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Gebirtig, Mordechai

Born Krakow, Poland, 1877. Died, 1942. Yiddish folk song poet. He was a poor carpenter who was self-taught in music and composed songs completely by ear, remembering them all in his head. Because he was illiterate in music, friends notated his songs. Despite the handicaps, Gebirtig’s (also spelled Gebertig) songs grew wildly popular and were picked up, even in the United States, to become part of folk, popular theater and sheet music repertoire. Several books of his music were published during his lifetime including Mayne Lider. Mordechai Gebirtig: His Poetic and Musical Legacy Edited by Gertrude Schneider is a book published in 2000 of his music, reviewed at this site.
An opera has been written by Joel Hoffman about his life.CCM Opera Recalls The Holocaust.…

Blitzstein, Marc

The Marc Blitzstein website contains a biography, listing of complete works by genre, and photos about the composer. Many of these photos are recoganized as being held in the American Memory collection of the Library of Congress, but unfortunately, the site does not label or credit the photographs, so it is somewhat difficult to keep track… or these may be duplicates found in Wisconsin. The little search box didn’t seem to work. However, there is an excellent discography, filmography, bibliography and information about accessing the Blitzstein archive in Wisconsin. Also valuable is a listing of publishers and rights holders to Blitzstein music. The archive “also contains extensive and rare recordings of Blitzstein’s music, including many items which appear to have been made available only to the archive.…

Bazian, Cantor Moshe (Murray)

Website devoted to the life and works of Cantor Bazian. Born in Kishinov, Bessarabia. Served Congregation Tifereth Israel in the Bronx. He later officiated at the Linas Hatzedek Synagogue and the Kingsbridge Heights Jewish Center. Moshe Bazian was Cantor at Congregation Shaarei T’filoh in Flushing. Site includes biography, pictures and mp3s of the cantor.

Shatin, Judith

American. composer. Recent CD of orchestral music called Piping the Earth, just released on Capstone Records (CPS 8727). Her Shapirit, Yefehfiah (Beautiful Dragonfly) was performed in January, 2005 by the New York Treble Singers in New York. Currently, Judith Shatin is William R. Kenan, Jr. Professor of Music and Director of the Virginia Center for Computer Music of the McIntire Department of Music at the University of Virginia. She founded the VCCM in 1988. Prof. Shatin received a AB from Douglass College, 1971, a MM from Julliard in 1974 and the MFA 1976 and PhD from Princeton in 1979. She started teaching at the University of Virginia in 1979 and has been there since. Her awards, commissions and prizes are numerous, spanning over 25 years of accomplishment and are listed on her website at the University of Virginia.…

Achinoam Nini (Noa)

Achinoam Noa Nini by Nahum Leder

Israeli-born singer (1969), pianist and percussionist, of Yemenite descent. She grew up in Bronx, NY, but moved after high school to Israel. After the army, she attended the ‘Rimon’ School of Music, meeting Gil Dor who became her musical   collaborator and accompanist. Her music reflects both her Yemenite heritage and the jazz and rock infused music of Gil Dor.  Her career launched with him, completing several international and Israeli albums and hundreds of concerts. Noa has performed for presidents, popes and prime ministers as well as working with some of the outstanding musicians of popular culture in the United States, such as Stevie Wonder, Carlos Santana, Quincy Jones, and Sheryl Crow. Site contains a biography, discography, photos, news and political statements. Noa is especially known for her peace work and concerts promoting understanding between Israelis and Palestinians.…

Katchko Gray, Cantor Deborah

American cantor. Currently serves Temple Shearith Israel, Ridgefield, CT. Newest CDs are Jewish Soul andSacred Spirit. Cantor Katchko states: “As a fourth generation cantor and the second female in a conservative pulpit (1981), I am passionate about sharing the love of Jewish music I grew up with. In l982 I founded the Women Cantors’ Network to share that love with others- we have grown to over 300 members with annual conferences, newsletters, online discussions, and web site: In addition, I credit my mentor, Prof. Elie Wiesel, for instilling in me a profound love of Jewish culture and sense of responsibility in sharing it. As a mother of four sons and full time cantor since l981, I have tried to instill a sense of Jewish pride and love of music in everything I do.” Cantor Katchko has a discography which includes In Celebration of Israel Independence Day on cassette; Spirited and Soulful on cassette; Jewish Soul, a CD; (also available digitally online) andKinderSongs, a CD.…

