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Music for Deep Movement

Music for Deep Movement, Vol. 1
A new album release of original music composed by Yuval Ron

Experimental ambient slow evolving, trance inducing and all around great music for
movers, dancers, meditators and contemplators who search the deeper levels of
reality and beyond. Using organic and some electronic sounds compose,r Yuval Ron,
creates music beyond borders. Music from the Kalpa – a site specific performance at
the Getty Center, Los Angeles, CA on January 20, 2012, commissioned by Hirokazu
Kosaka and the soundtrack of the film Em Moves by director Hanna Heiting.

Purchase this CD
Phone Orders: 818-505-1355

Click to see the Yuval Ensemble perform a stunning Qawwali version of “Allah Hou”

‘MUSIJEUNES’ in Switzerland

‘MUSIJEUNES’ organise prochainement un grand week-end KLEZMER:

Vendredi 21 novembre à 20h:
Concert avec: HOTEGEZUGT et la chanteuse Hélène ENGEL
Salle Paroissiale St-François, 16 av. Petit-Senn à Chêne-Bourg
Entrée libre, chapeau la sortie


Samedi 22 et dimanche 23 novembre:
ouvert aux musiciens de tous niveaux, animé par Michel Borzykowski (instr. à vent et
danse), Pier-Yves Têtu (accordéon), Bianca Favez (violon) et Hélène Engel (chant,

Enseignement par petits groupes samedi de 13h30 à 18h et dimanche de 9h à 15h.
Audition des élèves (publique, entrée libre) dimanche à 16h.

Coût: 130.- Frs (110.- pour élèves de l’Accademis d’Archi), 2 repas inclus.

Michel Borzykowski
Tél. 022 755 41 23
site klezmer:


Usdan Center For the Creative and Performing Arts (, America’s
premier summer arts day camp, will present its annual Festival Concerts, private
30-minute educational performances, just for Usdan students, at its on-site
1,000-seat McKinley Ampitheater, beginning Monday June 30.

A unique event this season will be the July 17 Concert of Remembrance and
Celebration; 60th Anniversary of Israel, hosted by the international concert
presenter and programmer Caroline Stoessinger. The concert will include excerpts
from Brundibar, the children s opera first performed in the Terezin concentration
camp, and since World War II, sung continually in Israel and throughout the world.
The Usdan Center Junior Chorus will perform.…


The Leib Glantz Project Team announces that the website of the LEIB GLANTZ PROJECT is now up and running on the Florida Atlantic University website.

This following last year’s publication of the 500-page book THE LEIB GLANTZ PROJECT that included three audio compact disks.

You can gain access to this website by logging on to:
The website is defined as “Sound ‘n Scores” – a project of the Recorded Sound Archives at Florida Atlantic University Libraries in Boca Raton. It is a unique online approach to music studies, which combines the experience of hearing recorded sound tracks while viewing corresponding sheet music.

The website contains 43 Leib Glantz compositions, organized into seven content areas in the order they are performed in Jewish prayer services.
Displayed pages of over 100 scores of new arrangements composed by several world famous musicians, many by Raymond Goldstein in collaboration with Cantor Naftali Herstik.…

YEHUDI WYNER Music on Naxos

Yehudi Wyner, a beloved teacher here at Brandeis University, has a new CD released as part of the Milken Archive project on the Naxos label.
Naxos ID 8.559423

THE MIRROR SUITE, from music for the play by Isaac Bashevis Singer (1972-3)

Featuring: Richard Stoltzman, clarinet; Carol Wincenc, flute; Daniel Stepner, violin; Jennifer Langham and Ronald Thomas, cello; James Guttman, double bass; Bruce Creditor, clarinet; David Taylor, bass trombone; Robert Shulz, percussion; Carol Meyer, soprano; Judi Brown Kirchner, mezzo-soprano; Matthew Kirchner, tenor; Richard Lalli, baritone; Yehudi Wyner, speaker and piano.

