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Craig Taubman’s Jewels of Elul

For the 4th consecutive year, Craig Taubman and Craig ‘N Co. are
producing Jewels of Elul, a collection of stories and inspirations for
the High Holidays. This year’s contributors range from Senators McCain
and Obama to Jeffrey Katzenberg, Olympic medalist Elka Graham, and
Lynn Schusterman.

Thanks to the support and vision of the Stefan Adelipour for Life
Foundation, the Jewels will be available online at and in booklet form free of charge.

Hop to Klezmer Workshops in London

Sunday 9 November 2008
Klezmer Workshop
12 – 1pm
London Klezmer Session
1 – 4pm
The Cross Kings, 126 York Way, N1
London klezmer session every second Sunday of the month. Bring an instrument
and a tune, or just come to shmooze & booze. The pub does great food and has
comfy sofas, too…
Info and tunes .
Next date: Sunday 21 December (NB DATE IS THIRD SUNDAY OF THE MONTH!)
Workshop £5; Jam £1.

Sunday 23 November 2008
5.30 – 9pm
Klezmer Barn Dance
Amersham Common Village Hall, 24 White Lion Road, Amersham HP7 9JD

Come along and dance your socks off at this fun event for grown-ups, kids
and all those in-between. With dance leading from Ilana Cravitz and live
music from the Hopkele House Band: Susi Evans (clarinet), Matt Bacon
(guitar) and Paul Moylan (bass).…

Job Opening in New Orleans

Tulane University through Library Associates Companies (LAC) seeks a creative, dynamic Head of Music & Media Librarian to work within the Public Services Division at an academic library located in New Orleans, LA. Reporting to the Director of Public Services, the Head of the Music and Media Librarian will play a key role in the Library’s efforts to rebuild its world-class music collections, which were heavily damaged by Hurricane Katrina. He or she will participate in committee service within the library and through professional activity help to advocate for the interests of librarians at Tulane and throughout the profession. The librarian may share reference duties with other librarians at a central Reference and Information Desk including some evening and weekend duty; and participate in the library’s instruction program.…


Yiddish Poetry of Abraham Joshua Heschel
Set to Music
CD Release Concert
Basya Schechter
Wednesday, November 30, 2011, 8 PM
(le) poisson rouge, 158 Bleeker St. NYC
$12 in advance
$15 at the door

The concert is presented by Moshe Rosenfeld and Golden Land Concerts & Connections, with support from the League for Yiddish/Afn Shvel, as well as the National Yiddish Theater – Folksbiene, The Workmen’s Circle/Arbeter-Ring, Congress for Jewish Culture, YIVO Institute for Jewish Research.

לידער פֿון וווּנדער

די ייִדישע פּאָעזיע פֿון

אַבֿרהם־יהושע העשעל

באַלייט פֿון מוזיק

קאָנצערט לכּבֿוד דעם אַרויסקום

פֿון דעם נײַעם קאָמפּאַקטל

לידער פֿון וווּנדער

בתיה שעכטער

Hebrew College. Rae and Joseph Gann Library. Jewish Music Institute

In addition to materials for the study of Jewish education and general Jewish studies, the library now houses the New England division of the American Jewish Historical Society. The library is also beginning to support a new cantorial school, begun in Fall 2004. Bibliographic items include standard works such as the out-of-print classics series in synagogue music.

Jews, Music, and Postwar German Culture

Jewish Music Forum 2015–16 Season Opener In conjunction with The Barry S. Brook Center for Music Research and Documentation and the Leo Back Institute

“Jews, Music, and Postwar German Culture”

Book Talk and Conversation with Dr. Tina Frühauf (RILM, CUNY), Dr. William H. Weitzer (Executive Director, Leo Baeck Institute), and Dr. Mark Slobin (Winslow-Kaplan Professor of Music, Wesleyan University)

Dislocated Memories: Jews, Music, and Postwar German Culture (Oxford University Press, 2014), editors Tina Frühauf and Lily Hirsch

Monday, November 30, 6:00 p.m.
The Graduate Center, CUNY
365 Fifth Avenue, The Skylight Conference Room: 9100

The first volume of its kind, Dislocated Memories: Jews, Music, and Postwar German Culture draws together three significant areas of inquiry: Jewish music, German culture, and the legacy of the Holocaust.…

Sway Machinery’s Musical Extravaganza “Hidden Melodies Revealed: A Secret Celebration of Rosh Hashanah”

The Night Before Rosh Hashonah…..
September 17th at the Wilshire Boulevard Temple
“The Sway Machinery Makes The Ancient Modern And The Mythological Real”
– Village Voice

On the heels of their successful New York
City events in 2007 and 2008, JDub Records Presents America’s only indie
rock/Jewish cantorial music group, The Sway Machinery
bringing one of the most unique celebrations of the Jewish new year “Hidden Melodies
Revealed – a Secret Celebration of Rosh Hashanah”
to Los Angeles for 2009.
This multi-media concert event celebrates Rosh Hashanah in a presentation
that is part ritual, part rock concert. The performance is scheduled for
the night before Rosh Hashanah, on September 17. “Hidden Melodies Revealed”
will also include storytelling and compelling animated films.

The event will take place at 9:00pm

at the Wilshire Boulevard Temple
3663 Wilshire Blvd, Los Angeles
and admission is free.…

Sirba Octet

A French Yiddish band which features: Richard Schmoucler (violin); Christian Briere (violin); Ana Bela chaves (viola); Laurence Allalah (cello); Bernard Cazauran (double-bass); Philippe Berrod (clarinet); Iurie Morar (cymbalum); Laurent Boukobza (pianist). Six of these artists are also members of the prestigious Orchestre de Paris. Their performances are very popular and obtained support from many artists including Christoph Eschenbach, Ivry Gitlis, and Jo Amar. Their first CD “Un Violon sur les Toit de Paris” achieved good reviews with excellent arrangements of traditional standards. The group is more widely presented on their website which includes a discography, bios of the group members, sound clips and a video interview with Richard Schmoucler (in French). Extensive publicity pdfs are also available with lots of information about the group and its programs.…

Lama Lo!

