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BORSCHT AND GRITS COMBINE when Margot leverett and the Klezmer Mountain Boys perform at Temple Emanuel in Reisterstown, MD, November 23rd.

“Borscht and grits never tasted so good.” That’s a critic’s comment about the magical combination of traditional Yiddish klezmer music with the foot-stompin’ rhythms of bluegrass, as performed by Margot Leverett and the Klezmer Mountain Boys. The internationally acclaimed quintet will present a benefit concert Sunday, Nov. 23rd, at 4 pm, at Temple Emanuel, 909 Berrymans Lane, in Reisterstown.

Playing with the band will be Steve Mandell (who lives in Pikesville), one of the two musicians who did the soundtrack for the Dueling Banjos segment in the film Deliverance. And Mike Munford, a local banjo master is also expected to attend.

Members of the audience will be able to jam with the artists toward the end of the concert, and enjoy a free wine and cheese reception afterwards.…

Traveling the Yiddishland – A Musical Story

Traveling the Yiddishland – A Musical Story by Dmitri ‘Zisl’ Slepovitch

“Traveling the Yiddishland” by Dmitri Slepovitch presented by the National Yiddish Theatre – Folksbiene – is a musical/ multimedia journey across the routes of the Yiddish song’s history in the 20th century Eastern Europe– brought to the modern audiences through the original videos, live singing, playing, and DJ-ing.

The program is based on the Yiddish song, traditional and original Litvak klezmer tunes, documentary footage, and storytelling. But most importantly, it is a multi-vectored dialog that creates a link to the rich traditional heritage.

Monday, June 13 at 7:00pm
Baruch Performing Arts Center
55 Lexington Ave. at East 25th St.
New York, NY

General admission: $20
For tickets, call 646-312-5073 or 866-811-4111.…

Metropolitan Klezmer & Isle of Klezbos

Today: Thursday, May 21
Trinity Wall Street, NYC – FREE & outdoors!
1:30pm – 2:30pm
Isle of Klezbos (with special guests) plays the historic, beautiful downtown environs of Trinity Wall Street for outdoor festivities, FREE & open to the public: Lower Broadway at Wall Street, NYC.
One fun set of klezmer & more among the trees & gravestones: live music and free lemonade. or 212-602-0800

And the Trains Kept Coming . . . to The Prophets

Cantata Singers & Ensemble
David Hoose, Music Director

World Premiere: Lior Navok‘s
And the Trains Kept Coming . . .
Cantata Singers Commission
Kurt Weill: The Prophets from The Eternal Road
First Boston performance

Friday, January 18, 2008 at 8 p.m.
Sunday, January 20, 2008 at 3 p.m.
New England Conservatory’s Jordan Hall,
30 Gainsborough St., Boston


Available at
TICKETS: $54, $34, & $20; $5 discount for WGBH members. $15 for students and seniors
(section C tickets only).
Limited student rush tickets available 30 min. before concert time with $10 cash and
student ID.

Jordan Hall Box Office
30 Gainsborough Street in Boston
(617-585-1260) or BosTix at Faneuil Hall & Copley Square.

Colors of the Diaspora

Regina Resnik presents Colors of the Diaspora. It’s a DVD collection with 3 distinct programs included, conceived and written by Michael Philip Davis. Ms. Resnik introduces and narrates the three concerts. Each is a distinct classical music art program, with the common thread of Jewish art music or music on Jewish themes.

The DVD will make the perfect Hannukah present for someone who loves both classical music and Jewish music. The DVD can be obtained through VAI DVD 4540, but also can be ordered directly through Video Artists International, 109 Wheeler Ave., Pleasantville, NY 10570. Toll free number is 800-477-7146.

The DVD includes some surprising repertoire and will introduce even aficionados of Jewish music to new selections.The narration is well written and informative. The selections are thoughtful, artistic, and knowledgeable about the breadth of Jewish music.…

Sydenham Choir at Queens College in June

The Center for Jewish Studies at Queens College
Is proud to announce their 6th Annual Benefit Concert

Monday, June 11th, 2007

Starring the world famous Sydenham Choir
from Johannesburg South Africa

The return of Cantor Oshy Tugendhaft & the Sydenham Shul Choir marks
their 6th North American tour performing their hit musical CELEBRATION!
Both Oshy Tugendhaft, and the Choir are internationally acclaimed having
sung with many leading Cantors, most recently with Yitzchak Meir

All seats are reserved. General admission: $50 $32 & $20
25 % discount for orders by May 28, 2007 $40 $24 & $15
Priority seating $100 $75. No discount, includes after show party with

Order tickets on line at
or call 800-494-8497.

Their CELEBRATION musical depicts many aspects of traditional and
contemporary Jewish life and liturgy and takes place to live music,
provided by a jazzy orchestra.…

Master Klezmer Class with Clarinetist David Krakauer

Master Klezmer Class with Clarinetist David Krakauer
Monday, November 14, 7:00-10:00pm
Jewish Community Center of the East Bay
1414 Walnut Street, Berkeley.

7:00-8:00pm: Lecture/demo by internationally-acclaimed klezmer and classical clarinetist David Krakauer, who will demonstrate klezmer technique and share personal stories and insights prior to the hands-on portion of the workshop.

8:00-10:00pm: Master class for “high intermediate to professional level” musicians. Participants will play (alone or with a pre-formed group) and will receive constructive feedback and coaching.

Registration fee:
* Individuals who play for Mr. Krakauer: $50/person
* Groups that play: $35/person
* Listeners (“auditors”): $20/person.
A limited number of reduced price scholarships will be available. Inquire at info[at]
Registration process:
Please reserve your space via phone (415.789.7679) or email (info[at] Tell us your name, email, and telephone and whether you will listen only OR play a solo OR play with a group of a specific number of people.…

Celebrate Freedoom with Music For Passover from URJ

Soundswrite newsletter: Volume 10, Number 7 • April, 2011 • Adar II/Nisan, 5771

Purim is over, which means Passover is just around the corner! Arguably the most widely observed of all Jewish holidays, Passover (Pesach) is a celebration of freedom–a remembrance of our people’s Exodus from slavery in Egypt over 3,000 years ago. Today, there’s an amazing array of terrific music for Pesach, both traditional and contemporary, to enliven your holiday and brighten your home, your car, your classroom, or anywhere else you listen to music. Check out these amazing recordings by clicking on any cover image below. Chag Pesach Sameach!

Los Angeles Jewish Symphony and More

Three upcoming events for folks in California are coming up with the Los Angeles Jewish Symphony at the center of things. Starting next weekend is Event No. 1:

Shirat Hayam — Song of the Sea
A fundraiser for the Malibu Jewish Center & Synagogue.
Saturday, May 13, 2006, 8:00 PM

Malibu Jewish Center & Synagogue
24855 Pacific Coast Highway
Malibu, CA

An extraordinary event in our new synagogue featuring Cantor Marcelo Gindlin, Cantor
Mariana Gindlin & the MJC&S Choir in concert with the Los Angeles Jewish Symphony
conducted by Dr. Noreen Green. Dessert reception to follow.

