The Sydney Jewish Choral Society to celebrate 20th anniversary

The Sydney Jewish Choral Society celebrates its 20th anniversary next year, 2006. Under the direction of Rose Grausman, this mixed choir performs a very wide range of
music, including classical, opera, jazz and musicals, as well as popular and folk music from all over the world. The S.J.C.S. regularly performs Yiddish, Ladino and Hebrew folk music, Hebrew liturgical settings, and stunning Hebrew musical settings
by composers from Rossi in the 16th century through Kurt Weil and Leonard Bernstein in the 20th, and has given premieres of hitherto unpublished choral works by Jewish composers.

A non-profit organisation, the S.J.C.S. performs regularly in concerts which support Jewish and general charities and gives free performances at Jewish retirement homes and activity centres.

Throughout 2006, the Sydney Jewish Choral Society will be performing several major concerts in Sydney. In preparation for this substantial year of activity, new members are being actively sought. Musical training, while obviously an advantage, is not a prerequisite for membership.

Enquiries regarding membership or performances can be directed to Anne at