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And the Trains Kept Coming . . . to The Prophets

Cantata Singers & Ensemble
David Hoose, Music Director

World Premiere: Lior Navok‘s
And the Trains Kept Coming . . .
Cantata Singers Commission
Kurt Weill: The Prophets from The Eternal Road
First Boston performance

Friday, January 18, 2008 at 8 p.m.
Sunday, January 20, 2008 at 3 p.m.
New England Conservatory’s Jordan Hall,
30 Gainsborough St., Boston


Available at
TICKETS: $54, $34, & $20; $5 discount for WGBH members. $15 for students and seniors
(section C tickets only).
Limited student rush tickets available 30 min. before concert time with $10 cash and
student ID.

Jordan Hall Box Office
30 Gainsborough Street in Boston
(617-585-1260) or BosTix at Faneuil Hall & Copley Square.

Announcements Archive 2003

Saturday 29 November 2003, 8.00pm
Budapest Klezmer Band (Hungary). Coming from the heart of Europe, where klezmer music originated, this ensemble sweeps you off your feet from the first moment with their raw
energy, soaring sounds and gypsy folk rhythms. With exuberant vitality and yet with extreme poignancy they conjure up a time when this music was an integral part of European Jewish life.

Presented by the Jewish Music Institute supported by Warner Music UK, The Spiro Ark, The Swiss Embassy, the Hungarian Cultural Centre and The Jewish Chronicle.

Doors open 7.30, bands on at 8.00
Tickets £17.50 Concessions £14.00 Pass for all 4 concerts £50. Concessions for seniors, students, children, unwaged, groups of 10 or more or if coming to more than 1 concert) .…

Ayn Sof Arkestra and Bigger Band

Monday, March 28 · 8:30pm – 10:30pm
Location East 6th Street Community Synagogue, Max Raiskin Center
325 East 6th Street
New York, NY

Join the Ayn Sof Arkestra and Bigger Band at their monthly Monday Night Jazz Rabbi Invitational Concert.
$10.00 Cover

Ayn Sof Arkestra and Bigger Band for Passover Concert

Thursday, April 21 · 8:30pm – 10:30pm
East 6th Street Community Synagogue Max Raiskin Center
325 East 6th Street
New York, NY

Come join the Ayn Sof Arkestra and Bigger Band for a special middle of Passover Concert.
The midweek of the Festival of Passover is traditionally a time where the celebration of the holiday is stretched into the mundane workaday world, called “Chol HaMoed”.
Come join Ayn Sof for the holiday celebration! We may even break out the Slivovitz!
$10.00 Cover

NYC’s newest addition to the canon of new Jewish influenced music and culture, the Ayn Sof Arkestra and Bigger Band, under the direction of saxophonist Jazz Rabbi Greg Wall and Grammy winning trumpeter Frank London.The Arkestra consists of some of the most innovative artists on the scene today, such as Pam Fleming, Rob Henke, Jordan Hirsch, Paul Shapiro, Jessica Lurie, Marty Fogel, Zach Mayer, Aaron Alexander, David Chevan, Fima Ephron, Eyal Maoz, Mathias Kunzli, Uri Sharlin, and many others.…

Hava Nagila Historical Collections

Along with the documentary made by Roberta Grossman and Marta Kaufman that aired on PBS in 2010, there have been a few historical collections putting up materials about Hava Nagila, the ubiquitous folk tune that has become part and parcel of the American Jewish experience. Here’s some links to the history, video and archival materials that may be of interest to our readers.

