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It’s Official

It’s Official: I’m a Bubbe now.
I’m pleased to announce the birth of Isaac Solomon Fertig, my grandson, on Shabbat Shuvah, yesterday, September 11, 2010. All are well and fine. We are filled with Thankfulness for this new life at this New Year. Now Available

OCLC, the central catalog organization of most major college, university and public libraries, announces
the release of the new Web site.

This site—and a downloadable WorldCat search box you can easily add to
your Web site—opens the complete WorldCat database to the public, not
just the smaller data subsets utilized by Open WorldCat partner sites such
as Google, Yahoo! Search and others. builds on the success of
OCLC’s Open WorldCat Program that has elevated the visibility of library
materials on the open Web since the summer of 2003.

The main attraction of the new site is the WorldCat search box. Web users
can now search the entire WorldCat database with the method most familiar
to them: simple keywords. As in Open WorldCat, each linked result leads to
a “Find in a Library” information page.…

Jack Gottlieb on LOC site

Jack Gottlieb wrote the book, “Funny, It Doesn?t Sound Jewish: How Yiddish Songs and Synagogue Melodies Influenced Tin Pan Alley, Broadway, and Hollywood.? At, you can see and hear a talk he gave on September 20 at the Library of Congress. He plays and sings examples of American music, Hebrew prayer melodies, and music from the Jewish theater, to illustrate his thesis that they are not coincidentally similar.

Ari Davidow’s Klezmer Shack

An excellent site for reviews of Jewish klezmer sound recordings, written by Ari Davidow. The first ever Jewish blog about klez. The site includes Klezmer news, events and links to Klezmer bands. There is a “klezclassifieds,” and links to radio shows on Jewish music. There are links to information about sheet music, recordings, instruments and organizations. The site mounts full text articles on Klezmer music and interviews. This is a recommended site for anyone interested in learning more about klezmer music.

Frequently Asked Questions

How can I get listed?

If you would like your announcement listed on the JMWC, please send complete information. This is not a news gathering service, so to be considered for a listing, you’ll have to inform the JMWC by sending an email. Please do not send attachments. Restrict your suggestions to Jewish musical events.— Best wishes! Judy

Mailing Address:

All Review materials and other documents should be sent to my work address:

Judith Pinnolis
Goldfarb Library MS045
Brandeis University
PO Box 549110
Waltham, MA 02454-9110

Need more HELP with JMWC?

Below are some frequently asked questions. I hope they can help you find some answers. Take a moment to look these over.

Here are some basic areas that are covered below:

  • Reference questions
  • Famous tunes
  • Music collecting info for beginners
  • Music for your kids
  • Catalogs of instrumental music

Q:Do you answer questions?…

Announcements Archive 2000

All archival announcements from 2000 listed below.

The Dutch duo, Mariejan van Oort and Jacques Verheijen, have just released their new CD “Benkshaft”. Visit their website at for more details.
Load date 12.08.00

–Boston, MA–
“Klezperanto” CD Release. The band will have CD release event Thursday night Nov. 30 (that’s one week after Thanksgiving)at 9 p.m. at Johnny D’s Uptown Restaurant and Music Club* (17 Holland Street, Somerville, MA 617 776-2004)
to celebrate the long-awaited release of the CD, Klezperanto! on the Naxos World label. “With solid klezmer roots, spectacular technical virtuosity, and a wry sense of humor, Ilene Stahl, Evan Harlan, and Boston’s hottest musisicans from the klezmer scene re-groove Yiddish and Mediterranean melodies with zydeco, funk, cumbia, rockabilly, and Romanian surf music.”
Load date 11.27.00

–Trieste, Italy–
Vanja Cvelbar has a band, The Original Klezmer Ensemble, in Trieste, Italy, that has released two CD’s: Klezmatic Tantz and Halleluja.…



The purpose of the Jewish Music WebCenter is to support and encourage scholarship and general enjoyment of Jewish music. This website provides an informational platform for activities by individuals and groups as well as academic and archival resources.


The Jewish Music WebCenter  was started by Judith Pinnolis, a librarian at Brandeis University in April, 1996, as an experiment in online bibliography. Less than two years later, In February, 1998, the Jewish Music WebCenter was born as an independent website with its own domain name.  At that time, there were only about 75 websites of Jewish Music and a bibliography of 40 selected print reference sources. Today there are thousands of websites and many more academic sources of Jewish music interest linked through this site. …

George and Ira Gershwin

The “official” Gershwin website. It includes a jukebox, biographies of Ira and George, anthologies of their film and and show music, lots of good clips of music in the jukebox, with information about performers and the song.

The official website of George and Ira Gershwin. This site includes an extensive bibliography of the writings by and about the Gershwins. The biographies are brief, but there is an excellent photo gallery and discography.

CD Release Nigounim

Le nouveau CD piano et harpe “NIGOUNIM”
Shimon REUBEN ,Piano & Nehama REUBEN, Harpe
doit sortir en janvier 2011
distribution Ness Music ,
des improvisations composées par Shimon REUBEN.

