)917.606.8201
Tickets are $8 and $4 for students
For more information, you can visit

Colors of the Diaspora

Regina Resnik presents Colors of the Diaspora. It’s a DVD collection with 3 distinct programs included, conceived and written by Michael Philip Davis. Ms. Resnik introduces and narrates the three concerts. Each is a distinct classical music art program, with the common thread of Jewish art music or music on Jewish themes.

The DVD will make the perfect Hannukah present for someone who loves both classical music and Jewish music. The DVD can be obtained through VAI DVD 4540, but also can be ordered directly through Video Artists International, 109 Wheeler Ave., Pleasantville, NY 10570. Toll free number is 800-477-7146.

The DVD includes some surprising repertoire and will introduce even aficionados of Jewish music to new selections.The narration is well written and informative. The selections are thoughtful, artistic, and knowledgeable about the breadth of Jewish music.…

3rd International Jewish Music Competition in Amsterdam

October 11-14, 2012 in a new location!
The Third International Jewish Music Competition will be held at the
Compagnie theater in the heart of Amsterdam’s old city center and on
the edge of the city’s Jewish Cultural Quarter This competition is for individual musicians, ensembles and bands specializing in performing Jewish music and whose goal is an international career performing this repertoire.
Competition registration: open until July 1
Announcement of selected contestants: August 1
Ticket sales: starts in September
Festival opening concert: Wednesday October 10
Preliminary competition rounds: Thursday October 11 & Friday October
Finale: Saturday October 13
Winners’ Concert: Sunday October 14
More information & registration:
Location: Compagnietheater, Kloveniersburgwal 50, Amsterdam
IJMF Newsletter May 2012

Click to view this email in a browser –

Regina Resnik Presents: Covert or Convert?

Sunday, April 2, 2:30 PM

Regina Resnik Presents: Covert or Convert?
A Powerful Expression of the Jewish Spirit

Regina Resnik, narrator; Darynn Zimmer, soprano; Michael Philip Davis, tenor;
Charles Robert Stephens, baritone; Vlad Iftinca, piano

This unique program features the work of Felix Mendelssohn and Anton Rubinstein,
converts to Christianity, and Otto Klemperer, a convert back to Judaism, along with
unheralded Jewish composers who wrote covertly during the Inquisition, under
Communism, and in the Holocaust. Works by Aldo Finzi, Pavel Haas, Mieczyslaw
Weinberg and others will have their premieres in the Museum’s Edmond J. Safra Hall.
All of them are powerful expressions of the Jewish spirit. Presented and narrated by
opera legend Regina Resnik.
$20 adults, $15 seniors, $10 members/students
Museum of Jewish Heritage – A Living Memorial to the Holocaust
36 Battery Place, New York, NY 10280

Mandy Patinkin for Folksbiene

Jun 16. At Carnegie Hall, 7:30pm.
Mandy Patinkin sings “Mamaloshen”
A benefit for the future of Yiddish Theatre in America

This historic and exciting gala will bring together the diverse community of supporters who share in a love of Yiddish culture and a desire to ensure its continued dynamic presence in our lives. The concert will also feature appearances by the all-star female Klezmer ensemble Mikveh, the internationally acclaimed clarinet virtuoso David Krakauer, the fabulous New Yiddish Chorale directed by Zalmen Mlotek, soloists Cantor Jack Mendelson, and Cantor Rebecca Garfein and a Grand Chorus of New York and New Jersey school children who will join Mandy Patinkin on the stage of Carnegie Hall to sing in Yiddish and to have an experience they will remember for the rest of their lives.…

Winter Jewish Music Concert presents Anthony Mordechai Tzvi Russell

Winter Jewish Music Concert presents its first solo concert
For details:

For five years the Winter Jewish Music Concert has presented large-scale concerts of
Jewish music, with twenty or more singers at each concert.

On Sunday, June 9th, at 4:00 p.m., we will for the first time present a concert
featuring only one singer. The performer at this very special event will be Anthony
Mordechai Tzvi Russell
, who over the past year has gained attention as the new voice
of Yiddish song. He will be singing from the songbook of Sidor Belarsky, one of the
20th Century’s greatest singers of Jewish song.