First, the video, (fundraising promo about the PBS special from 2010): (about 10 minutes)

Second, the archival materials published on Flickr from the Jewish National Library in Jerusalem:

Images from, Sadagora, hometown where the melody was traced:

For years, the song text was attributed to Moshe Nathanson, but this claim turned out to be untrue. Later in life, Nathanson wrote to Idelsohn and apologized about accepting credit for the text, which Idelsohn had written.…

Ayn Sof Arkestra and Bigger Band in Brooklyn

June 27, 2012

Gala Brooklyn Jazz/Klezmer Concert with
The Ayn Sof Arkestra and Bigger Band
Directed by Rabbi Greg Wall and Frank London
Wednesday, June 27th 8:30PM
Ocean Parkway Jewish Center
550 Ocean Parkway • Brooklyn, NY 11218
(between Ditmas Ave. and 18th Ave.)
Light refreshments will be served after the concert.
Cost: $12 if pre-registered; $15 at the door
PROMO code “OPJC-ML” price is $10
To register:

Once you register, you will be assigned your own referral code, and you will get credit for friends that attend events organized by Jewish Singles Galaxy, as well as credit for referrals they make to their friends. Like a coffee punch-card, as credits accrue, you will be able to attend future functions for free.…

Grand Récital Liturgiques Roch Hachana 5767 En la grande Synagogue de Créteil

Le Président André BENAYOUN
Et les Membres de la Commission Administrative de la communauté de Créteil
Monsieur le Rabbin Alain SENIOR
Ont l’honneur et la joie de vous inviter
En présence d’Artistes et de Journalistes
Des présidents de communautés et des membres du consistoire
Le Dimanche 17 Septembre 2006 – 14 Elloul 5767 à 19h30
En la grande Synagogue de Créteil – KYRIAT – EL
Rue du 8 mai 1945 – 94000 CRETEIL
au profit des sinistrés du Nord d’Israël.
Au Grand Récital Liturgiques Roch Hachana 5767
Avec la Participation Exceptionnelle des Artistes
Ténor « Gabriel Efassi »
Hazan « Michaël Dahan »
Hazan « Moshé Amram »
Violoniste «Chalom Kinor»
Exposition JUDAICA
Présentation des Oeuvres, Artiste Peintre Israélien.
« Meyer LAZAR»
P.a.f : 20 euros, étudiants 10 euros – Suivi d’un cocktail.…

Give Ear to Thy People: Choral Music from the Jewish Tradition

Osnat NetzerMusica Sacra Presents World Premiere by Israeli Composer
This Saturday, March 21, 2009 at 8:00 PM
Musica Sacra will explore Jewish choral
repertoire that juxtaposes the sacred and secular, the ancient and
contemporary, the traditional and innovative. The concert, entitled
Give Ear to Thy People: Choral Music from the Jewish Tradition, will
feature Paths of Stone and Water, a world premiere written for Musica
Sacra by Osnat Netzer, Israeli composer and pianist. The concert also
includes Aaron Copland’s In the Beginning, which sets the Genesis
creation story, music by Noam Elkies, Yiddish choral music from the
early 20th century, and other selections from the Jewish diaspora.

Give Ear to Thy People: Choral Music from the Jewish Tradition
Saturday, March 21, 2009 at 8:00 PM

First Church Congregational
11 Garden Street
Cambridge, MA
(Near Harvard Square)
Reserved: $40
General: $25
Student/Senior: $15…


East Village Klezmer Series Returns – January 18th, 8:30pm with a wonderful double
Adrianne Greenbaum’s Fleytmusik – featuring Pete Rushevsky, and Zevy Zions –
solo accordion.

Klezmer and Yiddish Music returns to the East Village, where it once was
king, at a new series curated by Aaron Alexander at the Sixth Street
Community Synagogue, 325 E. Sixth Street | New York, NY 10003.
The lineup for the winter/spring series includes a
fantastic lineup including wonderful klezmorim from New York and faraway
places such as Montreal, Berlin, Boston, and the UK. We are lucky to have
such a great group of musicians contributing to this endeavor. Please come
out and support the series!