Beaucoup d’amitié à tous

Michèle EJNES BOHBOT / Nehama REUBEN נחמה ראובן
Harpiste Concertiste & Compositeur Harpe Hébraïque
Site web

Michèle EJNES
ADJOINTE de DIRECTION ( en retraite )
Conservatoire à Rayonnement Régional
22 rue de la Belle Feuille
F-92100 Boulogne-Billancourt

נחמה ראובן & שמעון ראובן
Concertistes et Compositeurs
Shimon= Piano Concertist Hebrew & Jazz Music Composer
Nehama = Harp Concertist Hebrew Music & Composer
DUO REUBEN: Piano & Harpe
Site Web
Site Web

Composition Competition

American Recorder Society ▪ Amsterdam Loeki Stardust Quartet
Composition Competition

The American Recorder Society, in collaboration with the Amsterdam
Loeki Stardust Quartet (ALSQ), is pleased to announce its composition
competition for recorder music. The competition’s goal is to expand
the recorder quartet repertoire with new music for professional recorder
players by composers from the United States and Canada.

Further information on ALSQ is available
on their web site:

SHIRAH, Community Chorus on the Palisades

Led by Matthew Lazar, Founding Director and Conductor, and Beth Robin, Pianist/Accompanist, the chorus performs sacred and secular music in Hebrew, English, Yiddish and Ladino. SHIRAH was formed in January, 1995 as a regional chorus specializing in the performance of the full spectrum of Jewish music. Its roster includes a multigenerational blend of amateur and professiional singers from the northern New Jersey/New York metropolitan area. SHIRAH performs regularly at the JCC on the Palisades and has been featured in many concerts in the United States and Israel, including Avery Fisher Hall, the New Jersey and Bergen Performing Arts Centers in Newark and Englewood and the Colden Center, featuring the World Premiere of “The Scroll” by Dov Selzer with the Queens Symphony. SHIRAH also performs annually at the North American Jewish Choral Festival and was featured in the Opening Ceremonies of the JCC Maccabi Games in East Rutherford at the Continental Airlines Arena.…

Musica Judaica Online Reviews (MJOR)

The American Society of Jewish Music announces official release of MUSICA JUDAICA ONLINE REVIEWS, which has been operating under the Editorship of Dr. Judah M. Cohen of Indiana University
since the beginning of the year.

Designed as an offshoot of Musica Judaica, the Society’s journal which is
published once a year, Musica Judaica Online Reviews (MJOR) not only allows
us to publish reviews much closer to the publication date of the book or
recording in question, but also guarantees a much wider circulation and
distribution of the reviews, to all who are interested what is being written
about in Jewish music. Moreover, at the same time, our goal is not only to
share the reviews but to engage in discussion, with readers able to submit
their comments (of course, moderated by our editor).…

Copland, Aaron

Copland House
The official Aaron Copland house website contains a biography with a timeline, a list of compositions and pictures of the composer in his home. Information about the new Copland Society, founded in 1996, is available.

Aaron Copland and the Landscape of Imagination
A brief biography on the life of Aaron Copland residing on the website of the Boston Symphony Orchestra.

The Aaron Copland Collection at the Library of Congress
Part of the American Memories Project, this website includes links to the featured items in the Aaron Copland collections, including visual images and texts of personal letters, his own writings, his sketches and manuscripts of music, and photographs. An extensive and thoroughly organized primary source on the music of Copland. Also includes an index and a search screen.…

Helene Engel Sings Yiddish in Lausanne, Switzerland

Les oiseaux reviennent avec le printemps au Quebec et Hélène Engel revient chanter
avec l’automne en Suisse… et en yiddish (mais pas seulement!) avec le groupe

Le 4 Novembre à 20h30
CPO à Lausanne (Centre Pluriculturel et social d’Ouchy)
Beau-Rivage 2 Lausanne
Prix d’entrée: entre 14 et 22 Fs
Réservations: 004121 616 26 72 ou

Le 5 Novembre à 10h30
Maison du Prieur à Romainmôtier Brunch-Concert
tel: 004122 366 01 53
prix 55 Fs (brunch gastronomique inclus)

De belles musiques en perspective… nous nous réjouissons de vous y rencontrer!

For More Info:
Michel Borzykowski
site klezmer:
site AMJ:

Le festival NIGUNIM

Le festival NIGUNIM (Mélodies) a débuté avec brio. Ceux d’entre vous qui ont assisté au concert de Gerard Edery peuvent en témoigner!

