Monthly Archives: June 2015

Harp and Piano Concert June 17 in Jerusalem

Jerusalem Mercredi 17 juin 2015. 20h. Rosh Hodesh Tamouz.
Projet “Shalom Lishmo” Rosh Hodesh Tamouz

Concert exceptionnel de Nehama REUBEN, concertiste virtuose et
compositeur à la Harpe Hébraïque et de Shimon REUBEN, concertiste virtuose
et compositeur au Piano Jazz, couple d’artistes de renommée mondiale.
20h. Buffet d’entrée. Présentation du projet “Shalom Lishmo” par Alexandra
Bennaim et Myriam Mettoudi. Salle Harmonia 27 rehov Hillel Jerusalem
Centre ville.Paf: 45 shReserv: 054 632 0313. ​​Nehama et Shimon REUBEN

Un couple unique au monde, uni dans la vie comme dans la musique concertistes
virtuoses internationaux et compositeurs

Harpe Hebraique et Piano Jazz specialisés en musiques juives et jazz dans
leurs propres improvisations et arrangements Nehama & Shimon REUBEN ont
fait l’alya de Paris et vivent a Jerusalem, apres 40 ans de carrière
musicale internationale…

Kulturfest NY Brings a Week of Jewish Arts to NYC

June 14-21-2015 in New York City

KulturfestNYC is the first-ever international festival of Jewish performing arts, celebrating the global impact of Jewish culture. Presented by National Yiddish Theatre Folksbiene at MJH, now celebrating its centennial season, in collaboration with UJA-Federation of New York and Capital One Bank, the weeklong festivities will commence June 14th and run through June 21st all day and night jam-packed with incredible theatre, music, dance, film, cuisine, street performances, family programs, panels, lectures to inspire and entertain you. With over 70 partners/sponsors, more than 30 countries represented, and an eclectic plethora of event venues throughout NYC, join us for this history-making endeavor!

David Chevan Playing Klezmer On the Green

Klezmer on the Green Thursday, June 18 at 6-7pm in New Haven, CT
David is playing with the Nu Haven Kapelye Thursday night, June 18, on the New Haven Green as a part of the
International Festival of Arts and Ideas

David is excited about this because it’s fun to make music, especially music that
is Klezmer and Yiddish song with a big band (they’ll be about 20-30 pieces)
and been rehearsing so the group sounds great and also because most
of the performance will be his original arrangements. Bring a picnic!

NEA National Heritage Fellow 2015 Recipients include Yiddish musician Michael Alpert

National Endowment for the Arts celebrates master folk and traditional artists by awarding fellowships each year. This year, Yiddish and klezmer musician Michael Alpert was one of the 2015 recipients.

The 2015 National Heritage Fellows will be honored in Washington, DC, at an awards ceremony at the Library of Congress on Thursday, October 1, 2015 and a free concert on Friday, October 2, 2015 at 8:00 p.m. at George Washington University’s Lisner Auditorium. Both events are free and open to the public. Concert tickets are first come, first served and will be available later this summer. The concert will also be webcast live at More information about these events will be available this fall. – See more at:

For more information about Michael Alpert and his music, see:


The Leib Glantz Project Team announces that the website of the LEIB GLANTZ PROJECT is now up and running on the Florida Atlantic University website.

This following last year’s publication of the 500-page book THE LEIB GLANTZ PROJECT that included three audio compact disks.

You can gain access to this website by logging on to:
The website is defined as “Sound ‘n Scores” – a project of the Recorded Sound Archives at Florida Atlantic University Libraries in Boca Raton. It is a unique online approach to music studies, which combines the experience of hearing recorded sound tracks while viewing corresponding sheet music.

The website contains 43 Leib Glantz compositions, organized into seven content areas in the order they are performed in Jewish prayer services.
Displayed pages of over 100 scores of new arrangements composed by several world famous musicians, many by Raymond Goldstein in collaboration with Cantor Naftali Herstik.…

Merlin and Polina Shepherd Duo at Joe’s Pub in NYC

Thursday June 18, 2015
Joe’s Pub
425 Lafayette St, New York, New York 10003
Clarinetist and composer Merlin Shepherd, an innovative force in the klezmer renaissance and Polina Shepherd, a virtuosic vocalist, pianist and composer blend traditional and new Yiddish and Russian song with klezmer and southern Mediterranean music.

Witness musical spontaneity and a journey that not only crosses continents, but also takes the audience deep within themselves.

Please note that seating will be assigned by the venue based on availability and all efforts will be made to seat your party together.
More about Merlin & Polina Duo:
More info about the event: #joespub
“They’re terrific! 5 Stars”–JMWC