Another Realm Trio at the Fireside Restaurant

Wednesday, February 4 at 9:30pm.
Event: Another Realm Trio at the Fireside Restaurant
“Featuring Hankus Netsky and Linda Chase”.
What: Concert.
Host: Another Realm.
Start Time: Wednesday, February 4 at 9:30pm.
End Time: Thursday, February 5 at 12:00am.
Where: The Fireplace Restaurant
1634 Beacon Street
Brookline, MA

If you’re on facebook, you can see more details and RSVP, follow the link below:

Another Realm Trio, a World Music/Improvisation ensemble based in the Boston area, consists of three of the area’s most adventurous and creative
musicians, flutist Linda Chase, pianist and reed player Hankus Netsky, and bassist Chris Rathbun. Together they explore a repertoire that includes pieces inspired by South American, Eastern
European, Asian, and Jewish traditions, jazz standards, music of romantic and impressionst European composers, poetry-based improvisations,
and original compositions.
Hankus Netsky, a multi-instrumentalist, composer, and ethomusicologist, is chair of contemporary impro visation, at the New England Conservatory in Boston. He is founder and director of the Klezmer Conservatory Band, an internationally renowned Yiddish music ensemble. Hankus has composed extensively for film, theater, and television, and collaborated with such artists as Itzhak Perlman, Robin Williams, Joel Grey, and Theodore Bikel. He has produced numerous CDs on the Rounder and Vanguard labels.

Linda Chase, flutist/ composer/Berklee faculty member, teaches composition, arranging,
improvisation and interdisciplinary arts at Berklee College of Music. She was recently awarded the composer’s prize for the Kaki Aso composition competition, has composed for the American Repertory Theatre Institute in Cambridge, and also has been a featured composer/performer in concerts throughout the Boston area. One of her
her recent works includes a musical journey of poetry by Jelaluddin Balkhi (Rumi) and music. She received her Masters degree in Music in
contemporary improvisation from New England Conservatory where she studied with Ran Blake, and a Bachelor’s Degree in Expressive Arts from Evergreen State College in Washington.