Et voici les deux évènements du week-end prochain:

Samedi 11 novembre à 20h
Salle Ernest Ansermet (Maison de la Radio, 66 Bd Carl Vogt)

TOHU veBOHU musiques klezmer, arabo-andalouse et de la Renaissance
avec: Michel Borzykowski: saxophone, Christine Niggeler: accordéon, Bianca
Mihaies-Favez: violon, Adrien Gaubert: contrebasse, Adel Degaichia: chant,
percussion & cordes, Claude Jordan: flûtes, Cecilia Knudtsen: viole, Laura Mendy:
clavecin, Patricia Esteban: flûtes & percussion, Julie Mazille: flûtes & chant


Dimanche 12 novembre à 17h
Salle Robert Dunand ( 9 rue du Marché, Carouge)

pour enfants et adultes de 7 à 777 ans! avec 2 invités successifs:

– Rose Bacot (voix et clarinette):
“Zlateh la chèvre” (d’après I.Bashevis Singer)

– la Compagnie “2 temps 3 mouvements”:
“Otto, autobiographie d’un ours en peluche” (d’après Tomi Ungerer)
avec Nathalie Athlan, Sylvie Zahnd, Marc Athlan & Proum-Proum:
Mise en scène et chorégraphies : Rossella Riccaboni

Billets en vente:
à l’entrée
aux guichets ResaPlus (liste sur
par téléphone: 0900 552 333 (1 fr/minute)

tarifs et autres infos sur
Le comité de l’AMJ se réjouit de vous y retrouver avec de la belle musique et de

Siddur Audio

A new website called “Siddur Audio” comes from Atlanta with the work of Rabbi Mark Zimmerman.
You can use the site to learn the Tefillot, and it is completely free. Most of the Siddur has
already been recorded in mp3 format. Rabbi Zimmerman has updated the site and increased the server capacity to accommodate the growing number of downloads that it has been generating lately. He has also
recently added audio of the weekday davening and the Passover Seder as well.

Free Synagogue of Flushing presents Judas Maccabaeus

Free Synagogue Cantor with Choir

As its Chanukkah gift to the community, the Free Synagogue of Flushing will present a special performance of Handel’s Judas Maccabaeus on Friday, December 19, 8:15 PM.

The Bible-based musical masterwork, which tells the story of Chanukkah, is FREE and open to the public.

It will feature celebrated Cantor Steven Pearlston and the distinguished Free Synagogue choir.
Robert Barrows will play the synagogue s historic pipe organ, which dates back to
1927, the only pipe organ at a synagogue in Queens. Jason Covey and Charles Grauman will be featured on trumpet. The program will be narrated by Rabbi Michael Weisser in the synagogue s magnificent sanctuary.

Handel s oratorio tells the story of Judas Maccabaeus, better known as Judah
Maccabee, a fearless leader acclaimed as one of the greatest warriors in
Jewish history.…

‘Twas the Night Before Pesakh in ole NY town…

Metropolitan Klezmer
Metropolitan Klezmer: full octet, 15th Anniversary Show
Tuesday, April 7: Night Before Pesakh!
@ Drom, 85 Avenue A (btw E 5th-6th St) NYC
music sets from 7:30pm til 9:30pm, doors open 7pm
$10 + two-drink or food minimum
Full tapas menu and bar
Tel: 212-777-1157
Dinner & table reservations:
Event page
METROPOLITAN KLEZMER – as in photo above:
Ismail Butera (accordion)
Pam Fleming (trumpet/flugelhorn)
Melissa Fogarty (vocals)
Michael Hess (violin/ney flutes)
Dave Hofstra (upright bass/tuba)
Debra Kreisberg (clarinet/alto sax)
Reut Regev (trombone)
Eve Sicular (drums/leader)

Photocredit Angela Jimenez



The final two concerts of The Jewish Museum’s popular
SummerNights series are on Thursday evenings, July 16 and 23. On July
16, SLAVIC SOUL PARTY! performs virtuosic new brass band music
incorporating diverse influences, and on July 23, Ljova and the
Kontraband offer a mix of Eastern-European melodies, Latin rhythms and
jazz-inspired improvisations. Concerts begin at 7:30 pm. The Jewish
Museum is located at Fifth Avenue at 92nd Street, Manhattan.

Tickets for each concert are $15 for the general public; $12
for students and seniors; and $10 for Jewish Museum members. For
further information regarding programs at The Jewish Museum, the public
may call 212.423.3337 or visit

Winter Jewish Music Concert 2013 in January

Don’t miss Jewish music from around the world: Yiddish, Cantorial, Ladino, Israeli, folk, pop, classical, jazz, tango and beat box (and magic too) in Miami, Florida.

Performed in the glorious 1926 Bertha Abess Sanctuary at Temple Israel of Greater Miami, the oldest Jewish sanctuary in continuous use in Florida. Located at 7 N13.E. 19th Street, the Temple is in Miami’s vibrant urban center, five blocks north from the Arsht Center for the Performing Arts, and near the Wynwood Arts District, Midtown, and the Design District.

Tickets for the 2013 Winter Jewish Music Concert are now on sale.