Janning, Jeff

The Alta Rocker and His Corned Beef Rangers ride again. Blues, country? rock. CD baby selling as “Basic four piece Fender Guitar Bass Drums rock with funny English lyrics on Jewish themes.” JMWC says “Gives new meaning to the word schlock.” Some “fake-Yiddish-accent-type-humor”. Songs like “Don’t Eat the Pork”, and “Don’t Ogle my Kugel”. Some people might like the camp. Soung bites are available at the CD Baby site.

Synagogenchor Zurich

Robert Braunschweig, director. Bernard San, Chazan. Language of site: German. The amazing thing about this website is that they’ve digitized their standard repertoire to make it available to their members. You can view or print from this digital music collection at their website. Website includes a schedule of their concerts and synagogue work.

Adash Women’s Choir

A women’s choir located in Republic of Czech that sings exclusively Hebrew music. The choir started as part of a Hebrew class at Ostrava University by Dr. Tomáa Novotný. Later it grew into a performance group. The Adash website has samples of music and discography. Two of their CDs are devoted to Hebrew songs, but they sing liturgical pieces and Yiddish and Russian lanugage songs on their other two CDs which include many solos for folk music as well as choral work. The CDs are Adash & Barbora Baranová, Jewish Songs II, Jewish Songs, , and Hebrew through Songs. The site also includes videos through YouTube.

Yiddish Blues

Yiddish Blues,  founded in January ,2000, is a Dresden, Germany-based band consisting of Mandy Muller, violin, Bernard Muller-Weber, guitar and Reinhard John, bass. They play adaptations of early twentieth-century klezmer greats from Eastern Europe and America. They will play the standards such as hora, bulgar and chusidl, but also branch into the combo elements with swing and tango and newly composed pieces such as “The Flatbush Waltz” by Andy Statman. Their website includes nice clips of several selections and includes their CD and contact information. Additionally special is a brief history of klezmer and photos of Jewish and formerly Jewish sites in the Polish part of Galitzia and environs. the site is primarily in German. A visit to the website gallery of photos is well worth it if you want to get a glimpse how some former Jewish synagogues, mikvehs and other property are being used by Europeans today.…


Tzimmes is a musical group based in Vancouver, B.C., Canada. Tzimmes offers a program that “emphasizes the tremendous diversity within Jewish music.” They sing klezmer tunes, Sephardic and North American folk ballads. Their programs usually include several languages. Musical samples are available at the site.


“Holland-based NIKITOV is an acoustic ensemble that plays Yiddish songs and Klezmer accented by the rhythms and sounds of Gypsy Jazz and East European folk music. Called “one of the best of the new Yiddish folksong ensembles” (, the band members combine their ideas in producing a unique approach that harnesses the drive and energy of these related musical traditions while capturing the emotion and depth of the Yiddish text. Featuring the stunningly beautiful vocal interpretations of Niki Jacobs backed by a powerhouse group of creative instrumentalists, Nikitov has performed throughout Europe and the United States since 2000.” The site has bios, photos, schedule, cds and reviews.

Zamir Chorale of Boston

Founded in 1969, the Zamir Chorale of Boston, a choir of over 45 singers that has performed internationally, supports a website containing a history, concert schedule, tour information, and excerpts from recordings. This site also contains links to Jewish music resources and a newsletter. Joshua Jacobson is the founder and has served as the Director of the Boston Zamir Chorale for over 20 years. Zamir is the choir-in-residence at Hebrew College located in Newton, MA.