Mr. Russell’s personal story is compelling. He is a classically-trained
African-American singer who converted to Judaism and whose partner is a rabbi.…

Vampire Suit reunites in Brooklyn June 22nd

After a long break spent pursuing other activities, the members of Vampire
Suit reunite at their favorite venue. The band will play on June 22nd at Barbes, 376
9th St., Park Slope, Brooklyn, at 8pm.

As the group’s leader and composer, Jay Vilnai brings to Vampire Suit his wide
palette experiences as a musician in New York, having shared the stage with such
diverse figures as Klezmer great Frank London, Brazilian percussionist Jorge Martins
saxophonist Roy Nathanson, and having played anything from traditional jazz to
Balkan music, Klezmer to Schoenberg, free improv to cabaret shows.

Daniel Pearl Memorial Concert in Springfield, MA

Daniel Pearl Memorial Concert
Sunday, October 22nd , 2006
Rivers Memorial Building
Western New England College
1215 Wilbraham Road
Springfield, MA

On Sunday, October 22nd at 3pm there will be a FREE concert commemorating
the “Daniel Pearl Music Day” of Peace and Harmony. The concert will take
place in the Rivers Memorial Building at Western New England College, 1215
Wilbraham Road, Springfield, MA. For more info please contact Steve
Roulier at 413-782-1520 (

The musical groups performing will be:

– The Yiddishkeit Klezmer Ensemble
Ilene Stahl, clarinet
Brian Bender, trombone
Christina Crowder, accordion
Grant Smith, drums
Genevieve Rose, bass

– The Children’s Choruses of the Community Music School of Springfield

– Western New England College Campus Chorus

– The Presto String Ensemble

– Tehilah, adult gospel choir, from St.…

Next Generation in Philly

Klezmer: The Next Generation
at Society Hill Synogogue
Saturday, January 27th 8:00 p.m.
$10, by phone (215) 922-6590 or at the door

Society Hill Synagogue’s own Dan Blacksberg brings his trombone and
friends Michael Winograd, clarinet, and Carmen Staaf, accordion, for an
evening of klezmer music at Society Hill Synagogue, 418 Spruce St,
Philadelphia, Saturday January 27th at 8:00 PM. Second to none among the
new generation of klezmer players, Dan, Michael and Carmen offer traditional
and original music drawn from the heritage of Eastern European Jewry. A
magical combination of years of experience (already) on the world’s klezmer
stage, the sanctuary’s excellent acoustics and superb musicianship will
bring us to our feet, joined in spirit by those who once called the
Synagogue’s building “Die Groyse Rumeyneshe Shul.…

Andy Statman Live in Chicago

Coming on June 30th, 2008
“Andy Statman is the real thing – a musician’s musician.” –The New Yorker
“It’s the music of Jewish mystics” – The New York Times
“A fascinating & moving mixture” – Jazz Times

WHAT: Andy Statman will be performing live at “The Song & The Spirit”
WHEN: Monday, June 30, 2008 7:30 PM
WHERE: North Shore Center for the Performing Arts,
9501 Skokie Blvd. Skokie, IL
TICKET PRICES (in advance) $25, $36, $60
Purchase tickets online at:

For more information call Megan Ensign at 773-262-2770

Cassatt Quartet to Play Gerald Cohen’s “Playing for our lives”

From a Vanished World, a program of the In the Salon series.
The superb Cassatt Quartet will be playing Gerald Cohen‘s “Playing for ourLives,” a tribute to the extraordinary story of the musicians and music of the Terezin concentration camp near Prague. The concert, at Symphony Space in Manhattan, will also include music by Viktor Ullmann and Dmitri Shostakovich.

Thursday, Dec. 6 at 7:30pm
Tickets: $30; Members $25 / 30 & Under (with I.D.) $15
Symphony Space | 2537 Broadway at 95th Street, New York, NY 10025-6990

This program of In the Salon features Terezin concentration camp composer Viktor Ullmann’s Quartet No. 3, and Shostakovich’s towering Quartet No. 8, dedicated to the victims of fascism and war, as well as a new work by Gerald Cohen, “Playing for Our Lives,” a contemporary tribute to the musical life of the camp.…


Isle of Klezbos & The Lascivious Biddies together at Drom NYC
Wednesday, March 12th
Dynamic double bill of women’s bands, back by popular demand!

