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“Lampa Ladino” Live from Russia Online

For those who use the computer on Saturdays, you’ll be able to listen online to a live concert of unusual band from Russia “Lampa Ladino” . This “Russian ensemble Lampa Ladino performs traditional Sephardic romance music. The haunting and unforgettable music of Lampa Ladino is based on the traditional music written in the Judeo-Spanish language, Ladino, by Sephardic Jews who lived in the Iberian Peninsula until their expulsion in the 15th century”. The show will begin at 10:00 AM GMT. Saturday, February 11, 2006, in Moscow studio Audgard and will be
transmitted via the Internet to entire world from the site Please search for details at:

A Rare Evening of Klezmer Tsimbl

Zev Feldman, Pete Rushefsky and Alicia Jo Rabins
Performing: “A Rare Evening of Klezmer Tsimbl (Cimbalom/hammered dulcimer)”:
Live at The Stone (
John Zorn, Artistic Director
Basya Schechter, Curator for February series
Date: Wednesday, February 15, 2006
Location: Corner of Ave. C and 2nd St., Lower East Side of Manhattan, NYC
Time: Two sets: 8PM and 10PM
Admission: $10

A special night of music featuring the tsimbl– also known as the cimbalom or Jewish/Eastern European hammered dulcimer. A string instrument played like a xylophone, the tsimbl employs over 100 strings to create a mystical harp-like sonority. It was a popular instrument in Jewish klezmer ensembles across Eastern Europe from the 1500’s through the first decades of the twentieth century.

Brown University Launches Online Yiddish Sheet Music Collection

Brown University has launced a Yiddish Sheet Music Collection as part of its Center for Digital Initiatives. So far, it’s a work in progress… they’ve digitized and catalogued about 200 pieces from holdings of around 2000 pieces of Yiddish sheet music. The project is impressive for ease of use, featuring both browsing and searching capabilities. The librarian who has catalogued this is Rosemary Cullen of the John Hay Library, featured in an article in the
Forward on March 24 . The music is available for you to enjoy (non-commercially) online, and there are lots of rewarding images of the stars of yesteryear from the Yiddish stage . Go to the Center for Digital Initiatives, at Toward the bottom of the screen in the bottom navigation bar, click on “Collections”.…

Cantorial Summer School Progressive Tradition 2006

The Sabbath in the Progressive Tradition
L’chu N’ran’nah L’Adonai – Come let us sing to the Eternal One!
A four-day intensive course for synagogue musicians, worship leaders, choir
directors, and all lovers of Jewish music.
Course Director, Cantor Josee Wolff (New York)
Sunday 18 June – Wednesday 21 June 2006
Daily 10.30am – 5.30pm
West London Synagogue, 33 Seymour Place, London, W1
Full rate: £165 students rate £120. Daily rate: £45
Registration and more details Tel: 020 8909 2445

Two New Discographies of Jewish Music

Julian Futter wrote: Dr Rainer Lotz, who was behind the 11 CD set
“Vorbei” – Beyond recall, the survey of Jewish recordings in the Nazi
era, has just released a discography of Jewish recordings in German
speaking countries. “Discographie der Judaica-Aufnahmen”.
This book covers 78rpm recordings made from 1901 up to 1960. It is
complimentary to Spottswood since Spottwood only covers recordings made
in the USA. It is nearly 600 pages long and covers more than 400
performers. Covering all aspects of Jewish life, culture, religion and anti-semitism
it therefore also includes entries for Thomas Mann, Ze’ev Jabotinsky and
many of the leaders and functionaries of the 3rd Reich. Among other
performers there are full details for S Kwartin, J. Rosenblatt, Julius Guttmann and many others.…

