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Golem–Homesick Songs

Homesick Songs. New album features songs about old-world cities, towns and countries. It features gypsy songs sung by Annette Ezekiel…. but this is music for the younger generation, being edgy, sexy and very vibrant. The Washington Post said “GOLEM produces the sort of music you’d expect if the shtetl were filled with punks instead of peasants.”… That gives the idea pretty well… it’s Jewish, it’s cool, but even though it’s about Europe, probably not for your bubbe. A look at the website will tell more info about music stores where the CDs are being carried.

A Hanukkah Concert at the Center for Jewish History

The American Society for Jewish Music and the American Jewish Historical Society

A Hanukkah Concert
Sunday, December 18, 2005 at 3pm
Center for Jewish History
15 West 16th Street
New York, NY

This concert, featuring world renowned pianist, composer and arranger Dick Hyman,
will include works by George Gershwin, Richard Rogers, Leonard Bernstein, and Harold
Arlen, among others. Mr. Hyman will be joined by vocalist Annette Sanders, who
began her career as a featured soloist with Benny Goodman. Singer/actress Ellen
, known so well for her Bubba Meises, will perform Yiddish songs and Isaiah Sheffer, host of Selected Shorts, returns for a reading of a special story.

*The concert will be followed by a candle lighting, singing, and reception in the
Paul S.…

CELEBRATION CONCERT: Jack Gottlieb at 75

Cantor Ida Rae Cahana, Cantor Richard Botton,
Cantor Jonathan Comisar;
The Professional and Congregational Choirs of Central Synagogue with
Jayson Rodovky, organist, Brass Sextet and others.

September 18, 2005, 5 PM
All are welcome. Free admission.
Central Synagogue, Lexington Avenue at East 55th Street
New York, New York



“A project with newly composed music of expansive scope, Alexander has
produced a screaming celebration of the multicultural American Jewish
Elliott Simon, AllAboutJazz – NY

New York, NY: Makor (25 West 67th street) Celebrate the 365th day of
the year and the 7th night of Hanukkah – all in one; enjoy three floors
of entertainment and mingling! Beginning at 9pm the party will include
Aaron Alexander’s Midrash Mish Mosh, Frank London’s Klezmer Brass
All-stars, a Klezmer Jam Session and The Boys of Balagan Boogaloo. Also
offered as part of the evening is a two-hour open beer and wine bar
(from 10 to 12) followed by a champagne toast at midnight.…

“A Little Jewish Night Music” in LA

Please join The Jewish Music Commission of Los Angeles for the World Premiere performance of “The Shul in My Right Mind”. This piece, commissioned by JMCLA, was composed by Dr. Michael Isaacson. In addition, the work of two other well-known Los Angeles Jewish Composers, Aminadav Aloni and Robert Strassburg, will also be performed.

Date: Tuesday, 11/29/2005
Start Time: 7:30 PM
Location: Valley Beth Shalom
Address: 15739 Ventura Blvd., Encino 91436
Ticket Info: Free to the Community
JMCLA Tel: 818.907.7194

The evening concert will feature performances by the outstanding Los
Angeles-based Armadillo String Quartet (Barry Socher and Steve Scharf, violin, Ray Tischer, viola and Armen Ksajikian, cello) with guest artists Guy Hallman, piano and Zinovy Goro, clarinet.

Visit for more information.

The Sydney Jewish Choral Society to celebrate 20th anniversary

The Sydney Jewish Choral Society celebrates its 20th anniversary next year, 2006. Under the direction of Rose Grausman, this mixed choir performs a very wide range of
music, including classical, opera, jazz and musicals, as well as popular and folk music from all over the world. The S.J.C.S. regularly performs Yiddish, Ladino and Hebrew folk music, Hebrew liturgical settings, and stunning Hebrew musical settings
by composers from Rossi in the 16th century through Kurt Weil and Leonard Bernstein in the 20th, and has given premieres of hitherto unpublished choral works by Jewish composers.

A non-profit organisation, the S.J.C.S. performs regularly in concerts which support Jewish and general charities and gives free performances at Jewish retirement homes and activity centres.

Throughout 2006, the Sydney Jewish Choral Society will be performing several major concerts in Sydney.…

Klezmer Field Work

Shane Solow has put together a webpage as part of “Lost Trails” with some sound clips of field recordings done in Romania of klezmer music. He recorded musicians in northern Romania that play “archaic melodies” that are a prototype for Klezmer music. They learned the melodies from Jewish musicians who lived in this region before the second world war. They are some of the last performers who know this tradition in that area. The musicians on the CD are:
Constantin Lupu, violin
Constantin Negel, cobza
Anton Mitica Stefan, drum
The music is available for sale.


NOVEMBER 13 Concert. Aaron Copland was born Nov 14, 1900. This is a 105th birthday commemorative.
Downtown Chamber & Opera Players conducted by Mimi Stern-Wolfe
Appalachian Suite (13 piece chamber orchestra)
Clarinet Concerto * (William Blount, clarinetist)
Martin’s Aria from The Tender Land * Kurt Alakulppi, tenor
Ukelele Serenade for Violin & Piano * Shem Guibbory, violin; Mimi Stern-Wolfe, piano
American Folk Songs: Ivan Thomas, bass-baritone.

Also: THURSDAY DECEMBER 1 for WORLD AIDS DAY at Trinity Church 1-2
Mimi Stern-Wolfe, artistic director, pianist
CHRIS DEBLASIO(1959-1993) Whatever You Say He Sings (poem: Ilsa Gilbert)
Janet E. Hopkins, soprano
ROBERT CHESLEY (1943-1990) “Six Songs”
Marshall Coid, counter-tenor
LEE GANNON (1960-1993): Cello and Piano Sonata
David Eggar, cello; Mimi Stern-Wolfe, piano
KENNETH OLDHAM (1960-1993) Across the Sea; Not Even If I Try
Gilles Denizot, Heldentenor…


TV Matters has a new production recorded live in Amsterdam’s historic, 17th Century, Portuguese Synagogue. The concert features three of the world’s greatest cantors in a program of inspiring Jewish secular and religious song. Performing with a 46 piece orchestra and 16 voice choir are Alberto Mizrahi of the renowned Anshe Emet Synagogue, Chicago, Naftali Herstik of Great Synagogue Jerusalem and Benzion Miller of Young Israel Beth-El of Borough Park, New York. To purchase the CD or DVD of CANTORS: A FAITH IN SONG on CD or DVD or to find out more about up-coming tours, please visit the cantors at

