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A Southwestern celebration of Klezmer music and dance into the 21st century: a weekend of concerts, dance parties, and classes featuring the music and dance of the Eastern European Jewish People.
FEBRUARY 18th through FEBRUARY 20th, 2005 (President’s day weekend).
Presented by Congregation Nahalat Shalom (Inheritance of Peace congregation) – a non-profit, tax-exempt organization in Albuquerque, New Mexico, USA. For details….

“Weinberger Tour”

“WEINBERGER TOUR” in Czech republic
Czech cellist Frantisek Brikcius will appear with pianist Tomas Visek as part of
the project “Weinberger Tour” with composition written by Jewish composers on the
opening concert on Monday 23rd April 2007 in Spanish Synagogue in
Prague and continuing on tour until 29 October 2007, 7.30 pm, Pálffy palace – final concert
Černovice 3 November 2007, 7pm.
The concert tour “Weinberger Tour” of the Czech cellist Frantisek Brikcius and
Czech pianist Tomas Visek is in remembrance of Jewish composer, Jaromir
(1896 – 1967), who was born in Prague (40 years since his tragic death)
and introducing to the audience lesser known works of Jewish “Terezín” composers. On
the program are compositions written by Erwin Shulhoff (Sonata), James Simon
(Lamento 1938 – Czech premiere), Irena Kosikova (d-Fence – premiere) and Jaromir
(Une cantilene jalouse & Colloque sentimental – arr.…

Announcements Archive 2000

All archival announcements from 2000 listed below.

The Dutch duo, Mariejan van Oort and Jacques Verheijen, have just released their new CD “Benkshaft”. Visit their website at for more details.
Load date 12.08.00

–Boston, MA–
“Klezperanto” CD Release. The band will have CD release event Thursday night Nov. 30 (that’s one week after Thanksgiving)at 9 p.m. at Johnny D’s Uptown Restaurant and Music Club* (17 Holland Street, Somerville, MA 617 776-2004)
to celebrate the long-awaited release of the CD, Klezperanto! on the Naxos World label. “With solid klezmer roots, spectacular technical virtuosity, and a wry sense of humor, Ilene Stahl, Evan Harlan, and Boston’s hottest musisicans from the klezmer scene re-groove Yiddish and Mediterranean melodies with zydeco, funk, cumbia, rockabilly, and Romanian surf music.”
Load date 11.27.00

–Trieste, Italy–
Vanja Cvelbar has a band, The Original Klezmer Ensemble, in Trieste, Italy, that has released two CD’s: Klezmatic Tantz and Halleluja.…

From Boston to Berlin

The Zamir Chorale of Boston invites you to
From Boston to Berlin
A cabaret-style evening featuring
the Zamir Chamber Chorus
which will perform highlights of Zamir Chorale of Boston’s upcoming concerts in
the first Louis Lewandowski Festival in Berlin, Germany

Thursday, November 10, 2011
The Goethe-Institut*, 170 Beacon Street, Boston
(between Berkeley and Clarendon Streets)
Joshua Jacobson, Artistic Director
Remarks by
Friedrich Löhr, German Consul General in Boston
Ralph Selig, International Authority on German-Jewish
Chazzanut (liturgical music)
Light kosher refreshments will be served.
The Zamir Chorale of Boston is headed to Berlin, Germany, December 15-18, to represent
the United States at the Louis Lewandowski Festival. Zamir will join six other choirs
from around the world in paying tribute to the German Jewish composer who became
world renowned because of his beautiful choral settings of the synagogue liturgy.…

Milch-Sheriff, Ella

Nee Ella Milch. Born 1954 In Haifa, Israel. Composer. Singer, pianist. Milch-Sheriff started as a child prodigy, writing her first compositions by the age of 12. While serving in the Israeli army, she continued to write and sing her songs. After army service, she returned to studies in composition under Prof. Tzvi Avni at the Rubin Academy of Music at the Tel-Aviv University where she graudated in composition. She studied vocal studies with Prof. Tamar Rachum and Dafna Cohen-Licht. Her output consists of opera, orchestral, chamber and vocal and popular music. Her works have had numerous performances in Israel and abroad. She is composer of chamber works such as: Duo for flute & Cello (1976) with recent pieces that include “A Crown they shall give unto You” for voice and orchestra based on Ladino-Flamenco folk music (premiered January 2005); “Woman in Paths” for voice and piano (premiered 2005); and “Good Night, Sweet ladies” for 3 singers, actress and orchestra (premiered 2004).…

Beit-Halachmi, Michal

Israeli born clarinetist Michal Beit-Halachmi graduated from Givatayim Conservatory, where she studied with Eva Wasserman-Margolis. She continued her musical studies in the United States at Indiana University and Duquesne University, receiving her Bachelor of Music Degree in 1999. In 2002, she received her Master of Music degree from State University of New York at Stony Brook, under the tutelage of Charles Neidich. She has been a scholarship recipient of the America- Israel Cultural Foundation since 1997. She has toured Russia and Armenia with the American- Russian Young Artist Orchestra, performances at the Schleswig-Holstein Music Festival (Germany) and a concert in the Salzburg Festival with members of the Vienna Philharmonic. Other festival appearances include the Sarasota Chamber Music Festival, and Domaine Forget in Quebec, Canada. Ms. Beit-Halachmi has concertized extensively as a soloist and chamber musician throughout Israel and in Russia, Belgium, Hungary, Germany and the United States.…

Klezmer: Music, History and Memory Lecture & Music at NYPL

Klezmer: Music, History and Memory: Aesthetic and Cultural Dimensions
published by Oxford University Press, Fall 2016

Lecture and Musical program
Thursday, December 22 at 6:30 PM – 8:30 PM

Mid-Manhattan Library, New York Public Library (NYPL)

455 5th Ave, New York, New York 10016

A lecture and musical program with Dr. Walter Zev Feldman (author, cimbal) and Deborah Strauss (violin)

This event is free and open to the public on a first-come, first-served basis, and is generously sponsored by the Dorot Jewish Division in cooperation with Yiddish New York and the Center for Traditional Music and Dance.
From the NYPL announcement:

Emerging in 16th century Prague, the klezmer became a central cultural feature of the largest transnational Jewish community of modern times – the Ashkenazim of Eastern Europe.