8:00pm – ISLE OF KLEZBOS klezmer sextet

9:30pm – The LASCIVIOUS BIDDIES cocktail pop quartet

$12 for both sets + club minimum
Drom: World Music/jazz nightclub & restaurant
85 Avenue A (near 6th St), East Village

Jewish Artists Line Up This Fall atThe Museum of Jewish Heritage

The Museum of Jewish Heritage is pleased to announce its concert line up for October
and November of this year. All events will take place at the Museum of Jewish
Hertiage, 36 Battery Place in Lower Manhattan.

Monday, October 8, 7 P.M
Tuesday, October 9, 7 P.M.
Wednesday, October 10, 7 P.M.

Idan Raichel
Songs for Peace: The Acoustic Series
Featuring Idan Raichel; with Marta Gomez, Somi, Cabra Casay, and Itamar Doari

Join dynamic Isaraeli artist Idan Raichel for his very first series of intimate
acoustic concerts in New York. Idan blends the unique sounds of Israel’s cultural
tradition with styles frm around the world for a sound that Billboard Magazine calls
a “multi-ethnic tour de force.” Showcasing new and old musical partnerships, Idan
and artists will celebrate the universal language of music.…

Once I Had a Fiddle CD Release

Once I Had a Fiddle
The Strauss Warschauer Duo
Tuesday, April 9 at 7:30 PM
As part of the New York Klezmer Series at the Steven Wise Free Synagogue
World-renowned klezmer musicians Deborah Strauss and Jeff Warschauer are celebrating
their 18th anniversary performing and teaching as the Strauss Warschauer Duo.
And what better way to celebrate this creative milestone than with a CD release
concert and tantshoyz at the New York Klezmer Series?

Deborah and Jeff will perform music from their brand new CD, Once I Had a Fiddle.
Special guests include dance master Steven Weintraub and drummer extraordinaire
Aaron Alexander.
Strauss and Warschauer are sweet and soulful performers who draw from klezmer, Yiddish,
Hasidic and liturgical music and culture, adding their own original compositions
and song settings.…

Two Worlds / Tsvey Veltn Concert

Wednesday, January 15th at 7 PM

On January 15 at 7 PM at the Center for Jewish History, a concert
co-sponsored by YIVO, the American Society for Jewish Music, and the Center for
Tradition Music and Dance wlll celebrate the long-awaited, new CD release of
Two Worlds/Tsvey Veltn (Golden Horn Records) by the rising Yiddish
musician Benjy Fox-Rosen and his band.

Following the concert, there will be an artist talkback with Fox-Rosen,
master Yiddish musician Joshua Waletsky, Pete Rushefsky, Director of the
Center for Traditional Music and Dance, and Amanda Scherbenske, Executive
Director of ASJM’s Jewish Music Forum, a scholar of new Jewish music.

Tickets: $15 for General Admission; $10 – YIVO, ASJM, CTMD members,
students, and seniors. Box Office: _smarttix.com_ | 212.868.4444 …


Jack H. Skirball Center for the Performing Arts @ NYU
566 LaGuardia Place at Washington Square South, NYC

$30; students $15
Box office (212) 992-8484
Online tickets:
Info/charge (212) 545-7536
…”a master of two idioms linked by their demands for virtuosity and
their down-home origins” –THE NEW YORK TIMES

Carolyn Enger at Kosciuszko Foundation Concert

The Kosciuszko Foundation is having an exciting program featuring works by Sean Hickey, Karol
Szymanowski, Arvo Part and Ned Rorem performed by Carolyn Enger, pianist. She will perform selections from her New York Times critically acclaimed “Best in Classical Recordings for 2013” CD, Ned Rorem: Piano Album I, ‘Six Friends.’

Thursday, November 6, 7 PM
The Kosciuszko Foundation
15 East 65th St.

KlezKamp 20

At: The Hudson Valley Resort and Spa, Kerhonkson, New York
2004 marks the 20th edition of KlezKamp: The Yiddish Folk Arts
. And while this is our birthday celebration, KlezKampers are
the ones who receive the gifts.