The series are co-sponsored by Workmen?s Circle/Arbeiter Ring of NY,
All shows start at 8.30 and cover is $15 (drink included) unless otherwise

TOHU veBOHU Musique klezmer et arabo-andalouse

Dimanche 19 juillet 2009 à 20h15
Ancien Palace de Caux sur Montreux (VD)
Entrée libre, collecte.
Informations: Initiatives & Changement
Tél: 021 961 91 11

“Au début, la terre n’était que tohu-bohu; les ténèbres étaient sur la
face de l’abîme…” C’est dans ce tohu-bohu que jaillit la lumière et que
débuta la création du monde, dans lequel l’homme reçut pour commandement
de mettre de l’ordre. De nos jours, les guerres, les génocides, les
injustices, les épurations ethniques, les violations de la dignité et des
droits humains sont autant de preuves que la mission de l’homme sur la
Terre n’est pas achevée !

Pour aller -modestement- dans ce sens, le projet Tohu veBohu rassemble
des musiciens d’origine culturelle et religieuse juive et arabe. Il
montre qu’une coexistence musicale et amicale est possible et que, à
défaut de changer le monde, la connaissance de “l’autre” peut nous aider
à nous changer nous-mêmes, à progresser vers la compréhension, la
tolérance et la paix.…


Usdan Center For the Creative and Performing Arts (, America’s
premier summer arts day camp, will present its annual Festival Concerts, private
30-minute educational performances, just for Usdan students, at its on-site
1,000-seat McKinley Ampitheater, beginning Monday June 30.

A unique event this season will be the July 17 Concert of Remembrance and
Celebration; 60th Anniversary of Israel, hosted by the international concert
presenter and programmer Caroline Stoessinger. The concert will include excerpts
from Brundibar, the children s opera first performed in the Terezin concentration
camp, and since World War II, sung continually in Israel and throughout the world.
The Usdan Center Junior Chorus will perform.…

Le festival NIGUNIM

Le festival NIGUNIM (Mélodies) a débuté avec brio. Ceux d’entre vous qui ont assisté au concert de Gerard Edery peuvent en témoigner!

Et voici les deux évènements du week-end prochain:

Samedi 11 novembre à 20h
Salle Ernest Ansermet (Maison de la Radio, 66 Bd Carl Vogt)

TOHU veBOHU musiques klezmer, arabo-andalouse et de la Renaissance
avec: Michel Borzykowski: saxophone, Christine Niggeler: accordéon, Bianca
Mihaies-Favez: violon, Adrien Gaubert: contrebasse, Adel Degaichia: chant,
percussion & cordes, Claude Jordan: flûtes, Cecilia Knudtsen: viole, Laura Mendy:
clavecin, Patricia Esteban: flûtes & percussion, Julie Mazille: flûtes & chant


Dimanche 12 novembre à 17h
Salle Robert Dunand ( 9 rue du Marché, Carouge)

pour enfants et adultes de 7 à 777 ans! avec 2 invités successifs:

– Rose Bacot (voix et clarinette):
“Zlateh la chèvre” (d’après I.Bashevis Singer)

– la Compagnie “2 temps 3 mouvements”:
“Otto, autobiographie d’un ours en peluche” (d’après Tomi Ungerer)
avec Nathalie Athlan, Sylvie Zahnd, Marc Athlan & Proum-Proum:
Mise en scène et chorégraphies : Rossella Riccaboni

Billets en vente:
à l’entrée
aux guichets ResaPlus (liste sur
par téléphone: 0900 552 333 (1 fr/minute)

tarifs et autres infos sur
Le comité de l’AMJ se réjouit de vous y retrouver avec de la belle musique et de

Ayn Sof Arkestra and Bigger Band, Special Passover Edition

Tuesday, April 10 2012
Sixth Street Community Synagogue, 325 East Sixth Street, NYC

Ayn Sof Arkestra is the hottest new Big Band in New York! The strange Jewish love child of Charles Mingus and Sun Ra, Ayn Sof is the Big Band that personifies Radical Jewish Culture. The Band was founded by Grammy Award winning Trumpeter and Composer Frank London and NYC’s Jazz Rabbi, Greg Wall.