Announcements Archive 2003

Saturday 29 November 2003, 8.00pm
Budapest Klezmer Band (Hungary). Coming from the heart of Europe, where klezmer music originated, this ensemble sweeps you off your feet from the first moment with their raw
energy, soaring sounds and gypsy folk rhythms. With exuberant vitality and yet with extreme poignancy they conjure up a time when this music was an integral part of European Jewish life.

Presented by the Jewish Music Institute supported by Warner Music UK, The Spiro Ark, The Swiss Embassy, the Hungarian Cultural Centre and The Jewish Chronicle.

Doors open 7.30, bands on at 8.00
Tickets £17.50 Concessions £14.00 Pass for all 4 concerts £50. Concessions for seniors, students, children, unwaged, groups of 10 or more or if coming to more than 1 concert) .…

The Book of Klezmer: The History, The Music, The Folklore

By Yale Strom

Yale Strom has written a book with enormous effort that supplies the reader with good access to extensive quotations by klezmer musicians, translations of previous scholarly works into English, 3 superb appendices, a bibliography, a very nice discography and an index. The purpose of the book is to give an overall history of klezmer music, with its growth in Eastern Europe and a look at the current scene and it’s meaning today.

Strom spent several years researching the material, conducting interviews of klezmer musicians in America and Europe, and having materials translated into English. Over a twenty-year period, he made some fifty trips to Eastern Europe doing ethnographic research. Details supplied by photographic plates and the extensive quotations from his interviews abound in the book.

A highlight of special note in this book is Appendix 1, “Klezmer Zikhroynes in di Yizker Bikher,” (Klezmer remembrances in the Memorial Books).…

An Erwin Schulhoff Retrospective

performed by Mimi Stern-Wolfe’s Downtown Chamber Players
Wednesday May 25 at 7:30 PM
Center for Jewish History, 15 West 16th Street
Tickets: $15; $10 for students, seniors

The Leo Baeck Institute and the American Society for Jewish Music are proud to present Mimi Stern Wolfe’s Downtown Music Productions in “An Erwin Schulhoff Retrospective,” a concert of chamber works by Schulhoff, along with an academic presentation of his life and musical legacy, May 25th, 7:00 PM, at the Center for Jewish History at 15 West 16th street. The prolific Schulhoff, a Jewish composer born in Prague, perished in a concentration camp at Wurzberg, Bavaria in 1942.

The program will include the following works of Erwin Schulhoff”:
** Hot Sonata for Saxophone and Piano (1930) performed by Marty Ehrlich, saxophone and Mimi Stern-Wolfe, piano.…

HaGalil OnLine

A really exciting site from Hanover, Germany promoting Israeli, Jewish, Yiddish and Klezmer music as well as other cultural activities of Judaism from central Europe. Sophisticated Real Audio Direct Streaming Sound 24 Hours “radio” as well as sound selections from recordings. Features many selections of popular Israeli artists, old recordings, chazzanuth and much more. Features cultural sites and information about Jewish communities from Germany, Switzerland, Czech Republic and Austria as well as other European nations.

Das Europäische Zentrum für Jüdische Musik

Hannover, Germany. Das Europäische Zentrum für Jüdische Musik under the direction of Andor Izsák hopes to reconstruct and document the music of the synagogues that were lost during the time of WWII. Much of the Jewish cantorial, organ music and composers are unknown to most people today in Germany, and the Center’s mission is to increase awareness and knowledge. The Center will search after documents, present concerts and sponsor festivals and symposia, and publish music.

Fischer, Greta

Noted concert critic of German original, who emigrated to Great Britain during WWII. Born, Germany 1893. Died Britain, 1977. Co-founder of “Club 1943” with Monty Jacobs and Adele Schreiber, a cultural forum for emigres in London during the war. Also worked on various newspapers. The Cultural Association had patterned itself after the Kulturbund founded in Germany when Jews lost their right to participate in mainstream cultural organizations under the Nazis.

Das Europäische Zentrum für Jüdische Musik

Hannover, Germany. Das Europäische Zentrum für Jüdische Musik, under the direction of Andor Izsák, hopes to reconstruct and document the music of the synagogues that were lost during the time of WWII. Much of the Jewish cantorial, organ music and composers are unknown to most people today in Germany. The Center’s mission is to increase awareness and knowledge. The Center will search after documents, present concerts and sponsor festivals and symposia, and publish music.

Meira Warshauer’s In Memoriam

Composer Meira Warshauer’s In Memoriam September 11 and Caesaria will be presented in the U.S. and Germany in several formats by several ensembles on Saturday, September 10 and Sunday, September 11, 2011.

The World and German Premiere performances of the cello choir version of In Memoriam (for 6 celli, adapted by Mirel Iancovici from the version for solo cello and strings) will be given by Mr. Iancovici and I Multicelli in Bottrop at Martinskirche on September 10 at 7:00 PM, in Gelsenkirchen at the New Synagogue on the 11th at noon and in Gladbeck at the Martin Luther Forum Ruhr on the 11th at 6:00 PM. Other composers on these programs include J.S. Bach, Mozart, Ravel, Samuel Barber, Max Bruch and John Tavener. Special guest soloist will be Felicia Hamza.…

Creighton University in Omaha, Nebraska offers Jewish Music Symposium

A two-day academic symposium called “‘I Will Sing and Make Music’: Jewish Music and Musicians Throughout the Ages” will be held October 29-30, 2006. It is The Nineteenth Annual Klutznick-Harris Symposium being held in Omaha Nebraska. This year’s theme on Jewish music has as keynote speaker Josh Jacobson of Northeastern University.
Presenters include:

Theodore Albrecht
Kent State University
“Beethoven’s Quotation of Kol Nidrei? A Circumstantial Case for Sherlock Holmes”

Paul Eisenstein Baker
University of St. Thomas (Houston)
“Leo Zeitlin and the Early Twentieth Century Society for Jewish Folk Music”