Our theme, Doyres/Generations, explores how Yiddish culture and
KlezKamp is passed through generations featuring KlezKamp doyres:
Chana Mlotek and son Zalmen, mother/daughter Elaine Hoffman-Watts and
Susan Watts, Anita Norich and father Isaac, Pearl Sapoznik and son plus
others. Our anniversary gives us a chance to dip into our archives to
show rare classroom videos of beloved KlezKamp teachers no longer with
us, and to also issue a special commemorative 2-CD anthology highlighting
20 years of our incomparable staff concerts. more….

“Purim in Khelm”

You are cordially invited to four free New York-area
performances of a new Yiddish musical comedy, “Purim
in Khelm”, presented by the National Yiddish Theatre –
Folksbiene and sponsored by the City University of New

“Purim in Khelm” features a professional cast,
klezmorim, and original Yiddish songs, and is
presented in Yiddish with English and Russian

by Motl Didner and Miryem-Khaye Seigel

An original Yiddish musical comedy
Presented with English and Russian supertitles

Featuring: Ashley Adler, Leizer Burko, Itzy Firestone,
Richard Kass, Susanne Nancy Kobb, David Mandelbaum,
Stuart Marshall, Freydale Zynstein-Oz, Harry Peerce
and Miryem-Khaye Seigel

With Art Bailey, Deborah Strauss and Jeff Warschauer

FOUR FREE PERFORMANCES sponsored by the City
University of New York

1) Tuesday, February 27 – Hunter College, Kaye
Playhouse – 7 PM.…

Schola Cantorum on Hudson Explores Judeo-Christian Choral Music Sacred Bridge

Three mid-March Choral Concerts in Caldwell, Jersey City and Manhattan will light up a sacred bridge.
Schola Cantorum on Hudson, the critically acclaimed
30-voice choral ensemble based in the New York/New Jersey metropolitan area, will perform
choral music highlighting the Judeo-Christian heritage with its 12th Ethnic
Celebration Series Concert in three venues. Entitled Sacred Bridge, this second
concert program of Schola’s season will first be performed at Caldwell College
on Bloomfield Avenue in Caldwell, New Jersey, on Sunday, March 11, 2007 at 4
pm, reprised on Sunday, March 18, at 4 pm, at Historic Holy Rosary Church, 344
Sixth Street, between Monmouth and Brunswick Streets in Jersey City. The third
concert will be performed at St. Malachy’s Church, The Actors’ Chapel, 239
West 49th Street (between Broadway and Eighth Avenue) in New York City, Monday,
March 19 at 7:30 pm.…

Yiddish operetta “Di Goldene Kale (The Golden Bride)” at Rutgers August 5

August 5 2015 at 7pm at Rutgers University in New Jersey will be the first orchestrated performance in 70 years of the Operetta “di Goldene Kale” The Golden Bride with music by Joseph Rumshinsky. This performance will showcase the reconstruction of the operetta by Michael Ochs, a scholar and librarian who worked at Harvard and found the manuscript there 35 years ago. Di Goldene Kale became a smash hit for Rumshinsky who wrote beautiful romantic melodies. Zalman Mlotek of the Folksbiene National Yiddish Theater in NYC will conduct. A company of singers from New York City’s National Yiddish Theatre – Folksbiene, accompanied by the Mason Gross Muzikers orchestra, will perform the operetta. For full details and to get tickets:

Di Goldene Kale takes place at 7 p.m.…

Braunstein, Karen

American Cantor and klezmer musician. Bachelor of Music, New England Conservatory, 1981. Hebrew Union College-School of Sacred Music, invested as cantor, 1988. Started the band “Shirim” in Boston. Served various pulpits as cantor and guest-cantor in New York, Pennsylvania, Florida and Texas. Currently serves Temple Shaarei Shalom, a Reform temple located in West Boynton Beach, Fl.

Fanny Brice
Aamerican. Born October 29, 1891, New York. Died May 29, 1951, Beverly Hills, California. New York theatrical singer and comedienne. Starred in the Ziegfeld Follies. Following a success with Irving Berlin, she continued Yiddish style comedic songs. Brice toured as a vaudevillian, and also was featured in several Broadway shows in the 1930s. She became known for her onstage antics and Yiddish ethnic humor. She went on to radio and created the Baby Snooks character.