Jewish National Library in Jerusalem Digital Idelssohn

The Jewish National Library in Jerusalem has worked the miracle of digitizing, among other works, the 10-volumes of the Abraham Zvi Idelssohn Thesaurus of Oriental Hebrew Melodies, first published in 1923. Idelssohn, known as the father of Jewish musicology, participated nearly a century ago in field recording work in then Palestine. He recorded Jews and and non-Jewish residents of the area, taking meticulous notes both of speech, education and background of the informants, and transcribing into notation their songs from the wax cylinders her made there. From his field work and other research, he produced a ten-volume monumental study which became the basis of musicology of the various Jewish musics from throughout the world, both sacred and secular. Now, this marvelous resource of Jewish music is available online from the JNUL website.…


The Toronto Jewish Folk Choir marks the 60 anniversary of the end of World War II and the liberation of the Nazi death camps in its 79th annual spring concert, Sunday, June 5, 7 p.m. at the Leah Posluns Theatre, 4588 Bathurst St. (parking available). Alexander Veprinsky conducts, with Lina Zemelman on piano, and the
Toronto Mandolin Orchestra as guest artists. Tickets, $22, $18 seniors and
students, are available at the door, or in advance from Jewish bookstores or by
calling 416-593-0750. Children under 12 are admitted free; group rates are
available on request. Information may also be obtained via
(click on Institutions) or by e-mailing

Lori Cahan-Simon at Legacy Village in Cleveland

In Cleveland this Sunday, MAY 15, at Legacy Village,at Cedar and Richmond, The Workmen’s Circle Klezmer Orchestra, featuring singer/folklorist Lori Cahan-Simon, will be performing at Legacy Village this Sunday, May 15 at 2pm in a free outdoor concert of klez and Yiddish Theater standards. Come and have fun with the largest Klezmer Orchestra in the world!

You can hear clips from Lori’s CDs at:

Screening at Museum of Television and Radio

The Museum of Television and Radio
cordially invites you to a private screening of
Regina Resnik Presents
The American Jewish Composers in Classical Song

Regina Resnik, Narrator
Roslyn Jhunever Barak, Soprano
Michael Philip Davis, Tenor
Charles Robert Stephens, Baritone
Vlad Iftinca, Piano
Thursday, May 12, 2005 at 6 p.m.
25 West 52nd Street
New York City
This concert was videotaped before an invited audience on January 19, 2005 at the Elebash Recital Hall, CUNY Graduate Center. The program includes four world premieres, including a work by composer John Corigliano and librettist William M. Hoffman, written especially for the program, two American premieres and a New York premiere.
RSVP Michael Philip Davis at
or (212) 769-4083

The Jewish Music Forum and The Center for Jewish History Lecture

The Jewish Music Forum and The Center for Jewish History
are pleased to present

Professor Mark Kligman
(Hebrew Union College-Jewish Institute of Religion)

Friday, April 8, 10 AM
Center for Jewish History
15 West 16th Street

“Beyond Yiddishland: New Studies from the Jewish Musical Mediterranean”

The music of Sephardi Jewish communities is a diverse and complex
cultural phenomenon. Spanning the Mediterranean from the Western
Sephardic communities of Spain and Portugal to North Africa, the Ottoman
Empire and the Levant, the Sephardi world encompasses a vast geographic,
cultural and linguistic space. This presentation will offer a broad
overview of the development of academic scholarship on Western and
Middle Eastern Sephardi musical traditions. Using extensive audio
examples, Professor Kligman will demonstrate the stylistic and cultural
diversity across Mediterranean Jewish communities, past and present.…

Hard Rockin’ Hamentashen, KFAR Jewish Arts Center’s Purim

Purim is the Jewish Mardi Gras, where people get decked out in costumes, throw parties and get absolutely smashed. And while you won’t find people flashing for beads on this holiday (Orthodox Girls Gone Wild! Show us your ELBOWS!), traditional celebrations take literally the instruction to celebrate until one can’t tell the difference between Mordechai, the hero of the Purim story, and evil Haman.

Two Jewish rock bands, the Ari Ben Moses Band and The Moshe Skier Band and will be presented at Subterranean, a well-known, three story Wicker Park lounge and music venue.
9pm – 1am Saturday March 26th
Subterranean, 2011 W. North Ave.
$12 in advance ( $15 at the door
more info at
call 773.550.1543 or email

“The Media and the Messenger: Transforming the Cantor’s Art in the Age of Mechanical Reproduction”

Jeffrey Shandler
March 9th
“The Media and the Messenger: Transforming the Cantor’s Art In the Age of Mechanical Reproduction ”
Location: The Center for Jewish History
15 W. 16th St. New York City
Date: Friday, March 9, 2007
Time: 10:30 AM to Noon

Admission: This event is free and open to the public.
Sponsored by the American Jewish Historical Society
and the American Society for Jewish Music
The Jewish Music Forum lecture series continues, with an
investigation of the cantor’s life, art, and spirituality as narrated
through various modes of communication:
“The Media and the Messenger: Transforming the Cantor’s
Art in the Age of Mechanical Reproduction”

Presented by:
Dr. Jeffrey Shandler, Rutgers University
Respondents: Dr. Barbara Kirshenblatt-Gimblett, New York
University, and Dr. Mark Slobin, Wesleyan University
Co-sponsor: Working Group on Jews/Media/Religion
at the Center for Religion and Media, New York University…

Wondering about the Wonder Wheel Grammy

If you want to know more about the album Wonder Wheel (JMG Records, JMG 18033-02, 2006) performed by that incredible Jewish band, the Klezmatics, — that just won a Grammy in World Music– there’s a great article on the Klezmershack that explains a lot about the project.

Another article about the album appeared in The Forward
which you can read about online

Gerard Cohen SEED at Symphony Space Opera in Eden

The premiere of Gerald Cohen’s new one-act opera, SEED, written with the superb librettist David Simpatico, will be on Thursday June 2, at 7 p.m. at Symphony Space in NYC. It will be presented along with three other one-act operas by Cohen’s colleagues in American Lyric Theater’s Composer Librettist Development Program, where he has been a resident artist for the past year.

Symphony Space
2537 Broadway
New York, NY 10025
(212) 864-5400
Tickets: $15 Advance / $20 Day of Performance
SEED will be sung by three outstanding performers: mezzo Sarah Heltzel, tenor Glenn Seven Allen, and baritone Christopher Burchett.