For tickets, call (310) 456-2178
General Admission $65; Sponsorship $1,800 and $1,000

Yiddish singing star Anthony Russell in Miami

Anthony Russell will perform in Miami on Sunday, June 9th at 4:00 p.m. in the first
solo concert presented by the Winter Jewish Music Concert.

Tickets for the concert are now on sale online or by calling 1-800-838-3006. General
admission for the concert is $18, and sponsor tickets are $36.

Anthony Mordechai Tzvi Russell was profiled this week in the Times of Israel. “If
you think you know what a Yiddish singing star looks like, think again. The new, hot
name in the world of Yiddish musical performance is Anthony Russell, and he’s a
33-year-old, 6’1’’ African-American hipster from Oakland, California,” the author
wrote. “Baptist-born and Jew by choice, opera singer Anthony Mordechai Tzvi
Russell’s ‘niggunim’ have soul.” Read the rest of the article

The concert will include a variety of music—Yiddish music, music in Hebrew, and
African American spirituals.…

CUNY Hosts ‘Beyond Boundaries’ Dec 16

Beyond Boundaries

Beyond Boundaries: Klezmer Music in the 21st Century
Looks at the State of the Art of Klezmer through Discussion and Performance

On December 16, the Center for Jewish Studies and the Martin E. Segal Theatre Center of the CUNY Graduate Center will present Beyond Boundaries: Klezmer Music in the 21st Century. Featuring distinguished klezmer performers, scholars, cultural commentators, and composers, the program includes an afternoon symposium with music (at 3:00 p.m.) and an evening concert (at 7:00 p.m.). This event is part of the Beyond Boundaries Series in Jewish Music, launched by the Center for Jewish Studies in Spring 2008. The series explores aspects of Jewish music from multiple perspectives—geographical, cultural, and musical. The Graduate Center is located at 365 Fifth Avenue between 34th and 35th Streets.…

Beyond Boundaries: Klezmer Music in the 21st Century 2008

Beyond Boundaries

Beyond Boundaries: Klezmer Music in the 21st Century
Looks at the State of the Art of Klezmer through Discussion and Performance

On December 16, the Center for Jewish Studies and the Martin E. Segal Theatre Center of the CUNY Graduate Center will present Beyond Boundaries: Klezmer Music in the 21st Century. Featuring distinguished klezmer performers, scholars, cultural commentators, and composers, the program includes an afternoon symposium with music (at 3:00 p.m.) and an evening concert (at 7:00 p.m.). This event is part of the Beyond Boundaries Series in Jewish Music, launched by the Center for Jewish Studies in Spring 2008. The series explores aspects of Jewish music from multiple perspectives—geographical, cultural, and musical. The Graduate Center is located at 365 Fifth Avenue between 34th and 35th Streets.…

Pro Musica Hebraica at Kennedy Center in Washington

Pro Musica Hebraica is devoted to presenting Jewish classical music — much of it lost, forgotten, or rarely performed — in a concert-hall setting. On November 18, 2008, the ARC Ensemble of Canada’s Royal Conservatory of Music presents works by Mieczysław Weinberg, Szymon Laks, and Sergei Prokofiev all composed in the aftermath of world war.
Tuesday, November 18, 2008
The Terrace Theater
The Kennedy Center
Washington, DC
7:30 PM

Duo Brikcius & Year of Czech Music

Duo Brikcius & Year of Czech Music
[2 Cellists & 2 Siblings]
You are invited to the November concert “Festival Brikcius” – DUO BRIKCIUS & YEAR OF
CZECH MUSIC (2 Cellists – 2 Siblings), that will take place on Thursday 20th
November 2014
at 7.30pm
Location: in the representative concert hall from the 13th century of
the Stone Bell House in Prague
GHMP, 3rd floor, Old Town Square 605/13,
Prague 1,
Czech Republic.

The two cellists, brother and sister Anna Brikciusová and František Brikcius (Duo
Brikcius), will introduce a new programme for two cellos. It includes: Suite for Two
by composer and cellist from Prague David Popper (1843 – 1913); Chassidic
by “Terezín” Jewish composer Zikmund Schul (1916 – 1944); Composition for Two
by Czech composer Bohuslav Martinů (1890 – 1959; Duo by “Terezín” Jewish
composer Gideon Klein (1919 – 1945), written shortly before World War II.…

Micha Haran in the Concert Meister Series at Baruch Performing Arts Center

Baruch Performing Arts Center Presents
The Concert Meister Series
Micha Haran
Solo Cellist &
Principal Cellist of The Israel Philharmonic Orchestra for 30 years

Tuesday, November 25th at 7:00 PM

Performing Bach Suite No.1 &
Kodaly Cello Sonata Op. 8
Engelman Recital Hall
On the South Side of East 25th Street Between Lexington & 3rd avenues
Manhattan, New York

Tickets: $30 -Call +1212.352.3101 or +1866.811.4111 or online


Micha Haran, Principal Cellist of the Israel Philharmonic Orchestra, returns to New
York, for a Solo performance at Baruch Performing Arts Center, after 33 years

“The Israeli Cellist is an assertive player with fine technical control and
musicianship that runs deep. Both in appearance and sound, he projects an intense
concentration that adds greatly to his communicative strength as an artist”
The New York Times, Haran’s Last Solo Performance in New York …

The Columbia University Series on Klezmer Music and Yiddish Song

The Columbia University Series on Klezmer Music and Yiddish Song Presents
Three Monday Evening Events: November 22, November 29 and December 13, 2004, 8:00
Curated by Deborah Strauss and Jeff Warschauer of the Strauss/Warschauer Duo,
this series is dedicated to presenting performances and lectures that reflect
the finest current research and creativity in the fields of klezmer music and
Yiddish song.

Free Open House at Workmen’s Circle

The Workmen’s Circle Klezmer Ensemble will be holding a free open house on
Tuesday, October 23, at 7 PM.

Led by famed klezmer musician Jeff Warschauer
Free Open house: Tuesday, October 23, from 7-9 PM
Six paid sessions, Tuesdays at 7 PM: October 30, November 6, November 13,
November 20, November 27, December 11.
Please note that, due to Khanuke, there will be NO session on December 4.

* Open to all players of musicians who play and read music at at least an
intermediate level
* Study with an internationally recognized master instructor
* Learn tunes from the diverse klezmer tradition
* Develop tools for improvisation
* Guest instructors from the cutting edge of the contemporary klezmer scene

Single session class fee: $30. Discount for Workmen’s Circle members and/or
those attending all six sessions: $150
Sessions will take place at the Workmen’s Circle, 45 East 33 Street,
Manhattan (between Park and Madison).…


51st Annual Concert of the Zemel Choir
Cantors and Choristers
Sunday 12th November 2006, 7.30pm
Belsize Square Synagogue
51 Belsize Square , London NW3 4HX, UK

Now in its 51st year, Britain’s leading mixed voice Jewish choir,
presents a mixed bag of choral goodies at a concert at Belsize
Square Synagogue on November 12th.

The concert follows Benjamin Wolf‘s appointment as choirmaster
at the synagogue, and includes a performance by a new male-
voice quartet comprising young soloists Marc Finer, Eliot
Alderman and Benjamin Seifert, joined by Benjamin Wolf
. Finer,
Alderman and Seifert are already well known to Jewish audiences
as cantors and cantorial soloists.

