Monthly Archives: September 2005


NOVEMBER 13 Concert. Aaron Copland was born Nov 14, 1900. This is a 105th birthday commemorative.
Downtown Chamber & Opera Players conducted by Mimi Stern-Wolfe
Appalachian Suite (13 piece chamber orchestra)
Clarinet Concerto * (William Blount, clarinetist)
Martin’s Aria from The Tender Land * Kurt Alakulppi, tenor
Ukelele Serenade for Violin & Piano * Shem Guibbory, violin; Mimi Stern-Wolfe, piano
American Folk Songs: Ivan Thomas, bass-baritone.

Also: THURSDAY DECEMBER 1 for WORLD AIDS DAY at Trinity Church 1-2
Mimi Stern-Wolfe, artistic director, pianist
CHRIS DEBLASIO(1959-1993) Whatever You Say He Sings (poem: Ilsa Gilbert)
Janet E. Hopkins, soprano
ROBERT CHESLEY (1943-1990) “Six Songs”
Marshall Coid, counter-tenor
LEE GANNON (1960-1993): Cello and Piano Sonata
David Eggar, cello; Mimi Stern-Wolfe, piano
KENNETH OLDHAM (1960-1993) Across the Sea; Not Even If I Try
Gilles Denizot, Heldentenor…

Cafe Mozart presents Opera/Cabaret/Klezmer Night

Cafe Mozart located at 1331 H Street NW
Washington Dc will present an Opera/Cabaret/Klezmer night on Wednesday September 24th 2005 at 7 pm. Performing will be Washington Opera tenor Michael Blaney,soprano Jennifer Jellings and pianist Jeff Jefferson. In addition pianist Felicia Weiss and clarinetist Steven Rosenthal will perform Klezmer music selections.
For more information on the Cafe please visit the website
To reseve please call 202 347-5732.

A One-Woman Show with Sylvie Braitman

A Story of Reconciliation Between Generations touched by the Holocaust. In honor of Daniel Pearl. Interweaving stories, theater, and Yiddish, Hebrew, French and Russian songs, Bay Area mezzo-soprano Sylvie Braitman presents a unique show based
on her father’s story of survival during the Holocaust. Through acting, music and humor, she has created a powerful vehicle for transgenerational healing.

The concert will take place Sunday, October 9, 2005, 4 – 6 pm at the
Berkeley Richmond Jewish Community Center, 1414 Walnut Street, Berkeley, in association with the 21st Jewish Music Festival.
Please call 510-848-0237 or
visit for more information. Admission is $12.

“Yiddish Celluloid Closet” with 7-piece MetroKlezmer

At Jewish Music & Heritage Festival
Wednesday, 9/21 at 8pm
“Yiddish Celluloid Closet” with 7-piece MetroKlezmer lineup
at Makor 35 W 67th, NYC $15
Dazzling archival film clips/talk plus live band,
cultural insights and subtexts galore!
With lush reinterpretations of soundtrack tunes…
Classics, lesser-known gems & even Soviet Yiddish newsreel
Info on Eve Sicular‘s lecture:

Mike Eisenstadt, z”l , Host of Sunday Simcha Radio dead at 54.

It is with sadness that we recognize, Sunday Simcha, hosted by Mike Eisenstadt is no longer available. Mike died Friday Sept. 2, 2005 from a long battle with cancer at age 54. Eisenstadt hosted the Jewish radio show for over twenty years, starting in 1985. He kept it up continually. and it was the Florida Gulf Coast’s only Jewish radio show. To read a tribute to Mike Eisenstadt, go to Tampa Tribune:

Ivory Consort at Chicago Festival of the Arts

On Tuesday December 6, 2005 at 7:30 PM, Chicago Festival of the Arts presents “The Ivory Consort: Music in the Land of Three Faiths”
at 1225 West Belmont in Chicago. Tickets: $40 if you mention the Jewish Music Web Center (save $10!).
Contact us at 773-548-8587 or

The Ivory Consort delights audiences with songs from the Golden Age
of Spain, when Jews, Muslims, and Christians forged a common musical
language. Featuring 10th through 13th century songs in Ladino,
Arabic, Hebrew, and Galician-Portuguese, the Consort provides an
historical context for the intermingling of cultures that took place
before the 1492 Expulsion.