Rita Glassman “Journey to Shabbat” CD

Rita Glassman, the Cantor of Congregation Sherith Israel in San Francisco, has released a new CD “Journey to Shabbat”. Rita is the composer and singer of an interpretive chant of the Hebrew prayer “Shema.” Her recording of the Shema, accompanied by the talented Jai Uttal and Geoffrey Gordon, can be heard on the CD-Sacred World Chants on the ‘Soundings of the Planet’ label. Her newest “Journey to Shabbat” CD was recorded in
Sherith Israel’s sanctuary and is filled to the brim with “warmth, heart and soul.”
The elegant instrumental arrangements (use of percussion, guitar, mandolin,
clarinet, flute) are a great compliment to Rita’s voice, often compared to that of Chava Alberstein, Enya and Loreena McKennit. This recording is a preparation for Shabbat, taking one “on a spiritual journey to greater
connectedness with this day of renewal, meditation, and celebration.” cultures.…

Rebbe’s Orkestra in Albuquerque, NM

The Rebbe’s Orkestra presents an evening of Klezmer, Mediterranean, East European
and Middle Eastern music for a concert and dance party at Winning Coffee in
Saturday, June 16th from 7:30pm to 9:30pm.
Winning Coffee,
111 Harvard Dr. SE (south of Central Ave. near UNM),
Albuquerque, NM, 505-266-0000.
Admission is $5.00 at the door: 12 and under are free.

To learn all about the concert and the musicians, keep reading here…

Michael Lukin Catalogues the Dov Noy Collection at JNUL

Congratulations to flautist Michael Lukin on the completion of the Song Index to the Dov Noy Collection in the Jewish National University Library (JNUL) in Jerusalem. This event will be of world wide interest to those who love Yiddish and Hebrew songs. The project involved meticulous cataloging that allows a searcher to find individual songs within a large number of Yiddish and Hebrew song anthologies and other works in this collection. Each song is searchable in the vernacular including keyword, title and author (composer and lyricist) searching. In addition, the incipit of the song, that is, the opening lines, or in some cases, some line of the refrain which may be more identifying to the song, are included in the record. Searchers may try typing in their title or even just a word of the title (keyword) to find which volumes this song may be in.…

Hirschhorn, Natasha (Jitomirskaia)

“Cantor Natasha (Jitomirskaia) Hirschhorn first became interested in Jewish music during her studies at the Gnesin Music College in Moscow. After graduating from college with Honors Diploma in musicology, piano and composition, she continued her education at the Kiev State Conservatory. Deepening her involvement in Judaism, Natasha also collaborated with the Kiev Jewish Youth Musical Theater as pianist, singer, and, later, its music director. The success of their four-women-show performances throughout Ukraine was embittered by the hostility both from the anti-Semitic Ukrainian authorities and the ultra-Orthodox rabbis. In 1992 Natasha’s quest for a more comprehensive Jewish education has brought her to Washington, D.C., where for three years she studied privately with cantors and rabbis from the area, including Cantors Sue Roemerand Sharon Steinberg. In May 1999 Natasha has completed her studies at the Academy for Jewish Religion, the only non-denominational Rabbinic and Cantorial Seminary, and was ordained as Hazzan and Teacher in Israel.…

Landowska, Wanda

Born July 5, 1879, Warsaw, Poland. Died August 16, 1959, Lakeville, Connecticut. Harpsichordist, pianist, musicologist, composer. Specialist in 17th and 18th century keyboard music, (“old music”), especially using “authentic” instruments. She turned to using the harpsichord and wrote numerous articles promoting its use. Married Henri Lew in 1900, who died in 1919. Toured and taught harpsichord extensively. Contemporary composers began to write pieces for the harpsichord and this helped spark a revival of the instrument. During WWII, she migrated to the US in 1941. Landowska also composed works on Jewish themes.

