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Sephardisches Liederbuch (The Sephardic Songbook): 51 Judenspanische Lieder (51 Judeo-Spanish Songs)

Collected and edited by Aron Saltiel With Transcriptions and an introduction by Joshua Horowitz

The Sephardic Songbook is an academic work, based on original fieldwork taken between 1976 and 1996 in Bat-Yam, Sarajevo, Thessaloniki, and Istanbul among other places. The transcriptions are based on vocal traditions taken from informants, usually performed without any accompaniment. The book attempts to “be true to” the performance style of the informants. Standard notation is used. Harmonies are not provided in order to preserve the “modal character of most of the songs”.

An extensive and detailed introduction discusses the difficult issues surround vocal style, modal performance practicies, tempi, meter and rhythm, vocal ornamentation, microtonality and other factors affecting the true nature of the works.

The Songbook is completely bilingual in German and English, providing translations into both German and English for each song, as well as the text of the Introduction and the ‘Annotations’ description section at the back of the book.…

Analyzing your area of research – Jewish Music

Once you have selected an area to research, the next step is to figure out where your area of research fits in to the existing literature.

A. Is your area of research too broad or too narrow?

What specific question or questions do you want to answer as you do your research? (i.e. what is your hypothesis or hypotheses? You may need to modify these as you do your research)

If your area of research is too broad you will be overwhelmed with too much information and will have trouble figuring out what to write about. Some areas of research might be fine if you were writing a full length book, but not practical for a 10 page paper. Try limiting your area of research in terms of time period, geography, or noteworthy individuals.…

The Undying Flame: Ballads and Songs of the Holocaust

By Jerry Silverman

Subtitle reads: “110 Songs in 16 Languages with Extensive Historical Notes, Illustrations, Piano Arrangements, Guitar Chords and Singable English translations. Includes a CD of 14 Songs”.

The songs are in “Yiddish, German, Hebrew, Spanish, French, Dutch, Italian, Serbo-Croatian, Ladino, Greek, Norwegian, Czech, Polish, Russian, Hungarian and English.” Texts appear in each language’s transliteration and English translations. An introduction to each song is given. Often there are illlustrations or other documentation that accompany a song. Histories of the songs are given if known. Authors of texts and composers are attributed when known.

An announcement about this book on HaSafran from Aviva Astrinsky states that this is “a major collection of Holocaust music. Most of the songs have never appeared in print before. Over 300 pages.
The book is divided into three main sections:

  1. The Gathering Storm: 1933-1939
  2. Shoah: 1940 – 1945
  3. Kaddish: A Post-War Retrospective


Gustav Mahler

A website from the Austrian tourism bureau on the composer, Gustav Mahler, with neatly laid out biographical essays and links to information about Mahler sites to visit in Austria. Included is a bibliography for further reading.

Gustav Mahler: Song Symphonist
A book length biography on the web, full text, by Gabriel Engel. This remarkable web achievement is the first English language biography that took advantage of personal letters of Mahler. The title of the website comes from the book published by the Bruckner Society in 1932 which is presented full text on the website. The entire website on Mahler is maintained by Jason Greshes at:

Two New Discographies of Jewish Music

Julian Futter wrote: Dr Rainer Lotz, who was behind the 11 CD set
“Vorbei” – Beyond recall, the survey of Jewish recordings in the Nazi
era, has just released a discography of Jewish recordings in German
speaking countries. “Discographie der Judaica-Aufnahmen”.
This book covers 78rpm recordings made from 1901 up to 1960. It is
complimentary to Spottswood since Spottwood only covers recordings made
in the USA. It is nearly 600 pages long and covers more than 400
performers. Covering all aspects of Jewish life, culture, religion and anti-semitism
it therefore also includes entries for Thomas Mann, Ze’ev Jabotinsky and
many of the leaders and functionaries of the 3rd Reich. Among other
performers there are full details for S Kwartin, J. Rosenblatt, Julius Guttmann and many others.…

Swados, Elizabeth

Composer, playwright, orchestrator, director, and author of 6 children’s books and over directed over 30 plays. Born February 5, 1951 in Buffalo, NY. She went to Bennington College studying classical music. In the 1960s she was an activist playing folk music at political events and in coffeehouses. Winner of 3 Obie Awards and 5 Tony Award nominations. She won Outer Critics Circle Awards, a PEN Citation, and an Anne Frank National Foundation for Jewish Culture award. She also received a Ford Foundation Fellowship, a Guggenheim, a Covenant and a Spielberg grant. Composed music for the American Repertory Theatre including The Merchant of Venice, The Good Woman of Setzuanand Jacques and His Master. She wrote some Broadway shows, incidental music for film and television productions.…

Cool Jew Artist Showcase at Manhattan JCC

Thu, Nov 20, 2008
7:30 PM
Cool Jew

This “extreme book signing” will celebrate the launch of Cool Jew with an unprecedented concert of New York talent. Lisa will perform spoken word from her book, followed by an artists’ showcase. Special guests include Dov Rosenblatt of Blue Fringe, Y Love and Diwon, Rav Shmuel, Chana Rothman, Basya Schecter of Pharoah’s Daughter, the Goddess Pearlman of Nice Jewish Girls Gone Bad, Naomi Less of Jewish Chicks Rock, Sarah Aroeste and her Ladino rock band, Michelle Citrin aka Rosh Hashanah Girl, Yoshie Fruchter, and spoken word performance by poet/novelist/memoirist Matthue Roth. Artists will be available to autograph CDs and books for sale, fun kosher foods will be available, a marketplace will feature Heebster swag, and a charity raffle will raise money for the One Family Fund for Israeli victims of terror.…


Isle of Klezbos & The Lascivious Biddies together at Drom NYC
Wednesday, March 12th
Dynamic double bill of women’s bands, back by popular demand!

8:00pm – ISLE OF KLEZBOS klezmer sextet

9:30pm – The LASCIVIOUS BIDDIES cocktail pop quartet

$12 for both sets + club minimum
Drom: World Music/jazz nightclub & restaurant
85 Avenue A (near 6th St), East Village

New Live Music — Silent Film

Sunday 17th February 2008 at 4pm
SCORE: East and West with live music from Lemez Lovas, Rohan Kriwaczek
and Moshikop
Barbican, Silk Street, London EC2Y 8DS
£8.50/£6 conc/£4.50 under 15s from the Barbican ticket office: 0845 120
7527 or

Part of the Barbican’s silent film / live music series, Lemez Lovas,
formerly of Oi Va Voi, directs guest musicians Moshikop and Rohan
in an irreverent live performance of a score for East and West
– especially prepared for the JCC – that played to sell-out audiences in
2005 and 2006.