With music ranging from Yiddish opera to close-harmony, and
including jazzy arrangements of Chanukah tunes, this promises
to be a fun concert not to be missed.…

FDT Klezmorim at ‘Across the Street, Around the World’, Kensington

Wednesday 1 October 2008
1 – 1.30 pm
FDT Klezmorim at ‘Across the Street, Around the World’, Kensington
Kensington Central Library, Phillimore Walk, W8 7RX
A lunchtime set with the band playing trad klezmer – old and new.
Ilana Cravitz (violin), Susi Evans (clarinet), Jim Marcovitch (accordion), Guy Schalom (drums), Paul Tkachenko (bass), Matt Bacon (guitar).
Free open-air event.
More events….

Melodia Women’s Choir in Manhattan with Becca Schack World Premier

The Melodia Women’s Choir will present an all female performance of Vivaldi’s Gloria in D Major and contemporary works, including the world premiere of Becca Schack‘s new commissioned piece “In My end is My Beginning” based on a text by T. S. Eliot.
The concert is being held
Saturday November 17 at 8 PM, and
Sunday, November 18 at 3 PM at
St. Peter’s Church,
346 West 20th Street, New York City, New York.
Melodia will be joined by an all-women
instrumental chamber ensemble.

Tickets are $20 in advance and $25 at the door.
For information, call (212) 252-4134, or visit

Ruth and Naomi Raise Your Spirits in Israel
On stage in Alon Shvut, Gush Etzion, Israel is the season’s newest SMASH
HIT musical production – RUTH & NAOMI in the Fields of Bethlehem.

RUTH & NAOMI is the fourth production of the Efrat/Gush Etzion Raise Your Spirits
Summer Stock Festival. It follows Andrew Lloyd Webber’s “JOSEPH & The Amazing
Technicolor Dreamcoat” and two other original musicals, “ESTHER & The Secrets in The
King’s Court” and “NOAH! Ride the Wave!” “ESTHER,” “NOAH!” and “RUTH & NAOMI” were
all written by the team of Arlene Chertoff, Toby Klein Greenwald and Sharon Katz.
The music for “RUTH & NAOMI” was composed by Mitch Clyman.

Raise Your Spirits has already performed for more than 20,000 women and raised more
than 400,000 NIS for charity.

This year’s production is totally sold out until the middle of November, but tickets
are still available for November 20th and November 30th.…

Music Forgotten and Remembered

Location: Merkin Concert Hall at Kaufman Center, 129 W 67th St
Tickets: $25; $15 for seniors
To order, call Naomi at 212-294-6140

Israeli-American violinist Yuval Waldman will be giving a solo recital of “Music Forgotten and Remembered” at New York’s Merkin Concert Hall on Tuesday March 29, 2011, at 8 PM. The program presents rarely performed gems composed by Eastern European Jews, many of whom perished during World War II or were silenced by Soviet repression.

Born in the Ukraine to Holocaust survivors and the Artistic Director of Music Bridges International, Waldman was able to rediscover these pieces by searching music libraries and obscure music collections in Russia, Ukraine, the Czech Republic, and Israel. They represent a wide spectrum of stylistic influences on Jewish composers: impressionistic, neoclassical, folk, and klezmer.…

Music of Theresienstadt in Hartford

Music of Theresienstadt
Anne Sofie von Otter
Anne Sofie von Otter at Immanuel Congregational Church, Hartford
Sunday, April 26, 2009

On Sunday, April 26, 2009 at 7:30pm, the Woodland Concert Series will be presenting an important musical and cultural offering to the Hartford area. Featured will be mezzo-soprano Anne Sofie von Otter in a program of music composed by Jewish composers during their imprisonment at Theresienstadt, a concentration camp in Czechoslovakia. She is being assisted in this concert by the noted violinist Daniel Hope, and by her regular accompanist, Bengt Forsberg.

Tickets are $30 general admission, $20 for seniors or students and $40 for preferred seating. While tickets may be available at the door, we strongly suggest they be purchased in advance by contacting the Woodland Concert Series at 860-527-8121 or by going to their website:…

Yuval Ron with LA Jewish Symphony

See the Yuval Ron Ensemble performing with a FULL SYMPHONY and
dancers in a spectacular production under the stars!
East meets West: A Special Concert of The Yuval Ron Ensemble with
the LA Jewish Symphony

Conductor: Dr. Noreen Green

The Ensemble will perform (in the second half of the program only!)
traditional songs of the Middle East and Andalusia with new symphonic
arrangements by Yuval Ron plus Canciones Sefardi – a symphonic work
by Yuval Ron based on Andalusi songs of Morocco and…… the first
public performance of a symphonic medley from the Oscar winner film
“West Bank Story”.


singers Maya Haddi and Barak Marshall, guitarist Kenton Youngstrom
and dancers Maya Karasso and Melanie Kareem

Please note: the concert at the Ford will be taped for future
broadcast on TV channel 36!…

Nashir! The Rottenberg Chorale in NYC

On Sunday June 3rd at 7:00 pm, Nashir! The Rottenberg Chorale will perform
and exciting and eclectic concert. Featured works include a David Burger setting of
Hatikvah, and Elliot Levine setting of an e.e. cummings poem, and a Yair Rosenblum setting of ‘Unetane Tokef’ in a contemporary style. The program also includes pieces
by Franz Schubert, W. A. Mozart, Salamone Rossi, Max Janowski and Matthew Lazar.

Where: Merkin Concert Hall, 129 West 67th Street, New York, NY 10023
Box office: 212-501-3330

When: Sunday, June 3, 7:00 pm

Tickets: $24 premium
$21 general admission
$17 seniors and students*
*Tickets available only at box office or by phone. Students must
show ID.

Ocala Cantors in Concert

Ocala – The Third Annual Cantorial Concert, “On Wings of Song” presented by
Temple Beth Shalom will be held at 4:00 pm on Sunday, March 11 at the Appleton
Art Museum, 4333 NE Silver Springs Blvd. in Ocala, FL

An unforgettable musical event to benefit the future programs and activities
of the temple will highlight Jewish cultural songs and contemporary musical
gems. Featured performers include Rabbi/Cantor Samuel Berman and his cantorial
colleagues Cantor Harold Orbach, Cantor David Sislen, Cantor Riselle Bain, Joy
Katzen-Guthrie, Chana Olmstead, Steve Berman
and Dale Berman.

Tickets are $20 and may be purchased by calling Gary Green 352.347-2481.

Preferred seating options include: “soprano” benefactor $300, 4 tickets;
“tenor” patron $150, 2 tickets; “baritone” sponsor” $75, 1 ticket.