Boyd Leon, Carol

American. Composer, songleader, cantorial soloist, choir director and music educator. Born and grew up in Baldwin, NY, graduated from Brown University, and has resided in Northern Virgiinia since 1977. Her music is “characterized by its lovely and singable melodies; her focus is on creating music for congregational and school use.” Ms. Leon is the current and founding director of several Jewish youth and adult choirs in the Washington, D.C. metropolitan area, coordinates Northern Virginia’s annual Jewish choral festival called “NoVaShir,” and teaches and leads Jewish music at several area schools and synagogues. Her works include “Family Shabbat” (with CD, 2000), “Jewish Life Cycle” (2002), “Gan Shirim: 70 New Jewish Songs for Children” (with double-CD, published by KTAV Publshing House in 2004), and “A Healing Service In Song” (DVD, 2005).…

Marie Wertheim, Rosalie

Dutch pianist and composer. Born February 19, 1888, Amsterdam. Died May 27, 1949, Laren, the Netherlands. She survived WWII by going into hiding, but also gave clandestine concerts presenting works by Jewish composers. Musicologist Dr. Melissa De Graaf has written a biographical sketch of Rosy Wertheim for the Jewish Music WebCenter, which can be viewed here as a pdf file.

Dr. De Graaf’s work is copyrighted. Pleasecontact JMWC if you need more information about the use of this article. This portrait of Rosy Wertheim is from the online exhibits of the Joods Historisch Museum, Amsterdam, the Netherlands.

Moreau Gottschalk, Louis

Born: 1829 in New Orleans, Louisiana. Died: December 18, 1869. Descended from Sephardic Jews on his father’s side, Gottschalk is one of the intriguing figures on 19th century New Orleans lore. A biography about him with photos, discography and links to Gottschalk sites. The Library of Congress also has a sheet music collection online. Users should use the search box and type “Gottschalk” to view a list of scanned music.American Sheet Music

Mah Tovu

Rock ‘n’ roll band formed in 1991 comprised of Steve Brodsky, Ken Chasen, and Josh Zweiback. Original songs use rock ‘n’ roll as a means of teaching Jewish history, Hebrew, and Jewish values. Steve and Josh were songleaders for the National Federation of Temple Youth’s Missouri Valley Region, and had grown up deeply involved in Jewish camping, youth programming, and Jewish music. First recording, Jewish Rock and Roll Singer” (1992)followed by “Only This” (1996). Released a CD single of “Pharaoh, Pharaoh,” a parody of the 60’s Kingsmen’s song “Louie, Louie” which is a huge hit on the Jewish camp and youth group circuit.


The JEWISH MUSIC SCHOOL in Amsterdam is looking for funds, sponsors and other financial sources and/or support.
The Jewish Music School
c/o Muziekschool Amsterdam
Bachstraat 5, Amsterdam-zuid
is the first music school in the Netherlands/Europe, to concentrate uniquely on Jewish musical education and training. The music school offers a wide variety of classes and courses, both practical and/or theoretical. In addition it offers facilities for studying and practicing Jewish music under expert guidance. Besides providing the necessary facilities for our present teaching needs, this location will also enable us to expand and cooperate with other Jewish (cultural) organizations, which will also be able to make use of the premises.
For more information:

Jewish Music School
P.o.b. 15894 ~ 1001 NJ
Amsterdam, The Netherlands
Phone/Fax: +31 (0)20 771 58 81…

Rebecca Teplow Releases Hope

Rebecaa Teplow KavehRebecca Teplow’s latest CD “Kaveh, Hope” has just been released. The songs are all in Hebrew and composed and arranged by Rebecca on liturgical texts. Rebecca’s strong embrace of text is clear and distinct. She has interestingly even composed variations of her own songs and presents “Gam Ki Elech” twice in different styles. I liked the Joni Mitchell clarity and simplicity of her word painting in “Esa Einei” and that is one of her real strengths. The rock idiom predominates as in pieces such as “Hinei Kel,” which also includes some fun instrumentals. Teplow’s use of contemporary musical idioms are muted but used in a effective way, as in the introduction to “Peyrasti,” which starts out in one idiom but morphs into a rock sequence with some nice guitar riffs.…


“KlezmerQuerque” – The southwest’s annual festival of klezmer music & dance
celebrates its 9th year February 18-20 (Presidents day weekend).