Emily A. Bell
University of Florida
“Revitalizing the Synagogue Ritual: Cantor David Putterman’s Annual Service of New Music at New York’s Park Avenue Synagogue”

Dan W. Clanton, Jr.
University of Denver
“‘From Biblical Times to Lyrical Rhymes’: The Assertion of Jewish Identity in Music as Cultural Resistance”

Marsha Bryan Edelman
Gratz College
“What Do You Mean, ‘It Doesn’t Sound Jewish?’: Debunking Myths and Defining Models for Extra-Liturgical Music”

Anat Feinberg
College of Jewish Studies Heidelberg
“To Play or Not to Play: Jewish Musicians in Germany After 1945”

Susan M.…

Israel Kibbutz Orchestra Opens 35th Season with Bach B Minor Mass

The Israel Kibbutz Orchestra‘s Opening Concert for the 35th season
is the Bach Mass in B Minor
One of the greatest masterpieces of all times. The IKO will host the Neuer Kammerchor Potsdam and soloists (Israel and Germany) Conductor: Yaron Gottfried
at the Tel Aviv Museum of Art, Tues. October 25, 2005 at 20:30.
For Tickets: 099604757.
Soprano – Keren Motseri
Alto – Noa Frenkel
Tenor – John Bowley (England)
Bass – Raimund Nolte (Germany)

Portrait of Fanny Mendelssohn at The Jewish Museum

A recent acquisition to The Jewish Museum, Portrait of Fanny Mendelssohn Hensel, 1842, by
19th century German artist Moritz Daniel Oppenheim, has been added to
the “Modernity” section of Culture and Continuity. The subject of this
portrait was the sister of famous composer Felix Mendelssohn-Bartholdy,
a talented composer and musician in her own right. Fanny Hensel was
the wife of a fellow painter, Wilhelm Hensel, whom Oppenheim met in Rome
with the Nazarenes.

To reach the Museum’s offices, call: 212.423.3200.
1109 5th Ave at 92nd St
NY, NY 10128
for Directions:

Kurt Weill in America

92nd Street “Y” Lyrics and Lyricists, opens the 2005-2006 season with “Kurt Weill in America”. Andrea Marcovicci, Artistic Director. Shelly markham, Music Director and Piano. Anna Bergamn, Klea Blackhurst, Barbara Brussell, Mark Coffin, Chuck Cooper, Jeff Harnar and Maude Maggart. Saturday Nov. 12, at 8pm. Seats $55 and $45. Sunday Nov. 13 at 3pm and at 8pm. Seats $55 and $45 and Monday, Nov. 14 at 3pm and 8pm, with seats $55 and $45. The tribute to Kurt Weill (1990-1950) and the American lyricists who collaborated with him. Suscription to the entire series are available. For tickets: or 212-415-5500.


Inaugural volume in book series on Jewish Cultural Studies, edited by Simon J. Bronner, Distinguished University Professor, The Pennsylvania State University, USA

Publisher: Littman Library of Jewish Civilization, Oxford, UK

Format and Guidelines: 8,000-word essays in English, prepared electronically
in Word, following Oxford Guide to Style (humanistic style with endnotes)
Deadline: May 1, 2006

Contact: Professor Simon J. Bronner, School of Humanities, The Pennsylvania
State University, 777 West Harrisburg Pike, Middletown, PA 17057-4898, USA,

West-Eastern Divan Orchestra and more at MFA

BarenboimThe Boston Jewish Film Festival and The MFA Film Program are pleased
present two special music documentaries at the MFA’s Remis Auditorium
on Sunday, June 3: Knowledge Is the Beginning at 1:30 pm and The
Ramallah Concert
at 3:45 pm. Both of these films chronicle the
formation and livelihood of The West-Eastern Divan Orchestra, founded
by conductor and Pianist Daniel Barenboim and writer Edward Said as a
way of promoting peace in the Middle East through collaborative
artistic effort. Daniel Barenboim is featured as the conductor of the
orchestra in both films.

Conversation and discussion following Knowledge Is the Beginning with
Matthew Guerrieri, composer and music critic, and Amir Milstein,
flutist who co-led Bustan Abraham, a world-music ensemble of Jewish
and Arab musicians that combines Eastern and Western musical traditions.…

Yiddish Summer Weimer

The largest Yiddish festival in Germany is taking place now, July 9, through August 9, 2007.
The festival, in operation since the year 2000, invited musicians to teach Klezmer in several
workshops to hundreds of interested fans or amateur-musicians. The slogan of this
year;s Yiddish Summer Weimar is “Tradition an new Impulses”. For that reason, many
well-known artists from Germany, Argentina, USA, the Netherlands etc. will
teach Klezmer as well as the crossover between Klezmer and Jazz or Tango.
For more information, visit the website at:

New Yiddish Rep

New Yiddish Rep presents:
Straight from the former Soviet Union
Psoy Oy Oy!!!
At home in the global diaspora, four fun filled evenings of
stories, songs and mishigass, with poet-singer-songwriter-
performance artist and fellow traveler Psoy Korolenko. To Psoy
the Jewish experience is not only a personal story, but also a
metaphor of transcultural identity and ultimate otherness. He
sings and tumults in English, Russian, French, and Yiddish.
Saturday, November 15th at 10 PM
Saturday, December 13th at 8 PM
Saturday, January 3rd, at 8 PM
Saturday, January 10th at 8 PM

Community Synagogue
325 E. 6th Street
Between 1st and 2nd Avenues
Trains: F to 2nd Ave., 6 to Astor Place, L to 1st Ave., Q to 8th St.
Admission: Donate as you exit.…

Yiddish Repertoire Featured in Two Unusual Recitals at Symphony Space:

“Di Sheyne Milnerin” (Feb. 14th) and “A Yiddish Winterreise” (Feb. 16th)

Acclaimed bass-baritone Mark Glanville and Pianist Alexander Knapp will
give two unusual programs at the Leonard Nimoy Thalia at Symphony Space in
February featuring the Yiddish song repertoire.
Tickets $25; Members,
Students, Seniors $20; Day of Show $30

On Monday, February 14th at 7:30 PM the duo will perform the United States
premiere of ‘Di Sheyne Milnerin’ (‘Die Schöne Müllerin’) is a specially
devised cycle of songs from the Yiddish repertoire, only the second time a
collection of Yiddish song has been forged into a cycle with a coherent
dramatic trajectory.