In Sidney M. Goldin and Ivan Abramson’s silent movie (1923), streetwise
New Yorker Mollie (Molly Picon) travels to her demure cousin’s wedding
in a traditional Polish shtetl. Lovas, Moshikop and Kriwaczek’s cheeky
new score takes us from traditional klezmer to contemporary electronica,
from liturgical melancholy to party pop kitsch and from vaudeville to

Mom Egg

Along with a group of talented lyricists, humorists, and poets, Rosalie Calabrese will be reading from her song lyrics in the Mom Egg, a new book is a multigenerational look at all sorts of issues from the mom’s point of view.
Friday, May 18, 2007 – 5:00-7:00 PM
85 East 4th St. (2nd Ave.) NYC
The Mom Egg book launch
and Mamapalooza celebration: music, poetry, and more –
books will be available for purchase ($15.00)
— and a Daisy guitar will be raffled off!
free admission, open seating

Solo Vocal Works on Jewish Themes: A Bibliography of Jewish Composers

By Kenneth Jaffe

An important new reference work has been published for identifying solo vocal works on all sorts of Jewish themes. This highly useful work gives an alphabetical list of composers with appropriate vocal works listed (not a complete list of works by each composer, but appropriately sticking to the scope of this volume). Many useful details, such as birth and death dates, place of birth, musical forces needed, first performance if known, translations of titles, and locations of scores. With some of the dramatic works, a lyricist might be named, as well as a brief synopsis of plot given.But the author doesn’t stop there; he provides useful “themes”, first based on the biblical texts, if used. In addition, he then provides themes such holidays, but also, “Jewish experience”, children’s material, philosophy, Holocaust or persecution, interfaith works, Jewish history, Yiddish theater, Sacred Services, and weddings.…

Klezmer Fiddle: a how to guide

By Ilana Cravitz

Ilana Cravitz has released a new book exploring traditional klezmer music. It’s a teaching guide, accompanied by a CD, and helps the student delve into the style of klezmer playing. Seckund and bass parts pull out for handy playing with friends. Cravitz explains bowing techniques, includes a brief history of klezmer, and the modes of each piece. Each of the sixteen tunes has a listening track to help learn performance technique. She also gives suggestions for effective variations and interpretations from the written score. In the appendix is a helpful chart explaining the dance style that goes with the various tunes, a Yiddish glossary and pronunciation guide, a bibliography and a discography. She also gives helpful suggestions about arranging melodies in sets, or groups of tunes that will work well together without a break.…

PARADE at “Bound4Broadway”

“Bound4Broadway” (, a nonprofit youth theatre company in the Washington, DC area, is currently in production for “Parade”, the tragic, true story of the trial and lynching of Leo Frank, a Brooklyn- born Jew, living in Georgia in 1913. The show won Tony? Awards for Best Book and Best Score in 2000.
The show is scheduled for performances
June 18-20, 2004 and June 25-26, 2004
Georgetown Prep. School in Rockville, MD.
for additional information….


sponsored by YIVO
at the Center for Jewish History

The internationally renowned cellist Ralph Kirshbaum honors the memory of his late teacher Lev Aronson (1912-1988), a Holocaust survivor who played for many years with the Dallas Symphony Orchestra, with a rare New York recital. Mr. Kirshbaum will perform compositions by Aronson as well as works by some of the artists who influenced him.

The program will also feature a reading by author Frances Brent from her critically acclaimed new book, The Lost Cellos of Lev Aronson (Atlas & Co.).

Admission: $25 General / $18 YIVO members
Box Office: 212.868.4444 |

JCC MusicFest West Bloomfield

June 20-27
D. Dan & Betty Kahn Building on the Eugene & Marcia Applebaum Jewish Community Campus in West Bloomfield.
Tickets on sale May 10, 2004
Highlighting the musical heritage of the Jewish people through a variety of programs that educate and entertain our community, while encouraging affiliation with the Jewish Community Center.
For more information or to volunteer, contact Katie Marcus at

DONA FEST-2005 success in February

Polina Shepherd writes to us about the Dona-Fest just held in Moscow:

February 17-20 The Shalom Theater hosted a gala concert of the first Moscow International Festival-Seminar of Jewish music DONA FEST-2005.

The leading Jewish bands from Russia and the CIS countries, as well as European stars, clarinetist Merlin Shepherd, composer and choir leader Polina Achkinazi-Shepherd and violinist Mark Kovnatsky, took part in the festival.

European Klezmer stars and Russian and CIS leading Jewish bands, folk quartet Askenazim, The Kharkov Klezmer Band, Dona, Klezmasters, Arkady Gendler, Alina Ivakh, Psoi Korolenko, and many others took part in the gala concert. The book “The Yiddishkait Music” book was presented at the concert. The East European Jewish wedding music, Klezmer, was forgotten for a long time. It comes back to Russia today.…

Discovering Jewish Music in Paperback

Discovering Jewish Music
By Marsha Bryan Edelman
is now being released in Paperback

You can read a review of this book by the JMWC at

Preview the Preface

Preview excerpts from Chapter 8

Jewish music from the Bible to the present, with musical illustrations
and an audio CD
Most of us have experienced “Jewish music,” whether it’s through
synagogue attendance, a bar mitzvah celebration, a klezmer concert, or
the playing of “Hava Nagila” at a baseball
game. The many different kinds of Jewish music are reflected by the
multitude of Jewish communities throughout the world, each having its
own unique set of experiences and values. This book puts the music into
a context of Jewish history, philosophy, and sociology.