KlezmerQuerque 2011 is coming!! The 9th annual celebration of Klezmer music & dance
will take place over Presidents Day Weekend from February 18-20 (FRI-SUN). The
festival is co-produced by Congregation Nahalat Shalom, Nahalat Shalom’s 25-piece
Community Klezmer band & Rikud Yiddish dance troupe. All KlezmerQuerque events will
take place at Nahalat Shalom, 3606 Rio Grande Blvd. NW in Albuquerque (between
Candelaria & Griegos on Rio Grande).

Theodore Bikel: The First 85 Years!

WHAT: Theodore Bikel: The First 85 Years!

WHO: Confirmed performers include: Theodore Bikel, Alan Alda, Arlo Guthrie, Noel
Paul Stookey, Peter Yarrow, Tom Paxton, The Klezmatics, Judy Kaye, Susan
Werner, David Amram, Beyond the Pale, Artie Butler, Patricia Conolly, David
Krakauer, Hankus Netsky, Sarah Horowitz, Serendipity 4 (Theodore Bikel,
Tamara Brooks, Merima Ključo and Shura Lipovsky), and Michael Wex.

7:30pm Monday, June 15, 2009

Carnegie Hall, Stern Auditorium/Perelman Stage, 57th Street and Seventh
Avenue, New York City

Tickets range from $30 to $500.
Carnegie Hall Box Office –
or 212.247.7800


Alan Alda, Arlo Guthrie, Noel Paul Stookey, Peter Yarrow, Tom Paxton
Among Special Guests at June 15th concert to benefit Juvenile Law Center


Yiddish Radio Winnipeg – Jacques Grober and His Music

Yiddish Radio Show
Sunday August 9/09
Yiddish 2:00 to 2:30 PM CDT (3:00-3:30 PM EDT)
CKJS 810 Winnipeg online live streaming (click on ‘Listen Live’)

Rochelle Zucker decided to dedicate a radio show to the memory of the French Yiddish singer, composer and author Jacques Grober.

Grober was born in Paris in 1951 – the son of Holocaust Survivirs from
Poland. From about 1980 until his death in 2006 – when he was just in his
prime, Grober was vital and important force of the Yiddish music scene in
France. He studied Yiidish singing with the Yiddish legend Sarah Gorby. The more
he became involved with Yiddish, the language of his parents and
grandparents, the more he realized how important it was to create
contemporaty songs in Yiddish so that Yiddish could be continue being heard
as a living language.…

Journal for the Study of Sephardic and Mizrahi Jewry

Academicians in the field of Sephardic and Mizrahi studies are invited to submit articles and contribute to this innovative, new journal. Among the many benefits of publishing with the journal is the short time span between submission and publishing compared to other journals. Moreover, the journal is free, fully online, and easily accessible to the general public via the journal website.

Part of FIU’s President Navon Program, the Journal for the Study of Sephardic and Mizrahi Jewry has been an ongoing, interdisciplinary project which draws upon the expertise of leading scholars in the field and seeks to cover all aspects of the Sephardic and Mizrahi Jewish experience.

The journal is a refereed, peer reviewed and interdisciplinary academic journal. Created to fill a lacuna in academic publications, the journal’s purpose is to provide an online platform for scholars to publish original, academic work that explores salient aspects within this burgeoning field of study.…

Renowned Cleveland Music Collector Donates Jewish Recordings to FAU Libraries

Family of Renowned Cleveland Music Collector Donates Tens of Thousands of Recordings to FAU Libraries

BOCA RATON, FL – The family of Jack Saul, a renowned Cleveland music collector, has gifted about 10,000 unique Jewish records to Florida Atlantic University’s Judaica Sound Archives, which already held one of the world’s largest collections of preserved and digitized Judaic audio recordings. Another 50,000 vintage 78-rpm records from Saul’s collection will be used to establish a vintage records archive at FAU Libraries. In addition, 500 jazz LPs from the gift were added to the library’s extensive jazz collection.