Feinsinger, Mary

Born in New York City. A graduate of Barnard College, with B.A.,(Psychology), she also has a Master¹s Degree in Voice from The Juilliard School. She studied Voice: opera ( Martin Lies, Rose Bampton, Daniel Ferro) and Jazz Improvisation (voice-Janet Lawson, piano-Haim Cotton). She also studied Classical Piano (Jeaneane Dowis, Aspen Festival) and Composition (McNeil Robinson). As composer/arranger and editor at Transcontinental Music company in New York, she has written and arranged numerous pieces of solo and choral Jewish liturgical music. She produced, arranged, and music directed the 2-CD set Kol Dodi: Jewish Music for Weddings (2002). Also for the Union of American Hebrew Congregations, she arranged and produced the recording Songs from a Passover Haggadah (1997). She is co-founder, vocalist, and keyboard artist of the West End Klezmorim, and wrote music and lyrics for the off-Broadway revue Hot Klezmer; she has been assistant music director and vocal coach for the Folksbiene Yiddish Theatre.…

Lann, Vanessa

American. Composer. b. Brooklyn, New York, April 6, 1968. Pianist since the age of five. “Studied composition with Ruth Schonthal at the Westchester Conservatory of Music, where she received the William Petchek Scholarship. For two summers she was a scholarship student at the Tanglewood Institute. She was graduated summa cum laude from the music department of Harvard University, where her teachers included Earl Kim, Leon Kirchner and Peter Lieberson. Lann won the New York Music Teachers Association ‘Herbert Zipper Prize,’ the New York Musicians Club ‘Bohemians Prize’ and the Harvard University ‘Hugh F. MacColl Prize.’ She directed the Harvard Group For New Music and was co-founder of the Harvard Group For Gender Studies In Music. She also produced and announced radio feature programs (WHRB, Cambridge) and worked as music director for productions at the American Repertory Theater.…

Congregation Rodeph Sholom Marks MLK, Jr. Commemoration with Tel Aviv Gospel Choir

Congregation Rodeph Sholom Marks MLK, Jr. Commemoration with Tel Aviv Gospel Choir
Blending the unique sounds of musical groups from the
Middle East and New York City, an original take on gospel music will emerge and
resound at Congregation Rodeph Sholom during a multicultural and international
celebration to honor the memory of Martin Luther King, Jr., 6 p.m., Friday, Jan. 18,
2013 during Shabbat services.

The internationally renowned Iris and Ofer Portugaly and their Israeli Gospel Choir
will make their U.S. premiere, presenting a performance of Hebrew Gospel—their
innovative mix of African- American gospel with a “tantalizing” Israeli flavor. The
joyous program will bring together vocalists, gospel choirs, and musicians from
different cultures, communities, and ethnicities in a musical evening dedicated to
King’s vision for freedom and peace.…

Shomer Rothenberg, Anna

Born, January 1, 1885, in Pinsk, Russia. Died, May 18, 1960 in New York. Yiddish folk singer, composer, author. Her father was a Yiddish playwright and novelist. She started singing as a very young child with extraordinary accuracy. The family moved to New York and she studied voice with Lazar Samioloff, Fracis Rogers and others. Premiered her opera “Once Upon a Time” in 1922 at the New York Yiddish Art Theatre. Member of Yuval Trio. Sang primarily in the Jewish community Jewish music. Held leadership positions in Mailamm, the American-Palestine Music Association, along with her sister, Miriam Shomer. Studied Jewish music in trip to Eretz Yisrael in 1927. Wrote, Songs Heard in Palestine, based on her study there. Her papers are held by YIVO in New York, which include newspaper clippings from 1916 through 1950.…

Mikveh Music and More in Boston

Sunday March 25, 2007. Boston, MA 3pm.
3:00 PM – Mayyim Hayyim’s Signature Chocolate and Champagne Reception in the Back Bay Grand Ballroom
4:00 PM – Performance: Mikveh, Music and More in the John Hancock Hall
“Mikveh, Music and More” will be held at the John Hancock Hall in Boston’s Back Bay. Every seat is a great seat – reserve early! John Hancock Hall is located at 180 Berkeley Street in Boston. There will be parking available at nearby lot for $6 or free street parking.
Debbie Friedman,
Cantor Benjie Ellen Schiller, Peri Smilow, The Allards, Jeff Klepper and
Josh Nelson
will be performing. With NEW music by all of the above-and by
Danny Maseng, Craig Taubman, and Julie Silver (who unfortunately, won’t be
attending). Kudos to Josh Nelson who conceived of and directs the
event (and produced a CD of the music).…