The concert, with a huge cast of cantors and performers, will be Saturday evening, January 19th. Tickets are $18 per person (plus
service charge), and can be purchased online (
or by calling 1-800-838-3006.…

The Jewish Romantics Chamber Concert


The Jewish Museum will present The Jewish Romantics, a concert
celebrating the 200th anniversary of Felix Mendelssohn’s birth, at 1109 Fifth Avenue
at 92nd Street on Thursday, November 5 at 7 pm. This performance features a roster
of gifted young artists from Mannes College, which continues its yearlong music
festival, “The Mendelssohn Salon.” Felix Mendelssohn and his musically talented
sister, Fanny, were hosts and guests at cultural gatherings known as salons, which
included the great composers of their day. This concert explores the music of the
Mendelssohns and of other important Jewish composers of the 19th century Romantic

The November 5 program is a co-production of Mannes College, The New
School for Music, and The Jewish Museum.…

Afro-Semitic Experience in Middleton, CT

The Afro-Semitic Experience will be performing in Middletown,
Connecticut in a couple of weeks. They are performing in concert on Saturday,
April 16, 8:00 p.m., at Congregation Adath Israel 8 Broad Street, in
Middletown. If you want more information about this concert the number at
Adath Israel is (860) 346-4709.

Visit the still fairly new Afro-Semitic Experience web site. The site has lots of music,
photos, and info about the band. Plus there is a news page that is updated
on a fairly regular basis. The address is

AMJ Concert in Switzerland

Chers amis,
J’ai le plaisir de vous annoncer:
Samedi 28 ao?04 ࠱8h:
une conf鲥nce de
Bertrand Kiefer, r餡cteur en chef de “M餥cine et Hygi讥”:
“Un malaise dans la compassion”
suivie d’un repas d’apr賠les recettes du Dr Patrick Ruedin
et d’un concert de
Hotegeklezt “klezmer duo”
Itzik Lechtman (accord鯮) & Michel Borzykowski (saxophone)
H? de Mauvoisin (pr賠de Verbier, Valais, Suisse)
R鳥rvations: tel 027 778 11 30 ou
Au plaisir de vous y rencontrer…
Michel Borzykowski
site klezmer:
site AMJ:

Blues for Challah

The 4th Annual B4C Jewish Grateful Dead Shabbaton is rollin’!
Featuring the one and only Robbi Cohn, Grateful Dead photographer
extraordinaire with a special Q&A and gallery exhibit. Two prayer
service options with Rabbi Jeff Marker (Renewal) and Rabbi Moshe Shur
(Orthodox). And of course, the One More Saturday Night Jam Session
extravaganza. Get on the bus!
Register today.

Huberman, Bronislaw

A very thorough and complete site about the great Polish-Jewish violinist and musician, this site includes biographical materials that include scans of primary documents, letters and articles. Some amazing photos, stories and anecdotes. It includes many articles and texts about Huberman as well as excerpts from interviews. Materials about his work in Israel in the 1930’s. There’s a discography and a bibliography. Part of the biographical materials come from Huberman’s secretary. There is also an amazing section that includes excerpts of live radio broadcasts of Huberman! Wow. All Thanks to Patrick Harris.

Giacomo Meyerbeer

A biography of Meyerbeer, (born Yaakov Liebmann Beer), this website was created by his self-designated “fan club”, a group devoted to the continued recognition and performance of Meyerbeer’s works. This site is also a source for information on Halevy and Auber. What’s really great about this site for students are the links to full text articles by “contributors” of the fan club. These contributors range from professors to journalists to students. Also included is a thorough discography as well as the attachment of an historical discography.


A Jewish community site from Trondheim, Norway dedicated to the “private, non-profit, non-denominational resource site for Jewish religion and culture with the primary focus on Western Sephardic traditions, mainly the Spanish and Portuguese traditions of NW Europe and the Americas, and a secondary focus on Litvak, Hamburg and Scandinavian Ashkenazi traditions.” In the music section, which is in Norwegian, there is a history of Sephardic music, along with online scores of various pieces and samples of music from Emanuel Aguilar and the Rev. D.A. de Sola’s Talelé zimrá(Sephardi melodies : being the traditional liturgical chants of the Spanish & Portuguese Jews Congregation, London. These are interesting samples of music that may not be as familiar to Americans.

Mauro Braunstein Nusach Database

Mauro Braunstein, a mathematician and composer, has put together a database of nusach melodies with score that he has transcribed. The database contains thousands of variations of nusach covering the gamut of Jewish liturgical texts. It is divided by liturgy (weekdays, Sabbath, holidays), life cycles, and trope. Within these sections are myriad examples of the melodies and traditions of singing for the texts. There is score set for each of these, and some links to outside sound files as well. The purpose of the site is to offer a leader or researcher musical options to sing the services. Braunstein also offers his services for transcribing recordings into sheet music of those who contact him, which many will find extremely useful. This is an excellent site as a resource for finding nusach in musical notation, although some may find some of the options given within a score somewhat confusing, most will find this very helpful.…

Navigating the Bible II

Thanks to ORT, there is the Online Bar/Bat Mitzvah Tutor. The entire Torah, and Haftorah sections, verse by verse, are available online with sound files, Hebrew with trop, and Hebrew text as it appears in a tikkun to practice. The English translation and transliteration appear next to each text. The site is also divided by traditional reading sections of the Jewish Torah service and cycle. A section on “singing” allows the reader to learn the trop with sound files, Western notation and highlighted Hebrew text. This is a complete site for learning to chant Torah portions.