“LAMA LO!” ensemble was established in 1999 with the support of the Ministry of Absorption in Jerusalem. “LAMA LO!”(“WHY NOT!”) presents a new view of traditional Jewish folklore by blending traditional klezmer music with elements of classical, jazz and Middle Eastern ethnic music, thus forming the bright individual and creative manner of the group. It consists of 6 professional musicians: Roman Kekhman virtuoso clarnetist (soloist), Yevgeniy Lyublin (Trumpet), Yuri Povolotsky (Piano, Accordion), Yakov Entin(Violin , Bass), Eduard Rezonov(Contrabass) and Anatoly Magdalinsky (Drums). Lama Lo! participated in arrangements, organized by Knesset, the President’s House, and other governmental institutions, and took part in the opening of international klezmer festival in S’fat. All concerts organized by the Israeli Ministry of Foreign Affairs in 2001 and in 2002 were a great success.…

Jack Curtis Dubowsky Ensemble at Meridian Gallery

Jack Dubowsky left and Fred Morgan right
Meridian Gallery: Composers in Performance Series Presents
VENUE: Meridian Gallery
535 Powell St, San Francisco, California 94108
Telephone: (415) 398-7229
TICKETS: $10 general, $5 students/seniors. No one
turned away for lack of funds.
BOX OFFICE: Tickets are available at the door.

The Jack Curtis Dubowsky Ensemble, a groundbreaking new
music ensemble led by classical and film composer Jack Curtis
Dubowsky, combines acoustic instruments, electronic hardware,
composed material and structured improvisation. The Ensemble
treats analog synth as a rare and unpredictable performance
instrument. The Ensemble s contemporary electroacoustic
music, abstract, calm, spacious, free form, and transcendental,
is performed and recorded live with no overdubs or sequencing.

Research Grants Program of ARSC

The Research Grants Program of the Association for Recorded Sound
Collections supports scholarship and publication in the fields of sound
recording research and audio preservation. (This program is separate from
the ARSC Preservation Grants Program, which encourages and supports the
preservation of historically significant sound recordings of Western Art
Music.) Project categories eligible for consideration include: discography,
bibliography, historical studies of the sound recording industry and its
products, and any other subject likely to increase the public’s
understanding and appreciation of the lasting importance of recorded sound.
ARSC encourages applications from individuals whose research forms part of
an academic program at the master’s or doctoral level.

For more information, visit:

Chamber Music – New York Style” at Temple Israel of the City of New York

On Thursday, April 22 at 8 PM, the Musicians of Lenox
Hill, under the artistic direction of Soo-Kyung Park, will perform “Chamber Music –
New York Style” at Temple Israel of the City of New York, 112 East 75th Street, New
York City The program includes Three American Piecesfor flute and piano by Lukas
Foss, Gershwin’s Embraceable You and I’ve Got Rhythm arranged for solo piano by Earl
Wilde, Dvořák’s Piano Quartet No. 2 in Eb Major, B 162, Op.87 and Luminaria for
violin and harp by Kenji Bunch, who has been called “a composer to watch” by the New
York Times and is quickly emerging as one of the most prominent American composers
of his generation.

New York Concert Review hailed the Musicians of Lenox Hill as “exemplary throughout”
and “extremely impressive, technically and musically”.…


If you want to listen to Irish music, but still support a Jewish group in Israel, then this is for you. Michal and Gal Shachar, and Eitan Hoffer along with former Riverdance percussionist, Abe Doron, founded a group that is touring Israel performing traditional Irish music. Based in Ma’ale Zvia, in the Galilee, the group, Evergreen, Yarok Ad in Hebrew, plays a host of various instruments. They have also composed some original songs in the genre. The website gives some information on purchasing a CD and going to their concerts. Maybe the music will make Israel greener, (but a little more rain would help as well). One can always hope– and that’s the brilliance of planting the Irish sound in the rockier soil of Israel. Sweet.…

Yarkoni, Yaffa

Born in Israel in 1925, Yarkoni has had a successful singing career in the new State of Israel, starting off singing songs of the Palmach. She was a radio operator during Israel’s War of Independence. She started singing for large groups at that time, appearing in the army choral troupe and continued to bolster the nation’s morale through many of the tough wars for the next fifty years and became known as “the Singer of the Wars.” In 1967, Yarkoni was chosen to sing “Jerusalem of Gold” in front of the Western Wall after Israel recaptured the city. She traveled throughout the world singing Israel’s new Hebrew songs to sell-out audiences in world venues such as New York’s Carnegie Hall, the Paris Olympia and London’s Palladium.…

Rubin, Ruth

Yiddish folklorist, ethnomusicologist and song collector. Ruth Rubin collected and notated over 2000 Yiddish songs. Ms. Rubin sang the Yiddish folksongs, often unaccompanied. She made documentary recordings such as “The Old Country” on Folkways Records, with other folksingers such as Pete Seeger included in the project. In a documentary about her life and work, “A Life of Song: A Portrait of Ruth Rubin” by Cindy Marshall, Ruth Rubin states that her parents moved to Montreal in 1904 and she was born there in 1906 as Rifkele Royzenblatt. She was born on Sept. 1, 1906. (Mark Slobin, in his new introduction to “Voices of a People” lists her as being born in Khotin, Romania.) At age 5, her father died. She attended The Aberdeen School, a Montreal Protestant school, and in the afternoons, a Jewish secular “shule”, the Peretz Shule,– getting an immersion in Jewish Yiddish culture.…