Rabbi Samuel Berman
Temple Beth Shalom of Ocala
1109 NE 8th Avenue
Ocala, FL 34470
Phone: (352) 624-3499

Schola Cantorum on Hudson Explores Judeo-Christian Choral Music Sacred Bridge

Three mid-March Choral Concerts in Caldwell, Jersey City and Manhattan will light up a sacred bridge.
Schola Cantorum on Hudson, the critically acclaimed
30-voice choral ensemble based in the New York/New Jersey metropolitan area, will perform
choral music highlighting the Judeo-Christian heritage with its 12th Ethnic
Celebration Series Concert in three venues. Entitled Sacred Bridge, this second
concert program of Schola’s season will first be performed at Caldwell College
on Bloomfield Avenue in Caldwell, New Jersey, on Sunday, March 11, 2007 at 4
pm, reprised on Sunday, March 18, at 4 pm, at Historic Holy Rosary Church, 344
Sixth Street, between Monmouth and Brunswick Streets in Jersey City. The third
concert will be performed at St. Malachy’s Church, The Actors’ Chapel, 239
West 49th Street (between Broadway and Eighth Avenue) in New York City, Monday,
March 19 at 7:30 pm.…

Yuval Ron Concerts in Northern California

August 23: Berkeley, CA – Towards the Days of Awe Concert, 7:30 pm
August 24: Berkeley Hills, CA – “Turning Heart” – Sufi poetry & music, 7:30 pm
August 25: Santa Cruz, CA – Towards the Days of Awe Concert, 7:30 pm
Continue for more information:
Interview with Yuval Ron in Fez Morocco from CNN

West-Eastern Divan Orchestra and more at MFA

BarenboimThe Boston Jewish Film Festival and The MFA Film Program are pleased
present two special music documentaries at the MFA’s Remis Auditorium
on Sunday, June 3: Knowledge Is the Beginning at 1:30 pm and The
Ramallah Concert
at 3:45 pm. Both of these films chronicle the
formation and livelihood of The West-Eastern Divan Orchestra, founded
by conductor and Pianist Daniel Barenboim and writer Edward Said as a
way of promoting peace in the Middle East through collaborative
artistic effort. Daniel Barenboim is featured as the conductor of the
orchestra in both films.

Conversation and discussion following Knowledge Is the Beginning with
Matthew Guerrieri, composer and music critic, and Amir Milstein,
flutist who co-led Bustan Abraham, a world-music ensemble of Jewish
and Arab musicians that combines Eastern and Western musical traditions.…


Montreal, QC – KlezKanada presents a World-Class Klezmer Concert and Dance Party.
The event takes place Saturday, February 23, 2008 at 9pm at Kola Note (5240 Avenue
du Parc, Montreal).
KlezKanada, Canada’s largest organization dedicated to Yiddish/Jewish culture and
the arts, brings an evening of music and dance to Montreal’s historic Jewish
neighbourhood. KlezKanada is known for exciting events that appeal to all ages and interests. The
event is part of KlezKanada’s Winter-Session, a weekend of workshops, cabarets,
jam sessions and performances. This exciting evening features a line-up of internationally acclaimed klezmer

Doors will open at 8:30 pm, the show will commence at 9 pm. General admission tickets
$20, student tickets $10. Available at the door. For sponsorship tickets, please
call 514.993.2842. A partial tax receipt will be issued.…

Matisyahu Lag Ba’Omer Boat Cruise

Matisyahu Lag Ba’Omer Boat Cruise
Sat, May 8, 2004
presented by JDUB & RocksOff
Boat opens at 10PM/sails at 11PM
from the dock at 23rd Street and FDR Drive (East Side). 2 full bars,
surprise guests, new tunes, spectacular views of NYC, Brooklyn, the
Statue of Liberty, the bridges, and the moon.
Tickets are $20 in advance, $25 at the boat, and the show is 21+ w/ID

Concerts at the Museum of Jewish Heritage NYC

Sunday, November 12, 1:30 P.M.
Museum of Jewish Heritage-A Living Memorial to the Holocaust
36 Battery Place
New York, NY 10280
Jewish Composers: Jerusalem to Broadway
With featured artists Guy Mannheim, tenor, and Shirit-Lee Weiss, soprano

Join Israeli soprano Shirit-Lee Weiss and Israeli tenor Guy Mannheim, a
soloist with the New Israeli Opera, for an exciting musical journey from
the streets of Jerusalem, through the shtetls of Eastern Europe and the
cities of Western Europe after WWII, to the sparkling lights of
Broadway. In a true celebration of the Jewish spirit, the program will
include the music and lyrics of world-renowned artists such as
Bernstein, Sondheim, and Weill, along with Israeli music by Naomi
Shemer, Zohar Argov, and others.

Tenor Guy Mannheim has performed with the New Israeli Opera, the New
York Chamber Opera, and in concerts and recitals in Israel, Germany, and
New York.…

DJ Rob and You Shall Know Us

Tuesday November 10
The Foundation Room–House of Blues
15 Landsdowne Street, Boston
New Center for Arts and Culture
Jewish vinyl will come to life in Boston as Roger Bennet, author of “And You Shall Know Us by the Trail of Our Vinyl”, a book chronicling the story of Jews in America from the 1940s through the recordings on LP. Performance by DJ Rob of the Israeli DJ crew Soulico.
Tickets $12 in advance, $20 at the door.
To Purchase Tickets visit:
or call: 617-531-4610


Temple Beth Sholom of Stratford and Congregation Sinai of Milford take
pleasure in announcing a joint venture – The Magevet Concert.

For those who are asking “Ma Zeh”, or what is Magevet? Magevet is a
cappella group that originated at Yale University in the spring of 1993
and has weathered the test of time. Their repertoire spans the Jewish
Universe from Hebrew, Yiddish and Ladino ballards to Ugandan Jewish tunes.

Sunday, November 16th at 2:00 PM
Temple Beth Sholom 275 Huntington Road, Stratford, Connecticut
Advance Tickets: Adults $12 – Children (ages 4-13) $10 – ages 3 and
under (on lap) Free
Advance Order of 10 Tickets – $100 Tickets at Door (ages 4 and above) $15
Contact for reservations: 203-378-6175 or 203-301-0558
Email: or

Please gather your friends and family to join us for an inexpensive and
enjoyable afternoon to listen to some of your old favorites, some of
what are to become your new favorites and some of them sung like you
have never heard before.…

Pittsburgh Jewish Music Festival 2008

Pittsburgh Jewish Music Festival 2008 presents
ISRAEL@60 May 21-June 1

TICKETS for all events $20 general admission, $15 seniors, $10 students
TICKETS available at
(412) 394-3353

ESTA in Concert
Wednesday, May 21 7:30pm
Byham Theater, 101 6th St.

ESTA is a unique band from Israel with an innovative and original
sound. ESTA’s music combines the aromas of world music, the power of rock, and the spirit
of jazz into a powerful, energetic new force that crosses genres, styles and
borders. Proclaimed as “Israel’s most original instrumental band”, ESTA has
toured prestigious festivals and venues throughout Europe, Israel and the
U.S., including a special performance for President Clinton at a White House
reception in honor of Israel’s 50th Anniversary.…

Klez California Events Coming Soon!

NEW: Saturday, July 20, 4:00pm, Anthony Russell presents The Sidor Belarsky Songbook. Part of JCC San Francisco’s Oneg Shabbat, 2:00-5:00pm. Similar events are taking place every Saturday, through August 24. Many activities for all ages. No charge. More info: 415.292.1286

Saturday, July 20, 7:30-10:00pm, Mama Loshn in “A Mit-Zumer Nakht Cholem,” A Mid-Summer Night’s Dream Dance Party. Yiddish, Ladino, and English-language music. Mama Loshn will welcome other musical guests, including Reb Irwin Keller, Laurie Le’ah Lippin, and dance leader Bruce Bierman. At Congregation Ner Shalom, Cotati. Wine and beer available for purchase. Tickets: $20 advance /$25 door. More info: 707.528.5538, .