Announcements Archive 2003

Saturday 29 November 2003, 8.00pm
Budapest Klezmer Band (Hungary). Coming from the heart of Europe, where klezmer music originated, this ensemble sweeps you off your feet from the first moment with their raw
energy, soaring sounds and gypsy folk rhythms. With exuberant vitality and yet with extreme poignancy they conjure up a time when this music was an integral part of European Jewish life.

Presented by the Jewish Music Institute supported by Warner Music UK, The Spiro Ark, The Swiss Embassy, the Hungarian Cultural Centre and The Jewish Chronicle.

Doors open 7.30, bands on at 8.00
Tickets £17.50 Concessions £14.00 Pass for all 4 concerts £50. Concessions for seniors, students, children, unwaged, groups of 10 or more or if coming to more than 1 concert) .…

Winter Jewish Music Concert presents Anthony Mordechai Tzvi Russell

Winter Jewish Music Concert presents its first solo concert
For details:

For five years the Winter Jewish Music Concert has presented large-scale concerts of
Jewish music, with twenty or more singers at each concert.

On Sunday, June 9th, at 4:00 p.m., we will for the first time present a concert
featuring only one singer. The performer at this very special event will be Anthony
Mordechai Tzvi Russell
, who over the past year has gained attention as the new voice
of Yiddish song. He will be singing from the songbook of Sidor Belarsky, one of the
20th Century’s greatest singers of Jewish song.

Mr. Russell’s personal story is compelling. He is a classically-trained
African-American singer who converted to Judaism and whose partner is a rabbi.…

Four Seasons Plus presents Klezmer Music Concert

Cookie Segelstein and Joshua Horowitz invite you to join us for a concert in this historic building in the woods!

Four Seasons Plus presents Klezmer Music Concert
with Cookie Segelstein and Joshua Horowitz

Date: Friday, May 14th, 2010
Time: 8 PM
Place: Emmanuel Episcopal Church, Church in the Wilderness
50 Emmanuel Church Rd.
Killingworth, CT 06419
Phone: 860-663-1800
Tickets: $20
Reception follows concert.

NEFESH in Concert

Saturday, May 22nd at 8:30pm
Merryall Center for the Arts
Chapel Hill Road, New Milford, CT 06776

Tickets $15 – for reservations, directions, etc., phone: 860-354-7264
or visit
“One of our biggest hits last season,this popular group specializing in
Israeli and Klezmer music connects with the audience through song,
instrumentals and poignant classics of Yiddish theater. Their beautiful songbird
delights audiences young and old.”

Cantor Susan Wehle in Crash near Buffalo, New York

CNN reported that one of the victims of Continental Airlines Flight 3407 that crashed in Buffalo last Thursday was Cantor Susan Wehle. Brooklyn native Cantor Wehle was a cantor at Temple Beth Am in Williamsville, New York since November of 2002. She had also sung as a cantorial soloist at Temple Sinai in Amherst, New York. The cantor received her Cantorial Smicha from Aleph – the Movement for Jewish Renewal. Additionally she earned a Bachelor of Arts Degree in Theatre and in Judaic Studies, and a Bachelor of Fine Arts Degree in Acting. She performed with theatre companies in Buffalo, Chicago and New York City. Her parents were Holocaust survivors. Cantor Wehle was 55. She had released a CD called “Songs of Hope and Healing.” Temple Beth Am synagogue has established at guest book for those who wish to remember the cantor.…

Journey to Jerusalem will make Toronto Debut in 2006

On the occasion of its 10th anniversary, JOURNEY TO JERUSALEM, “the Jewish people’s oratorio”, will make its Toronto debut in April, 2006. Conducted by the Canadian composer, EYAL BITTON. Journey to Jerusalem is an’ epic and majestic oratorio’ by EYAL BITTON recounting the 5000-year journey of the Jewish people. Composed for Jerusalem’s 3000th anniversary, it premiered in 1996 as an Official Jerusalem 3000 Event under the auspices of Israeli Consul General Daniel Gal. It was performed by a 25-piece orchestra and a 175-person choir at Salle Claude-Champagne. The Toronto production with feature CANTOR TIBOR KOVARI …Tenor and
MICHELE TREDGER …Soprano. Eyal Bitton is currently the Choir Director of Toronto’s Beth Tikvah Synagogue Choir, formerly conducted by Srul Irving Glick. For more information about the upcoming production view the website at:

CALL FOR PAPERS: Magnified and Sanctified: the Music of Jewish Prayer

Conference: Magnified and Sanctified: the Music of Jewish Prayer

University of Leeds, UK
Tuesday 16 – Friday 19 June 2015

For the first time in Britain an International Academic Conference is being
devoted to the music of Jewish prayer. Internationally acclaimed scholars in
Jewish liturgical music will lead the programme presented jointly by the
School of Music, University of Leeds and the Academic Wing of the European
Cantors Association.