The Band features some of the most dynamic members of the NY Jazz scene, including Pam Fleming, Art Baron, Eyal Maoz, Frank and Greg, Rob Henke, Mike Cohen, Paul Shapiro, and Jessica Lurie. The repertoire is all original tunes or arrangements from the collective pens of the Arkestra, and reflects the diversity of todays NYC Jazz scene.…

Irving Fine: An American Composer in His Time

By Phillip Ramey

This thoroughly researched biography, commissioned by Verna Fine, widow of the composer, is a highly readable entree not only to the life and works of Irving Fine, but to the history of the Brandeis University Department of Music. Irving Fine was a highly creative and innovative composer, and became the Walter W. Naumburg Professor of Music and Chairman of the School of Creative Arts at Brandeis. His inventive leadership of a newly formed Creative Arts Department would set the tone and course of study for the next 50 years. Fine had taught theory and music history at Harvard from 1939-50, when he joined the music faculty of Brandeis in Fall, 1950, as Lecturer in Music and Composer in Residence. Fine’s intellect led him to a style of “Stravinskian neoclassicism and romatically inflected serialism” that was to catch the imagination and close friendship of the American musical luminaries of the day, including Boston Symphony conductor Serge Koussevitzky, composers Aaron Copland and Leonard Bernstein, and his Brandeis colleagues Harold Shapero and Arthur Berger.…

Third International Jewish Music Competition

October 10-14, 2012 in Amsterdam!

Preparations for the Third International Jewish Music Competition are
in full swing. Mark you calendar and tell your friends to join us in
Amsterdam for the five-day festival, October 10-14, 2012. We’ll start
with a kickoff concert in the monumental Portuguese Synagogue (built
in 1675), followed by the three-day competition in the
elegant Compagnie Theater, with 24 ensembles from around the world.
To close, we’ll host a day of workshops with a Jewish cultural
marketplace, an open podium, and a closing concert with winners from
the competition.
Take a look at our website for all the details.

Visit us:

Friend us:

Watch us:
IJMF Newsletter June 18, 2012:
Click to view this email in a browser:

Congregation Rodeph Sholom Marks MLK, Jr. Commemoration with Tel Aviv Gospel Choir

Congregation Rodeph Sholom Marks MLK, Jr. Commemoration with Tel Aviv Gospel Choir
Blending the unique sounds of musical groups from the
Middle East and New York City, an original take on gospel music will emerge and
resound at Congregation Rodeph Sholom during a multicultural and international
celebration to honor the memory of Martin Luther King, Jr., 6 p.m., Friday, Jan. 18,
2013 during Shabbat services.

The internationally renowned Iris and Ofer Portugaly and their Israeli Gospel Choir
will make their U.S. premiere, presenting a performance of Hebrew Gospel—their
innovative mix of African- American gospel with a “tantalizing” Israeli flavor. The
joyous program will bring together vocalists, gospel choirs, and musicians from
different cultures, communities, and ethnicities in a musical evening dedicated to
King’s vision for freedom and peace.…

Ayn Sof Archestra and Bigger Band in Brooklyn

Ayn Sof Arkestra and BIgger Band is on the menu at the Jewish Music Cafe.
Wednesday, January 30, 2013
The Iyyun Center, also known as the Jewish Music Cafe,
650 Sackett Street, Brooklyn, NY

New monthly performance with AynSof–the inaugural show at The Iyyun Center
Shows will be the last Wednesday of the month.
The first show is a special double feature with Zion80, Jon Madof’s electric pairing of the music of Shlomo Carlebach with the pulsing rhythm of Afro-beat as played by Fela Kuti.
Ayn Sof will play at 8:30, Zion80 at 9:30.
Ayn Sof is
Greg Wall, Marty Fogel, Jessica Lurie, Paul Shapiro, Zach Mayer, Saxes
Jordan Hirsch, Pam Fleming, Frank London, Trumpets
Art Baron, Danny Flam, Trombones
Eyal Maoz, Brian Marsala, Brian Glassman, Rhythm