Saul’s gift contained many rare and popular 78 rpms, LP albums and reel-to-reel tapes. While some of the recordings were new titles for the JSA, others were duplicates and replaced recordings in the archives that were not in as good condition.…

Galeet Dardashti Releases CD The Naming

The Naming The Laughter and Crying of a Persian Jew. Galeet Dardashti Gives Voice to Provocative Women of the Bible

This is the story of why the brilliant Queen of Sheba shaved her legs, how the stunning Vashti laid down the line for her drunken husband, and how a mysterious witch spoke King Saul’s doom and then served him a nice dinner. The Naming, the upcoming release from singer and composer Galeet Dardashti , draws on the Persian classical music and Middle Eastern Jewish singing deep in her bones to transform the ghostly outlines of Biblical women into full-blown flesh-and-blood personalities.

The Naming’s release on September 14 occurs smack in between the Jewish High Holidays of Rosh Hashanah (September 9-10) and Yom Kippur (September 18), when Dardashti will be chanting services as cantor for her Park Slope, Brooklyn synagogue.…

Kaplan Commissioning Project

for composers of Jewish heritage:
Saint Mary¹s University Concert Band

The seventh Helen and Sam Kaplan Foundation Commission for a new Concert
Band composition written by a composer of Jewish heritage is outlined below.
Any questions should be directed directly to Dr. Janet Heukeshoven, Director
of Bands at Saint Mary¹s University of Minnesota. Contact information is
provided at the end of this notice.

Amount of Commission:
$5,000.00 plus travel/expense allowance for a campus visit at the premier of
the composition.

Description of the Composition:
The work will be scored for standard concert band instrumentation,
appropriate difficulty level for advanced high school bands and collegiate
ensembles. (A ³grade 4² level of difficulty by current educational
standards.) The orchestration of the 2012 project may be extended to
include solo voice or voices.…

New Klezmer Fiddle book released by Ilana Cravitz

Klezmer Fiddle: A How-to-Guide by Ilana CravitzIlana Cravitz has released a new book exploring traditional klezmer music. It’s a teaching guide, accompanied by a CD, and helps the student delve into the style of klezmer playing. Seckund and bass parts pull out for handy playing with friends. Cravitz explains bowing techniques, includes a brief history of klezmer, and the modes of each piece. Each of the sixteen tunes has a listening track to help learn performance technique. She also gives suggestions for effective variations and interpretations from the written score. In the appendix is a helpful chart explaining the dance style that goes with the various tunes, a Yiddish glossary and pronunciation guide, a bibliography and a discography. She also gives helpful suggestions about arranging melodies in sets, or groups of tunes that will work well together without a break.…


One year ago, the Chevy Chase, Maryland-based organization devoted to
finding and sharing new Jewish liturgical music didn?t even exist.
Today, it is relishing the task of selecting the best from among 169
pieces of music written by composers from 5 countries and 19 U.S.

?We are absolutely thrilled,? said Dr. Norma Brooks, vice president
of Shalshelet: The Foundation for New Jewish Liturgical Music. ?A
festival highlighting new music for congregational singing was just
an idea, a dream. Where would the music come from? How would
composers find us? Well, they did, in a very big way,? she said,
pointing to a three-inch-thick stack of submitted sheet music and the
four accompanying review CDs.