Sunday, July 21, 6:00pm (music begins 6:30pm) Klezmer Night with Saul Goodman‘s Klezmer Band, featuring Mike Perlmutter (clarinet), Dave Rosenfeld (mandolin, violin, percussion), and Jack Hanly (poyk, mandolin).…

NEFESH in Concert

Saturday, May 22nd at 8:30pm
Merryall Center for the Arts
Chapel Hill Road, New Milford, CT 06776

Tickets $15 – for reservations, directions, etc., phone: 860-354-7264
or visit
“One of our biggest hits last season,this popular group specializing in
Israeli and Klezmer music connects with the audience through song,
instrumentals and poignant classics of Yiddish theater. Their beautiful songbird
delights audiences young and old.”

World Premiere of Meira Warshauer’s Ocean Calling for Piano Duo

World Premiere of Meira Warshauer’s Ocean Calling I for Piano Duo
on October 7
Ocean Calling I: Waves and Currents will be given its World Premiere performance on Sunday, October 7 – 3:00 PM at the University of South Carolina Recital Hall as part of the Cornelia Freeman Concert Series.

Performers will be the Lomazov/Rackers Duo
(Marina Lomazov and Joseph Rackers). Other composers on the program will include Verdi, Mozart, Kevin McKee, John Fitz Rogers and Tayloe Harding. Visit the duo at

More about the October 7 performance at

Sway Machinery’s Musical Extravaganza “Hidden Melodies Revealed: A Secret Celebration of Rosh Hashanah”

The Night Before Rosh Hashonah…..
September 17th at the Wilshire Boulevard Temple
“The Sway Machinery Makes The Ancient Modern And The Mythological Real”
– Village Voice

On the heels of their successful New York
City events in 2007 and 2008, JDub Records Presents America’s only indie
rock/Jewish cantorial music group, The Sway Machinery
bringing one of the most unique celebrations of the Jewish new year “Hidden Melodies
Revealed – a Secret Celebration of Rosh Hashanah”
to Los Angeles for 2009.
This multi-media concert event celebrates Rosh Hashanah in a presentation
that is part ritual, part rock concert. The performance is scheduled for
the night before Rosh Hashanah, on September 17. “Hidden Melodies Revealed”
will also include storytelling and compelling animated films.

The event will take place at 9:00pm

at the Wilshire Boulevard Temple
3663 Wilshire Blvd, Los Angeles
and admission is free.…

“Israel in Three Anthems” Talk at Jewish Music Forum


The Jewish Music Forum of The AmericanSociety for Jewish Music

“Israel in Three Anthems”

Michael A. Figueroa, Assistant Professor of Music, University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill

Discussant: Brigid Cohen, Assistant Professor of Music, NYU

Monday, November 28th at 7pm. at the Center for Jewish History

15 West 16th Street, New York, NY 10011. Tickets are free and all programs are open to the public. Please rsvp to:

This talk discusses how three anthems—“Ha-Tikva,” “L’Internationale,” and “Yerushalayim shel Zahav”— have helped shaped Israeli society, analyzing these songs as performances of collectivity representing the multifaceted nature of Zionism and the shifting political landscape in Israel.

Michael A. Figueroa is an ethnomusicologist whose work resides at the intersection of music and political consciousness in Middle Eastern and African American contexts.


“Israel in Three Anthems” Lecture at CJH

Ha-Tikva, L’Internationale,
and Yerushalayim shel Zahav:

“Israel in Three Anthems”

A talk by Dr. Michael A. Figueroa, 

University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill

Discussant: Dr. Brigid Cohen, Assistant Professor of Music, New York University

Monday, November 28, 2016 at 7pm.
Center for Jewish History
15 West 16th Street
New York, NY 10003

Admission is free. Please RSVP to

This presentation addresses three anthems that have helped shape Israeli society: “Ha-Tikva,” “L’Internationale,” and “Yerushalayim shel Zahav.” In light of three ideological facets represented by these songs—liberation, solidarity, and territoriality—Dr. Figueroa will discuss what constitutes an anthem in Jewish and Israeli history, theorizing a mode of performance he calls the “declamatory style,” in which vocal gestures that blur the distinction between speech and song portend the political value of musical performance.


Kurt Weill in America

92nd Street “Y” Lyrics and Lyricists, opens the 2005-2006 season with “Kurt Weill in America”. Andrea Marcovicci, Artistic Director. Shelly markham, Music Director and Piano. Anna Bergamn, Klea Blackhurst, Barbara Brussell, Mark Coffin, Chuck Cooper, Jeff Harnar and Maude Maggart. Saturday Nov. 12, at 8pm. Seats $55 and $45. Sunday Nov. 13 at 3pm and at 8pm. Seats $55 and $45 and Monday, Nov. 14 at 3pm and 8pm, with seats $55 and $45. The tribute to Kurt Weill (1990-1950) and the American lyricists who collaborated with him. Suscription to the entire series are available. For tickets: or 212-415-5500.

An Evening of Baroque Jewish music at the Kennedy Center

Charles and Robyn Krauthammer proudly present:
An Evening of Baroque Jewish music at the Kennedy Center
Apollo Ensemble
An evening of Baroque Jewish music:
The Apollo Ensemble presented by Pro Musica Hebraica

Making its U.S. debut, Amsterdam’s Apollo Ensemble performs a concert of Baroque Jewish musical treasures, one night only, at the Kennedy Center. A highlight is the American premiere of Dio, Clemenza e Rigore, an anonymously composed oratorio for an eighteenth-century Italian Jewish holiday synagogue service. Don’t miss this rarely performed work. This concert is presented by Pro Musica Hebraica, devoted to presenting Jewish classical music, much of it believed lost, forgotten, or rarely performed, in a concert hall setting.

Apollo Ensemble
Thu., Nov. 5 at 7:30 | Kennedy Center Terrace Theater | Seats $38

CACERES – Le-el elim, Cantata for two voices and basso continuo (1738)
MARCELLO – Salmo 15/Ma’oz Tzur (1724-1727)
For alto, violincello, bassoon, harpsichord, and baritone
De ROSSI – Trio sonatas for two violins and basso continuo (ca.…

Zion’s Muse: Three Generations of Israeli Composers –Ariel Quartet

Ariel Quartet
Zion’s Muse: Three Generations of Israeli Composers

Terrace Theater
The John F. Kennedy Center for the Performing Arts
Washington, D.C.
Sunday, December 14th, 2014, 7:30 PM
Ariel Quartet
Gershon Gerchikov, violin
Alexandra Kazovsky, violin
Jan Grüning, viola
Amit Even-Tov, cello


Individual tickets ($44 each) are available at The Kennedy Center’s website or by calling (800) 444-1324. Alternatively, you can save $20 by subscribing to both this concert and the May 7, 2015 performance. To subscribe, call the Kennedy Center Subscription Office at (202) 416-8500, Mon.–Fri., 10 a.m.–5 p.m.