Edelman begins 3,000 years ago, with a discussion of music in the Bible,
and then examines the nature of folk and liturgical music in the three
major Diaspora communities
that evolved over centuries, after the destruction of the Temple in


Irving Fine – An American Composer in His Time

A new book about Irving Fine, by Phillip Ramey was published a few months ago by Pendragon Press. Fine was the Brandeis University composer who founded the Music Department and began the landmark performing arts festival at Brandeis. Pulitzer Prize-winning composer Richard Wernick, who studied under Fine at Brandeis, wrote the Forward. This book is being published by Pendragon Press in association with The Library of Congress.
ISBN: 978-1-57647-116-0 It’s part of the Lives in Music Series No. 8 called Irving Fine – An American Composer in His Time

Rubin, Ruth

Yiddish folklorist, ethnomusicologist and song collector. Ruth Rubin collected and notated over 2000 Yiddish songs. Ms. Rubin sang the Yiddish folksongs, often unaccompanied. She made documentary recordings such as “The Old Country” on Folkways Records, with other folksingers such as Pete Seeger included in the project. In a documentary about her life and work, “A Life of Song: A Portrait of Ruth Rubin” by Cindy Marshall, Ruth Rubin states that her parents moved to Montreal in 1904 and she was born there in 1906 as Rifkele Royzenblatt. She was born on Sept. 1, 1906. (Mark Slobin, in his new introduction to “Voices of a People” lists her as being born in Khotin, Romania.) At age 5, her father died. She attended The Aberdeen School, a Montreal Protestant school, and in the afternoons, a Jewish secular “shule”, the Peretz Shule,– getting an immersion in Jewish Yiddish culture.…

And You Shall Know Us by The Trail of Our Vinyl Lecture

Josh Kun-
And You Shall Know Us by The Trail of Our Vinyl:
Music, Memory, and the Politics of Jewish American History

Wednesday, May 20, 7:30 pm
ADMISSION: $10 General; $8 Members; $5 Full-Time Students

For more than eight years, cultural critic and USC professor Josh Kun,
along with co-author Roger Bennett, scoured the nation’s thrift stores
and garage sales for forgotten Jewish musical treasures. Their book
about the quest features the covers of more than 500 albums by a range
of artists, from Yosele Rosenblatt to Barbra Streisand and everyone in
between. Join Kun for a lively multimedia lecture about some of his
favorite finds and the album cover’s role in the way Jewish American
history gets told. A book signing follows the program.…

In Memory Of… Strom Finds ‘Lost Romanian Jewish Music’

Dec. 16th at 7pm the world premiere of Yale Strom’s new quartet:
“IN THE MEMORY OF…” as part of a concert of
“Lost Romanian Jewish Music”
Start Time: Wednesday, December 16 at 7:00pm
Where: Eldridge Street Synagogue
12 Eldridge Street (off Canal), NYC
Tel: (212)219-0302
Seniors $12.00; Public $15.00

In the summer of 2008, musician Yale Strom traveled to Romania and discovered a musical treasure trove. In the upstairs women’s balcony of the 1871 synagogue of Carei he found a box of old books including the cantor’s music book with over 250 melodies notated by hand. This Romanian Jewish musical treasure had been lost. In Memory of is a performance based upon the cantorial music he uncovered, and is dedicated to the Jews who perished during the Holocaust.…

‘Funny, It Doesn’t Sound Jewish’ at National Arts Club

Monday, December 18, 2006 at 8 PM
National Arts Club
15 Gramercy Park South (at 20th St. between Park Avenue & Irving
Place), New York City
Free event.

Funny, It Doesn’t Sound Jewish
Slide Lecture, Musical Performance & Booksigning
In his latest book, Funny, It Doesn’t Sound Jewish, composer and
author, Jack Gottlieb chronicles how Jewish songwriters and composers
transformed American popular music of the mid-twentieth-century. Dr.
Gottlieb will play piano and show vintage images as he illustrates
the connection, citing instances where Yiddish songs and cantorial
music were adapted by Jewish songwriters as they penned tunes for Tin
Pan Alley, Broadway, and Hollywood. The book (which includes a CD)
will be available at NAC member discount. A reception will follow.

Gila Flam

Israeli. Musicologist and Head of the National Sound Archive of Israel, located at the Hebrew University, Jerusalem. Her significant scholarly book, Singing for Survival: Songs of the Lodz Ghetto, 1940-45 has gained worldwide attention. “Basing her work upon interviews with survivors and the extant archival records of the Lodz Jewish community, Flam, herself the daughter of survivors from Lodz, describes the ghetto’s struggles through the songs composed and sung by its occupants ” (USHMM, book review). Several of these songs have now been recorded with popular groups, such as Brave Old World.

Jews, Music, and Postwar German Culture

Jewish Music Forum 2015–16 Season Opener In conjunction with The Barry S. Brook Center for Music Research and Documentation and the Leo Back Institute

“Jews, Music, and Postwar German Culture”

Book Talk and Conversation with Dr. Tina Frühauf (RILM, CUNY), Dr. William H. Weitzer (Executive Director, Leo Baeck Institute), and Dr. Mark Slobin (Winslow-Kaplan Professor of Music, Wesleyan University)

Dislocated Memories: Jews, Music, and Postwar German Culture (Oxford University Press, 2014), editors Tina Frühauf and Lily Hirsch

Monday, November 30, 6:00 p.m.
The Graduate Center, CUNY
365 Fifth Avenue, The Skylight Conference Room: 9100

The first volume of its kind, Dislocated Memories: Jews, Music, and Postwar German Culture draws together three significant areas of inquiry: Jewish music, German culture, and the legacy of the Holocaust.…


The Leib Glantz Project Team announces that the website of the LEIB GLANTZ PROJECT is now up and running on the Florida Atlantic University website.

This following last year’s publication of the 500-page book THE LEIB GLANTZ PROJECT that included three audio compact disks.

You can gain access to this website by logging on to:
The website is defined as “Sound ‘n Scores” – a project of the Recorded Sound Archives at Florida Atlantic University Libraries in Boca Raton. It is a unique online approach to music studies, which combines the experience of hearing recorded sound tracks while viewing corresponding sheet music.