Raphael, Rabbi Rayzel

American. Born, Knoxville, Tennessee. Rabbi. Singer-songwriter. Geela-Rayzel Raphael is the co-creator of Shabbat Unplugged– a musical, rockin’ Shabbat service; sings with MIRAJ, an a cappella trio; and New Shalom, which offers lively interactive Shabbat services for synagogues and street performance. She has been writing songs for over 20 years. Her debut CD was Bible Babes a’ Beltin -strong songs of biblical women. In addition, she has recorded two CDs with MIRAJ. Her songs tend to be lifecycle ritual songs, ballads of Jewish women, and Hebrew/English liturgy. Rabbi Raphael is the daughter of Mitchell and Natalie Robinson. She received a BA from Indiana University in religious studies, and a Masters in Contemporary Jewish Studies from Brandeis University. Rayzel studied at Machon Pardes and the Melton Center for Jewish Education at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem.…

Poland’s Klezmer Heritage Sunday

Poland’s Klezmer Heritage Sunday, November 22, 2:00PM
The Center for Traditional Music and Dance An-sky Institute for Jewish Culture is pleased to present Jankiel’s Legacy: Poland’s Klezmer Music Heritage. All Polish schoolchildren know the character of Jankiel, the wise, old Jewish tsimbl (dulcimer) player featured in Pan Tadeusz, the epic masterpiece by Polish poet Adam Mickiewicz.

For hundreds of years, Jewish klezmer developed in shtetls throughout historic Polish territories as well as in cities like Warsaw, Krakow, Vilna, Lviv, and Lodz. In recent decades there has been a resurgence of interest among Poles in Jewish music, and today Poland is home to some of the world’s largest Yiddish music festivals. Join Walter Zev Feldman (NYU in Abu Dhabi), a pioneer of the klezmer revival and one of the music’s leading scholars, along with acclaimed tsimbl player and CTMD Executive Director, Pete Rushefsky, the celebrated klezmer flutist Adrianne Greenbaum (Mount Holyoke) and violin virtuoso Jake Shulman-Ment for a multi-media presentation and performance exploring Poland’s klezmer heritage.…

TOHU veBOHU Musique klezmer et arabo-andalouse

Dimanche 19 juillet 2009 à 20h15
Ancien Palace de Caux sur Montreux (VD)
Entrée libre, collecte.
Informations: Initiatives & Changement
Tél: 021 961 91 11

“Au début, la terre n’était que tohu-bohu; les ténèbres étaient sur la
face de l’abîme…” C’est dans ce tohu-bohu que jaillit la lumière et que
débuta la création du monde, dans lequel l’homme reçut pour commandement
de mettre de l’ordre. De nos jours, les guerres, les génocides, les
injustices, les épurations ethniques, les violations de la dignité et des
droits humains sont autant de preuves que la mission de l’homme sur la
Terre n’est pas achevée !

Pour aller -modestement- dans ce sens, le projet Tohu veBohu rassemble
des musiciens d’origine culturelle et religieuse juive et arabe. Il
montre qu’une coexistence musicale et amicale est possible et que, à
défaut de changer le monde, la connaissance de “l’autre” peut nous aider
à nous changer nous-mêmes, à progresser vers la compréhension, la
tolérance et la paix.…

JTS Cantorial School Concert

Sunday, December 4, 2011
Time 4:30
FREE concert featuring the JTS Cantorial School Chorus, directed by Hazzan David Tilman and accompanied by Elizabeth Rodgers, singing Cantorial classics, Israeli and modern Jewish art music, and Chanukah favorites (and a few surprises!)
Wine and cheese reception to follow the concert, hosted by Temple Gates of Prayer.
Please come out and support the next generation of Hazzanim and other lovers of Jewish music.
Complimentary valet parking is available in the synagogue parking lot.
Temple Gates of Prayer in Flushing NY is 20 minutes from Manhattan by car, about 4 miles from the Whitestone Bridge and 10-15 minutes from the Triboro.

Temple Gates of Prayer is accessible via the Flushing-Main St station of the #7 subway (3 blocks), or by a 17-minute ride on the LIRR Port Washington Branch to Flushing-Main St (5 blocks).…

Jewish Music Forum features Ezro Malakov

The Jewish Music Forum is offering a program being given at the Center for Jewish History
on Monday, March 2nd at 7 PM.
Celebrating the release of an important new book by Dr. Evan Rapport, Greeted with Smiles: Bukharian Jewish Music and Musicians in New York (Oxford University Press), with live music examples by some of New York’s most respected Bukharian musicians led by master singer Ezro Malakov, this promises to be a wonderfully informative and entertaining evening.
Center for Jewish History
15 West 16th Street
New York, NY
Please RSVP at:
Reception to follow.
Additional information about the program, Dr. Rapport and the performers is below.
I hope you will be able to join us on Monday, March 2nd. Admission is free.
Please RSVP to…

Jonathan Keren Premiere Featured at The Israeli Chamber Project with Samuel Rhodes

JTS Presents: The Israeli Chamber Project with Samuel Rhodes, an Evening of Chamber Music from The Juilliard School featuring Tibi Cziger (clarinet), Michal Korman (cello), Assaff Weisman (piano), Carmit Zori (violin), with special guest artist Samuel Rhodes (viola) will take place on Wednesday, October 22, 2014, at 7:30 p.m. at The Jewish Theological Seminary (JTS), located at 3080 Broadway (corner 122nd Street) in New York City. The Israeli Chamber Project (ICP) will perform a wide-ranging program of favorite classics and recent works influenced by Jewish culture, including music of Mozart, Schulhoff, Brahms, and the New York premiere of music by Israeli composer Jonathan Keren.

Admission to the concert is by ticket only. Tickets are $10 each; students with a valid school ID—as well as JTS alumni, faculty, students, and staff—may request up to two free tickets each.…

Yonatan Malin at Columbia Individual Voices and the Study of Jewish Cantillation

Talk by Dr. Yonatan Malin
Sponsored by the Jewish Music Forum
Friday, October 31, 2:00-4:00 P.M.
The Center for Ethnomusicology and Department of Music
Columbia University
Dodge Hall, Room 622

2960 Broadway
New York, NY
Admission is free; Please RSVP to

Reception to follow.