Information and tickets about the event at Symphony Space website under “Opera in Eden”.
Advance purchase is strongly recommended, as the hall is small and these events have sold out in previous years.…


The only West-Coast Appearance
Tuesday evening, February 17, 2009
(“The Schaechter Daughters”)

A musical revue about kids, young and older,
and their relationships with each other, with their parents,
and with the world around them.
The songs are in Yiddish.
**Translations are provided.**
For young, old, and everyone in between!
For the Yiddish-fluent, Yiddish-challenged and Yiddish-ignorant!
Bring your kids and grandkids for a truly inspirational evening!
The performers:

Tuesday, February 17, 2009, 7:30 P.M.
Sinai Temple, 10400 Wilshire Blvd, Los Angeles, CA
Admission: $18 Students: $8 Children under 6: Free
contact: Miriam Koral @ California Institute for Yiddish Language and
(310) 745-1190;
Made possible by support from the Ruth/Allen Ziegler Foundation, Luis
and Lee Lainer, Chic Wolk…

Breslov Bar Band Show

Hoshana Rabah concert @ the Carlebach Shul.

From melancholy midnight meditations to funky/punky affirmations of the One, the Breslov Bar Band explores musical expressions of the Breslov Chassidim from the traditional to the contemporary… Rock, Middle-Eastern, Punk, Jazz… it’s all there!

The group’s repertoire includes old dveykus melodies and ecstatic nigunim, as well as contemporary Breslov folk and rock music. The band members combine their passion for Jewish music with their strong roots in rock, jazz, and world music.

The band:
Binyomin Ginzberg – keys/vox/vibrandoneon
Mike Cohen – reeds
Allen Watsky – electric guitar
Yoshie Fruchter- bass
Rich Huntley – drums


$15 cover
Doors open at 7:30 PM
Music at 8 PM
Carlebach Shul
305 West 79th Street
New York, NY
Email: or

KlezKanada presents NOZEN at the Montreal Yiddish Theater Festival

KlezKanada at the Montreal Yiddish Theater Festival
June 18 – June 25, 2009 @ 10PM

June 18, 2009
Time: 10:00 PM
Organization: KlezKanada/The Segal Centre
Categories: Concerts
Location: 5170, Chemin de la Côte-Ste-Catherine
H3W 1M7
Open to public
JUNE 18, 2009: NOZEN

Steeped in the chassidic and klezmer musical traditions and percolating with the avant-garde, Nozen’s influences range from John Coltrane to John Zorn’s Massada and from old style klezmer players like David Tarras and Naftuleh Brandwein to Frank London and David Krakauer. Anxious, curious, eclectic. Damian Nisenson (saxophones and composition), Jean-Felix Mailloux (doublebass), Ziya Tabassian (percussion), Luzio Altobelli (accordion).

KlezKanada in conjunction with The Montreal Yiddish Theater Festival presents a week-long program of Jewish music. From June 18th to June 25th KlezKanada brings its long-standing tradition of late-night KlezKabarets to the Segal Centre.…

Let My People Sing Returns for 4th Year

Jewish entertainer Craig Taubman and his
production company Craig N Co, will be producing the fourth annual ‘Let My
People Sing Festival – A four part Celebration of Spirit and Song’ from
April 5-12, coinciding with the Jewish festival of Passover.

“For four years, Let My People Sing has brought together an inspired group
of artists from around the world to celebrate the human spirit – now more
than ever, we need something to sing about” said Taubman. “I am
particularly pleased that this year’s events will raise awareness and money
for the Jewish Family Service Food and Hunger programs”.

Music in Desperate Times: Remembering the Women’s Orchestra of Birkenau

PhotoCredit Ars Choralis AndreaBStern Ars Choralis, a non-profit organization of 48 amateur singers, will perform “Music in Desperate Times: Remembering the Women’s Orchestra of Birkenau”

Saturday, March 28th at 8:00pm

The Cathedral of St. John the Divine
1047 Amsterdam Ave.
New York, NY 10025

$150 (dress circle), $45 (front reserved), $35 (front unreserved), $25 (house) or 866.811.4111.

“Music in Desperate Times: Remembering the Women’s Orchestra of Birkenau” is a concert – presented by the Woodstock, N.Y.-based choral ensemble Ars Choralis – that interweaves orchestral music with spoken memoirs to bring back the voices and music of the only World War II women’s orchestra. Though over one million people were murdered in the Birkenau gas chambers, the lives of this small group of female prisoners were spared because they played beautiful music.…

Shirei Teva: Jewish Choirs Celebrate Nature through Music

Sunday, February 22, 2009 2:30 PM
Choral Festival
Shirei Teva: Jewish Choirs Celebrate Nature through Music

With Shir Chadash and Shirei Chesed Choirs conducted by Cantor Natasha J. Hirschhorn; Congregation Beth Simchat Torah Choir with Joyce Rosenzweig and Cantor David Berger; Kolot Halev Choir from Chevy Chase, Maryland conducted by Hazzan Dr. Ramon Tasat; and guest artists

Stirring images of nature infuse Jewish choral music with singular magic. Richly fanciful depictions of the natural world – expressed in psalms, folk songs, and contemporary poetry – inspire this program, which will be presented in Hebrew, Ladino, Yiddish, and English.
$10 adults, $7 students/seniors, $5 members
Edmund J. Safra Hall
Museum of Jewish Heritage
Edmond J. Safra Plaza
36 Battery Place
New York, NY 10280
General Information

Little Trees are Weeping CD

Little Trees are WeepingCarl Nelkin, an amateur singer and lover of Jewish music in Ireland, has released a new CD of songs of ghettos and camps in World War II. Nelkin combines Irish and Jewish sentimentalities to these songs of the Partisans and Ghetto, all sung in the original Yiddish. The booklet contains the translations into English along with the texts in Yiddish, along with some nice accompaniments. It is hoped that this type of recording should encourage other small communities of Jews to share their creative works. Carl had released his first album “Irish Heart Jewish Soul: Favourite Irish and Jewish Songs” in 2003. For more information about the CD, go to Carl has also appeared on Irish Radio in a High Holiday special.