Listen, learn, and see if you can resist dancing in the aisles!

The New York Times raves, “The Ivory Consort’s instruments roar,
howl, slide and buzz .…

Art Bailey’s Orkestra Popilar at Astoria Center

Klezmer Concert with Art Bailey’s Orkestra Popilar
Tuesday, September 27th, 7:30 – 9:30pm
Cost: $5. Delicious desserts and coffee will also be available.
Astoria Center of Israel Synagogue, 27-35 Crescent Street, Astoria,
Directions: less than 20 minutes from 59th and Lex in Manhattan! Take
the N or W subway towards Queens to the 30th Avenue stop. Walk west on 30th Avenue (towards Athens Square Park) for about 4 blocks; turn right on Crescent Street and we?re a half block down on the right.
For more information: Call the shul at 718-278-2680 or visit

Union of Reform Judaism releases Manginot, Vols. 1 and 2


Magnificent Jewish music for children ages 2 to 13, The Complete Jewish Songbook for Children series provides lyrics, chords, and melodies for hundreds of well-loved Jewish songs for children. Ideal for home and classroom, these volumes feature thematic categories (Jewish holidays, Israel, Holocaust, prayer, and more) to help you find appropriate music for any occasion. Introduce children of all ages to the joy of singing with the help of The Complete Jewish Songbook for Children. For information, call 888.489.8242 or

Yuval Ron Ensemble at Brandeis University

Saturday, October 22, 2005 at 8pm the Yuval Ron Ensemble comes to Brandeis University’s Slosberg Music Center. An intercultural collaboration that unites the sacred traditons of Judaism, Sufism, and Christianity in a musical feast. The souful ensemble whose mission is to build peaceful music making come from Israel, Lebanon, Armenia, France and the US. The enesemble features an authentic Sufi Dervish–a master Whirler of the Mevlana Sufi Order. Pre-concert lecture at 7pm by Dr. Kay Kaufman Shelemay, G. Gordon Watts Professor of Music, Harvard University are held in the Rose Art Museum. Tickets are $20 ($10 for Brandeis community/or senior citizens). Subscription 781-736-3400. Brandeis is located at 415 South Street, Waltham, MA. For more information on Yuval Ron Ensemble, visit,

Fanny Mendelssohn’s music featured at New Center for Arts and Culture

The New Center for Arts and Culture in Boston is bringing to the McMullen Museum of Art at Boston College the exhibit “The Power of Conversation: Jewish Women and Their Salons”. As part of the season of interest in this subject a series of events in Music, Lectures, The creative Process and Films, and Jewish Identity will take place throughout the Fall in Boston. On Sunday September 25, 2005 at 3pm at the Boston College, Gasson 100 building will be a FREE concert of the music of Fanny and Felix Mendelssohn. The concert features’s Felix Mendelssohn‘s Overture to A Midsummer Night’s Dream for two pianos, and Fanny Mendelssohn Hensel‘s Piano Trio in d minor, which is her masterpiece. For more information, call the music department at Boston College, 617-552-6004.…

Preparation for Chazzonim and Baaley Tefila

An evening of presentations to prepare for Chazzonim and Baaley Tefila for the High Holidays is being sponsored by Cantors World and the Philip and Sarah Belz School of Jewish Music, Yeshiva University. Being held at The Jewish Center, 131 West 86th Street, NYC on September 22nds, 8:00pm, the evening features presentations from Cantor Bernard Beer “A Guide to Leading the High Holy Day Service”; Dr. Peak Woo, MD, “Ensuring Vocal Health During a Stressful Season”; and Cantor Abraham Weingarten “Maintaining Vocal Clarity and Strength Throughout Davening”. The evening is bein moderated by Cantor Benny Rogosnitzky and will deal with major issues pertaining to the shliach tzibur, issues of vocal health and maintenacne and ideas for successful delivery and choice of nusach and tunes. There will be a question and answer session following the presentations.…

Pre- High Holiday Concert: by Cantors World

September 21 at 7:30pm in Merkin Hall at 129 West 67th Street, New York City, a pre-high holiday special concert featuring Cantor Sol Zim, Cantor Jeffrey Nadel and Cantor Ari Klein. Also featuring Cantor Eliyahu Greenblatt, Azi Schwartz and his choir, Cantor Yechezkel Klang, and Cantor Daniel Gildar. The price is $40 general admission. For reservations call: 718-851-3226 or go to for more information.