The website contains 43 Leib Glantz compositions, organized into seven content areas in the order they are performed in Jewish prayer services.
Displayed pages of over 100 scores of new arrangements composed by several world famous musicians, many by Raymond Goldstein in collaboration with Cantor Naftali Herstik.…

Dave Levitt Trio at Stephen Wise Free Synagogue

NY Klezmer Series Presents: Dave Levitt Trio, w/Mike Cohen & Christina Crowder
Stephen Wise Free Synagogue in New York, New York
The Dave Levitt Trio
Dec. 2, 2014 at 7:30pm
Stephen Wise Free Synagogue
30 W. 68th St. NY NY 10023

Klezmer Instrumental Workshop w/Dave Levitt 5:30-7pm $25 per class
Concert begins at 7:30pm; $15. Jam sessions follow
Full night pass – $35 (includes class, Tantshoyz & jam sesson)

Dave Levitt – Trombone
Mike Cohen – Clarinet
Christina Crowder – Accordion

Dave Levitt is a fourth generation Klezmer musician and is known as a leading authority on this music as well as its history. Mr. Levitt has performed and lectured at the National Yiddish Book Center, Eldridge St. Museum and Synagogue, Center for Jewish History among many others.…

Amnon Shiloah Z”l

Amnon Shiloah, one of the world’s foremost authorities on Jewish music passed away in Jerusalem on Jul 11 2014 at the age of 85.
A long-time professor of musicology at Hebrew
University, Amnon Shiloah was an internationally respected and widely published
authority on Arabic and Middle Eastern Jewish musical traditions, a
scholar who did both ethnomusicological fieldwork and traditional
historical research. Prof. Shiloah was a prolific author of books and
articles, and editor of records; He did an immense amount of groundbreaking fieldwork. His most valuable work may be his large
bibliographic compendium and his magnum opus “The Theory of Music in
Arabic Writings ca.900-1900
” published by RILM in 1979.

Other works include: The Musical Tradition of Iraqi Jews,Music Subjects in the Zohar, Text and Indices, Jewish Musical Traditions, The Dimension of Music in Islamic and Jewish Culture, Music in the World of Islam: A Socio-cultural Study.…

Yale Strom — In Memory Of

Dec. 16th at 7pm the world premiere of
YALE STROM’S quartet

In the summer of 2008, musician Yale Strom traveled to Romania and discovered a musical treasure trove. In the upstairs women’s balcony of the 1871 synagogue of Carei he found a box of old books including the cantor’s music book with over 250 melodies notated by hand. THIS ROMANIAN JEWISH MUSICAL TREASURE HAD BEEN LOST UNTIL STROM’S DISCOVERY. In Memory of is a performance based upon the cantorial music he uncovered, and is dedicated to the Jews who perished during the Holocaust. Virtuoso cellist Mike Block and his string quartet will perform the new compositon.

After the quartet Cantor Ari Priven (Cong. Bnai Jeshurun) will sing some of the melodies from the “lost” cantor’s book and then Yale Strom and Mike Block will perform melodies from the same work as klezmer pieces.…

John Zorn: ABRAXAS: Concert at the Stone, NYC

John Zorn: ABRAXAS: Concert at the Stone, NYC
Concert description:
Shanir Ezra Blumenkranz: Abraxas: The Book Of Angels Volume 19 [#8302] – Stone Concert. October 9th, at 10 PMrd at The Stone, NYC

Producer and bassist Shanir Ezra Blumenkranz has been a mainstay of the downtown scene for over a decade now, working with and producing CDs by Daniel Zamir, Cyro Baptista, Eyal Maoz, Jon Madof, Yoshie Fruchter and more. Here he steps out on his own to make one of the most tribal and primal installments in the Book of Angels series. Drawing on his Sephardic roots, Shanir plays gimbri throughout, giving the music a primeval Moroccan edge. Featuring the intense guitar pyrotechnics of Eyal Maoz (Edom, 9 Volt with Time Berne, Hypercolor) and Aram Bajakian (who recently has been tearing it up in Lou Reed’s new band) and the atavistic drumming of Kenny Grohowski, this is Ritualistic Jewish Rock for the 21st century from a brilliant young lion from the East Village via Brooklyn/Israel!…

John Zorn: ABRAXAS: Shanir Ezra Blumenkranz: Debut Concert at the Stone, NYC

Shanir Ezra Blumenkranz: Abraxas: The Book Of Angels Volume 19 [#8302] –
DEBUT CONCERT August 3rd at The Stone, NYC
Venue: The Stone
Address: NW corner of Avenue C and 2nd St. East Village, Manhattan, New
York City Zip 10009
Date: Friday, August 3rd.
Time: 8 PM and 10 PM
Cover: $10

Shanir Ezra Blumenkranz has been a mainstay of the downtown scene for over
a decade now, working with and producing CDs by Daniel Zamir, Cyro
Baptista, Eyal Maoz, Jon Madof, Yoshie Fruchter and more. Here he steps out
on his own to make one of the most tribal and primal installments in the
Book of Angels series. Drawing on his Sephardic roots, Shanir plays gimbri
throughout, giving the music a primeval Moroccan edge. Featuring the
intense guitar pyrotechnics of Eyal Maoz (Edom, 9 Volt with Time Berne,
Hypercolor) and Aram Bajakian (who recently has been tearing it up in Lou
Reed’s new band) and the atavistic drumming of Kenny Grohowski, this is
Ritualistic Jewish Rock for the 21st century from a brilliant young lion
from the East Village via Brooklyn/Israel!…

Yidstock: the festival of new Yiddish music

Yidstock: the festival of new Yiddish music
click here for more info on Yidstock
July 11-15, 2012
at the National Yiddish Book Center

Enjoy a phenomenal week of performances, music-related films, lectures, exhibitions
and other events culminating in two days of concerts featuring top names in klezmer
and Yiddish music: Socalled with Michael Winograd Trio, Hankus Netsky & Hebrew
National Salvage, Frank London’s Klezmer Brass Allstars with Eleanor Reissa, and
Grammy Award-winners the Klezmatics.

Festival Pass: $75/member; $100/general admission
Individual event tickets available
The Yiddish Book Center is located on the campus of Hampshire College in Amherst, MA.