CALL FOR PAPERS (see more)…

International Federation of Choral Music in Jerusalem

International Federation for Choral Music Conference
September 16-20, 2006
Jerusalem, Israel

Hallel, the Israel Choral Organization is hosting. also:
Israel Ministry of Education and Culture
Israel Music Department of the Cultural Directorate
Israel Ministry of Foreign Affairs
Jerusalem Music Center
Mishkenot Sha’ananim Conference Center

A very exciting and interesting event is taking place in Israel before the High Holidays. If any of you are not totally immersed in preparations for the High Holidays and/or will be visiting relatives in Israel for the holidays, the letter below about the program may be of extreme interest to you. The letter is written by Professor André de Quadros who is the head of the Music Department at Boston University and the chair of the Multicultural and Ethnic division of the International Federation of Choral Music.…

AUTO DE FE Concert

AUTO DE FE – CONCERT commemorating Crypto-Jews
With Vanessa Paloma and Ariel Lazarus
Start Time: Tuesday, August 9 at 9:00pm
End Time: Tuesday, August 9 at 10:30pm

Fuchsberg Jerusalem Center of
The United Synagogue of Conservative Judaism
8 Agron Street, P.O.Box 7456
Jerusalem, Israel
Tel. 02-625-6386 Ext. 4
A concert in Judeo-Spanish (Ladino, Haketía, Judezmo) of music as seen through the eyes of the Crypto-Jewish Community.

Streisand, Barbara

Superstar of American pop music, film, music director, Broadway actress, comedian and activist. Ms. Streisand’s official website contains extensive biographical information and chronological lists of her films, awards, career and a discography. The Streisand Foundation page lists recipients of grants. Ms. Streisand is surpassed only by Elvis Presley in the number of Gold Albums sold. Blessed with the incredible voice, she remains one of my favorite singers and one of the greatest voices of the century.

Shternshis, Anna

Yiddish historian and musicologist. born in Moscow, Russia. In 1996, completed M.A. in Russian and Jewish History and Archives at the Russian State University of Humanities and Project Judaica. In 1997, received a Yiddish teaching diploma from the Oxford Institute for Yiddish Studies. D.Phil., Oxford, 2000. Currently, Assistant Professor of Yiddish and Yiddish Literature at the University of Toronto. Teaches various undergraduate levels of Yiddish language, literature, and culture . Specializes in Yiddish culture. Presented several papers on Jewish song, including: “Yiddish songs in the Soviet Union.” Presentation at the conference “Modern Jewry and Arts”, Philadelphia, 2001 (organized by the Centre for Advanced Judaic Studies);”Singing about Stalin: Yiddish folk songs in the Soviet Union; Trying to transform the tradition: Jewish identity in the Soviet Union in the 1930s.” Series of lectures at the University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, and the University of Minneapolis, Minnesota, December 1999; “Yiddish Songs in the Soviet Union: the Reflection of Official Ideology in the Popular Culture of 1917 – 1941.” Presentation at a meeting of the American Association of Jewish Studies Conference in Boston, Dec.…

How an Afro-Jewish band rocked Nazi-occupied Denmark

How an Afro-Jewish band rocked Nazi-occupied Denmark

Anne Dvinge, University of Copenhagen

It seems an impossibility: in Nazi-occupied Denmark in the 1940s, one of the hottest jazz orchestras around was the interracial Harlem Kiddies, with two white and three black band members – and a Jewish singer in front. The story of how the band came to be so popular is one that uncovers the great role that jazz and race played in the occupied territories during the Second World War.

Several factors contributed to the social and political atmosphere that enabled their success. In the occupied territories in the Second World War, Denmark was known as the Sahnefront – the cream front – due to the co-operative government and the relative leniency of the occupying forces.…

Der Idisher Idol

International Festival of Composition and Interpretation of Yiddish Songs
will be held in Mexico City June 14, 2015.
Call for singers and composers!
The deadline for entry, to submit a video is April 13, 2015.
– The sign-up period closes on April 13, 2015. Contestants will be able to sign up through the official website:

Participation is open without restriction to age or gender, to singles or groups of Jewish communities.It is not even necessary to know Yiddish to participate! For full information, see the website of Der Idisher Idol at:
The website includes the rules for submission and registration for the competitions.

Bernstein , Leonard

The official website of Leonard Bernstein includes… well everything. Very comprehensive. Includes a biography and a series of “time line” events.

The Library of Congress Leonard Bernstein Collection
“This online Leonard Bernstein Collection makes available a selection of 85 photographs, 177 scripts from the Young People’s Concerts, 74 scripts from the Thursday Evening Previews, and over 1,100 pieces of correspondence, in addition to the collection’s complete Finding Aid.”

Popular Singer Eydie Gorme Dead at 84

Eydie Gorme and Steve Lawrence were household words in the era of Ed Sullivan’s TV show and the heyday of the Tonight Show. Articles about her life are hitting all the major media and here are links to some items about this iconic American-Jewish singer of mid-century America.