Another Realm Trio at the Fireside Restaurant

Wednesday, February 4 at 9:30pm.
Event: Another Realm Trio at the Fireside Restaurant
“Featuring Hankus Netsky and Linda Chase”.
What: Concert.
Host: Another Realm.
Start Time: Wednesday, February 4 at 9:30pm.
End Time: Thursday, February 5 at 12:00am.
Where: The Fireplace Restaurant
1634 Beacon Street
Brookline, MA

If you’re on facebook, you can see more details and RSVP, follow the link below:

Jewish Music Forum Speaker Hasia Diner

The Jewish Music Forum
will host the next lecture in the 2008-2009 series:
December 12, 2008
10:30 am – 12:00 pm
“Engaging Ethnography and Institutionalization in Jewish Music.”
This event is sponsored by the American
Society for Jewish Music and the American Jewish Historical
Society. All events are free and open to the public.

“American Jews, Music and the Memory of the Holocaust: 1945-1962”

Professor Hasia Diner, New York University
Respondent: Cantor Bruce Ruben, Hebrew Union College-Jewish Institute of
Center for Jewish History / Kovno Room
15 W. 16th Street (between 5th and 6th Aves., north side of the street)
New York, NY 10011

Hoshana Rabah concert @ the Carlebach Shul.

Hoshana Rabah concert @ the Carlebach Shul.
Thursday, October 8, 2009
From melancholy midnight meditations to funky/punky affirmations of the One, the Breslov Bar Band explores musical expressions of the Breslov Chassidim from the traditional to the contemporary… Rock, Middle-Eastern, Punk, Jazz… it’s all there!

The group’s repertoire includes old dveykus melodies and ecstatic nigunim, as well as contemporary Breslov folk and rock music. The band members combine their passion for Jewish music with their strong roots in rock, jazz, and world music.
The band:
Binyomin Ginzberg – keys/vox/vibrandoneon
Mike Cohen – reeds
Allen Watsky – electric guitar
Yoshie Fruchter- bass
Rich Huntley – drums

$15 cover
Doors open at 7:30 PM
Music at 8 PM
7:30pm – 10:00pm
Location: Carlebach Shul
305 West 79th Street
New York, NY
Email: or

Hadassah Magazine Features Klezmer

Veretzki PassA terrific picture by Jean Fruth of Cookie Segelstein, klezmer violinist, graces the front cover of Hadassah Magazine this month with a feature article on traditional klezmer music, written by George Robinson. There are lots of photos including Cookie, Josh Horowitz, Stu Brotman, Andy Statman, Alicia Svigals, Pete Rushefsky, Joel Rubin, Michael Winograd, Yale Strom, and others. George does a good job of explaining the branch of klezmer that focuses on traditional folk and how it differs from other groups. Cookie, Josh and Stu have a group called Veretzki Pass, which is an amazing group, especially to hear in person. It might be noted, as his article touches on the topic of sources, that we owe a debt of gratitude to klezmer musicians such as Josh Horowitz and Bob Cohen for years and years of dedicated research in Europe on recovering as much authentic music as possible.…

Fishel Bresler’s Klezmer & Hassidic Ensemble

Fischel Bresler Klezmer Trio
Fishel Bresler’s Klezmer & Hassidic Ensemble will perform their 18th
annual concert on Wednesday December 24th – 7:30 PM at
Congregation Ohawe Shalom Coffee House
Pawtucket RI
671 East Ave in Pawtucket (corner of Glenwood, nr where Blackstone meets
Hope St)
Doors open 7:00PM $10 adults, $7 children (under B-Mitzvah).
Special sponsor seating in the front rows $18 per seat
Funded in part by a grant from the RI State Council on the Arts

In honor of Chanukah, Latkes will be on sale, along with other snacks &
For questions 401 273-9814

photo credit Irving Schild

Pro Musica Hebraica at Kennedy Center in Washington

Pro Musica Hebraica is devoted to presenting Jewish classical music — much of it lost, forgotten, or rarely performed — in a concert-hall setting. On November 18, 2008, the ARC Ensemble of Canada’s Royal Conservatory of Music presents works by Mieczysław Weinberg, Szymon Laks, and Sergei Prokofiev all composed in the aftermath of world war.
Tuesday, November 18, 2008
The Terrace Theater
The Kennedy Center
Washington, DC
7:30 PM

A Test of Faith

A Test of Faith, a One-Act Opera
Erev Shabbat
Friday, November 21st, 2008 – 8:00 PM
Free to the Public
Valley Beth Shalom, 15739 Ventura Blvd, Encino, CA

“Test of Faith” is an award-winning one-act opera based on of the
Bible’s most dramatic stories, the story of the Akedah, the
near-sacrifice of Isaac. Renowned opera stars Jonathan Mack and Ron
will take the roles of God and Abraham; Jonathan Zur is Isaac.
Lawrence Goldberg, the composer, will conduct.

Following the performance, Rabbi Edward Feinstein, Senior Rabbi at Valley Beth Shalom,
will engage the composer and the performers in a discussion of the opera
and the story of the Akedah, and its impact on world religions.

Bernstein: A Jewish Legacy

The Center for Jewish History, the American Society for Jewish Music
and the American Jewish Historical Society present:

Thursday, November 6 at 8:00p.m.
Bernstein: A Jewish Legacy
An encore performance of the recently sold-out program at The Jewish Museum and
part of the city-wide festival Bernstein: The Best of all Possible Worlds.
The concert of mostly unknown Bernstein works on Jewish themes, narrated by Jack
, Bernstein’s longtime editor, sheds new light on some of the composer’s
more celebrated pieces. A number cut from West Side Story, lyrics by Stephen Sondheim,
combined with another piece from an abandoned project with lyrics by Betty Comden
and Adolph Green, reveals a surprising transformation as a choral setting in Hebrew.
Among the other works are world premieres of “A Choral Quilt” (arranged by Gottlieb)
and a song Bernstein wrote in reaction to anti-Semitism.…

Friends of Danny Concert tour kickoff

FOD is an acronym for Friends of Danny and the concert tour features many of the musicians who played in bands or jammed with Danny while he was alive, as well as many who never knew him but connect with his story. FODfest is a unique performance format: part song-swap, part jam session, part concert. Most of the participating musicians are meeting for the first time on stage.