This paper is part of an ongoing project on the analysis of Jewish
cantillation in the Eastern Ashkenazic tradition. Jewish cantillation involves
the intoned reading of Biblical texts with melodies determined by accent
marks (te’amim) in printed Hebrew bibles. In other parts of the study, Malin
has explored aspects of the system broadly: how the melodies correlate with
and project text phrasing, and how they vary depending on the reading and

For more information please visit…

Shye Ben-Tzur & The Rajasthan Gypsies Free in Boston

Together with Outside the Box, Boston Jewish Music Festival will be presenting the grand finale event, a concert by Shye Ben-Tzur & The Rajasthan Gypsies. This is a unique multi-ethnic, Israeli and Indian ensemble that produces ‘world devotional music.’ Don’t miss what promises to be a remarkable free concert Sunday, July 21, 4 pm at Boston City Hall Plaza.

World Premiere of Meira Warshauer’s Ocean Calling for Piano Duo

World Premiere of Meira Warshauer’s Ocean Calling I for Piano Duo
on October 7
Ocean Calling I: Waves and Currents will be given its World Premiere performance on Sunday, October 7 – 3:00 PM at the University of South Carolina Recital Hall as part of the Cornelia Freeman Concert Series.

Performers will be the Lomazov/Rackers Duo
(Marina Lomazov and Joseph Rackers). Other composers on the program will include Verdi, Mozart, Kevin McKee, John Fitz Rogers and Tayloe Harding. Visit the duo at

More about the October 7 performance at

Andy Statman Named NEA National Heritage Fellow

“In 1982 the National Endowment for the Arts established the NEA National Heritage Awards as a way of honoring American folk artists for their contributions to our national cultural mosaic. Modelled after the Japanese “National Living Treasures” concept, the idea began with Bess Lomax Hawes, then director of the Folk Arts Program…. The NEA annually awards one-time-only National Heritage Fellowships for master folk and traditional artists. These fellowships are intended to recognize the recipients’ artistic excellence and support their continuing contributions to our nation’s traditional arts heritage.” This year, Andy Statman, klezmer clarinetist and mandolinist, has been named a fellow along with 8 other Americans in the Folk Arts for his life time of achievement in folk music, including Jewish klezmer music. A full biographical page appears on the NEA website:
Congratulations to Andy!…

Neshama Carlebach Sings Hatikvah with Inclusive Lyrics

Where but YouTube would you be able to hear a new version of a national anthem? The Forward newspaper asked Neshama Carlebach to sing Hatikvah, but not just any recording. The article was suggesting some new lyrics that could potentially be more inclusive to all Israelis of whatever creed, color or religion in a democratic society. This proposed change is not just for Arabs (not Palestinians, but Israeli Arabs), but also may resonate with other minorities now living in Israel including Christians, Bahai, Druze, Buddhists and peoples of other faiths and ethnic groups.

Neshama Carlebach, daughter of the late Shlomo Carlebach, took up the idea and has released a YouTube video with the suggested new and “old”-er texts. Of course the lyrics of this song “Hatikvah” have been changed before, and also those other famous Jewish songs, such as “Jerusalem of Gold.” Each time, these changes have come about due to changes in historic circumstances.…

“Daniella Rabbani in Concert with Litvakus Kelzmer Band”

“Daniella Rabbani in Concert with Litvakus Klezmer Band”
Sunday, January 8 at 3:00pm
Location: Axelrod Performing Arts Center
00 Grant Avenue, Deal Park, NJ
(732) 531-9106 ‎ ·
Tickets: $18
$15 Groups—Axelrod-Annual-Appeal-For-Support-.html?soid=1101575715437&aid=vY4yBeEfZ_4


1109 Fifth Avenue
New York, NY 10128

Frank London‘s Klezmer Brass Band Allstars will perform a Hanukkah
concert at The Jewish Museum on Tuesday, December 27 at 7:30 pm. This band has
toured the world, bringing over the top exuberant energy to traditional Jewish roots
music. Their 2005 CD Carnival Conspiracy was Rolling Stone magazine’s #1 non-English
recording. This concert will feature joyous Jewish-Gypsy-Balkan-jazz party sounds
as well as favorite Hanukkah songs in new arrangements. Members of the band are
trumpeter/composer Frank London, drummer Aaron Alexander, tuba player Ron Caswell,
clarinetist Matt Darriau, trombonist Brian Drye, and accordionist Patty Farrell.
Special guests for this concert include multi-instrumentalist and singer Michael
Alpert and the Purchase Klezmer Mob.…

Yaffa Yarkoni: A Voice for Peace; Gave Voice to Israeli Pride; Supported National Morale for Half Century

Yaffa Yarkoni, (December 24,1925-Jan 1, 2012). Born in Giv’ atayim, Israel. Yarkoni, as many of her generation, was the child of immigrants from the Caucuses. She was the daughter of Malka Alhassof and Avraham Abramov, the middle daughter of three children. Each parent had migrated early in the 20th century. Avraham Abramov, a fabric and carpet dealer, met Malka in Tel Aviv and married her there. Later, he left his family and moved to South Africa. Meanwhile, Malka was left to raise the children. She owned Tslil coffee house in Givatayim (Givat Rambam). All three young children (including Yaffa’s siblings Binyamin, Tikva) proved to have musical talent in singing, dancing and playing musical instruments. They started off in a teenage group Basmati. Yaffa attended Gertrude Kraus Dance School and from there succeeded in landing a place with the dance troupe of the Palestine Opera Company.…


East Village Klezmer Series Returns – January 18th, 8:30pm with a wonderful double
Adrianne Greenbaum’s Fleytmusik – featuring Pete Rushevsky, and Zevy Zions –
solo accordion.