This release features world-premiere recordings of three evocative works by leading contemporary composer Yehudi Wyner. The Mirror, a play by Isaac Bashevis Singer, explores the interior life of a Jewish woman living in a small eastern European town.…

Jewish Music Available through Smithsonian Folkways

Smithsonian Folkways music available for download online… The complete catalog of Jewish recordings on the Folkways label, seems to be available through:

The site allows you to listen to small excerpts of most
tracks, and to order the material on cassette or cd. These samples will allow people to know what they may wish to purchase and get a taste for the sound of the music… also to see “what’s in the catalog” in the way of Jewish music

2 Clarinets & Piano

A new CD of unknown music of beauty and wide appeal, early 19th century to the present! Original Music from Finland, Malta, Israel and points in between
clarinetists Eva Wasserman-Margolis (Israel) and Luigi Magistrelli (Italy)
with Claudia Bracco, piano

Something Jewish in UK

from London, England and
Leslie Bunder is now running a number of Jewish websites including and
She is launching a dedicated Jewish music site covering all types of Jewish music (of course where there are clearlyJewish influences and content withni them).
They are also broadcasting a weekly Jewish music show called the SomethingJewish Radio Show and have featured, played and interviewed people from The Klezmatics through to Jewish rapper Remedy Ross.


Shpatzirin is a new organization in NYC devoted to new Jewish music. It’s created a series of events raising awareness of Jewish culture and the avante garde. Thursday, June 10th @ 7:00PM – “Hip-Hip Machers”
Roosevelt Park-Hester St. between Chrystie St. & Forsyth St.
– B/D to Grand; or 6 to Canal; or J/Z to Bowery
Performances by Akil Dasan and Vanessa Hidary, followed by a screening
of Joey Garfield’s “Breath Control: A History of the Human Beatbox”
VERY IMPORTANT: check the website for last minute site changes!

Matisyahu: Thurs, June 17th @ Southpaw
125 5th Avenue, Park Slope Brooklyn, 18+, 8PM doors
Matisyahu brings it back to Brooklyn Thurs, June 17th with Dub is a
Weapon. Tickets on sale now –; $10 advance, $12 day
of show.…


On Sunday May 23 at 7:00 p.m. Temple Sinai of Sharon, MA is “KOL B’SEDER and FRIENDS”, an evening of
unforgettable music featuring the duo “Shirav” (Rabbis David Paskin and
Menachem Creditor), Rabbi David Wolfman, Cantor Judith Seplowin, “The
Freilech Band” (oy, can they rock!) from Temple Isaiah of Lexington,
MA, with special guest Doug Cotler. Sharon is 10 minutes from I-95,
just a half hour south of Boston, and an easy drive from much of New
England. General admission tickets are $18 at the door ($15 in advance
if you call 781 784-6081). Reserved seating is available. All
proceeds will benefit Temple Sinai and the American Conference of

Full information is at web site:

CELEBRATION CONCERT: Jack Gottlieb at 75

Cantor Ida Rae Cahana, Cantor Richard Botton,
Cantor Jonathan Comisar;
The Professional and Congregational Choirs of Central Synagogue with
Jayson Rodovky, organist, Brass Sextet and others.

September 18, 2005, 5 PM
All are welcome. Free admission.
Central Synagogue, Lexington Avenue at East 55th Street
New York, New York

Casco Bay Tummlers in Cambridge

If you’re in the Boston area and looking for a fun Jewish dance/music event this Sunday afternoon, come check out the Casco Bay Tummlers, Maine’s
premier klezmer band, at the All Asia Cafe in Central Square, Cambridge.
they’ll be doing a lively combination of klezmer standards, original
compositions, and Balkan and Israeli dance tunes.
All Asia Cafe
334 Mass Ave, Cambridge
2:00 – 4:30
$5 (suggested)
For more info: (617) 497-1544 (cafe)
Web site:
Listen to us at:


It’s that time again! SimplyTsfat is going on tour Feb 14-29. If you have
friends and family in… Springfield MA or HIghland Park, NJ (see below or the web site for details) please invite them to an experience!!