Steve and Edie Official Website:


New Center for Arts and Culture features Buchbinder’s Odessa/Havana and Brian Bender & Little Shop of Horas

New Center for Arts and Culture
Rose Fitzgerald Kennedy Greenway Inaugural Celebration
October 4, 2008 (rain date, the 5th)
New Center is Coming Together 12-4pm

On October 4th, 2008 the Rose F. Kennedy Greenway Conservancy will
celebrate the official inauguration of the Greenway parks in Boston with
free live concerts, classes, rides, and food from all around the world.
Once a highway and now a series of parklands throughout the downtown
core, the Greenway will host this once-in-a-lifetime opening featuring
local and international artists, highlighting Boston’s rich cultural
heritage and celebrating a vision of city life & sustainability
completed. The New Center for Arts and Culture will present New Center
is Coming Together-an exciting program with performances by David
Odessa/Havana and Brian Bender & Little Shop of Horas.…

The London Klezmer Quartet

LKQ gigs coming up:
Visit for more information
16 December – Golders Green, London: Hanukah Hopkele
22 January – Colchester Riverside Theatre: ‘Klezmer – A Living
23 January – Cambridge: ‘Sholem Aleykhem Comrades’ programme
24 January – Newington Green, London: LKQ in Concert
28 January – CD official release date
30 January – Liverpool Street, London: Holocaust Memorial Event
31 January – Green Note, Camden: LKQ concert
Feb 27-April 2 – Australia tour
April/May – Album launch tour in London, Dorset, Norwich, Cambridge

Center for Jewish History opens NEW joint catalog in 2007

The Center for Jewish History officially declared opening of a new joint catalog (for all 5 partners) through the Center’s official website This new catalog currently has records for the holdings of the library and archival collections of the Partners, which include YIVO, Yeshiva University Museum, Leo Baeck Institute, American Sephardi Federation, and the American Jewish Historical Society.
Here is a link to the new catalog:

60th Anniversary of Israel in New York at Radio City

The official observation of the 60th Anniversary of the State of Israel’s
60th Anniversary in New York will take place at 8PM on Wednesday May 7th with a
major musical gala at Radio City Music Hall in New York. The event will feature
Reggae superstar Matisyahu, Paul Shaffer of the David Letterman Show,
composer/performer and MacArthur Genius award winner John Zorn and top Israeli
music artists Idan Raichel, Rami Kleinstein, David Broza and Habanot Nechama, with
additional performers to be announced.

The historic cultural gathering will be the largest such celebration of its kind,
and is supported by over 100 Jewish organizations including the UJA Federation of
New York, Consulate General of Israel, Jewish Community Relations Council, Dor
Chadash and other key groups representing a majority of the organized American
Jewish community.…

ASHKENAZ 2010 Coming Soon –Make Plans To Attend

The Ashkenaz Festival, the largest Jewish cultural event in Canada
and one of the prestigious of its kind, takes place at Toronto’s Harbourfront Centre
in just over a month (August 31st – September 6th). Have you
started making plans to attend? Presenting music, dance, film, theater, workshops,
and more, Ashkenaz provides the opportunity for festival-goers to share and
connect with Jewish culture, immersing themselves in the diversity of the performers.
Some of
this year’s featured amazingly talented artists include 14-piece Gypsy supergroup The Other
Europeans, avant-garde opera of Frank London’s “A Night in the Old Marketplace,”
pan-Mediterranean funksters Balkan Beat Box, Bosnian-Ladino legend Flory
Jagoda, and all-female Persian/middle-Eastern fusion group Divahn.
Below is
the current festival schedule, but details may change, so be sure to check the
Ashkenaz is a wonderful weekend for the entire family, and Toronto is a “dream city” for a vacation of families with kids.…

Irving Fine: An American Composer in His Time

By Phillip Ramey

This thoroughly researched biography, commissioned by Verna Fine, widow of the composer, is a highly readable entree not only to the life and works of Irving Fine, but to the history of the Brandeis University Department of Music. Irving Fine was a highly creative and innovative composer, and became the Walter W. Naumburg Professor of Music and Chairman of the School of Creative Arts at Brandeis. His inventive leadership of a newly formed Creative Arts Department would set the tone and course of study for the next 50 years. Fine had taught theory and music history at Harvard from 1939-50, when he joined the music faculty of Brandeis in Fall, 1950, as Lecturer in Music and Composer in Residence. Fine’s intellect led him to a style of “Stravinskian neoclassicism and romatically inflected serialism” that was to catch the imagination and close friendship of the American musical luminaries of the day, including Boston Symphony conductor Serge Koussevitzky, composers Aaron Copland and Leonard Bernstein, and his Brandeis colleagues Harold Shapero and Arthur Berger.…

Sephardic Music Festival in NYC! Don’t miss it!