Klezmer and Yiddish Music returns to the East Village, where it once was
king, at a new series curated by Aaron Alexander at the Sixth Street
Community Synagogue, 325 E. Sixth Street | New York, NY 10003.
The lineup for the winter/spring series includes a
fantastic lineup including wonderful klezmorim from New York and faraway
places such as Montreal, Berlin, Boston, and the UK. We are lucky to have
such a great group of musicians contributing to this endeavor. Please come
out and support the series!

The series are co-sponsored by Workmen?s Circle/Arbeiter Ring of NY,
All shows start at 8.30 and cover is $15 (drink included) unless otherwise

TALK | “Breath in a Ram’s Horn: The Jewish Spirit in Classical Music,” with Daniel Asia

Sunday, October 30, 2016 2-3:30pm

Yiddish Book Center 1021 West Street Amherst, MA 01002

Composer, conductor, professor, and activist Daniel Asia talks about the origins of Yiddish song in Eastern European culture, its continuation on the American scene in the music of Yiddish composer Lazar Weiner, and its influence on Asia’s own award-winning music.

This event is free and open to the public.

Yuval Ron Concerts in Northern California

August 23: Berkeley, CA – Towards the Days of Awe Concert, 7:30 pm
August 24: Berkeley Hills, CA – “Turning Heart” – Sufi poetry & music, 7:30 pm
August 25: Santa Cruz, CA – Towards the Days of Awe Concert, 7:30 pm
Continue for more information:
Interview with Yuval Ron in Fez Morocco from CNN

Fargenign, a Russian Yiddish Choir in Revere MA

A Yiddish event is happening this Sunday (Aug. 8th). Fargenign, a Russian Yiddish choir from Lynn, will be performing over brunch at Temple B’Nai Israel in Revere. The event is this coming Sunday, August 8th, at 10 AM.

If you would like to come please RSVP as soon as possible by e-mail ( or by phone (781-284-8388). $10 adults/$4 children. The congregation is located at 1 Wave Avenue, Revere, MA 02151 (Corner of Atlantic & Wave), in walking distance of the Beachmont stop on the Blue line and a few minutes away from Revere Beach.

Krakauer Plays with Detroit Symphony

The Detroit Symphony Orchestra under the direction of Leonard Slatkin will give the premiere performance of the Clarinet Klezmer Concerto, by Wlad Marhulets. The featured clarinet soloist is David Krakauer, one of the foremost musicians of the vital new wave of klezmer. The concerts will take place at the Orchestra Hall in Detroit on December 10th – 13th, 2009.
Max M. Fisher Music Center
3711 Woodward Avenue
Detroit, Michigan 48201
Box Office Phone: (313) 576-5111
Box Office Fax: (313) 576-5109

Ayelet and Anat in Petach Tiqua

Ayelet Rose Gottlieb
Ayelet and Anat (& surprise guests) in an intimate concert
part of “Presented by Ofer Portugali” Concert Series
Thursday, November 26, 2009
Time: 9:00pm – 11:00pm
at Beit Shapira, 20 Herzl Street, Petach Tiqua
Phone: 03-905-2349

Original compositions and improvised music…
Ayelet Rose Gottlieb and Anat Fort
to hear tracks from Ayelet’s new album – please visit:

Yosif Feigelson Cello Concert of Mieczyslaw Weinberg in NYC

Weinberg sonatasOn Sunday, November 22nd at 3 p.m. celebrated Russian cellist Yosif Feigelson
will perform at the Stephen Wise Free Synagogue (30 West 68th Street, NYC).

The concert will feature four Cello Sonatas of composer Mieczyslaw (Moishe) Weinberg (1919-1996). Tickets and more information are available at the website: or by phone at: (212) 877-4050.

Called “one of the most prolific, yet largely overlooked composers”,
Mieczyslaw (Moishe) Weinberg is author to 26 symphonies, 17 string quartets, operas,
concerti as well as music to many movies including famous “The Cranes Are Flying”.
For more facts about composer visit

An Evening of Baroque Jewish music at the Kennedy Center

Charles and Robyn Krauthammer proudly present:
An Evening of Baroque Jewish music at the Kennedy Center
Apollo Ensemble
An evening of Baroque Jewish music:
The Apollo Ensemble presented by Pro Musica Hebraica

Making its U.S. debut, Amsterdam’s Apollo Ensemble performs a concert of Baroque Jewish musical treasures, one night only, at the Kennedy Center. A highlight is the American premiere of Dio, Clemenza e Rigore, an anonymously composed oratorio for an eighteenth-century Italian Jewish holiday synagogue service. Don’t miss this rarely performed work. This concert is presented by Pro Musica Hebraica, devoted to presenting Jewish classical music, much of it believed lost, forgotten, or rarely performed, in a concert hall setting.

Apollo Ensemble
Thu., Nov. 5 at 7:30 | Kennedy Center Terrace Theater | Seats $38

CACERES – Le-el elim, Cantata for two voices and basso continuo (1738)
MARCELLO – Salmo 15/Ma’oz Tzur (1724-1727)
For alto, violincello, bassoon, harpsichord, and baritone
De ROSSI – Trio sonatas for two violins and basso continuo (ca.…

Breslov Bar Band Show

Hoshana Rabah concert @ the Carlebach Shul.

From melancholy midnight meditations to funky/punky affirmations of the One, the Breslov Bar Band explores musical expressions of the Breslov Chassidim from the traditional to the contemporary… Rock, Middle-Eastern, Punk, Jazz… it’s all there!

The group’s repertoire includes old dveykus melodies and ecstatic nigunim, as well as contemporary Breslov folk and rock music. The band members combine their passion for Jewish music with their strong roots in rock, jazz, and world music.

