It’s that time again! SimplyTsfat is going on tour Feb 14-29. If you have
friends and family in… Springfield MA or HIghland Park, NJ (see below or the web site for details) please invite them to an experience!!
SimplyTsfat @ Thursday, Feb 26th @7pm
Springfield Jewish Community Center
1160 Dickinson Street
Springfield, MA 01108
(413) 739-4715413) 739-4715
SimplyTsfat @ Motzei Shabbos Feb 28th @8pm
Shabbaton and motzei Shabbos Concert
Sponsored by Congregation Ahavas Achim
Highland Park High School
N. 5th Ave., Highland Park, NJ
contact: 732-247-0532
Also, we will have the Rebbe Nachman’s Wisdom 2004 calendars available!!!