An amazing lineup of musicians for the Sephardic Music Festival in New York, December 8-15,
It’s ‘what to do’ for Hanukah 2012. Not the same old same old. You’re bound to hear new takes on the music of Sefarad with these groups. For complete information on times, places and admission, please visit the website.






More to be announced!…

Svigals-Rushefsky in “Mahler’s World: Jewish Music in the Hapsburg Empire”

Klezmer violin superstar Alicia Svigals
returns to the Maverick on July 14 at 8:00 p.m. with tsimblist Pete

Ms. Svigals and Mr. Rushefsky brought down the house last summer at
Maverick, and this year¹s concert is called “Mahler¹s World: Jewish Music in
the Hapsburg Empire.” The concert is part of Maverick¹s season-long
celebration of the centenary of Gustav Mahler¹s arrival in America to lead
the Metropolitan Opera and the New York Philharmonic.

Classical concerts are Saturday evenings at 6:00 and Sunday afternoons at
3:00, with jazz, world music, and klezmer on selected Saturday nights at
8:00. Young people¹s concerts are Saturday mornings at 11:00.

The box office opens an hour before each concert; the hall opens half an
hour before curtain time. Except for the last weekend of the season, ticket
prices are $20 for adults and $5 for students.…


“Holland-based NIKITOV is an acoustic ensemble that plays Yiddish songs and Klezmer accented by the rhythms and sounds of Gypsy Jazz and East European folk music. Called “one of the best of the new Yiddish folksong ensembles” (, the band members combine their ideas in producing a unique approach that harnesses the drive and energy of these related musical traditions while capturing the emotion and depth of the Yiddish text. Featuring the stunningly beautiful vocal interpretations of Niki Jacobs backed by a powerhouse group of creative instrumentalists, Nikitov has performed throughout Europe and the United States since 2000.” The site has bios, photos, schedule, cds and reviews.


Tzimmes is a musical group based in Vancouver, B.C., Canada. Tzimmes offers a program that “emphasizes the tremendous diversity within Jewish music.” They sing klezmer tunes, Sephardic and North American folk ballads. Their programs usually include several languages. Musical samples are available at the site.

Yiddish Blues

Yiddish Blues,  founded in January ,2000, is a Dresden, Germany-based band consisting of Mandy Muller, violin, Bernard Muller-Weber, guitar and Reinhard John, bass. They play adaptations of early twentieth-century klezmer greats from Eastern Europe and America. They will play the standards such as hora, bulgar and chusidl, but also branch into the combo elements with swing and tango and newly composed pieces such as “The Flatbush Waltz” by Andy Statman. Their website includes nice clips of several selections and includes their CD and contact information. Additionally special is a brief history of klezmer and photos of Jewish and formerly Jewish sites in the Polish part of Galitzia and environs. the site is primarily in German. A visit to the website gallery of photos is well worth it if you want to get a glimpse how some former Jewish synagogues, mikvehs and other property are being used by Europeans today.…

Adash Women’s Choir

A women’s choir located in Republic of Czech that sings exclusively Hebrew music. The choir started as part of a Hebrew class at Ostrava University by Dr. Tomáa Novotný. Later it grew into a performance group. The Adash website has samples of music and discography. Two of their CDs are devoted to Hebrew songs, but they sing liturgical pieces and Yiddish and Russian lanugage songs on their other two CDs which include many solos for folk music as well as choral work. The CDs are Adash & Barbora Baranová, Jewish Songs II, Jewish Songs, , and Hebrew through Songs. The site also includes videos through YouTube.

Blitzstein, Marc

The Marc Blitzstein website contains a biography, listing of complete works by genre, and photos about the composer. Many of these photos are recoganized as being held in the American Memory collection of the Library of Congress, but unfortunately, the site does not label or credit the photographs, so it is somewhat difficult to keep track… or these may be duplicates found in Wisconsin. The little search box didn’t seem to work. However, there is an excellent discography, filmography, bibliography and information about accessing the Blitzstein archive in Wisconsin. Also valuable is a listing of publishers and rights holders to Blitzstein music. The archive “also contains extensive and rare recordings of Blitzstein’s music, including many items which appear to have been made available only to the archive.…

Janning, Jeff

The Alta Rocker and His Corned Beef Rangers ride again. Blues, country? rock. CD baby selling as “Basic four piece Fender Guitar Bass Drums rock with funny English lyrics on Jewish themes.” JMWC says “Gives new meaning to the word schlock.” Some “fake-Yiddish-accent-type-humor”. Songs like “Don’t Eat the Pork”, and “Don’t Ogle my Kugel”. Some people might like the camp. Soung bites are available at the CD Baby site.

Bazian, Cantor Moshe (Murray)

Website devoted to the life and works of Cantor Bazian. Born in Kishinov, Bessarabia. Served Congregation Tifereth Israel in the Bronx. He later officiated at the Linas Hatzedek Synagogue and the Kingsbridge Heights Jewish Center. Moshe Bazian was Cantor at Congregation Shaarei T’filoh in Flushing. Site includes biography, pictures and mp3s of the cantor.