The band:
Binyomin Ginzberg – keys/vox/vibrandoneon
Mike Cohen – reeds
Allen Watsky – electric guitar
Yoshie Fruchter- bass
Rich Huntley – drums


$15 cover
Doors open at 7:30 PM
Music at 8 PM
Carlebach Shul
305 West 79th Street
New York, NY
Email: or

Hazamir International Jewish High School Choir Gala Concert in NY

Join hundreds of HaZamir teens
from across North America and Israel
for the
16th Annual
HaZamir Gala Concert
March 22, 2009
6:00 PM
Congregation Rodeph Sholom
7 West 83rd Street, New York City
$30- in advance through HaZamir by March 5th
$36 -at the door on the day of the Gala Concert
Click Here to Download Ticket Order Form and information about becoming a Sponsor
or call us at (212) 870-3339

Two Choruses, One Voice

The Newton Choral Society and Zamir Chorale of Boston
David Carrier, Director
Joshua Jacobson, Artistic Director
Leonard Bernstein Chichester Psalms; Mordecai Seter Festivals;
Eric Whitacre Five Hebrew Love Songs; Randall Thompson The Peaceable Kingdom
TIME: 3:00 pm
LOCATION: Sanders Theatre, Memorial Hall, 45 Quincy Street, Cambridge
To Order Tickets
$36 (preferred seating) and $18
For More Info:
Zamir Chorale of Boston
1320 Centre Street, Suite 306
Newton Centre, Massachusetts 02459
Phone: 617-244-6333

Beth Schafer in Beaumont, TX

Beth Schafer will be leading two events in Beaumont, TX the second week in February.
Friday, Feb 13 2009
8:00 PM Service with Beth Schafer trio!
Age Limit: All ages Tickets: FREE

Sat Feb 14 2009
7:00 PM
Concert with Beth Schafer Trio!
held at:
Temple Emanuel
1120 Broadway St Beaumont, TX 77701
for more info: Phone: (409) 832-6131

CD Release Oud Prayers on the Road to St. Jacques

Oud Prayers on the Road to St. Jacques
Sacred music of the Abrahamic faiths
Oud solo performances and arrangements by Yuval Ron

International composer, producer and world music artist Yuval Ron
takes on a highly symbolic endeavor, to unite chants from the three
religious traditions of the Middle East into a handful of harmonic
musical medleys. His deeply moving weaving of ancient sacred music
from the Hebrew, Maronite, Armenian and Sufi traditions results in a
decidedly contemplative, meditative and introspective experience.
Upon hearing a performance on the Oud by Yuval Ron, Pir Zia Inayat-
Khan, head of the Sufi Order International, remarked: “While deep
practice of one’s religious tradition is like sounding a note, a note
of great integrity and beauty, bringing together many sacred
traditions through the harmony of music expands the notes into a
symphony!” Recorded in live recitals on April 18, 2007 at Chapelle de
Cgan (built 12th Century) in Arthez and on April 19, 2007 at Notre
Dame a Sarrance (built 14th century) in Sarrance.…

The Adventures of Mazel and Schlimazel at the Toronto Fringe Festival

Palmerston Library Theatre
560 Palmerston Ave.
Toronto, ON
Mazel and Schlimazel is an all-original musical adaptation of a folkloric children’s tale of Yiddish/Jewish origin. Lorie and her band of spirited Klezmer musicians provide live music to this classic tale while it is presented, full of humour, suspense and surprise, by an expert storyteller.

The spirits of good luck and bad luck are at it again; only this time, the life of Tam, a young peasant lad, is on the line. In this music…al adventure, join the debonair Mazel and the wicked Schlimazel as they try to take control of Tam’s destiny while he tries to capture the heart of the king’s daughter.

This event is co-sponsored by the Ashkenaz Foundation
“The Adventures Mazel and Schlimazel” at the Fringe Festival!…

Chanukah in Song by Kol Rinah Chorale

Celebrating Chanukah in Song by Kol Rinah
in Pleasantville,NY
On Sunday November 24th at 7:00 pm, be part of a lively celebration of
Chanukah with Kol Rinah at the Rosenthal JCC of Northern Westchester,
located at 600 Bear Ridge Road, Pleasantville, NY 10570
Location Phone: (914) 741-0333
Kosher refreshments will be served. GA $20; Students/Seniors/JCC Members, $18.
($2 Discount for Advance Sales). For Tickets, Group Rates and other
Information visit:
or call Wendy Segal at (914) 243-9059
or email

“Yiddish is a M’Khaye”

Hits and Skits from Second Avenue to Pitkin Avenue
with Hy Wolfe, Miryem-Khaye Seigel and Steve Sterner
6:30 PM
Monday, October 27, 2014
Yiddish Artists and Friends Actors’ Club (YAFAC)
Fall Dinner and Concert
A glatt kosher dinner will be served.
Sutton Place Synagogue, 225 E 51st St, New York, NY
Members: $40
Guests: $45
Reservations required to
Send checks to Ruth Harris, Treaurer. 379 Barnard Ave., Cedarhurst, NY 11516
Phone: 516-569-1678

Miryem-Khaye Seigel and Sender Botwinik in Concert
Yiddish Culture Festival
Monday, November 3, 2014
KINSC Sharpless Auditorium
Haverford College,
370 Lancaster Avenue
Haverford, PA 19041
Welcome – Yiddish Culture Festival 2014
For More Info:
Jeff Tecosky-Feldman

Prayers for Fellow Prisoners with Ullern Kammerkor

Norway’s Ullern Kammerkor at the Center for Jewish History
15 West 16th Street, NYC
Thursday, May 29th at 7 PM
Prayers for Fellow Prisoners
by Kristian Hernes on a text by Dietrich Bonhoeffer
Norway’s Ullern Kammerkor
Gjermund Brenne, Conductor
A program of music by composers active in the Terezin Concentration Camp and who perished during the Holocaust. In addition, the concert will have two pieces by Kurt Weill.