Important New Reference Work Now Available

Solo Vocal Works on Jewish Themes
An important new reference work has been published for identifying solo vocal works on all sorts of Jewish themes. This highly useful work gives an alphabetical list of composers with appropriate vocal works listed (not a complete list of works by each composer, but appropriately sticking to the scope of this volume). Many useful details, such as birth and death dates, place of birth, musical forces needed, first performance if known, translations of titles, and locations of scores. With some of the dramatic works, a lyricist might be named, as well as a brief synopsis of plot given.But the author doesn’t stop there; he provides useful “themes”, first based on the biblical texts, if used. In addition, he then provides themes such holidays, but also, “Jewish experience”, children’s material, philosophy, Holocaust or persecution, interfaith works, Jewish history, Yiddish theater, Sacred Services, and weddings.…

NJ Premiere of Rachel and Leah:

NJ Premiere of Rachel and Leah: A New Musical composed by Elizabeth Swados
Saturday, November 12 · 8:00pm – 11:00pm
at the
Axelrod Performing Arts Center, Deal Park, NJ
100 Grant Avenue
Deal Park, NJ
Rachel and Leah
A New Musical Premieres at the Axelrod
November 12, 2011 8 p.m. One Show Only!
Tony Award nominee, Elizabeth Swados, has composed Rachel and Leah: A New Musical about the biblical matriarchs that will have its New Jersey concert premiere at The Axelrod Performing Arts Perhaps, best known for her Broadway and international smash hit Runaways, Elizabeth Swados infuses more than 30 years of artistry and flavor into the music of Rachel and Leah: A New Musical. The Obie Award-winning composer has collaborated on this latest work with her apprentice of six years, Rebecca Keren (Book & Lyrics) and off-Broadway’s rising star, Daniella Rabbani (Book).…

Klezmer Concert Features Music of Dave Tarras

Yale Strom, one of the leading artists of klezmer culture, will perform the music of the “Benny Goodman of Klezmer”, Dave Tarras – many of these Tarras’ melodies have never been published or recorded before now.
Thursday, May 5 · 7:00pm – 10:00pm
Dweck Center, Brooklyn Public Library
1 Grand Army Plaza
Brooklyn, NY

Hot Pstromi clarinet virtuoso NORBERT STACHEL (Pink Floyd, Freddie Hubbard, Diana Ross, Roy Hargrove, Tower of Power, Boz Scaggs, Sheila E and many other world-class bands) will bring new exciting artistic interpretation to Tarras’s tunes.

Strom will also discuss his new book, Dave Tarras:The King of Klezmer (Or-Tav), a Tarras-family authorized biography. Tarras is considered the most influential klezmer musician of the twentieth century. Even the great be-bop artists Charlie Parker and Miles Davis traveled to the Catskills to study the technique of this complex and compelling virtuoso.…

Michael Isaacson lecture in NY at the Village Temple

Thursday, April 28 · 7:30pm – 10:30pm
The Village Temple
33 E. 12th St.
New York, NY

“Understanding the Power of Midrashic Synagogue Music”

In a rare one-time appearance on the East Coast, noted Los Angeles synagogue composer, conductor, and music director Dr. Michael Isaacson will speak about looking and listening to Jewish music in a new way; one that enables the Hazzan and the Rabbi to select and program music that has more meaning and g…reater emotional impact for their congregations. This is a talk that will be life transforming for you and will only happen here in New York on Thursday evening, April 28th, 2011

Those in attendance will also receive a 20% discount on Isaacson’s profound book and accompanying double CD set “Jewish Music as Midrash: What Makes Music Jewish?” (To order your copy of the book in advance, email Dr.…

Sacred and Secular Music Texts in Modern Times

Friday March 5 2010
9:30 A.M. to noon.

We invite you to join us at our next Jewish Music Forum event, which will
be held on March 5, 2010, at Center for Jewish History. Prof. Mark Slobin of
Wesleyan University and Dr. Mark Kligman of Hebrew Union College-Jewish
Institute of Religion will present a lecture entitled “Sacred and Secular Music
Texts in Modern Times.” We wish to extend a special thank you to our
co-sponsors for this event, the Working Group on the Jewish Book at Center for
Jewish History. The entire 2009-2010 Jewish Music Forum is a project of the
American Society for Jewish Music, an affiliate of the the American Jewish
Historical Society at the Center for Jewish History.

“Sacred and Secular Music Texts in Modern Times”

With Professor Mark Slobin, Wesleyan University and Dr.…

Barry Serota Z”l

Barry Serota

Barry Serota, a practicing attorney and executive director of the Institute for Jewish Sound Recording, died suddenly November 16, 2009 on a plane flight between New York and Madrid on the way to Israel.

Serota, widely known for his deep knowledge of Jewish music, had produced more than 100 recordings of Jewish sacred and secular music. Serota’s output at the Institute, based in Chicago, included choral, instrumental, folk and art music. Serota was especially known a promoter of chazzanut. Starting in 1969, he issued many esoteric Jewish music recordings under the imprint of Musique Internationale.

Serota, an advisor to the Milken Foundation, worked on their large project of the Library of American Jewish Music, the recordings which were published under the Naxos label.…

A Jewish Star Singing Competition

From the Jewish Music Plus blog we learn that a music contest is underway. Voting for contestants for Season 2 of A Jewish Star Singing Competition, the online Jewish singing competition which has engaged the orthodox Jewish music community, will end Friday, January 21 at 12:00 pm EST. 10 finalists will be chosen from 144 contestants from the worldwide talent competition and 3 will be chosen from the Jewish Star Junior competition. The MC will be the beloved Country Yossi, renowned entertainer, Jewish radio host and singer.

The finale of A Jewish Star season two will be hosted by the annual Soul to Soul concert, benefiting the education of children with special needs.

The show will take place on Sunday, February 20, 2011 , at 7pm
at the Brooklyn School for Music & Theatre,
883 Classon Avenue, Brooklyn, New York.…

International Jewish Music Festival in Amsterdam

A quick reminder of what will be happening at the International
Jewish Music Festival from September 13 – 16, 2014. The festival directors want you to know about a special offer:

Always wanted to make a flight over Amsterdam? If you support our
festival with a donation, our own pilot will take you up into the
sky! We enormously appreciate your help to realize our festival and
we can use every donation. But there is now another reason to help
us: until September 1st, KUNSTENISRAËL foundation will double any
amount donated to our voordekunst campagne (up to a maximum total of
€ 2500)! So every euro that you donate is worth three to us! Visit for
details and conditions.

