Artists Bands & Performers

Lloyd, Lazar

Currently based in Beit Shemesh, Israel, American-born guitarist and orthodox religious singer whose music is American folk and blues. His influences are Folk, Blues, Country. His first High School bands were influenced by Neil Young, Willy Nelson, Bob Dylan, Stevie Ray. He majored in Music at Skidmore College in upstate NY and started an original band, The Last Mavericks. Released Higher Ground CD in 2004. People can order the CD from Cdbaby –which is really a blues album with a “Jewish twist”. Lloyd is known worldwide as the lead guitar and harmonica player for the only Jewish Jam Band– Reva L’ Sheva. Some have compared his guitar playing to Eric Clapton. Lazer hosted the Tel Aviv Bluesfest and toured in Berlin in 2004. He then toured America and Canada in 2005.…

London Jewish Male Choir

London group founded in 1926 and continuing to perform regularly throughout the UK. The choir has performed in the USA, Germany, Ireland, South Africa and Poland as well as Israel. There is a photo gallery and member bios. The group has a CD called “For All These Things”. The website includes an incredibly helpful list of scores the group has used. They have a database which lists the composer,name of piece, arranger, category of use, and their latest performance pieces. Unfortunately, in order to view the scores, you must load a capellasoftware into your computer.

London Unplugged

Album, “London Unplugged” has been released, and the group has a website: Music by Yisroel Lamm and songs composed by Yoel Calek. Other members are Dovid-Zvi Calek, and Motti and Shloimie Richman. The website provides information for purchasing their CD, but not much information about the group. There is a guest book and visitors can leave questions for group members.

Los Angeles Zimriyah Chorale

“The Los Angeles Zimriyah Chorale was founded in 1997 by Cantor Ira Bigeleisen and Rand Harris. LAZC has been invited to perform in venues throughout the world and continues its mission of bringing Jewish music, particularly music written by Southern California Jewish composers, to audiences in America and abroad.” The website includes a history of the group, a list of performances, a calendar, and a listing of recording projects. The Chorale is available for performances and travels world wide. Nick Strimple, the music director, is also a composer, scholar and author on choral music.

Los Pasharos Sefaradis

A singing group from Istanbul, Turkey that specializes in Sephardic music. They have been acclaimed as quite authentic in terms of Sephardic and Ladino (Judeo-Spanaish) music. The website is in Turkish and English and gives information about the performers and their CDs. Real Audio files give samples of their music. Members of the group have advanced degrees in Judeo-Spanish culture and come from the academic as well as performance side of the culture.

Mah Tovu

Rock ‘n’ roll band formed in 1991 comprised of Steve Brodsky, Ken Chasen, and Josh Zweiback. Original songs use rock ‘n’ roll as a means of teaching Jewish history, Hebrew, and Jewish values. Steve and Josh were songleaders for the National Federation of Temple Youth’s Missouri Valley Region, and had grown up deeply involved in Jewish camping, youth programming, and Jewish music. First recording, Jewish Rock and Roll Singer” (1992)followed by “Only This” (1996). Released a CD single of “Pharaoh, Pharaoh,” a parody of the 60’s Kingsmen’s song “Louie, Louie” which is a huge hit on the Jewish camp and youth group circuit.

Mamlok, Ursula

American. Born, 1928. composer. Several websites devoted to her music appear online.
Music of Ursula Mamlok
C Michael Reese wrote reviews and this biographical sketch: “Ursula Mamlok was born in 1928 in Berlin. Her Jewish family left Germany in 1941 and had to settle for Ecuador as the US quota for German immigrants had been capped. From there she submitted handwritten compositions to American Universities until she received a full scholarship from the Mannes College in New York. She studied with George Szell at Mannes, Roger Sessions (lessons during his weekly visits to New York) and later Vittorio Giannini at the Manhattan School of Music.”

Marie Wertheim, Rosalie

Dutch pianist and composer. Born February 19, 1888, Amsterdam. Died May 27, 1949, Laren, the Netherlands. She survived WWII by going into hiding, but also gave clandestine concerts presenting works by Jewish composers. Musicologist Dr. Melissa De Graaf has written a biographical sketch of Rosy Wertheim for the Jewish Music WebCenter, which can be viewed here as a pdf file.