Nashir! The Rottenberg Chorale Concert

Sunday, June 1, 2014
7 pm in Merkin Concert Hall

Led by conductor Ben Gruder, this ensemble will present an evening of
Jewish choral music from the spiritual to the whimsical. Works include
pieces by Yehezkel Braun, Leonard Cohen, Moshe Wilenskyand Eric Whitacre.

Tickets: $24 preferred/$21 general admission/$17 student/seniors
Tickets available by phone or at box office only.
Students must show ID

Merkin Concert Hall
129 West 67th Street
New York, NY 10023
Tel. 212-501-3330

See more

Crossing the sea of song, Popular Music in the Mediterranean, from Italy to Israel

February 20, 2014 from 6:30pm to 9pm
Location: Italian Cultural Instituite
Street: 814 Montgomery Street
City/Town: San Francisco

Showing the impact of Italian popular music, and especially the Sanremo Song Festival (Festival della Canzone Italiana), on the development of Israeli popular song from the 1950s to the present, musicologist Francesco Spagnolo explores the politics of culture and national identity across the Mediterranean. The talk, which celebrates the 60th anniversary of Italy’s public television broadcasting, will be illustrated by numerous recordings and videos of Italian songs and their Hebrew adaptations. Francesco Spagnolo, PhD, is the Curator of The Magnes Collection of Jewish Art and Life and a Lecturer in the Department of Music at UC Berkeley.

This event is co-presented by the Consulate General of Israel to the Pacific Northwest.…

Yuval Ron Ensemble in Concert

Mystical Music and Dance of the Middle East
Thursday, January 30, 2014 at 7:30 PM
Location: The Gallagher-Bluedorn Performing Arts Center,
University of Northern Iowa campus, 8392 University Avenue, Ceder Falls, IA
Admission: Adults: $29, $23, $23, kids $1
Buy tickets: Phone: 1-877-216-3663, Email:, Online:”Click Here
For more information:

Zalmen Mlotek and Moishe Rosenfeld Revive Golden Land thru Jan 6

The musical, The Golden Land, originally created by Zalmen Mlotek and Moishe Rosenfeld in 1984 told the ‘poignant yet joyous saga of the Eastern European Jewish immigration to America’ from their first glimpses of the Statue of Liberty through their battles for social justice and … continues through mid-century history.
Now playing at Baruch Performing Arts Center, 55 Lexington Avenue at 25th Street.
Phone:(646) 312-4085
Transit: 23 St
For tickets, performance times and dates:

The Hugo Weisgall Centennial Concert

The Hugo Weisgall Centennial Concert
Featuring Renowned
Opera Star, Soprano Lauren Flanigan, and New York Philharmonic cellist, Eric Barltett.
Sunday, November 18 at 3 PM
Center for Jewish History
15 West 16th Street, NYC

‘The Golden Peacock”
An homage to the Yiddish speakers lost in the Holocaust

“The Stronger” (1952)
A one-act opera for soprano based on a play by Strindberg.

“Will You Marry Me?” (1989)
A one-act opera for soprano and baritone, written as a companion piece to “The Stonger,” with a libretto by Chalres Kondek, the libretist of Weisgall’s opera “Esther”

“Arioso and Burlesca” (1984)
An exciting work for cello and piano, played by Eric Bartlett, who commissioned the work from Weisgalll for his NYC recital debut.

General Admission $18
Members of ASJM, AJHS & CJH $12
Seniors and Students $9
Tickets by phone: 212.868.4444
Or, Click at Below to Purchase Tickets on the Web:

Music for Deep Movement

Music for Deep Movement, Vol. 1
A new album release of original music composed by Yuval Ron

Experimental ambient slow evolving, trance inducing and all around great music for
movers, dancers, meditators and contemplators who search the deeper levels of
reality and beyond. Using organic and some electronic sounds compose,r Yuval Ron,
creates music beyond borders. Music from the Kalpa – a site specific performance at
the Getty Center, Los Angeles, CA on January 20, 2012, commissioned by Hirokazu
Kosaka and the soundtrack of the film Em Moves by director Hanna Heiting.

Purchase this CD
Phone Orders: 818-505-1355

Click to see the Yuval Ensemble perform a stunning Qawwali version of “Allah Hou”

Lori Cahan-simon Ensemble in Chicago

Sunday, July 8, 2012
Goodman Auditorium • Illinois Holocaust Museum & Education Center 9603 Woods Drive • Skokie, Illinois

The Chicago YIVO Society presents the 2nd Annual Sarah Lazarus Memorial Concert featuring The Lori Cahan-Simon Ensemble in a program of, “Vessel of Song: The Music of Mikhl Gelbart ”
Lori Cahan-Simon, vocals; Steve Greenman, violin; Walt Mahovlich, accordion

Mikhl Gelbart set to music the works of over a hundred poets and dramatists, including Y.L. Peretz and Avrom Reyzen. His beloved songs have been taught not only in this country, but around the world, and have been recorded or sung by just about every singer of Yiddish song.

General Admission $10 • Museum Members FREE but reservations required
Online (preferred) — click on “Museum Events” or phone 847.967.4889

Nashir! The Rottenberg Chorale in NYC

On Sunday June 3rd at 7:00 pm, Nashir! The Rottenberg Chorale will perform
and exciting and eclectic concert. Featured works include a David Burger setting of
Hatikvah, and Elliot Levine setting of an e.e. cummings poem, and a Yair Rosenblum setting of ‘Unetane Tokef’ in a contemporary style. The program also includes pieces
by Franz Schubert, W. A. Mozart, Salamone Rossi, Max Janowski and Matthew Lazar.