What is happening in Amsterdam that weekend?…

Journey of Spirit Travels to TV

The world premiere of A Journey of Spirit, the award-winning independent
documentary on wsinger/songwriter Debbie Friedman, will air on two
consecutive Sundays, October 15th and 22nd at 7 a.m. ET/PT (6 a.m. CT)
on Hallmark Channel. A Journey of Spirit which won the best film award
from the National Council for Jewish Women, and the Detroit Jewish Film
Festival award for best new Jewish film
, among others, chronicles the
inspirational story of Ms. Friedman and how she has affected
contemporary Jewish music. Check your local times and listings.

Afro-Semitic Experience in Fall Village, CT

The Afro-Semitic Experience will be performing
a twilight concert next Saturday evening, August 9, at 6:30 p.m. at Music
Mountain in Falls Village Connecticut.

Music Mountain is a beautiful
facility with an air-conditioned auditorium making it comfortable no matter
what the weather-no worries about rain or high humidity! Falls Village is in the Berkshires and is about 10-15 minutes from the Massachusetts border. The address is 225 Music Mountain Road, Falls Church,
Connecticut, but the best way to get there is to check out the directions on
the Music Mountain web page:


Fresh on the heels of their first Grammy nomination for their innovative
collaboration with the Woody Guthrie archives, The Klezmatics will perform
two shows at Manhattan S.O.B. on January 21st.

The Klezmatics with special guests Susan McKeown and Boo Reiners
Double bill with Hugh Masekela
Showcasing songs from Wonder Wheel, Woody Guthrie Happy
Joyous Hanukkah
, and the Klezmatics 20-year career.

Sunday, January 21st
1st show- Doors: 6:30pm Hugh Masekela: 7:15pm – The Klezmatics: 8:15pm
2nd show- Doors: 9:30pm The Klezmatics: 10pm – Hugh Masekela: 11pm
Where: S.O.B. 200 Varick Street, NYC
Info and tickets:

Tonight May 17 Anat Fort Trio

Thursday, May 17th at 9 and 10:30PM at Cornelia St. Café
29 Cornelia St. NYC
Reservations and Information:

Another performance:
Saturday, 5/19 at 8 and 9:30pm at An Die Musik Live!
409 North Charles Street
Second Floor
Baltimore, Maryland
Reservations and Information: 888.221.6170 or 410.385.2638

Both gigs feature trio with Gary Wang-bass and Roland
Music old and new, some from A Long Story and some from from other

Concert Exceptionnel de Musique Juive

Le Président Gérard UZAN
& les membres de la Communauté Administrative
De Nogent, le Perreux, Bry,
Ont l’Immense Plaisir de Vous Convier
Le 19 janvier 2008 a 20h15 (Samedi soir – Motsé Chabbat Paracha BECHALA’H)
Au Concert Exceptionnel de Musique Juive
Au profit du projet de la Maison de la Culture Juive de Nogent

Récital Présenté par M Daniel SANDLER
En partenariat avec l’A.P.A.C
En présence de Son Excellence, David KORNBLUTH
Ambassadeur d’Israël auprès de l’Unesco

Grand Rabbin de Paris,

Président du Consistoire de Paris,

Des Autorités Civiles De Nogent, le Perreux, Bry,

Avec les Artistes,

Raphaël COHEN
Cantor de la SYNAGOGUE Education Sinaï

Le célèbre Hazan Raphaël Cohen s’est passionné de musique juive dès son enfance.…


Usdan Center For the Creative and Performing Arts (, America’s
premier summer arts day camp, will present its annual Festival Concerts, private
30-minute educational performances, just for Usdan students, at its on-site
1,000-seat McKinley Ampitheater, beginning Monday June 30.

A unique event this season will be the July 17 Concert of Remembrance and
Celebration; 60th Anniversary of Israel, hosted by the international concert
presenter and programmer Caroline Stoessinger. The concert will include excerpts
from Brundibar, the children s opera first performed in the Terezin concentration
camp, and since World War II, sung continually in Israel and throughout the world.
The Usdan Center Junior Chorus will perform.…


Metropolitan Klezmer plus…. much more.

Cellist Edward Arron Also Featured.

Usdan Center For the Creative and Performing Arts (, now
entering its 42nd season and declared a ‘Best O’f class or camp for 2009 by
TimeOutNY/Kids, NY Metro Parents and Long Island Press, will open its series
of Festival Concerts, private educational performances for its students, on
Monday June 29 at the Center¹s 200-acre woodland campus. These will be in
addition to many special workshops that will offer by the visiting artists
for Usdan students. The Center¹s 2009 season runs from June 29 to August 14.
Usdan is located at 185 Colonial Springs Road, in Huntington, Long Island.

Jewish Music Radio Returns to London s Airwaves this weekend

London is to have a Jewish music show once again after a 2-year absence. The Jewish
Program will air on east-London based ethnic radio station NuSounradio for an hour
every evening at 7pm.

Presenters Zev Gruber and Yitzchok Mordfield will bring listeners some of the latest
and greatest hits Up until June 2007, Soundradio 1503AM carried several Jewish
programmes, but upon its collapse that ended.

Now listeners will be able to once again tune in and hear Jewish music on the radio
by tuning in to the frequency of 92FM or at

Tel Aviv-Based VEGA Launches Electronic Music Initiative

Art Basel to Host Launch of Tel Aviv EDM Label
12/06/2012, Thursday
Miami Beach, FL
Art Basel, 151 NE 41st Street
Show: 6:00 pm
F r e e Admission.

As Israel and Gaza (hopefully) conclude their most recent conflict, a new music project seeks to unite the region on the dancefloor. They believe music is the best weapon against rockets and air strikes.

