KlezKanada 2007 Starts Tonight
KlezKanada, in Lanier, Quebec Canada is starting tonight, Monday August 20th. This is the 12th year of the annual camp program. This year, the all star faculty is amazing, the students are superb, and the excitement is palpable. If you’re not here this year, make sure to mark this week on your calendar for next. Looks like the first newsletter, by Ari Davidow, greeted the attendees as they arrived. Each day of camp, there’s a camp newsletter published in 3 languages which might be any combination of Yiddish, English, French, Spanish, German or Russian. You never know who will get around to writing an article and each are published in the native language. KlezKanada is a music camp for families or individuals. There’s a tremendous amount of talent present and we’re hearing it already.…