Dr. De Graaf’s work is copyrighted. Pleasecontact JMWC if you need more information about the use of this article. This portrait of Rosy Wertheim is from the online exhibits of the Joods Historisch Museum, Amsterdam, the Netherlands.

Maxine Warshauer, Meira

A prolific composer based in Columbia, S.C. A graduate of Harvard, New England Conservatory of Music, and the University of South Carolina, Dr. Warshauer studied composition with Mario Davidovsky, Jacob Druckman, William Thomas McKinley, and Gordon Goodwin. She has received numerous awards from ASCAP as well as the America Music Center, Meet the Composer, and the South Carolina Arts Commission. She is the first recipient of the Art and Cultural Achievement Award from the Jewish Historical Society of South Carolina in 2000. Ms. Warshauer has composed numerous works for Jewish liturgy and on Jewish themes. Meira Warshauer s  We Are Dreamers , for SATB chorus, clarinet, percussion and piano, was commissioned in honor of the 50th anniversary of the state of Israel. The text is Psalm 126, whose theme is the return of exiles to Zion.…

Menuhin, Hephzibah

American. Pianist and social worker. Born, May 20, 1920, San Francisco. Also lived in Australia and England. Died, January 1, 1981, London. Concertized widely with her brother, Yehudi Menuhin in her youth, and again in her later years. Had her first recital debut at 8 years old in 1928. Studied with Rudolf Serkin in Basel. Recordings won classical music prizes. Won Prix du Disque at age 12. Moved to Australia in the 1940s. She also worked tirelessly for deprived persons and families and also was an activist for peace and disarmament causes. President, Women’s International League for Peace and Freedom, 1977.

Metzger-Lattermann, Ottilie

Ottilie was an outstanding contralto and sang with Caruso (in Carmen and Aida). She sang in all the major opera houses of the day. Ottilie Metzger (she added the name of her second husband to her name) was particularly admired in Wagner parts, and sang several times at Bayreuth. At least one of her appearances in New York before the first world war was reviewed in the NYT. In 1934 Ottilie fled Germany and lived in Brussels. She was rounded up in 1942 and deported. Died in Auschwitz, probably in 1943.

Michelassi, Cindy

Jewish song leader. American. Works in Chicago’s western suburbs, providing the music for Shabbat services, Family services, Tot Shabbat, Holiday services and programs, camps and retreats. Cindy is a graduate of the 1995 Synagogue Leadership Institute and the 1995 Rabbinic Aid program, both sponsored by the Union of American Hebrew Congregations. She is a 10 year veteran of Hava Nashira, the annual Song Leading and Music Conference held at Olin-Sang-Ruby Union Institute in Oconomowoc, Wisconsin.

Mike Boxer

Pianist/singer/songwriter and public school music teacher, Mike Boxer released Erev Chaim as a way to introduce Jewish music to teens not familiar with any. Boxer hopes that results in some Jewish youth who emerge more enthusiastic about the music of their faith. This “independently marketed concept album brings the face of cutting-edge mainstream pop to today’s Jewish music.” The track list contains — heimish, liturgical-oriented classics like Shalom Aleichem, Bilvavi, and Acheinu — but a good portion of the music features sounds typically from the forefront of modern pop, rock and R& B. Seven songs are revamped covers; seven are Boxer’s own original material. Boxer, who grew up in Spring Valley, NY and attended Binghamton University where he served as music director of Kashkeshet, a collegiate Jewish a cappella group,– has perfect pitch and plays a myriad of instruments.…

Milch-Sheriff, Ella

Nee Ella Milch. Born 1954 In Haifa, Israel. Composer. Singer, pianist. Milch-Sheriff started as a child prodigy, writing her first compositions by the age of 12. While serving in the Israeli army, she continued to write and sing her songs. After army service, she returned to studies in composition under Prof. Tzvi Avni at the Rubin Academy of Music at the Tel-Aviv University where she graudated in composition. She studied vocal studies with Prof. Tamar Rachum and Dafna Cohen-Licht. Her output consists of opera, orchestral, chamber and vocal and popular music. Her works have had numerous performances in Israel and abroad. She is composer of chamber works such as: Duo for flute & Cello (1976) with recent pieces that include “A Crown they shall give unto You” for voice and orchestra based on Ladino-Flamenco folk music (premiered January 2005); “Woman in Paths” for voice and piano (premiered 2005); and “Good Night, Sweet ladies” for 3 singers, actress and orchestra (premiered 2004).…