From the premier international modern and contemporary art show, Art Basel, a new music and art label will be born. The label, VEGA, will be based in Jaffa, Tel Aviv, Israel. The musical focus will be on EDM and will be as ethnically and spiritually diverse as Jaffa itself, one of the most consistently peaceful places for Jews, Christians, and Muslims to live and create together.…

Raskin, Judith

A lyric soprano whose voice was often described as  ravishing, Judith Raskin stressed purity of sound, clear diction, and the musical line. Born 21 June 1928, in New York, Judith grew up as an only child of teachers Harry A. Raskin and Lillian Mendelson Raskin. She studied both violin and piano as a child, but discovered singing, and sang in the glee club of Roosevelt High School in Yonkers. She studied voice with Anna Hamlin and acting with Ludwig Donath at Smith College, graduating 1949 with a BA, and along the way winning various scholarships and awards including the Harriet D. Barnum Award. Smith College later also awarded her an honorary MA in 1963. She won the Marian Anderson Scholarship for two years 1952 and 1953, and in 1956 won an award by the Musician s Club of New York.…

Silver, Julie

American. Singer. Songwriter. Julie Silver was raised in Newton, Massachusetts. By 18, she was leading song sessions throughout the Reform Jewish movement, and playing coffeehouses in and around Boston. She was graduated from Clark University in Worcester, Massachusetts and was selected by her senior class to deliver the commencement address and sing an original song at Graduation in May, 1988. After college, Silver landed a job as an on-air personality at WMJX, Magic 106.7 in Boston, a contemporary music radio station. She started as a weekend DJ, and quickly became the host of  Bedtime Magic, a top show of the Boston radio market. It was a natural fit for Silver who combined comic timing with a silky-smooth speaking voice.

Silver moved to Santa Monica in June 1994 to continue writing and recording.…

Mandy Patinkin for Folksbiene

Jun 16. At Carnegie Hall, 7:30pm.
Mandy Patinkin sings “Mamaloshen”
A benefit for the future of Yiddish Theatre in America

This historic and exciting gala will bring together the diverse community of supporters who share in a love of Yiddish culture and a desire to ensure its continued dynamic presence in our lives. The concert will also feature appearances by the all-star female Klezmer ensemble Mikveh, the internationally acclaimed clarinet virtuoso David Krakauer, the fabulous New Yiddish Chorale directed by Zalmen Mlotek, soloists Cantor Jack Mendelson, and Cantor Rebecca Garfein and a Grand Chorus of New York and New Jersey school children who will join Mandy Patinkin on the stage of Carnegie Hall to sing in Yiddish and to have an experience they will remember for the rest of their lives.…

Los Angeles Jewish Symphony and More

Three upcoming events for folks in California are coming up with the Los Angeles Jewish Symphony at the center of things. Starting next weekend is Event No. 1:

Shirat Hayam — Song of the Sea
A fundraiser for the Malibu Jewish Center & Synagogue.
Saturday, May 13, 2006, 8:00 PM

Malibu Jewish Center & Synagogue
24855 Pacific Coast Highway
Malibu, CA

An extraordinary event in our new synagogue featuring Cantor Marcelo Gindlin, Cantor
Mariana Gindlin & the MJC&S Choir in concert with the Los Angeles Jewish Symphony
conducted by Dr. Noreen Green. Dessert reception to follow.

For tickets, call (310) 456-2178
General Admission $65; Sponsorship $1,800 and $1,000

Gratz College Schreiber Jewish Music Library

“The Schreiber Jewish Music Library is one of the most extensive collections of its kind in the world. Centered around the Eric Mandell Collection, it includes more than 20,000 books, scores, records, tapes, and compact discs. It encompasses holdings in Jewish liturgy, Yiddish Theater, Ashkenazic hazzanut, Sephardic chants and popular music from America, Europe, and Israel. The Kutler Jewish Instrumental Library features compositions by Jewish composers or on Jewish themes for solo and ensemble instruments.” Schreiber Jewish Music library
Gratz College
7605 Old York Road
Melrose Park, PA 19027

Milken Archive Sponsors Competition

The Milken Archive of American Jewish music is looking for good art that meets the ear. The Milken Archive of Jewish Music in collaboration with the Foundation for Jewish Culture is launching Eye Meets Ear: Visual Arts Competition for Emerging Artists to select 20 works as cover art for 20 themed volumes of music in the Milken Archive’s new virtual museum.

The competition runs from September 1 to November 1, with winners to be announced in late December 2010. Each work selected will earn the artist a $2,000 cash prize. Artists, who must be ages 18 to 39, may submit works of art in any visual mediums that express and/or relate to the theme of individual virtual museum volumes, each of which explores a particular historical, cultural or musical theme.…


Force of Nature: Celebrating the Earth performed by Melodia Women’s Choir

Melodia Women s Choir/Cynthia Powell, Artistic Director, now celebrating their fifth
season and acclaimed by WNYC for their elegance and ringing tones, has scheduled
several spring performances: on Saturday and Sunday, May 3 and 4, 2008, they will
present Force of Nature: Celebrating the Earth, music about the natural world, at
St. Luke in the Fields Church in New York City.
487 Hudson Street
New York, NY
Saturday May 3 at 8 PM
Sunday May 4 at 4 PM.
Tickets are $20 in advance, $25 at the door, discounts for students
and seniors: $20 in advance, $15 at the door.
Call 212-252-4135, or visit

The program will feature Samuel
‘s Sure On This Shining Night; Hungarian composer Zoltán Kodály s Mountain Nights Songs Without Words For Women s Voices; Ronald Perera‘s Earthsongs; Zhou
‘s Four Seasons, a setting of ancient Chinese poetry; A Goodly Heritage by
British composer Gordon Jacob; Spring Song by Israeli composer Yehezkel Braun;
Hotaru Koi (Firefly) by Japanese composer Ro Ogura; and Wellsprings (New York
Premiere) and Contemplations (U.S.…

Out Of Darkness

Out Of Darkness featuring Liz Lerman Dance Exchange and Special Guests Sayat Nova
Tickets on sale now or 800-432-7250
$35 / $45 / $55

MARCH 22, 2008
7:30 PM
Cutler Majestic Theater
219 Tremont Street, Boston

The world-renowned Liz Lerman company boasts a 30-year international history of
art-making, exploring the role of engaging the everyday individual in art-making
processes, and the function of dance as a memory device.