Steve Reich Talks about his Jewish Music at JMF

Pulitzer Prize-winning Composer Steve Reich Talks about his Jewish Music
(with music examples from the composer’s collection) — a unique interview
by fellow Pulitzer Prize-winner David Lang.

On Sunday, November 8th at 3 PM
at the Center for Jewish History
15th West 16th Street, NYC

The Jewish Music Forum presents a unique interview
with Pulitzer Prize-Winning Composer Steve Reich about his Jewish Music, with
music examples from the composers own collection. Mr. Reich will be
interview by fellow Pulitzer Prize-winning composer, David Lang.
The Jewish Music Forum is free to the public. Reservations for the Steve
Reich Talk will be taken on a first-come first-served basis. Call

Artist-in-Residence Opportunity

Sarah Beller is serving as co-coordinator for the Artist-in-Residence program at
the National Havurah Committee’s Summer Institute, a week-long
celebration of Jewish learning and living attended by a diverse group of
Jews from all over North America (Conservative, Reconstructionist,
Reform, Renewal, Orthodox, single, partnered, young, old, LGBT, etc.).

Under a grant from the Poretsky Foundation, the NHC sponsors two Jewish
Artists-in-Residence to teach and be part of the Institute community.
The application forms are available online, and those who wish may

The Poretsky Artist-in-Residence grant is ideal for those wishing to
explore a participatory project or thematic course idea in a supportive
community that itself includes a number of talented artists. The program is
particularly searching for artist-teachers who can help others become
art-makers for the week, and who will participate actively as both
teachers and learners in the Institute community that forms each summer.…


One year ago, the Chevy Chase, Maryland-based organization devoted to
finding and sharing new Jewish liturgical music didn?t even exist.
Today, it is relishing the task of selecting the best from among 169
pieces of music written by composers from 5 countries and 19 U.S.

?We are absolutely thrilled,? said Dr. Norma Brooks, vice president
of Shalshelet: The Foundation for New Jewish Liturgical Music. ?A
festival highlighting new music for congregational singing was just
an idea, a dream. Where would the music come from? How would
composers find us? Well, they did, in a very big way,? she said,
pointing to a three-inch-thick stack of submitted sheet music and the
four accompanying review CDs.

Kleztet Events Lineup

A number of exciting things going on in the next week or two for Kleztet fans.
On Monday, November 6, Kleztet will be giving another free concerts at
the Peabody Conservatory in Baltimore. This time it will be in the Dance Studio
(B28) from 7 until 9 pm. The studio is pretty hard to find, so your best
bet is just to get to Peabody, and then ask security (or a student) for

Another event: Kleztet will be at the Northeast Regional Folk Alliance Conference, or NERFA, in Monticello, New York at 9:45 pm on the evening of Saturday, November 11., 2006.

Bernstein: A Jewish Legacy

The Center for Jewish History, the American Society for Jewish Music
and the American Jewish Historical Society present:

Thursday, November 6 at 8:00p.m.
Bernstein: A Jewish Legacy
An encore performance of the recently sold-out program at The Jewish Museum and
part of the city-wide festival Bernstein: The Best of all Possible Worlds.
The concert of mostly unknown Bernstein works on Jewish themes, narrated by Jack
, Bernstein’s longtime editor, sheds new light on some of the composer’s
more celebrated pieces. A number cut from West Side Story, lyrics by Stephen Sondheim,
combined with another piece from an abandoned project with lyrics by Betty Comden
and Adolph Green, reveals a surprising transformation as a choral setting in Hebrew.
Among the other works are world premieres of “A Choral Quilt” (arranged by Gottlieb)
and a song Bernstein wrote in reaction to anti-Semitism.…

‘Oyfn Sheydveg’ & more

The release of, ‘Oyfn Sheydveg,’ a new CD by
the Boston-based KHEVRE is happening now.
To celebrate the new recording, Khevre will be playing a show in New York.
Sunday, October 24th.
Lefrak Concert Hall, Queens College.
Admission is $10.
Opening, is comedian ‘Modi,’ who’s a riot.
You can pick up tickets by visiting the Colden box office, or by phone:
You can also visit:
michael winograd- reeds, flutes
dana sandler- vocals
eylem basaldi- violin
carmen staaf- piano, accordion
jorge roeder- bass
richie barshay- drums, percussion
For more information on KHEVRE, please read out latest review by Ari Davidow
at :
For our fans in boston, KHEVRE will be playing a Halloween show, with a
number of other bands. MORE INFO BELOW:…

World Premieres of New Yiddish Music

World Premieres of New Yiddish Music with Benjy and Avi Fox-Rosen
Start Time: Tuesday, November 15 at 8:30pm
End Time: Tuesday, November 15 at 11:30pm
Cornelia St Cafe
29 Cornelia St, New York, NY 10014-4127
Phone 212.989.9319

Benjy Fox-Rosen has been active as a bassist and singer in the klezmer and eastern European music scene in New York for the last several years; he has toured worldwide with Luminescent Orchestrii, recorded with Adrienne Cooper, and is bassist/vocalist in the Michael Winograd Klezmer Trio. After several years of performing with his own band, Fox-Rosen has emerged with a unique take on Yiddish song. This evening Fox-Rosen will present new material, primarily drawing from his settings of Yiddish poetry, as well as lesser known folk songs and new instrumental pieces.…

SHIRAH, Community Chorus on the Palisades

Led by Matthew Lazar, Founding Director and Conductor, and Beth Robin, Pianist/Accompanist, the chorus performs sacred and secular music in Hebrew, English, Yiddish and Ladino. SHIRAH was formed in January, 1995 as a regional chorus specializing in the performance of the full spectrum of Jewish music. Its roster includes a multigenerational blend of amateur and professiional singers from the northern New Jersey/New York metropolitan area. SHIRAH performs regularly at the JCC on the Palisades and has been featured in many concerts in the United States and Israel, including Avery Fisher Hall, the New Jersey and Bergen Performing Arts Centers in Newark and Englewood and the Colden Center, featuring the World Premiere of “The Scroll” by Dov Selzer with the Queens Symphony. SHIRAH also performs annually at the North American Jewish Choral Festival and was featured in the Opening Ceremonies of the JCC Maccabi Games in East Rutherford at the Continental Airlines Arena.…

JMF Presents “Robert Lachmann’s Oriental Music Archive in Mandatory Palestine”

The next event of The Jewish Music Forum 2010-2011 Season will be
Wednesday, Feb. 16, 2011
at Center for Jewish History, New York, NY,
Dr. Ruth Davis will present a lecture
entitled “Robert Lachmann’s Oriental Music Archive in Mandatory Palestine.”
The Jewish Music Forum, now in its seventh season, is a project of
The American Society for Jewish Music, with support from The
American Jewish Historical Society.
Please visit our
website at

Event details are as follows:

Wednesday, February 16th, 2011
4:00 P.M.
Center for Jewish History
15 West 16th Street, New York, NY 10011

All events are FREE and open to the public.