Milder, Larry

Guitarist. Rabbi. Singer songwriter. “Larry has produced three albums of new and original Jewish folk music: Bible & Beyond, On My Block, and Rats, Leviathans & Other Tails. Larry’s songs also appear on over a dozen albums, including NFTY at 50, an anthology of classic songs from the Reform Jewish youth movement; Havdalah Pajama by Judy Caplan Ginsburgh, winner of a Parents’ Choice award; and most recently, Celebrate Kids, the latest collection by Craig Taubman.” His song “Wherever You Go (There’s Always Someone Jewish!),” has been taught in schools around New England. Three of Larry’s songs are included in the new Shireinu songbook from Transcontinental Music. Taught guitar master classes at the CAJE Conference. Guitarist of Hamakor, Boston’s Israeli folk dance troupe. Founded the innovative Jewish band, Elijah Rock.…

Mira Sings

Mira Waksman-Kimiagaroof, a San Francisco-based artist, sings in Hebrew, although many compositions are Sephardic (Mediterranean and Middle Eastern) tunes that come from Uzbekistan, Turkey, Greece, Spain, Morocco and other Arabic countries. Her parents were of Uzbeki and Afghan heritage and she comes from a cantorial and family. She combines her Israeli musical influences blended with musics from others she works with. Mira’s website has a brief bio, features two recordings and press info. There are photos, but no labels.


Mizrachi, Alberto

Alberto Mizrachi is now a world famous cantor and premiere interpreter of Jewish song. He’s often called the “Jewish Pavarotti”. He is cantor at Anshe Emet Synagogue in Chicago. He concertizes all over the world, sings in nine languages, and has appeared in most of the major venues of the world. He’s recorded with the Milken project, been on PBS, and appeared in large concert stages. I first met the cantor, (then known as Abraham Mizrachi), in Cincinnati, as a graduate student when he hired me to be a song leader in a part time job at a local temple where he was cantor. It was there he gave me a gift set of the Coopersmith books The Songs We Sing and The More Songs We Sing and said “here, learn these”.…

Mlotek, Chana (Eleanor Gordon Mlotek)

Song collector, author, ethnomusicologist and librarian. Works at the YIVO Institute in New York and is the author of several important collections of Yiddish music, (the last two of them with her husband Joseph Mlotek), including: Mir Trogn a Gezang– The New Book of Yiddish Songs (1972), Perl fun Yidishn lid– Pearls of Yiddish Song (1988), Lider fun dor tsu dor:naye perl fun Yidishn Lid–Songs of Generations: New Pearls of Yiddish Songs (1990). Many of her papers are held by YIVO.

Mordhuhovich, Alexandr

Russian composer and performer. Born March 28, 1946 in Zlatoust, Chelyabinsk, Russia. Senior lecturer of the Magnitogorsk State Conservatory (MaGK). Graduated 1964 from Magnitogorsk Musical College in bayan and the piano. 1971 graduated from the Gorky (Nizhny Novgorod) Conservatory. Post-graduate study, 1995 from Nizhny Novgorod Conservatory. Since 1970, worked as educator of the Russian folk instruments section of the Magnitogorsk Musical College. Winner of diploma at the All-Russian Contest in Moscow at 2000, and winner of diploma at the international Contest of bayan-accordion-players “The Far East Cup” in Vladivostok, 2000. Founded the concert ensemble of Russian folk instruments «Rodnye Napevy» («The Native Tunes»)(1980). Also founded a chamber instrumental ensemble «Retro» (1991), the instrumental trio «Accordion-Retro» (1997), the instrumental duet «Expromt» (2000). As a composer, he has released more than 20 author’s collections since the 1980s.…