Berlin-based duo Khupe will give klezmer workshop on March 10, 2004 in Austria…. following their appearance at Vienna’s remarkable Accordion Festival.


Daniel ben Shalom has a new CD, “Contempory original musical artist from Israel combining jazz, blues, rock and more with the essence of spirituality and soul.”

TOHU veBOHU in Geneva

le groupe composé de HOTEGEZUGT (musique klezmer)
& NOMADES (musique arabo-andalouse) se produira en concert
jeudi 8 décembre à 21h 30
Theatre St-Gervais
5 rue du Temple, 1201 Genève

dans le cadre de la quinzaine “Double exode ? Israël – Palestine”

Dans le même festival:

“Longing or Exile at Home” par le Arab Hebrew Theater de Jaffa
“Al-Jidariyya ” de Mahmoud Darwich par le théatre National palestinien de Jerusalem-est
ainsi que des films, conférences, dialogues et rencontres…

Détails du programme sur le site:


An Innovative CD, “TWO FAITHS, ONE VOICE,” blending Sephardic and Eastern European folk traditions is being released in May. There will also be a March concert in Vilnius, Lithuania which will mark a world premiere.

Sefarad Records, a contemporary musical enterprise that produces recordings
and concerts of ethnic folk music spanning many centuries and cultures, is
releasing “Two Faiths, One Voice,” an acoustic album that uncovers surprising
synergies between Christian and Jewish musical traditions. Featuring singer and
folklorist Maria Krupoves and the singer and virtuoso guitarist Gerard Edery,
“Two Faiths, One Voice” world premieres in Eastern Europe (at the Bernardine
Church in Vilnius, the site of many ecumenical concerts, on March 24) prior to
its U.S. premiere and CD release which take place in New York at Drom, 85
Avenue A, on Tuesday May 27 at 8pm.…

‘OySongs’ for Music downloads

Oysongs is a site where you can download and buy Jewish music online. There are music files for listening and there is some sheet music from many different artists in the Jewish music world. You can search by song, album, sheet music or artist. Featured artists include Beth Schafer, Benyamin Ginsberg Trio, Peri Smilow, Doug Colter, Jeff Klepper, Shefa Gold, Julie Silver, Eric Komar and more.

Join Zamir Choral Foundation Tour of Israel

Join the Zamir Choral Foundation as it celebrates Israel’s Birthday with a
“Israel @ 60” Concert Tour & Mission for singers & non-singers for first-time and repeat visitors
August 10-17, 2008
Mission includes:
3 nights at the Carlton Hotel in Tel Aviv
♫ 3 nights at the Sheraton Plaza Hotel in Jerusalem
Hotels based on double occupancy (single occupancy option based on availability)
Guided tours of the North and South
Entrance fees
Presentations by leading Israeli experts
2 evening meals, Shabbat dinner, and daily Israeli breakfast
Daily concerts to include Jerusalem Theatre, Einav Center in Tel Aviv and other
Gratuities for meals listed above, bus drivers, tour guides and chamber maids
Portage at hotels
Round trip flights on El Al and transfers to/from hotels
Application form and information available
at the
Zamir Choral Foundation web site:


Jay Gottlieb in Seattle performing Messiaen

Northwest Mahler Orchestra
Sunday, September 9, 2007 at 7:00 p.m.
Benaroya Hall, 200 University Street, Seattle, WA

First Seattle performance !
Olivier Messiaen’s Turangalîla Symphony

Northwest Mahler Orchestra
Geoffrey Simon, conductor
Jay Gottlieb, piano solo
Thomas Bloch, ondes Martenot solo

Presented by the Northwest Mahler Festival, Seattle

Yuval Ron with LA Jewish Symphony

See the Yuval Ron Ensemble performing with a FULL SYMPHONY and
dancers in a spectacular production under the stars!
East meets West: A Special Concert of The Yuval Ron Ensemble with
the LA Jewish Symphony