Monday, February 14th, 7.30 p.m.
“Di Sheyne Milnerin (A Yiddish “Die Schöne Müllerin”)
USA Première
Symphony Space
2537 Broadway
New York, NY 10025
(212) 864-5400,+NY&cid=14104568892703723774&z=14
New York City

Wednesday, February 16th, 7.30 p.m.…

Mamlok, Ursula

American. Born, 1928. composer. Several websites devoted to her music appear online.
Music of Ursula Mamlok
C Michael Reese wrote reviews and this biographical sketch: “Ursula Mamlok was born in 1928 in Berlin. Her Jewish family left Germany in 1941 and had to settle for Ecuador as the US quota for German immigrants had been capped. From there she submitted handwritten compositions to American Universities until she received a full scholarship from the Mannes College in New York. She studied with George Szell at Mannes, Roger Sessions (lessons during his weekly visits to New York) and later Vittorio Giannini at the Manhattan School of Music.”

Czackis, Lloica

Mezzo-soprano. Born in Germany to Argentinian parents in 1973. Grew up in Venezuela. She played and sang with her musical family Latin American folk music. She formally studied singing and choral conducting in Buenos Aires, and completed her training at the Guildhall School of Music & Drama in London. Her repertoire ranges from the Renaissance to the avant-garde and from folk to tango, including oratorio, opera, and works written especially for her. Since 1999, she conceived and produced programs on Latin American and European 20th Century music, Yiddish song, cabaret and tango. She also performed in renowned venues in Buenos Aires and Europe. Her 2002 Millennium Award-winning show Tangele: The Pulse of Yiddish Tango (, features songs from the Yiddish theatre in Buenos Aires and New York and from ghettos and concentration camps in wartime Europe.…

Kadar, Judy

Harpist. Specializes in the history of the harp. Judy Kadar was born in New York and attended the High School of Music and the Arts. She received the B.A. in Psychology and Music at New York University. She studied harp with Lucille Lawrence at the Mannes College of Music and the masters at Sarah Lawrence College. She has lived in Berlin, Germany since 1979. In 1984, she helped establish the Historical Harp Conference in conjunction with Amherst (MA) Early Music, serving as the first director. She’s continued to be active in organizations for historical harp playing and plays harps from concert harps to Psalter to Spanish baroque harp. She plays music of the Middle Ages and Renaissance as well as Yiddish and Jewish pieces. She also plays modern Jewish music.…

Gerson-Kiwi, Esther

Jewish musicologist who worked in Israel. Born in Germany in 1908. She wrote: liner notes to recording: Musik der Bibel in der Tradition althebräischer Melodien. (1950); The Persian doctrine of Dastga-composition: a phenomenological study in the musical modes (1963); Migrations and mutations of the music in East and West : selected writings (1980). Gerson-Kiwi worked extensively with music of Jewish communities outside of Europe.

Garfein, Rebecca

American. Cantor. A native of Tallahassee, Florida, Cantor Garfein graduated cum laude from Rice University s Shepherd School of Music with a degree in vocal performance and opera. In 1993, she received her Master s Degree in Sacred Music and Cantorial Investiture from the Hebrew Union College-Jewish Institute of Religion (HUC-JIR). While completing her studies at HUC-JIR, Cantor Garfein was the Director of Children s Music at Riverdale Temple, Riverdale, the Bronx, New York. While in Israel, she was a featured soloist with the Ra a na na Orchestra and the Zamir Chorale at the Jerusalem Theater in Israel. Upon graduation from HUC-JIR, she subsequently became the first Cantor of Riverdale Temple, and served in that capacity until 1999, when she was the first woman appointed as Senior Cantor of Congregation Rodeph Sholom in New York City.…

International Jewish Music Festival in Amsterdam

A quick reminder of what will be happening at the International
Jewish Music Festival from September 13 – 16, 2014. The festival directors want you to know about a special offer:

Always wanted to make a flight over Amsterdam? If you support our
festival with a donation, our own pilot will take you up into the
sky! We enormously appreciate your help to realize our festival and
we can use every donation. But there is now another reason to help
us: until September 1st, KUNSTENISRAËL foundation will double any
amount donated to our voordekunst campagne (up to a maximum total of
€ 2500)! So every euro that you donate is worth three to us! Visit for
details and conditions.

What is happening in Amsterdam that weekend?…

How an Afro-Jewish band rocked Nazi-occupied Denmark

How an Afro-Jewish band rocked Nazi-occupied Denmark

Anne Dvinge, University of Copenhagen

It seems an impossibility: in Nazi-occupied Denmark in the 1940s, one of the hottest jazz orchestras around was the interracial Harlem Kiddies, with two white and three black band members – and a Jewish singer in front. The story of how the band came to be so popular is one that uncovers the great role that jazz and race played in the occupied territories during the Second World War.

Several factors contributed to the social and political atmosphere that enabled their success. In the occupied territories in the Second World War, Denmark was known as the Sahnefront – the cream front – due to the co-operative government and the relative leniency of the occupying forces.…

YIVO Announces the Vilna Project

YIVO released the following important (and exciting) announcement:
East European Jewish Archive and Library Saved from
the Destruction of the Holocaust to be Reunited After 70 Years

Vilnius, Lithuania (September 23, 2014) – The YIVO Institute for Jewish Research is pleased to announce the launch of The Vilna Project, a seven-year international project to preserve, digitize and virtually reunite YIVO’s prewar archives located in New York City and Vilnius, Lithuania, through a dedicated web portal. The Project will also digitally reconstruct the historic Strashun Library of Vilna, one of the great prewar libraries in Europe. Project partners are The YIVO Institute for Jewish Research, The Central State Archives of Lithuania and the National Library of Lithuania.