Moscow Male Jewish Choir–Hassidic Capella

A “hasidic capella” choir, the artistic director and conductor is Alexander Tsaliuk. This is the male choir of the Cantorial Art Academy, established in 1989. It is n ow called the Hassidic Cappella, and is based in Moscow. “The choir s singers are all professional musicians  students and teachers at Moscow Tchaikovsky State Conservatory and other leading musical institutes in the capital  who have performed in the city s most acclaimed choral groups. They are united by their commitment to introducing listeners to the beauty of Jewish liturgical and cantorial music — music that has been forgotten and remains unknown to even the most educated lovers of music.” The choir sings in Hebrew, Yiddish and Russian. They perform both Jewish liturgical pieces, Russian folk music and classical repertoire.…


A new group called Mozaik based in San Francisco with a self description from their webpage:”The music has been described as: Psychedelic Jewgrass, Klezmer Jamband, Klezmer Trance, Fiddler on the Roof meets the Grateful Dead or the Grateful Dead playing A Jewish Wedding, or try this one Rabbi Shlomo Carlebach sitting in with Vanilla Fudge …”

Muller, Benjamin

Benjamin Muller is the Chief Chazzan of the Jewish community of Antwerp, Belgium. His website has his personal history, links to a CD page which has excerpts of the music. You have to click on the small bars below the titles. (Each bar is it’s own set of play/pause/stop buttons.) He also has some interesting histories of the great cantors with small clips. A very intersting “right and wrong” nusach combinations pages (using the metaphor of stoplights for “right” and “wrong” combinations) is a small teaching tool.

Musleah, Rahel

Rahel Musleah was born in Calcutta, India, the seventh generation of a Calcutta Jewish family that traces its roots to 17th-century Baghdad. Through her multi-media song, story and slide programs, she shares her rare and intimate knowledge of this ancient community s history, customs and melodies. Ms Musleah is a graduate of Columbia University and the Jewish Theological Seminary of America. She is a member of the Authors Guild; the Society of Professional Journalists and the American Jewish Press Association. She sings with the Zamir Chorale and Shirah, the Jewish Community Chorus of the JCC on the Palisades, in Tenafly, NJ, both under the direction of Matthew Lazar. She has received awards for her writing from the American Jewish Press Association, the Society of Professional Journalists, the National Sephardi Literary Contest, the Society of National Association Publications, and the General Federation of Women s Clubs.…

Mysell, Bella

American. Born April 5, 1901. Died Jan. 17, 1991 in Chevy Chase, MD. Lyricist in the Yiddish theater. Wrote “My Son and I” that opened in 1960, a “musical play in English and Yiddish with book by Herman Yablokoff, music by Sholom Secunda and lyrics by Bella Mysell.” (NYTimes, Oct. 16, 1960).

Special thanks to Victor Berch, retired Brandeis University Special Collections Librarian for research on this entry.

Nadav, Sarah

American Singer and Blogger. Raised in upstate NY, attended Hampshire College and immigrated to Israel. Orthodox and Green, Sarah joined Atid Yarok (green future) at Merkaz Hamagshimim Haddassah. Sarah went on to finish a Master s degree in Non-Profit Management at Hebrew University. After finishing her degree she took a position with the Society for the Protection of Nature in Israel. In 2003, Sarah married David Nadav and they lived together on The Moshav and then moved to Jerusalem where their son Shalom BenTzion was born. They currently live in LA. Her music mixes influences of Carlebach, hasidic, American folk, rock, and middle easterns sounds from Jerusalem and is put together on her first CD, “Sarah Dahlia” Music For the Middle of the Night. A lot of songs in English.…

Naftaly, Aryeh

Singer for Azamra, a movement of the Breslov Chassidim. CD “Shirey Ahavah veEmunah: Songs of Love and Faith”. Website has biographical information, photos and sound bites. “The Azamra Institute is dedicated to the dissemination of Torah spirituality, healthcare and healing through educational programs, quality publications and Internet outreach. Founded in 1986 by Rabbi Avraham Greenbaum, the Azamra Institute is an independent non-profit organization incorporated in Israel, the U.S. and Canada.”