SIMSBURY PUBLIC LIBRARY Celebrates with Klezmer Music

as part of it’s celebration of the Isaac Bashevis Singer Centennial
presents a
Celebration of Klezmer Music
with Members of the Wholesale Klezmer Band
October 3, 2:00 PM
Family event
Free admission
Boy Scout Hall
Simsbury, Connecticut
Contact: Jackie Hemond (860) 658-7663, (860) 658-6732 (fax)
Members of the Wholesale Klezmer Band will be appearing at Boy Scout
Hall in Simsbury on Sunday, October 3rd at 2:00 p.m. The concert will
be for families and will last about an hour.

Don’t Miss Figelin! New York, Princeton, Philadelphia

Come see three of the hottest traditional fiddlers in an all-women, all-fiddle
extravaganza that mixes North German dance music, songs and ballads with Jewish klezmer music,
Hasidic melody, and Yiddish song. Put them together and the effect is explosive
-wild fiddles, earthy grooves and three vibrant voices!

See more about upcoming concerts:

The Sound and Light Cinematic Duo

The Sound and Light Cinematic Duo (Merlin Shepherd/ clarinet, bass clarinet and Polina
Shepherd / piano) are performing new and traditional Jewish music to accompany the Yuri
Morozov Jewish Film Archive (Kiev).
and as part of the UK Jewish Film Festival

17th October, London, the Screen on the Hill
14th November, Birmingham, Mac
18th November, Manchester, The Cornerhouse
28th November, Nottingham, Broadway Cinema
also as part of the Brighton Festival of Jewish Music

5th December, Brighton, Sallis Benny Theatre
for more information

“The Vienna Rite” at the Roulette in NYC . The Vienna Rite is a new chamber opera by Judith Berkson that will be premiering for two nights in November at the Roulette. There are only two performances, November 2nd and 3rd 2012. “The Vienna Rite” is the story of a new service composed in 1828 by Viennese Cantor Salomon Sulzer in collaboration with Franz Schubert and other Viennese composers which sought to merge European music with synagogue chant.

It is being performed by the new music ensemble Yarn/Wire along with guests Brian Chase and Chi-Chi Glass and features the amazing baritone Ian Greenlaw as Salomon Sulzer along with singers Lana Cencic, Allyssa Lamb, Bo Chang, Judith Berkson, Aram Tchobanian and Gavriel Savit. It is set in the historic Stadttempel with costumes and set design by Audrey Robinson.…

“Weinberger Tour”

“WEINBERGER TOUR” in Czech republic
Czech cellist Frantisek Brikcius will appear with pianist Tomas Visek as part of
the project “Weinberger Tour” with composition written by Jewish composers on the
opening concert on Monday 23rd April 2007 in Spanish Synagogue in
Prague and continuing on tour until 29 October 2007, 7.30 pm, Pálffy palace – final concert
Černovice 3 November 2007, 7pm.
The concert tour “Weinberger Tour” of the Czech cellist Frantisek Brikcius and
Czech pianist Tomas Visek is in remembrance of Jewish composer, Jaromir
(1896 – 1967), who was born in Prague (40 years since his tragic death)
and introducing to the audience lesser known works of Jewish “Terezín” composers. On
the program are compositions written by Erwin Shulhoff (Sonata), James Simon
(Lamento 1938 – Czech premiere), Irena Kosikova (d-Fence – premiere) and Jaromir
(Une cantilene jalouse & Colloque sentimental – arr.…

The Zemel Choir Celebrates in Song

CELEBRATE WITH SONG– The Zemel Choir, in association with Jewish
Music Institute and the BBC “Play it Again” campaign

Do you enjoy singing?
Would you like to sing in a choir?
Join The ZEMEL Choir together with Pandemonium and the JFS Choir for
workshops 10 June (:& a concert 17 June St John’s, Smith Square
7.30pm. They specially welcome people who have experience of
singing, but have never had the opportunity to join a choir – also
experienced choristers – both Jewish and non-Jewish – who would like
to experience the rich tradition of Jewish choral music. If you would
like to sing in one of these groups, and to experience the pleasure
of singing Jewish choral music, please enrol 020 8236 0317
(evenings), or e-mail

10 June 10am-5.45pm
Dragon Hall, 17 Stukeley Street, London WC2B 5LT
Workshops for Intermediate and Experienced choral groups Massed choir
workshop Vocal workshop with acclaimed choral conductor Mike Brewer
Cost for Workshop participants: £30 (including concert ticket)

17th June 2007 7.30pm
St John’s, Smith Square, London SW1P 3HA
Featuring performances by the Zemel Choir, Pandemonium (a choir for
young adults) and the JFS Choir.…

Simply Safat Concert Tour

Thursday, Nov 11th @7:30pm
New Haven, CT
Congregation Bikur Cholim Sheveth Achim
112 Marvel Rd
co-sponsors: Westville Synagogue, Yale Hillel, Young Israel of New
Haven, and New Haven Hebrew Day School
Contact: Moshe Waren @ 860-490-6816

Hazamir International Jewish High School Choir Gala Concert in NY

Join hundreds of HaZamir teens
from across North America and Israel
for the
16th Annual
HaZamir Gala Concert
March 22, 2009
6:00 PM
Congregation Rodeph Sholom
7 West 83rd Street, New York City
$30- in advance through HaZamir by March 5th
$36 -at the door on the day of the Gala Concert
Click Here to Download Ticket Order Form and information about becoming a Sponsor
or call us at (212) 870-3339

A Tribute to John Rauch

This Sunday June 10th 2007 at 3:00pm
Yuval Ron Music and the Center for Jewish Creativity present
In Memoriam:
A Tribute to John Rauch
The late President of the Center for Jewish Culture and Creativity

with the artists:
Russel Steinberg, Vanessa Paloma, Sam Glaser, Yuval Ron Ensemble,
Nabil Azzam, Stephen Macht, Sha-Rone Kushnir, Yehuda Hyman, Ofer Ben-Amots, Yale Storm, Elizabeth
Schwartz, Stacie Chaiken and Bryna Weiss
Artistic Director: Yuval Ron

Script: Yehuda Hyman
Art exhibition curator: Peter Handwerker
Event Producer: Kerry Cobuccio
Sound: Sean Faye-Cullen
Produced by Yuval Ron Music (

Where: Temple Isaiah, 10345 W. Pico Blvd., Los Angeles, CA 90064
Admission: A suggested minimum donation of $15.00 – All proceeds
benefit the Center for Jewish Culture and Creativity. Keep art alive.
Info and advance tickets: by phone at.: (323) 658-5824 Or email at:
Up Coming events:
July 15 – Ford Amphitheater in Hollywood: The Yuval Ron Ensemble with
a symphony orchestra:

Yosif Feigelson Cello Concert of Mieczyslaw Weinberg in NYC

Weinberg sonatasOn Sunday, November 22nd at 3 p.m. celebrated Russian cellist Yosif Feigelson
will perform at the Stephen Wise Free Synagogue (30 West 68th Street, NYC).

The concert will feature four Cello Sonatas of composer Mieczyslaw (Moishe) Weinberg (1919-1996). Tickets and more information are available at the website: or by phone at: (212) 877-4050.