In 1941, the Nazis destroyed YIVO in Vilna and ransacked the archives and library.…

Third International Jewish Music Competition

October 10-14, 2012 in Amsterdam!

Preparations for the Third International Jewish Music Competition are
in full swing. Mark you calendar and tell your friends to join us in
Amsterdam for the five-day festival, October 10-14, 2012. We’ll start
with a kickoff concert in the monumental Portuguese Synagogue (built
in 1675), followed by the three-day competition in the
elegant Compagnie Theater, with 24 ensembles from around the world.
To close, we’ll host a day of workshops with a Jewish cultural
marketplace, an open podium, and a closing concert with winners from
the competition.
Take a look at our website for all the details.

Visit us:

Friend us:

Watch us:
IJMF Newsletter June 18, 2012:
Click to view this email in a browser:

Ofarim, Esther

The website has information on over 40 years of the career of Esther Ofarim, one of Israel’s premier singers. Esther Ofarim was a sensation in the 1960s and 70s. She stopped concertizing for over a decade, but has since returned to the stage. She started singing in the Israëli National Theatre “Habimah”. She met, and later married, Abraham (Abi) Reichstat. After touring and recording widely in Europe and the US, winning several prizes as a duo, they later divorced. Esther continued on a solo career on the stage and on television, eventually moving back to Israel. Today she concertizes in Germany and in Israel, often accompanied by Yoni Rechter, piano. She is still remembered for winning the Israel Song Festival in 1961 with 2 songs. The website has some nice photos, reviews, and discography with sound bites.…

Metzger-Lattermann, Ottilie

Ottilie was an outstanding contralto and sang with Caruso (in Carmen and Aida). She sang in all the major opera houses of the day. Ottilie Metzger (she added the name of her second husband to her name) was particularly admired in Wagner parts, and sang several times at Bayreuth. At least one of her appearances in New York before the first world war was reviewed in the NYT. In 1934 Ottilie fled Germany and lived in Brussels. She was rounded up in 1942 and deported. Died in Auschwitz, probably in 1943.

Rubin, Joel

JoelRubin by David Kaufman

“Joel Rubin is Assistant Professor of Music in the Performance Program at the University of Virginia. He attended the California Institute of the Arts and received a BFA in clarinet performance from the State University of New York at Purchase (1978). His principal teachers were Richard Stoltzman and Kalmen Opperman. Rubin holds a Ph.D. in ethnomusicology from City University of London (2001). Rubin is an internationally acclaimed performer of Jewish instrumental klezmer music and hasidic music. In addition to performances with traditional musicians such as the Epstein Brothers (USA) and Moshe Berlin (Israel), he was the founder and clarinetist of some of the most internationally respected klezmer ensembles, including the Joel Rubin Jewish Music Ensemble and Brave Old World. Rubin’s fifth solo album, “Midnight Prayer”, came out in 2007 on Traditional Crossroads.…

Reisenberg, Nadia

Born 14 July 1904, in Vilna, Lithuania, Nadia Reisenberg moved with her family to St. Petersburg in 1915 where she studied piano at the Conservatory under Leonid Nikolaiev. After the Russian revolution, the family moved, going from Vilna, where Nadia played in the Gelios Theatre accompanying movies, to Poland where she concertized with the Warsaw Philharmonic, to Germany. The Reisenberg s came to America in 1922. Under the helpful largesse of Isaac Sherman, Nadia gave private recitals and began to build a reputation.

With less than one year of study with Alexander Lambert in New York, she gave her American debut on 17 December 1922, playing the Polish Fantasy by Ignace Paderewski, with the composer at the performance in the Century Theatre. With sterling reviews by the press, the young Miss Reisenberg began to receive invitations for more recitals.…

London Jewish Male Choir

London group founded in 1926 and continuing to perform regularly throughout the UK. The choir has performed in the USA, Germany, Ireland, South Africa and Poland as well as Israel. There is a photo gallery and member bios. The group has a CD called “For All These Things”. The website includes an incredibly helpful list of scores the group has used. They have a database which lists the composer,name of piece, arranger, category of use, and their latest performance pieces. Unfortunately, in order to view the scores, you must load a capellasoftware into your computer.

Announcements Archive 2001

All archival announcements from 2001 listed below.


AMJ: L’Association Amis de la Musique Juive
L’Association AMJ: Les Amis de la Musique Juive –Friends of Jewish Music in Geneva, Switzerland sponsors exhibits, concerts, lectures, debates and music workshops. The first CD produced by AMJ has segments that can be listened online. It’s the digital “live” recording from the “Psalm” concert organized on March 11th 2001. To hear a presentation:

Voices: Continuity and Community

Gala opening concert of the Peretz Centre for Secular Jewish Culture

Saturday, Oct. 6 at 8 p.m., Peretz Centre, 6184 Ash Street (at 45th
Avenue), Vancouver

The Peretz Centre will celebrate the offical opening of its new
facilities with a concert featuring vocalists Claire Klein Osipov,
Grace Chan, Marcus Mosely and Stephen Aberle.…

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Musica Judaica Issues: 2003-2004, Volume XVII

This Table of Contents Service is provided by The Jewish Music WebCenter on behalf of The American Society for Jewish Music.

Volume XVII. 2003-2004

Israel J. Katz
Arbie Orenstein

President's Greetings p. iv
From the Editors p. vii
Marriage and Music as Metaphor: The Wedding Odes of Leon Modena and Salamone RossiDon Harranp. 1
Don Harran p. 1
The Cantorial Fantasia Revisited: New Perspectives on an AShkenazic Musical Genre
Geoffrey Goldbergp. 33
Where Musical Realms Meet: Hermann Zivi--An Exemplar of the German-Jewish CantorateTina Fruhaufp. 87
A Conversation with Miriam Gideon (1906-1996)Judith Shira Pinnolisp. 107
Problems Concerning the History of Jewish MusicBence Szabolsci Translaed by
Stephen Erdely
p. 143
A Conference on The St. Petersburg Society for Jewish Folk Music (1908-1938) held at the University of Potsdam, Germany (May, 2004)Malcolm Miller p.