Shatin, Judith

American. composer. Recent CD of orchestral music called Piping the Earth, just released on Capstone Records (CPS 8727). Her Shapirit, Yefehfiah (Beautiful Dragonfly) was performed in January, 2005 by the New York Treble Singers in New York. Currently, Judith Shatin is William R. Kenan, Jr. Professor of Music and Director of the Virginia Center for Computer Music of the McIntire Department of Music at the University of Virginia. She founded the VCCM in 1988. Prof. Shatin received a AB from Douglass College, 1971, a MM from Julliard in 1974 and the MFA 1976 and PhD from Princeton in 1979. She started teaching at the University of Virginia in 1979 and has been there since. Her awards, commissions and prizes are numerous, spanning over 25 years of accomplishment and are listed on her website at the University of Virginia.…

Sills, Beverly

Opera Star and philanthropist, Chairperson of Lincoln Center, and for many years, director of New York City Opera. Debut with the San Francisco Opera in 1953 and New York City opera in 1955. Joined the board of the Metropolitan Opera in 1991 where she had debuted in 1975. Beverly Sills, affectionately known to millions of fans as “Bubbles”, is a classical high coloratura soprano with an incredible range, flexibility and poise. She sang a repertoire of over 70 operas. She is the recipient of the French Order of Arts and Letters, the Presidential Medal of Freedom, the New York City Handel Medallion, and a Kennedy Center Honor among her many achievements and honors. Born in Brooklyn, NY, as Belle Miriam Silverman May 25, 1929.
Article/Interview with Beverly Sills
Beverly Sills
Governor’s Commission Honoring Beverly Sills/New York State Council on the Arts webpage

Jerusalem Lyric Trio performs Denburg World Premiere

The Jewish Music Commission of Los Angeles presents The Jerusalem Lyric Trio
in their World Premiere performance of Moshe Denburg�s �In the End of Days�,
(B�Aharit Hayamim). This piece was made possible by a grant from the Canada
Council for the Arts.

WHEN: Thursday, March 25, 2004
7:30 PM

WHERE:Valley Beth Shalom, 15739 Ventura Boulevard,
Encino, CA 91436

Tickets $20. Call (818) 788-6000.
More info…

Ettinger, Dan

Israeli. Born 1971 in Holon, Israel. Baritone, pianist and conductor, an accomplished pianist, accompanist and coach, and was a faculty member of the Rubin Academy of Music in Jerusalem and the Tel Aviv University. A recent press release revealed: “Dan began his piano studies at the age of six. He graduated from Thelma Yellin High School, and served in the IDF’s special program for excellent musicians. In 1993, he won first prize in the Francois Shapira Competition as a baritone singer (1993) and performed with the Israeli Philharmonic Orchestra. He participated for several years in the summer academy courses of IVAI – Israel Vocal Arts Institute. During 1995-1998 Dan sang in various roles at the New Israeli Opera and was also a faculty member at the Rubin Academy of Music in Jerusalem and Tel Aviv University.…

Milder, Larry

Guitarist. Rabbi. Singer songwriter. “Larry has produced three albums of new and original Jewish folk music: Bible & Beyond, On My Block, and Rats, Leviathans & Other Tails. Larry’s songs also appear on over a dozen albums, including NFTY at 50, an anthology of classic songs from the Reform Jewish youth movement; Havdalah Pajama by Judy Caplan Ginsburgh, winner of a Parents’ Choice award; and most recently, Celebrate Kids, the latest collection by Craig Taubman.” His song “Wherever You Go (There’s Always Someone Jewish!),” has been taught in schools around New England. Three of Larry’s songs are included in the new Shireinu songbook from Transcontinental Music. Taught guitar master classes at the CAJE Conference. Guitarist of Hamakor, Boston’s Israeli folk dance troupe. Founded the innovative Jewish band, Elijah Rock.…


According to the website, Satlah’s music is “a unique blend of jazz, world music and avant-garde with a strong Jewish/middle eastern flavor.” The band, based in New York City, has a new CD called “Exodus” recorded live at Tonic in New York’s Lower East Side, and a first CD called “Satlah” which features John Zorn as a guest artist. Satlah is an Israeli slang term… John Zorn is producing their music on the Tzaddik label. In the past year, Satlah has performed at the Jewish Culture Festival in Krakow, Poland, the Klezmer Express Festival in Verona, Italy, the MIMI New Music Festival in Marseilles, France and at a concert in London along with John Zorn for BBC Radio. They also performed at the Chicago Cultural Center through the Israeli Consulate and the Washington D.C.…


This is an extraordinary album with tremendous creativity at all levels. The poetry and music of Beyle Schaechter-Gottesman is a modern miracle. To have such splendid NEW YIDDISH SONGS in 2003, –in and of itself– makes this album quite worthwhile….