Gershon Kingsley CD from Milken

Gershon Kingsley [8.559435]
This new recording of four works by German-born American composer
Gershon Kingsley reveals the influence of American idioms and
contemporary musical developments-in this case jazz and electronic
music-on the work of Jewish composers, and confirms the openness of both
composers and Jewish institutions to expanding the boundaries of
traditional liturgical practice. In addition, the CD illustrates the
continuing affect of the Holocaust in provoking response by creative
artists, and points to the upcoming observance of the 60th anniversary
of the allied liberation of the concentration camps in the spring of
1945.For details about this CD, go to

92nd Street Y offers classes on Mahler and Schoenberg

Beginning today, Sept. 18. Daniel Felsenfeld will lead a series of 12 sessions on Mahler and Schoenberg being offered by the 92nd Street Y School of Muisc. It examines two of the most important composers of the 20th century, both of whom happed to be born Jewish. Mahler’s work summed up the Romantic period and marked its closure; Schoenberg, following Mahler’s direction, created many of the musical techniques that define the 20th century. Both men converted in their lifetimes. Schoenberg returned later in life to Judaism. The class examines their works, their biographies and thei culture that surrounded them The course is taught by composer and music writer Daniel Felsenfeld. 2-3pm. Cost: $320.

Michael Lukin Catalogues the Dov Noy Collection at JNUL

Congratulations to flautist Michael Lukin on the completion of the Song Index to the Dov Noy Collection in the Jewish National University Library (JNUL) in Jerusalem. This event will be of world wide interest to those who love Yiddish and Hebrew songs. The project involved meticulous cataloging that allows a searcher to find individual songs within a large number of Yiddish and Hebrew song anthologies and other works in this collection. Each song is searchable in the vernacular including keyword, title and author (composer and lyricist) searching. In addition, the incipit of the song, that is, the opening lines, or in some cases, some line of the refrain which may be more identifying to the song, are included in the record. Searchers may try typing in their title or even just a word of the title (keyword) to find which volumes this song may be in.…

Jewish National Library in Jerusalem Digital Idelssohn

The Jewish National Library in Jerusalem has worked the miracle of digitizing, among other works, the 10-volumes of the Abraham Zvi Idelssohn Thesaurus of Oriental Hebrew Melodies, first published in 1923. Idelssohn, known as the father of Jewish musicology, participated nearly a century ago in field recording work in then Palestine. He recorded Jews and and non-Jewish residents of the area, taking meticulous notes both of speech, education and background of the informants, and transcribing into notation their songs from the wax cylinders her made there. From his field work and other research, he produced a ten-volume monumental study which became the basis of musicology of the various Jewish musics from throughout the world, both sacred and secular. Now, this marvelous resource of Jewish music is available online from the JNUL website.…

Jewish Music Forum features Dr. Hankus Netsky in September

The Jewish Music Forum is very pleased to introduce the 2005-2006 schedule of our academic seminar series, “New Perspectives on Music in Jewish Life.”
The first speaker will be Dr. Hankus Netsky of the New England Conservatory of Music. On Friday, September 23 at 10 A.M.
at the Center for Jewish History, Dr. Netsky will deliver a lecture, “The Philadelphia Russian Sher Medley: Viewing the Immigrant Experience through a Musical Text.” Dr. Mark Slobin of Wesleyan University will serve as respondent to this talk. All sessions of the Jewish Music Forum take place on Friday mornings,
beginning at 10:00 AM at the Center for Jewish History. For additional information, please contact James Loeffler at 212-294-8328 or

CELEBRATION CONCERT: Jack Gottlieb at 75

Cantor Ida Rae Cahana, Cantor Richard Botton,
Cantor Jonathan Comisar;
The Professional and Congregational Choirs of Central Synagogue with
Jayson Rodovky, organist, Brass Sextet and others.

September 18, 2005, 5 PM
All are welcome. Free admission.
Central Synagogue, Lexington Avenue at East 55th Street
New York, New York