Conductor: Dr. Noreen Green

The Ensemble will perform (in the second half of the program only!)
traditional songs of the Middle East and Andalusia with new symphonic
arrangements by Yuval Ron plus Canciones Sefardi – a symphonic work
by Yuval Ron based on Andalusi songs of Morocco and…… the first
public performance of a symphonic medley from the Oscar winner film
“West Bank Story”.


singers Maya Haddi and Barak Marshall, guitarist Kenton Youngstrom
and dancers Maya Karasso and Melanie Kareem

Please note: the concert at the Ford will be taped for future
broadcast on TV channel 36!…

Egg Rolls & Egg Creams Festival

Eldridge Street Project’s
Egg Rolls & Egg Creams Festival
Sunday, June 3, 12-4PM FREE!

Voted the Best Annual Block Party by the Village Voice!

Experience a unique slice of Lower Manhattan, where Chinatown meets the old
Jewish Lower East Side at our annual block party. Sample the rich cultural
traditions of the Chinese and East European Jewish communities: klezmer music,
Chinese opera and acrobatics, scribal art, language lessons, folk art demos, art
projects and more!

Eldridge Street Project
12 Eldridge Street between Canal and Division Streets

For more information visit our website at or call

The not-for-profit Eldridge Street Project is preserving the 1887 Eldridge
Street Synagogue as a center for historical reflection, aesthetic inspiration,
and spiritual renewal. Designated a National Historic Landmark in 1996, the
Eldridge Street Project Synagogue is the first great house of worship built in
America by Jewish immigrants from Eastern Europe.…

KlezKanada Scholarship Opportunities

The 12th KlezKanada season has opened its Youth Scholarship Program. KlezKanada takes place each year north of Montreal, Quebec, Canada at the B’nai B’rith camp, and each summer is filled with exciting music, dance, theater, arts and Jewish culture of all kinds. If you haven’t been, check it out. And if your child plays an instrument, and you are looking for the perfect family music camp, KlezKanada will be one of the best experiences yet.

“Lampa Ladino” Live from Russia Online

For those who use the computer on Saturdays, you’ll be able to listen online to a live concert of unusual band from Russia “Lampa Ladino” . This “Russian ensemble Lampa Ladino performs traditional Sephardic romance music. The haunting and unforgettable music of Lampa Ladino is based on the traditional music written in the Judeo-Spanish language, Ladino, by Sephardic Jews who lived in the Iberian Peninsula until their expulsion in the 15th century”. The show will begin at 10:00 AM GMT. Saturday, February 11, 2006, in Moscow studio Audgard and will be
transmitted via the Internet to entire world from the site Please search for details at:

World of the Piyut in English

Top musicologists and other scholars from Snunit, Avi Chai Foundation, and Hebrew University, among others, have a new website with an English version up and running: An Invitation to Piyut. Accroding to the site: “There are two archives at the core of the website. The central archive is a collection of piyutim and melodies. Here you can find piyutim divided into various categories and run a general search on all of the piyutim. Each piyut has two central “pages.” The first offers an in-depth look at the piyut, presenting different perspectives of background, commentary, and explanation. The second is a list of melodies, including a range of melodies and performances of the piyut. The second archive contains texts and melodies not classically defined as piyutim – such as selections from Psalms or traditional Jewish prayers.…

Judaica Sound Archives at Florida Atlantic University Libraries

Located in the Wimberly Library at Florida Atlantic University’s Boca Raton, Florida campus, the Judaica Sound Archives has grown, since its inception in 2002, into a center for the collection and preservation of Judaica sound recordings. Its unique and rapidly expanding website ( allows browsers to search their 78 rpm database by artist or song title, hear the recorded works of prominent artists, and learn more about the program to rescue recorded Jewish music. The JSA’s collection includes Yiddish theater, Israeli folk, cantorial, and Sephardic music. Their goal is to be as inclusive as possible. Access to all of the digitized recordings in the JSA’s collection is possible through dedicated “research and listening stations” in the Wimberly Library. Off-site “research and listening stations” are planned for the future.…

Hadassah Helps Everyone

Editorial: It’s a rare day that the Jewish Music WebCenter veers off the topic of music, but given the events in Israel this past month, there is the urgent need. Hadassah is an organization dedicated to healing. They treat all people who come to them. There are so many injured people from this terrible war. They need our help… so I’m linking to Hadassah’s national donation page. If you can help, take a web visit and make a generous donation. Since 1997, The Jewish Music WebCenter has operated without asking for any money– but today we do — and hope you can give to those who will really benefit. Thanks so much, Judy Pinnolis, JMWC Editor.