Collegium Tel-Aviv

Israeli ensemble established in 1997 as a professional group performing music from classical and sacred traditions. Collegium Tel-Aviv is led by Prof. Avner Itai, who is the head of the Choral activities department at the Rubin Academy of Music, Tel Aviv University. The group held a successful debut in the Musica Sacra Festival in Nazareth, in an all a-capella program. “The Collegium Tel-Aviv regularly modifies their programs and sings both with soloists from within the choir and invitees from Israel and abroad. The repertoire spans liturgical music, as well as secular; Christian as well as Jewish music, and music of the different ethnicities. The Collegium Tel-Aviv has performed in important vocal festivals across Israel, including Abu Gosh, Liturgica, Musica Sacra, and others. The Choir also performed the premiere of Lidarti’s oratoria “Esther” in the Israel Festival, Jerusalem.…

Yiddish Blues

Yiddish Blues,  founded in January ,2000, is a Dresden, Germany-based band consisting of Mandy Muller, violin, Bernard Muller-Weber, guitar and Reinhard John, bass. They play adaptations of early twentieth-century klezmer greats from Eastern Europe and America. They will play the standards such as hora, bulgar and chusidl, but also branch into the combo elements with swing and tango and newly composed pieces such as “The Flatbush Waltz” by Andy Statman. Their website includes nice clips of several selections and includes their CD and contact information. Additionally special is a brief history of klezmer and photos of Jewish and formerly Jewish sites in the Polish part of Galitzia and environs. the site is primarily in German. A visit to the website gallery of photos is well worth it if you want to get a glimpse how some former Jewish synagogues, mikvehs and other property are being used by Europeans today.…

Winter Edition Weimar –in springtime

April 9 at 9:30am until April 15 at 5:00pm
Ottmar Gerster Musikschule (Music School), Weimar, Germany
Join an incredible, innovative workshop on music improvisation and network with musicians from around the world. Conducted orchestral improv, small group improv, drum circles, Feldenkrais, concerts and more. With Alan Bern, Cesar Lerner, Marcelo Moguilevsky, Michael Schründer and more. For details:

Peaceman, Matthew

Ensembles “IL CIMENTO” is a professional Baroque ensemble from Germany, directed by Matthew Peaceman, that gives specialized performances of the extant Jewish music of the 17th and 18th Centuries. For example, Hoscha’na Rabbah in der Synagoge von Casale Monferrato 1733 in January, 2005, or Hoschan’ah Rabah in Casale Monferrato in 1732, Performed in the Choral Synagogue of Moscow in 2002. Matthew writes: “The cantata to Hoschan’ah Rabbah was an attempt of the Jewish community in Casale Monferrato, Piémont in the 1730’s to expand its own musical horizons within the Jewish context and at the same time to reach out to its non-Jewish neighbors by incorporating musical styles of the latter with the liturgical content of the former.” The ensemble has also played the Ester Oratorio by Lidarti.…

Kol Simcha

Kol Simcha, a Swiss ensemble formed in 1986, plays an assortment of klezmer styles from traditional to “contemporary.” The website provides an up-to-date schedule, including venues in Switzerland, Germany, France and Norway. The biographies reveal that band members include both American and European trained musicians. Four CDs are featured with playlists and sound snippets. The newer website features news, movies and videos online, as well as all their sponsors and managers all over Europe.

Eichberg Rosewald, Julie

German-American. Soprano. First known woman cantor, in San Francisco, during the years between 1884-1893, the only currently known example of a nineteenth century woman cantor in America. Born on March 7, 1847 in Stuttgart the daughter of Moritz Eichberg (1806-1892), a cantor of Stuttgart for many years, and Eleanor Seligsberg Eichberg (1811-1881). Julie studied music at the Stuttgart Conservatorium. At age 17, Julie came to America, joining her sister, Mrs. Pauline Weiller, a piano teacher, in Baltimore in 1864. In 1866, she married Jacob H. Rosewald, a violinist and conductor. She and her husband participated widely in Jewish community musical activities in Baltimore. She decided to further her musical studies in Europe in 1870. She began singing opera professionally in America in 1875 with the Kellogg English Opera Company.…

Tal, Joseph

Israeli composer. Born Joseph Gruenthal 18 April 1910 in Penne (or Pinne) that was eastern Germany near Poznan, Poland. Known as Israel’s foremost pioneer of electronic music. He studied piano and composition at the Berlin Hochschule fur Musik from 1928-1930 with Hindemith, and twelve-tone technique with Heinz Tiessen. He worked as a pianist, but retrained as a photographer to get access to a visa to leave for Israel in 1934. He worked in Haifa and then joined Kibbutz Kesher, then moved to Jerusalem to teach piano and composition at the conservatory. From 1948 -1952, he was director of the Israel Academy of Music and 1965-1971 head of musicology at Hebrew University. Tal’s works include six symphonies, operas, piano concertos, a viola concerto, harpsichord concerto with tape, woodwind quintet, 3 string quartets and an oboe sonata.…

Ben-Amots, Ofer

Israeli. Born: Haifa, Israel. Studied, Conservatoire de Musique in Geneva, Switzerland; Hochschule für Musik in Detmold, Germany. University of Pennsylvania, Ph.D. in music composition. Vienna International Competition for Composers (1994). Ben-Amots won Aaron Copland Award and the Music Composition Artist Fellowship by the Colorado Council on the Arts (1999). “Dr. Ben-Amots is a member of the Advisory Board and the Editorial Board of the Milken Foundation American-Jewish Music Archive. In addition, he is a Jerusalem Fellow of the Center for Jewish Culture and Creativity and its Artistic Director for North America since 1997.” His webpage lists compositions, his publishers, performances and reviews.