9Volt + diNMachine

Live APRIL 7 AT Manhattan’s Bowery Electric
Date: Sunday, April 7 at 9 PM
Address: 327 Bowery New York, NY 10003
at: Bowery Electric
Telephone: (212) 228-0228
Event URL:
Band URL:
*Cover price*: Admission $10
*Music genr*e: New Jazz-Rock
9Volt, the avantgarde, jazz-based New York City trio who recently
released *Open
Circuit*, perform a second record release show on April 7 at Bowery

The New York Times praises the band: “On its new album, “Open Circuit”
(OutNow), the collective known as 9 Volt… thrashes toward an expressive
new-breed fusion, informed by a few generations of downtown
experimentation…” — NATE CHINEN, New York Times, February 2013.

The outfit features a collection of New York’s brightest underground jazz

The Bluegrass Kabbalat Shabbat Experience

Featuring Naomi Less
Friday | March 6 | Service at 6:15pm

Join Matt Check and Naomi Less for a Kabbalat Shabbat experience featuring both traditional and newly composed melodies, infused with the vitality of bluegrass rhythms.
With musicians Jordan Shapiro, Sarah Alden, Jacob Tilove & Max Johnson.
Cost: $15 per person.

Jalopy Theatre and School of Music
315 Columbia St, Brooklyn, New York 11231

Hadad, Sarit

Israeli popular singer. b. Hadera September 20,1978. nee Sara Hodedtov to a family of musically talented brothers and sisters. Originally she played classical piano by ear without knowing how to read music. During her early teens, she cultivated learning several instruments, including organ, drums, guitar, darbuka and accordian. She entered the Hadera Youth band in high school, and through that met her current agent, who convinced her parents to cultivate her talents in music. Since 1995 she has made 10 albums, many of which have hit “platinum” sales in Israel and beyond. Her singing of “Light a candle”, written by Yoav Ginai and Svika Pick was chosen to represent Israel to the Eurovision contest in 2002. Her album “Ashlayot Metukot” was a triple platinum winner, and “Like Cinderella” reached quadruple platinum sales.…

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585 Cranbrooke Avenue, Toronto, Ontario M6A 2X9 Telephone: (416) 789-5502 Fax: (416) 789-5981 E-mail: KLEZ-MORE!!
A Celebration of the Morris Winchevsky School’s 75TH Anniversary

The Morris Winchevsky School celebrates its 75th anniversary with a reunion concert – KLEZ-MORE!! The public and alumni are invited to join the celebration on Sunday, September 21, 7:30 p.m. at the Isabel Bader Theatre, 93 Charles St. W., Toronto.

The evening features some of Toronto’s leading Jewish musicians. The KLEZMER SWINGTET – led by Jonno Lightstone, with Tony Quarrington and Jordan Klapman – swings Yiddish favourites. DAVE WALL AND MARILYN LERNER will include their fresh and stunning original settings of Yiddish poetry to music that blends classical, jazz and Jewish traditions, from their well-received new album, Still Soft-Voiced Heart.…


Brian Bender‘s Jewish-Latin-African-Caribbean-Middle Eastern band “LITTLE SHOP OF HORAS” will be performing on the second day (Sunday, October 2nd) of the 2011 NORTH QUABBIN GARLIC AND ARTS FESTIVAL in Orange, MA.

Forster’s Farm
60 Chestnut Hill Road
Orange, MA

Little Shop of Horas website:

Band Members:
Brian Bender – trombone, melodica, keyboards, vocals
David Tasgal – clarinet, fiddle, keyboards
Derrik Jordan – fiddle, guitar, congas
Anna Sobel – tabla, dumbek, poyk
Garrett Sawyer – electric bass, double bass
Dave Noonan – drums

Here is the entertainment lineup on Sunday:
Mother Turtle – 12:00
Richard Chase – 1:00
Gaia roots – 2:15
Little Shop of Horas – 3:45