KlezCalifornia Palo Alto: Concert, Dance Party, Classes, Workshops

KlezCalifornia Palo Alto: CONCERT and DANCE PARTY
Saturday April 29th, 8:00pm – 11:00pm, Cubberley Auditorium, ALSJCC,
4000 Middlefield Road, Palo Alto, CA.

KlezCalifornia will begin on Saturday night with Havdalah, leading into
a spectacular lineup concert with the California Klezmer/Red Hot
Chachkas All Stars with Heather Klein on vocals, and featuring the
internationally renowned Klezmer Band VERETSKI PASS – hip and heymish!
Then, this entire group of fabulous musicians will back up Steve
Weintraub, one of America’s top Yiddish Dance Masters, as he winds and
leads us through traditional, energetic, eastern European dances.
Check the web site for more details at
< General admission is $25,
students/seniors/ALSJCC members $20, children/teens (5-18) $5. For more
information, call 415-789-7679 or email


Zemlinsky Songs Get Some Well Deserved Attention

Alexander Zemlinsky is one of those ‘lesser known’ composers who fled Nazi Germany for the US in the 1930s. Recently there has been a sort of revival of sorts with a book by Anthony Beaumont a few years ago, several concert series about Austrian ’emigre’ composers, and a CD set of Songs of Zemlinsky sung by Hermine Haselbock.To hear samples, go to Haselboeck’s site and click on “Zemlinsky CD”.
Songs by Alexander Zemlinsky (1871-1942)
Hermine Haselböck, /Mezzosoprano
Florian Henschel,/Piano

Stonehill Jewish Song Collection

Center for Traditional Music and Dance announces that the Stonehill Jewish Song Collection website is live – recordings of songs collected by Ben Stonehill in 1948 from DP Camp refugees being temporarily housed at the Hotel Marseilles in Manhattan. CTMD has been working with Yiddish scholar Miriam Isaacs to implement the site, and we’ll continue to expand the online offerings over time.
A project of the Center for Traditional Music and Dance’s An-sky Institute for Jewish Culture

21st Century Masters of the Klezmer Violin

Tuesday night, November 3, 7PM – Center for Traditional Music and Dance is pleased to copresent Fidl-21st Century Masters of the Klezmer Violin at the beautiful Museum at Eldridge Street in NYC. ?Featuring Alicia Svigals, Deborah Strauss and Jake Shulman-Ment who will tell their personal stories of how they became intimately involved in the revival of the klezmer violin tradition. Moderated by ethnomusicologist Amanda Scherbenske. Click below for more information….
Co-presented with the Center for Traditional Music and Dance
$20 adults; $14 students and seniors
12 Eldridge Street, New York, NY 10002 Museum Site: 212.219.0302

Chazzanut Online

A very comprehensive website about chazzanut, from Irwin Oppenheim in the Netherlands. This site has many features, including biographical materials on major cantors, notated nusach, a discography, a list of online archives and directories, but also a very important historic collection of scanned documents and manuscripts of famous cantors. Articles can be in German, Dutch or English. Yossele Rosenblatt’s Recitatives, Sam Englander Piano Arrangements, Isaac Heymann’sPsalms, and more.

HaGalil OnLine

A really exciting site from Hanover, Germany promoting Israeli, Jewish, Yiddish and Klezmer music as well as other cultural activities of Judaism from central Europe. Sophisticated Real Audio Direct Streaming Sound 24 Hours “radio” as well as sound selections from recordings. Features many selections of popular Israeli artists, old recordings, chazzanuth and much more. Features cultural sites and information about Jewish communities from Germany, Switzerland, Czech Republic and Austria as well as other European nations.