Time and PlaceDate:
Friday, October 10, 2008
7:30pm – 11:00pm
Location: Mahaiwe Performing Arts Center
Street: 14 Castle Street
City/Town: Great Barrington, MA

Since Daniel Pearl’s death, there have been many attempts to honor his memory and legacy, many of which revolve around music, because Daniel was a terrific musician always found other musicians to jam with no matter where he wound up.…

Talia Applebaum Flashes in the Darkness Album

Talia Applebaum Flashes in the DarknessSeveral times in the last year (or so) there have been concerts for women based on the album by Talia Applebaum Flashes in the Darkness. It deserves another look for the humour, fun, a bit of blues, a little jazz, a bit of funk, but mostly American folk. Talia is writing about the stuff of her chosen life with the Breslov Hassidmi, and the way religious devotion permeates her life, blended into ‘the everyday.’ The music gives a window into that world –that Talia obviously relishes– for the rest of us. All music and lyrics are by Talia, including blending English and Hebrew with an all female accompaniment. Occasionally the melody and words don’t quite make it, but most often they do, and music cleverly wraps into the lyric.The best piece, (or maybe better to say, the one more universally related to all Jews’ experience), is “Perservere” with arrangement and piano by Shana Friedman, which could fit into any Jewish denomination’s repertoire.…



VENUE: Luggage Store Gallery New Music Series
1007 Market Street (at Sixth), San Francisco CA 94103
Telephone: 415-255-5971
TICKETS: $6 – $10
BOX OFFICE: Tickets are available at the door.

The Jack Curtis Dubowsky Ensemble performs in concert at the
Luggage Store Gallery New Music Series. This groundbreaking
new music ensemble, led by classical and film composer Jack
Curtis Dubowsky
, performs abstract, spacious, free form,
transcendental, electro-acoustic contemporary music. The Jack
Curtis Dubowsky Ensemble I album was performed and recorded
live with no overdubs; no pre-recorded music is used in concert

Also performing is Amar Chaudhary, a longtime composer and
performer specializing in contemporary and electronic music, as
well as a developer of advanced software for sound synthesis
and music composition.…

Soul Aviv CD Release

Soul Aviv SoulAviv has produced a CD of the same name. The vocal group is located in Santa Barbara, CA. Members are three women: Erin Berkowitz, Jamie Green, (vocals and percussion) and Liat Wasserman all singing with Rob Raede, vocals and guitar. The recording features music aimed at “tikkun olam” or making the world a better place… featuring the sounds of gospel, soul, reggae. Additional tracks include a number of original songs by Rob Raede featuring Jewish themes. The album’s vocal focus is energetic and highly entertaining. Some of the songs are “standards” recorded many times, such as “Wade in the Water” and “Rivers of Babylon/One Love” which joins a traditional gospel tune to Bob Marley’s hit, or “Oh Had I a Golden Thread by Pete Seeger.…

Cabaret Show at Skokie Theatre

Kimber Leigh Nussbaum, a Vocalist with the Maxwell Street Klezmer Band, to Perform
Cabaret Show at Skokie Theatre

“Devil May Care, a one-woman cabaret show featuring Kimber Leigh Nussbaum, a
vocalist with the Maxwell Street Klezmer Band
Sunday, November 15, 2009
2:00 p.m.
Skokie Theatre, 7924 N. Lincoln Ave., Skokie, IL
$20 in advance, $25 at the door
More Information and to Order Tickets, Call the Skokie Theatre, 847-677-7761 or

Peter & Ellen Allard present: Songs for a Jewish Head Start

A unique collection of 19 songs was originally written by educator Rita Gold for Head Start. Peter and Ellen Allard, along with fellow songwriters such as Peri Smilow, Josh Nelson, Shira Kline, and Fran Avni, have adapted these songs for use in Jewish early childhood education. The songs teach age-appropriate Jewish values and foster Jewish identity. All of the songs in this collection were written to help children learn the principles of fairness, decency, respect, and caring. Many of the songs were written in response to a child’s question. Other songs were created to lift the spirits of a child who is feeling hurt. Still others were composed to explain to children how they can improve our world. A CD is included.
No. 301787
Paperback and Audio CD
ISBN-10: 0-8074-1089-6
ISBN-13: 978-0-8074-1089-9
$24.95 each
Order at
Call 212.650.4120
Fax 212.650.4119
or email us at

Guitar Night with Edom and Rashanim

Guitar Night with Edom and Rashanim
Featuring guitarist Eyal Maoz — Two of the most interesting bands join forces in this
special night of music. from Tzadik Records
Monday, December 13 between 8:30 to 10:30 PM.

Community Synagogue/Max D. Raiskin Center.
325 E. Sixth Street
(between 1st Ave. and 2nd Ave.)
East Village
New York, NY 10003
Telephone 212.473.3665
For Information, visit:
YouTube Previews Somewhere:
Facebook Event Page:

Cover price: $10
Music genre jazz/world/rock
Edom: Where Jazz meets New Wave, and echoes of Joy Division are
counterposed with John Zorn’s Electric Masada, begins the rocking odyssey of
Edom. With Eyal Maoz – guitar; Brian Marsella – keyboards; Shanir
– bass and Yuval Lion – drums.

Rashanim: Rashanim (‘noisemakers’ in Hebrew) combines the power of rock
with the spontaneity of improvisation, deep Middle Eastern grooves, and
mystical Jewish melodies.…

Klezmer Concert Features Music of Dave Tarras

Yale Strom, one of the leading artists of klezmer culture, will perform the music of the “Benny Goodman of Klezmer”, Dave Tarras – many of these Tarras’ melodies have never been published or recorded before now.
Thursday, May 5 · 7:00pm – 10:00pm
Dweck Center, Brooklyn Public Library
1 Grand Army Plaza
Brooklyn, NY

Hot Pstromi clarinet virtuoso NORBERT STACHEL (Pink Floyd, Freddie Hubbard, Diana Ross, Roy Hargrove, Tower of Power, Boz Scaggs, Sheila E and many other world-class bands) will bring new exciting artistic interpretation to Tarras’s tunes.

Strom will also discuss his new book, Dave Tarras:The King of Klezmer (Or-Tav), a Tarras-family authorized biography. Tarras is considered the most influential klezmer musician of the twentieth century. Even the great be-bop artists Charlie Parker and Miles Davis traveled to the Catskills to study the technique of this complex and compelling virtuoso.…

Eyal Maoz in Park Slope

Date: Thursday May 5 at 9 PM till 11 PM
Venue: Tea Lounge
Venues address: 837 Union Street. Park Slope, Brooklyn New York, NY 11217
Telephone: (718) 789-2762
Event URL:
You tube link: Rocks:
Cover price: Free
Music genre: jazz/world/rock
Event description:
Live Edom performance at Tea Lounge. Where Jazz meets New Wave, and echoes
of Joy Division are counterposed with John Zorn’s Electric Masada, begins
the rocking odyssey of Edom.
With Eyal Maoz – guitar;
Shanir Blumenkranz –bass
and Yuval Lion – drums.