Nashirah: The Jewish Chorale of Greater Philadelphia

Nashirah “is the only auditioned, community-based chorale in the Greater Philadelphia area that performs exclusively Jewish and Jewish-themed music. This unique addition to Philadelphia’s cultural scene performs the broadest possible range of Jewish repertoire.” Jonathan Coopersmith, the current Artistic Director, has been the Associate Conductor for The Philadelphia Singers since 2002 and on the Musical Studies Faculty at The Curtis Institute of Music since 2004. Coopersmith teaches harmony ounterpoint, music history, and solfege at Curtis. The Chorale usually has 3 or 4 concerts per year. Information for auditions is on the website, as is a calendar of events. Harold Evans is the past artistic director.

Nathan, Shuly

Superstar in Israel, Shuly Nathan’s sweet and crystal clear voice was recorded in one of the most famous songs of all: Naomi Shemer’s Jerusalem of Gold. Born in London, but arriving in Israel at age 2, Shuly Nathan’s albums are both in the folk and pop-Israeli idioms. Today her new CDs reveal a mature artist whose voice is as wonderful as ever. Her website contains a brief biography, some photos, links to her new albums on CD Baby, and contact information.

Nefesh Mountain

Jewish Bluegrass.  Last week a nice article appeared in the Forward about Nefesh Mountain and other “Americana” styles of music mixing with Jewish music.

There’s lots more music out there. Here’s a great YouTube of Nefesh Mountain singing their own version “Hinei Ma Tov.”  Enjoy!

Neshoma Orchestra

A sohisticated website introduces the Neshoma Orchestra of Cedarhurst, New York. Celebrating 20 years as a band performing “at weddings, dinners, Bar /Bat Mitzvahs, and organizational/corporate events worldwide,” the orchestra is an exemplar of the American Yeshivish and Modern Orthodox style of music. The group boasts a large number of instrumentalists and vocalists, although there are no individual bios on the website. Neshoma Orchestra has records with many top concert artists in the Jewish field. Michael Sojcher and Elly Zomick are the leaders of the group. Neshoma website audio clips include a choice of mp3 or Real Audio. The current website features their CD “A Heimishe Simcha,” with a mention about the upcoming album called “Neshoma @your Simcha”. Contact information includes their address: 420 Central Avenue Cedarhurst, NY 11516.…


Hungarian band formed in 2001 mixing “traditional Jewish music (klezmer, sephard, folk-sacral) with jazz and and free-improv elements.” Members of the band:András Párniczky: guitar; Kristóf Bacsó: alt-, and szopran saxofon; Péter Nagy: bass; Csaba Gavallér: drums, derbuka;Featuring: Dániel Váczi: sopran saxofon; János Vázsonyi: alt saxofon. They perform in venues around Hungary and in festivals around Europe.


“Holland-based NIKITOV is an acoustic ensemble that plays Yiddish songs and Klezmer accented by the rhythms and sounds of Gypsy Jazz and East European folk music. Called “one of the best of the new Yiddish folksong ensembles” (, the band members combine their ideas in producing a unique approach that harnesses the drive and energy of these related musical traditions while capturing the emotion and depth of the Yiddish text. Featuring the stunningly beautiful vocal interpretations of Niki Jacobs backed by a powerhouse group of creative instrumentalists, Nikitov has performed throughout Europe and the United States since 2000.” The site has bios, photos, schedule, cds and reviews.

Nizza Thobi and Friends

Where can you hear Yiddish sung with an Israeli accent in a recording coming from Munich with a Weill-styled voice? Nizza Thobi sings Yiddish to German audiences who are only too familiar with klezmer feel good music, but not as much with soulful music of poets about loss, the Holocaust and other Jewish themes. The website features the razzle dazzle of flash technology and webfilm qualities. Concert venues and reviews.

Ofarim, Esther

The website has information on over 40 years of the career of Esther Ofarim, one of Israel’s premier singers. Esther Ofarim was a sensation in the 1960s and 70s. She stopped concertizing for over a decade, but has since returned to the stage. She started singing in the Israëli National Theatre “Habimah”. She met, and later married, Abraham (Abi) Reichstat. After touring and recording widely in Europe and the US, winning several prizes as a duo, they later divorced. Esther continued on a solo career on the stage and on television, eventually moving back to Israel. Today she concertizes in Germany and in Israel, often accompanied by Yoni Rechter, piano. She is still remembered for winning the Israel Song Festival in 1961 with 2 songs. The website has some nice photos, reviews, and discography with sound bites.…