Called “one of the most prolific, yet largely overlooked composers”,
Mieczyslaw (Moishe) Weinberg is author to 26 symphonies, 17 string quartets, operas,
concerti as well as music to many movies including famous “The Cranes Are Flying”.
For more facts about composer visit

Chanukah in Song by Kol Rinah Chorale

Celebrating Chanukah in Song by Kol Rinah
in Pleasantville,NY
On Sunday November 24th at 7:00 pm, be part of a lively celebration of
Chanukah with Kol Rinah at the Rosenthal JCC of Northern Westchester,
located at 600 Bear Ridge Road, Pleasantville, NY 10570
Location Phone: (914) 741-0333
Kosher refreshments will be served. GA $20; Students/Seniors/JCC Members, $18.
($2 Discount for Advance Sales). For Tickets, Group Rates and other
Information visit:
or call Wendy Segal at (914) 243-9059
or email


Sunday, Jan. 30, 2005 4:00 PM
One of the most amazing performing groups in Jewish music will be at Temple Emanuel on January 30 for a fund raising concert in support of the Cantors Assembly. The concert is being jointly presented by Temple Emanuel and the New England Region of the Cantors Assembly.

The Sons of Sepharad features leading musicians who started their lives in countries surrounding the Mediterranean, including Turkey, Morocco, Greece, France and Israel. The group was founded by Gerard Edery, who has published a book of Sephardic songs, and recorded 10 CDs of Sephardic music. He is joined by two prominent members of the Cantors Assembly, Alberto Mizrahi and Aaron Bensoussan, who serve congregations in Chicago and Toronto, respectively. The instrumentalists are Rex Benincasa (percussion) who has a career spanning professional orchestral appearances and performing in Broadway pit bands; George Mgrdichian, the leading performer on oud in the US; and Emmanuel Mann (bass) founder of several Israeli performing groups.…

From Psalm to Lamentation: A Concert of Cantorial Masterpieces

Pro Musica Hebraica presents
From Psalm to Lamentation:
A Concert of Cantorial Masterpieces
Cantor Netanel Hershtik,
The Hampton Synagogue Choir
& The Amernet String Quartet

A concert honoring a rich tradition of cantorial masterpieces capturing their fundamental duality: joy and despair, longing and redemption, the deeply haunting and the wildly celebratory.

Sunday, December 2 at 3 pm
Co-presented with the Eldridge Street Museum
Eldridge Street Synagogue
12 Eldridge Street, New York, NY 10002

Purchase online
or call (212) 219-0888, ext. 205.
Tickets are $20 for adults, $15 for students and seniors. A limited number of VIP premier seats are available for $100.

Musicians of Lenox Hill to Perform Chamber Music of Jewish Composers

On Monday, April 28 at 8 PM, the Musicians of Lenox
Hill, under the artistic direction of Soo-Kyung Park, will perform Chamber Music
of Jewish Composers at Temple Israel of the City of New York, 112 East 75th Street,
New York City. The concert will feature six extraordinary musicians presenting
familiar as well as new or rarely heard music by composers of Jewish faith or
heritage. The program includes Three Nocturnes for Violin, Cello and Piano by
Ernest Bloch, Duo for Flute and Piano by Aaron Copland, Gershwin s Preludes for
Piano, Trio for Violin, Cello and Piano, No. 1, Op. 49 by Felix Mendelssohn, Window
for Viola and Piano by David Ludwig, Sonata for Cello and Harp, Op. 208 by Mario
Castelnuovo-Tedesco and Arrowhead for Flute, Viola and Harp by Eric Zeizl.…

Svigals-Rushefsky in “Mahler’s World: Jewish Music in the Hapsburg Empire”

Klezmer violin superstar Alicia Svigals
returns to the Maverick on July 14 at 8:00 p.m. with tsimblist Pete

Ms. Svigals and Mr. Rushefsky brought down the house last summer at
Maverick, and this year¹s concert is called “Mahler¹s World: Jewish Music in
the Hapsburg Empire.” The concert is part of Maverick¹s season-long
celebration of the centenary of Gustav Mahler¹s arrival in America to lead
the Metropolitan Opera and the New York Philharmonic.

Classical concerts are Saturday evenings at 6:00 and Sunday afternoons at
3:00, with jazz, world music, and klezmer on selected Saturday nights at
8:00. Young people¹s concerts are Saturday mornings at 11:00.

The box office opens an hour before each concert; the hall opens half an
hour before curtain time. Except for the last weekend of the season, ticket
prices are $20 for adults and $5 for students.…




300 singers from 22 cities across the U.S. and Israel take part in the 20th anniversary concerts of HaZamir: The International Jewish High School Choir at Jazz at Lincoln Center on Sunday March 17. The back-to-back concerts, at 3pm and at 6:30pm, are the annual culmination of a year-long teen program sponsored by the Zamir Choral Foundation in New York. Zamir is the only organization of its kind to use Jewish choral singing as a vehicle to foster Jewish identity, community and continuity.

The concerts span a wide range of classical and contemporary musical selections, with mostly Hebrew texts.…

Chanukah and More with Musica Ebraica

Musica Ebraica Choir
Sunday, November 28 · 2:00pm – 4:00pm
Location Glebe Community Centre
175 Lyon Street
Ottawa, ON

Join Musica Ebraica as it presents ‘Chanukah and More.’ Take a musical journey to the Balkans, Italy, India, Spain and North America. The concert will feature the choir’s unique style: an eclectic mix of old and new; Ashkenazi and Sephardi; Hebrew, Yiddish, French and Ladino as well as excerpts from Handel’s Judas Maccabeus.

Tickets are $18 for adults and $10 for students.
Please call Patsy Royer at 613-233-3099 or email or

The Sultana Ensemble

Sunday, November 21, 2004. Centenniel Celebration Sunday, Family Sephardic Festival ? Celebrate 350, A Special Collaboration with Congregation Shearith Israel. The Jewish Museum, New York City, 1109 Fifth Avenue, NY, NY, 10126, tel: 212-423-3271 FAX: 212-423-3232.

All day, all ages. General admission to The Jewish Museum is free in honor of the Museum?s centennial.

Sunday, November 21, 2004. 2 p.m. Ages 3 and up.

Concert: The Sultana Ensemble. Yoel Ben-Simhon and The Sultana Ensemble blend Mediterranean music, flamenco, and other sounds into a fascinating experience for the whole family. Dancers and drummers will captivate the audience with their spirited moves and infectious beats! Tickets: $12 per person; $10 Jewish Museum family members, Jewish Museum, New York, NY.

NJ Premiere of Rachel and Leah:

NJ Premiere of Rachel and Leah: A New Musical composed by Elizabeth Swados
Saturday, November 12 · 8:00pm – 11:00pm
at the
Axelrod Performing Arts Center, Deal Park, NJ
100 Grant Avenue
Deal Park, NJ
Rachel and Leah
A New Musical Premieres at the Axelrod
November 12, 2011 8 p.m. One Show Only!
Tony Award nominee, Elizabeth Swados, has composed Rachel and Leah: A New Musical about the biblical matriarchs that will have its New Jersey concert premiere at The Axelrod Performing Arts Perhaps, best known for her Broadway and international smash hit Runaways, Elizabeth Swados infuses more than 30 years of artistry and flavor into the music of Rachel and Leah: A New Musical. The Obie Award-winning composer has collaborated on this latest work with her apprentice of six years, Rebecca Keren (Book & Lyrics) and off-Broadway’s rising star, Daniella Rabbani (Book).…