Steal a Pencil for Me and More in NY

Wednesday, April 26, 2017, 7:30 p.m.

JTS will host a performance of excerpts and discussion of two important new operas: As One (music by Laura Kaminsky, libretto by Mark Campbell and Kimberly Reed), following a transgender woman’s journey to self-acceptance. The other is Steal a Pencil for Me (music by H. L. Miller Cantorial School Assistant Professor Gerald Cohen, libretto by Deborah Brevoort), the story of a real-life couple who fell in love while imprisoned in Nazi concentration camps. Following the performance, the two composers, Laura Kaminsky and Gerald Cohen, will discuss their operas’ creation. Cantor Nancy Abramson, director of H. L. Miller Cantorial School, will moderate the discussion.

Tickets: $10

For Tickets:

JTS is located at 3080 Broadway, New York, NY 10027

All students with ID—as well as JTS alumni, faculty, students, and staff—may request up to two free tickets each.…

Irving Fine: An American Composer in His Time

By Phillip Ramey

This thoroughly researched biography, commissioned by Verna Fine, widow of the composer, is a highly readable entree not only to the life and works of Irving Fine, but to the history of the Brandeis University Department of Music. Irving Fine was a highly creative and innovative composer, and became the Walter W. Naumburg Professor of Music and Chairman of the School of Creative Arts at Brandeis. His inventive leadership of a newly formed Creative Arts Department would set the tone and course of study for the next 50 years. Fine had taught theory and music history at Harvard from 1939-50, when he joined the music faculty of Brandeis in Fall, 1950, as Lecturer in Music and Composer in Residence. Fine’s intellect led him to a style of “Stravinskian neoclassicism and romatically inflected serialism” that was to catch the imagination and close friendship of the American musical luminaries of the day, including Boston Symphony conductor Serge Koussevitzky, composers Aaron Copland and Leonard Bernstein, and his Brandeis colleagues Harold Shapero and Arthur Berger.…

Eisenberg’s Mary Christ Performed by Svigals

Premiere of a unique collaboration — Evan Eisenberg‘s new novel,
Mary Christ, set to Alicia Svigals‘ music and performed live
Monday, June 25 at 8 pm, at Ansche Chesed, 251 W. 100th St. (at West
End Ave). On the roof if weather allows, indoors otherwise.
Suggested contribution: $5.

A presentation of the Scribblers on the Roof series at Ansche

Evan Eisenberg (The Recording Angel, The Ecology of Eden) will read
selections from Mary Christ, a recently completed anti-historical
novel, accompanied by klezmer fiddler Alicia Svigals. He may also
read a couple of his humor pieces from Time, The New Yorker, The
Atlantic, Slate, or the New York Times. Also reading will be
Elizabeth Frank, author of the novel Cheat and Charmer and winner
of the Pulitzer Prize for her biography of the poet Louise Bogan.…

Sephardic Music Festival in NYC! Don’t miss it!

An amazing lineup of musicians for the Sephardic Music Festival in New York, December 8-15,
It’s ‘what to do’ for Hanukah 2012. Not the same old same old. You’re bound to hear new takes on the music of Sefarad with these groups. For complete information on times, places and admission, please visit the website.






More to be announced!…

American Democracy Inspires Jewish Music

Meira Warshauer Look to the Light will be performed on November 12 at Princeton University as part of American Democracy Inspires Jewish Music and Poetry Program

Meira Warshauer’s Look to the Light for SATB and piano, with text by
Rabbi Dan Grossman will be performed by Sharim V’Sharot, central New
Jersey’s select Jewish choir, Elayne Robinson Grossman, Music Director,
as part of their “American Democracy Inspires Jewish Music and Poetry”
program on Sunday, November 12 – 1:00 PM in Frist Hall on the campus of
Princeton University, Princeton, New Jersey. Look to the Light portrays
Chanukah themes of light and freedom through the lens of American
experience, with references to George Washington and Billings, Montana.