Adler, Samuel

American. Born, Mannheim, Germany, March 4, 1928. Came to US, 1939. Studied composing with Herbert Fromm, Walter Piston, Randall Thompson, Paul Hindemith and Aaron Copland. B.M. from Boston University, M.A. from Harvard University, and honorary degrees of: Doctor of Music from Southern Methodist University, Doctor of Fine Arts from Wake Forest University, Doctor of Music from St. Mary’s College (Indiana), and a Doctor of Music from Saint Louis Conservatory. Music Director at Temple Emanu-El, Dallas, Texas (1953-1966). Music director of the Dallas Lyric Theater (1954-1958). Professor of composition, North Texas State University (1957-1966). Professor of composition, Eastman School of Music (1966-1995). Chairman of dept., 1974-1995. Composed over 400 published works, including large scale works such as operas, symphonies and concerti, and for smaller forces, such as wind ensembles, band, choral works and chamber music.…

Giora Schuster

NOTE: Giora Schuster was incorrectly identified in the International Encyclopedia of Women Composers, by Aaron I. Cohen, (New York: RR Bowker Co: 1981) p. 416, as female. Actually, Schuster is a male Israeli, born in Germany in 1915, He had an outpouring of music published in the 1960s, mostly chamber music. The JMWC is indepted to Dr. Yosef Goldenberg of the Jerusalem Academy of Music and Dance for pointing out the error in the encyclopedia for us.

Schonthal, Ruth

Born June 27, 1924, Hamburg, Germany. Composer and pianist. Studied in Berlin where she was the “youngest student ever accepted at the Stern Conservatory.” In 1935 her family began fleeing the Nazis, going first to Stockholm, where she studied at the Royal Academy of Music, and then Mexico City where she studied composition with Manuel M. Ponce. In 1946, Hindemith met her and invited her to study at Yale, where she earned a BA in 1950. She worked in several part-time jobs to support herself both by playing and teaching. In 1950s, moved to New York, composing a large number of works over 30 years including operas, orchestra pieces, lieder and chamber music and quite a few piano works. Her works include several with Jewish themes such as A Bird Flew Over Jerusalem.…

Scharrer, Irene

British. Pianist. Born, London, 2 Feb. 1888, Died London, 11 January, 1971. Ida and Tobias Scharrer’s third child. She first studied with her mother, Ida. At the age of twelve she won a scholarship to study with Tobias Matthay at the Royal Academy of Music in London. At her first Royal Academy student concert in 1901, Scharrer played Chopin s Rondo in E flat Op. 16 & “with wonderful finish and very remarkable technical skill.” Her Debut was 1904. According to Naxos music, Myra Hess was not a cousin, but she was someone with whom Irene played duos often, and with whom she gave her last public concert in 1958. Early in her career Scharrer toured widely, performing in Germany, France, Holland, Belgium, Scandinavia and the United States.…

3rd International Jewish Music Competition in Amsterdam

October 11-14, 2012 in a new location!
The Third International Jewish Music Competition will be held at the
Compagnie theater in the heart of Amsterdam’s old city center and on
the edge of the city’s Jewish Cultural Quarter This competition is for individual musicians, ensembles and bands specializing in performing Jewish music and whose goal is an international career performing this repertoire.
Competition registration: open until July 1
Announcement of selected contestants: August 1
Ticket sales: starts in September
Festival opening concert: Wednesday October 10
Preliminary competition rounds: Thursday October 11 & Friday October
Finale: Saturday October 13
Winners’ Concert: Sunday October 14
More information & registration:
Location: Compagnietheater, Kloveniersburgwal 50, Amsterdam
IJMF Newsletter May 2012

Click to view this email in a browser –

Arcady Goldenstein & Benjy Fox-Rosen in Concert at Sixth Street Synagogue

Wednesday, Apr 4 at 08:00 PM
East Village Klezmer Series
Arcady Goldenstein & Benjy Fox-Rosen in concert!

Arcady will be accompanied by Deborah Strauss: violin, Jeff Warschauer: guitar,
Benjy Fox-Rosen: bass, and Tyshawn Sorey: drums.
Plus! The NYC premier of Benjy Fox-Rosen’s new Gebirtig song cycle.

4:30-6:00PM Yiddish Class taught by Dmitri Slepovitch $25
6 – 7:30PM Klezmer Workshop led by Aaron Alexander and various esteemed guests $25
8 – 9:15PM Benjy Fox-Rosen and Arcady Goldensteyn $15 (includes a drink)
9:30 – 11PM Klezmer Jam Session, led by Aaron Alexander and guests
Full evening pass $35 (includes Workshop or Yiddish Class, Concert, Jam Session
& one drink!)
For more information:

Melodia Women s Choir Salutes Fanny Mendelssohn’s 200th Birthday

Melodia Women’s Choir at NOV 19 CONCERT IN NYC
Melodia Women’s Choir of New York City presents a mystical November concert of darkly transcendent music drawn from the classical and contemporary lexicon. Featured in the program is a special 200th anniversary tribute to Fanny Mendelssohn-Hensel, sister of Felix Mendelssohn and an extraordinarily talented, if often overlooked, composer.

Conducted by Cynthia Powell, the accomplished 32-member Melodia women’s ensemble will present “Twilight in the Garden of Dreams” on Saturday, November 19, 2005 at
8:00 p.m. at St. Peter’s Church, Chelsea, 346 West 20th Street in New York City.

Melodia has invited The Momenta String Quartet to perform
Mendelssohn-Hensel s “String Quartet in Eb” as an instrumental interlude at the concert.

Tickets to “Twilight” are $15 advance and $20 at the door.…


Sat Jun 24
(Anat Fort, piano, composer; Michel Gentile, flute; Roland Schneider, drums)
Piano, Flute, Percussion/Drums?! Yes. This is the world premiere for a
new project with Michel Gentile and Roland Schneider. Tunes by all three. Lots of free playing in different configurations. Sounds from Israel, Canada, Germany. Anat is very excited about collaborating with Michel, one of
the most unique flute players around. And, of course, Roland has been the
drummer of choice in her trio for many years. And when the three
get together…you have to hear it.
9:00PM & 10:30PM
Cover $10

29 Cornelia Street, NYC, New York 212-989-9319
between West 4th and Bleecker Sts, Greenwich Village
1,9 Subway to Sheridan Square; A, C, E, B, D, F to West 4th St.…

A Musical Tour of the East European Jewish World

Zalman Mlotek, director of the Folksbiene Yiddish Theater, and his actors
will present a sampler of Yiddish music and theater, during a lecture and
performance entitled, A Musical Tour of the East European Jewish World , on
Wednesday, June 28, from 7pm to 8:30pm as part of a 3 day program on Eastern European Jewish history and Yiddish culture.