Klezmer Fiddle: a how to guide

By Ilana Cravitz

Ilana Cravitz has released a new book exploring traditional klezmer music. It’s a teaching guide, accompanied by a CD, and helps the student delve into the style of klezmer playing. Seckund and bass parts pull out for handy playing with friends. Cravitz explains bowing techniques, includes a brief history of klezmer, and the modes of each piece. Each of the sixteen tunes has a listening track to help learn performance technique. She also gives suggestions for effective variations and interpretations from the written score. In the appendix is a helpful chart explaining the dance style that goes with the various tunes, a Yiddish glossary and pronunciation guide, a bibliography and a discography. She also gives helpful suggestions about arranging melodies in sets, or groups of tunes that will work well together without a break.…

What to Listen For in Jewish Music

By Charles Heller

Heller covers the basics. He does so in a rather quirky way with very short, self-contained chapters. On the one hand, the book presumes one can read notes and there are many musical illustrations. On the other hand, he has some basic music hints –such as an illustration on how to relate notes on the score to a picture of a piano, or what a major and minor chord sound like –examples which makes the book seem as if it’s intended for those who have a very hard time reading music and no music theory background at all. It does seem difficult to me to explain Jewish modal theory if one doesn’t have the basics of a western scale firmly mastered. Somehow I’m having a hard time understanding this book’s audience as the author envisioned it.…

Alexander Brott: My Lives in Music

By Alexander Brott and Betty Nygaard King

So many Americans are just unaware of the accomplishments and achievements of Canadians. Possibly this is more ignorance than snobbery, but sometimes it seems to be a bit of both, without good reason for either. This snobbery particularly extends, it seems, in music. Our friends in Canada continually prove themselves extremely worthy, and yet notions to the otherwise persist. Fortunately, Canadians are a patient people and their accomplishments continue to shine and speak on their behalf. One such accomplished and distinguished musician is Alexander Brott. If you haven’t heard of him, then perhaps this memoir, published on the occasion of his 90th birthday, and written with the help of Betty Nygaard King, will be an antidote.

The book is an autobiographical memoir about his life as a violinist, conductor, composer, teacher and producer.…


Daniel ben Shalom has a new CD, “Contempory original musical artist from Israel combining jazz, blues, rock and more with the essence of spirituality and soul.”

Kol Zimra: Chant Leader’s Training

Held at ELAT CHAYYIM in 99 Mill Hook Road, Accord, New York, starting August 2-8, 2004…
If you are one of the many people who have been moved and transformed by Rabbi Shefa Gold’s chanting practice and if you are a healer, teacher, artist or spiritual leader in your community, here is your chance to cultivate the inner qualities and learn the practical techniques that will enable you to bring that joy and meaning to others…not to mention the abundant blessings it will bring to your own spiritual life. Please feel free to pass this information on to others
who might benefit from it.


Cookie Segelstein: Violin, scordatura violin, viola
Joshua Horowitz: Chromatic button accordion, tsimbl
Stuart Brotman: Bass, basy, baraban

Golden Horn Records is proud to announce its release of Veretski Pass,
Traditional East European Jewish Music by the trio of the same name made
up of klezmer veterans Cookie Segelstein, Joshua Horowitz and Stuart
Much of the music on this recording comes from and near the
region of the Veretski Pass (after which the group is named) in the
Transcarpathian region of what is now Ukraine, the main crossroads
through which the Jews traversed the Carpathian Bow. Some melodies were
passed on to Cookie by her father who was born in the town of Nizhni
Veretski, at the base of this pass. Others were collected by the members
themselves in their travels throughout Eastern Europe.…

“Purimshpil” guidebook book published

A book “Purimshpil. Scenario for work at Klezfest in Ukraine, 2005” (Kiev: The Center of Jewish Education in Ukraine. Jewish Music Department, 2005) was published for the recent “Klezfest in Ukraine, 2005” event. The book has been prepared using Moisey Beregovsky’s materials from his “Jewish folk musical theatrical performances” (Kiev, Institute of Judaic Library, Publisher “Duh I Litera”, 2001). The book was released for the use of musicians and teachers in concert work and education. The Purimshpil was directed by Alina Ivakh, scenario composed by Eugenia Lopatnik, music by Polina Shepherd and traditional.