Klezmer Conference at University of Montreal

Henri Oppenheimer will be leading a conference on klezmer music
at University of Montreal at 7:30
3200, Rue Jean-Brillant, Montreal
The event occus this Monday, March 21 2011.

This conference is designed for non-specialists, and covers some basic elements of the history of Jews in Europe, an overview of the different instruments, different origins of the repertoire, discussion about what makes the “Jewish sound” (and, ‘is there a “Jewish sound”?), a segment about “klezmer orchestration”. There will also be a review of main bands and artists in the world. Since some members of the group Magillah will attend, there will probably be a few pieces at the end.

For information contact Henri Oppenheim
(514) 272-8635 in Canada.

Boston Jewish Music Festival

It’s quite a lineup. Boston’s From March 6-20, 2011, the Boston Jewish Music Festival.
Visit the website for complete lineup information, with dates, times and prices, including the hot new “Yemen Blues.”

Full website, with blog, artist pics and links, and event listings:

# Divine Sparks – where traditional hazzanut meets contemporary
improvisation with Frank London, Yaakov Lemmer, Aaron Bensoussan,
and Boston’s own Gastón Bogomolni, Jessica Kate Meyer, and
Elias Rosemberg.

# The New England Premiere of Ravid Kahalani and Yemen Blues, the
incredible new world music ensemble from the former lead singer of
The Idan Raichel Project.

# Sing Songs of Shabbat with your choice of 4 unique Friday night
musical services at synagogues across Greater Boston.

# A very special family concert featuring Maurice Sendak’s adaptation of Peter and the Wolf, called Pincus and the Pig.…


Mar 3rd – 9:00pm

Asaf Avidan & the Mojos have evolved from an anonymous, young, Jerusalem based band – to one of the most exciting promises of the Rock & Roll world. The band has just completed a full scale and highly successful summer tour in Europe, playing on huge stages in festivals, as well as clubs and TV shows across the continent. They have been getting spectacular reviews and praise from fans and the media wherever they go.

28 year old Asaf Avidan is a Jerusalem born & bred singer-songwriter, who released his acclaimed debut EP, “Now That You’re Leaving,” in 2006. Since then, Asaf has continued to write and mold his experiences with broken love into personal, yet universally relatable songs.…

Fishel Bresler’s Klezmer Hassidic Ensemble

This year Fishel Bresler’s Klezmer Hassidic Ensemble will be performing
Sat night, December 25th 2010, 7:30 PM
at Congregation Ohawe Shalom in Pawtucket, RI
671 East Ave, corner of Glenwood

Admission is $10 for adults, $7 for children under b-mitzvah
Lively & Moving Music, world class musicians, a comfortable environment, a little humor thrown in.
Refreshments for sale. Plenty free parking.

Fishel Bresler plays clarinet, flute, mandolin & harmonica; Shelley Katsh
plays keyboard & accordian. They are joined by Beth Bahia Cohen on Strings
and Bob Rakalam Moses employing both traditional & creative forms of percussion.

Song is the Pen of the Soul—An Interfaith Interchange

Song is the Pen of the Soul—An Interfaith Interchange
Sunday, November 15
Wilson Chapel
Andover Newton Theological School
3:30–5:45 p.m.
Free and open to the public
Seating is limited – please register now.

Dr. Joshua Jacobson and the Zamir Chorale of Boston
Reverend Burns Stanfield and the Andover Newton Community Choir
Commentary by Rabbi Daniel Lehmann and Priscilla Deck

Please join the Zamir Chorlae and the Andover Newton Community Choir for a rousing performance, discussion and sing-along of inspiring music from Jewish and Christian faith traditions. Rabbi Daniel Lehmann will discuss the Jewish spiritual music tradition, illustrated by the Zamir Chorale of Boston under the direction of Dr. Joshua Jacobson; the program will feature selections of Hassidic music and works by Louis Lewandowski, Shlomo Carlebach and Ernest Bloch.…

Milken Archives Launches Unique Materials Online

The Milken Archive of American Jewish Music has launched their website with access through a Virtual Archive of music, video clips, interviews, biographical sketches, and articles about Jewish music and musicians. It is certainly one of the largest such collections in the world, and the materials are accessible to anyone. Those interested in American Jewish music will certainly want to mark this page or link to it for future explorations.

Milken Archive Sponsors Competition

The Milken Archive of American Jewish music is looking for good art that meets the ear. The Milken Archive of Jewish Music in collaboration with the Foundation for Jewish Culture is launching Eye Meets Ear: Visual Arts Competition for Emerging Artists to select 20 works as cover art for 20 themed volumes of music in the Milken Archive’s new virtual museum.

The competition runs from September 1 to November 1, with winners to be announced in late December 2010. Each work selected will earn the artist a $2,000 cash prize. Artists, who must be ages 18 to 39, may submit works of art in any visual mediums that express and/or relate to the theme of individual virtual museum volumes, each of which explores a particular historical, cultural or musical theme.…

Yale Strom — In Memory Of

Dec. 16th at 7pm the world premiere of
YALE STROM’S quartet

In the summer of 2008, musician Yale Strom traveled to Romania and discovered a musical treasure trove. In the upstairs women’s balcony of the 1871 synagogue of Carei he found a box of old books including the cantor’s music book with over 250 melodies notated by hand. THIS ROMANIAN JEWISH MUSICAL TREASURE HAD BEEN LOST UNTIL STROM’S DISCOVERY. In Memory of is a performance based upon the cantorial music he uncovered, and is dedicated to the Jews who perished during the Holocaust. Virtuoso cellist Mike Block and his string quartet will perform the new compositon.

After the quartet Cantor Ari Priven (Cong. Bnai Jeshurun) will sing some of the melodies from the “lost” cantor’s book and then Yale Strom and Mike Block will perform melodies from the same work as klezmer pieces.…

Saturday Night Party klezmer concert and jam

“Saturday Night Party: klezmer concert and jam”
on Saturday, December 5 at 8:00pm.