“Oi-Va-Voi represent the cutting edge of new wave klezmer. Their unique sound infuses the traditional music of Sephardi Jews, Transylvanian gypsies and the Ashkenazi shtetl with the dub and breakbeats of urban London. Odessan freylekhs, Yemeni devotionals and Macedonian wedding tunes explode effortlessly into drum and bass driven tracks. Hip young Londoners, Oi-Va-Voi are the subject of a recent international documentary film showcasing the best of contemporary British culture. They have recorded original music for film, theatre and BBC2’s South Bank Show. The eclecticism of their music means klezmer Voi-style is not a musical sacrament played only in hushed auditoriums. Oi-Va-Voi’s musical wanderings have taken the spirit of klezmer to club nights in Amsterdam, to New York’s avant-garde jazz scene, to Robert Wyatt’s Meltdown at the Royal Festival Hall and to Antwerp International Festival of Jewish Music.” Contact:INFO or bookings

Olivero, Betti

Betti Olivero, born in Tel Aviv in 1954, is one of few young women composers highly acclaimed throughout Israel, Europe and the US. She studied both in Israel and in the United States at Yale with Jacob Druckman. Ms. Olivero’s list of works shows skill and variety. She has written instrumental chamber works, symphonic works, for voice and chamber groups, puppet plays and for large string ensembles. A list of compositions, a brief bio and a discography has been gathered by the Israel Music Institute. notes

Orbach, Orit

American-born Israeli clarinetist. Moved with her family to Israel at age four. Returned to US to study at New England Conservatory. There she won the chamber and the concerto competitions. She studied at Northwestern University near Chicago for a Masters, also winning many competitions. Orit has played with numerous orchestras and symphonies, and with many top soloists. Some of the highlight performances included appearances with the Israel Philharmonic Orchestra (Zubin Mehta conducting), Boston Philharmonic, San Francisco Sinfonietta, the Northwestern Symphony, Plovdiv Philharmonic Orchestra (Nayden Todorov conducting), Jerusalem Symphony Orchestra, Israel Chamber Orchestra, Israel Northern Symphony, Haifa. She serves as principal clarinetist with the Israel Northern Symphony of Haifa and also as a teacher with Music by the Red Sea – Israel Festival. Orbach has premiered works by major modern composers, including Krzystof Penderecki and Robert Starer.…

Ostfeld, Cantor Barbara

American. Cantor. Born December 24, 1952, St. Louis, MO. She is the first woman invested as a cantor. Graduated 1975, Hebrew Union College-Jewish Institute of Religion-School of Sacred Music (HUC-SSM). Received the honorary DSM from HUC in 2000. From 1976 through 1988, served Temple Beth-El of Great Neck. From 1990 through 2002, served Temple Beth Am of Buffalo, NY. From 1996 to 1998, chaired the Joint Cantorial Placement Commission. In 2002, appointed as Placement Director of the American Conference of Cantors (ACC). She also served the American Conference of Cantors (ACC) as Secretary, Vice-President, as a Northeast regional representative, and several terms on the board of directors. Cantor Ostfeld edited the CAA newsletter, Shalshelet: The Chain, for two years.

Paley, Cindy

American vocalist, guitarist, teacher and singer-songwriter residing in Sherman Oaks, California. Sings in Yiddish, Hebrew and English. Attended a Yiddish Kindershule. B.A. in French, UCLA. Worked for over thirty years as director of children’s music at Temple Valley Beth Shalom in Encino, California. Cantorial soloist at UCLA Hillel. Specializes in children’s music. Has recorded eight CDs of Jewish and children’s songs. Her albums include: Celebrate With Cindy Vol. 1 and 2; What a Happy Day; S’iz Yontev Kinder Lomir Zingin!; Chanukah a Singing Celebration; Shabbat Shalom; Zing with Cindy Paley; Yavo Shalom; A Singing Seder; Koleet: a Celebration of Jewish Folk Music.