The YIVO Institute for Jewish Research will sponsor a unique
three-day educational training program in Eastern European Jewish history and
Yiddish culture (EPYC), beginning Tuesday, June 27 through Thursday June 29, 2006,
at the Center for Jewish History (15 West 16th St., New York City). The EPYC
Educators Seminar will introduce lead educators to YIVO’s wealth of cultural
treasures and educational resources. Thanks to major funding by the Conference on
Jewish Material Claims Against Germany, Inc., a broad group of educators from the
United States, Canada, Mexico, Lithuania and Israel will participate in a series of
lectures and workshops presented by renowned scholars.…

Ensemble Meitar Summer Concerts

Amit Dolberg, pianist and the founder of the international ensemble for Israeli Contemporary Music and Jewish Clasical Music, Ensemble Meitar, announces some of their upcoming concerts.
22.6.2006 – ‘White Night’ Festival, Einav Center, Tel Aviv
1.7.2006 – Michelstadt, Germany
8.7.2006 – ‘New Sounds’, Israeli Composers League, Einav Center, Tel Aviv
For details, locations and times, see their website

Longy School Famous Faculty Dumont Dies at 94

Long term Longy School of Music faculty member, Lily Dumont, died at the age of 94 at her home, March 6, 2006 in New Bedford, MA. Ms. Dumont was a concert pianist and teacher on the faculty of the Longy School for more than 40 years, and taught privately until around age 92. She was born in Berlin, the daughter of Jakob Dymont, a well-known Jewish synagogue music composer. Lily was famous in her own right before the second world war as a concert pianist, and had already played with many of the leading orchestras in Europe by the time of her departure during the Nazi regime in Germany. Via colleagues in the US, she made her way to New England, and eventually divided time between concertizing world wide, teaching and her family.…

Zemlinsky Songs Get Some Well Deserved Attention

Alexander Zemlinsky is one of those ‘lesser known’ composers who fled Nazi Germany for the US in the 1930s. Recently there has been a sort of revival of sorts with a book by Anthony Beaumont a few years ago, several concert series about Austrian ’emigre’ composers, and a CD set of Songs of Zemlinsky sung by Hermine Haselbock.To hear samples, go to Haselboeck’s site and click on “Zemlinsky CD”.
Songs by Alexander Zemlinsky (1871-1942)
Hermine Haselböck, /Mezzosoprano
Florian Henschel,/Piano


DANCING ON THE EDGE OF A VOLCANO, (which was released a couple of years ago) is currently being sold olnline by Cedille Records at with a sale through mid January. (for $12) Some people who want to add this to their collections for a relatively inexpensive price, may want to know.

Jewish Cabaret, Popular, and Political Songs 1900-1945
CDR 90000 065 (2 CD set)

New Budapest Orpheum Society
Philip V. Bohlman, Artistic Director
Ilya Levinson, Music Director & Arranger
Stewart Figa, baritone — (SF)
Julia Bentley, mezzo-soprano — (JB)
Deborah Bard, soprano — (DB)
Ilya Levinson, piano
Peter Blagoev, violin
Stewart Miller, bass
Hank Tausend, percussion
Elizabeth Ko, flute
Jon Steinhagen, American lyrics
There’s more to traditional Jewish popular music than klezmer clarinet and Broadway-style fiddling on the roof.…

Musical Event Celebrating Jews of Color

New York – Ayecha, a leading Jewish diversity organization, is hosting a groundbreaking musical event celebrating the experience of Jews of Color in Israel, Africa and the United States. This historical event will feature top Jewish performers, including the internationally acclaimed Joshua Nelson and Danny Maseng.

The Jewish Soul Celebration concert will take place on
December 17, 2005,
from 8pm – 11pm,
at the Peter Norton Symphony Space at 2537
Broadway at 95th Street.
For more
on Ayecha, visit

Prof. Martin Schwartz speaks at SOAS in London

Professor Martin Schwartz of the University of California will speak on the topic of “THE LARGE SHARED REPERTORY OF GREEK AND KLEZMER / YIDDISH VERNACULAR MUSICS”

PLACE: Khalili Lecture Theatre, SOAS, Thornhaugh Street, London WC1H 0XG
ADMISSION: Admission free. Open to all interested parties. A collection will be taken.
RESERVATIONS: All places must be reserved in advance. Please e-mail

Concerts at the Museum of Jewish Heritage NYC

Sunday, November 12, 1:30 P.M.
Museum of Jewish Heritage-A Living Memorial to the Holocaust
36 Battery Place
New York, NY 10280
Jewish Composers: Jerusalem to Broadway
With featured artists Guy Mannheim, tenor, and Shirit-Lee Weiss, soprano

Join Israeli soprano Shirit-Lee Weiss and Israeli tenor Guy Mannheim, a
soloist with the New Israeli Opera, for an exciting musical journey from
the streets of Jerusalem, through the shtetls of Eastern Europe and the
cities of Western Europe after WWII, to the sparkling lights of
Broadway. In a true celebration of the Jewish spirit, the program will
include the music and lyrics of world-renowned artists such as
Bernstein, Sondheim, and Weill, along with Israeli music by Naomi
Shemer, Zohar Argov, and others.

Tenor Guy Mannheim has performed with the New Israeli Opera, the New
York Chamber Opera, and in concerts and recitals in Israel, Germany, and
New York.…

Melodia Women’s Choir Features Yehezkel Braun

Melodia Women’s Choir of NYC,/bwill delight New York audiences with three exciting and rarely-performed works by Israeli composer Yehezkel Braun in its upcoming concert, November Song. The three works by the highly-regarded composer from Tel Aviv are written to songs and ballads by H.N.Bialik, Israel�s first national poet and one of the country�s most revered and influential writers.

The concert will be presented on November 20, 2004 at 7:30PM, at St. Peter�s Church in Chelsea (346 W. 20th St., between 8th and 9th Avenues) in New York City.