Event: Saturday Night Party: klezmer concert and jam
“Cookie decorating competition, Hanukkah sing-along and Yiddish dancing. So
much Jewish fun in one night! Is it possible?”
What: Fundraiser
Start Time: Saturday, December 5 at 8:00pm
Where: Brooklyn, NY
details and RSVP, follow the link below: (facebook)
To see more

In Memory Of… Strom Finds ‘Lost Romanian Jewish Music’

Dec. 16th at 7pm the world premiere of Yale Strom’s new quartet:
“IN THE MEMORY OF…” as part of a concert of
“Lost Romanian Jewish Music”
Start Time: Wednesday, December 16 at 7:00pm
Where: Eldridge Street Synagogue
12 Eldridge Street (off Canal), NYC
Tel: (212)219-0302
Seniors $12.00; Public $15.00

In the summer of 2008, musician Yale Strom traveled to Romania and discovered a musical treasure trove. In the upstairs women’s balcony of the 1871 synagogue of Carei he found a box of old books including the cantor’s music book with over 250 melodies notated by hand. This Romanian Jewish musical treasure had been lost. In Memory of is a performance based upon the cantorial music he uncovered, and is dedicated to the Jews who perished during the Holocaust.…

Yosif Feigelson Cello Concert of Mieczyslaw Weinberg in NYC

Weinberg sonatasOn Sunday, November 22nd at 3 p.m. celebrated Russian cellist Yosif Feigelson
will perform at the Stephen Wise Free Synagogue (30 West 68th Street, NYC).

The concert will feature four Cello Sonatas of composer Mieczyslaw (Moishe) Weinberg (1919-1996). Tickets and more information are available at the website: or by phone at: (212) 877-4050.

Called “one of the most prolific, yet largely overlooked composers”,
Mieczyslaw (Moishe) Weinberg is author to 26 symphonies, 17 string quartets, operas,
concerti as well as music to many movies including famous “The Cranes Are Flying”.
For more facts about composer visit

Klezmer en Buenos Aires

Klezmer Buenos Aires
Part of Klez California Fall Festival
Saturday, November 14, 2009
JCC San Francisco, CA
The Lerner Moguilevsky Duo has been wowing audiences around the world for over a decade, playing with an intensity and originality that makes believers of everyone who hears them. This is klezmer mixed with hints of tango and other Latin American rhythms. Fabulous! Public $35, JCC members $32, students $30.

Tickets at, 415/292-1233 or in person at the JCCSF box office.
Stop by KlezCalifornia’s information table!

Les Concerts de Hotegezugt

Les Concerts de Hotegezugt (klezmer) sur la Place des Nations et de Tohu veBohu
(musique klezmer, arabo-andalouse et Renaissance) à l’Arena (Genève) pour le Geneva
World Peace Festival Vendredi 19 septembre n’auront pas lieu en raison de
l’annulation du Festival… 🙁 }
Renseignements: Caroline Schwab tél 0041 22 929 56 61 & 0041 76 404 22 86
Mais ne manquez pas le concert de El-Baze dimanche 21 à 17h à la Cité Bleue!

Shir Chadash: The Brooklyn Jewish Community Chorus Auditions

Shir Chadash: The Brooklyn Jewish Community Chorus, under the direction of
Natasha J. Hirschhorn, announces auditions in September 2008 for our 9th
season. If you have a passion for Jewish music and are committed to the
highest quality of performance, we encourage you to visit us and audition
this fall. All voice parts welcomed.

Please RSVP to to arrange an audition appointment.

A 40+-member adult choir, Shir Chadash is a true community chorus —
welcoming, diverse and independent of denominational affiliation. We
rehearse September through June on Tuesdays, 7:30-9:30 pm, at The Park Slope
Jewish Center, 14th Street and Eighth Avenue in Brooklyn, NY. We perform
several concerts each season and our repertoire includes everything from
liturgical offerings in both classic and modern settings to updated
arrangements of world folk music and the performance of new sacred and
secular works.…


Thursday 22nd March, 2007
SOCALLED SEDER: Socalled, Sophie Solomon, Bukky Leo, Max Reinhardt, Boujemaa

The Grand Hall, The Cobden Club, 170 Kensal Road, London W10 5BN (nearest
tube: Westbourne Grove)
8pm. £8
Book online at to reserve your ticket. Door Policy at the Cobden Club requires your names in advance.
The Slave Trade was made illegal in Britain in 1707. To celebrate these 200
years of equality in the UK the JCC invites you to a blistering Passover
affair of live funk and hiphop, visual artistry and performance you will
never forget:

SO CALLED: conducting a symphony of hip hop beats and old Jewish record
SOPHIE SOLOMON: Europe’s most charismatic Jewish fiddler.
BUKKY LEO: Fela Kuti and Tony Allen’s afro-pioneering horns player.…

Vampire Suit reunites in Brooklyn June 22nd

After a long break spent pursuing other activities, the members of Vampire
Suit reunite at their favorite venue. The band will play on June 22nd at Barbes, 376
9th St., Park Slope, Brooklyn, at 8pm.

As the group’s leader and composer, Jay Vilnai brings to Vampire Suit his wide
palette experiences as a musician in New York, having shared the stage with such
diverse figures as Klezmer great Frank London, Brazilian percussionist Jorge Martins
saxophonist Roy Nathanson, and having played anything from traditional jazz to
Balkan music, Klezmer to Schoenberg, free improv to cabaret shows.

Elena Kats-Chernin Celebratory Concert in Sydney

I owe a debt of gratitude to an alert reader for giving me this URL of a concert of the music of Elena Kats-Chernin, a well known composer in Australia. Having listened to this concert, it is clear she is a composer everyone needs to learn about, be alert to, and hear the music. You can hear the concert on Australian ABC classic musical station .Scroll down to the program “Saturday 24 November 2007
Elena Kats Chernin at 50”. You should listen soon, as we don’t know how long the music will be available online.
Details on pieces played below.



Partners in Torah will present once again SHIDDUCHIM AND SURVIVAL (A
BA’ALAS TESHUVA’S TALE) a One-Person Musical Play featuring Chana
Rochel Eller
(nee Sommerstein) on
Sunday Evening, October 21st, 8:30 P.M.,
at the Rockland County Community College Theatre,
145 College Rd.,
Suffern (Monsey), New York.
Exclusive performance for ladies and
mature girls. Tickets $18.00. Proceeds for Partners In Torah, a
division of Torah Umesorah. Purchase tickets at the door, or for
reservations call 973-473-3575


From ShoreFire Media:
When you think of New York City’s Harlem, you may think of James Brown at the
Apollo, Duke Ellington at the Savoy or Bill Clinton’s offices on 125th Street. But
did you know that Harlem was also home to large numbers of Eastern European Jews in
the early 20th century? Some of the grandest brownstones in the Mount Morris Park
neighborhood were Jewish family homes.