Peaceman, Matthew

Ensembles “IL CIMENTO” is a professional Baroque ensemble from Germany, directed by Matthew Peaceman, that gives specialized performances of the extant Jewish music of the 17th and 18th Centuries. For example, Hoscha’na Rabbah in der Synagoge von Casale Monferrato 1733 in January, 2005, or Hoschan’ah Rabah in Casale Monferrato in 1732, Performed in the Choral Synagogue of Moscow in 2002. Matthew writes: “The cantata to Hoschan’ah Rabbah was an attempt of the Jewish community in Casale Monferrato, Piémont in the 1730’s to expand its own musical horizons within the Jewish context and at the same time to reach out to its non-Jewish neighbors by incorporating musical styles of the latter with the liturgical content of the former.” The ensemble has also played the Ester Oratorio by Lidarti.…

Pelleg, Ada

“Israeli born. Received her B.A. in Piano Performance from the Chicago Music College and M.A. in Composition from Indiana School of Music in Bloomington, both degrees with Distinction. While a student she received the First Prize in the Molly Margolis Piano Competition in Chicago, as well as numerous scholarships and Distinctions. Among her teachers were Prof. Ludmila Lazar (Piano) and Prof. Fred Fox (Composition) Ms. Pelleg studied conducting with Henry Mazer, Associate conductor of the Chicago Symphony Orchestra. Pelleg was awarded a conducting fellowship to the Aspen Music Festival, a scholarship to study with Frederick Prauznitz at Peabody Conservatory at Johns Hoplkins University in Baltimore, and a fellowship to a special master class with Max Rudolph at the Curtis Institute of Music in Philadelphia. In addition, she participated in Master Classes with Sergiu Celibidacce in The Munich Philharmonic and Ghenadi Rhozdesvensky in Sienna.…

Peri Smilow

American singer. Peri Smilow is singer/guitarist who performs synagogue and other religious music in a contemporary setting. She has also taken part in the Freedom Music Project, which features freedom music from the traditions of both Jews and Blacks. Peri Smilow, located in Boston, tries to repair relations between the two groups by putting activity and actions together. “Sign of the Dove Music” is Peri’s record label. To buy direct from Peri’s label: P.O. Box 3083 Cambridge MA. 02238

Peters (Peterman), Roberta

American. Born May 4, 1930, New York. Currently serving on the board of the National Endowment of the Arts. Star of the Metropolitan Opera in New York where she sang over 500 times. She experienced tremendous success giving concerts and recitals with major orchestras, and master classes around the world. She married Robert Merrill, and later Bertram Fields, and had two children. Her memoir is Debut at the Met (1967).

Picon, Molly

Born, June 1, 1898, New York. (nee, Margaret Pyekoon.) Died, April 5, 1992, Lancaster, Pennsylvania. Mega-star of the Yiddish stage and movies. Her papers are held at the American Jewish Historical Society in the Center for Jewish History. An online finding aid gives a brief biographical sketch about her wildly successful career, spanning over 70 years in theater, stage and film. One of her most famous appearances in the Yiddish film Yidl Mitn Fidl(1937). The YIVO Archives also has holdings of Picon.

Povolotzky, Marianna

Israeli violinist. Born, 1975 in Moscow, Russia. Entered Tchaikovsky Central Music School. Immigrated to Israel 1990. Studied at Jerusalem Rubin Academy and Rubin Academy of Music in Tel Aviv. Member of young Israeli Philharmonic. Won first prize at Tel Aviv Academy chamber music competition, 1996. Appeared as soloist with Ra’anana Symphonette, Tel Aviv Academy Symphony, and Israel Philharmonic Orchestra. Member of second violin section, Israel Philharmonic since 1996.

Rabin Queler, Eve

American. Born January 1, 1936 in New York City. Conductor, pianist. First woman appointed conductor to a metropolitan orchestra and first woman to conduct at Lincoln Center’s Philharmonic Hall. Also the first woman to conduct on a commercially recorded opera. (Massenet’s Le Cid, 1976) Ms. Rabin grew up in an Orthodox Jewish home. A child prodigy, she received a scholarship by age 5. She attended New York City High School of Music and Art. Later she studied at CCNY and conducting at Mannes College of Music. She also studied at the Hebrew Union College School of Sacred Music. Started vocal coaching and rehearsal accompanist at New York City Opera in 1957-(8). Then, in graduate school, studied conducting with Carl Bamberger and later with Joseph Rosenstock at the Metropolitan Opera.…