Tara Publications or

The Tara Publications website. Tara Publications is both a publisher AND distributor of Jewish music of all genres. Their website includes access descriptions of scores, books and sound recordings. An extensive list of excerpts from recordings are available using Real Audio. The site includes a collection of brief biographical sketches of artists and composers of materials they are selling. Their page links to websites of active recording and performance artists and groups.


Israel at Eurovision. A website about the KdamEurovision Song Contest, a yearly music contest held in Israel for popular music. The top winners go on to the Eurovision contest, which is a coveted prize in popular music in Europe and leads to large recording contracts. This kdam website includes a listing for every contest held since 1973 with information and weblinks about the artists and songs. This site is a good place to learn about a history of pop music in Israel although there is no confirmation about the qualifications of the source of this information

Jewish Entertainment Resources Directory, JERD, Events Calendar

Artists listed alphabetically and cross referenced by category and a concert calendar by geographic area. Judy Caplan Ginsburgh does this for a hobby. She has over 100 various artists listings, which will get you started. She includes musicians, actors, dancers, storytellers and comedians among other performing arts entertainers. Performers are encouraged to submit listings to the site.

Vernadsky National Library of Ukraine: The Phonoarchive of Jewish Folklore

A re-recording project, carried out in 1996-1999,is one of the most important recent finds in Jewish music. The collaborative project between the Vernadsky National Library of Ukraine, a library of over 14 million items, and the Institute for Information Recording of the NAS of Ukraine, is resulting in first fruits: a 1997 CD, “Treasures of Jewish Culture in Ukraine” with a promised next release of a CD dedicated to the folklore activity of Joel Engel. The Vernadsky National Library of Ukraine Phonoarchive project in Jewish music is written about in an online article at: . The main library site, produced by the Ukraine government, is located at: and includes information about this largest library in Ukraine.…

Ensemble Me La Amargates Tu Releases new CD

Ensemble Me La Amargates Tu is excited and proud to announce their New CD “Scalerica de oro” which was launched on the 4th of September 2016,  at the International Jewish Day, in Geneva.  After working hard for two whole years, recording, editing, searching and exploring, Ensemble Me La Amargates Tu finally has the result!  The new CD is available for sale at web-site: <> .* There are some sample tracks that are from the CD so that you can enjoy the music and decide if you like it enough in order to order one!

Ensemble Me La Amargates Tu

Esteban Manzano– tenor

Doret Florentin– recorder

Tulio Rondón– viola da gamba

Dieter Hennings– guitar

Juan Martínez– percussion

TALK | “Breath in a Ram’s Horn: The Jewish Spirit in Classical Music,” with Daniel Asia

Sunday, October 30, 2016 2-3:30pm

Yiddish Book Center 1021 West Street Amherst, MA 01002

Composer, conductor, professor, and activist Daniel Asia talks about the origins of Yiddish song in Eastern European culture, its continuation on the American scene in the music of Yiddish composer Lazar Weiner, and its influence on Asia’s own award-winning music.

This event is free and open to the public.

Holly Montgomery Releases Book of Our Tribe

Holly Montgomery, a singer-songwriter and bass player originally from Louisville, KY,  transplanted to L.A. and then again to Washington DC., has just released her EP, “Book of our Tribe” under the project name “Eve Rising”. The recording is available at: The iTunes link is:, but it also has a page on her music site:

Holly has her own band HOLLY, which recorded 3 albums, played at the House of Blues.  She also played in a band called Big Planet that was awarded “Best Acoustic Band in Los Angeles by the National Academy of Songwriters. Holly relocated to DC, where she recorded two albums and wrote the theme songs for several major charities.

Her Jewish-themed music is completely modern, completely original, and in English.…

Graduate Seminar on Topics in Jewish Music at YIVO

Graduate Seminar on Topics in Jewish Music
Taught by Dr. Neil Levin, Visiting Professor-in-Residence

This eight session graduate seminar, YIVO’s first such seminar in music, will embrace an array of topics within the wider spectrum of Jewish Studies related to the music of Jewish experience or connection—secular-cultural as well as sacred-liturgical aspects—according to the interests and pursuits of the participants.