The internationally treasured Armenian music and dance troupe Sayat Nova has since
1986 performed around the world in an effort to express the pride and indomitable
spirit of the Armenian people, and foster friendship across communities worldwide.
“… frantic and triumphant, with wailing melodies and a frenzied, rolling drum
beat.” — Watertown Tab, 2006

In Out of Darkness the two groups perform together for the first time.…

“A Night In The Old Marketplace”

A Night in the Old Marketplace PosterFRANK LONDON’S ” A NIGHT IN THE OLD MARKETPLACE”

Ron Caswell, tuba, bass
Brandon Seabrook guitar, banjo, mandolin
Art Bailey keyboards, accordion
Aaron Alexander, drums
And vocalists… La Tanya Hall, Manu Narayan (star of Broadway’s
Bombay Dreams), Craig
Wedren (from Shudder to Think), The Klezmatic’s Lorin Sklamberg and
many others featured on the recording,

“A Night In The Old Marketplace”

CD Release Party:

Monday, March 26th 8pm
Barrow Street Theater
27 Barrow Street
New York

Tickets via Telecharge 212-239-6200 or 800-432-7250
For more information read this POSTER with INFO

Running Time:
75 minutes, with no intermission

May be inappropriate for 10 and under.
Children under the age of 4 are not permitted in the theatre.
Important Notice
Performance begin promptly. Latecomers will not be seated!…

Swing Dance with the Seth Kibel Quintet

Saturday, February 14 — Community College of Baltimore County (CCBC)
Swing Dance with the Seth Kibel Quintet
800 South Rolling Road
Catonsville, MD 21228-5317
8:30 to 11:30 pm
In the “Barn.” A joint production of CCBC (Catonsville) and ChileSwing.
$10 for undergraduate students with a valid school ID card.
$12 for CCBC employees with valid CCBC ID card and those over 64 years.
$15 for the public. Beginner lesson included at 7:30 pm.
Sean Lane on piano, Ed Hrybyk on double bass, Wes Crawford on drums, and special guest vocalist Renee Tannenbaum!
Here’s the FB event page:

Kol Zimra: Chant Leader’s Training

Held at ELAT CHAYYIM in 99 Mill Hook Road, Accord, New York, starting August 2-8, 2004…
If you are one of the many people who have been moved and transformed by Rabbi Shefa Gold’s chanting practice and if you are a healer, teacher, artist or spiritual leader in your community, here is your chance to cultivate the inner qualities and learn the practical techniques that will enable you to bring that joy and meaning to others…not to mention the abundant blessings it will bring to your own spiritual life. Please feel free to pass this information on to others
who might benefit from it.

Portrait of Fanny Mendelssohn at The Jewish Museum

A recent acquisition to The Jewish Museum, Portrait of Fanny Mendelssohn Hensel, 1842, by
19th century German artist Moritz Daniel Oppenheim, has been added to
the “Modernity” section of Culture and Continuity. The subject of this
portrait was the sister of famous composer Felix Mendelssohn-Bartholdy,
a talented composer and musician in her own right. Fanny Hensel was
the wife of a fellow painter, Wilhelm Hensel, whom Oppenheim met in Rome
with the Nazarenes.

To reach the Museum’s offices, call: 212.423.3200.
1109 5th Ave at 92nd St
NY, NY 10128
for Directions:

Zion’s Muse: Three Generations of Israeli Composers –Ariel Quartet

Ariel Quartet
Zion’s Muse: Three Generations of Israeli Composers

Terrace Theater
The John F. Kennedy Center for the Performing Arts
Washington, D.C.
Sunday, December 14th, 2014, 7:30 PM
Ariel Quartet
Gershon Gerchikov, violin
Alexandra Kazovsky, violin
Jan Grüning, viola
Amit Even-Tov, cello


Individual tickets ($44 each) are available at The Kennedy Center’s website or by calling (800) 444-1324. Alternatively, you can save $20 by subscribing to both this concert and the May 7, 2015 performance. To subscribe, call the Kennedy Center Subscription Office at (202) 416-8500, Mon.–Fri., 10 a.m.–5 p.m.

Dance Workshops with Steve Weintraub, March 17-19 2015

Dance in Berkeley, CA with Steve Weintraub!
Tuesday, March 17 – Thursday, March 19, 7:30pm, Steve Weintraub, Magician of Jewish Dance, presents three workshops:
Tuesday, Raising the Roof: Jewish Stunts, Moves and Styles (Part 1). Dancing at a simkheh is not only a pleasure, it is also a
mitzveh and a gift to those celebrating. Learn to show off with the Bottle Dance, and be part of a Human Roulette Wheel and the Crushing Walls!

Wednesday, Make ‘Em Dance, for musicians and bands. Musicians will take turns dancing. Learn correct tempos and
feeling for each dance style. Improved playing guaranteed!

Thursday, Raising the Roof: Jewish Stunts, Moves and Style (Part 2). It’s Yiddish barn dancing! Including the Jewish square dance called the sher, and a variety of other fun and social dances with ballroom roots.…

Winter Jewish Music Concert 2013 in January

Don’t miss Jewish music from around the world: Yiddish, Cantorial, Ladino, Israeli, folk, pop, classical, jazz, tango and beat box (and magic too) in Miami, Florida.

Performed in the glorious 1926 Bertha Abess Sanctuary at Temple Israel of Greater Miami, the oldest Jewish sanctuary in continuous use in Florida. Located at 7 N13.E. 19th Street, the Temple is in Miami’s vibrant urban center, five blocks north from the Arsht Center for the Performing Arts, and near the Wynwood Arts District, Midtown, and the Design District.

Tickets for the 2013 Winter Jewish Music Concert are now on sale.

The concert, with a huge cast of cantors and performers, will be Saturday evening, January 19th. Tickets are $18 per person (plus
service charge), and can be purchased online (
or by calling 1-800-838-3006.…

Dance Workshops with Steve Weintraub, March 17-19 2015

Tuesday, March 17 – Thursday, March 19, 7:30pm, Steve Weintraub, Magician of Jewish Dance, presents three workshops:
Tuesday, Raising the Roof: Jewish Stunts, Moves and Styles (Part 1). Dancing at a simkheh is not only a pleasure, it is also a
mitzveh and a gift to those celebrating. Learn to show off with the Bottle Dance, and be part of a Human Roulette Wheel and the Crushing Walls!

Wednesday, Make ‘Em Dance, for musicians and bands. Musicians will take turns dancing. Learn correct tempos and
feeling for each dance style. Improved playing guaranteed!

Thursday, Raising the Roof: Jewish Stunts, Moves and Style (Part 2). It’s Yiddish barn dancing! Including the Jewish square dance called the sher, and a variety of other fun and social dances with ballroom roots.…