Michael Isaacson lecture in NY at the Village Temple

Thursday, April 28 · 7:30pm – 10:30pm
The Village Temple
33 E. 12th St.
New York, NY

“Understanding the Power of Midrashic Synagogue Music”
CLICK HERE TO RESERVE YOUR SEAT: http://bentisser.com/store/isaacson.htm

In a rare one-time appearance on the East Coast, noted Los Angeles synagogue composer, conductor, and music director Dr. Michael Isaacson will speak about looking and listening to Jewish music in a new way; one that enables the Hazzan and the Rabbi to select and program music that has more meaning and g…reater emotional impact for their congregations. This is a talk that will be life transforming for you and will only happen here in New York on Thursday evening, April 28th, 2011

Those in attendance will also receive a 20% discount on Isaacson’s profound book and accompanying double CD set “Jewish Music as Midrash: What Makes Music Jewish?” (To order your copy of the book in advance, email Dr. Isaacson at eggcreamer@sbcglobal.net)

For more information, email Cantor Benjamin Tisser at:

Admission is $36 ($10 students)
Lecture to be followed by a brief Q&A session, refreshments and Maariv with Sefirat Ha’omer (accepting volunteers for davening)