This seminar is open to graduate students within any department at all colleges, universities or conservatories. It is not restricted to those within music departments per se, but also open to those pursuing Jewish Studies in general—especially history, literature, theatre, liturgy, or other sub-fields of Jewish Studies—who may have special interest in related music in terms of context and interdisciplinary consideration.

With prior approval, undergraduate (college, university, or conservatory) students may also be permitted to participate—both those with an interest in a particular area of Jewishly-related music and those who may be pursuing related term papers or projects.…

Or-Tav Music Publications

Publishers of music from over 100 Israeli composers. Also the site of the Israel Brass Woodwind Publications.Or-Tav is an independent publisher. “…publications include original compositions, arrangements of classical works, ethnic and educational music, collections of Israeli songs, and books on musical topics.” Founded by Bruno Reinhardt. “Israel’s leading independent music publisher, specializing in music for solo instruments, ensembles, voice, and choir.”

Transcontinental Music

“Transcontinental Music Publications/New Jewish Music Press, the music publishing arm of the Reform movement, publishes a wide variety of musical materials for synagogue and home use. Since it is the largest publisher of Jewish choral music in the world, it serves as the single most important resource for all community groups such as schools, universities,churches, and libraries.” Catalog is now online. The Transcontinental catalog is also distributing music from the Cantors Assembly (Conservative). Ordering information included at site.
URJ Books & Music
633 Third Avenue, 7th Floor
New York, NY 10017-6778
Telephone: 212-650-4120
Fax: 212-650-4119

Tara Publications

The Tara Publications website. Tara Publications is both a publisher and distributor of Jewish music of all genres. Their website includes access descriptions of scores, books and sound recordings. An extensive list of excerpts from recordings are available using Real Audio. The site includes a collection of brief biographical sketches of artists and composers of materials they are selling. Their page links to websites of active recording and performance artists and groups.

Transcontinental Music

“Transcontinental Music Publications/New Jewish Music Press, the music publishing arm of the Reform movement, publishes a wide variety of musical materials for synagogue and home use. Since it is the largest publisher of Jewish choral music in the world, it serves as the single most important resource for all community groups such as schools, universities, churches, and libraries.” Catalog is now online. The Transcontinental catalog is also distributing music from the Cantors Assembly (Conservative). Ordering information included at site.

Phone: 800-455-5223.

Durmashkin, Henny (Gurko)

Singer. Born 1924- Died, 2002 in Englewood Cliffs, N.J. Sister of pianist Fanny Durmashkin and conductor Wolf Durmashkin. Henny was the youngest. Her grandfather, Akiva, was the cantor of Vilna s main synagogue and respected composer of liturgical music. Before the war, Henny had studied opera. She was fluent in 8 languages. Her brother, Wolf Durmashkin, had been prominent in Vilna’s cultural, conducting the Vilna Philharmonic, prior to the ghetto life during WWII. In the ghetto, he directed a Hebrew choir and an orchestra in the ghetto. According to Barbara Durmashkin, Wolf perished at the age of 30, on Sept. 19, 1944. He was shot an hour before liberation of the Klooga concentration camp. During its 15 months in existence, the Ghetto orchestra performed 35 chamber and symphonic concerts.


Bloch, Ernest

Born: July 24, 1880, Geneva, Switzerland. Died: July 15, 1959, Oregon, USA. A brief biography with a listing of works, a selected discography and some interesting links.

Ernest Bloch
by Claude Torres, of Montpellier,France
“Discographie du compositeur suisse Ernest Bloch” The website includes a biography, a list of works by style, chronologically and alphabetically. There are also links to other important Bloch websites.

A Young Person’s Guide to Ernest Bloch
This interesting site from Japan on the composer Ernest Bloch provides a “chronological list” which is a listing of important dates of the composer’s life and a listing of compositions by the composer.