Grammy-winning producer Aaron Levinson pays homage to the vibrant history of Harlem
in ‘The Harlem Experiment’, to be released by Ropeadope Records October 30th.
Featuring musicians such as clarinetist Don Byron of the Grammy-awarded Klezmatics,
trombonist Steve Bernstein and many other notable jazz musicians, it showcases
Harlem as melting pot and offers a unique version of the Yiddish folk song “Bei Mir
Bist Du Schoen,” with a soaring solo by Byron.…

KLEZSHOP at Stephen Wise

September 29th, 7:30pm
AT: Stephen Wise Free Synagogue
30 W. 68th St.
New York, NY 10023
(Between Columbus and Central Park West); 212-877-4050;

KLEZSHOP – A unique New York based trio, playing their original compositions, all
with a special Jewish-Klezmer flavor. Its members, natives of Israel,
graduates of the Juilliard School, the Paris Conservatory and the Jerusalem Academy,
combine their classical education with a rich experience of performing Jewish music,

Rock, Jazz and Irish music all over the world.

Gilad Harel – clarinet
Jonathan Keren – violin
Gilad Cohen bass guitar, voice

Visit Myspace for some music samples:

FREE Donations are encouraged!

Eastern Tradition CD from The Jewish Music Heritage Project

The Jewish Music Heritage Project is the ambitious undertaking of Cantor Sholom Kalib and The Jewish Music Heritage Project Boys’ and Men’s Choir. The purpose of the Jewish Music Heritage Project is to “document, catalog, and disseminate one of the great sacred musical traditions of the world, namely that of the Eastern European Synagogue, which is now in real danger of being lost forever.” So far, 2 vols of a 5 vol. set consisting of 20 books is being published by Syracuse University Press, and a 75 CD set of the music is envisioned. To find out more and order a CD:

5 If By Sea– the Dave Grisman Quintet on a Hudson Cruis

NYC, NY 212-630-8888
42nd St. & the Hudson River at Circle Line Pier 83
7.00PM & 9.30PM

David Grisman Quintet featuring guitarist Frank Vignola, will perform his unique
variety of bluegrass and gypsy music referred to as “dawg music” as part of the NYC
Rockin’ the River Cruises ( and will be the first East Coast
performance with the new line-up.

NYC RTR Cruise is a scenic tour and live music event in an intimate and friendly
concert setting. Sail past the Statute of Liberty, Ellis Island, the Brooklyn Bridge
and the world’s greatest skyline – with Grisman and VIgnola.

Also, a chance to see them in VT…
SHELBURNE, VT 802-652-0777

New York Film Premiere in NY about Beyle Schaechter-Gottesman

The League for Yiddish and the YIVO Institute for Jewish Research are pleased to Invite you to
An Evening In Honor of Beyle Schaechter-Gottesman
Poet, songwriter, singer
Featuring the NEW YORK PREMIERE of the second film in the series
Worlds within a World: Conversations with Yiddish Writers
Yiddish (with English subtitles)

A film by Josh Waletzky produced by the League for Yiddish
Musical Program: Janet Leuchter, Esther Gottesman
and Binyumen Schaechter,
Admission $10.00, Wednesday, July 11th 2007, 6:30 P.M.
at the Center for JewishHistory, 15 West 16 St, NYC.
Please reserve your tickets 917-606-8200

1000 Blog Posts about Jewish Music

The Jewish Music WebCenter is celebrating the 1000th blog posting about Jewish music.
These listings represent only a small fraction of events of all types in Jewish music world wide.
We look forward to seeing what the next 1000 musical events will be!

Sydenham Choir at Queens College in June

The Center for Jewish Studies at Queens College
Is proud to announce their 6th Annual Benefit Concert

Monday, June 11th, 2007

Starring the world famous Sydenham Choir
from Johannesburg South Africa

The return of Cantor Oshy Tugendhaft & the Sydenham Shul Choir marks
their 6th North American tour performing their hit musical CELEBRATION!
Both Oshy Tugendhaft, and the Choir are internationally acclaimed having
sung with many leading Cantors, most recently with Yitzchak Meir

All seats are reserved. General admission: $50 $32 & $20
25 % discount for orders by May 28, 2007 $40 $24 & $15
Priority seating $100 $75. No discount, includes after show party with

Order tickets on line at
or call 800-494-8497.

Their CELEBRATION musical depicts many aspects of traditional and
contemporary Jewish life and liturgy and takes place to live music,
provided by a jazzy orchestra.…

Ocala Cantorial Concert: Israel at 60 Melodies of Milk & Honey

The Fourth Annual Cantorial Concert is being held in Ocala, Florida.
This year’s exciting theme, “Israel at 60:
Melodies of Milk & Honey,” is part of a world-wide, year long celebration of
Israel’s 60th birthday. Presented by Temple Beth Shalom and starring
Cantor/Rabbi Samuel Dov Berman, this community wide concert will be held at
4:00 pm on Sunday, March 9, 2008, at the Appleton Museum of Art, 4333 NE
Silver Springs Blvd. in Ocala.

,br /
This unforgettable musical event to benefit the programs and activities of
Temple Beth Shalom, will highlight 60 years of Israel’s musical gems.
Featured performers include guest cantors & cantorial vocalists, Cantor
Harold Orbach
of Detroit, Cantor Deborah Jacobson and Joy Katzen-Guthrie,
both of Palm Harbor, Dale Berman of Ocala and Steve Berman of Los Vegas and
more special guests.…

Rebbe’s Orkestra in Albuquerque, NM

The Rebbe’s Orkestra presents an evening of Klezmer, Mediterranean, East European
and Middle Eastern music for a concert and dance party at Winning Coffee in
Saturday, June 16th from 7:30pm to 9:30pm.
Winning Coffee,
111 Harvard Dr. SE (south of Central Ave. near UNM),
Albuquerque, NM, 505-266-0000.
Admission is $5.00 at the door: 12 and under are free.

To learn all about the concert and the musicians, keep reading here…