This program is free and open to the public, however reservations are

The Other Europeans 1st USA & Canada Tour

A band called “The Other Europeans” is offering a series of concerts on a tour through the Northeast and Canada this summer. For those that love klezmer or roma music, it’s a “must” concert for the summer. They will be at: Aug 15-22, Klezkanada; Aug 25-26, National Yiddish Book Center (Amherst, MA); Aug 27-29, American Folk Festival (Bangor, ME); Aug 31, Johnny D’s (Boston, MA); Sep 1, Montreal Jewish Music Festival; Sep 4-6, Ashkenaz (Toronto). To learn more about the band and see concert details: .


Over 250 adults and children will celebrate Chanukah, the Festival of Lights, in concert, 3 P.M., Sunday, December
10, 2006 as Congregation Rodeph Sholom of Manhattan hosts its unique, multigenerational Festival of Choirs.
Congregation Rodeph Sholom is located at 7 West 83rd Street off of Central Park West in Manhattan. For more information about this concert, please call (212) 362-8800, ext. 1337. A Festival of Choirs is free of charge and open to the entire community.

The seventh annual concert will feature cantors and their volunteer adult and children’s choirs from all
over the New York metropolitan area. This year, the first night of Chanukah is Friday, December 15, 2006.

“There is no better way to usher in the festival of Chanukah than to see people from all ages, literally from age five to 85 singing together,” according to Congregation Rodeph Sholom’s Senior Cantor, Rebecca Garfein.…

Creighton University in Omaha, Nebraska offers Jewish Music Symposium

A two-day academic symposium called “‘I Will Sing and Make Music’: Jewish Music and Musicians Throughout the Ages” will be held October 29-30, 2006. It is The Nineteenth Annual Klutznick-Harris Symposium being held in Omaha Nebraska. This year’s theme on Jewish music has as keynote speaker Josh Jacobson of Northeastern University.
Presenters include:

Theodore Albrecht
Kent State University
“Beethoven’s Quotation of Kol Nidrei? A Circumstantial Case for Sherlock Holmes”

Paul Eisenstein Baker
University of St. Thomas (Houston)
“Leo Zeitlin and the Early Twentieth Century Society for Jewish Folk Music”

Emily A. Bell
University of Florida
“Revitalizing the Synagogue Ritual: Cantor David Putterman’s Annual Service of New Music at New York’s Park Avenue Synagogue”

Dan W. Clanton, Jr.
University of Denver
“‘From Biblical Times to Lyrical Rhymes’: The Assertion of Jewish Identity in Music as Cultural Resistance”

Marsha Bryan Edelman
Gratz College
“What Do You Mean, ‘It Doesn’t Sound Jewish?’: Debunking Myths and Defining Models for Extra-Liturgical Music”

Anat Feinberg
College of Jewish Studies Heidelberg
“To Play or Not to Play: Jewish Musicians in Germany After 1945”

Susan M.…


Over 200 adults and children will celebrate Chanukah,
the Festival of Lights, in concert, 3 P.M., Sunday, December 14, 2008 as
Congregation Rodeph Sholom of Manhattan hosts its unique, multigenerational Festival
of Choirs. The ninth annual concert will feature cantors and their volunteer adult
and children’s choirs from all over the New York metropolitan area. This year, the
first night of Chanukah is Sunday, December 21, 2008.

“There is nothing as special as seeing the young and the young-at-heart join
together in song to celebrate the festival of Chanukah,” according to Congregation
Rodeph Sholom’s Senior Cantor, Rebecca Garfein. “We are thrilled to present the
ninth annual Festival of Choirs to the New York community.”

Highlights of the concert will include the multigenerational 200-voiced combined
choir singing an arrangement of Peter Yarrow’s song (of Peter Paul and Mary
fame),“Light One Candle,” and the concert’s finale, “Bring on the Light,” a piece
by composer, singer and actor, Danny Maseng, that was commissioned by Congregation
Rodeph Sholom for the Festival of Choirs in 2001.…