Where: Merkin Concert Hall, 129 West 67th Street, New York, NY 10023
Box office: 212-501-3330

When: Sunday, June 3, 7:00 pm

Tickets: $24 premium
$21 general admission
$17 seniors and students*
*Tickets available only at box office or by phone. Students must
show ID.

Leo Zeitlin music at JMF in NYC

The Jewish Music Forum of the American Society of Jewish Music will present rare evening event, on Thursday, February 9th at 7 PM. Because these evenings have been so popular, you will need to make reservations to attend (see information below).

The topic is “The Music of Leo Zeitlin,” one of the composers of the St. Petersburg School from the early 20th Century. On this occasion the wonderful performers from YIVO’s Sidney Krum Young Artis Series will provide live music examples to accompany the talk, which will be given by Professor Paula Eisenstein Baker, with Dr. Michael Steinlauf at respondent.

Joining the Krum Young Artists will be Cantors Robert Abelson, Maria Dubinsky, and Martha Novick. The evening session will be held at the YIVO Institute at the Center for Jewish History (15 West 16th Street, NYC), and will be taped for later broadcast on the web.…

World Premieres of New Yiddish Music

World Premieres of New Yiddish Music with Benjy and Avi Fox-Rosen
Start Time: Tuesday, November 15 at 8:30pm
End Time: Tuesday, November 15 at 11:30pm
Cornelia St Cafe
29 Cornelia St, New York, NY 10014-4127
Phone 212.989.9319

Benjy Fox-Rosen has been active as a bassist and singer in the klezmer and eastern European music scene in New York for the last several years; he has toured worldwide with Luminescent Orchestrii, recorded with Adrienne Cooper, and is bassist/vocalist in the Michael Winograd Klezmer Trio. After several years of performing with his own band, Fox-Rosen has emerged with a unique take on Yiddish song. This evening Fox-Rosen will present new material, primarily drawing from his settings of Yiddish poetry, as well as lesser known folk songs and new instrumental pieces.…

Chamber Music at Rodeph Sholom Classical Jazz Concert

NY Premier of “Excursions and Impressions for flute, clarinet, cello
and Jazz Trio” by Ted Rosenthal
Saturday, January 31st, at 1PM
The concerts are free.
Please rsvp to enjoy a light lunch before the concert.
Phone 646 -454-3039 or email
Congregation Rodeph Sholom,
7 West 83rd Street, NYC can be reached by bus or subway. Take the B or
C train, or the M86 bus to 86th Street and Central Park West and walk
three blocks south.

REFLECTIONS – Jewish Musical Journeys

Do you or your family know any unusual or interesting Seder or Shabbat songs? If so we’d love to hear from you – even if you don’t have the voice of an opera singer!

The REFLECTIONS project is creating an anthology of the huge range of different melodies sung in Jewish homes around Britain at Seder, Chanukah and Shabbat and recording them for posterity. Through the family stories of our interviewees we are tracing the origins of the songs and in this way developing a collection of Jewish Musical Journeys – a social history of the British Jewish community through its music.

Each family has its favourite tunes for the traditional Pesach songs or Shabbat Zmirot lyrics and the variations reflect the different family origins. We have already recorded eight different versions of Chad Gadya from Belarus, Hungary, Lithuania, Rhodes, Russia, Turkey and the UK!…

Doina Klezmer Quartet

“The repertoire of the Doina Klezmer Quartet consists of the traditional Eastern European klezmer music arranged by the band, but also of new, own Finnish and Northern influences creatively combining klezmer music composed by Sampo Lassila. In the music of Doina Klezmer otherwise distance musical elements are combined in a special and unique way. These musicians regard highly the tradition and also improvisation has a great importance in their music. Doina Klezmer was established in 1996 and after that the old Jewish music has gained quicly a whole lot of new fans in Finland and the concept of the “Finnish Klezmer” has been presented for the first time in public. Doina Klezmer has given concerts in Helsinki with their artist friends and performed at clubs and concert halls all over Finland.…

Rebecca Kaplan & Pete Rushefsky

Kaplan & Rushefsky, Amherst, MA, Nov 21
On the Paths: Yiddish Songs with Tsimbl (Oyf di vegelekh)
National Yiddish Book Center
on the campus of Hampshire College, Route 116, Amherst, Massachusetts.
Sunday, November 21, 2004 2:00 PM
Donation: $6

Acclaimed Yiddish music artists Rebecca Kaplan (vocals, piano, drum) and Pete Rushefsky (tsimbl, the harp-like traditional klezmer hammered dulcimer) bring to life rarely heard gems of Yiddish music from collections by Moshe Beregovski, Joseph Moskowitz, Ruth Rubin, and others.

At the National Yiddish Book Center, on the campus of Hampshire College, Route 116, Amherst, Massachusetts. You don’t need to know Yiddish to enjoy our programs! Space is limited, and all programs are filled on a strictly first-come, first-served basis. For additional information, an application or reservations, please phone us at 413-256-4900.…

Holocaust Memorial Day at Central Synagogue London

Thursday, January 26, 2006 at Wix Hall, Central Synagogue in London.
Address: 36 Hallam Street, London, W1N 6NN,
Phone:020 7580 1355.
Time: The concert starts at 7.30pm
Ticket prices are £15
concessions £12.50

A concert celebrating human creativity in adversity for Holocaust Memorial Day. Maya Kasir soprano, Sagi Hartov cello, Marc Verter piano and special guest Sarah Aaronson accordion.
After a short film ‘They never touched my bread’ – celebrating the meeting in Canterbury after 40 years of two musicians who performed together in the extraordinarily creative Terezin Concentration Camp outside Prague will be presented classical and cabaret music for voice, cello, accordion and piano, written and performed in the camp. Steven Leas with Central Synagogue choir conducted by Michael Etherton will sing the memorial prayer El Male Rahamim, that they performed in the presence of Her Majesty the Queen at Westminster Hall at Holocaust Memorial Day 2005 and which was broadcast on BBC TV.…